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Survivor Insider: Some Gifts Just Keep on Givin' ( review of Episode 9)

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Brian Smith

Apr 16, 2010, 1:40:54 AM4/16/10
Survivor Insider: Some Gifts Just Keep on Givin'
Today 8:56 PM PDT by Drusilla Moorhouse

Heroes vs. Villains is shaping up to be a battle royal, complete with king,
queen and court jester. So who's the real ruler? And who was sent to the
scaffold? For all this-plus inside scoop on the slain jury members'
temporary cribs-come on in, guys!

Off with her head!

The Villains unanimously (et tu, Sandra?!) voted off Courtney, even though
Parvati said, "I feel like I can keep Courtney in check more than I can keep
Sandra." Ya think? Wouldn't it be more prudent to vote out someone who
already won the game? Big mistake, Villains.

History Lesson: J.T. is making "Survivor history" all right. Only instead of
a million-dollar check, his name will top the Survivor Wall of Shame,
alongside his burn-after-reading love letter to Russell. James and Erik are
destined to be footnotes in the annals of Immunity Idol idiocy after this.

High Steaks: Did cattle man J.T. leave his brain back at the ranch? He might
as well be Parvati batting his eyelashes at Russell. How could the Survivor
champion make such a monumental mistake? In addition to handing their
opponents a dinner at the Product Placement Steakhouse, the Heroes tribe
invented a nonexistent Villains all-girl alliance-J.T. even bet his life on
it (I don't think he values his life enough, especially when it comes to
gambling)-and played the fool to King Russell. Instead of offering His
Highness a little frankincense or maybe some myrrh, J.T. sacrificed his
Immunity Idol-worth more than gold in this game.

The Queen P: Now we know for certain who's really in charge. If Russell had
found the second hidden immunity idol at camp, he would have run straight to
Parvati with it-and probably brag about it to the rest of his tribemates.
With her quiet power, Queen Parvati is virtually "running a crazy women's
alliance" while "the king does what the queen says."


Looks like J.T.'s still wearing his crazy buff next week-but will his
tribe's resentment even matter? With two idols, the Villains will rule-if
they are still a cohesive unit: Alliances formed before the game might trump
tribal loyalty. And if there's an Immunity Challenge, three idols are up for
grabs at Tribal Council. It's going to be epic, and I'm too dizzy to even
venture a guess. Only one thing's for certain: Parvati's Survivor reign will
surpass 100 days.


Who can forget Courtney's parting words when she wrote Coach's name down
last week? "You're a fricking lunatic," she proclaimed. "I'm just glad I
don't have to live with you anymore." Wrong! The skinny chick is headed for
some quality one-on-one time with her foe at Ponderosa, the camp where the
jury members stay until the final vote.

While the early castoffs hole up in a fancy resort for the duration, the
jury's accommodations are on the rustic side. At least they have roofs over
their heads and some of their own personal belongings and clothes (did you
see Coach's samurai Hugh Hefner getup?) that they select before the game.
And they get regular meals! Shortly after they are voted off, one former
Castaway tells me, they are rewarded with their favorite foods, which they
specified before the game.

I wonder if anyone requested a blooming onion?



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Brian Smith

Apr 16, 2010, 3:55:38 AM4/16/10
"D-W" <> wrote in message
> On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 23:40:54 -0600, "Brian Smith"
> <> wrote:
> TAAB - more from me below...

>>Survivor Insider: Some Gifts Just Keep on Givin'
>>Today 8:56 PM PDT by Drusilla Moorhouse
>>Heroes vs. Villains is shaping up to be a battle royal, complete with
>>queen and court jester. So who's the real ruler? And who was sent to the
>>scaffold? For all this-plus inside scoop on the slain jury members'
>>temporary cribs-come on in, guys!
>>Off with her head!
>>The Villains unanimously (et tu, Sandra?!) voted off Courtney, even though
>>Parvati said, "I feel like I can keep Courtney in check more than I can
>>Sandra." Ya think? Wouldn't it be more prudent to vote out someone who
>>already won the game? Big mistake, Villains.
> My thoughts exactly. Courtney is no threat, strategically, physically
> or otherwise. Sandra is a threat in EVERy possible way...

My pregame views that they stacked enough winners and near winners on to the
cast to make being a winner a non-issue seems to be playing out. I can't
recall them (Villains) even mentioning that Sandra won her season. The
future alliance threat seems to be a much bigger concern and this is where
Courtney was seen to be more dangerous than Sandra.

