PDF & ePUB with Anthologize Wordpress plugin?

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Jodi Schneider

Jan 15, 2013, 3:01:55 PM1/15/13
to c4lj-d...@googlegroups.com
I ran into a Wordpress plugin that creates PDF & ePUB -- it might be useful for the Journal if anybody has time to experiment:

"Anthologize is a free, open-source, plugin that transforms WordPress into a platform for publishing electronic texts. Grab posts from your WordPress blog, import feeds from external sites, or create new content directly within Anthologize. Then outline, order, and edit your work, crafting it into a single volume for export in several formats, including—in this release—PDF, ePUB, TEI."


Tom Keays

Jan 15, 2013, 3:13:22 PM1/15/13
to c4lj-d...@googlegroups.com
We have looked at it a bit. Its state use case is for monograph-like publications (correct me if I am wrong about this), so it would need to be modified for use with a serial publication. Having a semi-automatic way to publish articles as PDF and ePub has been a goal since almost the beginning of the Journal. 



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Jonathan Rochkind

Jan 15, 2013, 3:17:28 PM1/15/13
to c4lj-d...@googlegroups.com, Tom Keays
Last time someone looked at it, they DID determine what Tom says, I recall.

However, the Journal of Digital Humanities told me they use the
Anthologize plugin for their journal, which, like ours, is a serial
divided into discrete issues.

The Journal of Digital Humanities folks were willing to talk to us to
explain what they did and how, if anyone's interested. I was interested,
but haven't gotten to it yet, and may not for a while.

I personally would REALLY like us to have PDF and ePub versions of our
issues in our increasingly ebooked world, but nobody's had time to
design an automated workflow/toolchain for it for us yet.

You interested Jodi? :)

On 1/15/2013 3:13 PM, Tom Keays wrote:
> We have looked at it a bit. Its state use case is for monograph-like
> publications (correct me if I am wrong about this), so it would need to
> be modified for use with a serial publication. Having a semi-automatic
> way to publish articles as PDF and ePub has been a goal since almost the
> beginning of the Journal.
> Tom
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 3:01 PM, Jodi Schneider <jschn...@pobox.com
> <mailto:jschn...@pobox.com>> wrote:
> I ran into a Wordpress plugin that creates PDF & ePUB -- it might be
> useful for the Journal if anybody has time to experiment:
> "Anthologize is a free, open-source, plugin that transforms
> WordPress into a platform for publishing electronic texts. Grab
> posts from your WordPress blog, import feeds from external sites, or
> create new content directly within Anthologize. Then outline, order,
> and edit your work, crafting it into a single volume for export in
> several formats, including�in this release�PDF, ePUB, TEI."
> http://anthologize.org/about/
> -Jodi
> --
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> c4lj-discuss...@googlegroups.com
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Jodi Schneider

Jan 15, 2013, 3:20:15 PM1/15/13
to c4lj-d...@googlegroups.com
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 8:17 PM, Jonathan Rochkind <roch...@jhu.edu> wrote:
Last time someone looked at it, they DID determine what Tom says, I recall.

However, the Journal of Digital Humanities told me they use the Anthologize plugin for their journal, which, like ours, is a serial divided into discrete issues.

The Journal of Digital Humanities folks were willing to talk to us to explain what they did and how, if anyone's interested. I was interested, but haven't gotten to it yet, and may not for a while.

Good to hear! 

I personally would REALLY like us to have PDF and ePub versions of our issues in our increasingly ebooked world, but nobody's had time to design an automated workflow/toolchain for it for us yet.


You interested Jodi? :)

Nope -- I'm thesis writing. 


On 1/15/2013 3:13 PM, Tom Keays wrote:
We have looked at it a bit. Its state use case is for monograph-like
publications (correct me if I am wrong about this), so it would need to
be modified for use with a serial publication. Having a semi-automatic
way to publish articles as PDF and ePub has been a goal since almost the
beginning of the Journal.


On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 3:01 PM, Jodi Schneider <jschn...@pobox.com
<mailto:jschn...@pobox.com>> wrote:

    I ran into a Wordpress plugin that creates PDF & ePUB -- it might be
    useful for the Journal if anybody has time to experiment:

    "Anthologize is a free, open-source, plugin that transforms
    WordPress into a platform for publishing electronic texts. Grab
    posts from your WordPress blog, import feeds from external sites, or
    create new content directly within Anthologize. Then outline, order,
    and edit your work, crafting it into a single volume for export in
    several formats, including—in this release—PDF, ePUB, TEI."



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Tom Keays

Jan 15, 2013, 3:36:51 PM1/15/13
to c4lj-d...@googlegroups.com
However, the Journal of Digital Humanities told me they use the Anthologize plugin for their journal, which, like ours, is a serial divided into discrete issues.

I'd forgotten about this. Out of the box, Anthologize takes a set of WordPress posts, lets you apply a custom order to them, and then publishes the whole thing as a single PDF or ePub. While it would be acceptable to publish a single issue as a work, publishing the entire Journal as a work is not.  

And our original goal was to publish articles, rather than issues, in alternate formats. While the latter might be acceptable, most readers, I think, would still want an option to output a few of the articles rather than all of them. 

The Journal of Digital Humanities folks were willing to talk to us to explain what they did and how, if anyone's interested. I was interested, but haven't gotten to it yet, and may not for a while.

Since I'm firstly interested in refreshing the Journal's WordPress theme, that will have to be my priority in the short term. However, I'd love to hear how the Journal of Digital Humanities is using this plugin. 


Jonathan Rochkind

Jan 15, 2013, 3:39:52 PM1/15/13
to c4lj-d...@googlegroups.com, Tom Keays
Huh, for PDF we might have been thinking individual article -- but for
ePub, it makes sense to me to have one-ePub-per-volume.

And I'd really want one of those in PDF too, for ebook uses.

I'm thinking "download the latest Code4Lib issue to my mobile device or
ereader, so I can read it at my convenience, with or without internet"
as the most crucial use case here.

Individual PDFs might also be nice, but the as-an-issue one actually
seems more important to me.

At any rate, if you're interested in working on this (or at least
starting to lay out some possible options with more investigations of
practical details), Tom, that'd be super-duper awewsome , and I can put
you in touch wtih the person from J of D.H. that offered to discuss it
if you're interested.

Steve Oberg

Feb 23, 2013, 11:27:54 AM2/23/13
to c4lj-d...@googlegroups.com, Tom Keays

I'm new to Code4Lib and new to this discussion list but wanted to add some $.02 about the desirability of having PDF and ePub availability for the journal. I teach part-time as an adjunct for the University of Illinois GSLIS and a constant activity for me throughout the year is keeping up-to-date on current library literature. I admire the Code4Lib Journal and have added articles from it to my reading list for students on several occasions. The availability of PDFs of individual articles, in particular, makes this process smoother for me, and dare I write, more "professional" and scholarly in appearance, for them. I think this group understands this quite well already but just wanted to mention that aspect. 

Sara Amato

Jun 7, 2013, 12:49:27 PM6/7/13
to c4lj-d...@googlegroups.com
Is anyone still thinking about this?  It would seem like there are lots of 'create pdf from post' plugins around (though I can't say anything about their actual validity/security)
Ignoring the topic of epub for a moment, it would seem like post->pdf might be low hanging fruit?

Here's a couple from a quick google search:

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