Are you a victim ? What is your story ?

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Mar 7, 2013, 1:50:17 PM3/7/13
I am a victim of this racket.   I have paid 1Lakh for this reliance policy for a 10L interest free loan.   These miscreants kept on telling me that the loan is being processed and some how managed to fool me so that the free review period of 15 days is over for the policy.   Now their phones are switched off.   

I contacted reliance and they are not ready to return back my money stating that the 15 day free review period is over.

I am stuck.   Alone,  I don't think I can do anything.  But the good news is that I am not alone,  I know there are several 100's of Indians who are being cheated on a monthly basis.    I want to get them all together and raise a fight against these agents appointed by reliance... this is a big racket and Reliance cannot ignore us.

Pls join this google group and respond with your story....  and also are you willing to join this effort to raise a fight ?   Pls search on and get all those victims notified about this effort


Mar 7, 2013, 2:03:10 PM3/7/13

Dear Sir

Mere sath bahut hi bada cheating hua hai me vistar se batata hu muje dasera ko delhi se mr.Aditya Malhotra ka call aaya aur bataye ki aapka reliance ka no.9323924873 reliance ke old customer ha to aapko hamari reliance company 0% loan provide kiya ha to maine bhi reliance ka nam dekhke yes bol diya to unhone bola ki aapko deposit per lakh 10000/- jama karna padega to maine 15 lakh ka loan amount ke hisabse 150000/- sona rakhke deposit bhara vo bole 5 december tak aapke account me 15 lakh Deposit ho jayenege lekin abhi tak kuch hua nahi aur abhi phone bhi pickup nahi karrahe hai uska mobile pe mera Mr.Aditya - Rajeev-Srivastav and Darshna ye log se contact hota tha abhi phone bhi nahi utha rahe he please help me bahut hi tansion me hu all ready mere sir 12 lakh ka loan ha aur 1.5 lakh ye alag se please help 

Mera Reliance Life Insurance Ka Detail :-

Contract No.:-50487469
Client Id .:-84669304
Date :-12/11/2012
Mukesh Chimanbhai Limbachiya
Vasai (West


Mar 7, 2013, 2:30:52 PM3/7/13
Another one I found on the internet

m k pandey
Mar 7, 2013

Policy NO- 50395996

दिनांक 08-01-2013

सेवा में 

रिलायंस लाइफ़ इन्शुरन्स कम्पनी लिमिटेड 
इंदौर-452004- मध्य प्रदेश

सन्दर्भ -- इंदौर कार्यालय में व्यक्तिगत जाकर शिकायत क्र SR 001345525599 
विषय - मेरे पूर्वे निवेदन पत्र दिनांक 10-11-2012, 16-11-2012,26-12-2012 आदि , के बावजूद कोई कारवाही न होने के कारन उपभोक्ता फौरम में कानूनी कारवाही हतु प्रेषित 
श्री मान 

विनम्र निवेदन है की में ' महेंद्र कुमार पाण्डेय " ने पूर्वे में भी कई बार निवेदन किया परन्तु कोई भी कार्यवाही नही की गई अथ पुन्ह निवेदन है की ,निम्न लोगो द्वारा --

1 मिस आरती मोबाइल न - 0989128384 ( मुख्य अधिकारी - लोन एवं बीमा पालिसी )
2 मिस नेहा मोबाइल न - 08285045989 ( मुख्य अधिकारी - प्रोडक्ट -लोन ) 
3 मिस प्रिया मोबाइल न - 08285026636 ( रिप्रेजेन्टेटिव - लोन एवं बीमा पालिसी )

जो स्वयं को आईसीआईसीआई बैंक , वेस्ट एवेन्यू रोड , पंजाबी बाग , दिल्ली का कर्मचारी बताते है और स्वयं को रिलायंस लाइफ़ इन्शुरन्स कम्पनी लिमिटेड की कार्पोरेट एजेंट के रूप में स्थापित बताते है , द्वारा मुझे झूठे प्रलोभन व् असत्य वादे एवं धोके से रिलायंस लाइफ़ इन्शुरन्स कम्पनी लिमिटेड की ग्यारंटीड मनी बेक प्लान पालिसी णों 50395996 दिनाक 19-09-2012 को बेचीं गयी जो मुझे दिनाक 29-09-2012 को प्राप्त हुइ l उपरोक्त आईसीआईसीआई बैंक के लोगो से हुई वार्तालाप के कुछ की ऑडियो क्लिप ( MS आरती , नेहा ,पूजा , एवं रिया )सलंग्न है 

यहाँ में ये बताना चाहूँगा की किन्ही विशेष सौर्सेस के द्वारा उपरोक्त लोगो को ये मालुम था की मुझ पर एक DHFL का होम लोन रु 31,00,000=00 है जो की अधिक ब्याज दर पर 15 % प्रति वर्ष से मुझे भरने में परेशानी का सामना करना पड़ रहा है , ( प्रति सलग्न है - 1 ) का फायदा लेते हुए मुझे प्रलोभन दिया गया की में एक रु 10,00,000=00 का रिलायंस लाइफ़ इन्शुरन्स कम्पनी लिमिटेड का ग्यारंटीड मनी बेक प्लान ले लू , जिसके गिरवी ( pledge ) कर , वे मुझे रु 10,00,000=00 का लोन केवल 6 % की कट्मिति ब्याज पर शीघ्र दिलवा देंगे , इस प्रकार रु 10,00,000=00 का कर्च सस्ते दर पर उपलब्ध हो जायेगा और ये लोन 10 वर्ष में समाप्त हो जायेंगा , उनके बार-बार कांटेक्ट करने पर में इस शर्त पर राजी हो गया की में पहले लोन का प्रपोजल देंगे फिर पालिसी लेंगे अन्यथा मुझे पालिसी की कोई जरुरत नहीं है में पालिसी का प्रियम भरने की स्थिति में नहीं हु और मेने एक चेक न 363646 डेटेड 11-09-2012, रु 50,000=00, जो की स्टेट बैंक ऑफ़ इंडिया का था ( चेक के पीछे स्पष्ट लिखा गया था की ये चेक लोन हेतु इशू किया गया है ) एवं लोन हेतु आवश्यक द्स्तावेग जैसे वोटर कार्ड ,बैंक पासबुक आदि उनके लोकल रिप्रेजेन्टेटिव को दिया गया . बाद में पता चला की उन्होंने एक रु 10 लाख की पालिसी इशू कर दी है , जो मुझे दिनाक 29-09-2012 को कूरियर द्वारा प्राप्त हुई , जिसको पढ़ा तो पता चला की उन लोगो ने पालिसी का फॉर्म स्वयं ही अपने हाथो से भरा है जिसमे मेरा कांटेक्ट न गलत है ,इनकम गलत लिखी गयी है व् वोटर ID पर स्वयम रिमार्क लगा कर मेरे हस्ताक्षर कर दिए है बीमा फॉर्म में मेरी हस्तलिपि है ही नहीं .इस प्रक्रिया में मुझे HDFC बैंक क्रेडिट कार्ड पर लोन भी लेना पडा प्रति सलंग्न है 

