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ALL-STAR Millionaire 6/27 (1/2)

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Brett A. Pasternack

Jul 7, 2002, 1:05:55 AM7/7/02
As everyone here knows by now, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire has now
aired its final episode as a regular prime time series. For quite some
time, a few of us denizens of ATGS took the time to recap everything
that happened on the show, and post it all here. That tradition has
fallen by the wayside, but for this final episode we've gotten together
to give it one more for the road. Your recappers for this show are, in
order of appearance, Steven Sousa, Dean Scungio, John Sergent, and yours
truly, Brett Pasternack. We'll each take part of the show, and then at
the end we will go around the horn one last time for closing thoughts
from each of us…plus one more special guest from the recapping past. On
with the show…here's Steven:

Our returning contestant is wearing all black. She's Cathy Garr. Regis
doesn't mention anything (yet) about this being the last show, but he
does mock my pain by asking me to imagine what it would be like to
qualify for the show, get whisked off to New York and end up in the Hot
Seat to play for ONE MILLION DOLLARS!

Jeez, Reege, It's not like I haven't imagined that exact scenario about
ONE MILLION TIMES! And now my hopes have been pretty much dashed
forever. You're a cruel, cruel, man, Regis.

Cathy is from Alaska. She comes from a town of 75 people. New York is a
bit of a shock. She blabs on and on about how remote her home town is.
It's so remote that the local movie theatre is just now getting Karate
Kid 2.

The best movie sequel of all time, by the way.

"Hey, Mr. Miyagi, you think you could break a board like that?"

"Don't know. Never been attacked by tree."


Yep. I'm back. I honestly did miss this. And you missed me, too. Admit

Cathy teaches 4th through 8th grade. She's nine questions away from the
million. She's used her phone-a-friend lifeline.


$4000: What is the legal term for secondhand testimony that is often not
admissible as evidence?
A: A severe thunderstorm watch is in effect in Northeastern
Massachusetts, blocking my view of the answers. Choice B was hearsay,
and the other three were wrong. Cathy picked the right one.

$8000: Which of these Universities is located nearest to Palo Alto, CA?
A: USC B: Caltech C: Stanford D: Pepperdine

Cathy looks like a cross between Angelica Huston and Kathy Bates, with a
little dose of the younger sister from Roseanne. She'll use the 50:50.
It leaves Caltech and Stanford. She's thinking Stanford. She's prepared
to go home. Final Answer.

The Cardinal turns yellow.

The Cardinal turns Green!

$16000: English doctor Peter Roget is famous for compiling what type of
reference book?
A: Dictionary B: Encyclopedia C: Almanac D: Thesaurus

Cathy quickly says thesaurus. Cathy is right!

Also: correct, proper, free of error, perfect, inerrant, unmistaken,
watertight, immaculate, Augustan, unerring, infallible, inerrable,
rigorous, scrupulous, strict, punctilious, solemn, accurate, exact,
precise, nice.

BM: In the 1986 movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off," Ferris sings which of
the following in the parade scene?
A: Soul Man B: Louie Louie C: Twist and Shout D: Heartbreak

Cathy has seen this movie, but it was a while ago. Just last month, as a
matter of fact. It was right before Karate Kid 2 at the Cinema, and just
after St. Elmo's Fire. She knows a few choices that it's not, but she's
going to call Jim, a geologist, for help. I guess she thinks he'd know a
lot about "rock".

Get it? Rock, as in rock songs, and a geologist studies rocks. GET IT?
BWAAAAAA-HAAAAAA-HAA! I'm a comedic genius! What have you all done with
your lives for the year I've been away?

Anyway, Jim, who happens to be Cathy's brother, quickly says he's 80%
sure of Twist and Shout. She was originally thinking of Louie Louie, but
that might have been from a different movie. She's right. That was from
the famous parade scene from The Naked Gun, which is scheduled to reach
her local cinema some time in 2004.

She'll make Twist and Shout her final answer.

Twist and Shout is right!

Let's do some commercials!

WWTBAM is brought to you by AT&T. Just wait for the AT&T ad campaigns
mocking Worldcom for their accounting practices.

"If you don't switch to AT&T right away, you just might end up owing
some of MCI's 439 Trillion Dollar Debt!!!!!! Switch NOW!!!!!!"

