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Re: Little green men WAS; Whites (boring like Topaz)

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Ördög Mephisto Belphegor Lucifer Satan

Jan 1, 2017, 9:37:33 PM1/1/17
Topaz <> live on stage:

> A great youtube on Whites


This is a lot more fun:

"REAL-LIFE STAR WARS? US Army chief admits soldiers will soon battle
'little green men'
THE head of the US army made a startling admission that troops will soon
be battling "hybrid armies" and "little green men" which has left alien
conspiracy online forums doing somersaults."


(A Hungarian Devil in service of maintaining sanity in aus.politics and


Jan 2, 2017, 10:34:28 AM1/2/17

"One of the most tale-telling statistics that anyone can look up is
the number of white women raped by black men, versus the number of
black women raped by white men on any given year in the modern era.
What you will find is a statistic so lopsided that it cannot be
ignored. I'm talking something a thousand to 1 kind of stats.
There can be no doubt, the white race itself is now being 'raped'
through political coercion where we are made to stand and watch while
our very existence is slowly being snuffed.
I am quite certain that as the human race continues to decline
and someday may destroy itself, the single greatest domino that set
such dire final outcomes in motion was the forced integration of the
African black race into that of western civilized culture. Comparison
Observations of many and perhaps 'all' aspects of measured human
behavior, one before civil rights legislation and forced integration,
and one after...will give one the same clear demarcation in human
social development, away from the civilized condition, back to the
jungle cruelty and harshness...and chaos through out. People don't
like to hear this, but what is, is."

Greg Carr

Jan 2, 2017, 2:31:55 PM1/2/17
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
You are the Aryan Kenneth Strom of Anchorage, Alaska and you are a convicted kiddie diddler and went to jail for it.

Ördög Mephisto Belphegor Lucifer Satan

Jan 2, 2017, 4:27:32 PM1/2/17
Topaz <> live on stage:

> "One of the most tale-telling statistics ...

"White men account for 69 percent of those arrested for violent crimes."

— Sally Kohn on Thursday, March 19th, 2015 in an opinion piece on
Sally Kohn: 'White men account for 69 percent of those arrested for
violent crimes"

Statistics are interesting tools ... one can twist the conclusions drawn
any which-way one likes depending on the political outcome one is after,


(A Devil in service of maintaining sanity in aus.politics and Usenet)

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 2, 2017, 4:39:07 PM1/2/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil"

> "One of the most tale-telling statistics....

SPLC Releases Map of Neo-Nazi, Skinhead, Confederate, Patriot Groups —
Which State is the King of Hate?


...and the winner is ...California! YAY!

The USA is where the white supremacists scum and neo-Nazis have found safe
harbour in the social sewers of humanity. They dream again of total World
domination based on racism which was denied to them with the end of WW II.

Let's not give it to them!
Happy Nazi hunting everyone all over the World throughout 2017!


Neo-Nazis still live in the dark glory of the Drittes Reich!
Luckily modern Germany has moved on!

But hey, Nazis and neo-Nazis always have a strange relationship with the
our Universe.
Maybe Topaz should search for another Universe to live in?

Posting brain-fart copy&paste verbal vomit that is exclusively directed
for consumption by demented extremist US right retards achieves absolutely
nothing when its is dumped into non-US newsgroups.

The only reason Topaz can't come to grips with this simple fact is that it
is a neo-Nazi.


Dangerous brain atavism is typically found among neo-Nazis.
And no sane person desires to follow that kind of madness.

Look what have I found:

Well, these threads have been going on for far too long and their contents
have remained the same post after post after post...
It must be obvious to anyone mad enough to follow these threads that Topaz
the Nazi propaganda bot can not come up with anything new...nothing beyond
regurgitated garbage dumped into Usenet and all other Internet forums long
ago as moral booster for the unloved Neo-Nazi Cyber-Sturmtruppen.

At this point in time there is no more need to put more energy in
responding to each bit of Nazi kookery and propaganda Topaz dumps on a
post by post basis.

So here follows the summary of my responses:

I pointed out that:

1 Hitler was an insane kook with pet hates directed by his prejudices

2 His pure Aryan genealogy is just a make-belief lie!

3 His Nazi team was made up of bloodthirsty thugs and intellectual

4 The Nazis wanted to exterminate the Jews, the Roma, Arabs, Slavs,
Hungarians, etc...

5 US neo-Nazis also targeting Blacks, Latinos and Asians based on the
manufactured white race myth.

6 Neo-Nazis want to resurrect the Third Reich with all its laws and
brutal enforcement machinery

7 Neo-Nazis prefer fascism to democracy which they hate passionately

8 Neo-Nazis also hate the political Left which they wish to exterminate

9 The current Neo-Nazi leaders are corrupt criminal crooks preaching
revisionist kookery

10 Neo-Nazis are as trust-worthy as rabid dogs are
... if you let them out of their isolation they will bite you to

Conclusion: Topaz is an impotently raging Sturmtrupper; ineffectual and
boring in his delivery of Nazi propaganda!


Lock all Nazi fuckers up for good! Lets enjoy our "Kristalltag"!


Jan 3, 2017, 5:14:21 PM1/3/17

Safest / Most Dangerous Cities and Percentage of Blacks

Safest Cities (75,000 or more) per

1. Amherst, N.Y 3.9%

2. Newton, Mass. 2.0%

3. Mission Viejo, Calif. 1.1%

4. Cary, N.C. 6.1%

5. Brick Township, N.J. (Less than 1% as computed by dividing 75,325
population into 751 blacks)

6. Simi Valley, Calif. 1.3%

7. Sunnyvale, Calif. 2.2%

8. Colonie, N.Y. 3.5%

9. Sterling Heights, Mich. 1.3%

10. Clarkstown, N.Y 7.9%

Most Dangerous Cities (75,000 or more) per

1. Detroit 81.6%

2. Atlanta 61.4%

3. St. Louis 51.2%

4. Baltimore 64.3%

5. Gary, Ind. 84.0%

6. Camden, N.J. 53.3%

7. Tampa 26.1%

8. West Palm Beach, Fla. 32.2%

9. Compton, Calif. 40.3% (White non-Hispanic 1.0%)

10. Memphis, Tenn. 61.4%


Jan 3, 2017, 5:18:21 PM1/3/17

Why They Hate Us
by Joseph Sobran

Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so
large as to be almost inexpressible. It's Western
exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the
world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western
power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have
disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel
not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they
don't grasp what it really means: humiliation. The white
man presents an image of superiority even when he isn't
conscious of it. And superiority excites envy. Destroying
white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of
designated victims we call 'minorities.'

From Sobran's Newsletter, April 1997

Greg Carr

Jan 3, 2017, 5:19:11 PM1/3/17
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
How about the number of children molested per city according to the number of Nazi's in that burg.

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 3, 2017, 6:42:53 PM1/3/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> Why They Hate Us ...

Who the fuck knows wy?
Neo-Nazis just hate everyone who ain't a Nazi for the sake of hating!

> Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be
> almost inexpressible.

But than tall trees topple the first when the storm comes and it is on
its way no doubt about that. Brexit, Trump and similar shit cant go on
forever without causing a major world wide drama. All that self grandeur
went to the heads of so many small minds, specially in the US.

Yep. The Germans had a nasty awakening to the fact that the Nazis had
brought them to a nation wide disaster.
Anyone who believes now in the neo-Nazi hype and hate propaganda giving
them support and propaganda oxygen one day will end up the same way.

Nazi propaganda is hereby flushed! And Topaz with it!
Happy Nazi hunting Everyone throughout 2017!

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 3, 2017, 6:54:18 PM1/3/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> Safest / Most Dangerous Cities....blah!

...all in the USA! YAY!
"Hate Groups are currently operating in the US. Track them below with our
Hate Map."

BTW that all irrelevant US centric crap so why post it all over the World?
Is it because neo-Nazi hate knows no boundaries???

Toward the end of World War II it has become very clear to all freedom
loving sane humans all over the planet what terrible tragedy the Nazis
have brought upon our World! And to what end: ruthless World domination by
a pathetic racist few!

"Enough of that!" was the consensus of people working towards the Nazis

But decades later the low-lives scum are back hoping for a second chance

Let's not give it to them!
Happy Nazi hunting everyone all over the World throughout 2017!


Jan 3, 2017, 7:34:05 PM1/3/17

Obviously losing the war didn't prove they were wrong. It only proved
they were outnumbered. Compare the size of Germany to the size of the
Jewish controlled countries, the USA and the USSR. Hitler made Germany
great. Of course the Jew parasites couldn't stand that. Unfortunately
the bad side won the war.

An article by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, January 21, 1945
The Creators of the World's Misfortunes
by Joseph Goebbels

One could not understand this war if one did not always keep in mind
the fact that International Jewry stands behind all the unnatural
forces that our united enemies use to attempt to deceive the world and
keep humanity in the dark. It is so to speak the mortar that holds the
enemy coalition firmly together, despite its differences of class,
ideology and interests. Capitalism and Bolshevism have the same Jewish
roots, two branches of the same tree that in the end bear the same
fruit. International Jewry uses both in its own way to suppress the
nations and keep them in its service. How deep its influence on public
opinion is in all the enemy countries and many neutral nations is
plain to see that it may never be named in newspapers, speeches and
radio broadcasts. There is a law in the Soviet Union that punishes
anti-Semitism - or in plain English, public education about the Jewish
Question - by death. The expert in these matters is in no way
surprised that a leading spokesman for the Kremlin said over the New
Year that the Soviet Union would not rest until this law was valid
throughout the world. In other words, the enemy clearly says that its
goal in this war is to put the total domination of Jewry over the
nations of the earth under legal protection, and to threaten even a
discussion of this shameful attempt with the death penalty.

