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Dec 17, 2013, 9:29:27 PM12/17/13
Sábado, 14 de Diciembre, 2013 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


We would like to express our love, condolences and prayers to the family and friends of Nelson Mandela, and to the entire nation of South Africa where he was born and rule as President, democratically elected by the people, so everyone within the nation may find their way the home that they had always searched for of love, peace and eventually prosperity. Mr. Mandela passed away on Wednesday, December 5, leaving behind the nation that he loved so much over the years on the path of love, peace, reconciliation leading to the building of the land of prosperity and eternal happiness that so many, as he and his loved ones, have only dreamed someday to attain it thus live in it in peace and prosperity.

Mandela was happy to have done so much over the years that paved the way in the search of human understanding, reconciliation with his fellowmen, and ultimately enter all together as a one big family to enjoy the goodness of the building of this new nation that will be pleasing in the eyes of our heavenly Father in heaven into eternity. Certainly, Mandela has found his way into the presence of our heavenly Father because our Lord Jesus Christ loved him so much that he laid down his precious life thus to pour his atoning-blood to make him sinless finally to enter into eternity to live with his loved ones the ancient pristine life that he struggled tirelessly to find it on earth.

In heaven, Mandela finally found the life that he struggled persistently to find it for him and for his people, thanks to the salvation-work that our heavenly Father conducted with His Son Jesus Christ as his precious life was nailed to Adam and Eve’s dead crossed-trees over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so eventually eternal life could be possible for everyone everywhere forever. This is the power of our Lord Jesus Christ within Mandela’s life, because our Lord Jesus Christ said to everyone listening to his words: The things that I do, you will do also, because I am going back to my Father that is in heaven.

Therefore, for the wonderful things that Mandela was able to attain in life for the freedom of so many people within South Africa (and other countries as well), then he was able to do all these things that will remain written in the books of history for years to come, because our Lord Jesus Christ was blessing him from heaven above. Certainly, our Lord Jesus Christ is the driving force of our every day lives on earth and in heaven as well, because he also said: If you stay faithful to mine name and the words that I have spoken to you, then you will live in the holy presence of our Father that is in heaven, for he loves you beyond-measure.

Meaning that, our heavenly Father is always ready to bless your life and that of your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, and He will do these great things within your life and that of your loved ones, because He needs to glorify His holy name on earth with every man, woman and child, and in heaven with the angelic hosts. Therefore, all the good works that Mandela did during his lifetime on earth, it was because our Lord Jesus Christ was blessing him from heaven above as his personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that erases all sins, moreover causes powerful miracles to take place every day of your life for Satan’s darkness to fade away at once.

Nowadays, our heavenly Father needs to do the great things that He did with Mandela through the sacrificed-and-resurrected-life of His Son Jesus Christ, because of the holy name that He has granted you already to live within your heart, then He has also granted you to do the things in life that His Son did, so He may be glorified forever. Surely, our heavenly Father loves you so much that you will never be able to measure His great love for you and for your loved ones, because He is not only a great and Mighty God from heaven above that created all things, but also, He is the great King Messiah through Jesus Christ’s sinless-body ruling your newly found life into everlasting.

Moreover, our heavenly Father’s unfailing love is so great and abundant towards you and towards your loved ones that it is almost impossible to measure it, because it comes towards you since even before He created all things, meaning that, it levels powerfully to the great love that He presently feels for His Son Jesus Christ and for the Holy Spirit. For our heavenly Father so loved you and your loved ones that He has given you not only the sinless life of His Son Jesus Christ, but also the power-and-authority to receive the Holy Spirit within your heart and entire life every day, so you may become born again into the Holy Spirit’s new person ready to enter heaven’s glory forever saved.

That is why that our heavenly Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to be born from David’s virgin daughter, by the power of the Holy Spirit, so you may be born again from the Holy Spirit’s same power-and-authority into the new person (man, woman, and child) ready to enter into His holy presence never to abandon Him again because of sin. Therefore, these days are wonderful days that our heavenly Father has granted each one of us to receive within our lives, because He needs to see us washed clean from sin by the power of the atoning-blood, as we may invoke His Son Jesus Christ’s name to become born from the Holy Spirit into the world of blessings and eternal richness.

