Big changes are coming!

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Dmitry Polyanovsky

Aug 15, 2015, 10:51:59 AM8/15/15
to ChicagoBoss

Big changes are coming!
There is newly released v0.8.16 of CB working on R16 and 17.

Also, both ChicagoBoss and boss_db has two development branches from now: 'legacy' - with support for R16 & 17 and 'master' - with support for Erlang 17 and 18.

Both branches compiling on versions supported and v0.9 will be released from master branch, as soon as some valued PRs will be merged. So, your commits are highly welcome.

Please note, Riak support dropped on master branch, because problems compiling on Erlang 18, awaiting for more recent version. And mongodb should be enabled manually in rebar.config, cause it has different dependencies for different Erlang versions.
If you don't use Riak or Mongodb, there is nothing to care about and in any case - download latest version and start coding!


Aug 17, 2015, 8:59:19 AM8/17/15
to ChicagoBoss
Thank you, Dmitry!

Caiyun Deng

Aug 17, 2015, 11:22:47 AM8/17/15
to ChicagoBoss

在 2015年8月15日星期六 UTC+8下午10:51:59,Dmitry Polyanovsky写道:

Graeme Defty

Nov 19, 2015, 6:04:50 AM11/19/15
For me, it would be worth having a new release just to get R18 support.

I run Ubuntu and can no longer (easily) run an older version of Erlang. I tried the esl-erlang (version 17), but that was missing erl_anno, and installing the erlang-parsetools package from Ubuntu caused apt-get to un-install esl-erlang and then when I tried to . . . well you get the picture.

Since I am trying to replace my UAT environment, any changes I make will have to be flowed backward into DEVelopment and forward into PRODuction so I am reluctant to run on "the latest HEAD". I would very much like to have a stable, fixed version to run on.

Any chance we could have a release soon?

(Alternatively, of course, if I am being dumb and  am missing something obvious that makes this all very easy, please do let me know. :-) )




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Nov 23, 2015, 12:45:36 AM11/23/15
to ChicagoBoss
Waiting for 0.9 realese (-:

суббота, 15 августа 2015 г., 19:51:59 UTC+5 пользователь Dmitry Polyanovsky написал:

Graeme Defty

Nov 27, 2015, 3:48:18 AM11/27/15

just to set the scene . . . I have been supporting my CB application for some years now (where some > 3), so it has undergone a number of CB version changes. However, these have all been done on a fairly ad-hoc basis, and I am certainly not using all the new features in CB. Updating boss.config has been on an as-needed basis, and very piecemeal. Using this process I had got up to CB 0.8.14. I think Erlang R17 was the last time I compiled a CB release, but it could have been R16.

OK - so in the battle to get to R18 I pulled the latest CB release from Github and got-dep and made it all successfully.

I then generated a new app so I would have a model to compare against.

I copied the new version of boss.config from the model app to my app and modified it so that it matched my original.

I also copied the new rebar (incl .cmd and .config) from the model app to mine.

When I tried to compile my app I got some very strange compiler syntax errors where there were none before. Moving to my src/lib directory I was able to run erlc and compile one of the offending modules perfectly OK, so there was nothing wrong with the source. Aside from anything I had not changed it!

One of the things I have been doing for a long time now is keeping CB out of my application directories. Instead I point my boss.config to a directory which sits beside my applications


[{boss, [
    {path, "../ChicagoBoss-0.8.14"},
    {applications, ... ,

This allows me to have multiple applications with only 1 instance of CB and also means it is reasonably simple to change to another CB release when they come along, and has worked successfully for a while.

This time though, I wondered whether my CB installation really was OK, so I changed my boss.config back to pointing inside my applications directory as it was in the model app:


[{boss, [
    {path, "deps/boss"},
    {applications, ... ,

This time get deps worked fine and compiling ran through the deps OK until it came to my application when it failed with:

==> simple_bridge (pre_compile)
==> simple_bridge (compile)
Generating crypto compatibility for simple_bridge...
...Using: "crypto:hash(sha, Data)" changes needed to "include/crypto_compat.hrl". Skipping writing new file
==> boss (pre_compile)
==> boss (compile)
==> cb-prodfix (pre_compile)
ERROR: pre_compile failed while processing /home/graeme/projects/egolf/dev/cb-prodfix: {'EXIT',


I am sure this is something else I should have changed or copied from somewhere in the config of the model app to replace an old version in my app, but I can't for the life of me find the durned thing.