It is little different in the plutocratic nations. There the struggle
against the impudent usurpation of the Jewish race is not punished by
the executioner, rather by death through economic and social boycott
and by intellectual terror. This has the same effect in the end.
Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt were made by the Jewry. They enjoy its
full support and reward it with their full protection. They present
themselves in their speeches as upright men of civil courage, yet one
never hears even a word against the Jews, even though there is growing
hatred among their people as a result of this war, a hatred that is
fully justified. Jewry is a tabu theme in the enemy countries. It
stands outside every legal boundary and thus becomes the tyrant of its
host peoples. While enemy soldiers fight, bleed and die at the front,
the Jews make money from their sacrifice on the stock exchanges and
black markets. If a brave man dares to step forward and accuse the
Jews of their crimes, he will be mocked and spat on by their press,
chased from his job or otherwise impoverished, and be brought into
public contempt. Even that is apparently not enough for the Jews. They
want to bring Soviet conditions to the whole world: to give Jewry
absolute power and freedom from prosecution. He who objects or even
debates the matter gets a bullet in the back of his head or an axe
through his neck. There is no worse tyranny than this. This is the
epitome of the public and secret disgrace that Jewry inflicts on the
nations that deserve freedom.

That is all long behind us. Yet it still threatens us in the distance.
We have, it is true, entirely broken the power of the Jews in the
Reich, but they have not given up. They did not rest until they had
mobilized the whole world against us. Since they could no longer
conquer Germany from within, they want to try it from without. Every
Russian, English and American soldier is a mercenary of this world
conspiracy of a parasitic race. Given the current state of the war,
who could still believe that they are fighting and dying at the front
for the national interests of their countries! The nations want a
decent peace, but the Jews are against it. They know that the end of
the war would mean the dawning knowledge of humanity of the unhealthy
role that International Jewry played in preparing for and carrying out
this war. They fear being unmasked, which has in fact become
unavoidable and must inevitably come, just as the day follows the
night. That explains their raging bursts of hatred against us, which
are only the result of their fear and their feelings of inferiority.
They are too eager, and that makes them suspicious. International
Jewry will not succeed in turning this war to its advantage. Things
are already too far along. The hour will come in which all the peoples
of the earth will awake, and the Jews will be the victims. Here too
things can only go so far.

It is an old, often-used method of International Jewry to discredit
education and knowledge about its corrupting nature and drives,
thereby depending on the weaknesses of those people who easily confuse
cause with effect. The Jews are also masters at manipulating public
opinion, which they dominate through their network of news agencies
and press concerns that reaches throughout the world. The pitiful
illusion of a free press is one of the methods they use to stupefy the
publics of enemy lands. If the enemy press is as free as it pretends
to be, let it take an open position, for or against, on the Jewish
Question. It will not do that because it cannot and may not do so. The
Jews love to mock and criticize everything except themselves, although
everyone knows that they are most in need of public criticism. This is
where the so-called freedom of the press in enemy countries ends.
Newspapers, parliaments, statesmen and church leaders must be silent
here. Crimes and vices, filth and corruption are covered by the
blanket of love. The Jews have total control of public opinion in
enemy countries, and he who has that is also master of all of public
life. Only the nations that have to accept such a condition are to be
pitied. The Jews mislead them into believing that the German nation is
backward. Our alleged backwardness is actually proof of our progress.
We have recognized the Jews as a national and international danger,
and from this knowledge have drawn compelling conclusions. This German
knowledge will become the knowledge of he world at the end of this
war. We think it our primary duty to do everything in our power to
make that happen.

Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull
and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war. They are the
incarnation of that destructive force that in these terrible years has
guided the enemy war leadership in a fight against all that we see as
noble, beautiful and worth keeping. For that reason alone the Jews
hate it. They despite our culture and learning, which they perceive as
towering over their nomadic worldview. They fear our economic and
social standards, which leave no room for their parasitic drives, They
are the enemy of our domestic order, which has excluded their
anarchistic tendencies. Germany is the first nation in the world that
is entirely free of the Jews. That is the prime cause of its political
and economic balance. Since their expulsion from the German national
body has made it impossible for them to shake this balance from
within, they lead the nations they have deceived in battle against us
from without. It is fine with them, in fact it is part of their plan,
that Europe in the process will lose a large part of its cultural
values. The Jews had no part in their creation. They do not understand
them. A deep racial instinct tells them that since these heights of
human creative activity are forever out of their reach, they must
attack them today with hatred. The day is not distant when the nations
of Europe, yes, even those of the whole world, will shout: The Jews
are guilty for all our misfortunes! They must be called to account,
and soon and thoroughly!
International Jewry is ready with its alibi. Just as during the great
reckoning in Germany, they will attempt to look innocent and say that
one needs a scapegoat, and they are it. But that will no longer help
them, just as it did not help them during the National Socialist
revolution, The proof of their historical guilt, in details large and
small, is so plain that they can no longer be denied even with the
most clever lies and hypocrisy.

Who is it that drives the Russians, the English and the Americans into
battle and sacrifices huge numbers of human lives in a hopeless
struggle against the German people? The Jews! Their newspapers and
radio broadcasts spread the songs of war while the nations they have
deceived are led to the slaughter. Who is it that invents new plans of
hatred and destruction against us every day, making this war into a
dreadful case of self-mutilation and self-destruction of European life
and its economy, education and culture? The Jews! Who devised the
unnatural marriage between England and the USA on one side and
Bolshevism on the other, building it up and jealously ensuring its
continuance? Who covers the most perverse political situations with
cynical hypocrisy from a trembling fear that a new way could lead the
nations to realize the true causes of this terrible human catastrophe?
The Jews, only the Jews! They are named Morgenthau and Lehmann and
stand behind Roosevelt as a so-called brain trust. They are named
Mechett and Sasoon and serve as Churchill's money bags and order
givers. They are named Kaganovitsch and Ehrenburg and are Stalin's
pacesetters and intellectual spokesmen. Wherever you look, you see
Jews. They march as political commisars behind the Red army and
organize murder and terror in the areas conquered by the Soviets. They
sit behind the lines in Paris and Brussels, Rome and Athens, and
fashion their reins from the skin of the unhappy nations that have
fallen under their power.

That is the truth. It can no longer be denied, particularly since in
their drunken joy of power and victory the Jews have forgotten their
ordinarily so carefully maintained reserve and now stand in the
spotlight of public opinion. They no longer bother, apparently
believing that it is no longer necessary, that their hour has come.
And this is their mistake, which they always make when think
themselves near their great goal of anonymous world domination.
Thoughout the history of the nations, whenever this tragic situation
developed, a good providence saw to it that the Jews themselves became
the grave diggers of their own hopes. They did not destroy the healthy
peoples, rather the sting of their parasitic effects brought the
realization of the looming danger to the forefront and led to the
greatest sacrifices to overcome it. At a certain point, they become
that power that always wants evil but creates good. It will be that
way this time too.

The fact that the German nation was the first on earth to recognize
this danger and expel it from its organism is proof of its healthy
instincts. It therefore became the leader of a world struggle whose
results will determine of fate and the future of International Jewry.
We view with complete calm the wild Old Testament tirades of hatred
and revenge of Jews throughout the world against us. They are only
proof that we are on the right path. They cannot unsettle us. We gaze
on them with sovereign contempt and remember that these outbursts of
hate and revenge were everyday events for us in Germany until that
fateful day for International Jewry, 30 January 1933, when the world
revolution against the Jews that threateend not only Germany, but all
the other nations, began.
It will not cease before it has reached its goal. The truth can not be
stopped by lies or force. It will get through. The Jews will meet
their Cannae at the end of this war. Not Europe, rather they will
lose. They may laugh at this prophecy today, but they have laughed so
often in the past, and almost as often they stopped laughing sooner or
later. Not only do we know precisely what we want, we also know
precisely what we do not want. The deceived nations of he Earth may
still lack the knowledge they need, but we will bring it to them. How
will the Jews stop that in the long run? They believe their power
rests on sure foundations, but it stands on feet of clay. One hard
blow and it will collapse, burying the creators of the misfortunes of
the world in its ruins.


Jan 3, 2017, 7:41:06 PM1/3/17

Why They Hate Us
by Joseph Sobran

Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so
large as to be almost inexpressible. It's Western
exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the
world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western
power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have
disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel
not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they
don't grasp what it really means: humiliation. The white
man presents an image of superiority even when he isn't
conscious of it. And superiority excites envy. Destroying
white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of
designated victims we call 'minorities.'

From Sobran's Newsletter, April 1997

Greg Carr

Jan 3, 2017, 8:07:24 PM1/3/17
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
On Tuesday, January 3, 2017 at 4:34:05 PM UTC-8, Topaz wrote:
> Obviously losing the war didn't prove they were wrong. It only proved
> they were outnumbered. Compare the size of Germany to the size of the
> Jewish controlled countries, the USA and the USSR.

There has never been a Jewish President of the USA. Hitler declared war on America not the other way around. Hitler signed a pact with the SU and they both invaded Poland and divided the country up. Later on Nazi Germany invaded the SU and they of course lost and the SU counter attacked all the way to Berlin.

Hitler made Germany
> great.

They ran up huge deficits the Nazis did. They eliminated democracy and the free press and imprisoned anyone who refused military service. Trade unions were abolished. People who were objected to the Nazis were tortured or killed. Hitler even killed people in the SA who were his most ardent supporters because he feared Rohm would take over. Look up Night Of The Long Knives.

Of course the Jew parasites couldn't stand that. Unfortunately
> the bad side won the war.
> An article by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, January 21, 1945

Within six months Goebbels had killed his children just before he and his wife committed suicide. You should do the same Kenneth Strom.

> The Creators of the World's Misfortunes
> by Joseph Goebbels
> One could not understand this war if one did not always keep in mind
> the fact that International Jewry stands behind all the unnatural
> forces that our united enemies use to attempt to deceive the world and
> keep humanity in the dark.

Number of Jews in Germany in January, 1945 probably less than a hundred.
All your sources are lies. Topaz is Kenneth Strom of Anchorage, Alaska a convicted child porn freek who served time for his pedophile activities. His first wife kicked him to the corner and he has no employment. His own website says he is a 4th class citizen.

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 3, 2017, 8:41:20 PM1/3/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> Why They Hate Us ...

...the answer could not be simpler.
They hate us and everyone else because they are neo-Nazis.
If you don't fit in with their Aryan ideals you will be hated with all
that twisted bitterness only confused and often sociopathic/psychopathic
human minds are capable of producing.

So lets deny them the propaganda oxygen they crave for to prevent the
spread of this contagious disease of the feeble minds.
Happy Nazi hunting everyone throughout 2017!

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 3, 2017, 8:45:47 PM1/3/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> Obviously losing the war didn't prove they were wrong...

So the neo-Nazis still insist!
But they are the only ones who believe in their own cooked up revisionist

They have no credibility in Germany any more! Only the stupid US-right
retards who let themselves to be dazzled by this manufactured garbage.