पालिसी इशू करने के साथ ही उपरोक्त लोगो द्वारा मुझे लगातार फॉलोअप किया जा रहा था और कहा गया की सिस्टम बदल गया है अतः पहले पालिसी इशू हो गयी अबे बांड प्राप्त होते ही आप असे स्कैन कर मेल कर दीजिये वे तुरन ही लोन सेक्शन करा कर भेज देंग , मेने उन्हें कई बार कहा / SMS किया की ऐसा नही हो की फ्री लुक का समय निकल जाए और पालिसी भी वापस न हो पर उन्होंने कहा की में चिंता न करू यदि लोन नहीं होता है तो मेरा पूर्ण पैसा बिना किसी डिडक्शन के वापस कर दिया जाएगा में आश्वस्त हो गया पर मुझे शक तो हो रहा था मेने उनसे उनके पते आदि को बताने के लिया कहा परन्तु उन्होंने तुरंत मुझे अपना पता और ईमेल आदि नहीं या इसी बीच मेने उन्हें स्कैन कर बांड की प्रति लोन हेतु भेज दिया , परन्तु आज दिनाक तक कोई लोन प्राप्त नहीं हुआ मेरे बार- बार निवेदन के बाद उन्होंने मुझे एक ईमेल " singhlokesh@gmail com" दिया जिसे मेने मेरा कांटेक्ट नम्बर ठीक करने के लिए 08-10-2012 को कहा जिसे रिलायंस लाइफ इन्शुरन्स द्वारा करेक्ट कर दिया गया , इसका अर्थ ही ये है के ये कही न कही संदर्भित लोगो का रिलायंस लाइफ इन्शुरन्स से संपर्क है ,

उसके बाद उपरोक्त लोगो द्वारा मुझे SMS के जरिये अपना ICICI बैंक का पता भी दिया उस दौरान मेने पालिसी पर अंकित एजेंट ( ब्रोकर ) को मोबाइल पर संपर्क करना चाह तो पता चला वो गलत है फिर ईमेल पर संपर्क करना चाहा परन्तु वो भी गलत प्रतीत होता है , अब शक यकीन में बदलने लगा था।

इसी बीच करीब दिनाक 06-11-2012 में श्री मनोज तिवारी जी .क्षेत्रिया मेनेजर (रिलायंस लाइफ़ इन्शुरन्स कम्पनी लिमिटेड ) कौसम्बी गाज़िआबाद के अम्पर्क में आया और श्री तिवारी ने मेने एक शिकायत रिलायंस बीमा कम्पनी पोर्टल पर डाली उनसे हुई वार्तालाप का कुछ ऑडियो क्लिप ( 1 ) सलंग्न है ,

उसके पश्यात मुझे श्री रोहित अरोरा ,.क्षेत्रिया मेनेजर (रिलायंस लाइफ़ इन्शुर ( 4) कम्पनी लिमिटेड ) दिल्ली, मध्य-प्रदेश एवं श्री संजय मेहता ( एग्जीक्यूटिव रिलायंस बीमा असिस्टंट तो श्री रोहित , अरोरा जी ) मोबाइल नं - 08826140300,01409807927 ने मुझसे संपर्क किया जिन्हें मेने अपनी शिकायत दर्ज करायी और उन्होंने कहा की में पालिसी सरंडर कर दू और उसमे उन्होंने बात क्र ली है कोई भी पैसा नहीं कटा जाएगा , तथा मुझे दो अन्य समे पालिसी लेने के लिए कहा गया , जिस पर वे मुझे 10+10 = 20 लाख का लोन करवा देंगे मात्र 6 % कतमिति की दर से , मुझे बड़ा आश्चर्य हुआ की क्या वास्तव ये इतना आसान है उन्होंने मुझसे कहा आप सभी पालिसी सम्बन्धी चेक आदि दे दे . मेने उनको लोन हेतु पालिसी खरीदने का मन बना लिया और मेने पालिसी लेने के लिए उनके द्वारा निर्देशित ग्वालियर के पते पर श्री रवि शर्मा को दो रु 70000+ रु 70000 = रु 1,40,000=00 पालिसी हेतु भेज दिए , तभी मेने कई अन्य लोगो से पता किया की क्या रिलायंसबीमा की ऐसी कोई पालिसी होती है जिसमे तुरंत ही पालिसी के अगेंस्ट में तुरंत लोन लिया जा सकता है , तो पता चला की ऐसी कोई योजना नहीं है अतह उपरोक्त चेक को मेने श्री रवि शर्मा (रिलायंस लाइफ़ इन्शुरन्स कम्पनी लिमिटेड )ग्वालियर मोबाइल न 09977004006 ,09303904006 को फ़ोन कर होल्ड करवा दिया , उसके बाद श्री अरोरा ने कई फ़ोन किये परन्तु मेने चेक रिलीज़ नहीं किये , उन्होंने लोन की ग्यारंटी के कई आश्वासन दिए , उनसे हुई कुछ वार्तालाप के अंश ( ऑडियो - क्लिप ) सलंग्न है ,

इसी बीच दिनाक 12-11-2012 को मेने इंदौर स्थित रिलायंस के ऑफिस में एक शिकायत दर्ज करवा दी , उसके बाद पुनह दिनांक को 16-11-2012 को एक क्रास चेक क्रमांक 3636555 एवं पालिसी को सर्रेंदर कर दिया 

साथ साथ ही इसी बीच मेरी चर्चा श्री नवीन चन्द्र शर्मा ( रीजनल मेनेजर- रिलायंस लाइफ़ इन्शुरन्स कम्पनी लिमिटेड )मोबाइल न - 08010416086 , 01204891218 से भी होने लगी थी , इन्होने मुझे कई आश्वासन दिए , इन्हें पहले ही श्री रोहित अरोरा जी ने मेरी स्थिति और जरुरत को स्पस्ट कर दिया था , अतह झूठे आश्वासन का दौर फिर चलने लगा , इनसे हुई वार्तालाप की कुछ ऑडियो -क्लिप ( सलंग्न है- 2), साथ ही इन्होने श्री से एक ईमेल मुझे जो एक फ्रॉड / फेक मेल है जो RBI के रूल्स एंड रेगुलेशन से सम्बंधित है जो स्पस्ट रूप से एक धोका ही है , एस व्यक्ति का जिक्र उनके वार्तालाप के अंशो को सुनने पर मिलता है .ईमेल की प्रतिलिपि सलंग्न है .

मेरे द्वारा शिकायत का जवाब दिनाक 24-11-2012 को प्रिंट किया गया पत्र प क्रमांक 0013425599/1 दिनाक 12-12 -2012 को मुंबई ऑफिस ( रिलायंस लाइफ़ इन्शुरन्स कम्पनी लिमिटेड ) से निकल गया और दिनाक 155-12-2012 को इंदौर पोस्ट ऑफिस पर आया और दिनाक 19-12-2012 को मुझे डिलीवर हुआ .प्रति सलंग्न है 

इसी कश्मकश में फ्री लुक का समय निकल गया , में यहाँ यही कहना चाहता हु की आपके कर्मचारियों के द्वारा और अन्य बैंको को जिन्हें कॉरपोरेट एजेंट की तरह कार्य करने के लिए सुनिषित किया गया है के द्वारा किस किस तरह के फंडे अपनाए जा रहे है , एक आम आदमी कैसे जाने की टेलीमार्केटिंग पर कैसे विश्वास करे , हम तो रिलायंस के नाम से प्रभवित होकर लोन और पालिसी लेने को तैयार हो गए और आज 3 महीने से रु 50,000=00 पर ब्याज भर रहे है , और आपके नियमित कर्मचारी की ना इंसाफी की वजह से भुगतना पद रहा है जिन पर इतनी शिकायत के बावजूद भी कोई कार्यवाही नहीं की जा रही है .

