Getting native stack trace from user

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Davy Wentzler

2015年1月14日 凌晨4:50:222015/1/14
I was wondering if it was possible to get a stack trace from native code from an app running on a user's device (so not running as developer with a debugger attached). We use ACRA to get stack traces from Java, which works quite well: it sends us Java traces and we can add additional information to the trace. We can even 'catch' fatal native crashes by using a signal handler, but in the end it will only give the Java/jni function that is last called and not the actual native function. The benefit of using ACRA is that the user has to explicitly email it, and by that we have the customers' email address so we can actually ask them for more information. The native crash logs in the developer console are anonymous and therefore, usually not of much help: it is usually the combination of stack trace and user information that allows us to find the issue.

So, is there any reliable way to get a native crash log without adding the READ_LOG permission (which users are very afraid of for some reason)? I have read about doing things in the signal handler, but so far the explanations have all been vague.

Grégory Pakosz

2015年4月3日 凌晨3:23:532015/4/3
I asked the question as well in this group.

I find it unfortunate nobody from Google jumps in and answers. Even "no, won't be possible ever" is way better than ignoring the question.


Jacob Kwitkoski

2015年5月18日 下午6:11:022015/5/18
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