Don't know what else to do, i'm getting the same syntax error over and over again. Industrial Maximization Model.

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The Flying Raccoons GT

Sep 20, 2017, 2:48:09 AM9/20/17
to AMPL Modeling Language
Hi everyone,

I got the following model, but wen i run it, ampl gives me this msg:

ampl: model D:\AMPL\ampl_mswin64-7\amplide\ampl\Factory.mod;

D:\AMPL\ampl_mswin64-7\amplide\ampl\Factory.mod, line 47 (offset 720):
syntax error
context:   >>> V[p, <<< t] * A[t,p,k] * Mt[t]))-

I've tried it all in order to fix the problem, but nothing seems to work and i dont know what else to do.

Hope you guys can help me. Thanks in Advance.

i have the .dat file if you guys need it.

Here's it the model. The line 47 with the problem is in red.

set k:= 1..5;
set t:= 1..5;  
set p:= 1..3;
set m:= 1..2;
set f:= 1..2;
set e:= 1..2;
param Mmin{t};
param Mmax{t};
param Cgiro := 0;
param CT{f};
param alfa{t};
param beta{f,t};
param fi{t};
param gamma{t};
param Cest{e,p};
param L{f,t};
param H{e,p};
param Hs{e,p};
param DS{p,t};
param V{p,t};
param VC{p,t};
param I{e,p};
param Disp{m};
param M{m};
param A{t,p,k};
param CK{t,k};
param C{m,t};

var X {k,t} binary;
var Mt {t} >=0;
var Mp {m,t} >=0;
var Mpp {f,t} >=0;
var Mppp {k,t} >=0;
var DISPq {m,t} >=0;
var Iq {p,e,t} >=0;

maximize total_revenue: 
sum {i in t}
((sum {j in p}
(sum {x in k} 
V[p,t] * A[t,p,k] * Mt[t]))-
(sum {z in m} 
C[m,t]*Mp[m,t] + 
sum {h in f} 
L[f,t]*Mpp[f,t] + 
sum {x in k} 
CK[t,k]*Mppp[k,t] + 
sum {j in p}
(sum {g in e} 
H[e,p]*Iq[p,e,t]) + 
sum {j in p}
(sum {g in e} 
Hs[e,p]*I[p,e,T]))) ;

subject to inventory_balance {j in p, i in t}:
sum{g in e} I[p,e,t] = (sum{g in e} I[p,e,t-1]) + (sum{x in k} A[t,p,k] * Mt[t] - DS[p,t]) ;
subject to small_bucket {i in t} :
sum{x in k} X[k,t] = 1 ;
subject to compatibility :
sum{z in m} Mp[m,t] = sum{h in f} Mpp[f,t] = sum{x in k} Mppp = Mq[t] ; 
subject to sugarcane_availability {z in m, i in t} :
DISPq[m,t] = DISPq[m,t-1] - Mp[m,t-1] >= Mp[m,t] ; 
subject to utilization:
sum{z in m} DISPq[m,1] = sum{i in t} Mq[t] ; 
subject to capacity_crushed{i in t}:
Mmin[t] * (fi[t]/100) * (gamma[t]/100) <= Mq[t] <= Mmax[t] * (fi[t]/100) * (gamma[t]/100) ; 
subject to cash_flow{i in t} :
sum{j in p}(sum{x in k} VC[p,t] * A[t,p,k] * Mq[t]) + Cgiro >= ((sum{z in m} C[m,t] * Mp[m,t]) + (sum{h in f} L[f,t] * Mpp[f,t]) + (sum{x in k} CK[t,k] * Mppp[k,t]) + (sum{j in p}(sum{g in e} H[e,p] * Iq[p,e,t]))) ;

# 1 =  Farm
# 2 =  Own
subject to sugarcane_supplied{i in t} : 
Mp[1,t] + Mp[2,t] <= alfa[t] * Mq[t] ;
subject to capacity_transported{h in f, i in t} : 
Mpp[f,t] <= (beta[f,t]/100) * (gamma[t]/100)* CT[f] ;
subject to inventory_capacity{j in p, g in e, i in t} : 
Iq[p,e,t] <= Cest[e,p] ;
subject to sugarcane_processed{x in k, i in t} : 
Mppp[k,t] <= Mmax[t] ;
subject to dominio_M : 
Mq[t] >= 0 ;
subject to dominio_Mp :
Mp[m,t] >= 0 ; 
subject to dominio_Mpp :
Mpp[f,t] >= 0 ;
subject to dominio_Mppp :
Mppp[k,t] >= 0 ;
subject to dominio_Disp :
DISPq[m,t] >= 0 ;
subject to dominio_I :
Iq[p,e,t] >= 0 ;

subject to dominio_X{x in k, i in t}:
X[k,t] in {0,1}

Ansuman Swain

Sep 20, 2017, 2:52:45 PM9/20/17
to AMPL Modeling Language
While declaring the indexed parameter the set name is used inside the { } ,
However further reference to the parameter can be done by of bracketed ‘‘subscripts’’ The value inside [ ] is the element/member of the set. 

In the following case : V[p,t] * A[t,p,k] * Mt[t]))-

Parameter V is indexed over set p and t,
Parameter A is indexed over set t ,p and k,
Parameter Mt is indexed over set t,

In Objective function before the expression :
sum {i in t}
((sum {j in p}
(sum {x in k} 
represents, each elements of sets t,p,k are i,j,x 
Thus the expression should be:
V[j,i] * A[i,j,x] * Mt[i])) and so on.

The Flying Raccoons GT

Sep 24, 2017, 6:07:14 PM9/24/17
to AMPL Modeling Language
Hi Ansuman,

Thank you very much for the response!

Now i got another error.

which can be reduced from my code to:

set t:= 1..5; #Time periods
set e:= 1..2; #Intentory places
set p:= 1..3; #Products

var Iq{p,e,t} >= 0; #Inventory variable

#Moving variables:
# i for sums in t
# g for sums in e
# j for sums in p

subject to inventory_balance {j in p, i in t}:
sum{g in e} Iq[j,g,i] = sum{g in e} Iq[j,g,i-1] + sum{x in k} A[j,i,x] * Mt[i] - DS[i,j] ;

This is the inventory level, which is the sum of "g in e" of the inventory level at time i-1 plus other things. The problem is the "i-1" time period. The first iteration will be for time t=1 i.e because of the constraint it will become time t=0. I know that in that period (t=0) the amount of inventory is 0. So the thing is, how can I set the variable Iq[p,e,0] be 0 in a constraint? 

Thanks in advance!
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