svg via snap and brython?

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John B

Sep 3, 2016, 6:55:51 PM9/3/16
to brython
I would like to manipulate svg in the browser using Brython, and am interested in doing it one of two ways: import the Brython svg module from the browser, or load the snap.js lib into the window and access it via JSConstructor.  I am new to both, but it appears that snap.js might have a few extra features and conveniences.  Is this true? Is there any advantage to snap.js?

Regardless, I would like to get them both working on a test problem, but am having trouble.  First snap.  I am trying to move a box using the following Brython code (from

from browser import document, alert, confirm, prompt
from browser import window
from javascript import JSConstructor

Snap = JSConstructor(window.Snap)
s = Snap(300, 300)
rect = s.rect(20,20,40,40);

def move (dx,dy,x,y,evt):

def start (x,y,evt):

def stop(evt):

rect.drag(move, start, stop);

It works fine, but I don't know how to access the rect object via the move function.  The move function only receives dx,dy,x,y,evt, where evt is a MouseEvent object with only one attribute ('isTrusted') and no methods. Suppose that I have several rectangles and I was using rect2.drag(), rect3.drag() etc.  How would I know which rectangle is calling start, move, and stop?  Said another way, how do I inspect the object that called move? 

Next, svg. If I import svg from browser, the following code works:

from browser import document, alert, confirm, prompt, svg

rect = svg.rect(x="40",y="100", width="40", height="40",

panel = document['panel']
panel <= rect

I can move it using, for example, rect.y = int(rect.y)-2.

But how do I transform it.  I tried rect.transform("translate(700 210) rotate(-30)") but that raises an error.  It seems that transform is not callable.

Also, does anyone have any simple code that illustrates how animateMotion and animateTransform are used?


John B

Sep 4, 2016, 4:46:03 PM9/4/16
to brython

Ah, just found an example of snap and Brython.  This helps.
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