MakerFaire 2016 - Please Volunteer

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Maria Chavez

Apr 6, 2016, 10:44:40 PM4/6/16
Hi All!

Its that time of year again.  I will be coordinating a booth for the Bay Area BioHackers for Maker Faire and will be looking for volunteers.

This booth will include BioCurious, Counter Culture Labs, and Berkeley Bio Labs.

Please note that there is a change for Maker Faire this year!  The setup for the event will be Thursday May 14th, with the event running: Friday May 20th 12pm-5pm, Saturday May 16th 10-8pm, and wrapping up Sunday May 17th 10am -6pm.  We will need folks to help with setup taking things up, people to staff the booth, and some to show up for tear down and to take things back.  

We have had one of the busiest booths at the event and have won ribbons including Editors Choice, and Best Educational Booth. Last year there were 130,000 attendees at Maker Faire over the two days.  I will start a doc to start brain storming what we will be featuring in the booth and what hands on activities we will have.

Please fill out the following form if you'd like to help out.

I look forward to a very busy Maker Faire!

Maria Chavez
Class Manager

Maria Chavez

Apr 6, 2016, 11:15:52 PM4/6/16
to Maria Chavez
FYI I noticed I got the dates wrong DOH! See correction below.

The setup for the event will be Thursday May 19th, with the event
running: Friday May 20th 12pm-5pm, Saturday May 21st 10-8pm, and
wrapping up Sunday May 22nd 10am -6pm.
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