[Fwd: 'Tainted by Murdoch Scandal'; Murdoch's Mafia; 10 questions the MPs will not ask Murdoch; Americans: facing the world and facing ourselves; WHO SAID THIS?; Economic Collapse Why It Won't Be Stopped....]

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Jul 18, 2011, 11:57:24 PM7/18/11

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 'Tainted by Murdoch Scandal'; Murdoch's Mafia; 10 questions the MPs will not ask Murdoch; Americans: facing the world and facing ourselves; WHO SAID THIS?; Economic Collapse Why It Won't Be Stopped....
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 20:09:24 -0700
From: CCW <c...@wolfenet.com>
To: CCW On-Target! <c...@wolfenet.com>

The whistle blower on the Murdoch scandal was just found murdered.

Rupert Murdoch, Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, Seizing The World!

Do you know who Rupert Murdoch is? If not, you need to do your homework because he is THE major force in globalizing the media sources you and I enjoy.

That's right GLOBALIZATION of media.

None of the above clowns could stand exposure of even a brief exchange with an informed populist where they don't have the power to cut off the other fellow.  They cannot exist outside the protective bubble of FOX News which Murdoch created for them to brainwash the nation into ignoring all evidence of subversion, sabotage and high treason.  But even people who know the truth are neutralized and brought to despair when they realize that Murdoch's machine -- built with Money Power takings -- is pumped into the brains of a hundred million different people each week, week after week   -- Dick Eastman

----- Original Message -----
From: My truth


Declassified: Massive Israeli Manipulation of US Media Exposed [VIDEO]

By: Elias
declassified in America have revealed covert public relations and lobbying activities of Israel in the U.S. The National Archive made the documents public following a Senate investigation. They suggest Israel has been trying to shape media coverage of issues it regards as important.

James Bamford Unplugged!
The Secrecy of the Obama Administration

By Boiling Frogs



NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake, The implications of WikiLeaks, the absurdity of Obama's Nobel Peace Award and the absence of real coverage and analyses in the US Mainstream Media.

Murdoch’s Deeply Hidden Jewish Roots — A Biography

Murdoch “became an American citizen for business reasons,” according to Richard H. Curtiss, editor of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. Keith Rupert was born in Melbourne, Australia, on March 11, 1931. “Rupert’s father, Sir Keith Murdoch, was a newspaper publisher, and his mother an Orthodox Jew,” Curtiss wrote, “although Murdoch never offers that information in his biographies.”

Webmaster's Commentary: 

The Murdoch scandal taints the entire establishment media and leaves us with two questions that must be asked.

1. At a time when most corporate media struggle to meet payroll, what is the source of the vast sums of cash Rupert used to buy up a large chunk of the world's media (and I think the above answers that question).

2. How does a foreign national come to control so much of America's media?

Murdoch: “There is an Ongoing War Against the Jews”


Every Part of British Establishment 'Tainted by Murdoch Scandal'

By: J.T. Waldron

British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced plans to hold an emergency session of Parliament on Wednesday to discuss the growing phone-hacking scandal that has threatened Rupert Murdoch’s media empire and rocked the British government. On Sunday, British detectives arrested Rebekah Brooks, the former head of Murdoch’s British newspaper arm, on suspicion of intercepting communications and corruption. Hours later, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Paul Stephenson resigned following criticism of the handling by police of the phone hacking scandal. We speak to Ian Katz, deputy editor of The Guardian, the British newspaper that has broken many of the Murdoch stories, and Sarah Smith, correspondent for Channel 4 News U.K., based in Washington, D.C.

Politicians And Police Corruption Latest Targets Of 3 Continent Phone-Hacking Scandal Shakedown

As more details of the News Corp. phone-hacking scandal unfolds, politicians and police corruption with the press the latest targets of the shakedown which now spans across 3 continents.

Here is a complete breakdown of all of the latest developments.

Cameron cuts short trip to face firestorm

More Trouble in Murdochworld

By Mike Whitney



The firestorm in the UK is not really about phone hacking at all. It's about Corporate fiefdoms and unelected oligarchs who control the flow of information and use that power to their own advantage.