>>History Lesson: J.T. is making "Survivor history" all right. Only instead
>>a million-dollar check, his name will top the Survivor Wall of Shame,
>>alongside his burn-after-reading love letter to Russell. James and Erik
>>destined to be footnotes in the annals of Immunity Idol idiocy after this.

> Completely disagree. James and Erik are pretty much tied for the
> number one spot. JT may not even be a distant third, but what he did
> was not so much "stupid" as "probably won't work as intended". Big
> difference.

Erik's stupidity will never be matched. JT is not even close to what he did.

> Not all the big moves work out as planned, but to say the ones which
> don't work were dumb after the fact, or the ones that do work were
> brilliant after the fact is just a case of hindsight being 20/20.
> Based on what JT thinks he knows of the Villains tribe, it was not
> really a dumb move to try to save Russell, especially given the Heroes
> numbers and potential floppers to the girl-alliance from the Heroes -
> which I think may still become a factor.
> And the rest of his tribe, although not exactly enthusiastic,
> supported his plan because they all had come to the same girl-alliance
> conclusion.
> It is just the same as if Russell giving Parvati the HII at TC and
> saving her had resulted in Russell being booted. Dumb if Russell is
> booted or brilliant if Tyson and then Rob and Coach go ???
> Could have gone either way, and at this point (as Jim Belushi would
> say) we don't know...

But as we discussed at the time, Russell was either screwed that TC or the
next one. He had no choice but to go for broke. He and Parv both lucked out
big time.

>>High Steaks: Did cattle man J.T. leave his brain back at the ranch? He
>>as well be Parvati batting his eyelashes at Russell. How could the
>>champion make such a monumental mistake? In addition to handing their
>>opponents a dinner at the Product Placement Steakhouse, the Heroes tribe
>>invented a nonexistent Villains all-girl alliance-J.T. even bet his life
>>it (I don't think he values his life enough, especially when it comes to
>>gambling)-and played the fool to King Russell. Instead of offering His
>>Highness a little frankincense or maybe some myrrh, J.T. sacrificed his
>>Immunity Idol-worth more than gold in this game.

> Not worth that much if everyone knows you have it. Just makes you a
> target to force it to be played...

>>The Queen P: Now we know for certain who's really in charge. If Russell
>>found the second hidden immunity idol at camp, he would have run straight
>>Parvati with it-and probably brag about it to the rest of his tribemates.
>>With her quiet power, Queen Parvati is virtually "running a crazy women's
>>alliance" while "the king does what the queen says."

> Maybe. But Parvati wanted to save Courtney and Russell did not.
> Which of the two opinions prevailed ???

Maybe it was Danielle that prevailed by casting the deciding vote. The might
have even let Jerri have a say.

>>Looks like J.T.'s still wearing his crazy buff next week-but will his
>>tribe's resentment even matter? With two idols, the Villains will rule-if
>>they are still a cohesive unit: Alliances formed before the game might
>>tribal loyalty. And if there's an Immunity Challenge, three idols are up
>>grabs at Tribal Council. It's going to be epic, and I'm too dizzy to even
>>venture a guess. Only one thing's for certain: Parvati's Survivor reign
>>surpass 100 days.

> The wager should be whether Parvati or Amanda will have the longest
> reign at the end of S20. I would bet on Parvati.

I was surprised that Parv was that close to Amanda in total days.

>>Who can forget Courtney's parting words when she wrote Coach's name down
>>last week? "You're a fricking lunatic," she proclaimed. "I'm just glad I
>>don't have to live with you anymore." Wrong! The skinny chick is headed
>>some quality one-on-one time with her foe at Ponderosa, the camp where the
>>jury members stay until the final vote.

> lol - I am looking forward to some sweet Ponderosa clips...

Same here! But did you see the wink Courtney gave Coach when he come out to
sit in the jury area? It's possible we'll end up with no fighting at
Ponderosa but lots of crazy stuff. I wish Rob would have made the jury as
him and Coach at Ponderosa would have been great. Maybe not so much for Rob
but definitely for us.


Apr 16, 2010, 6:54:24 AM4/16/10

Brian (TAB) gave us some great stuff...including a report that said:

"The skinny chick is headed for some quality one-on-one time with her
foe at Ponderosa, the camp where the jury members stay until the final

It would be cool if Courtney and Coach...'got it on'.

Courtney is skinny...but I bet she's fun.

(Dubya told me to say that.)

OK, enough fantasy. :-)

Coach's could be characterized as 'Samurai Fruti'...with a
side of Hef.

