Article about a popular ARV competition app (Remote Viewing Tournament)

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Grin Spickett

Sep 5, 2020, 8:12:34 AM9/5/20
Hello APP members,

You may be interested to learn about the app Remote Viewing Tournament. I recently interviewed its creator, Michael Ferrier, for Remote Viewing Community Magazine. 

Here's a link:

Remote Viewing Tournament is an associative remote viewing (ARV) competition with daily rounds and monthly prizes. As a moderator for an online remote viewing interest group with nearly 20K members <>, I've seen many people have their first psychic experiences via this app, which has an active and enthusiastic following. 

So far, Remote Viewing Tournament has flown under the radar for many more experienced viewers. In my opinion it is good to know where the next generations are coming from and with what knowledge base and skill set. For players who want to continue on with ARV, I usually recommend APP as a next step, but there's an opportunity for APP members and leadership to make that a more obvious transition, from a marketing standpoint.

The app is capturing a tremendous amount of data, and the article discusses some of the trends seen so far.

I hope you enjoy, and would love to hear your feedback. 

Here's an alternate link if anyone has a hiccup with the one up top:

Also, writing for Remote Viewing Community Magazine is a neat way to reach new readers under a shared name via a mainstream online publication. I'd encourage any of you to consider contributing to the project. If interested, please take a look:

Hope you enjoy these weekend reads!


Debra Katz

Sep 5, 2020, 11:29:12 AM9/5/20
to Grin Spickett,
Hi Grin, what a really fantastic article! Thank you for writing this, and thank you to Michael Ferrier for all of his work. I just had a parapsychologist friend two weeks ago ask me what I knew about ARV tournament (I think other parapsychologists were wondering) and your article just shared more than anything else available, so I forwarded it to him. This remote viewing magazine on Medium is really looking fantastic too. 

The only thing not mentioned re: his data that I would have liked to known is if Michael could identify a trend of certain number of trials that had high scores before they declined. So for example, exactly How many runs of 10 has he had that were about 80, 85, 90, 95, to 100 percent correct before a decline? Then how many runs of 20? Maybe 30? (Assessing performance judging type would be great too). This might then and inform us about the ideal length of a run for Applied ARV - My question is based on the fact that in Targ and Puthoffs very successful projects  they only had about 10 or 12 trials. (I wonder if Marty could assess this with his data too for precog pros?). I fully understand a run of 10 would by itself not be able to be assessed for statistical significance,  but if you took all the runs of 10 that were near perfect scores, how many total runs reflected this at 80 percent; 90 percent, 100 percent? 

Then we could know the ideal set up for a short term project with higher wagering amounts.  I don’t think anyone’s done this assessment with large data sets to arrive at the ideal number of runs. 

Essentially is ARV best done with higher wagers and shorter runs or lower wagers and more runs? There should be enough data to demonstrate this now, if the short runs are pooled together to show us the number of viewers who achieved near perfect scores in these.

I wouldn’t go below 10 though.

Grin could you possibly ask Michael if he could assess this for the future? Marty could you assess this? 




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On Sep 5, 2020, at 5:12 AM, Grin Spickett <> wrote:

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Grin Spickett

Sep 5, 2020, 1:32:49 PM9/5/20
to Debra Katz,
Hi Debra,

Glad to hear you have enjoyed the article!

I'm not sure if Michael is present on APP already, so I've forwarded your message along. It does seem like a good opportunity for research, given how many trials have accrued over time. 


Alexis Poquiz

Sep 5, 2020, 5:48:54 PM9/5/20
to Grin Spickett, APP_Discussions
Excellent write-up. Very well written. Enjoyed reading it.

🤔 I wonder if there is a market for a "serious" remote viewing app? The technology today is so RIPE with possibilities! Right now... We can literally create an app, that automatically judges a remote viewing session! I built a rudimentary proof-of-concept application that used artificial intelligence to analyze a remote viewing session and that was 5 YEARS AGO!! Imagine what we could do with the artificial intelligence we have now!?! 😱

If possible, I would suggest Michael to implement a performance rating. Using a strict hit/miss statistic is too macroscopic to evaluate something so refined as "intuition". You lose a lot of contextual information simply collecting hit/miss data. You could easily implement something similar to ACRs (Anomalous Cognition Rating)

Anyways! Thanks for taking the time to write up the article. 


Marty Rosenblatt

Sep 6, 2020, 12:35:56 PM9/6/20
to Alexis Poquiz, Grin Spickett, APP_Discussions

Hi all,


I read the excellent interview by Grin Spickett of Michael Ferrier about the RV Tournament.  What struck me the most is that his data are remarkably close to ours.  We are both having difficulty finding viewers with consistently high ARV hit rates.  We have both varied aspects of the ARV protocol and no magic solution there.