[***** Addendum ***** - I wrote this recap on Friday, and on Monday,
AT&T placed a full page ad in the Boston Globe. It very well might have
been in your local paper as well. It was a subtle, but very obvious slam
of MCI. The idea of the ad was that you've trusted AT&T for over a
hundred years and AT&T will always be there for you. I'm such a frigging

We're back! Cathy gave up Utah to move to the remotest wilderness of
Alaska. Good choice.

Her lifelines are gone.

$64000: Bikram yoga is traditionally practiced in what setting?
A: Underwater B: Heated room C: Outdoors D: Room with no light

Cathy doesn't know much about yoga. She prefers Tae Bo. Bikram sounds a
lot like Pikmin. I'm currently addicted to Pikmin. I should be playing
right now instead of listening to Cathy babble about a question that
she's just going to make a wild guess at anyway. She guesses. Outdoors.

It was Heated room.

Pikmin are very cute. I love Pikmin. The Pikmin love me. I need to play
Pikmin. They're calling me.


John Leano, New City NY. No, You Da Man!
Lee Danon, Orange, CA
Heather Urbanski, Glassboro, NJ
Mark Smith, Baltimore, MD
Nyall Beggs, Washington, DC
Mary Ann O'Neil, Tucson, AZ. Mary Ann is very cute.
Alan Rindfuss, San Antonio, TX. Alan certainly appears to fit into one
of the two categories of things that come out of Texas, if you know what
I mean.
Donna Cannon, Virginia Beach, VA
Carol Alaimo (pronounced "A lame-o" by Regis), Buffalo, NY
Steven Kidd, Laurel, MS.

Let's get someone in the Hot Seat.

FFF: Put these fictional advertising characters in order of their debut,
starting with the earliest.
A: Bud-weis-er Frogs B: Tony The Tiger
C: Joe Isuzu D: Life cereal's Mikey

B-D-C-A is correct. Three people got it right, but the very attractive
Mary Ann O'Neil was not one of them. That sucks. The fastest time was
Allen Rindfuss in 6.80. Allen is very tall. Regis asks him what he does.

"Regis, that's a question that my friends have been debating for years."

Allen is gay. There is no question. I would bet a blowjob on it. I
guarantee he's brought his partner with him to the show.

Allen has worked very hard to avoid a career. He calls himself a
"Generalist". I suspect that his family is a bit more accepting of that
than "Bathhouse Attendant."

He's got a girlfriend with him. Her name is Shasta. I guess I owe
someone a blowjob. BUT WHO?!?!

[***** Addendum ***** - Since I wrote the recap on Friday, my wife
watched the tape of the show. She thought that Allen and Shasta are a
very cute couple. So I guess I owe HER the blowjob. Luckily for me, my
wife's a lesbian, so I don't think I'll ever have to pay up. Whew, that
was a close one.]

Shasta gave Allen his very first kiss.

From a woman. Or a man, claims Allen.

A thirty year-old man who just got his first kiss? He's gotta be gay.
Are you kidding me? Shasta is in for a very rude awakening at some point
in their relationship.

$100: On TV, a police officer who wants someone to stop moving often
yells what?
A: Roger that! B: Freeze C: Breaker D: Stop! Hammertime!

It's been so long since I've done these that I've forgotten the order of
the SCS Millionaire rules. I think it was Rule #3 which states that any
answer which is also the title of a song by Rush is always the correct
answer. Track 12 on the new Rush album Vapor Trails is titled "Freeze".
The new Rush album Vapor Trails kicks 223,579 kinds of butt. You need to
buy it right now. Trust me. You will not be disappointed. It's their
best album since Moving Pictures, easily.

$200: Which of these household devices often has a self-cleaning"
A: Oven B: Blender C: Clothes dryer D: Cat


$300: Something that is expensive is said to "cost a" what?
A: Pretty penny B: Nice nickel C: Delightful dime D: Lonely euro

Mrs. Marshall.

$500: Which of these fashion accessories is a type of handkerchief?
A: Bandanaanana B: Stole C: Boa D: Muffler

Bandananana is right!

LM: In math, the abbreviation "log" is short for what?
A: Analogy B: Logarithm C: Logo D: Catalog E: Penis!!!!!!!!

You knew I had to.

The correct answer, naturally, is logarithm.

That mercifully ends my part.


