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Democrats disingenuous in their condemnation of "Unfit for Command"

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Matt Jacobs

2004年8月24日 上午9:06:512004/8/24
I find it amazing that the Democrats are making such a fuss over this
one little book. You would think there were 100 books criticizing

Just to be fair, let's take a look at some of the books that are
critical of Pres. Bush and Bush Administration policies. Some of these
authors have valid points; others are slimy hatchet jobs. You decide.

This list is based on a thread posted on

The Three Little Pigs Buy the White House (Dan Piraro; ISBN

Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush (John W.
Dean; ISBN 031600023X)

The Lies of George W. Bush: Mastering the Politics of Deception (David
Corn; ISBN 1400050669)

Is Our Children Learning? : The Case Against George W. Bush (Paul
Begala; ISBN 0743214781)

Big Bush Lies: The 20 Most Telling Lies of President George W. Bush
(Jerry 'Politex' Barrett; ISBN 1883991943)

Warrior King: The Case for Impeaching George Bush (John Bonifaz; ISBN

The I Hate George W. Bush Reader: Why Dubya Is Wrong About Absolutely
Everything (Clint Willis; ISBN 1560255897)

American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in
the House of Bush (Kevin Phillips; ISBN 0670032646)

Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror (Anonymous;
ISBN 1574888498)

Obliviously On He Sails : The Bush Administration in Rhyme (Calvin
Trillin; ISBN 1400062888)

The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the
Education of Paul O'Neill (Ron Suskind; ISBN 5551291812)

Bushwhacked : Life in George W. Bush's America (Molly Ivins and Lou
DuBose; ISBN 0375507523)

The Dirty Truth, The Oil and Chemical Dependency of George W. Bush
(Rick Abraham; ISBN 0970519001)

The President of Good and Evil: The Ethics of George W. Bush (Peter
Singer; ISBN 0525948139)

Crimes Against Nature : How George W. Bush and His Corporate Pals Are
Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy (Robert F. Kennedy
Jr.; ISBN 0060746874)

Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order (Mark Crispin Miller;
ISBN 0393059170)

The Book on Bush: How George W. (Mis)leads America (Eric Alterman and
Mark Green; ISBN 0670032735)

The Bush - Haters Handbook: A Guide to the Most Appalling Presidency
of the Past 100 Years (Jack Huberman; ISBN 1560255692)

Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at
the Right (Al Franken; ISBN 0452285216)

Dude, Where's My Country? (Michael Moore; ISBN 0446532231)
Dreaming War: Blood for Oil and the Cheney-Bush Junta (Gore Vidal;
ISBN 1560255021)

Why Are We at War? (Norman Mailer; ISBN 0812971116)

Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror (Richard A.
Clarke; ISBN 0743260244)

Fanatics and Fools: The Game Plan for Winning Back America (Arianna
Huffington; ISBN 1401352138)

The Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraq (Christopher Scheer,
Lakshmi Chaudhry, and Robert Scheer; ISBN 1583226443)

Bushworld: Enter at your own risk (Maureen Dowd; ISBN 039915258X)

Gag Rule: On the Suppression of Dissent and Stifling of Democracy
(Lewis Lapham; ISBN 1594200173)

Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance (The
American Empire Project) (Noam Chomsky; ISBN 0805074007)

Had Enough? : A Handbook for Fighting Back (James Carville; ISBN

Big Lies: The Right-Wing Propaganda Machine and How It Distorts the
Truth (Joe Conason; ISBN 0312315600)

Casualty of War: The Bush Administration's Assault on a Free Press
(David Dadge; ISBN 1591021472)

The W Effect : Bush's War on Women (Laura Flanders; ISBN 1558614710)

Bush Must Go: The Top Ten Reasons Why George Bush Doesn't Deserve a
Second Term (Bill Press; ISBN 0525948406)

Thieves in High Places: They've Stolen Our Country--And It's Time to
Take It Back (Jim Hightower; ISBN 0670031410)

Let's Stop Beating Around the Bush (Jim Hightower; ISBN 0670033545)

Weapons of Mass Deception: The Uses of Propaganda in Bush's War on
Iraq (Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber; ISBN 1585422762)

Shrub : The Short but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush (Molly
Ivins and Lou Dubose; ISBN 0375757147)

The Deluxe Election-Edition Bushisms : The First Term, in His Own
Special Words (Jacob Weisberg (Author) and Molly Ivins; ISBN

It's Still the Economy, Stupid : George W. Bush, The GOP's CEO (Paul
Begala; 0743246470)

Jews for Buchanan: Did You Hear the One About the Theft of the
American Presidency? (John Nichols and David Deschamps; ISBN

The Politics of Truth: Inside the Lies that Led to War and Betrayed My
Wife's CIA Identity: A Diplomat's Memoir (Joseph Wilson; ISBN

Stop Bush in 2004: How Every Citizen Can Help (Michael John Dobbins;
ISBN 0595316441)

Stop Bush Now (Paul J. Landis; ISBN 1412031605)