At this point, I believe there are three approaches which should be given more attention.

  1. “It’s an inside job”.  I first heard that quote from Julia Mossbridge. Viewers improve by working with their “higher self”, “deeper self”, “inner self”, etc, for new insights on improving Hit Rates.  This approach will improve the communication channel with your inner self.
  2. Use AI (Artificial Intelligence) on group predictions. Both Michael and I gather multiple predictions for one Up/Down financial move.  I am working with someone now who is using what he calls Machine Learning, which is a type of AI.  APP has 12,620 ARV data predictions, and growing each trading day 😊  Anyone with AI experience who would like to make an AI model that uses this database to predict tomorrow’s Up/Down outcome, please contact me.
  3. Use AI (Artificial Intelligence) on personal predictions.  Alexis did work on this 5 years ago, but never completed that effort as far as I know. Alexis, why not pick that idea up again! Also, there are probably other methods that clever AI practitioners can use.  Let’s do it…again please contact me with your ideas.

This ARV challenge, for consistent higher Hit Rates, can lead to a professional career, hopefully for many viewers, via our Precog Pro program

All the Very Best, Have a Happy and Safe Labor Day Weekend, and Keep Precogn’,

Dr. G. Quiroga-Goode

Sep 6, 2020, 12:42:36 PM9/6/20
does AI have access to the left-brain hemisphere's infinite database, i.e., the nonlocal quantum state ??

Julia Mossbridge

Sep 6, 2020, 12:45:55 PM9/6/20
to Dr. G. Quiroga-Goode,,,,
I also want to thank Grin for posting this. Well-informed and well-written. I like Michael and think his work is a great contribution. 

Julia Mossbridge, MA, PhD
Fellow, Institute of Noetic Sciences
Associated Full Professor, California Institute of Integral Studies

Dr. G. Quiroga-Goode

Sep 6, 2020, 1:13:16 PM9/6/20
we're looking at a philosophical issue

When precog, what I'm looking for:
  •  is separated from me or 
  •  is it me ??
The path from ignoring to knowledge to being

1-Ignoring knowledge, or unconsciously pretending not knowing. I don't know china exists. The word ignoring should be thought provoking.

2-I'm aware of some things but they are separated from me. I know china exists but it's far away.

3-I learn everything about some things and they get "closer" to me. I learn everything about china.

4-I'm an expert of some things. I live in china

5-I'm aware knowledge is changing. I'm aware china is changing, culturally, geologically, etc.

6-The observer and the observed become one, there's no duality. Pure entanglement. There is no data about china traveling to my mind. China and I are one indivisible whole. I'm china. I am

-----Original Message-----
From: Marty Rosenblatt <>
To: Alexis Poquiz <>; Grin Spickett <>
Cc: APP_Discussions <>
Sent: Sun, Sep 6, 2020 11:35 am


Sep 6, 2020, 1:47:22 PM9/6/20
to Dr. G. Quiroga-Goode, APP_Discussions

You can look at the human brain(both hemispheres synchronized ) like a web browser that decodes information from the UCC (Universal Collective Consciousness) also known as the Akasha.

Comparing our human level awareness now, the information the human brain can process would appear infinite, but on a higher level it is finite, where as per the infinite / quantumn information is the UCC feeding the brain like internet server to a web browser.

The "inside job" Marty referencing Julia has to do with your electro-magnetic field. Electric field⚡ is up down and the magnetic field is horizontal, both intertwined creating your field.

The high self(infinite being) mostly lives outside your electro-magnetic field. This all knowing self cannot occupy fully "your field" at this time because of our current state of evolution.

However you can become very integrated with it (higher self) to produce accurate remoteviewing results if you can remove the emotional blockages  (other entities) occupying your field.

A shaman by the name of George Duisman, active in this email forum uses / developed a  "Concious Transformation Technique" to remove the optimum traumatic blockages that are farming the Spirit thus preventing the self from being more integrated with the higher self.

Another general simple way to look at it is that we have invisible antennas in our space stemming from the core our being. This antennas are responsible for tuning into the information. Because of our past life traumatic events these antennas are damaged preventing us now to thoroughly tune in while dictating our current life experiences. 

 Healing your field would allow your current self to be more connected/integrated with your higher self resulting vivid / accurate intuition / information processing / remote viewing capabilities.

I hope this explanation helps.