आशा है आप इसे समझेगे और इस तरह की मार्केटिंग और धोके से आम लोगो को बचायेंगे , तथा मेरा पूर्ण पैसा रिफंड करने की कृपा करेंगे . अन्यथा मेरे पास आपके खिलाफ कानूनी कार्यवाही के लिए बाध्य हूँ ,


महेंद्र पाण्डेय 
8/5, निहालपुरा , जवाहर मार्ग 

जैसवाल धर्मशाला के पास 
इंदौर-452004- मध्य प्रदेश 
मोबाइल न 09425064010

CC -- 

! चेयरमैन रिलायंस लाइफ इन्शुरन्स कंपनी लिमिटेड - सूचनार्थ इ-मेल -

1 चेयरमैन , मानव अधिकार आयोग न्यू दिल्ली --- कृपया हमारे अधिकारों के हनन से बचाए और इस प्रकार की कार्यविधि को सुनीशित करे और मेरा पूर्ण पैसा वापस की कृपा करे /इ-मेल -:,

2 श्री के श्रीनिवासन ,प्रेसीडेंट / निर्देशक IRDA इंडिया - कृपया जांच करवाए और एक आम आदमी के अधिकारों को सुनिशित करे और मेरा पूर्ण पैसा वापस की कृपा करे /इ-मेल
3 श्री टी वेंकात्श्वारा डिप्टी डायरेक्टर -हैदराबाद IRDA इंडिया - कृपया जांच करवाए और एक आम आदमी के अधिकारों को सुनिशित करे और मेरा पूर्ण पैसा वापस की कृपा करे /इ-मेल
3 श्री अम्बानी जी ,चेयरमैन / मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर रिलायंस लाइफ इन्शुरन्स कंपनी लिमिटेड मुंबई 

4 पुलिस अधीक्षक , ( साइबर क्रा इम इन्वेस्टीगेशन - टेलीमार्केटिंग एवं इन्तेरेनेट फ्रॉड ) न्यू दिल्ली पुलिस दिल्ली इ-मेल -

5 ब्रांच मेनेजर , ICICI बैंक ,वेस्ट एवेन्यू रोड , पंजाबी बाग , दिल्ली, - कृपया अपने कर्मचारियों के कार्यविधि एवं अधिकारों को सुनिशित करे और मेरा पूर्ण पैसा वापस की कृपा करे/ इ-मेल

6 चेयरमैन , ICICI बैंक ( मुख्या कार्यालय हैदराबाद ) - कृपया अपने कर्मचारियों के कार्यविधि एवं अधिकारों को सुनिशित करे और मेरा पूर्ण पैसा वापस करवाने की कृपा करे/

7 राजस्थान पत्रिका ( डेली न्यू पेपर ) - कृपया आम आदमी के अधिकारों को आर्थिक नुकसान और गुमराह क्र बीमा पालिसी'स बेचने वाली कंपनी के खिलाफ आवाज़ उठाये और जांच कर दादात्मक कार्यवाही करवाने में मदद करे , इ-मेल - 

8 श्री अमिताभ श्रीवास्तव, आज-तक ( A TV Channel ) -कृपया आम आदमी के अधिकारों को आर्थिक नुकसान और गुमराह क्र बीमा पालिसी'स बेचने वाली कंपनी के खिलाफ आवाज़ उठाये और जांच कर दादात्मक कार्यवाही करवाने में मदद करे इ मेल -i...@aajtak.Com


Mar 7, 2013, 2:31:54 PM3/7/13
found one more

Dec 20, 2012

cheating as told to provided loan within 45 day of document submission

Respected Sir/Madam, 

Myself Prafulla Laxman Mhatre. I have taken this plan for Rs. 20000 and thereafter promised a loan of 2 lakh against this policy by the agent within 60 days. I have applied for the policy on 30th September and was also promised that the loan will be of 0% interest and i will not have any policy benefits. 
Till today i have not received any info about the loan process or status.

My Policy details are :
Policy Holder: Mr. Prafulla Laxman Mhatre
Client ID of Life Assured: 84548928
Contract No: 50432114

Address: Village-Bamnoli, Post-Thal, Taluka-Alibag, District-Raigad, Maharashtra.
Tel no. 9371234967

Thanks & Regards, 
Prafulla Mhatre

Policy NO- 50395996

! चेयरमैन रिलायंस लाइफ इन्शुरन्स कंपनी लिमिटेड - सूचनार्थ इ-मेल -

1 चेयरमैन , मानव अधिकार आयोग न्यू दिल्ली --- कृपया हमारे अधिकारों के हनन से बचाए और इस प्रकार की कार्यविधि को सुनीशित करे और मेरा पूर्ण पैसा वापस की कृपा करे /इ-मेल -:,

2 श्री के श्रीनिवासन ,प्रेसीडेंट / निर्देशक IRDA इंडिया - कृपया जांच करवाए और एक आम आदमी के अधिकारों को सुनिशित करे और मेरा पूर्ण पैसा वापस की कृपा करे /इ-मेल
3 श्री टी वेंकात्श्वारा डिप्टी डायरेक्टर -हैदराबाद IRDA इंडिया - कृपया जांच करवाए और एक आम आदमी के अधिकारों को सुनिशित करे और मेरा पूर्ण पैसा वापस की कृपा करे /इ-मेल
3 श्री अम्बानी जी ,चेयरमैन / मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर रिलायंस लाइफ इन्शुरन्स कंपनी लिमिटेड मुंबई 

4 पुलिस अधीक्षक , ( साइबर क्रा इम इन्वेस्टीगेशन - टेलीमार्केटिंग एवं इन्तेरेनेट फ्रॉड ) न्यू दिल्ली पुलिस दिल्ली इ-मेल -

5 ब्रांच मेनेजर , ICICI बैंक ,वेस्ट एवेन्यू रोड , पंजाबी बाग , दिल्ली, - कृपया अपने कर्मचारियों के कार्यविधि एवं अधिकारों को सुनिशित करे और मेरा पूर्ण पैसा वापस की कृपा करे/ इ-मेल

6 चेयरमैन , ICICI बैंक ( मुख्या कार्यालय हैदराबाद ) - कृपया अपने कर्मचारियों के कार्यविधि एवं अधिकारों को सुनिशित करे और मेरा पूर्ण पैसा वापस करवाने की कृपा करे/

7 राजस्थान पत्रिका ( डेली न्यू पेपर ) - कृपया आम आदमी के अधिकारों को आर्थिक नुकसान और गुमराह क्र बीमा पालिसी'स बेचने वाली कंपनी के खिलाफ आवाज़ उठाये और जांच कर दादात्मक कार्यवाही करवाने में मदद करे , इ-मेल - 

8 श्री अमिताभ श्रीवास्तव, आज-तक ( A TV Channel ) -कृपया आम आदमी के अधिकारों को आर्थिक नुकसान और गुमराह क्र बीमा पालिसी'स बेचने वाली कंपनी के खिलाफ आवाज़ उठाये और जांच कर दादात्मक कार्यवाही करवाने में मदद करे इ मेल -i...@aajtak.Com


Mar 7, 2013, 2:32:41 PM3/7/13
another one

Sep 24, 2012

Cheating by Reliance Life Insurance Money Multiplier Plan

I am Rahul Kapase from Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.

