Checkstyle 7.7

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Roman Ivanov

Apr 30, 2017, 10:32:13 AM4/30/17
to checkstyle-announce
Checkstyle 7.7 -


  Ant: accept path in addition to fileset option
  SeparatorWrap: add support for method reference operator
  NoWhitespaceBefore: add support for method reference operator
  RightCurlyCheck: add support for lambda
  ParenPad: thinks precedence parens are a METHOD_CALL instead of an EXPR, new token TokenTypes.DOT should be supported
  DefaultComesLast: new option skipIfLastAndSharedWithCase to raise violation if default doesn't share case
  ClassDataAbstractionCoupling and ClassFanOutComplexity: property to exclude packages
  ClassDataAbstractionCoupling : Add a excludeClassesRegexps property  

Bug fixes:

  NPathComplexity ignores multi-part boolean expressions 
  ArrayTrailingComma: Extra coma is required in multiline array value
  EmptyBlock should process LITERAL_DEFAULT
  Take "break" into consideration in FinalLocalVariable
  RequireThis treats local variables as properties
  Exception message not informative enough for users on incorrect parent
  EmptyBlock: can't get violation from case token
  RightCurly: False negative on multiblock tokens with ALONE_OR_SINGLELINE option


  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for InterfaceTypeParameterName
  ReturnCount: enforce max=1 over checkstyle code
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test in the blocks package
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for ClassTypeParameterName
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for CatchParameterName
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for ConstantName
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for checks in coding package
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for SingleSpaceSeparator
  Fix new TeamCity violations
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for NoLineWrap
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for OuterTypeNumber
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for ParentPad
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for StaticVariableName
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for NoWhitespaceAfter
  Expand missing testing for PropertyCacheFile tests
  Adding IDEA project files to gitignore and excluding them from checkstyle list
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for MethodTypeParameterName
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for ParameterName
  Add suppression of .DS_Store for NewlineAtEndOfFile
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for WhitespaceAround
  Verifying tokens in checkstyle config handles default tokens wrong
  spelling: fix grammar in for indentation package
  Javadoc for try-with-resources tokens is not good enough
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for FileTabCharacter
  Fix new TeamCity violations
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for LocalVariableName
  Formatting issue in documentation
  doc: fix documentation for METHOD_REF token
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for LocalFinalVariableName
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for NoWhitespaceBefore
  Enforce EndOfLine symbols at the end of  all files in checkstyle repository
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for ParameterNumber
  RightCurly: update documentation for singleline statements with SAME option
  spelling: fix typos in tests
  spelling: fix typos in xdocs
  Fix typo in @serialField javadoc tag validation
  spelling: fix some typos in code/javadoc/comments
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for AbstractClassName
  pitest: skip Uts execution as pitest do this for wihtou mutation mode
  changed loops to end execution early
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for LineLength
  Grammar mistakes in
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