During the vote...he was sitting in a yoga pose...with an erection
sticking out. (Go back and look if you don't believe. :-)

Apr 16, 2010, 6:59:48 AM4/16/10

I forgot to mention...

"What DID happen to the 'Bloomin' Onion'?"

Don't they HAVE it anymore?

(I've never been to Outback.)

Apr 16, 2010, 7:14:20 AM4/16/10

Brian (TAB) mentioned how cool it would be to have BR and Coach at the
Jury House.


Erik was stupid with the II...James was the MOST stupid by being voted
out with 2 idols in his pocket.

J.T. made the biggest 'faux pas' (that means that he fucked up BIG
time.) giving the OPPOSING tribe an idol.

And it wasn't lost on Russell...who said about a zillion times...

'Now they're GIVING idols to Russell Hantz.'

This is the dopiest move...not knowing about game play.

James will ALWAYS have the title...just cuz you CAN'T get voted out with
2 idols in your pocket.

USE one...and get the tribe to at least THINK about things.

Apr 16, 2010, 7:22:22 AM4/16/10

Secret info, no spoiler:

To celebrate Amanda's and Parv's 100 day Survivor record...

Amanda gets oral gratification from Rupert...and Parv...from Russell.

Discuss. :-)


Apr 16, 2010, 10:49:57 AM4/16/10
In article <>, D-W- says...

> On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 23:40:54 -0600, "Brian Smith"
> <> wrote:
> TAAB - more from me below...
> >Survivor Insider: Some Gifts Just Keep on Givin'
> >Today 8:56 PM PDT by Drusilla Moorhouse
> >
> >Heroes vs. Villains is shaping up to be a battle royal, complete with king,
> >queen and court jester. So who's the real ruler? And who was sent to the
> >scaffold? For all this-plus inside scoop on the slain jury members'
> >temporary cribs-come on in, guys!
> >
> >Off with her head!
> >
> >The Villains unanimously (et tu, Sandra?!) voted off Courtney, even though
> >Parvati said, "I feel like I can keep Courtney in check more than I can keep
> >Sandra." Ya think? Wouldn't it be more prudent to vote out someone who
> >already won the game? Big mistake, Villains.
> My thoughts exactly. Courtney is no threat, strategically, physically
> or otherwise. Sandra is a threat in EVERy possible way...
Sandra isn't in every way, at least not physically. She is physically
week in terms of agility (maybe she could bench press 200lbs. for all
I know but she can't run too fast or squirm her way around things.
She can stand on tiny pegs though-as did Courtney I hasten to add).
She was actually more of a hindrance to the Villains in the
challenges than Courtney was. Because of that, she won't be too
competitive in most of the remaining individual Immunity Challenges.
However, I do agree that Sandra is a strategist when her back is to
the wall as it was last week so I do agree overall that Sandra should
had been voted off this week. Russell should had listened to Pavarti.
> >History Lesson: J.T. is making "Survivor history" all right. Only instead of
> >a million-dollar check, his name will top the Survivor Wall of Shame,
> >alongside his burn-after-reading love letter to Russell. James and Erik are
> >destined to be footnotes in the annals of Immunity Idol idiocy after this.
> Completely disagree. James and Erik are pretty much tied for the
> number one spot. JT may not even be a distant third, but what he did
> was not so much "stupid" as "probably won't work as intended". Big
> difference.
Of the two I belive Erik having his single HII in his pocket when he
was voted off being dumber, or at least more embarrassing, than James
being caught flat footed with two in his pocket. I believe it is due
to the fact that Erik had intended to force Russell to use his in
part by threatening the remains of Foa-Foa to cooperate. Then they
turn the tables on him getting his own tribe to vote him out. It
boomeranged so hard. I think James only had the erroneous feeling
that he was safe and IIRC-and maybe I am not-didn't actually try to
get someone else kicked, he just thought he was safe and sitting
pretty. He was blindsided, but he wasn't blindsided AND hoisted by
his own petard like Erik was.
> Not all the big moves work out as planned, but to say the ones which
> don't work were dumb after the fact, or the ones that do work were
> brilliant after the fact is just a case of hindsight being 20/20.
It depends on the context and how much knowledge the person making
the move had. Russell had a lot of information; JT only a limited
amount. However, I do give JT a break because in this case we have to
constantly remember, both us fans and the people who write these
articles, including this one you answered, is that we know far, far
more than JT could possibly know. When this addition of "Survivor"
was filmed in August 2009 no one-meaning us viewers-had ever heard of
Russell Hantz and what he could do so we have to remember and look at
it from JT's POV. That said, it still can be judged as almost
reckless move because he is operating on limited knowledge, and this
observation isn't based on what we know now being the dragonfly on
the palm tree leaf and seeing both sides and knowing Russell Hantz,
but Amanda saw the folly of the move as well for sound reasons,
although she didn't seem to protest it that much judging from the
edit we saw.

