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Now this is funny stuff....

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tom ronson

Feb 17, 2010, 1:54:02 PM2/17/10
poor ol' Sister Sarah ---- no one pays her any respect.

I suspect that within the month that she'll of wished that she looked up
the word "satire" in the dictionary. lol


"Seems nobody showed up...." <<--- Michael Masarsky making an ass of
himself, again.



Feb 17, 2010, 3:48:29 PM2/17/10

"tom ronson" <> wrote in message

> poor ol' Sister Sarah ---- no one pays her any respect.
> I suspect that within the month that she'll of wished that she looked up
> the word "satire" in the dictionary. lol

Its all part of her grab for attention and her plan to cash in.

Nerds all over the net are lambasting the "socialist media" that airs such
anti-retard filth. Of course Palin's boss and the man who signs her
paycheck, Rupert Murdoch, owns Fox, the network that runs this cartoon.

While its comical that an ostensibly grown woman gets so torn up over every
perceived slight, even ones that appear in cartoon shows aired by her boss,
it all helps with her current goal: stay in the limelight and make as much
money off her 15 minutes as she can. And hey, if she can use her kids to
stay in the glare, why not? Isn't that what kids are for?

Its hard to believe that some in the media still believe that this lazy,
do-nothing woman (a cartoon herself, in fact) has any chance or even desire
to run for president, but I guess some still do. Of course Palin has no
such intentions herself, its waaaay too hard and too energy draining and
just think about all the other Fox cartoon shows that will make fun of her!
Recent polls show her at her lowest ebb ever, with even 50% of REPUBLICANS
thinking she's unqualified to be president, and with huge majorities of
everyone else thinking she's a nitwit loser.

But the fringie wingnut brigade still thinks she wants to go to bed with
them, and there's gold in them thar hills. At 100k a pop per speech, she
can fleece the rubes pretty good for at least the rest of the year, and
maybe even for a couple years after that.

Railing at socialist (Rupert Murdoch aired) cartoon shows is right up
Wingnut Alley, so lashing out at that stuff as if she was a Muslim newspaper
reader in Denmark outta help her squeeze a few more hundred K out of the
great unwashed before she finally vanishes back into the woods for good.

She's a dumbass alright, but she's smart enough to pick the pockets of the
hillbillies, conspiracy theorists, wackos, and morons that are clearly even
dumber than she is.

I find it all greatly amusing.



Feb 17, 2010, 4:26:42 PM2/17/10
On Feb 17, 10:54 am, tom ronson <> wrote:
> I suspect that within the month that she'll of wished that she looked up
> the word "satire" in the dictionary. lol

She also needs to learn the meaning of the phrase "begs the question,"
but that can be said about a lot of folks these days.


Feb 17, 2010, 7:49:23 PM2/17/10
On Feb 17, 10:54 am, tom ronson <> wrote:
> poor ol' Sister Sarah ---- no one pays her any respect.
> I suspect that within the month that she'll of wished that she looked up
> the word "satire" in the dictionary. lol

obama put them
up to it.

irk dem bones

Mr. V

Feb 17, 2010, 8:52:43 PM2/17/10
Octoad nailed it.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

tom ronson

Feb 18, 2010, 11:27:21 AM2/18/10
Valerie J. wrote:

> Your family obviously has a lot of experience with 'retards".

not really --- they don't watch Faux News and Rush L. is strictly a no
go for all of them.

But if you think Sister Sarah arguing with a cartoon is legit then I
suspect those near you must enjoy the retard show.

Observant Lurker

Feb 18, 2010, 1:49:47 PM2/18/10
On Feb 18 2010 12:16 PM, Valerie J. wrote:

> In article <hlhe0b$nn2$>,

> tom ronson <> wrote:
> > poor ol' Sister Sarah ---- no one pays her any respect.
> >
> >
> >
> > I suspect that within the month that she'll of wished that she looked up
> > the word "satire" in the dictionary. lol

> Your family obviously has a lot of experience with 'retards".

You got that right ! the ronson family hears someone speak a word with
more than one syllable, and they get all confused and out of whack. Don't
know what the hell is going on until daddy ronson mumbles some
unintelligent squeaks and groans and everyone resumes what they were
doing...absolutely nothing.