Thanks a lot, Steven. It's my turn now!
Oh, I finally found out why the title of this show has no question mark.
In the U.S., it's considered bad luck in show business to have a title
ending with one. (See "Who Framed Roger Rabbit.")
A final regular episode of WWTBAM? Oh well, it's been a fun trip. I hope
that they go back to the telephone qualifying game the next time WWTBAM
airs again--whenever that is. Maybe I'll be the tenth million-dollar
winner? Maybe the run of a two-week series, like in August and November
1999, will help bring the audience back? Who knows? I'll save my
thoughts for the end of this post.
As you may or may not know, I created the special "Pop-Up" WWTBAM recaps
on ATGS. I started them after a series of WWTBAM reruns in December 2000
based on VH1's "Pop-Up Video." I did it to see if it could work and to
provide something entertaining and educational for everyone, and the
response was extremely positive. I want to thank all of you for reading
them, the recappers for giving me great material to work with, and Brett
for teaming up with me.
And I'm going to do it one more time tonight! I just might continue them
if and when the show returns.
Let's get back to the game!
. o O ( Airdate: 6/27/2002 )
. o O ( This show's Nielsen rating: 5.8/9 = almost 6 million viewers )
. o O ( The show with Rosie O'Donnell's $500,000 win for charity got
almost 40 million viewers. )
We're back with Allen Rindfuss, a self-described "generalist." That's
his term for a guy who can't settle on one job. He's with his
girlfriend, Shasta. She says that she was Allen's first kiss...when he
was 28 1/2 years old! Allen also bothers to mention that he was waiting
a long time for it and "it takes a special person to deal with someone
like me." He also says she's been very patient and "showed [him] the
ropes." Man, he keeps digging a deeper grave for himself!
He can't hold a job, wasn't kissed until he was 28, and has no
experience in love and romance. What a loser!
Let's see if he can be a winner. Allen has $1,000. He is going for
$2,000 right now.
$2,000: The mascot for Post Golden Crisp cereal is what kind of animal?
A. Bee B. Alligator C. Bear D. Parrot
He says he's heard of a cereal called "Super Sugar Crisps," but that's
not what the question is asking.
. o O ( Post Golden Crisp cereal was once called Super Sugar Crisp. )
I prefer Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs, myself.
. o O ( Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs is the favorite cereal of Calvin
from the comic strip "Calvin and Hobbes." )
He's not too certain on his choice, so he'll Ask the Audience, but only
those who know the answer. People have tried that before, but will it
work this time?
30-8-58-4. Bear gets the majority, and he's going with it.
C. Bear is his final answer.
Thank you, audience, for setting him straight!
. o O ( The mascot's name is Sugar Bear. )
$4,000: Which of these objects would be anachronistic in a movie set in
the 1950s?
A. Television set B. Refrigerator
C. Compact disc player D. Jukebox
A quick answer of C is right.
. o O ( anachronistic: existing in the wrong time period;
chronologically misplaced )
. o O ( The compact disc was invented in the late 1960s. )
$8,000: The music group Five For Fighting got its name from an
expression used in what sport?
A. Ice hockey B. Boxing C. Football D. Baseball
Allen only knows the band from their single "Superman (It's Not Easy)."
The only one that makes sense to him is A. Ice hockey.
He'll make that his final answer.
Duh. Of course that's right! "I can't stand to--" watch this loser!
. o O ( The ruling is five minutes in the penalty box for fighting. )
$16,000: Who was president of the Soviet Union when it was formally
dissolved in 1991?
A. Andrei Gromyko B. Boris Yeltsin
C. Mikhail Gorbachev D. Vladimir Putin
An easy question, but he doesn't know it. All the names are confusing
him. He figures that this is something a "generalist" should know. I
think it's something most people should remember!
Vladimir Putin sounds familiar to him. Maybe that's because he's the
current president of Russia?! He also remembers Gorbachev's name from
Ronald Reagan's speech where he asked him to "tear down this [Berlin]
wall." He's struggling, considering to use a lifeline or gamble.
Allen decides to risk it by saying B. Boris Yeltsin. Final answer.
Is it the right answer?
Uh, no. The correct answer was C. Mikhail Gorbachev. Go buy Boris a
drink with your $1,000, Allen.
. o O ( $1,000 = 31,510 rubles )
Hey, it's my last chance to insult someone, so I'll say that he's not
only a loser, but a dumbass too! He's a smart guy, Regis? I don't think
Fastest Finger time!
FF: Put these movies in order of their first theatrical release,
starting with the earliest:
A. To Kill a Mockingbird B. Black Hawk Down
C. The Pelican Brief D. Chicken Run
A-C-D-B is the answer.
. o O ( 1962; 1993; 2000; 2001 )
Three of nine get it, and a shocked Heather Urbanski wins it! SHe'll be
back after this...
<commercial break>
Heather Urbanski is from Glassboro, New Jersey. She's a graduate student
going for a Masters in writing and works for a mutual fund company.
She's certainly qualified to write about finance! Her mom, Barbara,
joins us as well. Heather is a huge Disney freak and has been to Walt
Disney World at least 20 times. I'm a Disney fan myself, but I've only
been there twice with a third trip coming this summer. She's been to the
"WWTBAM: Play It!" attraction, and that's where she found out about the
auditions that got her to come on this show.
. o O ( WWTBAM taped a series of celebrity shows with former U.S.
Olympic athletes at the "Play It!" attraction at the Disney-MGM Studios.
She's also done very well playing the game down there in Florida. Will
that help her out when playing for real money? Let's find out right now.
. o O ( At "Play It!", guests try to win points and other souvenirs. )
. o O ( The grand prize is a trip to New York City to see a taping of
real show. )
. o O ( Most likely, it will be for a taping of the syndicated show now.
$100: A very industrious person is said to "work his" what "to the
A. Toes B. Fingers C. Elbows D. Administrative assistant E. Penis
Thanks again, Steven! B. Fingers is right.
. o O ( The human penis does not have a bone in it. )
. o O ( Other primates and most animals do. )
. o O ( Humans lost theirs through evolution. )
$200: Which of these sports is played on a court?
A. Baseball B. Football C. Volleyball D. Cross country suing
Ooh, another pun from the writers. C. Volleyball.
$300: A party with a great beginning is said to "start with a" what?
A. Bang B. Whimper C. Flame D. Dozen buffalo wings
Mmmm...buffalo wings. The answer is A. Bang.
$500: Which of these letters sometimes functions as a vowel?
A. J B. Q C. T D. Y
She says Y, and now she can afford two vowels!
. o O ( On "Wheel of Fortune," vowels cost $250 each. )
. o O ( Y's are not considered vowels on the show. )
. o O ( Rumor has it that before taping a pilot of WoF, host Ed "Kookie"
Byrnes was seen backstage reciting the vowels to himself. )
. o O ( Chuck Woolery got the job. )
$1,000: In a standard U.S. game of Monopoly, which of the following
parts are green?
A. Hotels B. Houses C. Tokens D. Dice
. o O ( There are always 12 hotels and 32 houses in a game. )
. o O ( No more, no less. )
Heather has the Disney edition of Monopoly, as do I. But the pieces are
different from a standard set.
. o O ( In the Disney Monopoly game... )
. o O ( The tokens are replaced by Disney characters. )
. o O ( The properties are Disney movies. )
. o O ( The houses are replaced by cottages. )
. o O ( The hotels are replaced by castles. )
. o O ( Scrooge McDuck appears on the money. )
She does remember that the hotels are red. From this, she'll say that B.
Houses are green.
. o O ( "Pink Houses" was a Top-10 hit for John Cougar Mellencamp in
1984. )
. o O ( Two years later, he released a version of an old Drifters hit… )
She's got it! Now she can pay for one hotel on Boardwalk!
. o O ( "Under The Boardwalk" )