I understand JT's reasoning for doing it, but he was reasoning under
very limited actual info and he should had known that.

> Based on what JT thinks he knows of the Villains tribe, it was not
> really a dumb move to try to save Russell, especially given the Heroes
> numbers and potential floppers to the girl-alliance from the Heroes -
> which I think may still become a factor.

I do agree it is not such an outlandish conclusion given the numbers
over on the Villains tribe being at the time four women and two men.
Then Coach gets voted out and Russell is the only guy left. That
cements the idea of a Distaff Alliance in the enemy camp in JT's head
and the rest of the Heroes (except Amanda). It is the never done idea
of giving an immunity idol to a person on the opposite tribe and with
such little information. Amanda was right. JT didn't REALLY know what
was going on over on the Villains, just what they saw, but of course
JT wasn't there. Now if we had last season's format of a guest spy in
camp of the opposite tribe and JT was sent over to the Villains and
he caught a vibe then the risk would had been a reasonable one, just
like Foa-Foa knowing that Shambo was dissatisfied with Galu and she
turned into a mole for Foa-Foa essentially and Foa-Foa used her.

> And the rest of his tribe, although not exactly enthusiastic,
> supported his plan because they all had come to the same girl-alliance
> conclusion.

Not Amanda but she was out voted in effect. Again, we don't know how
hard Amanda lobbied against the move to JT.

> It is just the same as if Russell giving Parvati the HII at TC and
> saving her had resulted in Russell being booted. Dumb if Russell is
> booted or brilliant if Tyson and then Rob and Coach go ???

No it is not, because she was a known alliance mate. Russell knew her
and the politics of his own tribe including a key player's, namely
Tyson, state of mind. He knew that they were going to force the idol
from either him or Parvati if he gave it to her. He also had some
idea that Parvati was the main target. To help counter that he pulled
Tyson aside and influenced Tyson's vote. Tyson had his own reasons to
not go with his alliance, but Russell helped him along with his lie
about voting for Parv. Russell knew his tribe. He knew his alliances
and Boston Rob's. He knew who was hardcore on each side, who was
wobbly. He knew what he was up against and he performed a calculated
risk with known quantities.

In contrast JT only acted on what he saw or he think he saw. Again it
was an reasonable assumption for him to think there was a Woman's
Alliance in the Villain's camp but that is all he could get. He knew
nothing of the internal politics. He didn't speak with any of the
tribe so he was operating with far less sensory input, less vibe,
than Russell did. JT was operating, ironically speaking, almost blind
if you think about it when he made his move going on only what he
saw; and it is not like he had to do it to preserve himself.

> Could have gone either way, and at this point (as Jim Belushi would
> say) we don't know...

Sure, but again, it was a calculated risk by Russell with the
information available to him which of course was a lot and he had
some control over his fate which he exercised, mostly over Tyson.
JT's move was based on far less info. Furthermore, JT didn't have to
do it. Russell reacted and made his move based on the fact that he
had to and did it in a daring way again going on what he knew of his
own alliance and Rob's. and it saved both himself and Parv. JT didn't
have to do it. I think his wanting to make "Survivor" history
probably influenced his actions as well.

> >High Steaks: Did cattle man J.T. leave his brain back at the ranch? He might
> >as well be Parvati batting his eyelashes at Russell. How could the Survivor
> >champion make such a monumental mistake? In addition to handing their
> >opponents a dinner at the Product Placement Steakhouse, the Heroes tribe
> >invented a nonexistent Villains all-girl alliance-J.T. even bet his life on
> >it (I don't think he values his life enough, especially when it comes to
> >gambling)-and played the fool to King Russell. Instead of offering His
> >Highness a little frankincense or maybe some myrrh, J.T. sacrificed his
> >Immunity Idol-worth more than gold in this game.

> Not worth that much if everyone knows you have it. Just makes you a
> target to force it to be played...


> >The Queen P: Now we know for certain who's really in charge. If Russell had
> >found the second hidden immunity idol at camp, he would have run straight to
> >Parvati with it-and probably brag about it to the rest of his tribemates.
> >With her quiet power, Queen Parvati is virtually "running a crazy women's
> >alliance" while "the king does what the queen says."