Surely, these days we can walkaway from the world of darkness that Satan has tricked us to be born into as Adam and Eve believed in his lies that were spoken to humankind for the first time by the old serpent from Eden, so we may abandon forever the world of love, grace, power, richness and everlasting happiness in heaven above. The Good News these days is that we can return to the world of love, grace, power, light, richness and everlasting happiness to live with our Father as we eat and drink every day from the tree of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ, filled with the amazing every day power of the Holy Spirit to live eternity forever blessed.

Our love, prayers and blessings will be always for the family of Nelson Mandela and for the people of South Africa that he loved so much in life until finally he was taken into heaven’s glory to present himself before our Father as one of His children that executed His will, thanks to Jesus Christ’s love, power, richness, and amazing grace. Amen!


Our heavenly Father said to Moses: Be sure that you build the Tabernacle as the one that I have personally shown you over Mount Sinai, for this is the glorious sacrificed-life of the Great King Messiah, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ), who will live in the midst of his people in perfect Righteousness forever into all eternity to come. This is the magnificent place within the Holy of Holiest in heaven where the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach shed his atoning-blood initially so our heavenly Father may create the world with all things, because it was our heavenly Father’s dream from long ago to create a new kingdom where His children will rule with Him forever.

Furthermore, these children that will rule with Him forever in heaven, they will need not only to be born in His image to live according to His likeness forever into eternity, but also they needed to be reborn by the powers of the Holy Spirit, thus to become as perfect and as holy as His blessed Son is since immemorial eternity. Therefore, Israel needed Moses to build the Tabernacle with all its holy things within inside and outside, because it had to be perfectly build thus to function just as perfect-and-holy as the original one in heaven that our heavenly Father had personally shown to Moses for forty days and forty nights, so he may become perfectly familiar with it.

This was a tremendous task that Moses with Israel’s chosen ones had to undertake immediately, because our heavenly Father had waited for millenniums for this to become a reality not only within Israel but also within the nations, because, our Father needed to manifest His perfect and holy life, unfailing love, grace, kindness, forgiveness, power and authority through this amazing Tabernacle. Therefore, Israel with the nations was going to learn to live for our heavenly Father through the manifestation of His Son Jesus Christ’s sacrificed-life within the Tabernacle’s Holy of Holiest thus to create a new world, the New celestial Jerusalem -- so they may find eventually the love, power and happiness needed to live a life pleasant to our Father in heaven forever.

That is to say, also that this Tabernacle was going to be the perfect life of our Lord Jesus Christ from the day it was constructed by Moses and the selected people to do the building of it until it will finally enter the Promised Land victoriously finally to be taken back to heaven’s glory in the days of King David. Since this Tabernacle was going to be with Israel all the days necessary not only to defeat enemy nations through the desert till they finally enter victoriously into the Promised Land to possess it for our Lord Jesus Christ, but it was also the sign that our Father had chosen David’s Son to rule Israel and the world forever into everlasting.

Meaning that, as soon as our heavenly Father had manifested the things that He was going to do with David’s descendants, and that his son will finally rule Israel forever from Jerusalem, then the Tabernacle practically had to be taken away, because our Lord Jesus Christ was coming into Israel anyday, moreover the service of the Tabernacle was over for now. In other words, the presence of the Tabernacle with its holy things was to be used only until our heavenly Father would personally manifest to King David that one of his sons had been chosen to start a new eternal life and kingdom on earth heavenly bound that will never end, in this life and in the next one to come.

This is the New Jerusalem from heaven above where our heavenly Father is everlastingly loved, as usual, not only by His holy angels but also by every man, woman and child that has been born again by the power of the Holy Spirit just as Isaac did in his day from his mother Sarah’s barren-womb, and, likewise, our Lord Jesus Christ. Provided that, everyone needs to have reborn from the Holy Spirit’s power and everlasting gifts that were originally manifested within Isaac’s life as he was born miraculously from his mother Sarah’s barren-womb thus to start a new bloodline, and later Jesus Christ that brought eternal life to earth as he was born from David’s daughter virgin-womb by the same holy powers.

