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Convicted serial killer Charles Ng gives new media interview,talks about how he felt as the legal murder sentence against him was read,demonstrates his moral superioty & courage,in CA

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May 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/9/99

Here is a very interesting update on the one and only Charles Ng, convicted
California serial killer who has tragically and perversely been sentenced to be
legally murdered by you diseased hypocrites, just about a week ago. Charles has
given a brand new interview to a local CA newpaper, and the shining SUPERIORITY
of charles, as well as his courageous honesty, becomes undeniably clear, even
clearer than it already was, upon reading the intelligent and morally superior
words and sentiments that Charles GRACIOUSLY chose to share with you UNWORTHY

Charles lets his ENEMY, you humans, know exactly how he felt upon being
perversely condemned to be legally murdered. His words ring out with truth and
courage, as he tells us: "It’s a strange experience. It’s just like the doctor
telling you that you have a terminal disease . . . You think you are
psychologically prepared for it, but it’s still like a big shock. I was just
filled with anger and rage. I didn't want to be there, and it was like I was
being battered into sitting there." He is talking about how he felt in the
moments and hours following the reading/announcement of the legal murder
sentence in court. Well Charles, I can certainly understand why it would feel
strange to be told by the very society that is seeking to punish you because
YOU committed murder, that it intends to murder you. Strange, bizarre,
perverse, hypocritical...All those adjectives apply. As far as being filled
with anger and rage, all I can say is "BRAVO!" to you Charles. You are entitled
to feel enough anger and rage to DESTROY the entire world, based upon the
perverse injustice that society has inflicted upon you, throughout your entire
life, culminating with the ULTIMATE outrage, a societal decree that you, a
VICTIM of society, must and will be MURDERED, for doing nothing more than
REACTING to, RESPONDING to, REFLECTING back at humanity, the brutal
mistreatment and injustice and traumatization that you were subjected to. The
CYCLE of violence & injustice was begun against you. All you've ever fone
Charles, is RESPOND BACK to the violence and injustice, as you had every right
to do.

It's only natural that Charles is feeling depressed as a result of this legal
murder sentence. But at least in his interview, done just a few days after the
sentence was handed down, Charles is showing himself to be just as thoughtful,
courageous, and most of all, SELF-VALUING, as he has always been. Unlike some
serial and MANY mass killers, Charles clearly is intewlligent, insightful, and
in touch with the TRUTH enough, to know that he does NOT deserve to be
punitively punished, he does not deserve to be legally murdered, and he does
not WANT to die. Rational people NEVER want to die. Wanting to KILL can be
perfectly rational. But wanting to die is a sign of mental dysfunction, and
it's obvious that Charles does NOT suffer from that type of mental illness.

He embraces himself, and his life. He is a realist and a philosopher. He
thinks about and is in touch with his true emotions. All of these facts place
Charles head and shoulders ABOVE the vast majority of you humans, and they make
the fact that Charles will be forced to wake up each day for the rest of his
life knowing that a legal murder sentence hangs over his head, all the more

Charles continues to profess his innocence with regard to all the killings,
and places the blame on his partner Leonard Lake. Wise move. There are still
MANY avenues of appeal left to Charles, and as I've said consistently
throughout the trial, prosecutors ABSOLUTELY FAILED to prove beyond a
reasonable doubt that Charles committed ANY of the killings, by his own hand.

Stay Strong, Charles!

Take care, JOE

The following appears courtesy of today's Associated Press news wire:

Convicted serial killer says he was shocked by death sentence


SACRAMENTO (AP) - Convicted serial killer Charles Ng expected a jury to
recommend that he be executed for murdering 11 people, but he said he was still
shocked and angry when the verdicts were read.

"It’s a strange experience," he said in a jailhouse interview with The
Sacramento Bee published Saturday. "It’s just like the doctor telling you that
you have a terminal disease . . . You think you are psychologically prepared
for it, but it’s still like a big shock."

After the verdicts were announced, he sat silent and refused to answer
questions from the judge and his lawyer.

"I was just filled with anger and rage," Ng said Friday. "I didn’t want to be
there, and it was like I was being battered into sitting there."

Ng, a Hong Kong native, was convicted Feb. 24 of murdering six men, three women
and two baby boys in a Northern California crime spree during 1984 and 1985. An
Orange County Superior Court jury recommended May 3 that he should be put to
death for the crimes.

Ng, 38, is scheduled to be sentenced June 29. The judge may accept the jury’s
recommendation that he be executed or reduce the penalty to life in prison
without parole.

Ng’s case has been one of California’s longest murder prosecutions, taking 14
years to go to trial. He fought extradition from Canada, hired and fired
lawyers, and for a time represented himself.

In the interview Friday, Ng once again insisted he was innocent and blamed his
friend Leonard Lake for all the slayings. Lake committed suicide after his
arrest in 1985, leaving Ng to stand trial alone.

Ng said he only found out about the killings after he helped Lake bury the
bodies of two victims in April 1985.

"If I had known what Lake was up to, I probably would have walked out," he

Three days before the jury’s recommendation, juror Karen Barrett received a
call from a man who said he was "Charles" and told her: "I just wanted to tell
you, you are very nice."

Superior Court Judge John J. Ryan allowed the juror to remain on the panel; she
said she was "nervous" but would not be prejudiced by the incident.

Ng refused to say whether he called the juror, but said Barrett was "the only
one who gave me a smile and looked me in the eyes. I don’t know whether she had
something going on or not."

In an interview after the verdict, Barrett said she believes Ng placed the
call. "It made me sick that he had my telephone number and was able to get hold
of me like that," she said.

Though jurors were identified only by number, Ng said he has known the jurors’
names since the beginning of the trial because his defence lawyers possessed
that information.