> Maybe. But Parvati wanted to save Courtney and Russell did not.
> Which of the two opinions prevailed ???

Russell's (Yeah I know it was a rhetorical question) and for once it
was the wrong move. Seeing that Sandra opposed him he should had kept
to his "As-soon-as-someone-threatens me-get-rid-of-him/her" policy
and got rid of her. Parvati is more dangerous because she is quiet
but a schemer, but Sandra should had been the obvious threat to him
considering how she was so open about her opposition to him. She is a
schemer but isn't quiet about it. And as we saw in the previews, she
is going to spill the beans to her old Pearl Island friend Pupert
about there not being a Female vs Male alliance. This is Russell's

> >
> >Looks like J.T.'s still wearing his crazy buff next week-but will his
> >tribe's resentment even matter? With two idols, the Villains will rule-if
> >they are still a cohesive unit: Alliances formed before the game might trump
> >tribal loyalty. And if there's an Immunity Challenge, three idols are up for
> >grabs at Tribal Council. It's going to be epic, and I'm too dizzy to even
> >venture a guess. Only one thing's for certain: Parvati's Survivor reign will
> >surpass 100 days.

> The wager should be whether Parvati or Amanda will have the longest
> reign at the end of S20. I would bet on Parvati.

I think so. Russell will do everything to protect Parvati. Rupert was
right, he couldn't contain himself and ran to Parvati.

> >
> >Who can forget Courtney's parting words when she wrote Coach's name down
> >last week? "You're a fricking lunatic," she proclaimed. "I'm just glad I
> >don't have to live with you anymore." Wrong! The skinny chick is headed for
> >some quality one-on-one time with her foe at Ponderosa, the camp where the
> >jury members stay until the final vote.

> lol - I am looking forward to some sweet Ponderosa clips...

I don't think you see much in terms of Courtney and Coach going head
to head. Courtney won't say anything. I don't recall seeing any
Courtney/Coach confrontations. She is the type who would talk trash
behind your back (or on tape) but not to your face.

"No man in the wrong can stand up against
a fellow that's in the right and keeps on acomin'."

-----William J. McDonald
Captain, Texas Rangers from 1891 to 1907

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Apr 16, 2010, 1:55:19 PM4/16/10
D-W wrote:

>>History Lesson: J.T. is making "Survivor history" all right. Only instead of
>>a million-dollar check, his name will top the Survivor Wall of Shame,
>>alongside his burn-after-reading love letter to Russell. James and Erik are
>>destined to be footnotes in the annals of Immunity Idol idiocy after this.

> Completely disagree. James and Erik are pretty much tied for the
> number one spot. JT may not even be a distant third, but what he did
> was not so much "stupid" as "probably won't work as intended". Big
> difference.

No, giving a HII to the enemy *based upon an assumption* IS stupid. But,
Rupert and Colby are just as stupid for blindly supporting the blunder.
At least Amanda had the sense to question the logic of the move.

But, this incident further illuminates the advantage that Russell has
by not having ANY of the other "castaways" see him in his previous
appearance on Survivor. I doubt that even JT would be stupid enough to
give Russell a HII after watching him in Samoa. I would have loved to have
been in the room when other "Heroes" or "Villains" watched Survivor Samoa.


Apr 16, 2010, 2:04:27 PM4/16/10
to wrote:

> Secret info, no spoiler:
> To celebrate Amanda's and Parv's 100 day Survivor record...
> Amanda gets oral gratification from Rupert...

> Discuss. :-)

If you mean Rupert *saying* "Congratulations, Amanda", OK.

But knowing how you think, I'll say "DISGUSTING!" [Not "discuss"]

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Apr 16, 2010, 2:12:55 PM4/16/10
D-W wrote:

> I went once. Low quality grub, decent atmosphere, nice waitresses...

Outback is a (small) step above The Sizzler, IMO.

[Yes, they still have the Bloomin' Onion.]


Apr 16, 2010, 2:17:12 PM4/16/10
to wrote:

> "The skinny chick is headed for some quality one-on-one time with her
> foe at Ponderosa, the camp where the jury members stay until the final
> vote."
> It would be cool if Courtney and Coach...'got it on'.
> Courtney is skinny...but I bet she's fun.

Can you say "broken pelvis" ?? I knew you could.