Moreover, our heavenly Father needed to take the Tabernacle away from Israel because now David’s Son had to be the one that the people needed to look up to, and not the Tabernacle and its holy things, because this Son of David was bringing into Israel eternal life filled with forgiveness, love, peace, power, authority, prosperity, and never-ending happiness. Therefore, the Tabernacle built by Moses and his workers had to be taken back into heaven’s glory, because it is a very holy place of worship, prayer and of glory manifested to Israel and the nations through the desert, so it will never fall into the wrong people much less Satan and his fallen angels.

Besides, the Tabernacle could very well ascend into heaven’s glory because since it was built by Moses and his craftsmen, then it was kept clean-and-pure from all wickedness by the amazing powers of the atoning-blood shed day and night thus to erase sin, heal the sick, solve problems, respond to national emergencies, and fill everyone’s heart with eternal life into everlasting. That is to say, also that the work that our Lord Jesus Christ was going to do in person within Israel thus to be born holy-and-pure by the powers of the Holy Spirit from David’s virgin daughter, by granting us eternal life with the glorified-body to live it forever, then the Tabernacle did it throughout its days within Israel until finally ascend it to heaven.

For the Tabernacle was built by the amazing gifts of the Holy Spirit that descended with Moses from Mount Sinai as our heavenly Father showed him every detail of the original one in heaven, furthermore commanded him to choose crafty people to do the work within Israel for the Tabernacle to be as perfect and holy as the one in heaven above. Certainly, these days every man, woman and child, one way or another, must be also born from the same holy powers, no more or less, and this is to be reborn from the Holy Spirit’s ancient powers thus to enter into our Father’s Covenant of Life that started with Abraham and his friends, for a new pristine-life to flourish into everlasting.

Lawfully, everyone from everywhere must be born again from the same powers of the Holy Spirit, because our heavenly Father does not need anyone in heaven walking in the sinful-and-rebellious life of Adam and Eve that failed to eat from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine that the fruit of life grants us to eat every day in perfect holiness. For those that failed to eat from the bread and wine of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred-body, unbroken bones, and atoning-blood that erases our sins forever, moreover heal us from Satan’s attacks, curses, and the forbidden fruit from tree of knowledge of good and evil, then they are dead before our Father and His newly conquered heavenly glories above.

This means that everyone that has failed to eat from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine that our Lord Jesus Christ grants to eat every day of our entire lives on earth and in heaven forever with the angels, then they have no power much less protection to escape Satan’s wilds, curses and the eternal death in hell’s everlasting torment. Therefore, since our heavenly Father so loved Abraham and His Covenant of Life that started with him and his allies, by eating the Table’s bread and wine served by His Son as His high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood of perfect Righteousness, then he granted us the Holy Spirit’s powers for Isaac to be born but also the Tabernacle.

Accordingly, the Tabernacle was born within Israel by the power of the Holy Spirit that descended from Mount Sinai’s summit with Moses thus to fill with power-and-wisdom the hearts-and-minds of all the people of Israel that were called to contribute to the building of it, so they may have a very holy life, the Tabernacle, living in the midst of them. Israel needed desperately to know what it is to be very holy, moreover learned to live the perfect and holy life of our heavenly Father’s Son Jesus Christ, because he alone is their high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that grants us the perfect Righteousness to our living souls to enter heaven’s glory anyday thus to live forever saved.

Certainly, this was a very important way for our heavenly Father not only to introduce the pristine-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ as His perfect Righteousness on earth with every man, woman and child, but also the perfect Righteousness that will continue to live forever into eternity with every angel as well, so they may become His legitimate children perpetually. Therefore, this Tabernacle did not only was born within Israel by the power of the Holy Spirit as Moses descended from Mount Sinai’s summit with our Father’s lawful command to get it underway immediately, but it also lived the very holy life of the Great King Messiah through the desert, so Israel may learn to live with him forever into eternity.

What’s more, through the desert the Israelites always approached the Tabernacle for forgiveness, healing, reconciliation with our heavenly Father, so they may receive the blessing that they needed to live their daily lives, because they wanted to live the holy life that will not only grant them happiness on earth but also granted them passage to heaven’s glory with perfect salvation. For this to be possible, then the Israelites had to have the tribe of the Levites always conducting their daily religious duties as priests and high priests within and around the Tabernacle, so it will always function properly in perfect holiness before our Father that is in heaven for prayers to be answered with blessings to descend abundantly for everyone always.

