Titan is staying!

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Matthias Broecheler

Feb 6, 2015, 8:38:35 PM2/6/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com
Titan is not going away. The Titan contributors from Aurelius are not abandoning ship. We will release 0.5.4 next week and Titan 1.0 once TP3 has cleared the Apache incubator and released a GA. Contributions are appreciated.

Long version
Boy, its been a crazy week for us and incredibly busy. For those you haven't heard: Aurelius has been acquired by DataStax and will work on a scalable, commercial graph database called DSE graph. I have gotten a lot of positive feedback from users and organizations who are starting to use graphs and are looking for commercial support. Thanks for that and apologies for not yet responding - my inbox is a battle zone right now.

Some have understood my announcement to say that we are abandoning Titan. Let me clarify that this is NOT the case. We are still around and Titan is still around. We are still working on releases: 0.5.4 coming out next week and we are working with the TinkerPop team toward a 1.0 release that is TP3 GA compatible.

What I was trying to say is this: Dan and myself have dedicated a substantial amount of our time to the Titan project for development work but also answering emails on the mailing list, talking to users, attending meetups, and traveling to conferences. In the future, we will have significantly less time to work on the Titan project as we focus on the development of DSE graph. We will continue to work on Titan, but the development velocity will drop and we will be less active on the mailing list and in the community.
Hence, if you'd like to see Titan maintain its current momentum, the community needs to step up its contributions and support activity.

Some individuals have approached us asking if they can help out (again, apologies for not responding yet). The answer is: yes, you can and we appreciate your attitude. You can answer emails on the mailing list and help others get started. You can talk at meetups and conferences about Titan. You can submit issues and bugfixes. You can submit a pull request. And you can become a committer on the project if you are committed (see what I did there :-).

To summarize: Titan isn't going anywhere and we are still working on it. The development velocity and community activity will be significantly less in the future unless the community steps in and helps.

For those of you who already bought a Titan tombstone: Make use of Amazon's 30 day return policy.


Matthias Broecheler


Feb 6, 2015, 9:11:46 PM2/6/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the detailed response, Matthias.  Really looking forward to a 0.9 Titan release.  TP3 is really a gem of engineering work.



Feb 7, 2015, 3:06:37 AM2/7/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com
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Jean-Baptiste Musso

Feb 7, 2015, 5:08:03 AM2/7/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com
Yay - this is fantastic news! Thanks, Matthias, for shedding some light on this.

I'd be happy to help working on tutorials and documentation in order to help newcomers join the fun. Also, some of the most technical posts from the Aurelius team posted on this mailing list could be compiled into advanced user guides and complement the official documentation. Just some thoughts.

Thanks for the time you spent building all of this.


Waleed Zeb Khan

Feb 7, 2015, 1:53:48 PM2/7/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com
Woho thats great news !  

We have spent last 18 months on Titan, learning and developing our upcoming site on it. Your last post seemed like the titan 1.0 with TP3 will not see the light of the day and thus we felt highly betrayed, having given so much of our time and resources. 

I hope you guys atleast make it to Titan 1.0 quickly before giving it to community. 

Anyway your post is great relief for our team. :D

Dmitry Minkovsky

Feb 9, 2015, 10:27:40 AM2/9/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com
Thank you for this update. This is great to hear.

Branislav Mikic

Feb 9, 2015, 10:45:02 AM2/9/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com

On Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 2:38:35 AM UTC+1, Matthias wrote:

Petter Aas

Feb 9, 2015, 11:10:02 AM2/9/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com

On Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 2:38:35 AM UTC+1, Matthias wrote:
Message has been deleted

Edi Bice

Feb 9, 2015, 11:30:31 AM2/9/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com
As fair as it gets. Leadership and guidance from the founders and further opening to the community. Let's hope the latter does step up.

On Friday, February 6, 2015 at 8:38:35 PM UTC-5, Matthias wrote:
Titan is not going away. The Titan contributors from Aurelius are not abandoning ship. We will release 0.5.4 next week and Titan 1.0 once TP3 has cleared the Apache incubator and released a GA. Contributions are appreciated.

