Penpower Tablet

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Jul 14, 2009, 4:17:14 PM7/14/09
This is just peripherally about Chinese, but this group is one of the
most knowledgeable and helpful group I know, so here goes.

I have just bought a Penpower TAB403 tablet. It is a new model,
smaller than the Tooya and is Windows and Mac compatible.

I am running OS10.4.11 on an Intel Macbook Pro. I have set up an admin
account, a user account and a guest account (no password necessary,
but blocked from all other files).

I installed the software while logged into the user account. The installed OK with authentication, but the tablet driver
gave a warning message about insufficient privilege without asking for
authentication. This has happened before. So I logged into the admin
account and installed the tablet driver.

The software works fine - I can write to my heart's content with the
tablet - as long as I am logged in as admin. When I change back to the
user account, just refuses to start.

I have uninstalled the app and the driver and reinstalled both,
logging in as admin; I have restarted, even zapping the PRAM; I have
trashed the plist on both accounts; I have used ONYX to clear the
system caches, repair the startup disk and permissions.

I should be grateful for any suggestion.

Thanks in advance.

Ka Tai

Kerim Friedman

Jul 15, 2009, 6:44:55 AM7/15/09
When installing the application, there should be a menu option to see
what files are being installed. One thing you might want to check is
if these files are being installed in /Library (the root library) or
in ~/Library (the user library). If they are only being installed in
the user library for the admin user, then other users might not have

Another thing to try is to temporary grant admin privileges to the
user account, and then install from there. Then you can revoke the
privileges later.

Good luck!



Jul 15, 2009, 10:58:28 AM7/15/09
Thank you for your prompt response.

There is no option to see what files are installed, and when I use
appdelete to delete the files, there is only the app and plist (which
is in the same folder as the app).

I tried setting my standard account as admin and re-installed
penpower. It worked great - for textedit and neooffice at least, but
not for applemail. But before I rejoiced too much, I changed the
account back to standard. Penpower stopped working immediately!

I went to their web site to ask for help. I filled in their form 3
times and get a message that my check code is not valid (one has to
fill in a sort of captcha like thing). so it may be my browser
(FF3.5) or their web site.

All in all, quite disappointing.

I hope somebody from Penpower is following this thread. Yeah sure.

Ka Tai

Fabian Fang

Jul 17, 2009, 12:57:48 PM7/17/09
On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 3:58 AM, LKT<> wrote:

> I went to their web site to ask for help. I filled in their form 3
> times and get a message that my check code is not valid (one has to
> fill in a sort of captcha like thing). so it may be my browser
> (FF3.5) or their web site.
> All in all, quite disappointing.
> I hope somebody from Penpower is following this thread. Yeah sure.

Since you could not get to them through their website, why wait for
them to "follow your thread" here? You can always call them at (510)
897-6600 in Fremont, California, and ask for Jack Zheng, their
Customer Service Manager. For obvious reasons, he is much more savvy
with Windows than Mac OS, but he is generally eager to try to assist

My own experience with the PenPower TAB403 Chinese HandWriter is not
directly relevant to yours, but also disappointing nonetheless.
Shortly after Eric had started a thread about it on this list back in
February, I ordered a TAB403 with the intention of using it with an
iMac G5 running Leopard. In spite of PenPower's public claim that it
supports both Intel and PowerPC Macs, it did not work on the iMac G5.
After much hassle with their Technical Support staff, both in Fremont
and even Taiwan, they conceded the incompatibility and offered to swap
my TAB403 with a Tooya Pro tablet. The latter costs more, but I much
prefer the compact size of the TAB403.

By the way, in your possible discussion with them, do not allow them
to take over your Mac by remote configuration. During a long
telephone session with their Taiwan engineering staff, which lasted
about three hours, they totally messed up my iMac G5, causing severe
panic, that required reinstallation of the OS and everything from a
backup drive.



Jul 17, 2009, 3:03:11 PM7/17/09
Thanks for your response.

I am based in Hong Kong. There is a time difference. It is 10:30PM
here now, but 7:30AM in California. I do not fancy waiting until
midnight my time to call tech support in the US. But I did call tech
support in Hong Kong. The girl who answered the phone, who claimed
that she knows all about Macs, said immediately that it only works
for Intel Macs. She also said that there is no such thing as
OS10.4.11, only 10.4 or 10.5. But after explaining my problem in 3
different ways, I think I have got through to her. She promised that
somebody else would call, and somebody else did, in the middle of a
meeting. She will call back on Monday. Let's hope it works out.

So you do not have this problem with Tooya? Does it work for all
accounts on your Mac? Please confirm, since it will help me in my
discussion with tech support here.

Thanks for your help.

Ka Tai

Fabian Fang

Jul 19, 2009, 3:07:25 PM7/19/09
On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 8:03 AM, LKT<> wrote:

> But I did call tech support in Hong Kong. The girl who answered the > phone, who claimed that she knows all about Macs, said
> immediately that it only works for Intel Macs.

For a long time, PenPower publicly claimed on their website
compatibility of the TAB403 Chinese HandWriter with all Intel and
PowerPC Macs running OS 10.4 and 10.5. My case compelled the Manager
of their Fremont Office to remove the general claim. When I
complained about their possible inadequate testing, he still
pronounced that the tablet works with other PowerPC Macs, but there
was some driver incompatibility with just the iMac G5. Now their
website only claims OS support for 10.4 and 10.5.

> So you do not have this problem with Tooya?

The considerably bulkier Tooya Pro tablet, with which they swapped for
my TAB403, has so far worked well with my iMac G5, and my other Macs
and Windows computers running XP and Vista.


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