Toward the end of World War II it has become very clear to all freedom
loving sane humans all over the planet what terrible tragedy the Nazis
have brought upon our World!
And to what end: ruthless World domination by a pathetic racist few!

"Enough of that!" was the consensus of people working towards the Nazis

But decades later the low-lives scum are back hoping for a second chance

Let's not give it to them!
Happy Nazi hunting everyone all over the World throughout 2017!


Jan 4, 2017, 5:49:11 PM1/4/17

Here are parts of a speech by Rudolf Hess in East Prussia in July 1934

"Our nation has the good fortune today to be led largely by front
soldiers, by front soldiers who carried the virtues of the front to
the leadership of the state.
The rebuilding of the Reich was guided by the spirit of the front. It
was the spirit of the front that created National Socialism.
In the face of looming death at the front, ideas of social standing
and class collapsed. At the front, the sharing of common joys and
common sorrows led to a previously unknown camaraderie between
citizens. At the front, everyone could see that the common fate
towered above the individual fate.
One more thing grew in front fighters, despite the bitter
relentlessness of the battle: The sense of a certain inner connection
with front fighters across No Man's Land, who bore the same burdens,
stood in the same mud, were threatened by the same death.
This feeling of connectedness remains to this day.
It is now true that when front fighters meet, though they were once
enemies, they now share the same memories and opinions. They talk of
the World War, but behind their words they hope for peace. The front
fighters are therefore called to be a bridge of understanding, helping
one nation to understand another when politicians are unable to find
the way...'
"Be honest! Once we stood out there, proud to be true men - soldiers,
fighters, far from the routine of our former lives. We sometimes may
have enjoyed a life that stood in stark contrast to the decadence that
modern culture and its excesses bring. We felt superior to those far
behind the lines who had nothing to do with life at the front. We felt
that we were defending the life of our nation, that we were the
bearers of its future.
Sometimes we had glad and cheerful hours. We attempted to live each
minute of the life that had been given us with double intensity, None
of us wanted to have the time at the front fade from memory.
But be honest again! We sensed the horror of death. We probably saw
death more terribly and intensely than any who came before us. We
crouched in the trenches, waiting for devastating attacks. We held our
breath in fear when we head the shells rushing toward us, when mines
exploded near us. Our hearts almost burst as we vainly sought cover
from the zinging of machine guns. We thought we were suffocating
behind our gas masks. We staggered through water-filled trenches. We
kept watch on frosty nights in the mud of shell holes. We endured days
and weeks of horror during the great battles. We froze and starved and
sometimes came near to desperation. We heard the cries of the badly
wounded, we saw those gasping for breath after gas attacks. We met the
blind staggering along, we heard the death rattles of the dying. Our
last hopes for life vanished amidst the corpses of our comrades. We
saw the misery of refugees behind us. We saw the widows and orphans,
the cripples and the suffering, the sick children, the starving women.
Be honest! Did not each of us say: Why is all this happening? Does it
have to be? Cannot humanity be spared this in the future?!
Still we held on - on our side and on the other side! We held on as
men doing their duty, who displayed discipline and loyalty, men who
abhorred cowardice.
Today I raise the same question to all the world - as a front fighter
to front fighters, as a leader of one people to the leaders of other
peoples: Must it be?! Can we not together through good will spare
humanity from this?!
Someone might ask me: Why do you raise your voice for the first time
today? Why were you silent in past years?
This is my answer: Because my voice would have been mixed together in
Germany with the voices of traitors to their own people - with the
voices of those who once attacked our front soldiers from the rear -
with the voices of those who besmeared front soldiers and praised
cowards - with the voices of those in Germany who have the Treaty of
Versailles on their consciences. I wanted nothing to do with them.
Today I may speak because a man of my people has restored the honor of
this people before the world. Today I may speak because this man has
silenced the traitors. Today I may speak because the world knows that
a National Socialist fighter is no coward. Today I may speak because
the leader of my people extends the hand of peace to the world. Today
I may speak because Adolf Hitler, the bravest of the brave, keeps me
from being misunderstood or confused with cowards.
Today I must speak because I support the man who attempts to save the
world at the last moment from catastrophe. Today I raise my voice
because I want to warn the world not to confuse the Germany of today,
the Germany of peace, with the Germany that was, with the Germany of
People must know this: The horrors of the war are always before us,
and the postwar generation wants war no more than the old generation.
But no one can "stroll through" Germany. Just as the French defended
every inch of their soil in the great war with all their might, and
would do so again today, so too would we Germans today. The French
front soldier above all will understand us when we say to those who
play with the idea of another war - which naturally others would have
to fight at the front, not they: "Just try to attack us! Just try to
march into the new Germany! The world will see the spirit of the new
Germany! It would fight for its freedom as no nation before it has
ever fought!
The French people know how one defends his own soil. Each woods, each
hill, each farm would have to be paid for in blood! Old and young
would dig into the soil of the homeland! They would defend themselves
with unequaled fanaticism!
And even if the superiority of modern weapons triumphed, the path
through the Reich would be a path of grim sacrifice for the invaders
as well, for never was a nation so sure of the justice of its cause
and of the duty to defend itself to the utmost as our nation is today.
But we do not believe the well-poisoners of international relations
who want to suggest to us that some nation wishes to disturb the peace
of Germany, and therefore of Europe, if not even the world.
We particularly do not believe this is true of the French people. We
know that this people too longs for peace. Just as we front fighters
felt, so too did the French population behind the lines, which always
saw the war as a disaster for them and for the whole world: "Malheur
pour nos - malheur pour vos - malheur pour tout le monde!"
We in Germany - and particularly Germany's front soldiers - have
responded with sympathy to the voices in the French veteran's
organizations calling for honest understanding with Germany. This call
surely comes both from experience with the true nature of war as well
as from the esteem that France's front soldiers feel for the
achievements of German front soldiers.
France's soldiers know the bravery the Germans displayed against
superior forces for four and a half years. And German front soldiers
can never deny the French front soldier the honor due his bravery.
This bravery finds expression in the fact that France's army had the
highest losses on the Allied side.
Front soldiers want peace.
The peoples want peace.
Germany's government wants peace.
Even if the words of leading representatives of the French government
from time to time do not display to us a spirit of understanding, we
do not give up hope that despite it all, France's government wants
peace. Since the French people surely want peace, we are convinced
that France's government does not want war with Germany.
And if leading French spokesmen do not speak the language of the
French people or France's front fighters, we may not take their
speeches as the thinking of France's leadership. A Frenchman who knows
the people and politics of his land well told me: "Take pity on us! We
still have a parliamentarian government!" He was saying that statesmen
in their speeches sometimes are forced to say not what they think, but
what parliamentary majorities wish to hear. But we know that
parliamentary majorities are not representative of the opinions of the
people, rather of interest groups that often represent forces outside
the nation.
History surely will give more laurels to men who in difficult times
find the way to bring understanding between peoples, thereby rescuing
culture, than to men who believe they can win victories by political
and military aggression, or even those who achieve real victories.
The peoples themselves will thank those who secure peace, for
unemployment with all its resulting social misery, is primarily the
result of too little commerce between the nations. Such trade is
always hindered by a lack of confidence.
It is undoubtedly the case that good relations between Germany and
France serve not only the two nations as a whole, but also each
individual within both peoples. Concretely, each Frenchman and each
German in the long term will have higher income or higher pay.
Just as little as war and the continuation of war by other means under
the name of "peace" benefit culture and the prosperity of the nations,
so a true peace brings advantages for all.
True peace and real confidence between the nations enable a reduction
in the armaments that today demand a large part of the wealth of
nations as well as that of individual citizens.
Adolf Hitler has said repeatedly that German wishes only equality in
all areas, including armaments. Such an understanding between Germany
and its neighbors will enable Germany to be satisfied with its limited
armaments, which are necessary to guarantee its security and thereby
A defenseless nation is a danger to peace. Its defenseless all too
easily invites the "attention" of easy attacks by foreign armies. If
one people is defenseless among heavily armed peoples, it is all to
easy for honor-hungry men to earn cheap laurels, for governments to
divert their own peoples by the foreign adventure of a war.
My party comrades, the veterans among you, one of whom I am proud to
be, can testify that veterans wish peace from their deepest
The world knows that the front fighter Adolf Hitler reveals his true
thinking with surprising openness. The front fighters in the German
government want honorable peace and understanding. I appeal to the
front fighters in other states, and to those of good will in the
governments of these states, to support us in this goal.
I direct this appeal from the holy soil of East Prussia to the front
soldiers of the world. Here on this German borderland the great world
struggle began, with its terrible sacrifices, sacrifices from which
the warring nations to this day have yet to recover. May the historic
battleground from which I speak add strength to an earnest call for
peace. On Germany's eastern border, treaties guarantee peace for the
inhabitants of large neighboring states. May the governments of the
peoples on the other borders of our Reich soon come to see that there
is greater security for their citizens in peaceful treaties than in
piling up war material. That is our hope.
The memory of Germany's dead, many of whom fell for East Prussia, will
always make Germany's desire for peace strong and powerful!
The veterans of the front and the young fighters for a free, proud and
peaceful Reich greet the front soldiers and the Führer Adolf Hitler."

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 4, 2017, 6:11:11 PM1/4/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> The memory of Germany's dead ...

and a Führer who "loved" them to death????
Yep. The Germans had a nasty awakening to the fact that the Nazis had
brought them to a nation wide disaster.
Anyone who believes now in the neo-Nazi hype and propaganda giving them
support and propaganda oxygen one day will end up the same way.

Nazi propaganda is hereby flushed! And Topaz with it!
Happy Nazi hunting Everyone throughout 2017!


Jan 4, 2017, 8:54:06 PM1/4/17

By Patrick Grimm

We hear daily of the alleged dangers of "Holocaust denial." We read in
newspapers the frightful scare-mongering, comparing those who deny
"global warming" to "Holocaust deniers." But I purport that there is
one form of denial truly more deadly to the survival of all nations
than any other. It is "Jew-denial."