Few months ago I had a call from Reliance Life Insurance corporate office, Delhi 
from these numbers- 01133641372, 01133641373 & 09718633925.

a person called 'Asha Madam' talked with me as an official person for Reliance Life Insurance.
she asked me that I can get a personnel loan of Rs 300000/- from Reliance Capital against the Reliance Life Insurance Policy.
she told me to start a Reliance Life Insurance Policy to get that Loan amount. as per her quotes, my loan amount chq should have been sent to me exactly after 21 days after I receive the policy documents.

she followed me for more than a week regarding this matter.As I was planning to develop my business I was in need of some money so I agreed to avail this offer at that time. 
Then she send a person (Amit Kakade) from Local Reliance Life Insurance Office with an application form to fill up.

Amit Kakde collected my form (No. D5040826) and a chq of Rs 30000/- (ICICI Bank Chq No. 993868 - dated 2nd Aug 2012) and submitted it to his office.

Then after I received a confirmation call from Reliance Life Insurance office to verify my details. My policy was approved at that time. After some days, I received the Policy documents on my address. I called 'Asha Madam' as per her instructions to submit the policy number for my loan proposal. she again promised me that my chq will come within 15 days. I waited for 15-20 days but I didn't received my loan amount. So I again tried to call Asha's number but she was not there. a person called 'Ashish' received the call and talked me about the whole case, but surprisingly he gave me more details about that offer and told me that I will receive the loan amount within 15th Sep. to 20th Sep. 2012. at that time he also provided me my "Loan-File-num i.e. 3650015" 

again I was waiting for my loan amount. after 20th Sep I was trying to contact on that mobile again, but it is continuously switched off. I tried to call Reliance Life Insurance corporate office at Mumbai, they told me that it may be a fraud case. then I tried to contact Reliance Capital Office for more details but even they are not taking anykind of responsibility for this.

your company person told me that I will receive my loan amount chq within 21 to 30 days after I receive my Policy documents
BUT, even after 45 days I DIDN'T recceived my LOAN AMOUNT of Rs 300000/- 

Now as I have been into a massive Physical,mental & social harashments, I will wait for 2 more days for any kind of reply or call from 'Reliance Life Insurance' or 'Reliance Capital ltd'
otherwise I have decided to go LEGAL against 'Reliance Life Insurance and Reliance Capital' with this case.

for that purpose, I have got following things as a proof of fraud.

Recordings of all phone conversations from Reliance representative since they contacted me.
Recordings of phone calls from Reliance Life Insurance's Mumbai office persons
Recordings of phone calls from Reliance Capital's Mumbai office persons
Recordings of phone calls from Reliance Life Insurance's Kolhapur office person.

Documentations of My Reliance Insurance Policy num 50298609

i hope you take this matter seriously and react with some positive approch to help me.

Thanking You,

Mr. Rahul Kapase,
Cell - 9326928292


Mar 7, 2013, 2:33:37 PM3/7/13
More victims

Sep 4, 2012

cheating as told to provided loan within 45 day of document submission

I am kpmakvana 
my detail
Makvana kalpeshkumar prabhudas
surat, gujarat
for this policy i am regulary contact with vishal goyal-09718633925, 08860001791
Sep 4, 2012

cheating as told to provided loan within 45 day of document submission

Respected Sir/Madam,

Myself Kalpesh Makvana. Recently I have purchased two reliance money multiplier plan. I have purchased it from reliance delhi. Call arrive from delhi regarding policy with tital that “DO REQUIRE 0% LOAN”. So on more detail I will get detail like if I required 2 lakhs loan then I have to pay yearly 20000 for 10 year and after 1st installment, within 45 day I will get loan. So I purchased this after that loan confirmation procedure done on call by reliance employee. They offer more that if you paid 20000 more than you will get 5lakhs cheque of loan instead of 4 lakhs. So I purchased 2nd policy. They mail me regarding Which is as per below.
I am continue follow up for the same and today I have got reply like our top management told us to cancel all the loan file. MY Client ID-83262342,Policy no-50120410,2nd policy no-50162598. My loan file no-0123895.

Please do needful and provide the loan or return my installment. I am person from middle class and this amount is very big for me.I am in regular contact with Mr. Vishal.

I want to return back my money as I am from middle class and this money is very useful for my family marriage shortly. Please do needful. I have some voice recording and mail which is as per below.

Dear Sir,

As per our discussion we will process your loan amount of 5,00,000 Rs. very shortly.
We will release your fund amount to the end of this month.

For any assistant please cotact to Mr. Vishal
Thanks for being a part of our Reliance Family.

Thanks & Regards,
Vijay Kumar

Dear Sir,

We are going to release your loan fund within seven days,and your installment due date will be next consicutive year(on the same date of clearance of cheque).and there wil be no Interest rate on your installments.

Vijay Kumar


Mar 7, 2013, 2:42:12 PM3/7/13
Another victim

Cheating by reliace life insurance

   I got call from 01133641373 & 9718633925 Delhi. The person introduces herself as MANSI and calling from Reliance Life Insurance Company. She told me about interest free loan against Reliance Money Multiplier plan. After conversation with her she transfer this call to her senior Mr. Ravi Gupta He is telling me he is senior manager of Reliance life Insurance/loan dept. He told me same Thing and convinced me fully on it.

By several follow up with these people they convinced me to get 10 times of loan of insurance value at 0% interest for ten years. IE-if i will paid 50000 Then RLIC company will give Rs 500000 for 10 years with 0% interest and benefit of insurance policy will go to RLIC. These people also told me that they we will give me money within 45 days from date of policy paper receive. They also told me that they transfer these 10 lakh rupees within 45 days from policy purchase and then I have to pay policy premium of 1 lakh every year. After 10 years reliance life insurance will take all policy benefit as they already give me 10 lakh in advance with 0% interest.
First it sounds good to ear and any one will attract to i was decided to invest 50,000 of rupees (half year premium payment that is 1 lakh for one year )and want to take loan of 1000000 for ten years with 0% interest so That i had filled their application form and gave required cheque of 50,000 to Reliance collection boy.
After that, phone calls are coming from Reliance people for verification, address verification and lot more. I thought all Things are on line and my 50,000 rupees had all so debited from my account in The name of Reliance Life insurance co ltd.
After that I received policy document and then I wait for 45 days. After 45 days I again start calling them but they are not picking phone calls. They always call me from no 09718633925 and 01133641366. One or two time they pick my phone call and always told me that they required more 10 days or more 15 days like this. They just keep giving me wrong date commitment.
Then I call in reliance customer care I got to know that there is no scheme like this and after that I got to know that these people cheated me so with above subject I call reliance insurance many times and ask them details about this agent but reliance never provide me these information.
It is very strange that reliance don’t have details about their agent. I think reliance insurance company also in line with this agent and they both keep this cheat and fraud business.

Points for reliance 
1. Why there are no details about this type of agents on my policy document.
2. How these person used reliance name for this type of cheat business.
3. Why reliance not provide me address of these agent so that I can file police case.
4. Why reliance customer care not provide me all these information since I call them many times.
5. Very strange feedback from reliance call center that they don’t have these agent details.

Policy details –
1. Name – Dipak B Dahatonde .
2. Address – Pune
3. Policy no 50265819
4. Data- 21 st july 2012

So based on these I want reliance to cancel out my policy and refund my all amount with 12% interest since policy purchase date. Also I want all details about this agent so that I can take legal and criminal action on them.
If reliance not gives me proper feedback within 48 hours I will take below action.

