One day Seminar on "Winston Churchill: Aspects in Focus". Wednesday Sept 13 2017

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Aug 30, 2017, 11:08:39 AM8/30/17

Dear Colleagues and Churchillians


You are cordially invited to immediately register for this one day Seminar on aspects of the life of Sir Winston Churchill, Wednesday September 13th.  I hope you will seriously consider attending.


There is a registration fee of 20 Pounds Sterling per attendee. If you are interested in attending you should register immediately, before send today to the full membership of the Polish Hearth Club. The meeting room is limited to accommodating 120 people and already the faculty and spouses account for some 15 of these slots


How To Register:




Telephone 020 7589 4670 Call to register for the "Churchill Seminar" September 13th


Credit cards:  Visa/Visa Debit/Mastercard/Maestro are all accepted




Mail a check made out to the “Polish Hearth Club” with the indication you are registering for the "Churchill Seminar" on September 13th. giving your Name(s) and an email or Phone Number.


Mail To: Ognisko Polskie. 55 Exhibition Road, South Kensington, LONDON SW7 2PN


The breaks are catered while lunch is available with a 15% discount through my membership in the Polish Hearth Club.  A special menu is in preparation.




Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

Seminar: “Winston Churchill: Aspects in Focus.”

Sponsor: The Polish Hearth Club with

The Churchill Society of Tennessee-ICS Chapter

Venue:  The Polish Hearth Club

55, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2PN UK.

Date:  September 13th. (Wednesday) 2017

Time: 10 am to 4:30 pm

Summary of the Event 

This is a one-day meeting on various aspects of the life of Sir Winston Churchill. Convened will be a gathering of experts to discuss a number of diverse topics related to his sojourn here. These speakers, drawn from academia, the medical profession, journalism  and the retired military, using Power point presentations, will focus on differing perspectives of his life.  It will include a unique and never seen before presentation on the final passage to his burial place in the church yard at Bladon, near his birth place of Blenheim Palace.

Morning Session:

10:00 – 10:10  Introductions and Review of Meeting Schedule.

Chairman.  John H. Mather MBBS FACPE

10:10 – 10:45  Keynote Address: John Lee. “Churchill and the First World War.”

10:45 – 11:10 Anthony Churchill. “Churchills and the Isle of Wight.”

11:10 - 11:30 BREAK.  Coffee and Biscuits

11:30 – 11:55 Tania Crasnianski. “Winston Churchill and his Doctor, Lord Moran.”

11:55 – 12:25 Allister Vale MD FRCP. “Churchill’s Pneumonias 1943-1944.”

12:25 - 12:50 John H. Mather MBBS FACPE. “Broken Hip Treatment 1962: The Middlesex Hospital.”

12:50 to 1:50 Luncheon: The Polish Hearth Club Dining Room

Afternoon session

1:50 – 2:50 Lt. Col (Retd) Anthony Mather. and Captain (Retd) Barry De Morgan. “The Funeral Procession of Sir Winston Churchill.”, “Leading the Grenadier Bearer Party.”, “The Queen’s Royal Irish Hussars Bearer Party.”

2:50- 3:10 BREAK. Tea and Biscuits

3:10 – 3:45 Elisa Segrave and John Warburton. “Bletchley Park & the National Museum of Computing.”

3:45 – 4:15 Celia and John Lee. “Winston and Jack Churchill.”

4:15 – 4:30 General Discussion, Summary and Wrap-up

John H. Mather MBBS FACPE


THE INVITATION: I so hope many of you will be able to attend, although I do realize many of you live away from the London area. 




John H. Mather MD FACPE
President, CSOT-ICS
President, UNI-CORN LLC
1015 West Main Street
Franklin, TN 37064
Tel: 240 353 6782
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