Now you might say, no one denies that Jews exist, that they live among
us and have done quite well economically, sometimes honestly and other
times dishonestly. This is not what I refer to. "Jew-denial" or a
"Jew-denier" is a person, either uninformed or collusive with the
overclass, who denies the power of Jews in America and the world,
denies that their organized power has been corrosive (and many honest
Jews will admit that it is) and denies that Jews are a racial group
(their own words) who believe in their right to rule over the Goyim
(which means cattle). To deny all these things is only to ignore the
words of Jewish leaders and the words of the Jews' own holy books, the
Torah and the Talmud. It is also to jettison mountains of evidence and
decades of Jewish political activism.

But the Jew-deniers are everywhere, a ubiquitous dullard or deceptive
or deceived (take your pick) band of human beings. The Jew-deniers are
in our churches, in our governments, in our schools, in our military,
in our White House and in some of our own houses. Now I don't believe
these people should be jailed, imprisoned or fined for swallowing
false news or abetting the genocide the Jews are working to bring upon
us all, whites and Palestinians alike (the white is the Palestinian of
the European sphere), but they should be approached with caution,
mainly because a lifetime of brainwashing and hornswoggling can elicit
an animalistic reaction when one of these Jew-deniers is smacked in
the face with the truth.

The Jew-deniers (at least the lay ones) should be pitied rather than
stigmatized, though I do exactly that with this article and I deeply
apologize for that. But in all seriousness, they need help. They are
not mentally ill as the Jews call any person who disagrees with their
steamrolling of humanity. The Jew-deniers are misinformed and in need
of rescuing from a life of reckless disinfo which the media Jews will
be glad to force-feed them on a daily basis forever and ever if they
are willing to read the Jew newspapers and watch inane Jew newscasts
with reporters who are front men and front women for Big Jewry. These
types of medium masteries only perpetuate Jew-denial and breed more
little Jew-deniers, persons for whom the thought that Jewry could
desire anything but beneficence and ennoblement toward the Gentile
herds is a "canard" or a "libel", either bloody or bloodless, or an
"anti-Semitic" screed.

Present facts, statistics, troubling Israeli massacres, Talmudic
quotes, lists of ultra-liberal Jewish wheelers and dealers,
anti-Christian political action committees, discombobulating
historical accounts that show Jews as they are rather than as how they
dress themselves up for the camera, and a Jew-denier and those who are
card-carrying members of the Jew-denial movement that numbers in the
millions upon millions will spit out one or more replies taken from a
prepared list of oodles of Pavlovian conditioned retorts. For the sake
of brevity, here are just a select few:

1.You're an anti-Semite!

This one is easy to combat because most Jews are not Semites and many
non-Jews are. Most Jews are Khazars, Ashkenazi Khazars, so this
characterization (anti-Semite) is a real living, breathing canard.
Inform the Jew-denier of this reality and recommend Arthur Koestler's
book The Thirteenth Tribe for his/her perusal. Some Jew-deniers are
smart, while others don't read anything more intellectual than Harry
Potter novels. If this is the case, a sympathetic and platonic hug may
be in order.

2 Jews are "God's Chosen People"

If the Jew-denier is someone who believes in God, ask the Jew-denier
if God is indeed a racist of the crudest sort (though this is not to
say that racism defensively and properly understood is always a
negative). If the reply is a reflexive egalitarian 'no', and it will
be if this person goes to any Zionized, Judaized church in this
country, then ask the person if he/she honestly believes that God
would have sanctioned the killing of thousands upon thousands of
innocent human beings only for the purpose of having the Jews procure
their property, vineyards, wives, concubines, etc. Either God is a
genocidal maniac or the stories of the Old Testament are
Judahite-penned justifications of mass murder. It's one or the other.
This is not going to wash as an argument if you are talking to a
biblical literalist or one of those folks who believes that all
Scripture is "God-breathed" and "inerrant." If the Jew-denier
regularly sends financial love gifts to television evangelists, then
quietly walk away after shaking the dust from your Reeboks.

3. Jews are just members of one of the world's monotheistic religions

Jews identify themselves as a "race", a "master race" superior to all
other races and destined to enslave the world. Jews consider
themselves a race, first and foremost. One helpful quote is in order:
"The former Israeli Prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking to
Jewish group in southern California said: 'If Israel had not come into
existence after World War II then I am certain the Jewish race
wouldn't have survived. I stand before you and say you must strengthen
your commitment to Israel.'" [1]
Judaism is a racial religion based on blood purity and conquest of the
Gentile as ordered by their holy books. This is not conspiracy theory.
This is basic Old Testament hermeneutics. I won't list all the verses
here where God tells the "Chosen People" that they are destined to
rule the world, but you can find them in your family Bible in books
like Deuteronomy and Numbers and present them to any Jew-deniers you
happen to run into.

Friends and countrymen, Jew-denial is an epidemic sweeping the world,
especially the American portion of it. Our churches are cranking out
little Judaized clones right off the conveyor Bible belt, ready to
parrot the words of Cyrus Scofield and John Hagee. Our governments are
rife with Judeophilic politicians scared to speak out about the Jewish
hijacking of our foreign policy. They attack those like Jim Moran,
even projecting Protocols of Zion conspiracies onto his temperate and
reasonable critiques of AIPAC and the Israel-First-Last-And-Always
Lobby. The Jew-denial movement is running wild in the United States!
It is ignoring the real issues, which are Jewish dual loyalty or
Israel-only loyalty, the Jewish machinations manipulating our currency
and economy and the debauching of our culture and the shattering of
our borders by galvanized Jews drunk and delirious with political
power and ruinous regency.

Should we prosecute the Jew-deniers, persecute the Jew-denial movement
on the internet, lock up its sycophants, lackeys and philo-Semitic
toadies and batter these simpletons in the streets with steel pipes
and tire irons? No, there's no use emulating the Jews.

We can only curb or put the kibosh on the Jew-denial movement by
spreading data far and wide on the web and to anyone who will listen
to the straight skinny on Jew supremacism and traitorous Jew antics.
The Jew-denial campaign has done quite a bang-up job deceiving and
misdirecting the energies of ordinary individuals (acolytes of
Jew-deniery) away from their true enemy and their greatest threat,
Jewish extremism and onto bogeymen like supposed white supremacists
and radical Islamists. Because of the popular front and font of lies
and anti-white disempowerment, most people are unaware or too
apathetic to even notice the Big Jewry Hidden Hand pouring our
liberties and our freedoms straight down the Talmudic drain.
To paraphrase the son of a rabbi and the creator of Communism, Karl
Marx "Jew-recognizers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose
but your high interest rates!"

[1] (Daily Pilot, Newport Beach/ Costa Mesa, Feb. 28, 2000, front

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 4, 2017, 10:28:04 PM1/4/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> Holocaust denial

... lies at the core of neo-Nazi revisionist propaganda.
They are trying to convince the World that what is black is white and
what is up is really down.

Sane people however can't be easily fooled by such pathetic propaganda

The facts on the "Holocaust" had been proven without any doubt.
End of story!

Everybody loves a fancy fairy-tale here and there but Topaz feeble
attempt at telling one to his neo-Nazi mates in Usenet is less than

Regurgitating the very same propaganda crap endlessly won't help Topaz's
Nazi cause one little bit.

Its Nazi X-mas propaganda is hereby flushed!


Jan 5, 2017, 8:30:58 PM1/5/17

The idea was to ignore race and educate the country about states'
rights. The commission kept its distance from the White Citizens'
Councils, and would not even let the publishers of Carleton
Putnam's Race and Reason-which was wildly popular in the South-use
its mailing list. Kilpatrick wanted the commission "to stay absolutely
free of the race issue."

He found some support for his own writing outside the South, how-
ever, especially at William Buckley's National Review, which supported
segregation, and at U.S. News and World Report, founded in 1948 by Da-
vid Lawrence to oppose the New Deal. By 1957, he was becoming a na-
tional spokesman for both conservatism and segregation.

Kilpatrick continued to believe that if the South could only hang
on, the North would come around, both on states' rights and on race.
He urged Virginia's governor, Lindsay Almond, to defy federal orders
and let himself be arrested rather than integrate schools, but Almond
was not made of such stern stuff. All across the South, politicians
and school bureaucrats were submitting to the federal government, and
Virginia followed suit.

By this time, Kilpatrick could see the Civil Rights Act of 1964
coming, and helped found a lobby to try to stop it. Once again,
however, the Coordinating Committee for Fundamental American Freedoms
soft-peddled race and tried to couch the argument in libertarian
terms. As he wrote for National Review, if the "citizen's right to
discriminate" is destroyed, "the whole basis of individual liberty is
destroyed." He made the case with his usual verve in the very
effective pamphlet, Civil Rights and Legal Wrongs.

Kilpatrick also predicted "affirmative action" before just about
anyone else, warning that any ban on legal discrimination would mean
preferences for Blacks. The only way an employer could prove he did
not discriminate was to hire unqualified Blacks, who would have to be
"petted and pampered, cuddled and coddled." It was probably Kilpat-
rick who first applied the term "reverse racism" to this process.

The Long Island newspaper Newsday offered him a column with a promise
of syndication. As he saw it, his role was "to present to a national
audience the reasoned and calm point of view of a conservative White
Southerner," but that meant toning down anything about race. Instead,
he blasted welfare and the Great Society.

As a national figure, Kilpatrick felt he had to trim his sails,
though he still occasionally loosed his cannons on Blacks. In 1967, he
wrote: "[T]he law-abiding majority of this country, imperfect as it
is, ought to put a hard question to large elements of the Negro
community: When in the name of God are you people going to shape up?"

It was television, however, that made Kilpatrick famous. He was a
regular guest on Meet the Press, Inside Washington, and Agronsky & Com
pany. He pioneered the idea of delivering not just opinions but
personality. He understood that viewers wanted "a much more
personalized journalism than tradition has permitted," and carried
around a makeup kit to make sure he looked good for the cameras. By
1980, his column was in 538 dailies and he had an annual income of
more than $150,000. He was close to the Nixon White House, and the
president sought his advice.

All this came at a price. By 1974 he was writing that the Brown
decision had created "a far better America," and in 1977 claimed he
had overcome his "old-fashioned Southern racial prejudices." Now, he
said, he was just as incensed as anyone at "the virulent evils of a
pervasive racism" that the federal government had wisely put down.

One thing he never backed down on was opposition to race prefer-
ences and to school busing. He liked to claim that he was now race
blind whereas his opponents were still race-conscious troglodytes.