Can someone suggest what I might have missed?



Sorry for the slightly rambling description of the problem - brain fatigue, I think.  :-)

Graeme Defty

Nov 27, 2015, 4:08:46 AM11/27/15
Sorry all - I spotted my deliberate mistake from my last message in the boss.config file  (I had ../deps/boss instead of ./deps/boss) Apologies for the false alarm.

BUT . . . . now I am back to my original problem - strange syntax errors in compiling.

As an example, my code looks like this:

124    NewGood = Good + case Stab >= 36 +
125                  (Rh:teeset()):total_par() -
126                  (Rh:teeset()):rating(EntryPlayer:gender()) -
127                  hcap_congu_lib:cat_category(((Rh:entity()):player()):exact()) of
128                        true    ->  1;
129                        false   ->  0
130                     end,

and the compiler objects thus:

==> cb-prodfix (pre_compile)
16:02:27.995 [error] Compile Error, "src/lib/hcap_congu.erl" -> [{"/home/graeme/projects/egolf/dev/cb-prodfix/src/lib/hcap_congu.erl",[{127,erl_parse,["syntax error before: ","hcap_congu_lib"]}]}]

I have looked with a hex editor and made sure there is nothing but blanks in the file, and as I mentioned before, I can erlc the file and create a .beam file with no problems, so . . . well - I dont know.

Any thoughts anyone?


Graeme Defty

Nov 27, 2015, 4:46:16 AM11/27/15
I think I have nailed this down and it appears to be a bug of some sort.

I noticed that all the syntax errors I had followed a similar form, and the problem is repeatable.

Create a new project:

make app PROJECT=bug_test

Then create a controller/bug_test_test_controller.erl with content of

1   -module(bug_test_test_controller, [Req, SessionId]).
2   -compile(export_all).

4   index('GET',[]) ->
5      Rslt = 1 - length([1,2,3]),
6     {output, "Hello, world!"}.

Then make gives the following:
Compiled src/boss/boss_web_test.erl
Compiled src/boss/boss_html_doc_template.dtl
Compiled src/boss/boss_html_errors_template.dtl
Compiled src/boss/boss_html_error_template.dtl
==> bug_test (pre_compile)
16:37:49.843 [error] Compile Error, "src/controller/bug_test_test_controller.erl" -> [{"/home/graeme/projects/egolf/dev/bug_test/src/controller/bug_test_test_controller.erl",[{6,erl_parse,["syntax error before: ","length"]}]}]
16:37:49.843 [error] Load Module Error controller_modules : [[{"/home/graeme/projects/egolf/dev/bug_test/src/controller/bug_test_test_controller.erl",[{6,erl_parse,["syntax error before: ","length"]}]}]]
./rebar boss c=compile
==> bug_test (boss)
16:37:51.184 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.155.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: call to undefined function elixir:start(normal, []) in application_master:init/4 line 134
16:37:51.350 [error] Compile Error, "src/controller/bug_test_test_controller.erl" -> [{"/home/graeme/projects/egolf/dev/bug_test/src/controller/bug_test_test_controller.erl",[{6,erl_parse,["syntax error before: ","length"]}]}]
16:37:51.350 [error] Load Module Error controller_modules : [[{"/home/graeme/projects/egolf/dev/bug_test/src/controller/bug_test_test_controller.erl",[{6,erl_parse,["syntax error before: ","length"]}]}]]

I have not checked all my syntax errors yet, but the first few are all like this - arithmetic expressions ending in a minus sign followed by a function call. Interestingly if I wrap the function call in brackets the problems seem to go away.

I will check the rest of my errors, but this is at least one common pattern. It looks like there may be a parsing problem.

. . . or did I miss something here?  Hahaha



Dmitry Polyanovsky

Nov 30, 2015, 3:48:17 AM11/30/15
to ChicagoBoss

 recently updated few apps from 0.8.x to current HEAD and everything works fine, some of those apps have 10k daily visitors, so I can call it production. Regarding issue you reporting, as I worte in another conversation, it's already known issue  and for sure need to be fixed asap
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Graeme Defty

Nov 30, 2015, 4:33:35 AM11/30/15
HI Dmitry,

Yes, I finally bit the bullet and moved my main app to the latest version on my user test environment and so far it is working fine.

I will put it into production in a couple of days.



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