RTL Tableofcontent

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mohammad sabet

Jan 13, 2015, 3:15:04 AM1/13/15
to beamer...@googlegroups.com
Dear friends how i can write an RTLtable of content in the writing an arabic beamer
I have attached my file for a better answer. Really i need to change the direction of tableof content







\setbeamertemplate{section in toc,subsection in toc}[circle]‎



%\setlatintextfont{Times New Roman}‎

%\setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}{\insertcontinuationcount}‎

\setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}{\gdef\beamer@frametitle{}} % framebreaks without numbering

‎\setbeamertemplate{frametitle}[default][right]% align the frametitle to the right‎




\setmainfont{Times New Roman}


‎\newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic,Scale=1]{B Nazanin}%‎

‎\newfontfamily\arabicfontsf[Script=Arabic,Scale=1]{B Nazanin}%‎




\newcommand{\ar}{\textarabic} % to change the laguage in the section and frame title to ‎persian‎

% This work as: \a{‏متن فارسی}

‎%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~define bullet for enumerate~~~~~~~~~~~~‎~





‎\usebeamercolor[fg]{item projected}‎

‎{\pgftransformscale{1.8}\pgftext{\normalsize \pgfuseshading{bigsphere}}}‎


‎\pgftext{\usebeamerfont*{item projected}\textcolor{white}{#1}}}‎




‎%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~define bullet for itemize~~~~~~~~~~~~~~‎~



‎\usebeamercolor[fg]{item projected}‎








‎\usebeamercolor[fg]{item projected}‎






‎%\addtobeamertemplate{block begin}{}{\justifying} %new code‎




\title{\textarabic{بررسی گذار فاز فرومغناطیس مایع ‎$ ^3He $‎ با استفاده ازروش ‎$LOCV$}}‎

‎\author{Mohammad T‎. ‎Mohammadi Sabet}‎






\frametitle{\textarabic{فهرست مطالب}}‎‎








\subsection{\textarabic{مایع ‎$^3He$}}‎


\frametitle{\textarabic{سیستمهای فرمیونی همبسته:مایع ‎$^3He$}}‎


‎\begin{Arabic}%‎ -‎---------------------here must be changed‎


‎\begin{itemize}[label=\protect\myitemII‎, ‎rightmargin=0mm]‎


متن فارسی .....


متن فارسی ....


متن فارسی .....متن فارسی .....


متن فارسی .....


متن فارسی .....





‎\item{\color{blue}{Fine tuning}}‎

‎\item{\color{blue}{$ \xi \thicksim (T-T_{c})^{-\nu}$}}‎






علی بی غم









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