New Class-Based Configuration, And Other Project-Level Breaks

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Paul M. Jones

Apr 4, 2014, 12:34:07 PM4/4/14
Hi everybody,

tl;dr: Package configuration in v2 now uses classes, not include files, to modify the project container. This BC-breaking change has little effect on libraries and kernels, but previously installed projects will need to change their config files. Kernel instantiation is also now via class, not a kernel script, so existing projects will need to update `web/index.php` and `cli/console.php` as well.

* * *

Aura v2 projects, like the Aura v1 framework, allow for auto-discovery of DI container configuration for all packages in a project (including library, kernel, and project packages). Until now, we did this by using an instance of an Aura Includer. It would receive a package list and then scan the package directories using glob() to find config files, and then include them in a separate scope with a `$di` container variable.

The benefit here was automation, but the drawback was decreased responsiveness and perhaps some obscurity. The 2-stage "define and modify" cycle meant reading up to 4 files per per package (1 or 2 for the baseline defaults, and then 1 or 2 for the actual config mode). It also meant using file system scans to find files, whether they existed or not. Finally, the look of the directory structure was a bit ugly.

To remedy these flaws, I have made a BC-breaking change in how an Aura v2 projects do their configuration. Instead of a pair of include files under a directory named for the config mode, we use a single class with `define()` and `modify()` methods named for the config mode. Instead of scanning the file system, we use a composer.json entry to map a config mode to a config class. You can see an example of the new layout here:


This new way of working has the drawback of being somewhat less automated. You have to specify in the package what the config class mappings are. However, this does remove the file system scans entirely, and autoloads the config classes via PSR-4. This means the config classes can be class-mapped by Composer, and otherwise cached more easily. I think the class-based system is a net positive tradeoff as a result.

Unfortunately, it also has the drawback of being a BC break. If you have an existing Aura v2 project, and you `composer update` to the new kernels, your existing project-level config will not work any more.

Even though the project and kernel packages are still in development and have not had even a beta release yet, it still sucks to have BC breaks. Here is the conversion process if you want to get past the break:

1. Issue `composer update` to get the new kernel and library packages.

2. In your `config/` directory, create a `Common.php` class file that looks like the following. (Replace the "Web_Project" namespace portion with "Cli_Project" or "Framework_Project" as appropriate.)

namespace Aura\Web_Project\_Config;

use Aura\Di\Config;
use Aura\Di\Container;

class Common extends Config
public function define(Container $di)

public function modify(Container $di)

3. Copy the contents of `config/default/define.php` and `config/default/define/*` to the `Common::define()` method.

4. Copy the contents`config/default/modify.php` and `config/default/modify/*`to the `Common::modify()` method.

5. Delete the `config/default/` directory.

6. Repeat steps 2-5 for each remaining `config/` directory. E.g. if the config directory is named `dev`, call the class `Dev`, then copy the `config/dev/` contents to the `define()` and `modify()` methods.

7. Modify your project-level composer.json file to add a new PSR-4 entry that maps the config class namespace to the `config/` directory.

"autoload": {
"psr-0": {
"": "src/"
"psr-4": {
"Aura\\Web_Project\\_Config\\": "config/"

8. Modify your project-level composer.json file to add a new "extra:aura:type" entry, and a new "extra:aura:config" entry. The "type" entry marks this as an Aura project, and the config entries map each config mode to a config class. The resulting composer.json entries will look something like this (again, replace the "Web_Project" namespace portion with "Cli_Project" or "Framework_Project" as appropriate).

"extra": {
"aura": {
"type": "project",
"config": {
"common": "Aura\\Web_Project\\_Config\\Common",
"dev": "Aura\\Web_Project\\_Config\\Dev",
"test": "Aura\\Web_Project\\_Config\\Test",
"prod": "Aura\\Web_Project\\_Config\\Prod"

9. Replace your `web/index.php` script with the following:

$path = dirname(__DIR__);
require "{$path}/vendor/autoload.php";
$kernel = (new \Aura\Project_Kernel\Factory)->newKernel(

10. Replace your `cli/console.php` script with the following:

$path = dirname(__DIR__);
require "{$path}/vendor/autoload.php";
$kernel = (new \Aura\Project_Kernel\Factory)->newKernel(
$status = $kernel();

That should be all.

* * *

I know this is a big change, but I think it's a positive one, and (I hope) the last big change before a beta release of the kernel and project packages.

If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please raise them here and we can discuss.

Thank you for your patience, and thanks (as always) for using Aura!

Paul M. Jones

Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP

Hari K T

Apr 5, 2014, 3:54:20 AM4/5/14
Hey Paul,

As I told this is great configuration.

So I was playing with the configuration and have some concerns here.

1 . Before we push beta we need to have configuration files for v2 in the v1 packages which are not having v2 releases.

eg : Aura.Filter , Aura.Session, Aura.Input , Aura.Intl , Aura.View etc .

Else it is a tedious job to configure this to make it all work.

I will try to give a PR when I have some time. The problems I noticed are with the Aura.Filter configuration.

2 . As you may know we need a minimal rendering system to be configured. Else the part of making the renderer is also a heavy lifting process.

the idea we discussed is to create a Presenter or ResponseBuilder and pass back to the dispatcher so it can send back the content. Still need to figure out how to make things work in a charm.

3 . As rendering comes I am still look how the assets are to be spread.

I know some of these things we have already talked in irc. Still I would like to bring it over here so you can address it.

Hari K T

You can ring me : +91 9388 75 8821

Skype  : kthari85
Twitter : harikt

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George Papadopoulos

Apr 5, 2014, 6:43:48 AM4/5/14
Great forward move!

The only consideration i am thinking of, is the increased memory footprint, but this will be a drawback when using a lot of application configurarion objects, because all these configuration classes will be residing in the symbol table as opposed to the previous application configuration via include calls.

Also, how about moving the configuration classes somewhere into the main src/ directory?

Last but not least, we may now have tests covering the configuration classes ;-)

Hari K T

Apr 6, 2014, 11:58:58 AM4/6/14
Paul so further more on testing.

I found some issues

1 ) if my private repo is not in packagist or some where else, to load the configuration it is hard. Either I need to do in the main config/Common.php itself.

That means I could not make it easy to drop and replace package.

Hari K T

You can ring me : +91 9388 75 8821

Skype  : kthari85
Twitter : harikt

Hari K T

Apr 11, 2014, 1:47:54 AM4/11/14
By the way many of the v1 repos which were not having newer branches can be integrated with out much trouble. We have made the necessary configuration files in the Aura.View ( v1 ) , Aura.Filter, Aura.Intl, Aura.Input, Aura.Session, Aura.Signal etc.

I have also made a bundle for integrating Aura.Filter with Aura.Input which was having a class in Aura.Framework . That bundle is under friendsofaura repo for now .

You can see

There is also integration of the Aura.Filter with Aura.Intl at
The concept is taken from the Framework v1 itself. One of the thing that helps with the bundle is you don't need to add aura/filter or aura/input as dependency.

Once aura/input and aura/filter is tagged for the next version I will tag the foa bundles.

Hope that helps you all to use as normal ;) .

Thank you

Hari K T

You can ring me : +91 9388 75 8821

Skype  : kthari85
Twitter : harikt

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