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Let's think of movies for Season 7!

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Steven Thorpe a.k.a. thor

Apr 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/19/95
to writes:

>Hi everybody! (Hi Dr. Nick!) I just had a nifty idea. Even though a lot
>of you have already posted ideas for movies to be mistied, this time why
>don't we think of movies that the Brains could show for the prophesied
>Season 7?

I've been thinking it would be nice to see the Brains do another old
serial along the lines of THE PHANTOM CREEPS or UNDERSEA KINGDOM. So I

THE WHISPERING SHADOW - (1933) A 12 part Mascot serial
starring Bela Lugosi. The Shadow kills by *radio death
ray*, speaks to his gang by *television*, and uses a
*gyrocopter* to further his evil ends!

And as a main feature I've always longed to see Toby Hooper's
LIFEFORCE bite the bullet.

Here's a short list of other worthy candidates:

THE YESTERDAY MACHINE (This one makes Coleman Francis look like
Orson Welles. The plot has something to
do with Hitler hiding out in some back-
woods hick town with a secret Nazi Time
Machine. I am *not* making this up. Of
course this description makes it sound
*alot* more interesting than it really is.)

ATTACK OF THE MOLE PEOPLE (A scene from this movie was ripped
off and used in WILD WORLD OF BATWOMAN.)




THE DAY THE WORLD ENDED (Roger Corman at his best!)

Actually, these last two are guilty pleasures of mine, and I own
store bought copies of both. Go figure.



Ellya the half a bee

Apr 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/20/95
In article <1738512FEF...@>,

Steven Thorpe a.k.a. thor <> wrote:
> writes:
>>Hi everybody! (Hi Dr. Nick!) I just had a nifty idea. Even though a lot
>>of you have already posted ideas for movies to be mistied, this time why
>>don't we think of movies that the Brains could show for the prophesied
>>Season 7?

I have a movie I've been wanting to see MiSTied for years...

_Shakma_, starring Christopher Atkins (of Blue Lagoon fame) and Amanda Wyss
(star of How I Got Into College). Released in 1990. It has
_everything_... a silly premise (monkey goes insane and kills med students
who've locked themselves in the building to play a live-action D&D-type game),
mediocre actors, bad acting, silly scenes, bad dialogue, and bad editing. :)
I love it.

Very few people have seen it... it was filmed in Central Florida (where
I grew up), had its premiere at the Interstate Mall, and sank out of
sight in two weeks.

What's the Brains' policy on violence, though? Do they edit especially
gory scenes, or just not use those movies? This has a couple bloody
yucky scenes, and I hate to think that they'd reject it entirely just
because of that. :( They aren't central to the plot (what plot there is)...

Anyway, that's my vote. :)

-*- * Ellya on IRC -*-
--Dr. F. and TV's Frank
-*- -*-

Brandon Hewitt

Apr 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/20/95
I saw a movie once which I think was called "Wheels of Terror". It was
one of those generic, 80's horror movies that involved a car (it's like
Christine except it's not very good (or it's even worse depending on your
point of view)). Anyway, it was bad, but not horrible until you get to
the ending. The movie is basically this guy in a car who keeps stalking
this woman all over the place. At the end, the car rolls off a cliff
(for the second time) and explodes. Never is it revealed who was behind
the wheel or why anyone would want to terrorize this woman. After going
through that movie I was sure that if I had been Servo my head would have
exploded for sure, the ending is that bad. I'd love to see the boys axe
that one.


"That Megaweapon's one bad . . ."
"Shut your mouth!"
"I'm just talkin bout Megaweapon."
"We can dig it."
--Joel and the bots in one of their many versions of the Shaft
theme song

On Wed, 19 Apr 1995, Steven Thorpe a.k.a. thor wrote:

> writes:
> >Hi everybody! (Hi Dr. Nick!) I just had a nifty idea. Even though a lot
> >of you have already posted ideas for movies to be mistied, this time why
> >don't we think of movies that the Brains could show for the prophesied
> >Season 7?

Matt Towler

Apr 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/21/95
In article <3n6hq8$>,

Ellya the half a bee <> wrote:

>What's the Brains' policy on violence, though? Do they edit especially
>gory scenes, or just not use those movies? This has a couple bloody
>yucky scenes, and I hate to think that they'd reject it entirely just
>because of that. :( They aren't central to the plot (what plot there is)...

Well, Joel - erm, Mike - okay, Joike could just stand up and open up
an umbrella to cover up the nasty bits (see "City Limits.").

Lost Boike
Drowning actually takes quite a while. But you could always keep letting
them breathe every time they were about to go, over and over and over
until they were ready to die to end the torment.
Like what life does to us anyhow.

Tammy Stephanie Davis

Apr 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/21/95
O.K. Here are a few that immediately come to mind:

Godzilla vs the Smog Monster (A guilty pleasure of mine)
Godzilla's Revenge (His worst ever)
Moment to Moment (Lilly Tomplin's worst ever)
Staying Alive (John Travolta's worst ever)
The Exorcist II (Richard Burton's worst ever)
The Jazz Singer (Laurence Oliver's worst ever)
Master Ninja III (Now that BB will have more money maybe they can buy
the rights to this.)
Rambo III (I know this was popular, but it's soooo mistable!)
The Users (TV movie with Tony Curtis, Jacquline Smith, Red Buttons
and George Hamilton. It was worse than it sounds.)

I'll think of more later.

---TSD("...they are agents of Satan.")

Lezlie Shell

Apr 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/21/95
In <>
Brandon Hewitt <> writes:

I saw a film at three o'clock in the morning on TNT Nitro called "The
Deadly and the Beutiful". It was produced by and starring our old freind
Ross Hagen who produced and starred in Side Hackers. Though this movie
may be to action packed to MSTie.

Mike Cohen

Apr 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/21/95
to (Steven Thorpe a.k.a. thor) writes:
> 4-D MAN
A movie about Laurent Ribardier? (Mac people may get this reference ;-)
Mike Cohen -
NewtonMail, eWorld: MikeC / ALink: D6734 / AOL: MikeC20
Home Page:

Mike Cohen

Apr 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/21/95
to (Tammy Stephanie Davis) writes:

>Godzilla's Revenge (His worst ever)

That scene of Gadzooki/Minya blowing smoke rings is hilarious!

Ellya the half a bee

Apr 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/21/95
In article <3n7t0o$>,

Matt Towler <> wrote:
>In article <3n6hq8$>,
>Ellya the half a bee <> wrote:
>>What's the Brains' policy on violence, though? Do they edit especially
>>gory scenes, or just not use those movies? This has a couple bloody
>>yucky scenes, and I hate to think that they'd reject it entirely just
>>because of that. :( They aren't central to the plot (what plot there is)...
>Well, Joel - erm, Mike - okay, Joike could just stand up and open up
>an umbrella to cover up the nasty bits (see "City Limits.").

Oh, that would work! Neato! I've been wondering about that anyway... is
there a way to suggest movies to Those Officially In Charge? Would I
write to the fan club address? Ask Juliewa? Put it in my .sig? Anything?

(I want Shakmaaaaaaaaaaaaa!)

Martin A. Hohner

Apr 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/21/95
Steven Thorpe a.k.a. thor ( wrote:
: writes:
: >Hi everybody! (Hi Dr. Nick!) I just had a nifty idea. Even though a lot
: >of you have already posted ideas for movies to be mistied, this time why
: >don't we think of movies that the Brains could show for the prophesied
: >Season 7?

Okay, here's some suggestions from someone who spent WAY too many late nights
watching crappy films on UHF and basic cable...

RODAN -- Actually a fairly decent Japanese monster flick, considered by
soem to be a classic. But then again, they just HAD to make a sequel...

RODAN VS. GODZILLA -- I haven't seen this, but it is supposedly rather

BATTLE BENEATH THE EARTH -- A red Chinese plot to tunnel under the pacific
so they could plant nukes under US cities...wonder if the OKC bomb...?

BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS -- Richard Thomas and Robert Duvall help a quiet
planet defend itself against a monstrous space pirate's evil battlecruiser.
Cheesy effects, bad acting, but a catchy theme tune...

SPACE RAIDERS -- I must admit I have this on tape. It uses the exact same
EFX footage from "Battle Beyond the Stars" to support an entirely different
plot. Stars Patsy Pease, "Kim" on Days of Our Lives, and even features an
annoying teenage boy that sort of puts me in mind of an American "Kenny"...

LAND THAT TIME FORGOT -- A Samuel Z. Arkoff classic! A WWI U-boat is
hijacked by survivors from a torpedoed cruise ship and mis-navigated to a
"continent" off Antarctica, complete with Dinosaurs and cavemen. Based on a
book by Edgar Rice Burroughs, I think...

PEOPLE THAT TIME FORGOT -- The even worse sequel. A rescue mission tries
to fly in, but gets captured by cannibals...I have boitth of these on tape as

FLASH GORDON -- Either do one of the endless serials, or get the Dino De
Laurentis production (Starring Melody Anderson, Max Von Sydow, Topol, Brain
Blessed, and Timothy Dalton). Both are just as cheesy as the original Comic

Then there's always the original TV Movies that launched "Battlestar
Galactica", "Buck Rogers", etc.

