Colored Coin Block Explorer

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Jun 11, 2015, 5:32:32 PM6/11/15
Hi everyone!

I'm trying to build a colored coin wallet using NBitcoin and any block explorer. The thing is that I can use any block explorer for almost every functionality of the wallet besides asking for my balance in colored coins. What are the ways to get the balance of an address in colored coins if not using CoinPrism API?? If I'm not wrong every other block explorer like BlockTrail, or Blockr do not let me to do that.

Another question is related to the structure and components of a web or hybrid wallet. I recognized the following main components:
* Library for Key Management and Signing (NBitcoin, BitcoinJS, BitcoinJ)
* Block explorer to interact with the network and publish transactions

Is that correct? What other components shouls I take into account for the development of a colored coin wallet?

Please let me know if something is not clear.
Thanks in advance!

Alex Mizrahi

Jun 12, 2015, 6:38:35 AM6/12/15
FYI we have a complete open source stack for implementing web or hybrid wallets.

In practice it looks like a single library:

which brings in all other stuff like key management, blockchain data access, SPV, wallet logic and so on.
This is what being used for Cuber Wallet (

Here's a complete wallet example, but it is outdated:

However, our stack doesn't support OpenAssets, which I guess what people mean by colored coins now.
If compatibility with OpenAssets is important, it's probably easier to add OpenAssets support to coloredcoinjs-lib than to do a complete wallet yourself. E.g. adding OA support might take few weeks of work, while implementing a wallet might require several months of work.


Jun 12, 2015, 6:42:29 PM6/12/15
First you can use Colorcore (though it seems you use .NET and not Python). The only thing it needs is the ability to query the UTXO of the address you want, plus the ability to query a transaction by hash. There is a mode (chain) which connects to the API to do that. It should be easy to adapt to any other API provider.

If you want, otherwise, I can also put you in touch with Nicolas Dorier who wrote NBitcoin and see if he can give you indications on how to do that with NBitcoin.
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