RecGroups : the community-oriented newsreader :


Feb 19, 2010, 9:11:05 AM2/19/10
On Feb 18, 1:49 pm, "Observant Lurker" <ade5...@webnntp.invalid>

> On Feb 18 2010 12:16 PM, Valerie J. wrote:
> > In article <hlhe0b$>,

> >  tom ronson <> wrote:
> > > poor ol' Sister Sarah ---- no one pays her any respect.
> > >
> > > I suspect that within the month that she'll of wished that she looked up
> > > the word "satire" in the dictionary. lol
> > Your family obviously has  a lot of experience with 'retards".
> You got that right ! the ronson family hears someone speak a word with
> more than one syllable, and they get all confused and out of whack. Don't
> know what the hell is going on until daddy ronson mumbles some
> unintelligent squeaks and groans and everyone resumes what they were
> doing...absolutely nothing.
> JP
> ----- 
> RecGroups : the community-oriented newsreader

LOL. The biggest thing Ronson and his whore have ever done is make a
video in an empty parking garage.

tom ronson

Feb 19, 2010, 9:43:39 AM2/19/10
freddy the thief wrote:

> LOL. The biggest thing Ronson and his whore have ever done is make a
> video in an empty parking garage.

lmao --- and just what have you done, freddy? well, besides heisting
copyrighted material to post here because you're too stupid to keep
track of it on your own? Marvelous life you live there "freddy".

Observant Lurker

Feb 19, 2010, 2:08:39 PM2/19/10

You should wish your skinny lover boy from Chicago was as popular as
Sarah. The main store in downtown DC that sells Obama nick knacks and
trinkets went out of business because everyone is sick of the friggin
Yet, Sarah memorabilia sells coast to coast.

: the next generation of web-newsreaders :

Thomas W.

Feb 19, 2010, 2:37:16 PM2/19/10
Especially "Nailin' Pailin".


"It is written that every time Strevel posts, an angel gets a migraine."
<-- SHK on the avlv.

tom ronson

Feb 19, 2010, 3:07:36 PM2/19/10
Observant Lurker wrote:

> You should wish your skinny lover boy from Chicago was as popular as
> Sarah.

lol --- you are one dumb mother fucker, ain't you? and you never miss an
opportunity to show it. how totally unremarkable --- for you.

turn off faux and go for a walk --- maybe you'll see a few more mexicans
tossing up a stone wall. that'll give you something new to bitch about.
oh wait --- it won't --- you racist piece of shit.

tom ronson

Feb 19, 2010, 3:17:16 PM2/19/10
Observant Lurker wrote something irrelevant:

take a look at this, numbnuts....

it shows that, just like you, the more Palin talks the less people like
her. Of course the all white teabaggers think she's swell (sort of), but
then those some folks forget that Bush doomed us and walked away leaving
a mess.

Observant Lurker

Feb 19, 2010, 4:29:03 PM2/19/10

The idea that bush left us with a mess is debatable, but one thing we know
for sure. The skinny black clown is too friggin ignorant to fix the mess.
We won't be better off until he leaves office; which won't be soon enough
for me.

dr. Baf

Feb 19, 2010, 5:42:42 PM2/19/10
On Feb 19, 12:07 pm, tom ronson <> wrote:

> turn off faux and go for a walk ---

>         --tr

Say Tom,

Many times you have posted about faux news.
Please advise me where I can get unbiased news
on the tv, radio, internet or print?

Where do you get your news?

dr. Baf


Feb 19, 2010, 6:14:33 PM2/19/10

One of the local radio stations has Fox News Radio for the news
updates at the top of the hour. To be honest, I can't tell the
difference between them & ABC Radio or any other news network that
still does news updates at the top of the hour on AM radio.


Mr. V

Feb 19, 2010, 7:01:01 PM2/19/10
On Feb 19, 1:29 pm, "Observant Lurker" <ade5...@webnntp.invalid>


> The skinny black clown is too friggin ignorant to fix the mess.

Hey, he's half white, half black.

Only a racist piece of shit would fail to note the distinction.


Feb 19, 2010, 7:12:45 PM2/19/10

He gets it beamed into his head from the giant invisible spaceship.


tom ronson

Feb 19, 2010, 7:41:19 PM2/19/10
dr. Baf wrote:

> Where do you get your news?

channel 13 --- lol.

No, I read a crap load of stuff. BBC, Al Jazeera, Guardian (UK), lots of
US papers. Not a lot of TV news, other than the local stuff I catch in
the morning.

I do watch some msnbc, but that's not news (see how I admit that?) and
of course The Daily Show and Colbert.

I do read the RJ and Sun --- but neither are real news outlets ---
particularly the POS published by the ax wielding Sherm Frederick.

tom ronson

Feb 19, 2010, 7:41:48 PM2/19/10
Ace* wrote:

> He gets it beamed into his head from the giant invisible spaceship.

and this.... of course.

tom ronson

Feb 19, 2010, 7:42:20 PM2/19/10
Mr. V wrote:

> Only a racist piece of shit would fail to note the distinction.

a little black is too black for Payton.