Just my two altarian dollars a day...
Martin A. Hohner ( Illinois State University
"It's a dog-eat-dog world, and | "Motivated? Am I motivated? Motivated,
I'm wearing Milkbone Underwear." | motivated, downright motivated, Oh, Ah,
-- Norm Petersen, "Cheers" | I want to shoot someone!" - Phil Shon

Charles Odell

Apr 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/21/95
In article <1738512FEF...@>,
Steven Thorpe a.k.a. thor <> wrote:
> 4-D MAN
I would like to mention this is actually a pretty good film for
its type...(Of course thats not saying much..)

Charles Odell
"The computer sat there, broken like a silicon armadillo on the
information superhighway" -- 1994 Bulwer-Lytton winner paraphrase
This Week's Musical Choice -- PJ Harvey - Rid of Me


Apr 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/21/95
How about "The Mines of Kilimanjaro"? That movie is so bad, we created a
society around it, and all you have to do to get in is watch the whole
movie. That movie has everything, from inconsistencies, bad acting,
mistakes (talking about 7 men walking across Africa when there are
clearly only 6) and a terrible plot. I would love to see this movie MiSTied!

Eric Thrall -
(GEEK CODE 2.1) GCS d? H- s !g p? au- a- w- v+ C++ US P? L 3 E---- N++ K-
W+>W++ M-- !V po- Y+ t+ 5- j+ R(+) G++>G++++$ tv+ b D++
B- e+>e++ u++(--) h! f+ r++ n---- y++**

R. Miller

Apr 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/22/95
: writes:
: >Hi everybody! (Hi Dr. Nick!) I just had a nifty idea. Even though a lot
: >of you have already posted ideas for movies to be mistied, this time why
: >don't we think of movies that the Brains could show for the prophesied
: >Season 7?

I flipped through a movie guide and noted the most interesting sounding
ones, along with my memories of seeing some of these total turkeys...

THE BAD SEED. In _The Exorcist_, the bad little girl had an excuse--she
was possessed. This one is just rotten to the core. Also has lots of
psychological gibberish that Dr. Scratchansniff wouldn't fall for.

CHANGE OF HABIT. Mary Tyler Moore as a nun. Elvis Presley. 'Nough said.

THE CONQUEROR. John Wayne as Genghis Khan. *John Wayne* as Genghis
Khan. John Wayne as *Genghis Khan*. John *Wayne* as Genghis Khan. Ack.

DEMON SEED. The ultimate `evil-computer-dehumanizes-the-humans-about-it'

FASTER, PUSSYCAT, KILL, KILL. A group of feminists plot to kill a group
of chauvinists. Or something.

THE LOVES OF HERCULES. Stars Mickey Hargitay as Herc, and his wife Jayne
Mansfield, and his wife Jayne Mansfield. Said to be the greatest Italian
Hercules movie of them all.

And now, CC presents the `really bad horror movies starring has-beens
from Star Trek' marathon (well, maybe not):
NIGHT OF THE LEPUS. Dr. McCoy battles giant bunnies. No, really.
KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS. Captain Kirk battles tarantulas.

THE THING WITH TWO HEADS. A racist mad scientist has his head
transplanted to (of course) a black man's body.

Folks, we need more Larry Buchanan! (The guy who brought us _(Attack of
the) The Eye Creatures_)
MARS NEEDS WOMEN. Urgh. The less said, the better.
ZONTAR, THE THING FROM VENUS. Remake of _It Conquered the World_.
'Nough said.

Whew. I'm outta here. This should be enough to keep BB going for a
long, long time... :)
(...which reminds me! They could show the _Creepshow_ movies, too...)
Matthew Miller --

John M Holden

Apr 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/22/95
cr...@kelvin.seas.Virginia.EDU (Charles Odell) writes:

>In article <1738512FEF...@>,
>Steven Thorpe a.k.a. thor <> wrote:
>> 4-D MAN

I saw the last five minutes of horrifically silly film called "Norsemen",
starring Lee Majors as "Thorvald"...oh the potential Norski jokes and
callback references from "Viking Women vs. the Sea Serpent", bestill my
beating heart...
Has anyone else seen the absurb "Hercules vs. Karate" where Hercules is a
sensitive guy named Percival and the villian is a stereotypical Japanese
warlord named Hung Lo? Were it not poking so much fun at itself, this
movie might be prime fodder for our brave Minnesotans...

- John, who doesn't know if "bestill" is one word or two.

Jonah Pedersen

Apr 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/22/95
In <3nb66a$> (R. Miller)

>Wow, Matt... Those are some real stinkers! But I think they already
did NIGHT OF THE LEPUS. I could be mistaken. At any rate, here are my
>WHITE COMMANCHE: Bill Shatner stars in a dual role as twin half breed
indians. One has gone the way of the white man, one has gone the way of
the red man and both suck! Catchy music though...
>TERROR OF TINY TOWN: An all midget western...
>CHOPPER CHICKS IN ZOMBIETOWN: First (I think)appearance of MTV's
Martha Quinn.
>MONSTER FROM GREEN HELL: Unspeakably bad...
Just my two cents...

Apr 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/22/95
Ha! I am back! I was deprived because my newsserver was down all day
yesterday, but even that can't keep me off for long! And I have another movie

- The Bermuda Depths. Just saw it on a local TV station at midnight last
night. The plot, to the extent that it matters, concerns both a quasi-mermaid
(who loves our hero) and a giant sea-turtle which is somehow related to the
quasi-mermaid (who kills everyone who knows our hero). Sort of Jaws meets The
Blue Lagoon.
Features Burl Ives (as the scientist investigating the Bermuda Triangle),
Carl "Action Jackson" Weathers (as the black guy who eventually gets killed, as
usual), Connie Selleca (as the quasi-mermaid), and stars some blond guy whose
extremely bored expression and odd speech pattern suggests heavy medication.
The special effects; a toy boat and some old Gamera-ish Japanese footage of the
giant turtle. It fails in every possible respect.

Looking over this thread, I have to wonder how many movies we've suggested for
Season 7... it looks like enough for two seasons already. No one can say the
Brains lack for material.

Chris Ekman =

Apr 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/22/95

I would like to see them do "The Magic Christmas Tree" for their next Christmas

John Laviolette

Apr 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/22/95
Two words: THE CAR. This thing is just too funny! And we need that kind
of flick... no more "so bad they wouldn't be bearable any other way"

I swear, if a movie about Satan in car form doesn't sound like 'bot
fodder, I don't what DOES.

Well, maybe KILLDOZER...

----John Laviolette---------|-------His Most Feathered Eminence------| | My CoCo wants to kill |
Sacramento CA USA | your mamaboard! |

Petrea Mitchell

Apr 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/23/95
R. Miller ( wrote:

: CHANGE OF HABIT. Mary Tyler Moore as a nun. Elvis Presley. 'Nough said.

On the basis of a movie poster for this I saw just yesterday,
I would say this is an excellent representative of the White Male Real-
ity, which is always a good MSTing target.

: NIGHT OF THE LEPUS. Dr. McCoy battles giant bunnies. No, really.

This was mentioned in 513, so the Brains are at least aware of

: (...which reminds me! They could show the _Creepshow_ movies, too...)

Yes! I've seen the first and couldn't help MSTing it a bit my-
self. The first bit was just badly done, the second couldn't decide if it
wanted to be horrifying or goofy, the third-- the third had Ted Danson as
the hero and George Peppard (?) as the villain...

/ <|> <|> <> <>
Petrea Mitchell <>
"be afreud, [...] or at least you should be jung at heart." ---ikaros
"Griddle me this: what are we frying to pun?" ---Steve "FarSide" Boyd
*** Push the button... someone. :~( ***

Petrea Mitchell

Apr 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/23/95
to wrote:

: - The Bermuda Depths.

...which jogged something vaguely related loose...
Has anyone seen a movie (don't know if it was made for TV or not)
dating from 1972, listed as a documentary, about the Bermuda Triangle? It
starts with Christopher Columbus seeing UFOs on his first trip and goes
downhill from there. It covers eerie happenings such as people's watches
being seven minutes off and one smallish island looking like another smal-
lish island. There's a middle-aged narrator stuck in an office with a map
and some model planes to play with. Anyone remember the title?

: Looking over this thread, I have to wonder how many movies we've suggested for

: Season 7... it looks like enough for two seasons already. No one can say the
: Brains lack for material.

Just funds...

Petrea Mitchell

Apr 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/23/95
Steven Thorpe a.k.a. thor ( wrote:

: I've been thinking it would be nice to see the Brains do another old

: serial along the lines of THE PHANTOM CREEPS or UNDERSEA KINGDOM. So I
: nominate:
: THE WHISPERING SHADOW - (1933) A 12 part Mascot serial
: starring Bela Lugosi. The Shadow kills by *radio death
: ray*, speaks to his gang by *television*, and uses a
: *gyrocopter* to further his evil ends!

