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Jan 9, 2011, 9:33:21 PM1/9/11
The magnetism of Hinduism

By Nalinesh Arun
Indian Weekender
Pulse of the Kiwi Indian Community
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

We all are electrical and magnetic beings. In the literal sense. All
our bodily functions are electrically operated, starting with the
electrical components of our brains which take 'data' from out of our
senses and elsewhere.

Magnetically we are aligned to Earth, which is a giant magnet itself.
Earth's hot liquid centre core contains iron, and as it moves, it
creates an electric current that causes a magnetic field around the
Earth. Earth's rotation keeps the current on the surface consistent.

Our seers of old understood this and devised ways to affiliate,
correlate and correspond our activities with the electrical and
magnetic properties of Earth. They couched these devices in words
that are called religious/mythological nowadays but were, in reality,
the science of the day.

Either we call it vastu shastra or feng shui or astrology, the
purpose remains the same: placing yourself and things around you
(your home, your temple, your workplace) in alignment and relation to
Earth's magnetism or Earth's place in the cosmic arrangement.

Let me introduce someone who defined electricity for mankind, who
developed the alternating current and sought to power the globe with
free electricity. His name was Nikola Tesla and the name is
synonymous with electricity, more so than perhaps Thomas Edison.

Some ideas of Tesla, although demonstrated by him, reached in realms
that were not understandable, even now. These ideas did not emanate
from Western science but from the Vedas themselves. Tesla met and was
influenced by Swami Vivekanand in the waning part of the 19th century
when the Swami was travelling around the United States.

As early as 1891 Tesla described the universe as a kinetic system
filled with energy. He used ancient Sanskrit terminology in his
descriptions of natural phenomena, most notably Akash, Pran, and the
concept of a luminiferous ether to describe the source, existence and
construction of matter.

"There manifests itself in the fully developed being , Man, a desire
mysterious, inscrutable and irresistible: to imitate nature, to
create, to work himself the wonders he perceives.... Long ago he
recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary
substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akash
or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Pran or
creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all
things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into
infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter;
the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears,
reverting to the primary substance."

-From article written May 13th, 1907 and included in a biography of
Tesla by J. J. O'Neill (1968, repr. 1986).

In a letter to a friend, dated February 13th, 1896, Swami Vivekanand
noted the following:

...Mr. Tesla was charmed to hear about the Vedantic Pran and Akash
and the Kalps, which according to him are the only theories modern
science can entertain.....Mr Tesla thinks he can demonstrate
mathematically that force and matter are reducible to potential

The Swami later remarked during a lecture in India, "I myself have
been told by some of the best scientific minds of the day, how
wonderfully rational the conclusions of the Vedant are. I know of one
of them personally, who scarcely has time to eat his meal, or go out
of his laboratory, but who would stand by the hour to attend my
lectures on the Vedant; for, as he expresses it, they are so
scientific, they so exactly harmonize with the aspirations of the age
and with the conclusions to which modern science is coming at the
present time".

Tesla invented many useful devices: a system of arc lighting (1886),
the alternating current motor, power generation and transmission
systems (1888), systems of electrical conversion and distribution by
oscillatory discharges (1889), and a generator of high frequency
currents (1890), including the basis for the wireless transmission of
electrical power which is know as the Tesla Coil Transformer.

His understanding of Vedic terminology paved the way to greater
understanding of electromagnetism and the nature of the universe.
This included the controversial "world system" for "the transmission
of electrical energy without wires" that depends upon the electrical
conductivity of the earth.

The digression above is to demonstrate how Vedic thought influenced
one of the greatest proponents of electricity generation and
distribution. The fact that he died poor and distraught while
Westinghouse went on to power America with Tesla's technology is
another story.

Our rishis understood where mankind stood in relation to the Earth
and the universe and offered wisdom to ensure we, as a species, did
not lose that connection. The most evident of the tools devised by
the rishis is jyotish, the Hindu astrology 'science'. Some
astronomers are looking into finding a scientific method to explain
astrology and are also seeing tidal physics as the linchpin in
astrology work. One of them is Astrophysicist Percy Seymour, author
of The Scientific Proof of Astrology: Tuning to the Music of the
Planets, who thinks parts of astrology work through four features of
nature: magnetism, harmonic resonance, genetics and neurology.

Astrology, according to Seymour, is based on the alignment of
planetary/solar magnetic fields which create a magnetic tonal chord
on Earth. This tonal chord or harmony plays a part in the
neurological development of the fetus. The moment of birth determines
which special cosmic tone or rising planet the fetus is 'born under'.
The individual remains attuned to the particular planetary alignment
for life.

The magnetic field of Earth reflects how the planets are moving
around the sun and even how Earth is moving around the sun. And as
the moon goes round Earth it affects the tides not only in the ocean
but in the magnetosphere [Earth's magnetic field].

