Checkstyle 8.1

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Roman Ivanov

Jul 25, 2017, 1:03:15 AM7/25/17
to checkstyle-announce
Checkstyle 8.1 -

Breaking backward compatibility:

  Make SuppressionCommentFilter and SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter children of TreeWalker
  remove AbstractComplexityCheck, AbstractIllegalCheck, AbstractIllegalMethodCheck, AbstractNestedDepthCheck
  ImportControl: Remove deprecated 'url' property
  remove deprecated AbstractDeclarationCollector, AbstractFormatCheck, AbstractOptionCheck 
  FileText should not extends AbstractList
  Move DetailAST log away from AbstractViolationReporter
  api: LocalizedMessages class should be removed

Bug fixes:

  SummaryJavadoc: no violation on absent summary and on javadoc where '.' is used not as end of sentense
  MethodCountCheck with wrong tokens crashes Checkstyle
  UnusedImportsCheck does not detect parameter types in javadoc block tags
  UnusedImports processJavadoc fails with javadoc tags that span lines
  some messages are still hardcoded in english
  EmptyBlock: NPE on annotation declaration


  idea: tenth part of idea violations
  idea: sixth part of idea violations
  idea: seventh part of idea violations
  idea: fifth part of idea violations
  idea: eleventh part of idea violations
  Split BaseCheckTestSupport into AbstractPathTestSupport, AbstractModuleTestSupport, and AbstractTreeTestSupport
  pitest: increase mutation coverage for pitest-check-header profile to 100%
  activate IntellijIdea inspection InterfaceMayBeAnnotatedFunctional
  idea: ninth part of idea violations
  spelling: Fix German translation
  Increase coverage of JavadocParser and JavadocLexer
  idea: third part of violations
  idea: fourth part of idea violations
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for checks in 'regexp' package 
  spelling: fix typo in docs
  add vavr library to our regression testing
  pitest: increase mutation coverage for pitest-checkstyle-filters profile to 100%
  pitest: increase mutation coverage for pitest-checkstyle-api profile to 100%
  idea: second part of violations
  Enable IntellijIdea inspection: 'throw' inside 'finally' block
  idea: eights part of idea violations
  MT mode: Intelllij inspection violations
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs for MainTests to 'main' folder
  UniquePropertiesCheck.getLineNumber should be private
  suppress NewlineAtEndOfFile on all internal javadoc files
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for checks in 'ant' package
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for checks in header package
  review all suppressed IntellijIdea inspections with comment 'till ...'
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for checks in 'javadoc' package 
  LeftCurlyCheck: clarify behavior of 'nlow' option after removal of 'maxLineLength'
  Avoid usage of getLines method from FileText
  reevaluate tokens in google config for SeparatorWrapCheck
  pitest: increase mutation coverage for pitest-checks-misc profile to 100%
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for checks in 'checks' package 
  pitest: increase mutation coverage for pitest-checkstyle-tree-walker profile to 100%
  pitest: increase mutation coverage for pitest-checkstyle-main profile to 100%
  ConfigurationLoaderTest::testIncorrectTag is flaky
  pitest: increase mutation coverage for pitest-checkstyle-utils profile to 100%
  pitest: increase mutation coverage for pitest-checkstyle-common profile to 100%
  refactoring: CodeSelectorPModel do double copy of collectio in c-tor
  Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for checks in 'metrics' package 
  Restore wercker CIs that have custom Checks
  Fix PMD violations for test code in Checkstyle
  Build fails on cobertura:check goal
  Add multi thread mode to checkstyle launcher
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