I'd still like to see _The Phantom Empire_, aka _Radio Ranch_,
get roasted. I don't know if you can get it on video, but it's one of
about three serials that you will see if you wander into the film room
of any sf convention at 7am.
The premise is that a cowboy/radio personality has just bought
a new ranch to broadcast from, and it just so happens that nearby is the
secret entrance to a high-tech underground city. The city, Murania, is
supposedly well-populated, but all we ever see are its queen, her evil
priest/henchman, and a lot of robots. On the good guys' side, we have
the radio guy, his chief ranch hand, two kids, and a lot of horses. Half
the time, it looks like _Last of the Wild Horses_; the other half, it
looks like _The Undersea Kingdom_. I'd bet that the robot costumes from
this and _The Undersea Kingdom_ are the same ones.

Petrea Mitchell

Apr 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/23/95
Mike Cohen ( wrote:

: (Tammy Stephanie Davis) writes:

: >Godzilla's Revenge (His worst ever)

: That scene of Gadzooki/Minya blowing smoke rings is hilarious!

And the way to get him to stop blowing smoke rings is downright
ridiculous! Plus, it'd be a cool way to get some more dirty comments out
of Crow and Tom.

R. Miller

Apr 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/24/95
In, Petrea Mitchell ( writes:
: R. Miller ( wrote:

: : CHANGE OF HABIT. Mary Tyler Moore as a nun. Elvis Presley. 'Nough said.

: On the basis of a movie poster for this I saw just yesterday,
: I would say this is an excellent representative of the White Male Real-
: ity, which is always a good MSTing target.

: : NIGHT OF THE LEPUS. Dr. McCoy battles giant bunnies. No, really.

: This was mentioned in 513, so the Brains are at least aware of
: it...

: : (...which reminds me! They could show the _Creepshow_ movies, too...)

: Yes! I've seen the first and couldn't help MSTing it a bit my-
: self. The first bit was just badly done, the second couldn't decide if it
: wanted to be horrifying or goofy, the third-- the third had Ted Danson as
: the hero and George Peppard (?) as the villain...

Ah! Well, as nine out of ten commercials say, "If you liked _Creepshow
1_, you'll LOVE _Creepshow 2_!" (The other one out of ten uses
statistics like `nine out of ten.') #1 is dumb and moralizing. #2 is
just dumb. (Alas, they are probably both financially far beyond the
reach of Our Heroes...)

Matthew Miller --

(Maybe I could have said it's `dumb and dumber'?)

Kelly Donaghue

Apr 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/24/95
I think anything we once saw in Driver's Ed. would work.

Also, I once saw a cartoon in Industrial Tech that involved dancing
tools. Go figure.


"Forty percent of all accidents represents, um, nearly half of all accidents..."

bob patrick

Apr 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/24/95
In article <>, (Martin A. Hohner) writes:
[several lines tossed into oblivion]

> BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS -- Richard Thomas and Robert Duvall help a quiet
> planet defend itself against a monstrous space pirate's evil battlecruiser.
> Cheesy effects, bad acting, but a catchy theme tune...

YEESSSS! Now there's a fine suggestion. I'll bet Robert Vaughn hasn't felt that silly since "Teenage Caveman"...

> Then there's always the original TV Movies that launched "Battlestar
> Galactica", "Buck Rogers", etc.

"Battlestar Galactica"...How about "Galactica 1980," did that have a two-parter? How about Logan's Run--the series..


* Nobody likes a sad clown. *
* Except, maybe, a very sadistic clown. *

bob patrick

Apr 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/24/95
In article <>, (John M Holden) writes:
> I saw the last five minutes of horrifically silly film called "Norsemen",
> starring Lee Majors as "Thorvald"...oh the potential Norski jokes and
> callback references from "Viking Women vs. the Sea Serpent", bestill my
> beating heart...

This movie has one fine moment when Lee Majors is being advised belowdecks by a wizard who, for some reason, has a bird (crow? been a while) perched on his shoulder, Long John Silver fashion. Lee Majors--the Norseman, of course--spurns the wizard's advice with: "Tend your bird, wizard."

It's worthy. It needs to be MiSTed.

bob patrick

Apr 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/24/95
In article <3nb66a$>, (R. Miller) writes:

> And now, CC presents the `really bad horror movies starring has-beens
> from Star Trek' marathon (well, maybe not):
> NIGHT OF THE LEPUS. Dr. McCoy battles giant bunnies. No, really.
> KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS. Captain Kirk battles tarantulas.

Don't forget "Catlow," a western featuring Leonard Nimoy as the villain, and gruff but loveable Yul Brynner as the antihero.

Nimoy has a beard. Nimoy is the villain. Nimoy wears a cowboy hat.

Nuff said.

Mike Barklage

Apr 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/24/95
to (bob patrick) writes:

>Don't forget "Catlow," a western featuring Leonard Nimoy as the villain, and gruff but loveable Yul Brynner as the antihero.
>Nimoy has a beard. Nimoy is the villain. Nimoy wears a cowboy hat.
>Nuff said.

There is also an old Commando Cody serial from the 50s which I believe
features Leonard Nimoy as one of the villianous aliens. I don't
remember what the serial was called, unfortunately. Can someone help
me out?

Mike Barklage -- MSTie #19634 | "We are all interested in the future, for
aka Chirpy the Mutant Hellbeast | that is where we will spend the rest
aka | of our lives."
aka | - Criswell, _Plan 9 From Outer Space_


Apr 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/24/95
Oh yeah - _RobotJox_ could stand a MiSTing also...

"I built a little empire out of some crazy
garbage called 'the blood of the exploited
working class' ... " -TMBG

Mike Barklage

Apr 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/24/95
to (Petrea Mitchell) writes:

> Yes! I've seen the first and couldn't help MSTing it a bit my-
>self. The first bit was just badly done, the second couldn't decide if it
>wanted to be horrifying or goofy, the third-- the third had Ted Danson as
>the hero and George Peppard (?) as the villain...

It was Leslie Nielsen, actually. Which is even weirder.

Petrea Mitchell

Apr 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/24/95
Mike Barklage (bark...@ucsu.Colorado.EDU) wrote:
: (Petrea Mitchell) writes:

: > Yes! I've seen the first and couldn't help MSTing it a bit my-
: >self. The first bit was just badly done, the second couldn't decide if it
: >wanted to be horrifying or goofy, the third-- the third had Ted Danson as
: >the hero and George Peppard (?) as the villain...

: It was Leslie Nielsen, actually. Which is even weirder.

Okay, I knew it was one of those white-haired-before-his-time
guys. At any rate, he makes a completely unconvincing villain, and Ted
Danson makes a completely unappealing hero.

Now, of all the bad movies there are, the one I would most love
to see MSTed, and the one least likely to be MSTed because it's long e-
nough for two whole experiments, is _Journey to the Center of the Earth_.
Don't make the mistake of thinking this has anything more than a vague
resemblance to the Jules Verne book on which it claims to be based. The
only character who even keeps his name is Hans, and I'm pretty sure his
girlfriend the duck wasn't in the Verne version.
Over an hour of continuous rock climbing. Need I say more?

Jamie Plummer

Apr 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/24/95

I'm again putting in my vote for the Buster Crabbe Flash Gordon
serials... these are truly horrid.

Be Seeing You... |"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice...
Jamie Plummer |moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."-AuH2O |Onscreen: Vampire drains blood from neck of victim
Kpants | Mike: "This is what Southern Baptists think Catholic Mass is like."

Vincent J. Abella

Apr 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/25/95
On 20 Apr 1995, Ellya the half a bee wrote:

> In article <1738512FEF...@>,
> Steven Thorpe a.k.a. thor <> wrote:

> > writes:
> What's the Brains' policy on violence, though? Do they edit especially
> gory scenes, or just not use those movies? This has a couple bloody
> yucky scenes, and I hate to think that they'd reject it entirely just
> because of that. :( They aren't central to the plot (what plot there is)...

I remember reading that they had a hard time with one of the films--I
think it was "Sidehackers"--because there's a somewhat violent barroom
fight. When I first saw it, I realized it just *felt* weird to watch it
on MST.

They were very much aware, though, of the content. Don't know if they can
just cut out a scene--somehow, I doubt if the release from the movie
company would give them that option.

> Anyway, that's my vote. :)

And a lovely vote it is.

PS. What happened to the other half?

> Elle
> -*- * Ellya on IRC -*-
> --Dr. F. and TV's Frank
> -*- -*-

Vincent J. Abella *"To be excluded from parents, lovers, ideologies, % and yet to be in some way respected as out of
Seattle, Washington * the ordinary, is the fate of the universal man
% in the local culture." --Seamus Deane

R. Miller

Apr 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/25/95
In, bob patrick ( writes:
: In article <>,

: (Martin A. Hohner) writes:
: [several lines tossed into oblivion]
: > BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS -- Richard Thomas and Robert Duvall help a quiet
: > planet defend itself against a monstrous space pirate's evil battlecruiser.
: > Cheesy effects, bad acting, but a catchy theme tune...
: YEESSSS! Now there's a fine suggestion. I'll bet Robert Vaughn hasn't felt
: that silly since "Teenage Caveman"...

