Polina Ilieva: UCSF Archivist Preserving University’s Storied Past for a Dynamic Future

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Oct 18, 2016, 10:12:18 PM10/18/16
to RAINbyte, AIN

UC San Francisco’s Archives and Special Collections contains books that date back to when Latin was the main language used in medicine and artifacts that belonged the University’s founding members.

Managing and maintaining the physical collection of thousands upon thousands of documents and artifacts from UCSF’s century-and-a-half-long history is a daunting job that requires a truly committed team. It is also increasingly vital in today’s rapidly changing health care landscape and digital age.

For Polina Ilieva, who oversees UCSF Archives and Special Collections, the work of the archives is to preserve the items in the collection, to make them accessible to internal and external audiences, and to move toward digitizing the entire collection of artifacts.


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