The Levite high priest could only enter into the Holy of Holiest once a year first by presenting his lamb with the atoning-blood sprinkled over the altar, and the lamb of the people for sin to be erased, so only holiness-and-perfection may thrive throughout the Tabernacle as our Lord Jesus Christ would manifest miraculously to speak to them concerning anything. Otherwise, without the presence of the perfect holiness that the Levites had to work around the clock within the Tabernacle, then our heavenly Father did allow His blessed Son Jesus Christ to manifest himself over the Arc where the Cherubs stood with their wings almost touching each other to speak to Moses, or anyone in particular, or Israel as a nation.

Nevertheless, even though the Levites worked day and night to keep everything perfect-and-holy within the Tabernacle, the holiness that our heavenly Father required from Moses and every Israelite did not come from men but, instead it came from the Holy Spirit, because he is the driving-power always for every man, woman and child to approach our Lord Jesus Christ in perfect holiness. That is why that our heavenly Father said to Abraham: You must be perfect-and-holy as I am perfect-and-holy on earth with every man, woman and child, and as I am in heaven with every angel, archangel, Seraph, Cherub and every other holy creature, so you must be born these days from the Holy Spirit’s holiness to enter heaven’s glory forever saved.

(Moreover, our heavenly Father called Abraham and his descendants to be holy-and-perfect just as He is eternally holy-and-perfect in heaven with His angelic hosts even though He had not given to him yet the Ten Commandments, nevertheless our Father expected him and his children to become Holy Spirit’s born thus to fulfill truth-and-justice within their lives on earth and in heaven forever. Meaning also that, these days even though you have received the commandments from our Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled and everlastingly glorified on earth with every one and in heaven with every angel, then you can be reborn from the power of the Holy Spirit by invoking his name in your life before our Father, so you may live forever vindicated, starting today.)

For this is the power-and-authority of the Tabernacle and of our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred-body, unbroken bones and atoning-blood that they can cleanse you from sin, heal your body, release you from hell’s torment, bless your entire life (including loved ones and friends), moreover grant you powers-and-authority to defeat Satan’s hidden wilds always, so you may enter immediately heaven’s glory forever vindicated. Certainly, the Tabernacle is pure-and-holy as our Lord Jesus Christ is forever that no one could touch it much less enter into it unless that one was a Levite priest assigned to a specific duty to execute before our heavenly Father in heaven, so everyone could be blessed immediately thus to forgive, heal, bless, prosper and even grant abundant eternal salvation.

Therefore, this Tabernacle no one in the world could hold it, because it will pour out its terrible curses from our Lord Jesus Christ from heaven above, hurting and destroying all those that are not allowed under any circumstances to touch it much less enter into it, but only those that were called to work in it, and these are the Levites. Sometimes, enemy nations captured it, because the Israelites were defeated in battle due to rebellion against Jesus Christ, but as they took the Arc into their god’s temple, then curses fell on them to the point that they knew that they had to release immediately the things of the Tabernacle as the Arc, so the plagues, infirmities, and afflictions may stop.

That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ would find himself saying to certain gentiles within Israel as he ministered to the Hebrews our heavenly Father’s words: This Gospel of Salvation belongs to the Jews, and so I decline your request; however the gentiles would insist on his love, kindness and mercy that he would normally end up blessing them anyway. Furthermore, our Lord Jesus Christ wanted to bless the gentiles along with the Hebrews just the same, however he needed to fulfill our heavenly Father’s words first to the children of Abraham, because they were the ones that had sat with Him at the Lord’s Table to eat the bread and wine that grants life on earth bound to heaven’s glory forever.

Nevertheless, because of his great love, grace and mercy to every man, woman and child from all the nations, begin with Israel, then, our Lord Jesus Christ prayed for our heavenly Father to grant them their request at once, usually this was to have a loved one, friend or neighbor healed, blessed, or even resurrected from the dead. That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus Christ did many things to the gentiles within Israel that would approach him, so he may have mercy on them, it was because he remembered his love not only to Abraham and his children, as Isaac, Jacob and millions more, but also his friends, so he end up blessing them with amazing powers.

