SPEAR GMM-UBM - Determining cluster arrangement

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Neve Stagy

غير مقروءة،
19‏/07‏/2017، 11:02:40 م19‏/7‏/2017
إلى bob-devel
Hello again everyone,

I want to dissect the resulting Gaussians to determine how a model sample's individual feature-vectors are clustered. 

I've read the implementation details, however I'm still confused on several technicalities:

1. Projector.hdf5 appears identical to all the others in /models/USERNAME.hdf5 - why is this? What are the user models meant to show?
2. /projected/USERNAME/SAMPLENAME.hdf5/n contains scalars for each Gaussian. Are these weights? Can I use this to infer which Gaussian each sample "leans" toward?

I'm familiar with GMM theory on how specific phonemes and fricatives tend to be clustered together - is there any systematic way of proving this based on the data produced by SPEAR? 


Amir Mohammadi

غير مقروءة،
20‏/07‏/2017، 4:39:29 ص20‏/7‏/2017
إلى bob-devel

Hi Stefan,

I'm not sure if I understood all of your questions but regarding your last question about phonemes, I think you'll need an acoustic model from speech recognition to show that. An acoustic model can tell you to which phoneme a sample belongs to and then you can see where does that sample gets clustered to in your speaker verification GMM.
Does that make sense?


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Neve Stagy

غير مقروءة،
20‏/07‏/2017، 1:26:25 م20‏/7‏/2017
إلى bob-devel
So, I basically want to dig deeper into how individual feature vectors are clustered - i.e. if it behaves as predicted (clustering by phonemes/fricatives) or unpredictably. 

I'm not totally sure I need an acoustic model... is there no way to examine how a sample's feature vectors are clustered?

If I need an acoustic model, how could I go about building one? Does SPEAR support any of this?


Tiago Freitas Pereira

غير مقروءة،
20‏/07‏/2017، 1:46:49 م20‏/7‏/2017
إلى bob-...@googlegroups.com
Hi Stephan

So, regarding your questions

1. The user models are a result of MAP adaption using the UBM (Projector.hdf5) as a prior. Both, user models and UBM persist the same information (means, diagonal covariance and weights). What do you mean by "identical"? Are they really identical?
Please, have a look and play with the adaptation factor (keyword `relevance_factor` in bob.bio.gmm.algorithm.GMM).


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