1. File a consumer and criminal case against reliance for hiding agent details and allowing their agent to cheat public on behalf of reliance.
2. File a private complaint against reliance for giving wrong policy document.
3. Escalate this all matter to IRDA in request of taking serious action.
4. Escalate this matter in MEDIA so that everyone knows how reliance work.
5. Escalate all my cell call record with reliance customer care and this agent in MEDIA as well as in consumer court.
6. I got to know from internet that 20-25 persons gets cheated like this so it’s very easy to make a forum against reliance and escalate this matter against them in MEDIA .

Related to IRDA .
1. After talking many times with reliance they told me that this agent is direct agent and their IRDA code is 21395333 I don’t know this is correct or not but if it is correct then IRDA has to cancel out registration of this agent code .
2. In addition to this I want details about this insurance agent from IRDA .
3. I expect that IRDA will take strong action against reliance life insurance about this type of fake business.
4. When I called IRDA its very strange that IRDA told me that they have reliance grievance officer my GOSH no and they give me no 30338181 since I call them many times but it is just their call center no and no possibility to contact their grievance officer on this no. That means reliance also gave fake grievance officer no to IRDA.
5. So based on this all I want IRDA to take a strong action against reliance life insurance so that none of their hide agent and reliance can cheat any more fellow for their valuable money .
6. If required I can submit all my cell call record against this agent and reliance so that this will clear all this cheat business.


Mar 7, 2013, 2:46:22 PM3/7/13


Mar 7, 2013, 2:47:31 PM3/7/13
Here are two more victim I found on the internet

Posted: 27 of Jan, 2013 by rajeshgahlyanSend Mail
Cheating by reliace life insurance

My name is Rajesh Kumar. I got call from 01133641369& 8130738371delhi. The person introduces herself as mansi shina and calling from reliance life insurance company. She told me about interest free loan against reliance money multiplier plan. 
By several follow up with these people they convinced me to get 10 times of loan of insurance value at 0% interest for ten years. Ie-if I will paid 30000 then rlic company will give rs 300000 for 10 years with 0% interest and benefit of insurance policy will go to rlic. These people also told me that they we will give me money within 45 days from date of policy paper receive. They also told me that they transfer these 3 lakh rupees within 45 days from policy purchase and then I have to pay policy premium of 30000 every year. After 10 years reliance life insurance will take all policy benefit as they already give me 3 lakh in advance with 0% interest. 
First it sounds good to ear and any one will attract to it.So I was decided to invest 30,000 rupees every year and want to take loan of 300000 for ten years with 0% interest so that I had filled their application form and gave required cheque of 30,000 to reliance collection boy. 
After that, phone calls are coming from reliance people for verification, address verification and lot more. I thought all things are on line and my 30,000 rupees had all so debited from my account in the name of reliance life insurance co ltd. 
After that I received policy document and then I wait for 45 days. After 45 days I again start calling them but they are not picking phone calls. They provided me 08585957446 if I wish to contact them for future communication.They just keep giving me wrong date commitment. 
Then I call in reliance customer care I got to know that there is no scheme like this and after that I got to know that these people cheated me so with ref.To above subject I call reliance insurance many times and ask them details about this agent but reliance never provide me these information. 

It is very strange that reliance don’t have details about their agent. I think reliance insurance company also in line with this agent and they both keep this cheat and fraud business. 
I have recorded all the conversation between the reliance life insurance broker and my self. 

Calls received from ms. Mansi shina and others are as follows:- 


Name – Rajesh Kumar 
My Policy No – 50452537 
Client ID No- 84595655 
Issue Date- 12/10/2012 
Below are the Agent Details as per my Policy Documents. 
Agent code – 21420911 

Points for reliance 
1. Why there are no details about this type of agents on my policy document. 
2. How these person used reliance name for this type of cheat business. 
3. Why reliance not provide me address of these agent so that I can file police case. 
4. Why reliance customer care not provide me all these information since I call them many times. 
5. Very strange feedback from reliance call center that they don’t have these agent details. 
so based on these I want reliance to cancel out my policy and refund my all amount with 12% interest since policy purchase date. Also I want all details about this agent so that I can take legal and criminal action on them. 
Read Comments
  Posted on 25-Feb-2013 , Posted by Ajay Patel   Send Mail
Hello Guys, 

I am Ajay Patel I am employee with Middle class family. I don't have my own home so i do the saving from last 5 yrs before 5 Month I had a cal from Reliance Insurance and they told me to invest some good money and i get some good bonus with reliance health cash card. I like the offer and i spend my all the saving like 1,00,000 for 2 different type of insurance policy. The policy rule is if i am not getting any benefits from them so i can cancel the policy in 15days so after 10days i have to call them so that time reliance person Payal Sharma - 09540150045 and Rahul Mehra - 08750133231 Told me my Bonus and everything should be ready but take time like 45days so i think they are good people because i trust on reliance now after 45 days they told me that trust me trust trust me because my bonus on the way. I again trust on them but now after 6 month the fucking company reliance's fucking guys are nor response me Payal Sharma - 09540150045 and Rahul Mehra - 08750133231. Last i go for customer Care so they told me that in my policy there are no any benefits and now i cant cancel it and i have to continue policy at-least 3 years. Now my trouble start from here. I am middle class salaried person how i afford 1,00,000 every year. 

I know its my big big mistake to trust on that fucking company and funcking guys. I am in big trouble i spend my all the saving now my son is just 2 and half yrs I don't have my own home i don't have any extra help i lost my all the saving just because of that funcking company and fucking guy. I feel that i have to go for suiced and ask that person nam but i know our low because our low can't do anything for middle class person. 

HERE ARE THE TWO FUCKING PEOPLE WHO FOLL ME. Payal Sharma - 09540150045 and Rahul Mehra - 08750133231 

Here is policy No. 50524273, 50478519 

I have insurance paper there is agent code when i put in reliance site for search by agent code so there is no agent found in reliance site so thats mean there is cheat me and get 2 life insurance policy. First to reliance people misguide me about policy i need medical policy they people talk with me about medical policy and when i agree and pay money then they people give me life insurance policy when i complain to priya sharma she ask me i will send cash less card i am regularly call to she and contact to her for say to this medical policy but she is misguide me. 

Now please there is any person who can help to get back my money from Reliance Insurance FALTU company. I am really so Thankful for it. Please there is any body who can help me. 

Please call me 09726337766 or mail me 

I am really totally blind i am totally stuck. I can't sleep at night i can't consecrate on my work. I think i play with my family's Future just because of trust. PLEASE ANYBODY IS THERE WHO CAN HELP ME. 

I need proper help, I am ready to pay little fees of it. PLEASE GUIDE ME.

On Thursday, March 7, 2013 7:20:17 PM UTC+5:30, MP wrote:


Mar 7, 2013, 4:30:09 PM3/7/13
another victim
Dec 31, 2012

cheated by telling fake plan of 0% Loan on Reliance Life Insurance Policy

Dear sirs,

I got call from 911133641370/911133641374 & mobile 9718633925 (ms. Asha patel) delhi reliance office. This person introduced himself as vishal goyal and said that he is calling from reliance life insurance company. He told me about interest free loan against reliance money multiplier plan. As per the plan if you take the insurance plan for 10 years then you can get a 0% loan of 10 times of annual installment from reliance capital.
Only thing I have to do is to pay 70000 regulary to reliance insurance. As per them by the end of 10 years the insurance amount will be twice what I paid, I.E. 14 lacs. This 14 lacs will be transfered to reliance capital and it will deduct the 7 lacs from it along with the 9% compounded interest.
At the end there will be 65000 rupees left which they will return to me as a token of keeping a good relationship with the reliance.