In his private life, Kilpatrick escaped from the consequences of
the changes he now claimed to accept. He built a house in rural
Rappahannock County, Virginia, 85 miles away from Washington, where
Blacks were still deferential. He wrote in an elegant office with a
zebra-skin rug, but fancied himself the successor to the Southern
agrarian tradition.

In one of his last political opinions, no doubt fittingly,
Kilpatrick completely reversed his earlier view of the role of the
federal government in local decision-making. When the Supreme Court
decided in 2007 that the cities of Seattle and Louisville could not
use race as a criterion for balancing school populations, Kilpatrick
rejoiced. What he once called the "judicial junta" was an honorable
institution so long as it ruled his way.

What are those of us who prefer the early James Kilpatrick to make
of his career? First, it is startling to think that even in 1964, a
New York State paper would offer a column to a man who had
distinguished himself as a segregationist. This is a tribute to
Kilpatrick's ability-he really could write-and a sign of how different
the times were.

The United States were not quite yet in today's terrified lockstep
on race. Second, even before he sought respectability as a national
TV personality, it is curious that he pushed states' rights as if they
had nothing to do with race. Ordinary Americans were never going to
care about federal encroachment on state sovereignty unless they were
worried about specific policies the feds were trying to undo.

Finally, Kilpatrick, himself, certainly profited from his long
retreat. As a domesticated "conservative," he won fame, wealth, and
influence that would have been beyond the reach of a principled
"racist." As Prof. Hustwit notes, Kilpatrick was unquestionably the
nimblest of all the segregationists in changing his spots to keep up
with the times.

And maybe his views really did change; who is Prof. Hustwit to
insist that they did not? But if he did simply bury his convictions,
would he have done more good as a provincial race realist than as a
national conservative? All people who hedge their opinions in the hope
of a larger audience convince themselves that discretion is the price
of influence as they bank their honoraria and swan through the
corridors of power.

And, like Kilpatrick, they build oases far from the racial chaos
they no longer combat with all their strength.

Truth, however, especially the truth about race, needs more than ob
scure champions. It needs men like Arthur Jensen and Sam Francis. It
needs men who are respected and prominent and who, unlike James
Watson or James Kilpatrick, refuse to back down.

Kilpatrick unquestionably trimmed to reach prominence. Once he
reached the top, would it have simply been impossible for him to speak
the truth to the larger audience he obviously craved?


Jan 5, 2017, 8:53:00 PM1/5/17
Race Differences In Average IQ Are Mostly Genetic, Not Cultural
Medical Research News

A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on
state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has
concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic...

"Neither the existence nor the size of race differences in IQ are a
matter of dispute, only their cause," write the authors. The
Black-White difference has been found consistently from the time of
the massive World War I Army testing of 90 years ago to a massive
study of over 6 million corporate, military, and higher-education
test-takers in 2001.

"Race differences show up by 3 years of age, even after matching on
maternal education and other variables," said Rushton. "Therefore they
cannot be due to poor education since this has not yet begun to exert
an effect. That's why Jensen and I looked at the genetic hypothesis in

The Worldwide Pattern of IQ Scores. East Asians average higher on IQ
tests than Whites,
both in the U. S. and in Asia, even though IQ tests were developed for
use in the Euro-American culture. Around the world, the average IQ for
East Asians centers around 106; for Whites, about 100; and for Blacks
about 85 in the U.S. and 70 in sub-Saharan Africa...

Brain Size Differences. Studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
find a correlation of brain size with IQ of about 0.40. Larger brains
contain more neurons and synapses and process information faster. Race
differences in brain size are present at birth. By adulthood, East
Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites who
average 5 cubic inches more than Blacks...

Racial Admixture Studies. Black children with lighter skin, for
example, average higher IQ scores. In South Africa, the IQ of the
mixed-race "Colored" population averages 85, intermediate to the
African 70 and White 100...

No interventions such as ending segregation, introducing school
busing, or "Head Start" programs have reduced the gaps as culture-only
theory would predict...

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 5, 2017, 11:18:07 PM1/5/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> > White

Skin colours are dependent on the three genes that control skin
melanin content in humans...but they do nothing else.

Your Nazi copy and paste propaganda confuses nobody with an intact brain!
Regurgitating the very same propaganda crap endlessly won't help your Nazi
cause one little bit.

Nazi propaganda is hereby flushed. And Topaz with it!
(I'll never give up kicking your Nazi arse until you drop off Usenet,
fucker! Make it soon.)
Happy Nazi hunting everyone throughout 2017!

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 5, 2017, 11:22:17 PM1/5/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> A 60-page review of the scientific

"Scientific racism is the act of justifying inequalities between natural
groups of people by recourse to science. It is the result of a conjunction
of two cultural values or ideologies: (1) that natural categories of the
human species exist and are of different overall worth; and (2) that
science provides a source of authoritative knowledge. These ideas arose
separately, but at about the same time in the late seventeenth century."

See more on this topic:

Luckily the rise of modern genetics has debunked this pseudos-scientific

"...because the political stakes are high, the scientific study of human
diversity requires constant vigilance to prevent its corruption by those
who would use science to make people’s lives more miserable (which would
seem to provide an argument against science generally, if that is indeed
its result). Consequently, the American Anthropological Association and
the American Association of Physical Anthropologists adopted public
position statements on race, updating the old UNESCO statements."


Regurgitating the very same propaganda crap endlessly won't help Topaz's
Nazi cause one little bit.

Happy Nazi hunting everyone all over the World throughout 2017!

Neo-Nazis still live in the dark glory of the Drittes Reich!
Luckily modern Germany has moved on!

But hey, Nazis and neo-Nazis always have a strange relationship with the
our Universe.
Maybe Topaz should search for another Universe to live in?

Posting brain-fart copy&paste verbal vomit that is exclusively directed
for consumption by demented extremist US right retards achieves absolutely
nothing when its is dumped into non-US newsgroups.

The only reason Topaz can't come to grips with this simple fact is that it
is a neo-Nazi.


Jan 6, 2017, 6:38:55 AM1/6/17

Jewish control of the media:
MORTIMER ZUCKERMAN, owner of NY Daily News, US News & World Report and
chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American
Organizations, one of the largest pro-Israel lobbying groups.
LESLIE MOONVES, president of CBS television, great-nephew of David
Ben-Gurion, and co-chair with Norman Ornstein of the Advisory
Committee on Public Interest Obligation of Digital TV Producers,
appointed by Clinton.
JONATHAN MILLER, chair and CEO of AOL division of AOL-Time-Warner
NEIL SHAPIRO, president of NBC News
JEFF GASPIN, Executive Vice-President, Programming, NBC
DAVID WESTIN, president of ABC News
SUMNER REDSTONE, CEO of Viacom, "world's biggest media giant"
(Economist, 11/23/2) owns Viacom cable, CBS and MTVs all over the
world, Blockbuster video rentals and Black Entertainment TV.
MICHAEL EISNER, major owner of Walt Disney, Capitol Cities, ABC.
RUPERT MURDOCH, Owner Fox TV, New York Post, London Times, News of the
World (Jewish mother)
MEL KARMAZIN, president of CBS
DON HEWITT, Exec. Director, 60 Minutes, CBS
JEFF FAGER, Exec. Director, 60 Minutes II. CBS
DAVID POLTRACK, Executive Vice-President, Research and Planning, CBS
SANDY KRUSHOW, Chair, Fox Entertainment
LLOYD BRAUN, Chair, ABC Entertainment
BARRY MEYER, chair, Warner Bros.
SHERRY LANSING. President of Paramount Communications and Chairman of
Paramount Pictures' Motion Picture Group.
BRAD SIEGEL., President, Turner Entertainment.
PETER CHERNIN, second in-command at Rupert Murdoch's News. Corp.,
owner of Fox TV
MARTY PERETZ, owner and publisher of the New Republic, which openly
identifies itself as pro-Israel. Al Gore credits Marty with being his
ARTHUR O. SULZBERGER, JR., publisher of the NY Times, the Boston Globe
and other publications.
WILLIAM SAFIRE, syndicated columnist for the NYT.
TOM FRIEDMAN, syndicated columnist for the NYT.
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, syndicated columnist for the Washington Post.
Honored by Honest, website monitoring "anti-Israel
RICHARD COHEN, syndicated columnist for the Washington Post
JEFF JACOBY, syndicated columnist for the Boston Globe
NORMAN ORNSTEIN, American Enterprise Inst., regular columnist for USA
Today, news analyst for CBS, and co-chair with Leslie Moonves of the
Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligation of Digital TV
Producers, appointed by Clinton.
ARIE FLEISCHER, Dubya's press secretary.
STEPHEN EMERSON, every media outlet's first choice as an expert on
domestic terrorism.
DAVID SCHNEIDERMAN, owner of the Village Voice and the New Times
network of "alternative weeklies."
DENNIS LEIBOWITZ, head of Act II Partners, a media hedge fund
KENNETH POLLACK, for CIA analysts, director of Saban Center for Middle
East Policy, writes op-eds in NY Times, New Yorker
BARRY DILLER, chair of USA Interactive, former owner of Universal
KENNETH ROTH, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch
RICHARD LEIBNER, runs the N.S. Bienstock talent agency, which
represents 600 news personalities such as Dan Rather, Dianne Sawyer
and Bill O'Reilly.
TERRY SEMEL, CEO, Yahoo, former chair, Warner Bros.
MARK GOLIN, VP and Creative Director, AOL
WARREN LIEBERFORD, Pres., Warner Bros. Home Video Div. of AOL-
JEFFREY ZUCKER, President of NBC Entertainment
JACK MYERS, NBC, chief.NYT 5.14.2
SANDY GRUSHOW, chair of Fox Entertainment
GAIL BERMAN, president of Fox Entertainment
STEPHEN SPIELBERG, co-owner of Dreamworks
JEFFREY KATZENBERG, co-owner of Dreamworks
DAVID GEFFEN, co-owner of Dreamworks
LLYOD BRAUN, chair of ABC Entertainment
JORDAN LEVIN, president of Warner Bros. Entertainment
MAX MUTCHNICK, co-executive producer of NBC's "Good Morning Miami"
DAVID KOHAN, co-executive producer of NBC's "Good Morning Miami"
HOWARD STRINGER, chief of Sony Corp. of America
AMY PASCAL, chair of Columbia Pictures
JOEL KLEIN, chair and CEO of Bertelsmann's American operations
ROBERT SILLERMAN, founder of Clear Channel Communications
BRIAN GRADEN, president of MTV entertainment
IVAN SEIDENBERG, CEO of Verizon Communications
WOLF BLITZER, host of CNN's Late Edition
LARRY KING, host of Larry King Live
TED KOPPEL, host of ABC's Nightline
MIKE WALLACE, Host of CBS, 60 Minutes
MICHAEL LEDEEN, editor of National Review
BRUCE NUSSBAUM, editorial page editor, Business Week
DONALD GRAHAM, Chair and CEO of Newsweek and Washington Post, son of
CATHERINE GRAHAM MEYER, former owner of the Washington Post
HOWARD FINEMAN, Chief Political Columnist, Newsweek
WILLIAM KRISTOL, Editor, Weekly Standard, Exec. Director
Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
RON ROSENTHAL, Managing Editor, San Francisco Chronicle
PHIL BRONSTEIN, Executive Editor, San Francisco Chronicle,
RON OWENS, Talk Show Host, KGO (ABC-Capitol Cities, San Francisco)
JOHN ROTHMAN, Talk Show Host, KGO (ABC-Capitol Cities, San Francisco)
MICHAEL SAVAGE, Talk Show Host, KFSO (ABC-Capitol Cities, San
Francisco) Syndicated in 100 markets
MICHAEL MEDVED, Talk Show Host, on 124 AM stations
DENNIS PRAGER, Talk Show Host, nationally syndicated from LA. Has
Israeli flag on his home page.
BEN WATTENBERG, Moderator, PBS Think Tank.
ANDREW LACK, president of NBC
DANIEL MENAKER, Executive Director, Harper Collins
DAVID REMNICK, Editor, The New Yorker
NICHOLAS LEHMANN, writer, the New York
HENRICK HERTZBERG, Talk of the Town editor, The New Yorker
SAMUEL NEWHOUSE JR, and DONALD NEWHOUSE own Newhouse Publications,
includes 26 newspapers in 22 cities; the Conde Nast magazine group,
includes The New Yorker; Parade, the Sunday newspaper supplement;
American City Business Journals, business newspapers published in more
than 30 major cities in America; and interests in cable television
programming and cable systems serving 1 million homes.
DONALD NEWHOUSE, chairman of the board of directors, Associated Press.
PETER R KANN, CEO, Wall Street Journal, Barron's
RALPH J. & BRIAN ROBERTS, Owners, Comcast-ATT Cable TV.