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Brian Smith

Apr 16, 2010, 4:05:39 PM4/16/10
"D-W" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 16 Apr 2010 01:55:38 -0600, "Brian Smith"
> Agreed. Although popular opinion (per the blogs you have posted so
> far) is that JT has made the dumbest move of all, I don't always agree
> with "popular opinion".
> JT has taken a huge gamble based on his perceptions. If he were
> correct (and we are being shown he is not), and the post-merge game
> evolved as JT thinks it will, the move would be a truly brilliant
> thing.
> Saving Russell, pagonging the remaining Villains, and coasting to the
> end because of giving Russell the HII - OR - not giving Russell the
> HII and the post-merge tribe is 7-3 girls against guys. If the latter
> is what happened, everyone would be saying it was dumb of JT NOT to
> try his plan.
> JT was / is scared of that second possibility. Gamble big or go home.
> Plus, he's already won this game once, which makes his balls bigger
> than some of the others...

If they did merge with the girls having a 7-3 advantage I could see JT being
the first male target because he's clearly way more of a threat than Colby
or Rupert.

>>> Not all the big moves work out as planned, but to say the ones which
>>> don't work were dumb after the fact, or the ones that do work were
>>> brilliant after the fact is just a case of hindsight being 20/20.
>>> Based on what JT thinks he knows of the Villains tribe, it was not
>>> really a dumb move to try to save Russell, especially given the Heroes
>>> numbers and potential floppers to the girl-alliance from the Heroes -
>>> which I think may still become a factor.
>>> And the rest of his tribe, although not exactly enthusiastic,
>>> supported his plan because they all had come to the same girl-alliance
>>> conclusion.
>>> It is just the same as if Russell giving Parvati the HII at TC and
>>> saving her had resulted in Russell being booted. Dumb if Russell is
>>> booted or brilliant if Tyson and then Rob and Coach go ???
>>> Could have gone either way, and at this point (as Jim Belushi would
>>> say) we don't know...
>>But as we discussed at the time, Russell was either screwed that TC or the
>>next one. He had no choice but to go for broke. He and Parv both lucked
>>big time.

> And I think JT feels the same way. He expects the merge and strongly
> suspects the girl alliance is in power and will only increase after
> the merge, especially if Russell gets booted.
> Risky move for sure, but I would not call it a "dumb" move" whether it
> works out or not. Just risky.
> And for the record, I consider JT one of THE dumbest players I have
> ever seen...

I'm not sure JT thought he was screwed at the moment but you have to give
him credit for thinking ahead. If he's been paying attention to his own
tribe he should sense that the girls don't trust him and that Colby is with
them. Rupert isn't going to be much of a help so you can't really blame him
for wanting to improve his long-term position in the game. Is other option
would be to keep the HII for himself and then hope for a Chris (S9?) like
end to the season.

> lol - Could be. Jerri looks like a kid listening in while the
> grown-ups discuss things...

Based on one of Courtney's inteviews it does sound like Parv couldn't sway
the others including Jerri.

> Agreed. Should be a fun group at Ponderosa this time !!!

Definitely. And it's nice they are putting up a lot of clips this season.


Kenny Blankenship

Apr 18, 2010, 12:11:42 AM4/18/10
In article <ILSxn.114214$sx5....@newsfe16.iad>,
"Brian Smith" <> wrote:

> Survivor Insider: Some Gifts Just Keep on Givin'
> Today 8:56 PM PDT by Drusilla Moorhouse


> History Lesson: J.T. is making "Survivor history" all right. Only
> instead of a million-dollar check, his name will top the Survivor
> Wall of Shame, alongside his burn-after-reading love letter to
> Russell. James and Erik are destined to be footnotes in the annals of
> Immunity Idol idiocy after this.

Oh, here's hoping that Russell shows up at the live finale with JT's
letter professionally mounted and framed. I'm sure that would fetch some
decent bucks on ebay...

Brian Smith

Apr 18, 2010, 12:22:13 AM4/18/10
"Kenny Blankenship" <bl...@blank.blank> wrote in message

I doubt MB let Russell keep that letter. It's destined for the Survivor
Museum that I'm sure he'll build one day. Stephen and Courtney will take
their kids there one day and the kids will ask "Is that 'Uncle' JT's
letter?!" :-)


Kenny Blankenship

Apr 18, 2010, 12:25:32 AM4/18/10
In article <>,
D-W <> wrote:

> Not all the big moves work out as planned, but to say the ones which
> don't work were dumb after the fact, or the ones that do work were
> brilliant after the fact is just a case of hindsight being 20/20.