After one day I got the call from the mobile number of asha. She gave me the reference of vishal goyal as her senior manager, and described the same plan again. Since I was having a long term relationship with reliance, so in good faith I agreed upon the plan and said to send the executive to collect the cheque. I planned to invest 70000 per year, and inturn I was expecting the loan of 7 lacs from reliance capital.

I failed to doubt these guys as reliance capital and reliance insurance are sister concerns. I thought that internally relinace is making a good business by running this policy. It will benefit both, myself and reliance.

I paid the first installment by cheque to reliance insurance. I received the policy in couple of days. I was waiting for the cheque which was supposed to come after one month.
After 30 days I called these guys but they didnt respond to my call. I was bit tensed and then after I called the customer care no. 180030008181 at reliance navi mumbai office for verify the plan of 0% intrest loan. From there I come to know that I am a victim of such a fraud.

Sir I was helpless and I tried various means to figure those guys, but eventually I didnt got the way to work upon this.

It is a humble request to you, if you can enquire on the same so that some measures can be taken to stop such mishaps.

prashant jain

On Thursday, March 7, 2013 7:20:17 PM UTC+5:30, MP wrote:


Mar 7, 2013, 4:44:04 PM3/7/13
another victim

My name is Johnson Chandrakant Kalbhor, Reliance life insurance agent / broker & people cheat me, from Delhi call center (Ph no.01141102600 & 01145062723) Mr. Rajeev chavan call me and told me that if “You take Reliance life insurance policy then GE Money will give me 1, 50,000/- loan on this Reliance life insurance”
They told me on 29 Aug 2012 I will get 1, 50,000/- in my account. I told them I am not interested in reliance life insurance policy I need loan for my home, but they told me if you want loan then you have to take Reliance life insurance policy then they told me that I have to pay 2051/- EMI for this loan for 10Years, Then Some Mr. Malhotra called me & telling me that he is Rajeev Chavan Boss calling for verification so I told Mr.Malhotra also I am not interested in reliance life insurance policy I need loan for built my home. They told me “Johnson sir 200% sure you will get this loan on 29Aug2012. 
So I taken Rs. 15000/- Reliance life insurance Policy on 16th August 2012 & I Called on 29 Aug 2012 to Mr.Rajeev Chavan to ask what happened about my loan amount? So he replied me that he deposited two chq’s in my HDFC account & it will be cleared on 3rd of Sept 2012, But Chq was not cleared, then on 3rd sept he told me it will cleared on next day, but it not cleared, On 4th Sept 2012 he not picking my call, On these fraud people’s commitment I given some money to my builder & I lost my Rs.50, 000/- ! So who will Pay these 50,000/- 
I want to raise a complaint on Mr. Rajeev Chavan & Mr.Malhotra & I want to know who bear My Rs.50, 000/-loss & I will don’t know how many people are making fool from Reliance life insurance call Center! 



On Thursday, March 7, 2013 7:20:17 PM UTC+5:30, MP wrote:


Mar 7, 2013, 4:49:08 PM3/7/13
Another victim


Reliance Life Insurance

2 Reviews
  sachin gwande on Feb 6, 2013

Reliance life insurance money multiper plan - Miss introduce the plan of 0% interest loan against the same within 45 days

Dear sir,

Refer attached mail regarding complaint of misguide or mis introduce against 0% rate of intrest against reliance life insurance money multiplier plan. I got call from +911133641373 & Mb +919718842942(Mr. Ashish Singh) Delhi Reliance office. This person introduce himself as name Mr. Mr. Ashish Singh & Miss. Sunita Varma and calling from Reliance Life Insurance company (Address :- Reliance fund Management Departments, 2nd floor scrya kiran bulding, Bardhklenbe road, C.P., Delhi) he told me about interest free loan against Reliance Money Multiplier plan. After conversation with he. He transfers the call to her senior Mr. Ashish Singh. He is telling me he is senior manager of Reliance life Insurance/loan dept. He told me same Thing and convinced me fully on it.

By several follow up with these people they convinced me to get 10 times of loan of insurance value at 0% interest for ten years. Your Mb. No. is selected by IRDA for 0% load for ten years against the same plan IE-if I will pay 50000 then RLIC Company will give Rs 500000 for 10 years with 0% interest and benefit of insurance policy will go to RLIC. These people had all so send me a Reliance brochure where They are writing "RELIANCE MULTIPLIER PLAN-GET LOAN WITHIN 45 DAYS to 90 DAYS WITH 0% INTEREST'

So i was decided to invest 20,000/- (twenty thousand) of rupees and take loan of 2, 00,000/- (two laces) for ten years with 0% interest. And I took a policy on 29/11/2013.

But till date I have not received any loan conformation from contacted person from RILC call centre
they cheat me.
Hence request RILC to take action against miss introduce Planner of company plan & Reliance Company.
Please requesting you to return my amount of 20,000/- urgently.
Please look into the matter URGENTLY.
This is for your information & necessary action.
POLICY NO. 50547239

Thanks & Regards, 

Sachin Gawande

On Thursday, March 7, 2013 7:20:17 PM UTC+5:30, MP wrote:


Mar 7, 2013, 4:54:42 PM3/7/13
another victim


Default cheated by reliance life insurance agent

my name is sarfaraz patel
on 12th of june i got a call from mr.rahul chaudhry(07503015373) and he said that i m calling from reliance company and company selected you as a special customer and offering a 1o lacs to 20 lacs loan on 0%interst.on you have to pay in 10yrs. means if u r taking 10 lacs laon then u hav to pay 1 lac evry year.but for this amount first u hav to buy a reliance life insurance policy and after ypur policy activate u vl get loan amount within 30 to 45 working days..and policy premium is consider as your 1st year repayment on loan amount.
i said okiii and i buy the policy of 1.5lacs premium evry year against loan amount of 15 lacs.
i got my policy but there is no any benefites of loan on behalf of this policy no-50186824 and 50182175
i called customer care then they said that there is no any loan provide by reliance company.
so please help me sir what should i do now.
my number is 96876 22003

On Thursday, March 7, 2013 7:20:17 PM UTC+5:30, MP wrote:


Mar 7, 2013, 4:57:30 PM3/7/13
another victim


Default Cheated with fraud loan offer

Hello sir,

My name is Rahul Nambiar. I got a call from Ankit & Kajal (Cell# - 8010490989) who disguised as the officials of Reliance Life insurance and offered me 0% interest loan from Reliance. They said that for getting the loan amount you have to buy a Reliance Life Insurance policy first. Also, said that I would get the loan amount within 30 to 45 working days and policy premium is consider as your 1st year repayment on loan amount. As per them, I bought the policy paying the first premium of R.S/-1.6 Lakh. I got the policy documents within a week’s time. But it has nothing regarding the loan benefits as offered. When I call them, they’re not answering my call.
My Policy No – 50386195 & 50387033

Below are the Agent Details as per my Policy Documents.
Agent code – 21397175
Agent Name – A B Capital

I beg you to investigate this and help me in here to cancel my policies and refund my premium amount. I really don’t want to continue with this.
My Number - 9975150650

On Thursday, March 7, 2013 7:20:17 PM UTC+5:30, MP wrote:


Mar 7, 2013, 5:08:27 PM3/7/13

KVSPrashanthi is offlineJunior Member
Join Date
Oct 2011

Default Reliance insurance policy fraud-04.10.2011

I am Prashanthi working for PSU
Policy no: 18472670; Advisor code: 21220096; Advisor name: AB Capital; Advisor name: Priyanka.
Some time in Jan/Feb’2011, I received a call from Mr. Rohit (contact no. 011 64642603) stating that he is from ‘Barclays bank’ and I was offered personal loan of upto 10 lakh rupees on a mere 8% flat interest rate. However, he mentioned that in order to avail the offer, I should take a particular policy from Reliance Life Insurance Company Ltd. (with whom they have tie-ups for such loans) for an amount of 10% of the loan amount. I was informed that the policy had to be taken to make the personal loan secure in the case of any default from my side. I was also told that I need to pay the premium of 10% of the loan amount only once and the policy would remain valid for the entire loan period which I select. After the repayment of the entire loan amount along with interest, the policy will mature and the amount along with policy benefits will be returned to me. When I questioned him about the reasonable interest rate which the bank is charging, he said that it is a part of their promotional campaign and only few selected customers can avail the offer and not everyone. Further, he also made me talk to his senior, Mr. Sameer (contact no. 01164674744) who also confirmed me the same details. 
Subsequent to that I received calls from Mr. Rohit time and again asking me to confirm the loan amount. Since I was in very much need of money at that time and also since the loan offered was coming at a very low interest rate (as compared to market rates), I decided to go ahead for a loan amount of 2 lakh rupees. So I filled up the Reliance Life Insurance Company Ltd. application form for an amount of 20,000 rupees (10 % of the loan amount I requested). While filling the application, against col. ‘Purpose of Insurance’ I had written ‘Secured loan-2 lakhs’ whereas now in the application enclosed along with the policy I received, it appears ‘Investment’. It may be mentioned here that I do not require to invest anything more as I have already enough policies from tax savings point of view. 
Now as I mentioned above, I received this policy in March’2011. From the policy document, I noticed that I should report any discrepancy in the policy within 15 days of receipt of the same. However, after 10 days of receipt of the policy, I received a call from Mr. Rohit stating that the loan amount of 2 lakh rupees is under process and that my file is in their Mumbai office and it is likely that within a week’s time I would be receiving the DD/Cheque for the said amount. I told him that in the policy document, it was mentioned that I have to pay the premium of 20,000 rupees for a period of 10 years to which he replied that it is not an issue and it would be resolved once I receive the loan amount along with the letter from Barclays where it would be mentioned that the premium duration is one time only and the same would also be endorsed by Reliance Life Insurance. Somehow I believed what he said and did not report the matter to Reliance Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 
I had been receiving calls from Mr. Rohit/Sameer once in 15 days and had been convincing me that I would receive the Loan amount due to which I did not think of lodging the complaint but when he stopped taking my calls in May and infact never spoken to me after May 15 I doubted their intentions and I understood that it is complete fraud. He was shrewd enough to nag the issue for more than 15 days trying to convince me. But since the valuable time of 15 days was already completed by that time, I personally went to Noida branch in May End where I met an officer to help me out of the situation. He asked me to give a written complaint regarding the same. 
the details indicated in the policy are not personally filed by me and certain important details are found erroneous

I do not require any policy from savings point of view. 

I hate the fact that someone had guts enough to cheat us.....I just want my money back . Can someone please advise me the right channel to be approached to put these looters and beggars who resort to such cheap ways to earn money behind bars

On Thursday, March 7, 2013 7:20:17 PM UTC+5:30, MP wrote:


Mar 7, 2013, 5:13:43 PM3/7/13
another victim

Dec 24, 2012

Cheating-0% interest loan against MMP plan

got call from+911409807682 ,+919654647614 (Mr. Varun Sood) & +919873570303 (Mr. Nikhil Saxena) Delhi . These person introduced themselves as Varun & Nikhil Saxena and calling from Reliance Life Insurance Company Delhi. Varun started me telling about interest free loan against Reliance Money Multiplier plan. This plan is for selective 10000 people as reliance entering into banking sector in 2014. Reliance wants to build a good relationship with these customers & that is the reason they are offering this scheme. After conversation with him, he transferred this call to his senior Nikhil Saxena. He told me same thing and convinced me fully on it. By several follow up with these people they convinced me to get 10 times of loan of insurance value at 0% interest for ten years. i.e.if i will paid 50000 Then RLIC company will give Rs 500000 for 10 years with 0% interest and benefit of insurance policy will go to RLIC. These people also told me that they will give me loan money within 30 - 45 days from date of policy paper receive followed by a welcome kit containing all telephonic discussion (about Loan Policy) & a visit from reliance loan department . So I decided to invest 50,000 & completed documentation and gave required cheque of 50,000 to Reliance collection boy. After that, phone calls are coming from Reliance people for verification, address verification and lot more. I thought all Things are on line and my 50,000 rupees had all so debited from my account in The name of Reliance Life insurance co ltd. My policy got enforced on 2 Nov 2012 (Policy No. 50495335) & I received bond on 26 Nov.I started follow up for welcome kit & loan verification department but didn't get satisfied answers. I wrote on 8 dec to RLI about the incidents & asked for few details like agent details,any actions against such fraud agents, whether such plan exists?... but till date I have not received any satisfactory answer.

On Thursday, March 7, 2013 7:20:17 PM UTC+5:30, MP wrote:


Mar 7, 2013, 5:17:29 PM3/7/13

Reliance Life Insurance

3 Reviews
  Harshad Ghanshyam Buddhadev on Nov 26, 2012

Missguide/wrong commitment for sale policy

I was got a phone call from Delhi Citi Bank H.O that have you required any personal loan of Rs. 3 to 5 lacs . I show interest the caller say you have to purchase Reliance insurance Product the prem, for that is Rs 24000/ after you purchased policy of Reliance we will sancationed 3 lac O/d in your existing bank a/c against the policy you purchased. 

As per his instrucation Reliance execuative visited my place and filled form of ins. and collect chq. of Rs. 24000/ after that I got policy of Reliance Life Insurance Money Mulitiplier Plan dated 30th Sept.,my claint id is 
84548725 and contract no is 50432126 in my name Harshad Ghanshyam Buddhadev. the policy Agent/Broker
code: 21357987 Name Deepak Kumar Dehil.

My compliant is I was cheated and misguided and to sale Reliance Policy the Tele caller done a wrong commitment that if you have purchased the Reliance insurance the Citi Bank sancationed you a 3 lac O/D in your account it's approx passed 50 to 60 days but I will not get any O/D inspite of that I had missguided and blocked my Rs.24000/ to purchased the policy.
Is Reliance Agent do awrong commitment to sale policy is it is frod do astrct action against the person who are involed in it and return me my prem. of Rs.24000/ if they are not Sanctionrd my o/ the earliest.
Harshad Buddhadec
mail id. harsh.harsh511@redffmail .com

On Thursday, March 7, 2013 7:20:17 PM UTC+5:30, MP wrote:


Mar 7, 2013, 5:28:34 PM3/7/13
another victim

 sachin gwande on Feb 7, 2013

Miss introduce the plan of 0% interest load against the same within 45 days

SUBJECT: - Reliance life insurance money multiper plan - Miss introduce the plan of 0% interest loan against the same within 45 days 
Dear sir,

Refer attached mail regarding complaint of misguide or miss introduce against 0% rate of interest against reliance life insurance money multiplier plan. I got call from +911133641373 & Mb +919718842942(Mr. Ashish Singh) Delhi Reliance office. This person introduce himself as name Mr. Mr. Ashish Singh & Miss. Sunita Varma and calling from Reliance Life Insurance company (Address :- Reliance fund Management Departments, 2nd floor scary kiran bulding, Bardhklenbe road, C.P., Delhi) he told me about interest free loan against Reliance Money Multiplier plan. After conversation with he. He transfers the call to her senior Mr. Ashish Singh. He is telling me he is senior manager of Reliance life Insurance/loan dept. He told me same Thing and convinced me fully on it.