Imperial Overstretch : George W. Bush and the Hubris of Empire (Roger
Burbach and Jim Tarbell; ISBN 1842774972)

Losing America: Confronting a Reckless and Arrogant Presidency (Robert
C. Byrd; ISBN 0393059421)

House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship Between the
World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties (Craig Unger; ISBN 074325337X)

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: The Truth About Corporate Cons,
Globalization and High-Finance Fraudsters (Greg Palast; ISBN

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace (Gore Vidal; ISBN 156025405X)

Imperial America : Reflections on the United States of Amnesia (Gore
Vidal; ISBN 1560255854)

Bushwomen: Tales of a Cynical Species (Laura Flanders; ISBN

The Great Unraveling: Losing Our Way in the New Century (Paul Krugman;
ISBN 0393058506)

The I Hate Republicans Reader: Why the GOP is Totally Wrong About
verything (Clint Willis; ISBN 1560255080)

The I Hate Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft, Donald Rumsfeld, Condi Rice. .
. Reader: Behind the Bush Cabal's War on America (The "I Hate" Series)
(Clint Willis; ISBN 1560256206)

The I Hate Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage,
Sean Hannity. . . Reader: The Hideous Truth About America's Ugliest
Conservatives (Clint Willis; ISBN 1560256141)

Plan of Attack (Bob Woodward; ISBN 074325547X)

My, that's quite a list. <g>

-- exists as a runoff for unwanted posts in the
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Dave Fowler

2004年8月24日 上午9:09:532004/8/24
Does it matter? Does anybody care?
This ng is reaching new depths of tedium, God knows what it will be like
come November.

john blackburn

2004年8月24日 上午9:17:472004/8/24
Dave Fowler wrote:

> Does it matter? Does anybody care?
> This ng is reaching new depths of tedium, God knows what it will be like
> come November.

Well, the scintillating conversation will have moved on to fighting over the
last few votes. Instead of talking about chad stuck in the holes of voting
cards, new technology means the argument will be over fingermarks on the
voting touch screens causing false triggering in favour of one of the

Everything changes yet everything remains the same :-)

Marius Horak

2004年8月24日 上午9:34:272004/8/24
Matt Jacobs wrote:

> I find it amazing that the Democrats are making such a fuss over this
> one little book. You would think there were 100 books criticizing
> Kerry.

You are right, amazing. Don't know what but amazing.

> Just to be fair...
You must be joking. You and being fair. Amazing.

> My, that's quite a list. <g>

Too short. Try again.


Ami Fairchild

2004年8月24日 上午9:34:322004/8/24
"Dave Fowler" <> wrote in

> Does it matter? Does anybody care?
> This ng is reaching new depths of tedium, God knows what it will be
> come November.

Tell me about it. Screw politics. Let's do silly!

Have a great day!

"And the questions Susannah was asking, the doubts she was articulating
. . . . surely some of them must have passed though Mia's head. . . .
Unless obsession made you stupid. Susannah supposed a case could be made
for that idea." -- Stephen King

Thomas J. Theobald

2004年8月24日 上午9:31:322004/8/24

"Matt Jacobs" <> wrote in message

> I find it amazing that the Democrats are making such a fuss over this
> one little book. You would think there were 100 books criticizing
> Kerry.

That you find it amazing doesn't surprise me.

The major difference, if you spent any time examining the situation at all,
you'd find to be that this one little book is almost entirely false (with
the exception that most of the fellows mentioned in it actually *did* serve
in Vietnam). Further, you'll find that you are being disingenuous from the
get-go, because it isn't the Dems making a fuss over this one little book,
it's the GOP - if you look back, you'll notice the Dems ignored it for
several weeks while the GOP and their radio Freddies harped on about it.

It wasn't until weeks had passed that they were forced to address it by
pointing out what a total crock it was, and how a member of GW's reelection
committee was actually a member of the group itself.

> Just to be fair, let's take a look at some of the books that are
> critical of Pres. Bush and Bush Administration policies. Some of these
> authors have valid points; others are slimy hatchet jobs. You decide.
> This list is based on a thread posted on

[snip copy-paste line from Amazon]

> My, that's quite a list. <g>

And what amazes me is that you haven't figured out yet that this whole tack
you take of "where there's smoke there's gotta be fire". You've just
billowed out about six tons of smoke, and you can't see the fire.

It's such blind slavery that distinguishes you from a thinking voter. It's
not that you can't see it, it's that you choose not to. George has you bent
over the couch and is working you over, and you're cheerfully singing along
"thank you sir may I have another".

*That* is what is amazing.


Craig Leidy

2004年8月24日 上午10:05:572004/8/24

> Tell me about it. Screw politics. Let's do silly!

You have a chicken named Silly?

Sorry, I had to....

I see this newsgroup as a microcosm of the country.
There are the Right-Wing-Ranters impressing no one...
The Left-Wing-Smuggies who feel intellectually superior...

The RWR dump a thesis and 6 links on why Kerry is a CS...
The LWS reply "Oh Really"... and the beat goes on....