10 questions the MPs will not ask Murdoch

When Rupert Murdoch appears before the parliamentary committee on 19 July 2011, here are ten questions the MPs certainly will not ask about the relationhip he had with Tony Blair during the run up to the Iraq war, when Murdoch was, in the words of Blair's former press officer Lance Price, "the third most powerful figure in the Labour government", after Blair himself and Gordon Brown.


question is number 3:

"All of your newspapers used Tony Blair's 'dodgy dossier' of September 2002 to try and generate a war fever with the bogus claim that -- in the words of The Sun headline -- "BRITS 45 MINUTES FROM DOOM". The hand of Alistair Campbell, Blair's press officer, is widely regarded as having been responsible for the dossier's fabrications. There was no coverage in the Sun or the rest of News International's outlets, when it was revealed that some of this dossier, which was supposed to present a cast iron case for attacking Iraq, was drawn from a 12-year old thesis, published on the internet by a PhD student. Was this because you and Blair made a pact that News International would be relentless in promoting the war, even if this meant using lies and distortion?"

This is my favorite because when the Dodgy Dossier first came out, the blogs (including this one) quickly tore it apart and exposed it for the fraud that it was, which means you were getting better news reporting from us than from NewsCorp.

and when the "Downing Street Memo" leaked out, the blogs (including this one) were reporting it almost a month before NewsCorp and ABCNNBBCBS were finally forced to acknowledge the story.

As Rupert Murdoch's global spying and propaganda operation crumbles, even the most deep-in-denial TV junkie has to be asking the question of who can they trust to inform them of what is going on in the world.

The litmus test is simple.

If they told you Saddam had weapons of mass destruction; they cannot be trusted.

The battle between the mainstream media and the blogs isn't starting. It's already over. The blogs won.


Murdoch's Mafia

Murdock's newspaper business in Britain, though mostly profitable, is small beer financially when compared to his television and entertainment interests. Murdoch long ago ceased to be a traditional press baron. He is no Citizen Kane. Unlike newspapers, which anyone can print, television broadcasting is a highly regulated and highly politicised business, because in every country the state is eager to retain control of the main opinion-forming media, and because taxes and broadcast rights generate enormous revenues. TV broadcasting is in the gift of the political class, and even a minor 'regulatory difficulty' can cost a media company billions, or shut it out of the market completely.



John Yates resigns

John Yates announced his resignation as one of Britain's top police officers today after coming under mounting pressure over his handling of the phone hacking scandal.

The Scotland Yard Assistant Commissioner told Metropolitan Police Authority chairman Kit Malthouse this afternoon that he was standing down.


Sean Hoare - NoW Whistle-Blower Found Dead - Speaking About Hacking In March 2011 - video

Murdoch whistle-blower Sean Hoare has just been found dead in his apartment

The Guardian reports that former News of the World showbiz reporter, the first named journalist to allege that Andy Coulson was aware of phone hacking at the newspaper, has been found dead at his home.

Police say they are not treating his death as suspicious.



Murdoch Lawyers Up as FBI Investigates

By: 12160.info
Appointment of litigation veteran Brendan Sullivan suggests News Corp boss is readying for bitter legal battle in America

Rupert Murdoch is assembling a team of US lawyers with expertise in fighting large federal criminal cases, suggesting he is readying himself for a bitter legal battle in America as a result of the phone-hacking scandal.


The secret memo that reveals the Times's fears of being prosecuted in the United States

A 16-page legal advice was attached to this memo which had been commissioned by the legal department of The Times in order to protect Mr Baldwin and others. It makes fascinating reading. The Times’s lawyers had sought this advice from one of Britain’s leading criminal Queen’s Counsels, whose identity I am not revealing.

The advice was thought necessary because the United States Department of Justice wished to interview Mr Baldwin and other journalists from the paper. This was entirely understandable.

