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Donn Felker

Apr 5, 2014, 10:47:49 AM4/5/14
You may have noticed that this project ebbs and flows (just look at the commit pattern). One month there is a lot of activity, then there are many months with limited or no activity. This is not intentional, its a mere consequence of availability to work on Open Source vs client work (aka: Not getting paid vs getting paid). There's nothing wrong with that, it's just the reality of the situation. With that said I've done the following: 

Moved Android Bootstrap To a GitHub Org
Effective Earlier this last week I have moved Android Bootstrap from under my GitHub umbrella account ( to its own organization: Android Bootstrap ( This allows me to create teams and invite other developers to be part of the project so that it can continue at a greater clip. This also reduces the "bus factor" allowing the project to move on if I no longer am I a part of it (I do not intend that to happen, but you never know when a crazy bus can go astray). 

Team Members
Since migrating to a GitHub organization I've invited the first official contributing member  to the project, Daniel Kutik. Please welcome Daniel to the project when you have a moment. Daniel and I have conversed many times over the last year about the future of Android Bootstrap and how to make it better. Its clear he has a passion for open source and he uses Android Bootstrap for his projects. He's contributed a great deal and I think he'll be a great addition to the team. 

Interested in Contributing and Becoming a Member?
If you'd like to be a team member on Android Bootstrap the best thing to do is to start participating here in the forum as well as by helping fix issues in the issue list. Submit pull requests and be an active member. Also, let me know that you're interested. 

Moved to Gradle and Android Studio
I finally pulled the plug and migrated the app from the old Maven implementation to use Gradle and Android Studio. We will not be supporting Eclipse whatsoever (hallelujah). Issues opened in regards to Eclipse will be promptly closed. Please use Android Studio and Gradle to build your version of Android Studio. 

Travis CI Build Server
Last night and this morning I got the initial version of the build server working for Android Bootstrap. To view the status of the build, visit the project on Github (here and here). This means we have a working build for the Android Bootstrap Android App as well as the Android App Generator (which lives at, which is a node.js app). Tests are not being run yet, but this is a start. A green build in any regard is better than no build at all. 

Please Contribute
I'm looking to build up the team. I'd like this project to be the core project a lot of developers consider using when creating a new Android application. The project is already quite successful (judging by the stars and forks on github), lets make it better. Please submit pull requests, enhancement requests/etc. When doing so, also consider "would this make sense in the 80% of apps out there". Basically, use the pareto principle when thinking about a feature. Thats what Android Bootstrap is based around. What is the 20% of things this app could set up for us that would get us 80% of the way to fleshing out the initial version of an app? 

Some things I want to implement include: 
  • ContentResolver/Database Implementation 
    • Maybe even use SugarORM or ORMLite for this, not sure though, I'm thinking raw cursors at this point to keep it stupid simple so folks can learn. This is totally up for debate.
  • Google+ Authentication 
  • ReWork how the lists and ListFragments work. I'm not 100% sold on how its done now as I usually find my self ripping it out of projects later which tells me its a code smell. 
  • Flesh out a much better sliding menu design. 
  • Include Google Play Services with a MapFragment example

Thanks for reading. 

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