The 'scientific' approach to astrology works on the premises that
material forces and arrangement of matter (gravity, electromagnetism,
nuclear energies, sun/planets/earth/moon orbital relations) can cause
a specific and predictable type of personality and life pattern. Dr.

Earth and other planets cause a very complex tune to be played on the
magnetic field of Earth. The symphony, of course, is made up of
tunes. The astrologer, if he is truly adept at what he does, would be
able to identify these tunes separately and see how they affect an
individual's life at any given time, now and in the future, after
working out the placement of planets.

This leads to the typecasting of personality by astrologers according
to the twelve signs of the zodiac.

In an earlier book, "Astrology: The Evidence of Science", Dr. Seymour
put forward the theory of �magneto-astrology", which supposes that
human biological clocks keep time with the planets.

Not only the biological clock, but also most other aspects of life.
Science can confirm now that sun flares affect life on Earth, largely
in a tumultuous way. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Hindu rishis of yore knew of the planets affecting life and
sought to understand this effect on the earth, and on our lives.
Apart from astrology, they also devised vastu shastr, the traditional
Hindu system of design based on directional alignments. Vastu shastra
focuses on invisible and constant relation between all the five
elements, earth, air, fire, water and space. It prescribes desirable
characteristics for sites and buildings based on flow of energy

More individualised was the tool of meditation called raising the
kundalini. This meditation works on the principle that there are
energy centres within the body which need to be activated by
concentrating electrical energy from within. These 'chakras', once
'raised' or activated, resulted in a harmony of self and the
unlocking of powers in the individual.

Sadly the proponents of these and other 'socio-religious' practices
have somehow lost sight of much of the depth of the practice and can
now only offer a smattering of the actuality that was the science of
the day. But that's another issue.

The gauss, abbreviated as G, is the unit of measurement of a magnetic
field (which is also known as the "magnetic flux density", or the
"magnetic induction"), named after the German mathematician and
physicist Carl Friedrich Gauss. One gauss is defined as one maxwell
per square centimetre. The magnetic field magnitude measured at the
surface of the Earth is about half a Gauss and dips toward Earth in
the northern hemisphere. The magnitude varies over the surface of
Earth in the range 0.3 to 0.6 Gauss.

Praan means energy (usually translated as life force) and Aakaash
means matter (usually translated as ether).

The Vedas are a collection of writings consisting of hymns, prayers,
myths, historical accounting, dissertations on science, and the
nature of reality, which date back at least 5,000 years. The nature
of matter, antimatter, and the make up of atomic structure are
described in the Vedas. The language of the Vedas is known as

The year 2006 was celebrated by UNESCO as the 150th anniversary of
the birth of Nikola Tesla, scientist, as well as being proclaimed by
the governments of Croatia and Serbia to be the Year of Tesla.

Even in Tesla's time, some believed that he was actually an angelic
being from Venus sent to Earth to reveal scientific knowledge to
humanity. This belief is maintained in present times by followers of

After Tesla's death the US War Department declared his papers to be
top secret. The personal effects were sequestered on the advice of
presidential advisers; J. Edgar Hoover declared the case most secret,
because of the nature of Tesla's inventions and patents. One document
stated that "[he] is reported to have some 80 trunks in different
places containing transcripts and plans having to do with his
experiments [...]".

Altogether, in Tesla's effects, there were the contents of his safe,
two truckloads of papers and apparati from his hotel, another 75
packing crates and trunks in a storage facility, and another 80 large
storage trunks in another storage facility. The Navy and several
"federal officials" spent two days microfilming some of the stuff at
the Office of Alien Properties storage facility in 1943.

The crater Tesla on the far side of the Moon and the minor planet
2244 Tesla are named after him.

The United States Supreme Court, in 1943 held Marconi's patent of the
wireless invalid, recognizing Tesla's more significant contribution
as the inventor of radio technology.

* Nalinesh Arun is a former Fiji journalist who lived in Indian for
many years. He is now based in Christchurch

End of forwarded article from:

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

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Jan 10, 2011, 3:07:05 AM1/10/11
On Jan 9, 9:33 pm, and/or (Dr.
> put forward the theory of �magneto-astrology", which supposes that

Dhanyavaad for your service to Dharma !

Jan 10, 2011, 8:09:49 AM1/10/11

"Either we call it vastu shastra or feng shui or astrology, the
purpose remains the same: placing yourself and things around you
(your home, your temple, your workplace) in alignment and relation to
Earth's magnetism or Earth's place in the cosmic arrangement."

There is no reason to give one second consideration to these. It can
not be shown the claim above has any reality in the least, none at all.

A simple child's toy magnet will easily overcome the earth's magnet
field when the two are in magnetic oppisition. The entire mass of the
globe and that of one tiny magnet, there is no contest.

There is an american 1 million dollar prize for anyone who can
demonstrate otherwise. The prize has been available for some years. It
should be easy if the above has any truth to demonstrate it and take the

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