Haven't seen _River of Death_, have you? ;)

Mike Czaplinski

Apr 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/25/95
to wrote:
> Ha! I am back! I was deprived because my newsserver was down all day
> yesterday, but even that can't keep me off for long! And I have another movie
> suggestion;
> - The Bermuda Depths. Just saw it on a local TV station at midnight last
> night. The plot, to the extent that it matters, concerns both a quasi-mermaid
> (who loves our hero) and a giant sea-turtle which is somehow related to the
> quasi-mermaid (who kills everyone who knows our hero). Sort of Jaws meets The
> Blue Lagoon.
> Features Burl Ives (as the scientist investigating the Bermuda Triangle),
> Carl "Action Jackson" Weathers (as the black guy who eventually gets killed, as
> usual), Connie Selleca (as the quasi-mermaid), and stars some blond guy whose
> extremely bored expression and odd speech pattern suggests heavy medication.
> The special effects; a toy boat and some old Gamera-ish Japanese footage of the
> giant turtle. It fails in every possible respect.
> Looking over this thread, I have to wonder how many movies we've suggested for
> Season 7... it looks like enough for two seasons already. No one can say the
> Brains lack for material.
> Chris Ekman =



Other TV movies of that time period:

"The Last Dinosaur": Starring Richard "Heck Ramsey" Boone as a 'Great
White Hunter' who spends a million dollars on an atomic powered mole
vehical that can bore through the earth to a hidden plateu in the
Antarctic so he can hunt down a Tyrannasaurus.

<mumbled title that has 'Bermuda Triangle' in it>: Some weird fever
dream that has a boatload of actors (lead by Ray Milland) stumbling
across an Egyptian sarcophagus on the ocean floor of the Triangle.
All I remember is that the plot revolved around the Egyptians having
contact with the Mayans, and that somehow this resulted in the Mayans
being wiped out by the Antichrist. About the only good thing in the
movie is Lee Meriwhether dancing around the Sarcophagus clawing at her
nightgown and chanting when she's posessed by the evilforce.

Mike "And any movie where Lee Meriwhether claws at her nightgown is
all right by me...." Czaplinski

Blair Dillman

Apr 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/25/95
I'd like to nominate ROOM TO LIVE and the critically-acclaimed sequel,
ROOM TO LIVE II. Both are traffic safety shorts that I saw in driver ed.
They were like 1970's versions of LAST CLEAR CHANCE. I can just imagine
the riffing:

"Why don't those men in the polyester leisure suits look?"

-Blair Dillman

Sven Knudson

Apr 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/25/95
In article <>,
Vincent J. Abella <> wrote:
> [munch]

>They were very much aware, though, of the content. Don't know if they can
>just cut out a scene--somehow, I doubt if the release from the movie
>company would give them that option.
> [munch]

I know that several scenes were cut from _Space Travelers_.
However, I don't know if BB cut the scenes or if Film Ventures,
International did when they acquired and retitled _Marooned_.
And I'm pretty sure most of the gore was cut out of _Zombie
And whatever happened to John Saxon's character in _Mitchell_?

//Sven Knudson | "Round up the usual suspects"
// | - Captain Louis Renault

Soundwave [ASTEK]

Apr 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/25/95
Mike Barklage (bark...@ucsu.Colorado.EDU) wrote:
: >Don't forget "Catlow," a western featuring Leonard Nimoy as the villain, and gruff but loveable Yul Brynner as the antihero.

: >Nimoy has a beard. Nimoy is the villain. Nimoy wears a cowboy hat.
: >Nuff said.
: There is also an old Commando Cody serial from the 50s which I believe
: features Leonard Nimoy as one of the villianous aliens. I don't
: remember what the serial was called, unfortunately. Can someone help
: me out?

Zombies of the Stratosphere.

Chad Gould aka Soundwave(not Gamera) |--Running under OS/2 Warp!!!--|
internet: (not Prodigy) |--Keeper of the Movie Guides--|
S3M/MTM/XM Here we go! "Ye-haw! Multiball!" tHe MaStEr DoEs NoT aPpRoVe.
Opinions expressed drowned out by 42 NASCAR engines roaring by.
Quotation you thought you'd never see on TV: "Ed Wood wins two Oscars..."

Petrea Mitchell

Apr 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/25/95
DanielKtt ( wrote:

: Oh yeah - _RobotJox_ could stand a MiSTing also...

Don't you dare! _Robot Wars_ is fine though.

Mike Czaplinski

Apr 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/25/95
to (Petrea Mitchell) wrote:
> I'd still like to see _The Phantom Empire_, aka _Radio Ranch_,
> get roasted. I don't know if you can get it on video, but it's one of
> about three serials that you will see if you wander into the film room
> of any sf convention at 7am.
> The premise is that a cowboy/radio personality has just bought
> a new ranch to broadcast from, and it just so happens that nearby is the
> secret entrance to a high-tech underground city. The city, Murania, is
> supposedly well-populated, but all we ever see are its queen, her evil
> priest/henchman, and a lot of robots. On the good guys' side, we have
> the radio guy, his chief ranch hand, two kids, and a lot of horses. Half
> the time, it looks like _Last of the Wild Horses_; the other half, it
> looks like _The Undersea Kingdom_. I'd bet that the robot costumes from
> this and _The Undersea Kingdom_ are the same ones.

Actually, no, they weren't. I believe "TPE" was made in '34, and
"TUK" made in '36, so actually "TUK" may have bee inspired by "TPE"
(Which was, for it's time, fairly well known thanks to star Gene

The robots suits from 'The Phantom Empire" were, if anything, EVEN
CHEESIER than the ones from "The Undersea Kingdom", since they were
obviously made from thin aluminum rivited together. Heck, they didn't
even bother to disguise the eye & breathing holes for the actors
wearing them!

The robot suits from "TUK", though, had a tendancy to turn up many
times in later Republic serials, such as 'Dr. Satan', and 'Superman
vs. Atom Man'.

I agree, though, that "TPE" would be excellent MST fodder, since it's
just watchable enough to be a torture but bad enough to MiST

Mike "And it is (or should be) in the public domain...." Czaplinski

Jonah Pedersen

Apr 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/25/95
In <3nh00g$> (DanielKtt)
>Oh yeah - _RobotJox_ could stand a MiSTing also...
> "I built a little empire out of some crazy
> garbage called 'the blood of the exploited
> working class' ... " -TMBG
>Oh yeah, RobotJox really blew! Especially when the blonde woman's
stunt double was a mustachioed little mexican guy! Amazing!

Apr 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/25/95
[ Various posts regarding scenes with violence or nudity deleted ]

Hmm.. Juliewa, is there an official policy of sorts on such scenes?
(No, I'm not being a bluenose; it would just explain the occasional odd

Actually, a lot of young kids watch the show (re: every second letter
read on the air).. and there are those of us who refuse to grow up, too..

-- Prisoner

"I'm 27! I said I'm twenty-seven!! I'm not 'OLD'.. "
-- the Constitutional Peasant, paraphrased

"I feel that true freedom lies within, where I shall never find it." --
John S. Hall

Roger M. Wilcox

Apr 26, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/26/95
In article <> (John M Holden) writes:

>cr...@kelvin.seas.Virginia.EDU (Charles Odell) writes:
>I saw the last five minutes of horrifically silly film called "Norsemen",
>starring Lee Majors as "Thorvald"...oh the potential Norski jokes and
>callback references from "Viking Women vs. the Sea Serpent", bestill my
>beating heart...

This one would be aptly titled _Viking Men vs. Injun Joe_.

>- John, who doesn't know if "bestill" is one word or two.

It's one word if it acts as an intransitive verb, and two words if it's
a transitive one.

Roger M. Wilcox (a.k.a. (Jeff Boeing))
------------------- I'm not flying fast, just orbiting low. -----------------
MSTie #38188 | Dvorak keyboard - Esperanto - Ross Perot - ProLog - Amiga 2000
| Do I follow lost causes, or what?

Roger M. Wilcox

Apr 26, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/26/95
In article <> (Martin A. Hohner) writes:
> BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS -- Richard Thomas and Robert Duvall help a quiet
>planet defend itself against a monstrous space pirate's evil battlecruiser.
>Cheesy effects, bad acting, but a catchy theme tune...
> SPACE RAIDERS -- I must admit I have this on tape. It uses the exact same
>EFX footage from "Battle Beyond the Stars" to support an entirely different
>plot. Stars Patsy Pease, "Kim" on Days of Our Lives, and even features an
>annoying teenage boy that sort of puts me in mind of an American "Kenny"...

I think these two had the same music, too. (Which was composed by James
Horner of _Star Trek II/III_ fame, which is why it has such a catchy theme

Roger M. Wilcox

Apr 26, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/26/95
In article <3nb66a$> (R. Miller) writes:
>THE BAD SEED. In _The Exorcist_, the bad little girl had an excuse--she
>was possessed. This one is just rotten to the core. Also has lots of
>psychological gibberish that Dr. Scratchansniff wouldn't fall for.

The book for this was required reading in a 9th grade English class at
my Junior High school. Glad I was in 8th grade at the time.

>DEMON SEED. The ultimate `evil-computer-dehumanizes-the-humans-about-it'

And has a Borg-like offspring. Don't forget the Borg-like offspring.

