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Chemtrails Killed the Honey Bees - Secret NATO and UN operation

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8 Police State, &...... The Draft of Future�s Past Super 8 Police State & The Draft of Future's Past

Oct 13, 2009, 12:42:19 PM10/13/09
Chemtrails Killed the Honey Bees - Secret NATO and UN operation

Honeybees pollinate the fruit-flowers so that fruit and vegetables can grow.
Without honeybees, no fruit, no vegetable, no food.


Tuesday, Oct 13th, 2009

Honeybees pollinate the fruit-flowers so that fruit and vegetables can grow.
Without honeybees, no fruit, no vegetable, no food.


Oct 13, 2009, 1:35:55 PM10/13/09
On Oct 13, 10:42 am, "Super 8 Police State & The Draft of Future's
Past" <Super 8 Police State, &...... The Draft of Future’s Past

How can "chemtrails" harm the bees? There are NO chemtrails to start

Dan Hutchinson

Oct 13, 2009, 2:04:38 PM10/13/09

"Roy" <> wrote in message

Also a bit odd since there are honeybee colonies in the Vancouver area that
provide honey for local suppliers.

In fact, one is located in Pitt Meadows which is right below one of the
approach paths to Vancouver International Airport (used by flights from
Calgary and origins Back East). They keep about 1,000 colonies of bees.

There are no chemtrails and never have been. This topic has been covered
before but this headcase doesn't want to believe anything except what

8 Police State, &...... The Draft of Future�s Past Super 8 Police State & The Draft of Future�s Past

Oct 13, 2009, 2:36:48 PM10/13/09

"Roy" <> wrote in message

Well Roy, lets just say, it's beyond your comprehension, to grasp that the
miltary has added subtances in the spraying programs for the population
control agenda..

8 Police State, &...... The Draft of Future�s Past Super 8 Police State & The Draft of Future's Past

Oct 13, 2009, 2:40:23 PM10/13/09

"Dan Hutchinson" <> wrote in message

> "Roy" <> wrote in message
> On Oct 13, 10:42 am, "Super 8 Police State & The Draft of Future's
> Past" <Super 8 Police State, &...... The Draft of Future's Past
>> wrote:
> > Chemtrails Killed the Honey Bees - Secret NATO and UN operation
> >
> > Honeybees pollinate the fruit-flowers so that fruit and vegetables can
> > grow.
> > Without honeybees, no fruit, no vegetable, no food.
> >
> > ............
> >
> > Youtube
> > Tuesday, Oct 13th, 2009
> >
> > Honeybees pollinate the fruit-flowers so that fruit and vegetables can
> > grow.
> > Without honeybees, no fruit, no vegetable, no food.
> >
> >
> How can "chemtrails" harm the bees? There are NO chemtrails to start
> with.
> Also a bit odd since there are honeybee colonies in the Vancouver area
> provide honey for local suppliers.

not really, talk to the local scienist who been complaining to the Bc
government who have become the three monkeys...hear nothing, see nothing and
don't dare speak anything...

> In fact, one is located in Pitt Meadows which is right below one of the
> approach paths to Vancouver International Airport (used by flights from
> Edmonton
> Calgary and origins Back East). They keep about 1,000 colonies of bees.
> There are no chemtrails and never have been. This topic has been covered
> before but this headcase doesn't want to believe anything except what
> Infowars
> says.

Whatever you want to think Kent...that's your right....but ask all the
people who are not seeing any bee's as much like they used to in their


Oct 13, 2009, 7:29:38 PM10/13/09

"Super 8 Police State & The Draft of Future's Past" <Super 8 Police State,
&...... The Draft of Future's Past>

wrote in message news:rQ3Bm.48689$PH1.43423@edtnps82...

since no one truly knows the cause of the "honeybee genocide", it's rather
pointless to ask any farmer without the training and equipment necessary to
investigate the problem....

Oct 13, 2009, 11:26:20 PM10/13/09

"Roy" <> wrote in message

They can harm them if they are filled with substances harmful to bees....
like say PESTICIDES?? Duh!

As for whether they exist.... I've seen definite trails of some description
on several occasions... Large billowy trails that are ten times the width of
contrails, and sometimes appear brown or tan, and last for hours...

Then there is the science and documentation behind it... such as House Bill
2977, which mentions them BY NAME in a government document circa 2001.

And as for whether or not government has to moral fiber to never experiment
on its own citizens... well, if you don't think they would, you are either a
imbecile, or someone under 12.

Oct 13, 2009, 11:31:09 PM10/13/09

"klunk" <> wrote in message

ScienceDaily (Aug. 25, 2009) - Researchers report this week that they have
found a surprising but reliable marker of colony collapse disorder, a
baffling malady that in 2007-2008 killed off more than a third of commercial
honey bees in the U.S.

Their study, in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is the
first to identify a single, objective molecular marker of the disorder, and
to propose a data-driven hypothesis to explain the mysterious disappearance
of American honey bees. The team included researchers from the University of
Illinois and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

U. of I. researchers spearheaded the honey bee genome project, which was
completed in October 2006, less than a month before the first reports of
colony collapse disorder (CCD) began to circulate. The new study made use of
the genome and a genome-based tool, the microarray, to look for differences
in gene expression in the guts of healthy honey bees and in those from hives
afflicted by CCD.