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 6, 2017, 4:52:40 PM1/6/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil"

> Jewish

...tinfoil hats work with better efficiency against those deadly Jew-
rays than that cheap Chinese imitation one you are currently wearing.

Regurgitating some brain-dead propaganda crap won't help your Nazi cause
one little bit.

Your end of 2016 propaganda is hereby flushed! And you with it!

Happy Nazi hunting Everyone throughout 2017!

Neo-Nazis still live in the dark glory of the Drittes Reich!
Luckily modern Germany has moved on!

But hey, Nazis and neo-Nazis always have a strange relationship with the
our Universe.
Maybe Topaz should search for another Universe to live in?

Posting brain-fart copy&paste verbal vomit that is exclusively directed
for consumption by demented extremist US right retards achieves absolutely
nothing when its is dumped into non-US newsgroups.

The only reason Topaz can't come to grips with this simple fact is that it
is a neo-Nazi.


Jan 7, 2017, 7:10:34 AM1/7/17

A large majority of Jews have historically been strongly in favor
of a libertarian immigration policy for the White-majority countries
in which they choose to reside. That this attitude is generally not
extend-ed to the state of Israel is, naturally enough, a source of
consternation and ridicule among White nationalists.

MacDonald has examined this phenomenon extensively, regarding it as
a foundational tenet of almost all Jewish intellectual movements that
have historically emerged from Judaism as a group evolutionary
strategy.16 Interestingly, this rampant hypocrisy extends to the likes
of Friedman and Rand.

For instance Friedman's position with regard to immigration to the
US was that, providing that immigrants (from whatever racial or
cultural source) are entering the nation to take up employment, as
opposed to state welfare, there is no rational reason to oppose that
immigration. He was a strong supporter of the ethno-state of Israel,
and there is no record of him ever noticing Israel's
racially-restrictive immigration policy - much less decrying it. This
surely demonstrates that in such matters the ingroup moral criterion
of whether it was "good for the Jews" surpassed his universal
libertarian commitment to the supposed benefits of a free and open
immigration policy.

Ayn Rand demonstrated an even greater capacity for hypocrisy
with her attitude toward respective manifestations of White and Jew-
ish ethnocentrism. She declared that "there is no such thing as a col-
lective or racial achievement" and espoused the moral superiority of
her type of individualism which "regards man - every man - as an
independent, sovereign entity who possesses an inalienable right to
his own life, a right derived from his nature as a rational being."18
For Rand, however, "every man" ostensibly did not include the Arabs in
their conflict with Israel. Instead she regarded the fight between
Israel and the Arabs as fight between civilized men and savages.

Appearing on Donahue in 1979 she declared that: "If you mean whose
side should you be on - Israel or the Arabs? I would certainly say
Israel because it's the advanced, technological, civilized country
amidst a group of almost totally primitive savages who have not
changed for years and who are racist and who resent Israel because
it's bringing industry and intelligence and modern technology into
their stagnation."19

So to what extent does the libertarian immigration agenda, advo-
cated with such patent inconsistency by the like of Friedman and
Rand, serve the interests of Whites in terms of immigration policy?
White racial nationalists generally do not have a problem with immi-
gration per se, but rather with non-White immigration that shifts the
demographic balance of power away from European-derived popula-
tions. Because of their strict individualism, libertarians dismiss the
importance of race in human affairs. This is reflected in the fact
that many of the most prominent libertarian theorists, endorse a
policy of non-discrimination with regard to immigration - although
this principal is rarely extended by Jewish libertarians to the state
of Israel.

The anthropological reality is, as Frank Salter observes, the
precise opposite of the individualist fantasy propagated by
libertarianism: that, until recent decades, almost all human societies
have sought, like Israel, to prevent permanent mass migration in their
own group evolutionary interests. Western societies since about 1965
have been the rare exceptions. Salter observes that:
Hunter-gatherers and primitive agriculturalists, farmers and
herders have all laid claim to a territory and fiercely defended it.
Marriage partners have been found almost exclusively within
the ethnic group, encompassing the local dialect. The psycholog-
ical motivations for this are well established in such predisposi-
tions as social identity mechanisms, collectivism, assortment by
similarity, innate cognition of human kinds, and rational choice.
Evolutionary origins of territoriality and ethnocentrism are indi-
cated by their being human universals as well as being found in
apes. And from the evolutionary perspective, which acknowl-
edges the limited carrying capacity of all territories and of the
world itself, it is maladaptive to allow one's lineage - family,
clan or ethnic group - to be replaced by others.

The vital interest all societies have in controlling a territory also
falsified the assertion that national security consists solely of de-
fending individual citizens from attack, for example by vetting
immigrants for terrorist connections, as is already the practice
with tourists. Unlike tourists, immigrants affect the receiving
country's numbers, identity and cohesion. Societies thus have a
corporate interest in retaining national sovereignty, which en-
tails control of a territory. This helps to explain the historical
pattern of corporate liberty being put before citizens' rights.

Inviting the world to a country as prosperous as Australia would
result in the displacement of the Australian people inside their
historical homeland. This is an outcome even more maladaptive than
enslavement because it would be permanent.20

Thus, it is this very libertarian individualist agenda favoring
the free global movement of people, in conjunction with the openly
anti-White and anti-Western agendas of the cultural Marxists that have
facilitated the demographic transformation of Western nations in the
past few decades. Because of their denial of the significance of race,
libertarians are never going to be allies in the fight to save White
populations from demographic and political eclipse. The growth in
popularity of libertarian ideas among Whites is as likely to undermine
White racial solidarity as effectively as any of the more openly anti-
White nostrums of the left. As White racial nationalists and activists
we urgently need to convey to patriotic White libertarians that racial
collectivism is the only effective means to promote our group
interests now and into the future. It is lesson that was learned many
centuries ago by those that have worked tirelessly to promote their
own group evolutionary interests at our expense - with Judaism being
the classic example.

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 7, 2017, 4:35:28 PM1/7/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil"

> Jews

...make tinfoil hats that work with better efficiency against those
deadly Jew-rays than that cheap Chinese imitation one you are currently


Jan 8, 2017, 1:24:07 PM1/8/17

"Without the solution of the Jewish Question, there is no salvation
for the peoples of the world.

Despite the fierce and fiery reaction of its blind or bought allies,
the disastrous role of the Jew, this parasite upon the body of every
people is being drawn more and more into the light of day. Everywhere
where morality, law, and order succumb to disintegration, where
racketeering and corruption devour the economy, where materialistic
dialectics undermine the foundations of faith, where Marxist
propaganda transforms politics into a criminal reality, where the
healthy race of the people is made sick and desecrated -- there one
meets everywhere the tracks of the Jew.

The Jew is fundamentally and basically criminal. Crime is, for him,
the form of existence inherent in him. Thus, just as the spirochetes
which are the bearers of syphilis, so the Jews are the carriers of
criminality in its political and non-political form.

The frequent criminality of the Jew is as well known a fact as its
peculiar inclination and aptitude for fraud, dirty enterprises,
cheating in gambling, usury, sexual offenses of all kinds,
pickpocketing, high treason, etc.

With the toxin of crime and the weapon of Bolshevism, the Jew conducts
his war of extermination against all that is wholesome, true, good and
noble in the world. He is the embodiment of evil, which rebels against
God and Nature."

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 8, 2017, 3:40:52 PM1/8/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> the Jewish...

...made tinfoil hats work with better efficiency against those deadly Jew-
rays than that cheap Chinese imitation one you are currently wearing.

Regurgitating some brain-dead propaganda crap won't help your Nazi cause
one little bit.

Nazi hate propaganda is hereby flushed! And Topaz with it!

Greg Carr

Jan 8, 2017, 5:31:53 PM1/8/17
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
On Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 10:24:07 AM UTC-8, Topaz wrote:
> "Without the solution of the Jewish Question, there is no salvation
> for the peoples of the world.