Feb 19, 2010, 8:49:25 PM2/19/10

"Observant Lurker" <ade...@webnntp.invalid> wrote in message

> On Feb 19 2010 4:17 PM, tom ronson wrote:
>> Observant Lurker wrote something irrelevant:
>> take a look at this, numbnuts....
>> it shows that, just like you, the more Palin talks the less people like
>> her. Of course the all white teabaggers think she's swell (sort of), but
>> then those some folks forget that Bush doomed us and walked away leaving
>> a mess.

I do not like sarah palin, Even though congress supported the war in Iraq,
bush was the CEO, Commander in chief, the Leader, the buck stops here guy
and is to blame for excessive spending....

But... Remember Bill Clinton signed the bill to legalize derrivitives into
law, (outlawed since the great depression) also signed a bill to allow
freddie mac and fannie mae to give loans to people on a lower income, there
are some acorn agencys helping people qualify for a home on using food
stamps as part of there income, When Clinton left books were in order, as
years went by the house of cards collapsed and the financial mess has cost
America several times more than the IRAQ war! See for your self using bing
or google, don't follow sheep over the cliff. The Commander in chief, the
buck stops here Leader needs to take full responsibility, this problem is
not over as banks are still being bailed out, America may collapse over
Clintons mistake!

Ray in Tennessee

Feb 20, 2010, 10:21:59 AM2/20/10
In article <>, ade...@webnntp.invalid
You really are a racist, aren't you?

tom ronson

Feb 20, 2010, 12:05:00 PM2/20/10
bobinNY wrote:

> Even though congress supported the war in
> Iraq, bush was the CEO, Commander in chief, the Leader, the buck stops
> here guy and is to blame for excessive spending....

lets keep that statement in mind for a second....

> When Clinton left books
> were in order, as years went by the house of cards collapsed and the
> financial mess has cost America several times more than the IRAQ war!

and what did the "CEO, Commander in chief, the Leader, the buck stops
here guy" of the time do about it? urm, sit and watch the meltdown? urm,
deregulate things further so that even the fewer investigators didn't
know which way to turn? urm, Ignore the Enron and Tyco lessons? urm,
wait for the banking institutions to collapse before lifting a finger?

If Mr. Bush really was the "CEO, Commander in chief, the Leader, the
buck stops here guy" why did he sit and watch it implode? We know that
he wasn't bashful of exerting his power in other areas. Why were the
country's financial systems different?

> See for your self using bing or google, don't follow sheep over the
> cliff.

I'm certainly not doing that. there's lots the current "CEO, Commander
in chief, the Leader, the buck stops here guy" does that make me cringe.
LOTS. But what I don't do is run around making up shit to make the
current "CEO, Commander in chief, the Leader, the buck stops here guy"
out to be a villain that heretofore has never been seen before.

> The Commander in chief, the buck stops here Leader needs to take
> full responsibility

remember when the most recent prior "CEO, Commander in chief, the
Leader, the buck stops here guy" was asked if he made any mistakes and
he went blank? he couldn't come up with a single thing? Yeah. that's
when he lost me.

> this problem is not over as banks are still being
> bailed out, America may collapse over Clintons mistake!

that may be --- but tell me how slamming the spigots shut will help. Do
you know what extended the first great depression? Urm. I suggest you
google that.

I guess what bothers me most about the "righteous" who are now
represented by the teabaggers and the Palins and the like is that they
feel they have to resort to lies to try to make their point. Don't
believe me -- I got two words for you -- death panels.

If the Boeners and McCains of the world were on solid footing they
wouldn't have to lie. Would they? But yet they do. Why would that be?

The other thing that bothers me? Those same folks had eight years to
scream about spending. But they didn't. Why is that? Why is it that much
less than a year into Obama's adventure the paint brush with the black
dire and gloom paint on it comes out? Why I don't think I heard nary a
peep when Mr. Bush gave away a largely unfunded seniors prescription
benefit. That's about a $600B to $1T investment and not a god damned
word about the end of the world happening.

See, bobinNY, it's the fucking hypocrisy of it all that gets me.

See what I mean? If not read some of the comments to the RJ stories for
a real glimpse of American ignorance. It's startling and breathtaking in
its scope -- but very illustrative of what Obama is fighting -- in
addition to the very real problems that are currently on the table.

I'll be the very first to admit I'm not smart enough to solve all the
problems --- but I do know that just because Obama is a dem that doesn't
mean he doesn't he deserve the courtesy of truth and reason.

The thing I do know? I've seen two republican "CEO, Commander in chief,
the Leader, the buck stops here guy(s)" in my lifetime reduce regulation
and increase spending and both netted horrific results. But what the hey
--- what could go wrong trying it a third time?