JT's move was stupid during the fact. JT doesn't know what's going on at
the Villain's tribe. He thinks he knows what's going on but it's
complete conjecture based on circumstantial evidence. Giving the hidden
immunity idol to someone who you've never talked to (let alone made a
deal with) is stupidity on an epic level. Truly Olympic level stupidity.

I used this analogy before but I want to restate it and expand on it.
It's like bringing a gun to a knife fight then giving it to one of your
opponents you've never even talked to let alone made a deal with in the
hope that they will use it to defend you...

> And the rest of his tribe, although not exactly enthusiastic,
> supported his plan because they all had come to the same
> girl-alliance conclusion.

They supported the plan because it got the idol out of JT's paws without
(they thought) endangering any of them.

> It is just the same as if Russell giving Parvati the HII at TC and
> saving her had resulted in Russell being booted. Dumb if Russell is
> booted or brilliant if Tyson and then Rob and Coach go ???

Not the same at all. Russell had worked on Tyson to affect the vote.
Giving the idol to Parvity was a calculated risk. TJ had no way to
calculate the risk of giving the idol to Russell.

I don't want to bad mouth JT too much, it was a bold move. Stupid, but
at least he made a bold move and he did it with gusto. At least it made
for entertaining TV.

> Not worth that much if everyone knows you have it. Just makes you a
> target to force it to be played...

Ask Russell if it's not worth that much if everyone knows you have it...

> >
> > Who can forget Courtney's parting words when she wrote Coach's name
> > down last week? "You're a fricking lunatic," she proclaimed. "I'm
> > just glad I don't have to live with you anymore." Wrong! The skinny
> > chick is headed for some quality one-on-one time with her foe at
> > Ponderosa, the camp where the jury members stay until the final
> > vote.

All I can say is some people just don't get Courtney's sense of humour.
I often have the same problem.

Kenny Blankenship

Apr 18, 2010, 12:35:51 AM4/18/10
In article <>,
D-W <> wrote:

> JT has taken a huge gamble based on his perceptions. If he were
> correct (and we are being shown he is not), and the post-merge game
> evolved as JT thinks it will, the move would be a truly brilliant
> thing.

This might be where our disagreement stems from. The way I see it the
degree of stupidity or brilliance of an action is independent of the
outcome. I used the example in another post of liquidating all your
assets and borrowing as much money as you can in order to buy lottery
tickets. That's a stupid thing to do regardless of whether you win the
lottery or not.

Being stupid and lucky doesn't make you brilliant. In the same vein,
being brilliant and unlucky doesn't make you stupid.

> > But as we discussed at the time, Russell was either screwed that TC
> > or the next one. He had no choice but to go for broke. He and Parv
> > both lucked out big time.

> And I think JT feels the same way. He expects the merge and strongly
> suspects the girl alliance is in power and will only increase after
> the merge, especially if Russell gets booted.

All the more reason to hold onto the hidden immunity idol so as to use
it to save yourself and turn the tables.

> Risky move for sure, but I would not call it a "dumb" move" whether
> it works out or not. Just risky.

JT didn't know what was going on at the villain's camp and had no
agreement or even friendship in place with Russell -- hell I wouldn't
even call then acquaintances at this point in time.

Message has been deleted

Apr 18, 2010, 6:52:07 AM4/18/10

I said:

"Secret info, no spoiler:

To celebrate Amanda's and Parv's 100 day Survivor record...

Amanda gets oral gratification from Rupert...and Parv...from Russell.

Discuss. :-)"

Dubya said:

"I am assuming the girls did NOT get to choose...

No other three-peaters still playing, so their records should hold for a

Rupert and Russell have THREE PEETERS???

WOW, that's quite a celebration.

Apr 18, 2010, 7:06:10 AM4/18/10

Dubya said about J.T's stupid move:

"Risky move for sure, but I would not call it a "dumb" move" whether it
works out or not. Just risky.

And for the record, I consider JT one of THE dumbest players I have ever

OK...I have it on the record. :-)

I thought it was stupid, but never as stupid as James.

James' stupid move may never be eclipsed.

JT's move SEEMED more stupid cuz the HII was given to the other TRIBE.

Had it been his OWN tribe...and was this would be considered
'risky AND stupid.'

The way that JT spoke about the move was classic.

Worth saving. And when he said that he would EXPECT to see Parv still
there (like our flag), he appeared to be backpedalling.

Que sera sera.

Apr 18, 2010, 10:32:45 AM4/18/10

I said:

"To celebrate Amanda's and Parv's 100 day Survivor record...

Amanda gets oral gratification from Rupert...