>THE LOVES OF HERCULES. Stars Mickey Hargitay as Herc, and his wife Jayne
>Mansfield, and his wife Jayne Mansfield. Said to be the greatest Italian
>Hercules movie of them all.

Oh, now THAT'S saying a lot. :-/

Roger M. Wilcox

Apr 26, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/26/95
In article <1995Apr22.164317@pomona> writes:
>- The Bermuda Depths. Just saw it on a local TV station at midnight last
>night. The plot, to the extent that it matters, concerns both a quasi-mermaid
>(who loves our hero) and a giant sea-turtle which is somehow related to the
>quasi-mermaid (who kills everyone who knows our hero). Sort of Jaws meets The
>Blue Lagoon.

_The Creature from the Blue Lagoon_. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeegah!

Roger M. Wilcox

Apr 26, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/26/95
In article <3ngi9p$> writes:
>"Battlestar Galactica"...How about "Galactica 1980," did that have a
>two-parter? How about Logan's Run--the series..

ooooOOOOOOOOOOOOBBBBBBBBBARF! BLETCH! Ulch, that meat was tainted!!!!!
Didja HAFTA bring up the Logan's Run series?!? They couldn't even get
the damn CENTURY right!!!!!!

Roger M. Wilcox

Apr 26, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/26/95
In article <3nh00g$> (DanielKtt) writes:
>Oh yeah - _RobotJox_ could stand a MiSTing also...

They made a sequel to that, you know. (_Robot Masters_ or some such.)
I saw it in my local video store's "Science Fiction" section (they must
use that term VERY loosely!) along side some piece of dreck called
"Infra Man" (opposite of Ultra Man, get it?) and a Walter Koenig movie
called "Moontrap".

The entire SF video section looked MSTable to me.

Mike Czaplinski

Apr 26, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/26/95
bark...@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (Mike Barklage) wrote:

> (bob patrick) writes:
> >Don't forget "Catlow," a western featuring Leonard Nimoy as the
> >villain, and gruff but loveable Yul Brynner as the antihero.
> >Nimoy has a beard. Nimoy is the villain. Nimoy wears a cowboy hat.
> >Nuff said.
> There is also an old Commando Cody serial from the 50s which I believe
> features Leonard Nimoy as one of the villianous aliens. I don't
> remember what the serial was called, unfortunately. Can someone help
> me out?

The serial was 'ZOMBIES OF THE STRATOSPHERE', which was not actually
a Commando Cody (though it was originally supposed to be one, but for
some reason known only to Republic Pictures, they used all the props
& costumes from the original Cody, but the lead charecter was changed
to 'Larry Martin of the Planetary Patrol').

The serial was recut in the late 50's and re-released as 'SATAN'S

Mike "Pulp man" Czaplinski

Mike Czaplinski

Apr 26, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/26/95
jc...@fermi.clas.Virginia.EDU (Jamie Plummer) wrote:
> I'm again putting in my vote for the Buster Crabbe Flash Gordon
> serials... these are truly horrid.

<*Mike jumps up wearing his Silver Underware and brandishing his
Planet Mongo (tm King Features Syndicate) Battle Sword*>

Not so fast, 'Jamie Plummer'. Or should I say....

<*Dramatic Pause*>



OK....How about "Ming the Not As Nice as, say, Leo Buscaglia"?

I would disagree that the old Flash Gordons are bad enough to MiST.
Judged by today's standards, they're sort of cheesy, but at least
their unpretentious and truly action-packed.

Just because something was shown on Saturday Mornings just before
the main feature doesn't automatically mean it's bad.

Mike "I always LOVED FLASH GORDON..." Czaplinski

Roger M. Wilcox

Apr 26, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/26/95
In article <3n6vs9$> (Lezlie Shell) writes:
>In <>
>Brandon Hewitt <> writes:
>>I saw a movie once which I think was called "Wheels of Terror". It was
>>one of those generic, 80's horror movies that involved a car (it's like
>>Christine except it's not very good (or it's even worse depending on your
>>point of view)). Anyway, it was bad, but not horrible until you get to
>>the ending. The movie is basically this guy in a car who keeps stalking
>>this woman all over the place. At the end, the car rolls off a cliff
>>(for the second time) and explodes. Never is it revealed who was behind
>>the wheel or why anyone would want to terrorize this woman.

Sounds a lot like _The Duel_, doesn't it?

Roger M. Wilcox

Apr 26, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/26/95
In article <3nj7kc$> (Sven Knudson) writes:
>In article <>,
>Vincent J. Abella <> wrote:
>>They were very much aware, though, of the content. Don't know if they can
>>just cut out a scene--somehow, I doubt if the release from the movie
>>company would give them that option.
> I know that several scenes were cut from _Space Travelers_.
>However, I don't know if BB cut the scenes or if Film Ventures,
>International did when they acquired and retitled _Marooned_.
> And I'm pretty sure most of the gore was cut out of _Zombie

I know for a fact that at least one scene was cut from _Hercules_. It showed
Hercules relinquishng his immortality and being overjoyed and getting rained
on outside of the Oracle's temple. There was nothing unbroadcastable or
objectionable about this scene, it was probably just cut to get the whole
episode to fit in 2 hours.

Roger M. Wilcox

Apr 26, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/26/95
In article <3ne4le$o...@cmcl2.NYU.EDU> (Petrea Mitchell) writes:
>Mike Cohen ( wrote:
>: (Tammy Stephanie Davis) writes:
>: >Godzilla's Revenge (His worst ever)
>: That scene of Gadzooki/Minya blowing smoke rings is hilarious!
> And the way to get him to stop blowing smoke rings is downright
>ridiculous! Plus, it'd be a cool way to get some more dirty comments out
>of Crow and Tom.


(There. Didn't want to spoil the surprise of this oft-lauded classic for
y'all. :-) )

All the scenes involving the full-monster-sized Minya or Ninya (or however the
Japanese pronounce "Godzookie"), including the Godzilla-steps-on-Minya's-
tail-to-make-him-breathe-real-fire scene, are lifted from an earlier
Godzilla movie called _Son of Godzilla_. All the filmmakers did for
_Godzilla's Revenge_ was film some new scenes of Minya being super-small
(human sized) so that he could talk with the kid character. (Somehow,
Minya loses the ability to speak when he enlarges to full monster size.)

Roger M. Wilcox

Apr 26, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/26/95
In article <3ne5db$o...@cmcl2.NYU.EDU> (Petrea Mitchell) writes:
> Has anyone seen a movie (don't know if it was made for TV or not)
>dating from 1972, listed as a documentary, about the Bermuda Triangle? It
>starts with Christopher Columbus seeing UFOs on his first trip and goes
>downhill from there. It covers eerie happenings such as people's watches
>being seven minutes off and one smallish island looking like another smal-
>lish island. There's a middle-aged narrator stuck in an office with a map
>and some model planes to play with. Anyone remember the title?

Yes. It was called -- get ready for a shocker here -- _The Bermuda Triangle_.

It was put out by Shick Sun Classic Pictures, the same people who brought
you such immortal works as _Beyond and Back_ (a movie about near-death
experiences, which had the same narrator as _The Bermuda Triangle_). Both
_Bermuda Triangle_ and _Beyond & Back_ were strangled by the same type of
pseudoscience one normally associates with alien abduction "investigation"
shows, which normally goes along the lines of "One scientist we talked to
couldn't explain these phenomena, and another was obviously covering up
The Truth, so therefore it HAD to be aliens/God/invisible goats!".

Ellya the half a bee

Apr 26, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/26/95

>> What's the Brains' policy on violence, though? Do they edit especially
>> gory scenes, or just not use those movies? This has a couple bloody
>> yucky scenes, and I hate to think that they'd reject it entirely just
>> because of that. :( They aren't central to the plot (what plot there is)...
>I remember reading that they had a hard time with one of the films--I
>think it was "Sidehackers"--because there's a somewhat violent barroom
>fight. When I first saw it, I realized it just *felt* weird to watch it
>on MST.

>They were very much aware, though, of the content. Don't know if they can
>just cut out a scene--somehow, I doubt if the release from the movie
>company would give them that option.

Sooo... the shot of the blood dripping from the monkey's jaws after he's
ripped out a victim's throat would be okay? :)

>PS. What happened to the other half?

Ask the monkey... >:)

>Vincent J. Abella *"To be excluded from parents, lovers, ideologies,
> % and yet to be in some way respected as out of
>Seattle, Washington * the ordinary, is the fate of the universal man
> % in the local culture." --Seamus Deane

-*- * Ellya on IRC -*-

R. Miller

Apr 27, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/27/95
In, Roger M. Wilcox ( writes:
: >THE LOVES OF HERCULES. Stars Mickey Hargitay as Herc, and his wife Jayne
: >Mansfield, and his wife Jayne Mansfield. Said to be the greatest Italian
: >Hercules movie of them all.
: Oh, now THAT'S saying a lot. :-/

No kidding--did I mention that Jayne Mansfield plays *BOTH* the loves of

Soundwave [ASTEK]

Apr 27, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/27/95
Soundwave [ASTEK] ( wrote:
: >being seven minutes off and one smallish island looking like another smal-

: >lish island. There's a middle-aged narrator stuck in an office with a map
: >and some model planes to play with. Anyone remember the title?
: Yes. It was called -- get ready for a shocker here -- _The Bermuda Triangle_.
: It was put out by Shick Sun Classic Pictures, the same people who brought
: you such immortal works as _Beyond and Back_ (a movie about near-death

And Hangar 18! Geesh, did Sunn Classic all put out movies with a
universal theme to it?