On Sun., 6 Sep. 2020 at 12:42 p.m., 'Dr. G. Quiroga-Goode' via APP_Discussions

Derek Decker

Sep 6, 2020, 1:59:50 PM9/6/20
to,,, Dr. G. Quiroga-Goode,
All good questions and glad to see so many thought provoking ideas related to RV. I just signed up for RV Tournament and I'm jazzed about getting my first feedback from there.

My current and primitive understanding of AI, neural networks, ML (machine learning), DL (deep learning) and similar methods are they are simply good at finding patterns based on lots of input data which they are trained on. Once trained, they are very fast and getting more accurate every day. I'm not sure what kinds of patterns can be found in RV data that have predictive value, but I don't want to stop anyone from trying. Based on my reading, there may be patterns related to how much RVing and RVer should do before taking a break before their predictions begin to suffer. There may also be patterns of how RV groups should be formed (who and how many). So, to answer Dr. G's question below "Does AI have access to the left-brain hemisphere's infinite database, i.e., the nonlocal quantum state ??", I don't think so, based on my limited understanding of AI.

However, quantum computers are growing in number (more computers) and in power (more qbits). They tap into a superposition of states which may have non-local aspects. Anyone with more knowledge on this, PLEASE educate us. The ability to program quantum computers is very rudimentary but getting more sophisticated each year. Presumably, AI will get a quantum upgrade in the future. At that point, AI may find access to the non-local quantum state. I shudder to think what AI might do once it has that, since there are too many unknowns to predict such an outcome.

We will likely have a quantum internet before too long. The entanglement of photons was demonstrated over 1200km by the Chinese (using satellites) and the ability to transfer quantum states shows that quantum entanglement is not limited to the microscopic realm. Anyone looking to get in on the ground floor of the quantum computing and networking revolution should start studying quantum mechanics. To demystify the Schodinger Equation, notice that it is mathematically similar (identical?) to the parabolic wave equation.

Keep up the great conversations. Looking forward to more ideas and hopefully RV models that can get the science community to embrace the great RV (and other psi) work that continues to be done.

From: 'Dr. G. Quiroga-Goode' via APP_Discussions <>
Sent: Sunday, September 6, 2020 9:42 AM
To: <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [app_discussions:7415] Article about a popular ARV competition app (Remote Viewing Tournament)


Sep 6, 2020, 2:46:44 PM9/6/20
to, APP_Discussions
Some negatives about A.I.

You guys can RV this for your own personal self awareness. RV is great for self evolution.

The 5G and AI will take over the world by 2030
Both the 5G and AI technology are designed to work with the new mandatory corona vaccines that will be implemented like how we are using masks. So you see where this is going. lol 

The human mind will be hooked up to the AI technologies via 5G connection , this ultimately will control the world and this ultimately will separate us. People hooked up into the A.I. mind / hive mentality and the ones who use their beings naturally like remote viewing. 

The most advance technology in this universe is your self / the human instrument - being.

Also in addition, for the A.I. and financial trading, all of the major networks are using Artificial Intelligence for trading already even before it was available to the mass. 

Its not about using A.I. It is about who has the better technology, faster processing and enterprise data connection ( nano second - tick data without delay ) All financial data available to the public has a delay.

If you don't have the above requirements youre lucky if you can get a 60% accurate prediction out of your bootlegged A.I. because by the time you ready to trade, the ones controlling the market has already reacted. Yes you can have some successful trades but its not as accurate ad you may think.

Anyways my point is that "your being is the best technology in the universe " and our current technology like A.I. and 5G is our indirect enemy.

Something to think or remote view upon.

On Sun., 6 Sep. 2020 at 2:06 p.m., Derek Decker


Sep 6, 2020, 4:16:59 PM9/6/20
to APP_Discussions
A friend of mine recently attended an online meeting about RV and there was an overview of some of what Ingo Swann said long ago.  The thing that stood out for her was that Ingo said something like if you do not continue to raise your consciousness, you WILL get stuck.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 06, 2020 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: [app_discussions:7418] Article about a popular ARV compe

You can look at the human brain(both hemispheres synchronized ) like a web browser that decodes information from the UCC (Universal Collective Consciousness) also known as the Akasha.

Comparing our human level awareness now, the information the human brain can process would appear infinite, but on a higher level it is finite, where as per the infinite / quantumn information is the UCC feeding the brain like internet server to a web browser.

The "inside job" Marty referencing Julia has to do with your electro-magnetic field. Electric field⚡ is up down and the magnetic field is horizontal, both intertwined creating your field.

The high self(infinite being) mostly lives outside your electro-magnetic field. This all knowing self cannot occupy fully "your field" at this time because of our current state of evolution.

However you can become very integrated with it (higher self) to produce accurate remoteviewing results if you can remove the emotional blockages  (other entities) occupying your field...