Discuss. :-)"

'The UCLAN' responded:

"If you mean Rupert *saying*

"Congratulations, Amanda", OK.

But knowing how you think, I'll say "DISGUSTING!" [Not "discuss"]"

You think that I THINK?


Apr 18, 2010, 10:38:57 AM4/18/10

After 'The UCLAN' said that Courtney would sustain a broken pelvis from

Dubya told us what he learned in the Air Force:

"Stick it in soft, let it get hard, and listen to the bones crack."


I wouldn't want Courtney under a ventrikkelist's dummy.

Apr 18, 2010, 10:45:27 AM4/18/10

Brian said:

"I'm not sure JT thought he was screwed at the moment but you have to
give him credit for thinking ahead. If he's been paying attention to his
own tribe he should sense that the girls don't trust him and that Colby
is with them. Rupert isn't going to be much of a help so you can't
really blame him for wanting to improve his long-term position in the
game. Is other option would be to keep the HII for himself and then hope
for a Chris (S9?) like end to the season."

Give JT credit for thinking ahead?

I don't think so.

He didn't know anything for sure...and pointing and nodding to Russell
teaches him nothing.

He could've at least kept the HII for himself until he saw how things
panned out.

Apr 18, 2010, 10:47:48 AM4/18/10

Kenny said:

"Oh, here's hoping that Russell shows up at the live finale with JT's
letter professionally mounted and framed. I'm sure that would fetch some
decent bucks on ebay..."

When you resell it...will you ship to the U.S.?


Apr 18, 2010, 10:53:59 AM4/18/10

Kenny, speaking of lottery tickets, said:

"Being stupid and lucky doesn't make you brilliant. In the same vein,
being brilliant and unlucky doesn't make you stupid."

Yes, but:

"When you're rich they think you really know."



Apr 18, 2010, 12:07:14 PM4/18/10

who's Kay Sarah Sarah? which season was she on?

was she that blonde-haired girl who looked like Doris Day?


Kenny Blankenship

Apr 18, 2010, 12:30:40 PM4/18/10
In article <>, wrote:

Resell it? Are you kidding? It will be the center piece in my Russell
Shrine! (tm).



Apr 18, 2010, 1:50:09 PM4/18/10
In article <>,
I would had loved to see Boston Rob's reaction at his home watching
the very first episode of "Survivor 19" or even just the ads for the
then upcoming season!

"No man in the wrong can stand up against
a fellow that's in the right and keeps on acomin'."

-----William J. McDonald
Captain, Texas Rangers from 1891 to 1907


Apr 18, 2010, 1:48:18 PM4/18/10
to wrote:

> 'The UCLAN' responded:
> "If you mean Rupert *saying*
> "Congratulations, Amanda", OK.
> But knowing how you think, I'll say "DISGUSTING!" [Not "discuss"]"
> You think that I THINK?

–verb (used without object)
to have a conscious mind, to some extent of reasoning, remembering
experiences, to have a certain thing as the subject of one's thoughts.

Apr 20, 2010, 7:56:30 AM4/20/10

When I mentioned 'que sera sera'...

nit asked:

"who's Kay Sarah Sarah? which season was she on?

Was she that blonde-haired girl who looked like Doris Day?"

Kay S. Sarah was just a girl I knew in high school.

I think that she married

E. Eddie Edwards.

Apr 20, 2010, 8:03:49 AM4/20/10

Kenny said that JT's stupid love letter to Russell would be mounted
(haha...mounted) and be sold on ebay.

I asked if, after buying it, Ken would resell and ship to the U.S.

Kenny said:

"Resell it? Are you kidding? It will be the center piece in my Russell
Shrine! (tm)."

SO...there we have it.

Kenny is planning a divorce...OR...planning never to get married. :-)

A 'Russell Shrine' is worse than a beer can collection...ESPECIALLY in
Canada, eh?

Apr 20, 2010, 8:10:25 AM4/20/10

About my ability to think...

'The UCLAN' showed this definition:

–verb (used without object)
to have a conscious mind, to some extent of reasoning, remembering
experiences, to have a certain thing as the subject of one's thoughts."

That's a pretty high bar, Uke.

Maybe I just wallow in days gone by.

'Wallow'...sounds like 'swallow'...

Hellllohhhh Parvati.


Kenny Blankenship

Apr 21, 2010, 1:01:41 AM4/21/10
In article <>, wrote:

Worse than a beer can collection? Everything is _worse_ than a beer can
collection. Except a full cans of beer collection, we have a special
term for them in Canada -- we call the 'refrigerators'. :)

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