Open generic and polymorphic mapping. Breaking change between versions 3.3.1 and 4.0.0 and greater

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Dec 10, 2015, 2:52:45 PM12/10/15
to AutoMapper-users
It appears to be a breaking change in how polymorphic collections mapped between versions 3.3.1 and 4.0.0 and greater.

I'm attempting to map the following list:
var entities = new List<BaseEntity>
    new ChildEntity<int> {Id = 0, ValueOne = 1, ValueTwo = 2},
    new ChildEntity<string> {Id = 0, ValueOne = "One", ValueTwo = "Two"}

var dtos = Mapper.Map<List<BaseDto>>(entities);

The mapping I'm using is:
Mapper.CreateMap<BaseEntity, BaseDto>()
    .Include(typeof(ChildEntity<>), typeof(ChildDto<>));

Mapper.CreateMap<ChildEntity<int>, ChildDto<int>>();
Mapper.CreateMap<ChildEntity<string>, ChildDto<string>>();

Version 3.3.1 correctly maps a polymorphic entity collection to a polymorphic DTO collection:
Assert.IsType(typeof(ChildDto<int>), dtos[0]);
Assert.IsType(typeof(ChildDto<string>), dtos[1]);

Version 4 maps to a collection of base DTOs:
Assert.IsType(typeof(ChildDto<int>), dtos[0]); // Fails
Assert.IsType(typeof(BaseDto), dtos[0]); //Succeeds

Is it by design? How the correct mapping would look like?

Here is the gist:

Jimmy Bogard

Dec 14, 2015, 9:17:35 AM12/14/15
to automapper-users
Can you use Initialize instead of CreateMap here?

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