. o O ( On Boardwalk, you must pay $800 for four houses at $200 each
before paying another $200 to bump it up to a hotel. )
. o O ( 5 houses = 1 hotel )
. o O ( Other green items in Monopoly: )
. o O ( the $20 bills )
. o O ( Pennsylvania Anvenue )
. o O ( North Carolina Avenue )
. o O ( Pacific Avenue )
. o O ( ...and their deed cards )
$2,000: The Suzuki Method is used to teach children to do what?
A. Play musical instruments B. Play chess
C. Learn math D. Speak foreign languages
She has never heard of this, so she'll go right to the audience for
help. 54-12-22-12 is the result. Heather remarks that the audience is
right about 90% of the time.
. o O ( Actually, it's closer to 85%. )
She goes with the audience vote of A. and she's right!
. o O ( Children learning under the Suzuki Method can be as young as two
years old. )
$4,000: Griffith Observatory is a popular tourist site overlooking what
U.S. city?
A. Denver B. Los Angeles C. San Francisco D. Seattle
Heather thinks Griffith Observatory is that place in the movies with the
big telescope where people meet at midnight. Yeah, that place. That's
her first impression, and she'll go with it.
B. Los Angeles
. right!
. o O ( <> )
$8,000: Which of these dishes is not a type of soup?
A. Minestrone B. Consomme C. Gazpacho D. Gnocchi
Heather says she knows all about food. It's gnocchi.
You bet it's gnocchi!
. o O ( minestrone: a thick Italian soup containing assorted vegetables,
beans, pasta and herbs in a meat or vegetable broth )
. o O ( consomme: a clear soup made of strained meat or vegetable stock,
served hot or as a cold jelly )
. o O ( gazpacho: a chilled soup made with chopped tomatoes, cucumbers,
onions, peppers, and herbs )
. o O ( gnocchi: dumplings made of flour, semolina, or potatoes, boiled
or baked and served with grated cheese or a sauce )
$16,000: The primary purpose of the U.S. Department of the Interior is
to protect which of the following?
A. Natural resources B. Family farms
C. Small businesses D. Art collections
Heather believes that Teddy Roosevelt created the Department.
. o O ( The Department of the Interior was created in 1849... )
. o O ( ...52 years before Teddy Roosevelt took office. )
She's going to eliminate all but A. Natural resources.
Final answer.
She's right again! $16,000 is hers!
Heather is now going for the guaranteed $32,000.
$32,000: The 1980s TV series "The Colbys" was a spin-off of what
prime-time soap opera?
A. Dallas B. Dynasty C. Knots Landing D. Falcon Crest
She's smiling. She knows that "Knots Landing" was a spin-off of
"Dallas." She's going to say the answer is B. Dynasty.
Way to go, Heather! $32,000!
Commercial break coming up. I'll be back for my final thoughts at the
end of this post. Take it away, John!