... Hence, if you'd like to see Titan maintain its current momentum, the community needs to step up its contributions and support activity. ...

Matthias Broecheler

Michael Woytowitz

Feb 9, 2015, 11:37:04 AM2/9/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com
The glass half-full view is you and the development team get a do-over to design an enterprise class graph database using lessons learned from Titan.
I'm assuming DSE Graph would be available sometime in 2016 - please confirm if there are any time lines for DSE Graph.


Don Kittle

Feb 10, 2015, 1:09:58 PM2/10/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com
I tested Titan a couple of months ago and I have to say that the idea was very good, but I found it too complicated in comparison with OrientDB and Neo4j. However I'm still interested on its future. Somebody on HackerNews is commenting this topic too:



Asaf Shakarzy

Feb 10, 2015, 2:43:38 PM2/10/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com

A lot of startup companies built their core services on top of Titan 
(I myself know few and i'm pretty sure there are many other),

I really hope Datastax will help and contribute to this project rather than killing it,


Nick Pavlica

Feb 10, 2015, 8:26:17 PM2/10/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com
  It’s sad to see the core team being cherry picked at a time when Titan is finally approaching 1.0 status, and gaining relevance as an open source project.  Moving forward I hope you guys will be able to foster a good transition to new community leaders, and continue to facilitate the growth of the project.  This is an important project, and doesn’t need to die if it’s handled properly.  A few question came to mind after reading the announcement and this post.

What will become of the thinaurelius.com website, the documents, and the blog posts?
What will happen to the https://github.com/thinkaurelius github repository?
Is it possible that Datastax will build on top of an open source Titan / DSE Graph, and have a symbiotic relationship with it just like they do with Apache Cassandra?

I hope this project continues despite this drastic change in leadership and expertise.  An open and clear transition plan would go a long way in helping the project survive.  


Nick Pavlica


Rick-Rainer Ludwig

Feb 12, 2015, 4:50:12 AM2/12/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com
Congratulations! It shows that Titan is real success and it is a huge success for Aurelius.

Thank you for clarification on the matter of Titan and its future. As other people posted here, too, we were developing also some prototypes for future products on Titan and were very impressed about the functionality, speed and size of graphs possible to model. As many other people, too, we were also afraid about the future and our current invest in our technology stack.

This clarification is a big relief! Thanks and good look for the future and DSE Graph. We are looking forward to this!

Best regards Rick

manish kumar

Mar 22, 2015, 5:52:25 AM3/22/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com
What about licencing ? Will titan be still under Apache2 licence in future?

Matthias Broecheler

Mar 24, 2015, 1:50:44 AM3/24/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com
Yes, Titan is and will remain to be licensed under Apache2.

On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 2:52 AM manish kumar <mkj.o...@gmail.com> wrote:
What about licencing ? Will titan be still under Apache2 licence in future?

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Alex M

May 18, 2015, 3:21:18 PM5/18/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com
glad to hear that titanddb ius not dead and it will still stay apache2 licensed.

which means that a fork can be made anytime if necessary. hope datastax gives you enough freedom to continue your work on titandb.

any thoughts about handing it over to the apache foundation/commmnunity?

Matthias Broecheler

Jun 11, 2015, 10:13:42 PM6/11/15
to aureliu...@googlegroups.com
I think it would be great if Titan became an Apache project. However, judging from observing the TinkerPop team, transitioning a project to apache and successfully incubating is a lot of work and requires time that I don't have right now as we are preparing for the Titan 1.0 release.
Moreover, we don't have enough dedicated committers on the Titan project right now to qualify.

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Jörn Franke

Aug 22, 2015, 2:52:12 PM8/22/15
to Aurelius

is there already a more detailed roadmap out? I think TitanDB is an attractive graph database, especially due to the variety of supported backends. However, if it is not going to be Apache then I am not sure if it is a safe bet.

I would be also interested to support the Apache incubation activities.

Best regards

On Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 2:38:35 AM UTC+1, Matthias wrote:
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