Such microarray analyses normally identify only active genes - those that
have been transcribed into messenger RNA in the first stage of building
proteins. But Reed Johnson, a University of Illinois doctoral student in
entomology and first author on the study, noticed that the microarrays were
turning up large quantities of fragmented ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in the bees
affected by CCD. Ribosomes are the factories in which proteins are made, but
Johnson observed that this rRNA contained adenosine-rich sequences not seen
in normal ribosomes. Such "polyadenylation" is believed to be a sign of
ribosome degradation.

"Microarrays for other organisms also contain these mysterious pieces of
ribosomal RNA, for reasons that are not yet altogether clear," said
entomology and neuroscience professor Gene Robinson, a co-principal
investigator on the study with entomology professor and department head May
Berenbaum. But comparisons of healthy bees and bees from hives afflicted
with CCD showed that the fragments were present at a much higher frequency
in the CCD bees, he said.

"They are overrepresented in the CCD bees, significantly overrepresented,"
Berenbaum said. "The one consistent indicator of CCD across samples
collected at multiple times and in multiple places was the overabundance of
ribosomal fragments."

When the team looked at the pathogens of healthy bees and bees from hives
affected by CCD, they saw that the CCD bees suffered "more than their share"
of infections with viruses that attack the ribosome, Berenbaum said. These
so-called picorna-like viruses "hijack the ribosome," she said, taking over
the cellular machinery to manufacture only viral proteins. The list of
picorna-like viruses that afflict honey bees is long and includes Israeli
acute paralysis virus, which was once suspected of being the primary cause
of CCD.


Oct 13, 2009, 11:37:58 PM10/13/09

"" <gmr36v$10h4$> wrote in
message news:bCbBm.24082$QG1....@newsfe23.iad...

thanks for the article.... and for supporting my statement... ;-)

8 Police State, &...... The Draft of Future�s Past Super 8 Police State & The Draft of Future's Past

Oct 13, 2009, 11:42:36 PM10/13/09

"" <gmr36v$10h4$> wrote in
message news:SxbBm.142625$Y83....@newsfe21.iad...

It doesn't matter what proof you show these useful socialist idiots, as they
all been-brain washed into beleiving that governments would never harm them
or their familes.(their kids). So keep in mind, as long as they get their
fluff and ball park news that keeps them dumbed down, there happy, and the
governments are happy, they will die for treasous political scum signing
agreeemnts with non-elected officals from other counties.....too them it's
all just a mythical unicorn made up bed time stories.....

So look at it this way, the rest of us know what we have to do to government

8 Police State, &...... The Draft of Future�s Past Super 8 Police State & The Draft of Future's Past

Oct 13, 2009, 11:44:42 PM10/13/09

"" <gmr36v$10h4$> wrote in
message news:bCbBm.24082$QG1....@newsfe23.iad...

It doesn't matter what proof you show these useful socialist idiots, as they
all been-brain washed into beleiving that governments would never harm them

or their familes.(their own kids). So keep in mind, as long as they get

fluff and ball park news that keeps them dumbed down, there happy, and the

governments happy, they will die for treasous political scum signing


Oct 14, 2009, 12:04:37 AM10/14/09

"Super 8 Police State & The Draft of Future's Past" <Super 8 Police State,
&...... The Draft of Future's Past>

wrote in message news:KObBm.48033$Db2.47732@edtnps83...

iow... you didn't read the article... or you're just too stupid to
comprehend it... ;-)

btw dipshit... it completely eviscerated your chemtrail theory... good luck
with figuring out how... ;-)

Oct 14, 2009, 12:38:32 AM10/14/09

"klunk" <> wrote in message

It might support the idea that the EXACT cause is not known, but it
certainly doesn't support the idea that it is "pointless" to ask farmers
about whether bees are disappearing - or even a probable cause at this
point. The story has been mainstream news for some time now.... and farmers
have a particular interest in keeping track of bees, and as a rule would be
more observant and knowledgeable than the average Joe on the subject.

So I'll be generous and award you half a point for your first comment, but
take away a full point for your second... net score -1/2

I can give you another article, if you need to know why farmers are
especially interested and knowledgeable on bee health if you want?? ;-)

Dan Hutchinson

Oct 14, 2009, 12:45:35 AM10/14/09

"klunk" <> wrote in message

Especially at this time of year when bees are going into hibernation.


Oct 14, 2009, 1:02:36 AM10/14/09

"" <gmr36v$10h4$> wrote in
message news:oBcBm.3646$Ku5...@newsfe04.iad...

clearly, you're incapable of understanding how an untrained farmer without
the requisite equipment can do little more than provide elaborations on
their observations... which the article supported simply by describing the
evidence which has been uncovered by trained scientists.... only someone who
fails to comprehend the subtle complexities of microbiology would assume
that a farmer is even aware of rna... let alone be capable of providing
enough insight into such a thing to develop a credible theory....

but... that's no surprise to me because the bulk of your posts are rife with
the same sort of anti-authority paranoia which drives hansel's rabid
stupidity.... ;-)

obtw.... thanks for your response because I expected such a head-shake from
you... at least you're capable of recognizing some extent of error within
your judgment... which means you're not as completely fucked up as hansel
is... there may actually be some hope for you and I hope you can find some
comfort in that.... ;-)

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