John: Heather's $64K to sixth break (Carol's $8K)

Heather has $32,000 and wants to use it for a master's degree and
maybe a Ph.D. She says she'll probably go to Disney World again.
She still has the 50:50 and Phone-a-Friend.

for $64,000: On a pH scale, pure water has a pH of what?
A) 1 B) 5
C) 7 D) 10

She's grinning. Her sister went over science with her on a long
car ride, and told her water's pH is 7. "WAIT, did she tell me
that, or...?" She remembers there are no negatives, and goes with


for $125,000: Author Samuel Clemens took his pen name, Mark Twain,
from a riverboat term meaning what?
A) River bend ahead B) Captain on deck
C) Open the safety valve D) Two fathoms deep

She's been to Disney too much! No wonder they put her on the show
:) She knows that on the Disney river boat, they say this, and it
means "two fathoms deep. Final answer.
Regis says it pays to go to Disney World, because she's right!

for $250,000: What make of car was modified to become the
Batmobile used in the original "Batman" TV series?
A) Lincoln Futura B) '57 Chevy
C) Buick Roadmaster D) Cadillac Eldorado

And my spell checker is as peculiar as ever. It knows Lincoln and
Chevy, but not Buick or Cadillac. Anyway, she stares at this one a
while, and says that she has no idea, but her sister would know.
Calling Nichole! They repeat the question back and forth, a few
words at a time, until there's no time left. Too bad. 50:50 leaves
A and B. She's picturing the movie Batmobiles, which she knows
this isn't. Come on, I've never heard of a Futura, but everyone's
seen a '57 Chevy and the Batmobile looks nothing remotely like it.
Anyway, she leaves with $125,000. Not bad.

Well, since the syndicated version is apparently making the
mistake of throwing away this part, which adds variety to the
show, here comes the Final Fastest Finger: Put these magazines in
the order they were first published, starting with the earliest:
A) Wired B) Esquire
C) Soap Opera Digest D) TV Guide

B - D - C - A, two out of eight got it right, and, with a time of
8.46 seconds, Carol Alaimo, YOU are the last contestant on Who
Wants to be a Millionaire!

But first a break. Hey, this is still fun, when the show is easy
to find and has regular people on it! Why is the Expedition
commercial making a big deal about power seats? It's a slightly
different use, but they've been around for years.