Chad Gould aka Soundwave(not Gamera) |---Here comes the Indy 500!---|

John F Ayo

Apr 27, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/27/95
Okay, this doesn't exactly follow the post this is a reply to, but it's
germain, in a way, to the thread subject, so here goes...

I caught a movie late last night (1am central) on TMC that, while it will
NEVER make it on MST3k (due to nudity & language) just BEGS for the MST

It was called Eleven Days and Eleven Nights. It was about, as far as I
can tell, a woman who either gets out of jail or get's divorced, then,
for no apparent reason, is named executrix of some rich old man's will.
She is assigned to spend elevin days & nights in the old man's home with
his kids, determining who is to receive his fortune.

The acting is HORRIBLE! I was laughing at it without the aid of MSTing.
These poor people were trying SO HARD to act, but they JUST COULDN'T DO
IT! My favorite part was in one bathroom scene when one of the extras
(yes, extras in a bathroom scene) had an abviously barely-suppressed case
of the giggles as she exited the scene.

The worst part was that it was filmed in and around my home town, New
Orleans. The scene in "Big Daddy's" wasn't very flattering. (Though,
admittedly the club dancers did do a better job than the star. =)~ )

I guess you had to see it. It may be on again later. I figure it
couldn't have cost TMC much for the rights to air it.


Claye Hodge

Apr 29, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/29/95
Hmmm... I've got a good cheeser for ya! If you watch TBS.. well, it hasn't
been on in a while or I've missed it.. Buuuuuuuut..


This couple is traveling in Arizona.. they stop off at some kind of wierd
store.. (NO, The caretaker does NOT have big knees.) It gets to be night
time.. everyone is inside.. the caretaker shows the couple a skull.. (a
GARGOYLE Skull.) The building shakes.. (horde of Gargoyles swarms the place.)
the building collapses, killing the caretaker.. Somehow the couple runs into
a gargoyle with their car... the guy wants to keep the skull and the gargoyle
to report it.. then they find a cave where the gargoyles are.. (and I lost
the rest of what happens.. As you can see, if you've seen this movie before..
I haven't seen it in a good while.)

But I think it is good MiSTing fodder.

Claye Hodge

/--\_________/--\ /--\________/--\
l___l_______l___l l___l______l___l
l l_______l l l l______l l
^---^ ^---^ MST3K Tagline ^---^ ^---^
----CROW: Hey look! There's the Constellation Feces!----
-------------Right below Taurus, the Bull---------------
l------l ----
\ \\ll/ (____)
((o o) - CROW T. ROBOT TOM SERVO - l_ l
--0-^^^/\ 00 l
^^^^\---V -====-

Claye Hodge

Apr 29, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/29/95
You want shorts?? Check out AMC after a movie happens to run short of an hour
say 45 minutes.. or so.. and watch these hilarious shorts from Paramount!
They are WORTH misting! I saw one on occupations.. one on a new type of
Aircraft.. a few others..

Eric Robert Jablow

Apr 29, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/29/95
I have some suggestions.

1. Blood Hook. Directed by someone we all know and love, Jim Mallon.
2. Treasure of the Four Crowns. I've said this before, and I'll say it
again; Tom Servo would look great in 3-D glasses.
3. Red Planet Mars. Cold war hysteria, space madness, and religion.
4. Boys' Town. I know, it's not that bad a film, but it would go with
Girls' Town, and Newt Gingrich really needs to be Misted.

How do you think they'd do with the smarmy Jacqueline Susann or Jackie
Collins movies/TV movies?

Eric Robert Jablow "We'll send him cheezy programs,
Reston, VA the worst we can find, la-la-la."

Scott Padulsky

Apr 30, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/30/95

One movie I haven't seen mentioned, maybe because its TOO easy!

Here's a few hints: Olivia Newton-John, Rollar Skating, Bad Music
Bad Acting.

Its the one and only:



Joseph Crowley

Apr 30, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/30/95

Did anyone mention "The Last American Virgin"?
This little gem was made by the same guys who brought us "Alien from
L.A." (Golden Globus, I think?)
I was forced to watch it by someone who found it in a dollar bin at a
Mark Stevens. I would say she overpaid.
The only problem is it has a lot of profanity in it. Other than that
it's ripe for the picking.



Scott Padulsky

Apr 30, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/30/95
: In article <1995Apr22.164317@pomona> writes:
: >
: >- The Bermuda Depths. Just saw it on a local TV station at midnight last
: >night. The plot, to the extent that it matters, concerns both a quasi-mermaid
: >(who loves our hero) and a giant sea-turtle which is somehow related to the
: >quasi-mermaid (who kills everyone who knows our hero). Sort of Jaws meets The
: >Blue Lagoon.

Is this the movie were these kids carve their initials in a normal-looking
turtle, and at the end these initials are revealed to be on the back of
a humoungous monster-like turtle? If not I nominate both movies; If so,
I had horrible taste in movies as a child!


Michael Handler

Apr 30, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/30/95
In article <3nmaqp$>,

Roger M. Wilcox ( wrote:
> I saw it in my local video store's "Science Fiction" section (they must
> use that term VERY loosely!) along side some piece of dreck called
> "Infra Man" (opposite of Ultra Man, get it?)

INFRA MAN!!!!!!!!!

Infra Man is *not* dreck. Infra Man is *hysterical*. Not *bad*,
*hysterical*. The movie almost MSTs itself.

The chief villain is called (get this) "Princess Dragon Mom". I kid you

Get all of your best MST friends together and rent this movie. You will
have a brain aneurism from laughing so hard.

> and a Walter Koenig movie called "Moontrap".

MST fodder. Definitely.

Michael Handler <> Philadelphia, PA
Cypherpunks: Civil Liberty Through Complex Mathematics

I've travelled over / dry earth and floods / hell and high water
to bring you my love


Apr 30, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/30/95

Oh, okay. I had to get in on this one because I've been away a while.

Back around 1985, I went to the theatre and saw a movie that was so
bad that I hid my face as I was walking out of the showing, hoping
no one saw me. That movie was called RAPPIN', and was obviously a
two-week-filming-for-around-$2000 ripoff of KRUSH GROOVE. It was really
really really really awful.

How about one of the movies made from the series I DREAM OF JEANIE ?
Larry Hagman and Barbara Eden jokes until your (or Tom's) head flies

How about THE FACTS OF LIFE GO TO EUROPE? It could easily precipitate

It might be verboten, but I had the pleasure of MSTing
THE SOUND OF MUSIC a few weeks ago when it was on TV. If you have
a friend who is a MST-ing beginner, rent this movie. It offers plenty
of opportunities for good lines (it features a small horde of
children wearing drapes, for example) but is interesting enough
that the budding Dorthy Parker will not be bored.


Tammy Stephanie Davis

May 1, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/1/95

I just thought of one. Don't know if its been mentioned before, but
I would really enjoy seeing "Can't Stop the Music" misted. It had
Bruce Jenner, Valerie Perrine, and The Village People. Perfect
Bot Fodder.


John Laviolette

May 1, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/1/95
R. Miller ( wrote:
: In, bob patrick ( writes:
: : In article <>,
: : (Martin A. Hohner) writes:
: : [several lines tossed into oblivion]
: : > BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS -- Richard Thomas and Robert Duvall

: : > help a quiet planet defend itself against a monstrous space pirate's
: : > evil battlecruiser.
: : > Cheesy effects, bad acting, but a catchy theme tune...
: : YEESSSS! Now there's a fine suggestion. I'll bet Robert Vaughn
: : hasn't felt that silly since "Teenage Caveman"...

: Haven't seen _River of Death_, have you? ;)

Haven't seen "Witch Academy" on USA, have you? =}

----John Laviolette---------|-------His Most Feathered Eminence------| | My CoCo wants to kill |
Sacramento CA USA | your mamaboard! |

May 1, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/1/95
In article <3o0ioh$>, (Scott Padulsky) writes:

: : In article <1995Apr22.164317@pomona> writes:
: : >
: : >- The Bermuda Depths.
: Is this the movie were these kids carve their initials in a normal-looking

: turtle, and at the end these initials are revealed to be on the back of
: a humoungous monster-like turtle? If not I nominate both movies; If so,
: I had horrible taste in movies as a child!

Not that this is meant to be an indictment of you taste, but yup, that's the
one. I couldn't believe it at first- I thought they'd carved on a rock. Come
to think of it, I didn't see a disclaimer saying "no turtles were harmed in the
making of this film"... maybe there's a turtle out there today who still has
those damn initials on its back...