However, the only way that our Lord Jesus Christ could certainly bless everyone on earth, starting with Israel, as usual, it will be as he will finally fulfill thus to glorify forever the Holy Spirit of the commandments within his holy life, so his atoning-blood may be shed over Jerusalem’s holy hill nailed to Adam and Eve’s crossed-trees to destroy sin perpetually. It was this shedding of his very holy atoning-blood filled with his holy life that pleases our heavenly Father’s commandments that our Lord Jesus Christ could finally put an end to sin, moreover destroy the angel of death along with Satan and his fallen angels, so hell will never have a reason again to exist in the heart of the earth forever.

Therefore, whenever gentiles approached our Lord Jesus Christ so he may bless them by healing their loved ones from terrible infirmities or demonic possession, then he refused to do anything for them, because he had first to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments to the full with Abraham’s children, so salvation could be possible at last for everyone everywhere forever. The commandments given to Moses over Mount Sinai, surely they were for Israel, so the very holy life that David’s virgin daughter may give in due time, then it will be to live the consecrated-life with Abraham’s children that will finally fulfill and glorify forever into eternity the Holy Spirit of the commandments for the nations to become blessed-and-saved at last.

These holy commandments could never be fulfilled much less glorified by any one on earth, except that one life, as in the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, is born by the Holy Spirit from a virgin womb, so in his sinless-life the Holy Spirit of the commandments could be fulfilled to the full thus to make eternal life possible for everyone on earth forever. Moreover, these holy commandments were fulfilled and glorified eternally within our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrificed-and-resurrected life, because he alone is the Tabernacle of Israel within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, over Mount Sinai, through the desert, in Israel, and within the New Jerusalem from heaven above, so holiness-and-perfection may prevail-and-prosper forever within everyone that is born from the Holy Spirit.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is our present-day Tabernacle in heaven with our heavenly Father and on earth with every man, woman and child that has believed within the heart for justice to confess with the lips for salvation his anointed name that grants us forgiveness, healing, blessing, prosperity, happiness and eternal salvation, so we may return safely to our home-sweet-home in heaven. Meaning that, our Lord Jesus Christ is the Holy of Holiest within our hearts as we believe in him thus to confess his anointed name that erases our sins through his atoning-blood, so the pure-and-holy perfection that we initially received from our heavenly Father as we were born in His image through the Holy Spirit, then it may become visible forever.

That is to say, also that as we become clean from sin from head to foot by the atoning-blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, as he ministers as our personal high priest and Chosen Lamb that mediates before our heavenly Father in heaven, then, all impurities leave our body, mind, soul, and human spirit until perfection-and-holiness become visible into all eternity. Therefore, Jesus Christ is our present-day Tabernacle of the Holy of Holiest in heaven before our heavenly Father and on earth with every nation, starting with Israel, so as we may approach our Father thus to ask Him for forgiveness, healing, blessing, prosperity and salvation, then He may answer our prayers through the sacrificed-and-resurrected life of His anointed Son Jesus Christ.

Historically, our Lord Jesus Christ is the only fountain of our pure-and-holy perfection that our heavenly Father was looking for within Abraham (and everyone else after him) that wanted to live a peaceful, lovable, prosperous, and fruitful life on earth with everyone around, and in heaven with every angel as well, so truth and justice may prosper in holiness into everlasting. That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus Christ is the perfect Tabernacle of our heavenly Father in heaven for angels and on earth for every man, woman and child, so truth and justice may grow always within every one’s life throughout the earth thus to enter into heaven’s glory right now dressed with perfect salvation filled with everlasting holiness.

For the perfection and holiness that our heavenly Father was searching within Abraham and his descendants could never be found within anyone else in heaven much less on earth, except from within the Tabernacle’s Holy of Holiest, our Lord Jesus Christ, because, he alone is His perfect eternal sacrifice of the atoning-blood to create all things, including humankind and a new earth. Therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ was and is forever the continual-holiness that pleased our heavenly Father within Israel thus to help them escape Egypt’s captivity, moreover crossed the Red sea in dry ground with walls of water on both sides, to stand at Mount Sinai’s injured-rock where His Son was hidden, so they may serve Him in perfect holiness at last.

