Javadoc has empty description section error when allowMissingJavadoc is set to true

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John Terry

Jul 12, 2016, 10:28:39 AM7/12/16
to checkstyle
Hello there,
I am using maven checkstyle plugin version 2.17
I have the following method javadoc
* @return blah blah blah
public Something doSomething() {


Basically only return type is documented. But with allowMissingJavadoc set to true I still get an error. If I remove java doc, checkstyle goal passes. Is this a bug?

Roman Ivanov

Jul 12, 2016, 11:59:09 AM7/12/16
to John Terry, checkstyle

this is very buggy implementation , it looks like a bug.
please report an issue with all details, base on latest released version of checkstyle (not a plugin version).
Read instruction during during issue creation at github.

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