Chris Ekman =

charles marshal smith

May 1, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/1/95
: Haven't seen "Witch Academy" on USA, have you? =}

Is that the one with Tim "I do the Rock" Curry?
: --
Twinkle twinkle little star.
I don't wonder what you are.
For by spectroscopic ken,
I know that you are hydrogen. --Ian D. Bush

R. Miller

May 2, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/2/95
In, CopperSky ( writes:
: How about THE FACTS OF LIFE GO TO EUROPE? It could easily precipitate


How about _The Bad News Bears Go to Japan_, along with the same lines? :)

David W. Peters

May 2, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/2/95
What about a short from some of those US military training films? The ones
from WWII and Korea are pretty bad. I'm not sure if MST could get the
rights to them though, and the best ones are the VD avoidance films which
I'm not sure they would be able to use without pissing off the censors.

Mike Barklage

May 2, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/2/95
to (CopperSky) writes:

>It might be verboten, but I had the pleasure of MSTing
>THE SOUND OF MUSIC a few weeks ago when it was on TV. If you have
>a friend who is a MST-ing beginner, rent this movie. It offers plenty
>of opportunities for good lines (it features a small horde of
>children wearing drapes, for example) but is interesting enough
>that the budding Dorthy Parker will not be bored.

As much as I hate "Sound of Music," I don't think it would be a likely
candidate for MST, seeing as how it won Best Picture in 1965. I would
like to think our taste in movies has gotten better since then, but
"Forrest Gump" just won a couple weeks ago.

(Not that Forrest Gump isn't a good film... it's just that Pulp Fiction
beats the living hell out of it. And just think, 20 years from now,
we'll look back at Forrest Gump and wonder if it's a candidate for MST.)

Mike Barklage -- MSTie #19634 | "We are all interested in the future, for
aka Chirpy the Mutant Hellbeast | that is where we will spend the rest
aka | of our lives."
aka | - Criswell, _Plan 9 From Outer Space_

Roger M. Wilcox

May 2, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/2/95
In article <3nm6rn$> (Roger M. Wilcox) writes:
>In article <> (John M Holden) writes:
>>- John, who doesn't know if "bestill" is one word or two.
>It's one word if it acts as an intransitive verb, and two words if it's
>a transitive one.

I am wrong. I am mistaken. I got them backwards.
I beg for forgiveness from the sternly unrelenting RATM community.

"bestill" would be transitive.
"be still" would be intransitive. (and exclusively in the imperative)
Think about it, won't you?

Roger M. Wilcox

May 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/3/95
In article <> Mike Czaplinski <> writes:
><mumbled title that has 'Bermuda Triangle' in it>: Some weird fever
>dream that has a boatload of actors (lead by Ray Milland) stumbling
>across an Egyptian sarcophagus on the ocean floor of the Triangle.
>All I remember is that the plot revolved around the Egyptians having
>contact with the Mayans, and that somehow this resulted in the Mayans
>being wiped out by the Antichrist. About the only good thing in the
>movie is Lee Meriwhether dancing around the Sarcophagus clawing at her
>nightgown and chanting when she's posessed by the evilforce.
>Mike "And any movie where Lee Meriwhether claws at her nightgown is
>all right by me...." Czaplinski

I remember seeing this TV movie ... as an ADULT!
Oh, the paaaaaaaaaaain ...
It had a distinctly Jackie-Collins-meets-the-Love-Boat feel to it,
except they threw in a Tut mask imbued with the powers of Satan.
Needless to say, at the end, the evil Tut Mask from Hell wasn't
destroyed, it just sank back down to the bottom of the ocean for
the next unsuspecting treasure-hunting-ship that passed by. Why,
they could have made it an ongoing TV series, with a new crew discovering
the Egyptian Hell Mask every episode! Just think of the possibilities!

Roger M. "I should've had a career in thinking up TV series ideas" Wilcox

Rick Hodge

May 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/3/95
>One movie I haven't seen mentioned, maybe because its TOO easy!

>Its the one and only:
I can already see Servo doing the "Stately Home of Charles Foster Kane"
comment during the opening credits.

Rick Hodge

"See the dizzy spell. I would like a dizzy spell, too."
--Paul Merton, "Whose Line is It, Anyway?"

Rick Hodge

May 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/3/95
>Did anyone mention "The Last American Virgin"?
>The only problem is it has a lot of profanity in it. Other than that
>it's ripe for the picking.
...among other things which I won't even mention.

Daniel J. Sikorski

May 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/3/95
Quoth David W. Peters:

Better yet, one of the propaganda films Reagan did during WWII ...

ikaros, who kinda misses having dan quayle around to make fun of.
-- Daniel J Sikorski
Writers/artists wanted for Vanguard Dossier -- email/finger/www me!
Drink your coffee! Don't you know there are children sleeping in India?
- Unknown


May 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/3/95
In article <>, (Claye Hodge) says:
>You want shorts?? Check out AMC after a movie happens to run short of an hour
>say 45 minutes.. or so.. and watch these hilarious shorts from Paramount!
>They are WORTH misting! I saw one on occupations.. one on a new type of
>Aircraft.. a few others..
You mean your average 'Voyager' ep?

Back me up on this, here, Petrea, please....

-- Steve

Michael John Hagen

May 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/3/95
I can only think of two offhand.

1) Hercules against Karate (some European buddy flik with a large guy
who isn't Hercules, but is about as bright.)

2) Hercules in New York (starring Arnold Schwartzenegger (yeah, like
I'm really going to be able to spell that form memory); only say five
minues of it, but that was enough).

Mike Hagen | "You're playing Mr. Torpedo and homing | device? *GASP* That's *our* game!"
| -- Timothy Platypus

Natalie Welch

May 4, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/4/95
Scott Padulsky ( wrote:

: One movie I haven't seen mentioned, maybe because its TOO easy!

: Here's a few hints: Olivia Newton-John, Rollar Skating, Bad Music
: Bad Acting.

And don't forget Gene Kelly. Disco, rollerskates, and GK don't
mix. PLEASE do this one!!!

: Its the one and only:


--Natalie Welch | "First, let's kill
| all the lawyers..." | | Even Shakespeare's tired of O.J.!

David F Olsky

May 4, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/4/95

Natalie Welch ( wrote:
: Scott Padulsky ( wrote:

: : One movie I haven't seen mentioned, maybe because its TOO easy!

: : Here's a few hints: Olivia Newton-John, Rollar Skating, Bad Music
: : Bad Acting.

: And don't forget Gene Kelly. Disco, rollerskates, and GK don't
: mix. PLEASE do this one!!!

Add in a little ELO and Michael (not Pare, the other one who will do
anything for money) Beck and you got yourself a lethal concoction. But
don't forget about the little sub-Roger Rabbit animated love scene.

: : Its the one and only:

: : XANADU!!

I must make a confession: when I was 6 years old, I *loved* Xanadu. And
I know that I wasn't the only one. Of course, by the time I was nine I
realized its triteness, but please somebody tell me that I'm not alone.

David Olsky
"Normally, I woulda killed you--but I'm going through a transition period."
Samuel L. Jackson, "Pulp Fiction"

Daniel J. Sikorski

May 4, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/4/95
Quoth Soundwave [ASTEK]:
>Daniel J. Sikorski ( wrote:
>: Quoth David W. Peters:

>: >What about a short from some of those US military training films? The ones
>: >from WWII and Korea are pretty bad. I'm not sure if MST could get the
>: >rights to them though, and the best ones are the VD avoidance films which
>: >I'm not sure they would be able to use without pissing off the censors.
>: Better yet, one of the propaganda films Reagan did during WWII ...

>Hellcats from the Navy would be prime MSTing material. Get to see Nancy
>n' Ron awkwardly snuggle.

Is it Nancy, or is it Jane Wyman? He wasn't married to Nancy until the '50s.

ikaros, or maybe they oughtta just mst reagan's first couple of
iran-contra press conferences ...

Soundwave [ASTEK]

May 4, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/4/95
Daniel J. Sikorski ( wrote:
: Quoth David W. Peters:
: >What about a short from some of those US military training films? The ones
: >from WWII and Korea are pretty bad. I'm not sure if MST could get the
: >rights to them though, and the best ones are the VD avoidance films which
: >I'm not sure they would be able to use without pissing off the censors.
: Better yet, one of the propaganda films Reagan did during WWII ...

Hellcats from the Navy would be prime MSTing material. Get to see Nancy
n' Ron awkwardly snuggle.

Chad Gould aka Soundwave(not Gamera) |---Here comes the Indy 500!---|
internet: (not Prodigy) |--Keeper of the Movie Guides--|
S3M/MTM/XM Epinicion mbr "Ye-haw! Multiball!" tHe MaStEr DoEs NoT aPpRoVe.
"The Miami Grand Prix was won by Mrs. Rose Gridhorn, 83, of Hackensack,
New Jersey, driving a 1976 Chrysler New Yorker with the left blinker
on." - Dave Barry

Soundwave [ASTEK]

May 5, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/5/95
Daniel J. Sikorski ( wrote:
: >Hellcats from the Navy would be prime MSTing material. Get to see Nancy
: >n' Ron awkwardly snuggle.
: Is it Nancy, or is it Jane Wyman? He wasn't married to Nancy until the '50s.

