Disambiguating when two modules define a controller with the same name?

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Josh Mandel

May 1, 2012, 6:30:25 PM5/1/12
to ang...@googlegroups.com
Here's an example where a `myApp` module requires two submodules, each of which defines a controller called `MainController`:

Can my view explicitly specify which controller to use?  Or is the behavior fully determined by the order of dependencies at module registration:
myApp angular.module('myApp'['ngSanitize''realModule''fakeModule']);


Brendan Owen

May 1, 2012, 10:24:33 PM5/1/12
to ang...@googlegroups.com
I have seen examples where the controller, service, etc have a name space defined by the module name. For example

fakeModule angular.module('fakeModule'[]);
realModule angular.module('realModule'[]);

    $scope.name '<b>Real controller</b>';

    $scope.name '<i>Fake controller</i>';

myApp angular.module('myApp'['ngSanitize''realModule''fakeModule']);

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="realModule.MainCtl">
   Text:  {{name}}<br><br>
   Safe Html:  <div ng-bind-html="name"></div>   
   Raw Html:  <div ng-bind-html-unsafe="name"></div>   


May 2, 2012, 12:27:06 AM5/2/12
to ang...@googlegroups.com
Never allowing two modules to define a controller with the same name works fine as a convention  -- but are there other approaches?  (e.g. what if I'm re-using 3rd party modules that don't adopt this naming convention?)

Marc Chung

May 2, 2012, 12:55:31 AM5/2/12
to ang...@googlegroups.com
That's a good question. Maybe a naming convention could be applied.

Something like Java packages:

myApp = angular.module('com.marcchung.myApp', ['ngSanitize',
'realModule', 'fakeModule']);

Brings up another question:

Is there a story around 3rd party modules? Sharing? Project
conventions? Has anything like this surfaced yet?

- Marc
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