The world would be better off if the racists were all executed.
> Despite the fierce and fiery reaction of its blind or bought allies,
> the disastrous role of the Jew, this parasite upon the body of every
> people is being drawn more and more into the light of day. Everywhere
> where morality, law, and order succumb to disintegration, where
> racketeering and corruption devour the economy, where materialistic
> dialectics undermine the foundations of faith, where Marxist
> propaganda transforms politics into a criminal reality, where the
> healthy race of the people is made sick and desecrated -- there one
> meets everywhere the tracks of the Jew.
> The Jew is fundamentally and basically criminal. Crime is, for him,
> the form of existence inherent in him. Thus, just as the spirochetes
> which are the bearers of syphilis, so the Jews are the carriers of
> criminality in its political and non-political form.

This coming from the child porn criminal known as Topaz aka Kenneth Strom.
> The frequent criminality of the Jew is as well known a fact as its
> peculiar inclination and aptitude for fraud, dirty enterprises,
> cheating in gambling, usury, sexual offenses of all kinds,

You are a sex criminal and you served time for it and your wife split.

> pickpocketing, high treason, etc.

I have never heard of a Jew being convicted for treason in Canada. Jews in Canada go to jail at half the rate of the general population per capita. Many Justices of the Supreme Court in Canada have been Jews. Has a racist ever been on the Supreme Court in modern history.

> With the toxin of crime and the weapon of Bolshevism, the Jew conducts
> his war of extermination against all that is wholesome, true, good and
> noble in the world. He is the embodiment of evil, which rebels against
> God and Nature."
> From:

Kill yourself like Goring and Hitler and Himmler and Goebbels did.


Jan 9, 2017, 5:14:33 PM1/9/17

by Kevin MacDonald

The current situation in the United States is really an awesome
display of Jewish power and influence. People who are very strongly
identified as Jews maintain close ties to Israeli politicians and
military figures and to Jewish activist organizations and pro-Israeli
lobbying groups while occupying influential policy-making positions in
the defense and foreign policy establishment. These same people, as
well as a chorus of other prominent Jews, have routine access to the
most prestigious media outlets in the United States. People who
criticize Israel are routinely vilified and subjected to professional

Perhaps the most telling feature of this entire state of affairs is
the surreal fact that in this entire discourse Jewish identity is not
mentioned. When Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, Michael Rubin,
William Safire, Robert Satloff, or the legions of other prominent
media figures write their reflexively pro-Israel pieces in the New
York Times, the Wall Street Journal, or the Los Angeles Times, or
opine on the Fox News Network, there is never any mention that they
are Jewish Americans who have an intense ethnic interest in Israel.
When Richard Perle authors a report for an Israeli think tank; is on
the board of directors of an Israeli newspaper; maintains close
personal ties with prominent Israelis, especially those associated
with the Likud Party; has worked for an Israeli defense company; and,
according to credible reports, was discovered by the FBI passing
classified information to Israel - when, despite all of this, he is a
central figure in the network of those pushing for wars to rearrange
the entire politics of the Middle East in Israel's favor, and with
nary a soul having the courage to mention the obvious overriding
Jewish loyalty apparent in Perle's actions, that is indeed a
breathtaking display of power.

One must contemplate the fact that American Jews have managed to
maintain unquestioned support for Israel over the last thirty-seven
years, despite Israel's seizing land and engaging in a brutal
suppression of the Palestinians in the occupied territories - an
occupation that will most likely end with expulsion or complete
subjugation, degradation, and apartheid. During the same period Jewish
organizations in America have been a principal force - in my view the
main force - for transforming America into a state dedicated to
suppressing ethnic identification among Europeans, for encouraging
massive multiethnic immigration into the U.S., and for erecting a
legal system and cultural ideology that is obsessively sensitive to
the complaints and interests of non-European ethnic minorities - the
culture of the Holocaust. All this is done without a whisper of
double standards in the aboveground media...

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 9, 2017, 7:20:29 PM1/9/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> Kevin MacDonald ...

"Kevin MacDonald is the neo-Nazi movement's favorite academic. A
psychology professor at California State University, Long Beach,
MacDonald published a trilogy that supposedly "proves" that Jews are
genetically driven to destroy Western societies."

"Anti-Semites also rave about MacDonald's works. The former Klan leader
and infamous neo-Nazi David Duke extols MacDonald and cites his trilogy
as central to his thinking about the dangers posed by Jews in his

"MacDonald is doing his best to stifle further debate among his
colleagues about his anti-Semitic theories and white supremacist
activism. After the Intelligence Report contacted his fellow professors
in 2006 for comment about MacDonald, psychology department faculty
members met with the staff of the Office of Equity and Diversity about
possible responses to MacDonald's research. In retaliation, MacDonald
sent out a threatening notice to his colleagues, which claimed there was
an "ongoing and serious attempt to impair my constitutional rights and
academic freedom" that could result in "civil liability." But MacDonald's
threats didn't stop his psychology department from finally taking action.
In late 2006, the department passed three resolutions prompted by
MacDonald's research. One strongly condemned the knowing misuse of
psychological research "by groups that disseminate views of racial/ethnic
superiority and/or racial/ethnic hatred"; the others defended academic
freedom and supported diversity. In 2008, both the Jewish Studies Program
and the History Department issued statements specifically distancing
themselves from MacDonald's hateful work."



Regurgitating some brain-dead propaganda crap won't help Topaz's Nazi
cause one little bit.

Nazi hate propaganda is hereby flushed! And Topaz with it!

Happy Nazi hunting Everyone throughout 2017!


Jan 10, 2017, 5:00:37 PM1/10/17

THE ENEMIES of White people around the world have a pathological
love affair with the term 'White supremacist' whenever they report
on or describe White people who act in a collective manner, no
matter how benign, on behalf of their own group interests..
However, the same people who decry 'White supremacism' seem to have a
difficult time describing the actions of non-Whites acting on behalf
of their group interests, often violently, as supremacists of any
And never mind the fact that most so-called White supremacists
simply work to promote separate living space and political
independence from Jewish or other non-White influence.
All right then, I have a question for you about this 'White
supremacism': where is it? Where is this so-called White
supremacism? Have you seen it?

Far too many White people in America and around the world are
race-mixing and aborting themselves out of existence. Our
politicians are allowing record Third World immigration into our
White ancestral homelands. Our White corporate 'free traders' and
White globalists continue to impoverish us as they send our jobs
overseas, and our White politicians send our White soldiers to die
in a senseless war in Iraq for Israel, soldiers who will never sire
another generation of their own kind.

Does that sound like 'White supremacism'?
We continue to allow the media masters to produce their filth,
surpassing each other in obscenity as they abuse our people in print
and on screen. Does that sound like White supremacy?
Ubiquitous misinformation in the media and in the schools has made
too many of us ashamed of our nature and our traditions; our
accomplishments, we are told, belong to the entire world. Even most
Whites-who know they're being lied to-are still too scared to
organize for our common good, because Jewish supremacists such as
the Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center, their
allies in the media, and their lapdog politicians attack any who
try to stand up to them; even as Jews and other non-Whites are
encouraged, even paid, to organize.

How "supreme" is that, my friends?
If you recall, the recent demonstrations of Mestizo invaders across
America bore a simple message: 'We claim your land! We claim your
jobs! We want your women! We demand your future! If you don't hand
us America, then you are racist pigs!'
Where was the massive so-called White supremacist backlash to these
invaders? Where was the White resistance to this clear and present
danger to our posterity? With the exception of the street activism
of National Vanguard members and supporters and a few other stalwart
patriots, I didn't see it. Did you?

So, where were all the White people during these Mestizo
demonstrations? Well, my guess is they were figuring out how they're
going to pay their next tax bill; working longer hours for less and
less inflation-reduced take-home pay; shopping at yet another new
Wal-Mart for the only kind of goods many can afford, Chinese junk;
watching ball games; attending yet another anti-White motion
picture, and so on. Some are blind, happily embracing their lives as
the new peons in a multiracial America, while others know something
is wrong, but haven't yet figured it out. Some know exactly what is
happening, but are afraid to say anything, falsely believing they
are all alone in their beliefs.
Fear is the dominant note in this funeral march.

Everywhere our borders have been opened and the
new elite teaches our children that intermarriage is good and
desirable. Everywhere the new elite teaches our children that to
defend our genetic heritage is the very definition of evil. The end
result, if trends continue, will be genocide.

There is no fortress against this persistent onslaught. There are no
mighty gates on the horizon swinging open to offer us sanctuary. The
Other is in every city, every county, every town, every hamlet now.
The Opponent continues to work overtime to convince us all that
White racial consciousness is "evil," because they know that we are
the only real obstacle to their malevolent plans for a global
plantation. They are the real supremacists. Not us.

History has set a task for us. It is to dispel the fog of fear that
immobilizes the sleeping White giant of our people. It is to change
the now-dominant note of fear to one of determination. It is to turn
that funeral march into a march of triumph.
National Vanguard. Our time has come and our time is now.

I'm Frank Roman. Thank you for listening and I shall speak with you

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 10, 2017, 7:38:08 PM1/10/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> 'White supremacism'

SPLC Releases Map of Neo-Nazi, Skinhead, Confederate, Patriot Groups —
Which State is the King of Hate?


...and the winner is ...California! YAY!

The USA is where the white supremacists scum and neo-Nazis have found safe
harbour in the social sewers of humanity. They dream again of total World
domination based on racism which was denied to them with the end of WW II.

Let's not give it to them!
Happy Nazi hunting everyone all over the World throughout 2017!


Jan 11, 2017, 4:59:51 PM1/11/17

'Nazi' Concentration Camps on Staten Island?
Hengist - Focal Point

In 1981, Jack Glenn, director of the popular 1940's newsreel series
"March of Time" died at age 76. His obituary ... let slip an amazing
revelation: "As senior director for the popular movie house newsreel,
he often created world events with actors and movie sets. One such
news feature film, Inside Nazi Germany, made in 1938, included footage
of a `concentration camp' that was filmed on Staten Island with scores
of New York City actors..." Millions of Americans watching the
"news"-reels in their local theatres were convinced that they were
seeing "the real thing." How many such images of "reality" that we see
on a regular basis are actually the creation of movie magicians?

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 11, 2017, 5:35:21 PM1/11/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> 'Nazi' Concentration Camps ...

