Capture the path from the list returned via find module

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Saranya N

não lida,
25 de abr. de 2018, 12:09:3725/04/2018
para Ansible Project
Hi all ,

I'm trying to find two XML files in all the locations only if it contains a severname and then pass the list of these files to the replace module to replace that severname by another string.

I'm able to get the file list via shell module but not via the find module.

I tried various options that I found online


- hosts: all


- name: Find all Paascli Files


paths: /opt/common

patterns: “test.xml|ordit.xml”

recurse: yes

contains: "servername "

register: matched_files

- debug:

msg: "{{ matched_files.files }}"

# - debug:

# msg: "{{ matched_files.files[0].path }}"

- name: Replace the word


path: "{{ item.path }}"

regexp: "servername"

replace: "new_servername"

backup: yes

# with_items: "{{ matched_files.files }}"

with_items: "{{ matched_files.results | sum(attribute='files', start=[]) | map(attribute='path')|list }}"

I get " dict object has no attribute results for the above with_item option.

Can someone suggest how to capture the path attribute from the returned file list via find module.

Karl Auer

não lida,
25 de abr. de 2018, 19:05:2625/04/2018
Not sure if it will make a difference, but you have a space after "servername" in your contains: line.

​Regards, K.​

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Saranya N

não lida,
25 de abr. de 2018, 22:50:2825/04/2018
para Ansible Project
That space is a typo in my post
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