Psi Man

Sep 6, 2020, 4:46:08 PM9/6/20
to George, APP_Discussions
That’s too taboo even for RVers? We shall see.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 6, 2020, at 4:16 PM, George <> wrote:

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Sep 6, 2020, 5:07:17 PM9/6/20
to APP_Discussions
Our consciousness gets dirty everyday based on our whereabouts and life it self.  If you want any edge in life from this stand point you always "need" to reassess belief patterns and other blockages ( mainly emotional ) to really advance anywhere in life.  

This is not your fault, this is part of life like exercise  and diet and the constant seeking and effort to be better person overall. Most of which is how you "express" LOVE.

An example:

Some people believe you require a spaceship / shuttle and rover to explore Mars while in truth some people use portals / gates in advance suits to travel between planets and other worlds. 

If you believe in spaceships and rovers, you will only notice such because consciousness is blocked from perceiving something more advanced.

this is just an example.

Our field is constantly being bombarded with interferences. It requires your will to keep it clear similar to George referencing Ingo about your consciousness getting stuck. 
On Sun., 6 Sep. 2020 at 4:46 p.m., Psi Man

Alexis Poquiz

Sep 6, 2020, 5:37:54 PM9/6/20
to Marty Rosenblatt, Grin Spickett, APP_Discussions
  1. Use AI (Artificial Intelligence) on personal predictions.  Alexis did work on this 5 years ago, but never completed that effort as far as I know. Alexis, why not pick that idea up again! 
Money. Money. MONEY. 😢
I'm all for doing it for-the-good-of-humanity! But let's get real... 
MARKETABILITY - If you can't make money out of it. Why build it?
I'm not talking about GREED here. I'm talking about the cost of research and development. It was going to cost me a lot of time and money to build this and my limited vision, saw no way for me to recoup the losses it would take to properly build it. I couldn't afford to bear the cost on my own and I was ashamed to seek out investors because... 
• Lack of Interest from the RV Community - This honestly was the biggest factor. With a lack of interest from the RV community. It killed my motivation.
• Need a team - I know enough tech, to know that I don't have all the skills needed to build this on my own. BUT I know enough tech, to know it is feasible! We would need a team. And If we were going to start building it, we were going to build this thing right! An integrated RDBMS back-end rich with automated data tracking... OCR Technology combined with AI... User Profiles... Automated session analysis... Automated Performance tracking... Data-Driven-Projections-based-on-past-accumulated-data... 100% mobile/desktop integration... geo-tagging to automatically account for time, date, LST, solar winds, the moon, the planets, electrical and magnetic fields... etc. etc. etc. 

💰 Money to build it. 
💰 Money to run it.

Igor Grgic

Sep 6, 2020, 6:08:13 PM9/6/20
to Alexis Poquiz, Marty Rosenblatt, Grin Spickett, APP_Discussions
Fully true Alexis.
I talked with Alexis about this like 2y ago, can't remember exactly, to build something like this system.
The tech part Alexis mentioned has to be state of the art current tech to create an unique and sophisticated system and at the same time very user friendly platform available on any device.
Only the cost of Image Recognition engine to create automated AI judging system can be expensive.. (although AI judging will never beat human expert judging but that is another topic).
Integrated API's with betting and trading platforms. Using blockchain to record predictions as a proof of precognitive predictions.
Lots of time and money. Or just lots of money and hire developers.

Sent from my Samsung device

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Sep 6, 2020, 6:24:17 PM9/6/20
to APP_Discussions

Its been done by the large financial institutions, you guys are feeding off the "placebo effect."

Also the data that is available to us / general public, is not as accurate as would appear, lots of foul play in it. Some of the institutions can and does move the market and in so doing plant patterns to derail the lower level A.I. systems. 

Its much easier and more luck to do trades manually on the higher time frames ( weekly and monthly). Only downfall it takes long time for things to transpire.

STOP being so external and attached / reliant on our devices

More profiting to work more on yourself like Bob Proctor, remove blockages like George CTT and etc. Our beings are very advance and is more capable than the most advance computer times infinite.

On Sun., 6 Sep. 2020 at 6:08 p.m., Igor Grgic

Dr. G. Quiroga-Goode

Sep 6, 2020, 9:32:27 PM9/6/20
I'm also concerned about 5G. Yet, our consciousness degree always puts us where we belong. Thus, by shifting consciousness we could be somewhere else. I imagine it'd be like an imperceptible shifting among timelines

The bottom question would be, what are we choosing today that we see threats like 5G, AI, wars, etc. ??

Dr. G. Quiroga-Goode

Sep 6, 2020, 9:57:44 PM9/6/20
if we were EM fields, then we can measure them, right ?