Carol, from Buffalo, has been an attorney for 34 years. She's
lived in the same house 51 years and the same city all her life,
so she wants adventure. She likes scuba diving and had Robert
Redford sign her glove that she was wearing. She brought her
friends Christine and Richard. Let's play!

for $100: Which of the following is needed to project a motion
picture onto a screen?
A) Sound B) Water
C) Light D) Tom Hanks


for $200: Which of these professionals is most likely to instruct
you to "brush after every meal"?
A) Painter B) Hairdresser
C) Dentist D) Girlfriend


for $300: Someone making extraordinary efforts to achieve a goal
is said to be "jumping through" what?
A) Stars B) Hoops
C) Phones D) Time-space continuum


for $500: Since 1954, Butterball has been a leading brand of what
kind of food?
A) Bologna B) Popcorn
C) Turkey D) Chubby Hubbies


for $1,000: Which of the following is the name of both a candy
and a rare edible fungus?
A) Praline B) Nougat
C) Truffle D) Brittle

She enjoys truffles, and has her guaranteed $1,000!

for $2,000: The abbreviations "ibid.," "et al." and "id." are
most likely to appear in which of the following?
A) Classified ads B) Academic footnotes
C) Classical sheet music D) Architect's blueprints

B, Academic footnotes.

for $4,000: Minoxidil is prescribed to a patient for which of
these purposes?
A) Cause weight loss B) Relax muscles
C) Promote hair growth D) Improve complexion

She doesn't know what its other purposes might be, but it's used
to promote hair growth. Final Answer.
RIGHT! (I think it was originally for relieving high blood

for $8,000: Which of these structures is most likely to feature
flying buttresses?
A) Airport terminal B) Cathedral
C) Shopping mall D) Health club

She's been to Notre Dame Cathedral, and it has lots of these. B,
Final Answer.
RIGHT! Carol has $8,000, and it's time to pass this on to Brett.


And here I go to bring this puppy on home…

After the ad break, Carol says she isn't a game show contestant, but
it's very exciting. She talks about dodging thieves at the Casbah, and
Regis says she got away unscathed because they didn't want to mess with
a lawyer.

$16,000: In the mid-80s, Burger King launched an unsuccessful ad
campaign featuring a nerd named what?

A) Waldo B) Herb
C) Dudley D) Flavin (Do you suppose that this is Flavor Flav's real
name? B^)

Carol quite literally hems and haws, then pulls the old "only if you
really know" ATA trick. Oh, Bullwinkle, that trick never works!
28-44-23-5 is how it breaks down for her. She observes that people who
think they know don't. But she goes with the plurality…

And she's right! I remember once seeing a Wendy's with a sign that said
"Herb's here…and he's not leaving!"

$32,000: In the 2000 movie Meet The Parents, Robert De Niro's character
claims to be a retired what?

A) Antiques dealer B) Car salesman
C) Librarian D) Florist

The movie was on her brother's TV when she visited him recently, but
it's not coming to her. 5050 leaves C and D, and she tries D.


with at least $32000!

Another ad break, and Regis mentions that there's never been a female
million-winner AGAIN and the Redford thing AGAIN. Quick, to the

$64000: In theater, spirit gum is used primarily for which of these

A) Secure scenery B) Attach wigs
C) Soothe vocal cords D) Remove makeup

No hesitation. She says it's D.

And so it is!

$125,000: Which of these geographic regions are not mentioned in the
song "God Bless The USA"?

A) Hills of Tennessee B) Plains of Texas
C) Lakes of Minnesota D) Shores of Florida

She says she's never heard the song, which means she did a remarkable
job of avoiding the post-9/11 blitz. She'll use that final lifeline to
call Tony, who is a past big winner on this very show.

He heard the song this morning, and thinks it is D. He goes through the
other choices to be sure, believes they were all there, and reiterates
his answer just before the 30 is up. Damn fine job, assuming he's right…

Which he is!

Hey, another two questions, another ad break!

Regis explains that Tony was Tony Mangaser, who collected $250,000 on
his appearance in April 2001. (Hey, I pop-upped that show!) Carol is
about to match that, if she has one more correct answer in her! Tony's
question at this level was quite fortuitous-it was about the
Phillipines, which happened to be where he grew up. Will Carol get so
lucky? BTW, Carol and Tony have never met in person, she just called him
when she found out she would be on. Carol promises to take Tony out to
thank him, and Regis envisions some hanky-panky. (He's 23, she's, well,

$250,000: Sidereal time is measured by tracking what?

A) Continental drift B) Position of stars
C) Radioactive decay D) Animal migration

She thinks she knows, but she has doubts. She's thinking B. There's a
lot of padding here to reach the 90 minutes.

She decides to walk. She would have been right. "First impressions,
first impressions, first impressions," Regis says to the last

No real fanfare…the usual "that's our show" and the credits roll.

But *we* will have a little fanfare, as everyone gets a chance to say
their piece--in part two of this post, coming up next.

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