...were the result of the Nazi ideology imposed on the Deutsches Vaterland
by a brutal bunch of sociopath criminal bullies, who have managed to
grab the seat of power and terrorise a nation and the rest of Europe.
These camps had played an integral part in industrial scale and fully
mechanised machinery set up by the Nazis for dehumanisation of millions
who have ended up enslaved, tortured and exterminated.

Yep. The Germans had a nasty awakening to the fact that the Nazis had
brought them to a nation wide disaster.
Anyone who believes now in the neo-Nazi hype and propaganda giving them
support and propaganda oxygen one day will end up the same way.

Nazi propaganda is hereby flushed! And Topaz with it!
Happy Nazi hunting Everyone throughout 2017!


Jan 12, 2017, 9:22:46 PM1/12/17

" I've always been suspicious of the fake radio station attack story.
It's is so much like the story of the Nazis burning the Reichstag.
Both stories had the same purpose: the radio station story was
intended to deny that the Germans had a good reason for attacking
Poland so they had to make up a reason. The Reichstag fire accusation
was made up to deny that the Germans had a reason for arresting the
Communists and putting them in concentration camps.
There were many stories of the Poles attacking German citizens and
there were many border incidents in which Poles killed German
soldiers. Why would the Germans have to fake an incident on August 31?
They already had their troops ready to invade. The order had been
given a few days before, but Hitler was delaying while he tried to
negotiate with the British. He had already told the British how angry
he was about the Poles shooting Germans at the border only a day or
two before. Supposedly Hitler didn't find out about the radio station
incident until the next day when the invasion had started.
The man who supposedly carried out the hoax was Alfred Neujocks who
was in the German spy organization. He was captured by the Americans
in 1944, at which time he signed an affadavit which was later entered
as evidence at the Nuremberg trial. After he signed this paper, he
escaped and was never heard from again. Sounds verrrry suspicious to
me. I'll bet the Americans arranged for his escape after he provided
them with the evidence that they needed to prove that the Germans
attacked Poland for no reason. This was very important because in 1944
they were already planning the war crimes trials and they needed proof
that the Germans were entirely to blame for the war, just like they
forced the Germans to take the blame for World War I, so they would
have to pay reparations. After the war, all the stories about the
Poles attacking the Germans were suppressed. The only way you will
ever read about it is to find a history book, that is now out of
print, in a used book store."

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 12, 2017, 10:16:00 PM1/12/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> the Nazis burning the Reichstag...

Yeah, and the lengthy years that had followed made everyone wish that it
would have been the only thing the Nazis ever burnt!

Towards the end of World War II it has become very clear to all freedom
loving sane humans all over the planet what terrible tragedy the Nazis
have brought upon our World!
And to what end: ruthless World domination by a pathetic racist few!

"Enough of that!" was the consensus of people working towards the Nazis

But decades later the low-lives scum are back hoping for a second chance

Let's not give it to them!
Happy Nazi hunting everyone all over the World throughout 2017!


Jan 13, 2017, 8:24:15 AM1/13/17

The original KKK was the only police department the hated southern
Whites had after they lost the war. They executed murderers and other
scum. It disbanded after normal law and order returned.

William Simmons later started a new KKK. The murder of Mary Phagan
by a Jew resulted in decent folk applying justice that never came from
the Jew courts. America is ruled by the Jews, that is why it is always
involved in the Middle East.

Simmons started his organization to honor the original KKK. The main
motivation was the movie "Birth of a Nation" which told the real story
of the KKK instead of the liberal lies the Jewish controlled media
always spouts. If you get the movie make sure it is uncut. Most copies
of this movie have the good parts cut out.

One of the men who joined Simmons on Stone Mountain in 1915 to give
the Klan a rebirth was an elderly gentleman who had belonged to the
first Klan in the 1860s.

The problem is that we are ruled by Jews who control the media and
hate the White race. Anyone who told any facts and truth about racial
matters was ignored by the media. But if a group put on KKK sheets or
wore swastikas the media couldn't ignore that. So around the 1960's
people did just that. It was either do something outrageous or be
completely unknown and nonexistent according to the Jewish controlled

Everyone knows that if race-mixing continues then in the future there
will only be brown people and the White race will be gone. People are
very concerned about endangered species of animals. That is nothing
compared to the tragedy of letting the White race disappear. Whites
invented everything and civilized the world. White neighborhoods are
gorgeous and the White race is very attractive.

Today the Jews insist that White civilization has to mix with Africa
and be destroyed, while at the same time they can have their country
for Jews. The Jews who destroyed South Africa didn't have Blacks in
their own synagogues either, but they demand race mixing for Whites.

The KKK did a lot of good but they were more of a social group than a
political party. The man who almost saved the earth from destruction
was named Adolf Hitler. The National Socialists put everything right
and ruled Germany for a decade. It took all the Jewish controlled
countries combined to stop them. Communism was run by Jews and the
National Socialists stood up and stopped these murderous scum. And
Capitalism is rotten to the core also. Jews like Ayn Rand said
selfishness and greed are good things. Today everthing is wrong
because the Jews are running the show. Adolf Hitler was the greatest
man who ever lived. Heil Hitler.

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 13, 2017, 9:25:32 PM1/13/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil"

> The original KKK was ...

...feeling quite lonely as a violent white supremacist hate organisation
until those refugee Nazis, the trash of Europe, have arrived after WW2 .
But now, under Trump things will get better, so Topaz wants to believe.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
SPLC Releases Map of Neo-Nazi, Skinhead, Confederate, Patriot Groups —
Which State is the King of Hate?


...and the winner is ...California! YAY!

The USA is where the white supremacists scum and neo-Nazis have found safe
harbour in the social sewers of humanity. They dream again of total World
domination based on racism which was denied to them with the end of WW II.


Jan 14, 2017, 6:36:05 AM1/14/17

Rauschning's Phony 'Conversations With Hitler': An Update
Mark Weber

One of the most widely quoted sources of information about Hitler's
personality and secret intentions is the supposed memoir of Hermann
Rauschning, the National Socialist President of the Danzig Senate in
1933-1934 who was ousted from the Hitler movement a short time later
and then made a new life for himself as a professional anti-Nazi.
In the book known in German as Conversations with Hitler (Gespraeche
mit Hitler) and first published in the U.S. in 1940 as The Voice of
Destruction, Rauschning presents page after page of what are purported
to be Hitler's most intimate views and plans for the future, allegedly
based on dozens of private conversations between 1932 and 1934. After
the war the memoir was introduced as Allied prosecution exhibit
USSR-378 at the main Nuremberg "war crimes" trial...

Hitler is also supposed to have confided to Rauschning, an almost
unknown provincial official, fantastic plans for a German world empire
that would include Africa, South America, Mexico and, eventually, the
United States.

Many prestigious historians, inculding Leon Poliakov, Gerhard
Weinberg, Alan Bullock, Joachim Fest, Nora Levin and Robert Payne,
used choice quotations from Rauschning's memoir in their works of
history. Poliakov, one of the most prominent Holocaust writers,
specifically praised Rauschning for his "exceptional accuracy, while
Levin, another widely-read Holocaust historian, called him "one of the
most penetrating analysts of the Nazi period."

But not everyone has been so credulous. Swiss historian Wolfgang
Haenel spent five years diligently investigating the memoir before
announcing his findings in 1983 at a revisionist history conference in
West Germany. The renowned Conversations with Hitler, he declared are
a total fraud. The book has no value "except as a document of Allied
war propaganda."

Haenel was able to conclusively establish that Rausching's claim to
have met with Hitler "more than a hundred times is a lie. The two
actually met only four times, and never alone. The words attributed to
Hitler, he showed, were simply invented or lifted from many different
sources, including writings by Juenger and Friedrich Nietzsche. An
account of Hitler hearing voices, waking at night with convulsive
shrieks and pointing in terror at an empty corner while shouting
"There, there, in the corner!" was taken from a short story by French
writer Guy de Maupassant.

The phony memoir was designed to incite public opinion in democratic
countries, especially in the United States, in favor of war against
Germany. The project was the brainchild of the Hungarian-born
journalist Emery Reves, who ran an influential anti-German press and
propaganda agency in Paris during the 1930s. Haenel has also found
evidence that a prominent British journalist named Henry
Wickham-Steele helped to produce the memoir. Wickham-Steele was a
right-hand man of Sir Robert Vansittart, perhaps the most vehemently
anti-German figure in Britain.

A report about Haenel's sensational findings appeared in the Fall 1983
issue of The Journal of Historical Review. More recently, West
Germany's most influential weekly periodicals, Die Zeit, and Der
Spiegel (7 September 1985), have run lengthy articles about historical
hoax. Der Spiegel concluded that Rauschning's Conversations with
Hitler "are a falsification, an historical distortion from the first
to the last page ... Haenel not only proves the falsification, he also
shows how the impressive surrogate was quickly compiled and which
ingredients were mixed together."

There are some valuable lessons to be learned from the story of this
sordid hoax, which took more than 40 years to finally unmask: It shows
that even the most brazen historical fraud can have a tremendous
impact if it serves important interests, that it's easier to invent a
great historical lie than to expose one and finally, that everyone
should be extremely wary of even the "authoritative" portrayals of the
emotionally-charged Hitler era.

A footnote: Readers interested in an authentic record of Hitler's
personality and private views should look into the fascinating and
wide-ranging memoir of Otto Wagener, published in August 1985 by Yale
University Press under the title Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant.
Wagener was the first Chief of Staff of the SA ("stormtroopers") and
Director of the Economic-Political Department of the National
Socialist Party. He spent hundreds of hours with Hitler between 1929
and 1932, many of them alone.

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

Jan 14, 2017, 7:01:45 PM1/14/17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil"

> Conversations With Hitler ...

Must have been quite a riveting neo-Nazi Séance!

Is that how you did it?
How to Conduct a Séance: 14 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

However I hope you do realise that as far as such things go a Séance does
not equate to a successful necromancy.
Hitler still rots away quite nicely in its unmarked grave. GOOD RIDDANCE!

The same goes for your Nazi nostalgia copy and paste propaganda!
Regurgitating the very same propaganda crap endlessly won't help your Nazi
cause one little bit.

Your Nazi propaganda is hereby flushed.
(I'll never give up kicking your Nazi arse until you drop off Usenet,
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