Creating Wiki Page With API Does Not Link Parent_ID

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Ross McMahon

Jan 15, 2016, 9:51:47 AM1/15/16
to Assembla API Development
Hello, first time post so apologies for any mistakes.

I have set up a quick script to loop through some services to provide a function reference in a project wiki.

I can get pages set up no problem, but it seems that when I specify parent_id, although the ID is correct, the page created is always created at the root of the wiki, not as a child of the parent specified.

Is there some other parameter I need to include, or something else I am missing for this to happen?

The JSON payload looks like so:

wiki_page : {
    page_name : pageName.length > 50 ? pageNameAt50 : pageName,
    contents : "",
    parent_id : parentID

As mentioned, the page is created no problem, but not as a child of the parent specified.

Any advice welcome.


Stanislav Kolotinskiy

Jan 25, 2016, 11:31:12 AM1/25/16
Hi Ross,

I just checked out wiki pages creation with a parent, and it worked fine for me. Could you please post the actual snippet of code that performs the request?

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Ross McMahon

Jan 26, 2016, 5:15:00 AM1/26/16
to Assembla API Development
Hi, sure.

I'm using CFML as the language:

<cffunction name="createWikiPage" output="false" access="public" hint="">
<cfargument name = "assemblaSpaceName" type = "string" required = true />
<cfargument name = "pageName" type = "string" required = true />
<cfargument name = "parentID" type = "string" required = true />
<cfargument name = "content" type = "string" required = true default="" />

<cfset var result={message="Cannot create wiki page",status="FALSE",data={}} />
<cfset var data = ""/>
<cfset apiurl = "#GetAssemblaBaseURL()##arguments.assemblaSpaceName#/wiki_pages.json"/>

<!--- create the page using a JSON string --->
<cfset var data = {
wiki_page = {
page_name = len(arguments.pageName) gt 50 ? ReplaceNoCase(arguments.pageName, " ", "", "all") : arguments.pageName,
contents = "",
parent_id = arguments.parentID,
content = arguments.content
} />
<cfset data = lCase(serializeJSON(data))>

<!--- Call the web Service --->
<cfhttp url="#apiUrl#" method="post" result="returnData" >
<cfhttpparam name="X-API-Key" type="header" value="#GetAssemblaAPIKey()#">
<cfhttpparam name="X-API-Secret" type="header" value="#GetAssemblaAPISecret()#">
<cfhttpparam name="Content-type" type="header" value="application/json">
<cfhttpparam name="wiki_page" type="body" value="#data#">

<cfif returnData.statusCode contains "201">
<cfset result.message="OK"/>
<cfset result.status="True"/>

<cfset = returnData.filecontent />

<cfreturn result />

Happy to explain any of it if you require it! 

Just to recap: pages are being created, and when I receive the response they ostensibly have a parent_id, but if I look in the wiki, they're only children of the root.

A second question would be: how on earth do you find the IDs of Wiki pages? At the moment I'm having to go into the 'edit' page of a page and then inspect the select element for parent using devtools.

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