By several follow up with these people they convinced me to get 10 times of loan of insurance value at 0% interest for ten years. Your Mb. No. is selected by IRDA for 0% load for ten years against the same plan IE-if I will pay 50000 then RLIC Company will give Rs 500000 for 10 years with 0% interest and benefit of insurance policy will go to RLIC. 

So i was decided to invest 20,000/- (twenty thousand) of rupees and take loan of 2, 00,000/- (two laces) for ten years with 0% interest. And I took a policy on 29/11/2013.

But till date I have not received any loan conformation from contacted person from RILC call centre
they cheat me.
Hence request RILC to take action against miss introduce Planner of company plan & Reliance Company.
Please requesting you to return my amount of 20,000/- urgently.
Please look into the matter URGENTLY.
This is for your information & necessary action.
POLICY NO. 50547239

Thanks & Regards, 

Sachin Gawande

On Thursday, March 7, 2013 7:20:17 PM UTC+5:30, MP wrote:


Mar 7, 2013, 5:30:51 PM3/7/13
another victim

  pankajgindewar on Aug 18, 2012

mis introduce the plan of 0% intrest load agaisnt the same withing 45 days


Reliance Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Navi Mumbai, 

Subject :- Complaint of Misguide/Mis introduce the plan of reliance life insurance money multiplier plan for Loan 0% rate of intrest within 45 days to 90 days after taking the same plan.

Applicant :- Pankaj Gindewar (8349992607)

Dear sir,

Refer attached mail regarding complaint of misguide or mis introduce against 0% rate of intrest against reliance life insurance money multiplier plan. I got call from 01145062731/1140982606 & Mb 9650143845 (Mr. Rajeev Malhotra) Delhi Reliance office.This person introduce himself as name Mr. Rajeev Malhotra & Kamal and calling from Reliance Life Insurance company (Address :- Reliance fund Management Departments, 2nd floor scrya kiran bulding, Bardhklenbe road, C.P., Delhi) he told me about interest free loan against Reliance Money Multiplier plan.After conversation with he. He transfer The call to her senior mr Kamal.He is telling me he is senior manager of Reliance life Insurance/loan dept.He told me same Thing and convinced me fully on it.

By several follow up with these people They convinced me to get 10 times of loan of insurance value at 0% interest for ten years. Your Mb. No. is selected by IRDA for 0% load for ten years against the same plan IE-if i will paid 50000 Then RLIC company will give Rs 500000 for 10 years wiTh 0% interest and benefit of insurance policy will go to RLIC.These people had all so send me a Reliance brochure where They are writing "RELIANCE MULTIPLIER PLAN-GET LOAN WITHIN 45 DAYS to 90 DAYS WITH 0% INTEREST'

first it sounds good to ear and any one will attract to i was decided to invest i lac of rupees and take loan of 1000000 for ten years with 0% interest then i call to CUSTOMER CARE NO. 180030008181 At Reliance Navi mumbai office for verify the plan of 0% intrest loan. in office, clear that there in plan in this time.

Hence request you to take action against mis intruduce Planner of company plan & reliance company.


Pankaj Gindewar


On Thursday, March 7, 2013 7:20:17 PM UTC+5:30, MP wrote:


Mar 7, 2013, 5:38:52 PM3/7/13
to is offlineJunior Member
Join Date
Aug 2012

Arrow fraud by Deustche Bank employee

Dear Sir,
Mr.Devender Malik and Ms.Pooja Malhotra of deustche bank Mobile No. 08742983223 and 9540169979 respectively contacted me in Apr,2012 for personnel loan.They stated that they are from the deusche bank.They have made many calls and they proposed 5% interest rate ie Rs 5000/-for rs 100000 in a year.I asked how it is possible to provide in such rate than they said that u have to deposit Rs.10000/- for one lakh for the insurance.Incase of any mishappening bank will recover that money from the insurance company.and on completion of EMI these Rs.10000 will be given back to you with 5 % interest.
I applied for Rs.2 Lacs loan and they asked me to give a cheque of Rs.20000 in the name of Reliance life Insurance along with other documents.They filled the form for loan and reliance insurance and said you will get loan draft in 10 days time.
My cheque was debitted from my account on 21 st May,2012.
After 10 days I contracted Mr.Malik he said first they will be sending the documents and you send us the scan copy than we will release the draft.
I informed them about the policy documents I recieved it was from reliance insurance .I said them that thisis the money multiplier policy.Than Mr.malik said u send us the scan copy and u will recieve the draft with in 2-3 days mean while they send their repersentative to take the undertaking from me that I have read the content of policy and I am agreed with these.(In my opinin they have taken the undertaking because there were 15 days trial period in the policy that incase i am not agreed i can resend to relience and they will make the payment back.But I lost that chance because Mr.Malik and pooja were continously assuring me that your draft is ready but due to server probelm or mr.malik is on leave for 2-3 days we will provide u the draft on Monday ,wednesday etc.They made atleast 10-15 assurance.I continously called them on phone but Mr.Malik is not picking up the phone this is being attended by his colleque every time saying that he is in meeting and will call u back which never happened since July 15 on wards.Some times they said that Mr.Malik has left the job,He has been transfereed but he is there it self same with the case of pooja it self.When some body is picking up the phone they inquired regarding what for u need to speak and when I informed them about the draft than every time they ask me the date of birth supposing that they are checking on the system and than informed me that your draft is ready in delhi office but we are waiting for the relase orderfrom Mumbai HO.When I have inquired their office address they said s-43,Vikas Marg,Near ICICI Bank Preet vihar new Delhi(Finanace dept)but I doubt.It looks that they have cheated me badly by giving me the policy unneccessarily which I never wanted.I was in extreme need of money.Now what I should do.
Rajpal Singh 

On Thursday, March 7, 2013 7:20:17 PM UTC+5:30, MP wrote:

Adnan Sayyed

Mar 9, 2013, 11:49:21 AM3/9/13
Me name is Adnan Sayyed 9975295315
I am been cheated for this 0% fraud. I am filing a suit against reliance and need more people to join in.
Contact me

Apr 19, 2013, 4:08:26 PM4/19/13

Dear Customer


It gives me immense pleasure to offer first of its complaint website in India specifically only for life insurance customers

In today era where everybody is looking to sell some or the other things, we are here to service you , As we believe in service

The aim of the website is to be intermediate between the life insurance customers and life insurance companies in India creating win-win situation between both parties and thereby catering financial well-being of customers

The aggrieved customer only have to file their complaint against respective insurer and we will do end to end follow up to ensure satisfactory resolution.

If you are fed up with your insurance company and feels like cheated, gives us your complaint we will assure you that it will be heard .If you have any complaint just fill details and we will get it resolve it



Incase you are not in need; please pass on the message to the needy.



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On Thursday, March 7, 2013 7:20:17 PM UTC+5:30, MP wrote:
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