It's the only movie in which Nancy Davis (now Nancy Reagan) and Ronald
Reagan appear together. Seriously... It only adds to the fun. A must see
for every Reagan fan. (:

(If you don't believe me, pick up, say, Maltin, or any movie guide, and
look it up.)

: ikaros, or maybe they oughtta just mst reagan's first couple of
: iran-contra press conferences ...

Or Oliver North's senate hearings.

Scott Christensen

May 5, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/5/95
Has anybody seen "Yor: Hunter from the Future"?

This movie has everything worth MiSTing: Bad plot, big puppet
dinosaurs, poorly thought-out motivations, etc.

My favorite scene is when the one of the women in love with Yor
wants to kill off her competition. She is stopped by Yor, only to
watch the "competition" get killed in the next 30 seconds. THEN
she starts _crying_ because the other girl died. Yeeesh.


George W Harris

May 5, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/5/95
In article <3ob2em$> (Natalie Welch) writes:
>Scott Padulsky ( wrote:
>: One movie I haven't seen mentioned, maybe because its TOO easy!
>: Here's a few hints: Olivia Newton-John, Rollar Skating, Bad Music
>: Bad Acting.
> And don't forget Gene Kelly. Disco, rollerskates, and GK don't
>mix. PLEASE do this one!!!
> : Its the one and only:

"Cost? No man can say..."

> --Natalie Welch | "First, let's kill

> |
> | Even Shakespeare's tired of O.J.!

George W. Harris

Doesn't the fact that there are *exactly* 50 states seem a little suspicious?

Jamie Plummer

May 6, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/6/95
to writes:
> Or Oliver North's senate hearings.

Olly kicked ass at those... oh forget it.

Be Seeing You... |People at the JazzFest this weekend who I don't get to see:
Jamie Plummer |James Taylor, Beausoliel, Buckwheat Zydeco, Al Green, |Meters, Rebirth Brass Band, Jimmie Vaughn, Dixie Cups,
-----------The Neville Brothers, B.B. King, Branford Marsalis, Irma Thomas...

Soundwave [ASTEK]

May 6, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/6/95
Jamie Plummer (jc...@fermi.clas.Virginia.EDU) wrote:
: > Or Oliver North's senate hearings.

: Olly kicked ass at those... oh forget it.


JULY 7- The central figure in the Iran-contra hearings, Lieutenant
Colonel Oliver North, becomes an instant national folk hero when, with
his eyes glistening and his voice cracking with emotion, he courageously
admits, before a world-wide television audience, that he is very
patriotic. - Dave Barry

Chad Gould aka Soundwave(not Gamera) |---Here comes the Indy 500!---|
internet: (not Prodigy) |--Keeper of the Movie Guides--|
S3M/MTM/XM Epinicion mbr "Ye-haw! Multiball!" tHe MaStEr DoEs NoT aPpRoVe.


David F Olsky

May 7, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/7/95
Jamie Plummer (jc...@fermi.clas.Virginia.EDU) wrote:
: writes:
: >
: > Or Oliver North's senate hearings.

: Olly kicked ass at those... oh forget it.

I have to respond here because I have a great story that's mildly
related. I was down in Washington during the time of Ollie's trial and
me and my classmates (I was in middle school at the time) decided to go.
We were waiting in line to get in for a long time, and we finally decided
to leave, but one of my friends had to go to the bathroom and we agreed
to stay in line until he got back. Well doncha know, the trial went into
recess about one minute later...

pas? Apparently he was rather nice on the crapper and wished that my
friend would have a better time in Washington than he was having. I know
this is pretty off the post (hell, I'm pretty off the post), but I
thought I'd let you all in on my little story.

BTW, it's hard to kick ass while you're lying through your teeth.

Peter Stein

May 7, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/7/95
In <3obfvu$> (David F Olsky) writes:

>: : Its the one and only:

>: : XANADU!!

>I must make a confession: when I was 6 years old, I *loved* Xanadu. And

>I know that I wasn't the only one. Of course, by the time I was nine I
>realized its triteness, but please somebody tell me that I'm not alone.

You're not alone. Sad, isn't it? Maybe they could do "Xanadu" back-to-
back with "Can't Stop The Music." Dr. F would have to break out the "DEEP
HURTING" mic for that one...

Pete Stein, RSPW's lovable Molecule Man

"Sandy Frank presents our own personal hell!" -Crow, _Fugitive Alien_
Sex with you is like watching scientific wrestling.

Thomas E Carr

May 7, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/7/95

I just finished wtching the XFiles. What about the fabulous 80's
work "Hangar 18". Wasn't Joe Don Baker in that?



Thomas Carr

Michael Luton

May 7, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/7/95
Roger M. Wilcox ( wrote:

: In article <> (John M Holden) writes:
: >
: >- John, who doesn't know if "bestill" is one word or two.
: >

: It's one word if it acts as an intransitive verb, and two words if it's
: a transitive one.

Okay, so let me get this straight. If i'm angry with someone I might say,
"I will bestill your beating heart!" On the other hand, if I'm infatuated
with a lovely woman I might say, "Be still my beating heart!"

Anything to get a Sting ref in. :)

--Mike de Binkley St.

Arthur Ledoux

May 7, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/7/95
to (charles marshal smith) wrote:
> : Haven't seen "Witch Academy" on USA, have you? =}
> Is that the one with Tim "I do the Rock" Curry?
> Inconcievably better than Tim "I did the rock" Curry.
I'm sorry, the devil made me do it

How 'bout a barney movie marathon? I like it when Servo's head explodes

Mike Barklage

May 7, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/7/95
tc...@bigwpi.WPI.EDU (Thomas E Carr) writes:

> I just finished wtching the XFiles. What about the fabulous 80's
>work "Hangar 18". Wasn't Joe Don Baker in that?

Actually, that was one of the early KTMA episodes... one of the few
that I've seen, incidentally.

May 7, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/7/95
In article <3oim9r$>, (Michael Luton) writes:

And you'll never see my face, or hear the sound of my feet...
When there's a moon... over Binkley... Street!

Anything to get *another* Sting ref in. :)

Chris Ekman =

John Laviolette

May 8, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/8/95
Arthur Ledoux ( wrote:

: (charles marshal smith) wrote:
: >
: > : Haven't seen "Witch Academy" on USA, have you? =}
: >
: > Is that the one with Tim "I do the Rock" Curry?

No, Charles, I don't remember Tim Curry being in it at all. And I don't
think I missed his scene: this movie had a cast of six. None of them
were memorable -- except Robert Vaughn, as the dirty old devil!

The plot: ample-chested witches jiggle for the camera. Oh, and there was
something about another woman getting the devil's help to join the witch

: How 'bout a barney movie marathon? I like it when Servo's head explodes

Which Barney? His Purple Majesty didn't make a movie. yet. I hope.

----John Laviolette---------|-------His Most Feathered Eminence------| | My CoCo wants to kill |
Sacramento CA USA | your mamaboard! |

Soundwave [ASTEK]

May 8, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/8/95
Thomas E Carr (tc...@bigwpi.WPI.EDU) wrote:
: I just finished wtching the XFiles. What about the fabulous 80's
: work "Hangar 18". Wasn't Joe Don Baker in that?

Hangar 18, one of those infamous Sunn "pre-Oliver-Stone-movie-mania"
Classic pictures, has been done in the KTMA years. (Maybe you knew that,
due to the smiley. Dunno.)

Hangar 18 didn't have Joe Don Baker in it, but it DID star Gary Collins!

Chad Gould aka Soundwave(not Gamera) |---Here comes the Indy 500!---|

internet: (Hell Inc.) |--Keeper of the Movie Guides--|

Martin A. Hohner

May 8, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/8/95
John Laviolette ( wrote:

: Arthur Ledoux ( wrote:
: : (charles marshal smith) wrote:
: : >
: : > : Haven't seen "Witch Academy" on USA, have you? =}
: : > Is that the one with Tim "I do the Rock" Curry?

: No, Charles, I don't remember Tim Curry being in it at all. And I don't

He's thinking of "The Worst Witch", on Disney. That has Tim Curry as "The
Grand Wizard", sort of a principal of a school for pubescent witches, all of
whom think he's some sort of sex symbol. Bottom line: don't ask.

: : How 'bout a barney movie marathon? I like it when Servo's head explodes

: Which Barney? His Purple Majesty didn't make a movie. yet. I hope.

Don't panic, but one is being filmed... Hide the women and children...
Or did he mean Barney Fife? :-)
Martin A. Hohner ( **Illinois State University**
"Let him live like an idiot. | "Enjoy your dark side, | "Time is an illusion,
It's worse than dying like a | have fun with it." | Lunchtime doubly so."
dog." -- Hercules the series | -- Troi, Star Trek:TNG | -- Ford Prefect

Michael Luton

May 8, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/8/95
Thomas E Carr (tc...@bigwpi.WPI.EDU) wrote:

: I just finished wtching the XFiles. What about the fabulous 80's
: work "Hangar 18". Wasn't Joe Don Baker in that?

: :)

Well...this one has already been done back in the KTMA days. I'm glad to
say Joe Don Baker was not in this one. :)

--Mike de Binkley St.

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