Markus Rautenberg

2004年8月24日 上午10:10:482004/8/24
> My, that's quite a list. <g>

So many books and you still didn't get what a stinker he is....

One negative book about Kerry and it's the holy bible for you.


Igor Ivanov

2004年8月24日 上午10:38:502004/8/24
Matt Jacobs wrote:


You a quite reader MAtt. BTW have you found the time to see Fahrenheit


Ami Fairchild

2004年8月24日 上午11:09:122004/8/24
"Craig Leidy" <> wrote in message

> Ami:
> > Tell me about it. Screw politics. Let's do silly!
> You have a chicken named Silly?
> Sorry, I had to....
> I see this newsgroup as a microcosm of the country.
> There are the Right-Wing-Ranters impressing no one...
> The Left-Wing-Smuggies who feel intellectually superior...
> The RWR dump a thesis and 6 links on why Kerry is a CS...
> The LWS reply "Oh Really"... and the beat goes on....


Sorry, I had to!

Have a great day!

"And the questions Susannah was asking, the doubts she was articulating
. . . . surely some of them must have passed though Mia's head. . . .
Unless obsession made you stupid. Susannah supposed a case could be made
for that idea." -- Stephen King


john blackburn

2004年8月24日 上午11:51:052004/8/24
Andrue Cope [TeamB] wrote:

> Dave Fowler wrote:
>> Does it matter? Does anybody care?
>> This ng is reaching new depths of tedium, God knows what it will be
>> like come November.

> Maybe we can get our own back in 2005/2006 - but frankly I can't see
> that happening. We have limits on how long/short the lead-up can be and
> other restrictions on political 'pontificating'.
> Seems like a good idea, now, doesn't it?
> :)

Tony's due for a new Teflon coating before then :-)

Hopefully that smarmy git Mandelson won't be involved too much.


2004年8月24日 下午1:30:362004/8/24
"Markus Rautenberg" <> wrote in message

>> My, that's quite a list. <g>
> So many books and you still didn't get what a stinker he is....
> One negative book about Kerry and it's the holy bible for you.

I was smiling inside and thinking the same thing. :)

Dave Fowler

2004年8月24日 下午1:34:482004/8/24
"Markus Rautenberg" <> wrote in message
> One negative book about Kerry and it's the holy bible for you.
There would be more but a lot of publishers won't accept manuscripts written
in crayon.
We are here on earth to do good for others. What the others are here for, I
don't know
WH Auden

Ed Dressel

2004年8月24日 下午3:17:492004/8/24
> You a quite reader MAtt. BTW have you found the time to see Fahrenheit
> 9/11?

even the left acknowledges the lies in that movie--well, some on the left,
to others, lies simply don't matter.

Markus Rautenberg

2004年8月24日 下午3:59:412004/8/24
> even the left acknowledges the lies in that movie--well, some on the left,
> to others, lies simply don't matter.

Sadly, most of the right don't seem to have the same insight when it comes
to the unfit swift boat loonies.
You're right... to some lies simply don't matter.


Thomas J. Theobald

2004年8月24日 下午4:12:522004/8/24
Okay, more oral dysentery from the Edster.

What lies, exactly, are you referring to, Ed? Either lay it on the table
where everyone can see it, or shut the hell up about it.


"Ed Dressel" <none> wrote in message

Ami Fairchild

2004年8月24日 下午5:09:312004/8/24
"Ed Dressel" <none> wrote in message
> > You a quite reader MAtt. BTW have you found the time to see
> > 9/11?
> even the left acknowledges the lies in that movie--well, some on the
> to others, lies simply don't matter.

That's funnier than hell coming from you, Ed.

Have a great day!

"And the questions Susannah was asking, the doubts she was articulating
. . . . surely some of them must have passed though Mia's head. . . .
Unless obsession made you stupid. Susannah supposed a case could be made
for that idea." -- Stephen King


Steve Magruder -

2004年8月25日 凌晨1:07:552004/8/25
Thomas J. Theobald wrote:
> It's such blind slavery that distinguishes you from a thinking voter.
> It's not that you can't see it, it's that you choose not to. George
> has you bent over the couch and is working you over, and you're
> cheerfully singing along "thank you sir may I have another".
> *That* is what is amazing.

Exactamundo. At least some of us woke up and cried uncle at some point.
Matt must have some really good lube.

Steve Magruder
--- Vote for George W. Bush - al-Qaida's #1 Recruitment Poster Boy ---
--- The slogan for our glorious campaign: "Feel safe yet?" ---

Steve Magruder -

2004年8月25日 凌晨1:08:582004/8/25
Dave Fowler wrote:
> "Markus Rautenberg" <> wrote in message
>> One negative book about Kerry and it's the holy bible for you.
> There would be more but a lot of publishers won't accept manuscripts
> written in crayon.

or in blood (from their hands).

Steve Magruder
--- Vote for George W. Bush - al-Qaida's #1 Recruitment Poster Boy ---
--- The slogan for our glorious campaign: "Feel safe yet?" ---


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