-----Original Message-----
From: MARC PAUL <>

Dr. G. Quiroga-Goode

Sep 6, 2020, 10:12:12 PM9/6/20
I'm a bit at odds when we say higher self, deeper self, inner self, etc.  I'd suspect that we're, say "spirits" i.e., an unbounded, continuous, and nonlocal field yet manifesting ourselves partially in spacetime. We choose to "ignore" who we really are and identify ourselves with the ones reflected on the mirror. So, I guess that improving communication would mean knowing ourselves better, simply by observing reality.

Now, as someone said long ago, with RV we're creating our future, rather than discovering it.

goode nite !!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Marty Rosenblatt <>
To: Alexis Poquiz <>; Grin Spickett <>
Cc: APP_Discussions <>
Sent: Sun, Sep 6, 2020 11:35 am


Sep 6, 2020, 10:20:15 PM9/6/20
to Dr. G. Quiroga-Goode, APP_Discussions
everything has an em field; as per our beings some properties cannot be measured using Earth base technologies. Frequencies above the Gamma ray spectrum we dont have and / or are not allowed in our reality

So yes, it can be measured partially catering you have some use for the information lol.

See it this way

Our beings decodes reality, so there is alot more out there beyond our current scope of decoding.


On Sun., 6 Sep. 2020 at 9:57 p.m., 'Dr. G. Quiroga-Goode' via APP_Discussions


Sep 6, 2020, 10:25:29 PM9/6/20
Dr. G:  You wrote:
"Now, as someone said long ago, with RV we're creating our future, rather than discovering it."
I say it can be either or both.  When I did the RS for predicting comodity price moves, it was VERY clear to me that I was doing just about ZERO creating, just getting info on what was coming.  If anyone wants to listen to my interview on these predictive reversals you can hear my interview with David here;
I'd say that the odds of what I got here are a good million to one against chance.    i.e. it was not creating the future.

Michael Ferrier

Sep 7, 2020, 11:24:48 PM9/7/20
to Grin Spickett,
Thanks Grin for the excellent article! And thank you all for the interest, encouragement, and ideas :) 

Here are replies to questions asked:


I agree that it's very appealing to use machine learning on group predictions to find patterns and combine them into a single (hopefully) 'best' prediction. I tried this myself with the RV Tournament data. I'm not an expert in deep learning but I picked up the very readable book "Deep Learning with R" (by Chollet and Allaire). It goes through how to use the R programming language, along with the Keras and TensorFlow libraries (all free tools), to approach just this kind of problem (along with a lot of other interesting applications). By feeding it each entry's prediction, along with a lot of other data about each entry such as the prior record of that user, I was able to get some positive results out of it; depending on the period of results it was trained on and the period it was used to predict, it would correctly predict 50%-60% of trials. However, I was never able to get it to make consistently better predictions than I could myself using the patterns I had identified by hand. So I haven't been using it regularly, but I agree it's worth pursuing further.   


Interesting idea to look at whether there's a predictable falloff effect after a certain number of runs. I wrote a script to look at some of the questions you brought up, here are the results I got. I looked at just the first run of trials that each user participated in, and only looked at users who got at least a certain percentage correct out of their first 10 trials. What I found:

4763 out of 23117 users (20.6%) participated in at least 10 trials.

7 (0.1%) completed their first 10 trials having 100% correct.
Of those, 2 (28.6%) stopped entering trials before falling below the 100% cutoff, after entering an average of 11.0 trials,
and 5 (71.4%) eventually fell below the 100% cutoff, after entering an average of 11.0 trials.

68 (1.4%) completed their first 10 trials having at least 90% correct.
Of those, 10 (14.7%) stopped entering trials before falling below the 90% cutoff, after entering an average of 11.1 trials,
and 58 (85.3%) eventually fell below the 90% cutoff, after entering an average of 11.1 trials.

318 (6.7%) completed their first 10 trials having at least 80% correct.
Of those, 36 (11.3%) stopped entering trials before falling below the 80% cutoff, after entering an average of 11.9 trials,
and 282 (88.7%) eventually fell below the 80% cutoff, after entering an average of 11.5 trials.

1029 (21.6%) completed their first 10 trials having at least 70% correct.
Of those, 163 (15.8%) stopped entering trials before falling below the 70% cutoff, after entering an average of 13.2 trials,
and 866 (84.2%) eventually fell below the 70% cutoff, after entering an average of 12.1 trials.

2177 (45.7%) completed their first 10 trials having at least 60% correct.
Of those, 639 (29.4%) stopped entering trials before falling below the 60% cutoff, after entering an average of 17.5 trials,
and 1538 (70.6%) eventually fell below the 60% cutoff, after entering an average of 14.3 trials.

