dependency ranges in pom AND adding p2 repository

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Jörg Wille

Mar 27, 2017, 7:20:55 PM3/27/17
to bndtools-users
We are in the process of moving our application framework (around 70K lines and 7K classes) from eclipse pde to bndtools. Since we already used maven via tycho in our jenkins/nexus-based deployment and because we wanted to become more IDE agnostic we have chosen not to use bnd’s workspace model, but are using the bnd-maven tooling.
Other then 2 POC’s we have done (1 with bnd-workspace and 1 with pure bnd-maven-plugin) nobody from our team had experience with bndtools before.

We are facing 2 problems:
1. We are using a 3’rd party library (org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib-2.11.0) which has a dependency declared in its pom with a version range. As long as the version is defined as a range, there is an exception in the browse bundle window from bndtools: „java.lang.IllegalArguementException: Invalid syntax for version.“
I have created a small demo project showing the same behaviour. So how to specify a version range in a pom and also, how to solve this problem, if the bundle is a external artefact?

2. We satisfying maven-compile we have defined maven-central dependencies for all 3’rd party libraries. Most jars are osgi-bundles, so these libraries work also at runtime. For other jar’s, which are no bundles, we need to resolve them from a different repository. So far we have been using the orbit-repo. We have configured our companies nexus server to proxy the orbit-repo.
Our problem is how to specify our nexus-orbit-proxy. We have tried:

-plugin.B.orbit-neon-3 = \
    aQute.bnd.repository.p2.provider.P2Repository; \ 
        url=http://[url]:8081/nexus/content/repositories/orbit-neon-3/; \ 
        name = orbit-neon-3

and also added following in ~/.bnd/settings.xml:

The exception is: „java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: For a p2 repository you must set the url parameter to the repository“

Thanks for help!

BJ Hargrave

Apr 10, 2017, 11:56:03 AM4/10/17
2.) I am not sure what the issue is there. Perhaps you can make a small repo to show the issue and open an issue in github?

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