The US Attorney’s office in Atlanta, Georgia, wanted to interview the journalists following the jailing of a public official in the United States for receiving corrupt payments from the newspaper in exchange for the provision of classified information.

Murdoch's U.S. empire begins to 'explode and unravel' as long-time lieutenant Les Hinton resigns

Rupert Murdoch's most long-serving and trusted servant has followed in the footsteps of Rebekah Brooks and fallen on his sword.

Les Hinton, 67, who has worked for the tycoon for 52 years, has resigned from his post as chief executive of Dow Jones, which publishes the Wall Street Journal.

His loss will hit Murdoch hard and adds weight to claims from one of President Obama's closest allies last night that his U.S. empire is beginning to 'explode and unravel' in the wake of the phone hacking scandal.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Even the most deep-in-denial TV junkie has to be asking the question of who can they trust to inform them of what is going on in the world.

The litmus test is simple.

If they told you Saddam had weapons of mass destruction; they cannot be trusted.

UK media ignore Murdoch role in Iraq war

After weeks of hue and cry about Murdoch gate there seems to be a prevalent unwritten agreement among the British main stream media to ignore one fact.

While ordinary British citizens are buried under piles of news about Murdoch’s empire hacking into the voicemails of the royal family, celebrities, high-ranking politicians, a murdered teenager and the relatives of the dead soldiers, almost all media fail to report the worst allegation: the endorsement of illegal war in Iraq.

Observers accuse Murdoch’s newspapers of being the main newspaper propagandizing the fraudulent military conflicts.



Webmaster's Commentary: 

As Rupert Murdoch's global spying and propaganda operation crumbles, here is a selection of examples from the past where the media intentionally distorted the facts to serve a political or corporate agenda.

FLASHBACK - Why Were Government Propaganda Experts Working On News At CNN?

Reports in the Dutch newspaper Trouw (2/21/00, 2/25/00) and France's Intelligence Newsletter (2/17/00) have revealed that several officers from the US Army's 4th Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Group at Ft. Bragg worked in the news division at CNN's Atlanta headquarters last year, starting in the final days of the Kosovo War.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

As FOX News stands exposed as part of Rupert Murdoch's vast intelligence operation disguised as a news organization, it is important to recall that other so-called news networks have willingly functioned as the government's "ministry of propaganda."

Finding out who is really simple. If they told you Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, they were knowingly lying to you!

Americans: facing the world and facing ourselves

By: Redress
Lawrence Davidson explains why most Americans "neither see themselves as others see them nor look honestly into their own faces", and in consequence, "are led to collectively act in self-destructive ways".

In Case You Missed It
The CIA and the Media

By Carl Bernstein


How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up.

America's Disappeared

By Chris Hedges



American citizens can "legally" be assassinated. Illegal abductions, known euphemistically as "extraordinary rendition," are a staple of the war on terror.

The Military Industrial Complex: The Enemy from Within

“When a nation becomes obsessed with the guns of war, social programs must inevitably suffer. We can talk about guns and butter all we want to, but when the guns are there with all of its emphasis you don't even get good oleo. These are facts of life.”-- Martin Luther King Jr.


Mass psychosis in the US

Has America become a nation of psychotics? You would certainly think so, based on the explosion in the use of antipsychotic medications. In 2008, with over $14 billion in sales, antipsychotics became the single top-selling therapeutic class of prescription drugs in the United States, surpassing drugs used to treat high cholesterol and acid reflux.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Is this mass psychological drugging the reason most Americans cannot find their rage at how madly the US Government has screwed them over?

Michael Hudson: Go Beyond Left And Right To An Anti-Banker Party

Michael Hudson said the Left-Right class conflict of 19th century politics has been transformed into a war between bankers and the rest of us without respect to our race and economic status. The bankers are stealing everything from everyone. The political system has not adjusted to the new reality.