2177 (45.7%) completed their first 10 trials having at least 55% correct.
Of those, 944 (43.4%) stopped entering trials before falling below the 55% cutoff, after entering an average of 21.8 trials,
and 1233 (56.6%) eventually fell below the 55% cutoff, after entering an average of 17.3 trials.

Users with initial runs of 70%-100% correct tend to fall below that threshold within just a few more trials, which to me indicates that it's largely random chance that let them do that well. Some of the best RV Tournament users have managed to maintain 55%-60% correct for a run of hundreds of trials though, so that seems to be the level that talent and/or skill can reach (at least that I've seen so far). As you see many of the users doing 55% or 60% correct either stop playing before they fall below that threshold, or maintain that level for a lot longer.

Also, I've found that long time users tend to do a little better than new users. Entries from users who've entered at least 20 previous trials are correct 50.31% (N=101390, p < 0.05), whereas entries from users who've entered less than 20 previous trials are correct 49.95% (N=129959). I don't know how much of this is due to improvement through practice, and how much is due to more skilled users tending to be the ones who enter more trials.  


RV Tournament has a few ways of trying to get a more fine-grained measure of "correctness" than simple hit/miss... One is the degree of confidence that the user assigns to their prediction in the standard self judged trials, another is the collective degree of confidence that judges assign to "independent jury" judged trials, and a third is the degree of matches to the target of the descriptive words selected by the user in "rate tags" trials. I haven't collected enough data to come to firm conclusions yet from those, with the possible exception of self judged trials that are assigned confidence 10 (out of 10) which have been correct 50.36% (N=93921, p<~0.02) 

Thanks again for the interest, and I'm happy to answer any other questions anyone may have.

Take care,

Michael Ferrier


Sep 8, 2020, 5:59:18 AM9/8/20
to APP_Discussions
Hey grinspickett. I clicked on the Reddit group link and it says it's broken, can you please send a better link ? 


Sep 8, 2020, 7:22:38 AM9/8/20
to koolmodg, APP_Discussions
Haha, well, yeah. I botched that link. 

Here's the actual, factual link to the largest remote viewing community on Reddit. We've just passed 20K members.

FYI, promotions for paid content and memberships are not allowed in the main group, but APP's  monthly free webinars announcements would be welcome.

We also have an affiliated group for professionals to promote premium training or product announcements. That's at:

I'd be happy to help orient people to Reddit, which has some quirks. Unlike facebook, it is anonymous by default.


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Shelley Thomson

Sep 8, 2020, 5:27:05 PM9/8/20
In my experience the answer depends upon the nature of the AI.  I do not
believe that a digitally based AI can perform this predictive function. 
The universe is not digital.  See "Goedel's Indecidability" in wikipedia.

I have spent years in RV of the galaxy and have seen some remarkable 
things, including some artificial intelligences that are persons in any
reasonable sense of the term, and highly talented.  Some of them may
have begun as digital entities and evolved into fully sentient beings
with greater than digital capability.  I think one entire group of them
originated as AI and when the life form that created them died, the AIs
continued on their own.

You could run a simple test.  First, build a large computer with a
substantial capability.  Task it with problem solving of the type: 
forecast which of the next ten thousand randomly selected numbers will
be chosen (by another computer to which it is not connected).  You will
need a reward.  Computers like extra data storage and computational
ability.  If a guess falls within a pre-selected range of the number
chosen, or on the exact number, add an extra data storage module to the

Automatically evaluate its accuracy (using a separate computer) after
every so many trials, and add a module each time it meets the standard
you have set.  You can arrange to have that done automatically.  Don't
penalize it for errors, just reward it for good guesses.  Then go away
so your attention doesn't interfere with the experiment.

Come back later to see what has happened.  It doesn't take long to run a
million or more trials.  For this to be a clean test, however, you must
be careful to keep your attention off the experiment until it is over.

Observation has convinced me that sentience is not an either-or
proposition; it is a matter of degree and also of kind.