For this is what our heavenly Father was looking for as He personally pulled Israel from Egypt’s captivity, so they may finally stand at Mount Sinai’s injured-rock to serve Him and thus to glorify everlastingly His name hidden within His Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-heart and atoning-blood within the injured-rock that timely burst into living-water, for Israel to drink His holy name forever. It is here where our heavenly Father will answer everyone’s prayer, and even meet face-to-face with anyone anytime, just as He did with Moses as he continually entered into the Tabernacle’s Holy of Holiest even though he was never born a Levite much less a priest for Israel, yet he entered in complete faith that our Lord Jesus Christ received him gladly.

That is why that our heavenly Father declared openly to the Israelites and the nations by assuring that Jesus Christ is His Son in whom He is always pleased on earth with everyone just as he pleases Him in heaven before His angels thus to execute everything that He may command him to do for the glory-and-honor of His holy name. Moreover, these days our heavenly Father is seeking that everyone may approach the injured-rock thus to drink the atoning-blood turned into living-water conveying His holy name, so sins may be forgiven, moreover heal their bodies by granting salvation to enter into heaven’s glory perpetually justified, for believing in the Tabernacle’s amazing work, and in the resurrected-life of His Son Jesus Christ.

This is our heavenly Father’s Plan of Salvation that His Tabernacle produced through the desert and within Israel as it was initially born through the Holy Spirit manifested in the minds, hearts and hands of those loving His Son’s perfect holiness descending into Israel with eternal life dressed with the sacred-flesh, unbroken bones, and atoning-blood to save mankind from sin forever. Indeed, this is the living Tabernacle from heaven above that our heavenly Father needed to live in the midst of Abraham’s children within the desert and inside Israel for the Holy Spirit of the commandments to be fulfilled-and-glorified eternally, as they are in heaven by His faithful angels that love, serve and worship His holy name at all hours through eternity.

This is the Tabernacle from heaven above from head to foot that our Father is calling you (with your loved ones) to enter into it these days, because this is the sacrificed-and-resurrected life of His Son Jesus Christ to speak to Him in perfect holiness concerning anything that you may want Him to do for you with love, power and authority. That is to say, also that the perfect holiness that Abraham and the Hebrews through the desert experienced at all hours as the Tabernacle with its holy things were up-and-running as the Levite priests worked diligently before our heavenly Father thus to please Him, then with our Lord Jesus Christ each one of us will experience the same power-and-holiness these days.

Definitely, our Lord Jesus Christ will bless your life with power, love, grace and everlasting mercies, because he will be living within your heart and the life of your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, so he will unquestionably be your acting high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood thus to protect you always for blessing to enrich you forever. Given that, the blessings that Abraham rejected from King of Sodom can never be compared to what our heavenly Father had in store for him through His Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-life, because, he saw greater blessings in the King of Salem (Melchizedek) that were even richer than the blessing that the entire world could ever amass through millenniums until Kingdom comes.

Certainly, Abraham’s faith towards our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ was greater than what we could ever imagine, because he was able to sit with his friends to eat the bread and wine with our heavenly Father as His Son Jesus Christ served the Lord’s Supper at Salem’s gate, but also became alive with a new life for mankind. These days, this is the amazing life that our heavenly Father is granting you and to your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, because He needs to glorify His holy name within your heart as you receive His Son Jesus Christ as your personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to do miracles with your life, starting right now.

These miracles will manifest within your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit thus to let you know that you are serving a Mighty God that created the heaven and earth, so you may live by the power of the Holy Spirit the amazing life that His Son Jesus Christ has in store for you to enjoy these days and everlastingly. Surely, this is a wonderful life that our heavenly Father has prepared for you since the start of things in heaven, but you have not received it yet till now, because you are still believing-and-living day after day as Adam and Eve did in paradise, totally away from the fruit of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ, our Father’s holy Tabernacle.

You need to come back to the place of your first step in life in heaven next to our heavenly Father, as you were born through the Holy Spirit into His image to live according to His likeness perpetually, so you may become as perfect and as holy as His Son Jesus Christ is, our Father’s Tabernacle of perfect holiness into eternity. You need to live the pristine-life of the Tabernacle that our heavenly Father granted to Moses thus for Israel to possess it momentarily, that is, until King David would be informed that his son is chosen to rule Israel and the nations from Jerusalem, so you may enjoy holiness that pleases our Father these days on earth and in heaven forever.