Observant Lurker

Feb 21, 2010, 8:20:41 AM2/21/10

Well folks...there you have it. More bullshit from our resident son of a
bitch Comrade Ronson. He goes on and on with his bullshit but fails to
mention several facts. He fails to mention that the banking and home loan
industry is regulated by none other than the congress and not the
president. he fails to mention that the congress has been controlled by
dumocrats like barney fag and Kris dodd since 2006 and they are the ones
who controlled Fannie Mae and Freddie mack and not the president.
It was the congressional people like barney fag, who put pressure on mac
and Mae to lower their qualification standards for mortgages, so more poor
people could buy a house; not the president.
As for spending, the president has no authority to spend one penny. It is
the congress who spends the money and if the president should vote any
spending measure, the congress can do an override. So if bushie signed any
spending bills that Comrade Ronson now claims let to excessive debt for
this country, the bill came to bushie AFTER being passed by a congress
full of dumocrats.
Comrade ronson needs to take a refresher course in American government and
learn the responsibilities of each branch of the government.


Observant Lurker

Feb 21, 2010, 8:26:48 AM2/21/10
On Feb 20 2010 11:21 AM, Ray in Tennessee wrote:

> In article <>, ade...@webnntp.invalid
> says...
> > On Feb 19 2010 4:17 PM, tom ronson wrote:
> >
> > > Observant Lurker wrote something irrelevant:
> > >
> > > take a look at this, numbnuts....
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > it shows that, just like you, the more Palin talks the less people like
> > > her. Of course the all white teabaggers think she's swell (sort of), but
> > > then those some folks forget that Bush doomed us and walked away leaving
> > > a mess.
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > > "Seems nobody showed up...." <<--- Michael Masarsky making an ass of
> > > himself, again.
> > >
> > > --tr
> >
> > The idea that bush left us with a mess is debatable, but one thing we know
> > for sure. The skinny black clown is too friggin ignorant to fix the mess.
> > We won't be better off until he leaves office; which won't be soon enough
> > for me.
> > JP
> >

> You really are a racist, aren't you?
> Ray

And what part of my post do you deem racist? The part where I labeled the
clown black? The only reason why I did that was because there are so many
other clowns working in the white house, I used this as an identifier, so
people would know of whom I speak. I would image obama is proud to be
black, so how can it be racist to mention this obviously wonderful fact?
Is one's race something we should hide and never mention? We can't subject
ourselves to a double standard, where it is ok to mention someone is white
but racist to mention someone is black, unless you are some type of
off-the-wall liberal fruitcake, who has their home in Texas.


Observant Lurker

Feb 21, 2010, 8:30:29 AM2/21/10

That is because there is no difference between fox news and other news
services. The difference lies in the minds of the liberal wackos, who
don't like fox saying anything critical of their esteemed leader "the
chose one".
They want fox to do as others do and give "the chosen one" a free ride
regardless of how dangerous or stupid this ride might be.


tom ronson

Feb 21, 2010, 10:08:45 AM2/21/10
Observant Lurker wrote:

so now we can add homophobia to your long list of loser qualities.
excellent. not much left, unless you're also into necrophilia?

Observant Lurker

Feb 21, 2010, 1:44:00 PM2/21/10

I'm not homophobic. Someone once called barney frank...barney fag and I
thought the nickname was quite cute. I still do , so since political
correctness does mot deter me in the least, when or where I choose to use
the nickname.


Steve Kucera

Feb 21, 2010, 1:49:08 PM2/21/10
On 2010-02-21, Observant Lurker <ade...@webnntp.invalid> wrote:
> I'm not homophobic. Someone once called barney frank...barney fag and I
> thought the nickname was quite cute. I still do , so since political
> correctness does mot deter me in the least, when or where I choose to use
> the nickname.
> JP

Yet when someone hurts your widdle feewings you kick and scream like a
widdle girl.

Ray in Tennessee

Feb 22, 2010, 10:42:17 AM2/22/10
In article <>, ade...@webnntp.invalid
The "skinny black clown" part is the part I deem racist. That and
numerous other remarks you have made on this list. Of course, you really
might be dead, who knows?

Observant Lurker

Feb 25, 2010, 6:50:21 PM2/25/10
On Feb 17 2010 2:54 PM, tom ronson wrote:

> poor ol' Sister Sarah ---- no one pays her any respect.
> I suspect that within the month that she'll of wished that she looked up
> the word "satire" in the dictionary. lol

> --
> "Seems nobody showed up...." <<--- Michael Masarsky making an ass of
> himself, again.
> --tr

The only thing I can think of that is really funny would be a photo of the
ronson family; after breakfast, when they have their teeth firmly inserted
in their mouths.
Of course, that is just my opinion.

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