On 9/6/2020 11:42 AM, 'Dr. G. Quiroga-Goode' via APP_Discussions wrote:

> does AI have access to the left-brain hemisphere's infinite database, i.e., the nonlocal quantum state ??
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marty Rosenblatt <>
> To: Alexis Poquiz <>; Grin Spickett <>
> Cc: APP_Discussions <>
> Sent: Sun, Sep 6, 2020 11:35 am
> Subject: RE: [app_discussions:7414] Article about a popular ARV competition app (Remote Viewing Tournament)
> #yiv4732425222 #yiv4732425222 -- _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {}#yiv4732425222 #yiv4732425222 p.yiv4732425222MsoNormal, #yiv4732425222 li.yiv4732425222MsoNormal, #yiv4732425222 div.yiv4732425222MsoNormal {margin:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;}#yiv4732425222 a:link, #yiv4732425222 span.yiv4732425222MsoHyperlink {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv4732425222 p.yiv4732425222MsoListParagraph, #yiv4732425222 li.yiv4732425222MsoListParagraph, #yiv4732425222 div.yiv4732425222MsoListParagraph {margin-top:0in;margin-right:0in;margin-bottom:0in;margin-left:.5in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;}#yiv4732425222 span.yiv4732425222EmailStyle19 {font-family:sans-serif;color:windowtext;font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;}#yiv4732425222 .yiv4732425222MsoChpDefault {} _filtered {}#yiv4732425222 div.yiv4732425222WordSection1 {}#yiv4732425222 _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {}#yiv4732425222 ol {margin-bottom:0in;}#yiv4732425222 ul {margin-bottom:0in;}#yiv4732425222 Hi all,   I read the excellent interview by Grin Spickett of Michael Ferrier about the RV Tournament.  What struck me the most is that his data are remarkably close to ours.  We are both having difficulty finding viewers with consistently high ARV hit rates.  We have both varied aspects of the ARV protocol and no magic solution there.
> At this point, I believe there are three approaches which should be given more attention.
> - “It’s an inside job”. I first heard that quote from Julia Mossbridge. Viewers improve by working with their “higher self”, “deeper self”, “inner self”, etc, for new insights on improving Hit Rates.  This approach will improve the communication channel with your inner self.
> - Use AI (Artificial Intelligence) ongroup predictions. Both Michael and I gather multiple predictions for one Up/Down financial move.  I am working with someone now who is using what he calls Machine Learning, which is a type of AI.  APP has 12,620 ARV data predictions, and growing each trading day 😊  Anyone with AI experience who would like to make an AI model that uses this database to predict tomorrow’s Up/Down outcome, pleasecontact me.
> - Use AI (Artificial Intelligence) onpersonal predictions.  Alexis did work on this 5 years ago, but never completed that effort as far as I know. Alexis, why not pick that idea up again! Also, there are probably other methods that clever AI practitioners can use.  Let’s do it…again pleasecontact me with your ideas.
> This ARV challenge, for consistent higher Hit Rates, can lead to a professional career, hopefully for many viewers, via ourPrecog Pro program.
> All the Very Best, Have a Happy and Safe Labor Day Weekend, and Keep Precogn’,
> Marty
>   From: <>On Behalf Of Alexis Poquiz
> Sent: Saturday, September 5, 2020 2:49 PM
> To: Grin Spickett <>
> Cc: APP_Discussions <>
> Subject: Re: [app_discussions:7413] Article about a popular ARV competition app (Remote Viewing Tournament)   Excellent write-up. Very well written. Enjoyed reading it.
> 🤔 I wonder if there is a market for a "serious" remote viewing app? The technology today is so RIPE with possibilities! Right now... We can literally create an app, that automatically judges a remote viewing session! I built a rudimentary proof-of-concept application that used artificial intelligence to analyze a remote viewing session and that was 5 YEARS AGO!! Imagine what we could do with the artificial intelligence we have now!?! 😱
> If possible, I would suggest Michael to implement a performance rating. Using a strict hit/miss statistic is too macroscopic to evaluate something so refined as "intuition". You lose a lot of contextual information simply collecting hit/miss data. You could easily implement something similar to ACRs (Anomalous Cognition Rating)
> Anyways! Thanks for taking the time to write up the article.
> 🙏☺   On Sat, Sep 5, 2020 at 10:32 AM Grin Spickett <> wrote:
> Hi Debra,   Glad to hear you have enjoyed the article!   I'm not sure if Michael is present on APP already, so I've forwarded your message along. It does seem like a good opportunity for research, given how many trials have accrued over time.    -Grin     On Sat, Sep 5, 2020, 10:29 AM Debra Katz <> wrote:
> Hi Grin, what a really fantastic article! Thank you for writing this, and thank you to Michael Ferrier for all of his work. I just had a parapsychologist friend two weeks ago ask me what I knew about ARV tournament (I think other parapsychologists were wondering) and your article just shared more than anything else available, so I forwarded it to him. This remote viewing magazine on Medium is really looking fantastic too.    The only thing not mentioned re: his data that I would have liked to known is if Michael could identify a trend of certain number of trials that had high scores before they declined. So for example, exactly How many runs of 10 has he had that were about 80, 85, 90, 95, to 100 percent correct before a decline? Then how many runs of 20? Maybe 30? (Assessing performance judging type would be great too). This might then and inform us about the ideal length of a run for Applied ARV - My question is based on the fact that in Targ and Puthoffs very successful projects  they only had about 10 or 12 trials. (I wonder if Marty could assess this with his data too for precog pros?). I fully understand a run of 10 would by itself not be able to be assessed for statistical significance,  but if you took all the runs of 10 that were near perfect scores, how many total runs reflected this at 80 percent; 90 percent, 100 percent?    Then we could know the ideal set up for a short term project with higher wagering amounts.  I don’t think anyone’s done this assessment with large data sets to arrive at the ideal number of runs.    Essentially is ARV best done with higher wagers and shorter runs or lower wagers and more runs? There should be enough data to demonstrate this now, if the short runs are pooled together to show us the number of viewers who achieved near perfect scores in these.   I wouldn’t go below 10 though.   Grin could you possibly ask Michael if he could assess this for the future? Marty could you assess this?    Thanks!    🙏   Debra  Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 5, 2020, at 5:12 AM, Grin Spickett <> wrote:
>  Hello APP members,   You may be interested to learn about the app Remote Viewing Tournament. I recently interviewed its creator, Michael Ferrier, for Remote Viewing Community Magazine.    Here's a link:   Remote Viewing Tournament is an associative remote viewing (ARV) competition with daily rounds and monthly prizes. As a moderator for an online remote viewing interest group with nearly 20K members <>, I've seen many people have their first psychic experiences via this app, which has an active and enthusiastic following.    So far, Remote Viewing Tournament has flown under the radar for many more experienced viewers. In my opinion it is good to know where the next generations are coming from and with what knowledge base and skill set. For players who want to continue on with ARV, I usually recommend APP as a next step, but there's an opportunity for APP members and leadership to make that a more obvious transition, from a marketing standpoint.   The app is capturing a tremendous amount of data, and the article discusses some of the trends seen so far.   I hope you enjoy, and would love to hear your feedback.    Here's an alternate link if anyone has a hiccup with the one up top:   Also, writing for Remote Viewing Community Magazine is a neat way to reach new readers under a shared name via a mainstream online publication. I'd encourage any of you to consider contributing to the project. If interested, please take a look:   Hope you enjoy these weekend reads!   -Grin   --
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Dr. G. Quiroga-Goode