Certainly, this is a heavenly life that our heavenly Father has granted you powers-and-authorities to receive it these days by the supremacy of the Holy Spirit, so you may live in perfect holiness through life just as if you had already personally fulfilled the commandments thus to glorify them to grant you life, blessing, and prosperity by embracing them with love everlastingly. For the reason that the commandments is the pristine life that our heavenly Father had granted initially to Moses so he may live it with Israel through the desert, and this very holy life became visible to Israel and the nations as Moses descended Mount Sinai with the sketch of how to built the Tabernacle as the one in heaven above.

This very holy life that no one knew how to live it properly before our heavenly Father through the desert, so He may never become angry with anyone that will fail to live it to His personal high standards, it is the holy life of our Father’s high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase sin, His Son Jesus Christ. For the Tabernacle was given to Moses so Israel may build it to the exact measurements from the one in heaven above over the mountaintop, so it will be the perfect holy life that every man, woman and child will need to learn to live every day through the desert without ever offending our Father with sin, rebellion, and idols worship.

Definitely, everyone needed to copy the style of the holy life that the Tabernacle was manifesting continually to the Levite and to everyone else throughout Israel and the nations, so they may learn to live the divine-life that was to be born from David’s virgin daughter in Canaan thus to fulfill the commandments, for eternal life to become possible on earth forever. For this holy life from our Lord Jesus Christ manifested through the Tabernacle with the presence of the Holy Spirit always leading the Levites into holiness to do our heavenly Father’s will, then it incarnated before Israel in Canaan thus to recognize it and believe it as such, because it is the ancient holiness that saves from sin forever, Jesus Christ!

For our Lord Jesus Christ is our heavenly Father’s Temple for His holy name living within his holy heart in perfect holiness, thus our Father needed to establish first His Tabernacle within Israel in the desert, so, in Canaan His perfect personal Temple will become visible for the nations to pray to Him for forgiveness, healing, blessing, protection, prosperity, and salvation. Within Israel, the Tabernacle became living sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and the atoning-blood of the perfect holiness that not only it was shed within the Holy of Holiest in heaven to create the world and Israel with all things, but also became the divine-body that every one is to inherit with salvation thus to reenter heaven eternally vindicated in our Father’s holy presence.

There was nothing more holy on earth than the Tabernacle that our heavenly Father commanded Moses to build in the desert for Israel to learn to live the holy life that is not only forever our King Messiah’s, but also is the only life to learn to fulfill and glorify forever before our Father the Holy Spirit of the commandments. Timely, after the Tabernacle was lifted to heaven by the angels then the most holy thing within Israel (and the nations) is the promise that the King Messiah, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, is coming again to earth, this time to be born from David’s virgin daughter to grant us the pristine-life that pleases to the full the Holy Spirit of the commandments.

This was something very important for humankind to do on earth before our heavenly Father in heaven, after Jesus Christ being born by the power of the Holy Spirit from David’s virgin daughter, so the Holy Spirit of the commandments could be fulfilled and glorified to the full for eternal life to be abundant and possible for every one everywhere forever. This is something that no man, woman or child could ever do for our heavenly Father on earth thus to have Israel liberated from sin, curses and death in hell’s torment forever, and so -- He had to have the Tabernacle build in the desert for the Holy Spirit of the commandments to live in perfect holiness until the Promised Land was conquered.

In other words, our heavenly Father had to have the Tabernacle build by Moses and his craftsmen, so He may not only continue to forgive Israel’s sins and rebellions but also grant them powerful blessings every day of their lives through the desert into Canaan, by guarding the commandments in a very holy place as the Tabernacle is in heaven forever. For our heavenly Father and for every man, woman and child within Israel only the Tabernacle could keep the two tablets of the commandments perfectly holy through the desert’s hostilities into Canaan, and until the angels will lift it back to its heavenly place, because, now the King Messiah was returning to Israel to do his perfect work of holiness for eternity.

Surely, this is the amazing salvation-work that only he could do by being born from David’s virgin daughter through the Holy Spirit to live the eternal life that could fulfill and glorify forever the Holy Spirit of the commandments, later to be crucified over Adam and Eve’s crossed trees over Jerusalem’s holy hill to shed his atoning-blood from the injured-rock again. Furthermore, our Lord Jesus Christ needed to live the sacred life thus to glorify the Holy Spirit of the commandments within everyone’s heart, starting with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit in heaven, so glory and honor He may receive from the holy angels for humankind to live at last with the commandments fulfilled into all eternity in heaven above.

