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A Real X-File

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Trish Leon

Jun 21, 2001, 9:03:06 PM6/21/01

>America's Secret Police

>of the type of weapons they use to attack the people they are targeting.

>UltraSonics has access to extremely advanced surveillance, harassment, and
>non-lethal weapons technologies.

>UltraSonics normally targets the most vulnerable members of our society,
>with mental disabilities.

>The primary
>goal of UltraSonics is to force people with mental disabilities out of
>neighborhood communities and into mental institutions for treatment.

>forced into mental institutions, mentally ill people are forced onto
>medications that they must take indefinitely, even if released from the

humm....and who told you this?? That funny satelite that sends you secret
messages that you can only hear inside your head?? Maybe you should try some
of those drugs...

thanks for sharing, though!!!

One more anal probing gyro-pyro levitating ecoplasm alien anti-matter
story and I'm gonna take out my gun and shoot somebody


Jun 22, 2001, 4:34:04 PM6/22/01
Dr. Michael Persinger a Canadian neuroscientist and a pioneer into the
effects of EM fields on the human body suggested in 1997 that it's possible to
tap any human brain using modern (CURRENT) technology! In an issue of
Perceptual and Motor Skills he said, "Reduction of the risk of inappropriate
application of these technologies requires the continued and open discussion of
their realistic and feasibility and implications within the scientific and
publiic domain."

But where did this idea of tapping the human mind through mircowaves begin? In
1961 a freelance engineering psychologist and biophysicist conducted
experiments that proved (so he reported) that human beings can HEAR microwaves.
This report was dismissed by most of the scientific community in The United

Later, in 1975 it was stated by researcher AW Guy that auditory sensation
evoked in human subjects was one of the most widely observed biological effects
of exposure to pulsed microwaves. These most commonly were perceived as a
buzzing or knocking sound.

His conclusion was that mircowaves can penetrate deeply into the tissue of the
human brain and produce strains in it. The stress wave moves through to the
cochlea and from there it travles in the same manner as the normal method of

Later that same year at the Laboratories of Experimental Neuropsychology at
the Veterans Administration Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri, Guy had a skilled
telegrapher by the name of Justesen send messages in MORSE CODE using the
microwave auditory method!

The results of this experiment were placed into a report along with even MORE
startling details. Two subjects in the experiments actually HEARD
MICROWAVE-TRANSMITTED WORDS! These had been things recorded onto tape and
delivered to the subjects via microwaves. The subjects said that the words
sounded like those produced by an artificial larynx.

This form of communication was dubbed Receiverless radio. The project was
overseen by Joseph Sharp and Mark Grove both of who were employed by the US
government. This might explain why the reports weren't publicized. It's
probable that there were national security concerns.

Public interest of this subject began to take hold in the early 1990's
through the efforts of one Julianne McKinney. At that time McKinney had just
ended a 16 year career with the US Army. During her time in the service she'd
been trained by The Central Intelligence Agency. As soon as her ties to the
service were sliced off Julianne McKinney started an organization called the
Electronic Surveillance Project and began contacting people she claimed were
mind control victims of government experiments!

Out of the pocket of her Army retirement bonus she published 3,ooo copies of a
11,ooo word tract called MICROWAVE HARASSMENT AND MIND CONTROL. These she sent
out for free to those she claimed were victims of the tract's subject matter.

Did she learn of genuine experiments during her time working in the military
intelligence community? Such experiments on unknowing American citizens took
place in the 1960's using LSD and are now well documented for public
consumption. But if the claims of Julianne McKinney were all a hoax it was a
costly one. She blew all her retirement money and MORE on spreading the word on
mind control technology.

The fall of 1995 saw the fall of Julianne McKinney's organization. She
vanished. She wrote to one of those who she contacted (an alleged victim) and
said,"I'm in the process of closing up shop where this project is concered, I
won't be leaving a forwarding adress with the post office when I depart this
area." Since that time all attempts to locate McKinney have failed. What scared
her? Was she scared? Did she take it all "underground"?
Those who claim to be unwilling subjects of mind control experimentation have
various symptoms. Often they complain of severe headaches, paralysis,
palpitations and nausea. All of these are well established symptoms of
microwave poisoning.

In May of 1991 a 27 year old man named Carl Cambell traveled from Georgia to
Washington DC. He had suffered many of the symptoms listed above. He also heard
voices in his head giving him various instructions. Among them was the command
to walk in front of a train. Convinced that he was part of a government
experiment in mind control he left to confront his (alleged) tormentors.

In a fury at being turned away from the gate of the Pentagon he shot and
killed a 21 year Navy veteran named Edward J. Higgins. This was deemed a
random shooting.

In a strange coincidence, several months later at six AM one Thursday morning
a 48 year old woman named Marsha Papageorge who ALSO labored with the same
symptoms as Cambell was walking along some railroad tracks in Silver Spring
Maryland. She turned seemingly for no reason at all and stepped in front of a
rushing train!

Is this a coincidence? Or was someone sending the command to commit this
action TO these people as an experiment? We may never know for sure.
One compelling case that would SEEM to be connected to this technology is that
of Joe Viallis, a former RAF engineer. He was working on a sensitive oil
drilling project in India when he claims that his Microwave harassment started.

He was examined and treated at the London (England) situated Medical Care
Foundation for the care of Torture Victims. There it was determined that he
suffered from microwave radiation and post hypnotic suggestions. In fact in his
medical report it was stated that he was an excellent subject for hypnosis.

In 1984 Joe Viallis fired on a police woman named Yvonne Fletcher outside the
Libyan People's Burea in London England from the Hughes Tool Company. He would
go on to say afterwards that he was convinced that he had been programmed to
assassinate her. Interestingly enough the Hughes Tool Company would later
become known in the press as having long been linked to the American CIA!

Even if the US government isn't taking this technology seriously the Russians
sure do. It's a well documented fact that the Soviets bombarded the US Embassy
in Moscow with microwaves in the 1960's and are suspected of bathing the state
of Oregon as well in the 1970's! If there's no evidence at all to support the
possible use of this technology in covert operations.....the question becomes
WHY would they do that??

During a 1984 protest of US nuke deployment to Britain the UK Greenham Common
peace protestors were simultaneously overcome by severe headaches, paralysis,
palpitations and nausea. This of course being the symptoms of microwave

Microwave radiation was later proved by tests to be 100 times that of the
backround radiation of the rest of the base wherethe protest took place. How
could this happen? Was it directed towards the protesters? If so the technology
makes for a swell crowd control device.

To be sure there's evidence to support these wild theories and seemigly
paranoid notions. any of it really true? At this time the public can't
know for sure to say the least, maybe the very least. But it DOES make you

And if the subject is MIND can we know for sure that any doubts
we have aren't GIVEN to us by someone else?? If we come to believe how can we
trust in any truth in a world where we must doubt our own doubt? One thing is
for sure in any event. Whatever the reason...some people will never take the
same impression from the words MICROWAVE SAFE as others of us!
Bye for now! ToMBli
(Sources: OPEN VERDICT by Tony Collins,Pyschic Dictatorship In The USA, by Alex
Constantine,The CIA And MInd Control, John Marks, Forteantimes no113)

May 6, 2016, 7:12:05 PM5/6/16
Hi TomBli,

Your data can be accessed in groups by googling it.

Covert Harassment UK
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