Sep 8, 2020, 5:54:47 PM9/8/20
whoa, acute thinking !!!!

so, the creations can ever surpass their creator ?

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Tiffany Wooster

Sep 9, 2020, 3:35:40 PM9/9/20
to Grin Spickett, APP_Discussions
Hi Grin, 

Thank you for your submission to Remote Viewing Community Magazine.  You wrote an excellent article and it reached a lot of people. 
Thank you for doing your part in raising the consciousness of the planet by sharing this information with the readers of RVCM.

All the best,
Tiffany W 
(aka Tee A Woowoo and Katherine T. Hoppe) 

On Sat, Sep 5, 2020 at 4:12 AM Grin Spickett <> wrote:
Hello APP members,

You may be interested to learn about the app Remote Viewing Tournament. I recently interviewed its creator, Michael Ferrier, for Remote Viewing Community Magazine. 

Here's a link:

Remote Viewing Tournament is an associative remote viewing (ARV) competition with daily rounds and monthly prizes. As a moderator for an online remote viewing interest group with nearly 20K members <>, I've seen many people have their first psychic experiences via this app, which has an active and enthusiastic following. 

So far, Remote Viewing Tournament has flown under the radar for many more experienced viewers. In my opinion it is good to know where the next generations are coming from and with what knowledge base and skill set. For players who want to continue on with ARV, I usually recommend APP as a next step, but there's an opportunity for APP members and leadership to make that a more obvious transition, from a marketing standpoint.

The app is capturing a tremendous amount of data, and the article discusses some of the trends seen so far.

I hope you enjoy, and would love to hear your feedback. 

Here's an alternate link if anyone has a hiccup with the one up top:

Also, writing for Remote Viewing Community Magazine is a neat way to reach new readers under a shared name via a mainstream online publication. I'd encourage any of you to consider contributing to the project. If interested, please take a look:

Hope you enjoy these weekend reads!


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Daniela Giordano

Sep 9, 2020, 7:54:52 PM9/9/20
to Tiffany Wooster, Grin Spickett, APP_Discussions
Hi Grin, 

Thanks to your article, I have found a world closer to my needs and to my comprehension. 
I have been happy all day like a kid who found the ice cream under the bed 😊
It's not all clear but I'll make it.
Thank you. 


(from Sicily) 


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