Wall Street's Euthanasia of Industry

By Michael Hudson


"You know, there's one good thing that President Obama has done that we never anticipated in Europe. He's shown the Europeans that we can never depend upon America again"



Two Examples of Fascism Run by Banks

Ethan Jacobs, J.D.
Activist Post

The United States and other countries of the world are becoming more fascist as New World Order globalists rush to complete their fascist world government by late 2012. According to Italy’s former fascist dictator and MI5 asset, Benito Mussolini, “fascism should rightly be called corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." The following examples demonstrate fascism/corporatism within the banking structure of the United States...


6 Steps by the IMF for a One-World Currency

By: ActivistPost

Brandon Smith

In mainstream financial circles, the concept of a global currency is often spoken of only with an atmosphere of caution. It is approached always in hypothetical terms. It is whispered of as some far off dream; a socio-economic moon landing in the far reaches of fiscal space. Perhaps in 2015, or 2020, or maybe 2050, but certainly never just over the horizon, or right around the corner posing as an innocuous trade asset created over 40 years ago and used only on rare occasions. Unfortunately, the development of a centralized global security representing the creation of a supranational economic body is much closer than many would care to admit…

48 hours to save the euro as Greece deal stalls:


EXPERTS last night warned Europe has only 48 hours to save the single currency amid concern over the failure to seal a new rescue plan for debt-laden Greece.

Obama Meets With the Dalai Lama (Thru The Back Door) at the White House as China Objects

But it was kept hush-hush with practically no mention in the press. This is what happens when you owe $1.5 trillion to China.

Economic Collapse -- Why It Won't Be Stopped  video  8:23


this was the plan of the City of London/Rothschilds to bring down the USA as a Super Power, leeching it of all its money, re directing it to the Coffers of Rothschild Bankers and his Jews in Israel

Experts: US Economic System Near ‘Collapse’

Pessimism over the United States’ economic outlook ruled as speakers last week took the stage at the annual FreedomFest in Las Vegas, reports HumanEvents.com. With the Aug. 2 deadline looming for a decision on the federal debt ceiling, speakers painted a grim picture of things to come.

The Party Is Over For Bankers

The end of the banker’s reign is near and that is a really good thing. Up to this point, bankers have managed to turn humanity into pile of debt slaves.

Since the advent of paper money, bankers have tended to form an unholy alliance with elected governments to expand debt and both parties have prospered until now; the time has come when debt can no longer be repaid.

Darryl Robert Schoon writes, “The global economic collapse is perhaps humanity’s greatest hope for escaping the debt slavery the world’s financiers and bankers have planned for the world.

However, to escape slavery one must first know he is a slave.”

Small Arkansas Town Wants To Ban Free Speech, No “Group” Will Be Able To Meet Without Cities Permission

A small Arkansas town of 850 has apparently banned groups from meeting to talk about the city without first getting permission from the city itself.

In a move reminiscent of Nazi Germany, the Gould, Arkansas City Council has moved to ban all groups from discussing the city, even in their own home!

Mayor Earnest Nas, in strong statements supporting the peoples constitutional rights, said he is willing to go to court to stop this plan.

“This is America and even though this is Gould, Arkansas, this is still part of America. And in America, you can’t just vote and violate peoples constitutional rights,” said Nash.

fascist Police State

Police shoot 19 year old man 5 times


The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

Agent Orange “soaked” Ontario teens


Cancer-causing toxins used to strip the jungles of Vietnam were also employed to clear massive plots of Crown land in Northern Ontario, government documents obtained by the Toronto Star reveal.

Records from the 1950s, 60s and 70s show forestry workers, often students and junior rangers, spent weeks at a time as human markers holding red, helium-filled balloons on fishing lines while low-flying planes sprayed toxic herbicides including an infamous chemical mixture known as Agent Orange on the brush and the boys below.

Mossad agents??

64 missile warheads stolen from Romanian train

64 missile warheads stolen from Romanian train
BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — Dozens of small, old rocket warheads were stolen from a train carrying military equipment from Romania to Bulgaria, officials said Monday.

Authorities promised that the 64 warheads posed no danger to the public but offered varying explanations why.

The Romanian national police said there was no risk because they were not attached to rockets. Spokesman Florin Hulea declined to provide further details. Read More

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