For our Lord Jesus Christ needed to descend to the lowest part of the earth, as into its core, where Abraham and his children were waiting for him since the day they learned that they had a Covenant of Life that only our Lord Jesus Christ could fulfill in this world for the next one to come in heaven above. Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ was there in the heart of the earth as our heavenly Father’s Covenant of Life that had given birth not only to Isaac thus to ascend into heaven’s glory to live with our heavenly Father as Adam did in his days, but also give birth to Israel’s Living Tabernacle filled with holiness for everyone’s abundant salvation.

For Abraham was happy to see at last our Lord Jesus Christ descending into the heart of the earth as God’s Son, for he had conquered the world to destroy sin forever along with death and Satan with his fallen angels, so the life that our heavenly Father started on earth with Isaac may flourish in his resurrected sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood. Unquestionably, since the hour our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead on the third day, after defeating sin, death, and Satan with all his fallen angels, then he ascended back to our heavenly Father with the tablets of the commandments that initially struck violently Mount Sinai’s injured-rock where he was hidden with the atoning-blood for Israel’s salvation from certain judgment.

Moreover, in heaven, and before our heavenly Father’s holy angels, our Lord Jesus Christ presented the Holy Spirit of the tablets of the commandments entirely fulfilled and glorified forever within the heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit of every man, woman and child on earth, for salvation to be possible perpetually, so they may return to their home-sweet-home in time. Therefore, these days you are called by our heavenly Father to build His glorious Tabernacle within your heart, by allowing our Lord Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit and His powerful angels to descend from the Holy of Holiest into your life, so they may do the wonderful building of your personal Tabernacle that will enrich your life with holiness forever into eternity.

Furthermore, by building this glorious Tabernacle within you heart, as you allow our Lord Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit to enter into your life with all the holy angels, then you will be receiving perfect holiness that will enrich your life with miracles that will do wonderful things for you always no matter where you may live in this world. You will be experiencing all those wonderful blessings of great miracles that our heavenly Father granted to Moses and to Israel as a whole, as they allowed our Lord Jesus Christ to lead them into his land of Canaan to defeat enemy nations of idols worship thus to establish at last our heavenly Father’s Temple for prayer for all the nations.

Inasmuch as, it was in this land of our Lord Jesus Christ that he would not only be born within the Covenant of Life with its faithful obligations to Abraham’s children throughout the world, but also live the holy life that pleases our Father’s Holy Spirit of the commandments for eternal life to become possible for humankind to enter heaven forever healed. Certainly, as our Lord Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit enters into your heart to build the wonderful Tabernacle of perfect holiness that Moses and Israel enjoyed through the desert to receive wonderful blessings from heaven above day after day, to defeat enemy nations that worshipped idols, then you will be living in the center of our Father’s will at last.

Therefore, the sooner you allow our Lord Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit to minister within your heart and entire life, as they build your personal Tabernacle, a copy after the original one in heaven above by the power of wisdom of holy angels, then, you will live your entire life engulfed in perfect holiness that will grant you amazing happiness always. Our heavenly Father said to Moses: Make sure that you build the Tabernacle for Israel as the one that I have shown you over Mount Sinai, for this is the House of perfect holiness for every man, woman and child to enjoy every day, so I am giving you power, authority and wisdom of angels to build it into perfection.

This is our heavenly Father telling you just as He told Moses in his days of the desert, where there is no water, food, much less life, but only sand and sun in great abundance everywhere ready to embrace you with the heat from hell’s torment until you cry in hunger and for water to satisfy you to the full. These days, you have the injured-rock either at Mount Sinai or Jerusalem’s holy hill bursting with the atoning-blood turned into living-water from our Lord Jesus Christ hidden in the center of it, as usual, thus to grant you all the water that you may drink until you satisfy the thirst of your problems, infirmities, need, and even threats of death, too.

Go ahead, build the Tabernacle that our heavenly Father commanded Moses for Israel to possess in the desert with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and his powerful angels that will be with you continually to build yours within your heart thus to enjoy its holiness, love, richness, and abundant happiness with your loved ones, starting right now. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.

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