Judge Ryan revoked the defendant’s phone privileges after the incident because
he feared Ng was trying to create a mistrial.
The following appears courtesy of the 5/8/99 online edition of The Sacramento
Bee newspaper:

Jury's death verdict enraged him, Ng says

By Laura Mecoy
Bee Los Angeles Bureau
(Published May 8, 1999)

SANTA ANA -- Charles Ng, in his first interview since a jury recommended he be
put to death, said Friday that he "felt like an animal being led to slaughter"
as he headed to court to hear the verdict.

Even though he knew what the jury would say, the 38-year-old convicted killer
said he was still shocked and enraged to hear its recommendation on Monday that
he be put to death for 11 Calaveras County murders.

"It's a strange experience," he said in an interview from the Orange County
jail. "It's just like the doctor telling you that you have a terminal disease.
. . . You think you are psychologically prepared for it, but it's still like a
big shock."

He said that's why he sat silent, refusing to answer the judge's or his
lawyer's questions after the verdict.

"I was just filled with anger and rage," Ng said, his eyes downcast behind his
thick glasses. "I didn't want to be there, and it was like I was being battered
into sitting there."

Dressed in a jail-issued, mustard-colored jumpsuit and talking in rapid-fire
fashion, Ng complained bitterly about his lawyers, the judge, his treatment in
jail and his exclusion from a juror misconduct hearing held shortly before
Monday's verdict.

The judge said he kept Ng out because he was worried about an outburst when a
juror testified that a man named "Charles" had called her to say she was "very

On Friday, Ng refused to say whether he placed the call. But he said the juror,
Karen Barrett, was "the only one who gave me a smile and looked me in the eyes.
I don't know whether she had something going on or not."

In an interview after the verdict, Barrett said she believes Ng placed the
call. "It made me sick that he had my telephone number and was able to get hold
of me like that," she said.

Jurors had only been identified by numbers during the trial, and the judge had
promised to protect their anonymity.

But Ng said he's known the jurors' names since the beginning of the trial
because the defense team had that information.

Superior Court Judge John J. Ryan took away Ng's phone privileges April 30 and
told the lawyers he was worried Ng may have been trying to trigger a mistrial
by calling a juror.

When Ng returned from court on Monday, he said he found his cell had been
searched and some papers removed as part of the court's investigation into the
phone call.

He said he still can't use the phone, so he hasn't been able to speak to his
parents or his sister since the verdict.

"It has devastated them already," he said. "It's like this is a continuing
process for them."

His parents reluctantly made the trip from Hong Kong to Santa Ana to ask the
jury to spare their son's life.

They said they were ashamed, and Ng said they are "fatalistic. They don't think
the system is going to exculpate a person who is innocent."

Ng once again professed his innocence, claiming that his friend, Leonard Lake,
committed all the killings. Lake committed suicide after his 1985 arrest,
leaving Ng to stand trial for helping him in a sex, torture and murder spree in
1984 and 1985.

Even though he'd helped Lake burglarize the apartment of three of his victims
and torture two female captives, Ng said he didn't know about the murders until
he helped Lake bury the bodies of Lonnie Bond Sr. and Robin Scott Stapley in
April 1985.

After the verdict, several jurors said they didn't know if Ng killed anyone.
But they said they believed he knew about the murders and could have stopped

Ng said he couldn't stop murders he didn't know about. He said he didn't report
Bond's and Stapley's deaths because he was in the country illegally and
believed they'd been killed in a "confrontation" with Lake.

"If I had known what Lake was up to, I probably would have walked out," he

Even now, though, he calls Lake a "surrogate father."

"It's hard to express the hate," Ng said. "It's like what can I do? He killed

He disputed his lawyers' portrayal of Lake as a "diabolical" killer, and said
the defense had "exaggerated" the involvement of Lake's ex-wife, Claralyn

The defense team suggested Balazs was Lake's accomplice rather than Ng. Ng said
Friday she "probably knew as much as I did about the murders. . . . The only
difference between her and me is I was on the M Ladies tape."

He was referring to the most incriminating evidence at the trial, a videotape
of Lake and Ng taunting two female captives and threatening to kill them if
they didn't become sex slaves.

Ng said he believes now that Lake was trying to ensure his silence by making
that tape.

"If in the future, I wanted to inform on him, he had something on me," Ng said.

Ng is scheduled to return to court on June 29 for formal sentencing. If, as
expected, the judge upholds the jury's verdict, he said he will fight it.

But he said he's "depressed and hopeless," and gave a slight smile at the
notion that he could say anything that would change the public's negative view
of him.

"I don't think I can change people's minds," he said. "When they put a jacket
(a bad reputation) on you, you can't do much about it."
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May 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/10/99
Hideous serial murders do tend to be treated less than courteously in jail.
And people who go around killing totally innocent people for no good reason can
expect to end up dead if they do this in a capital punishment state. What the
hell did this ugly fat slant-eyed mutation expect? The arrogance of this creep
not thinking about his victims felt about their undeserved death penalty.


May 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/10/99

Joe1orbit <> wrote in message


> "If I had known what Lake was up to, I probably would have walked out," he
> said.




May 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/10/99

"YaKnow" <NoS...@Bluefield.Net> Wrote:



Yes, probably. Charles' use of that word is yet another example of his
HONESTY and courage and desire to express himself SINCERELY. Besides which, in
a rational society, WITNESSING someone else commit serial murder, and failing
to stop the person, tattle-tale to the cops, or flee in terror, would NOT be a
criminal offense. WHY the hell should anyone be legally obligated by your
perversely hypocritical society to pro-actively perform a so-called 'good
deed'. The ONLY legal issue should be: "Did Charles personally commit or
physically PARTICIPATE in the commission, of any of these murders?" And like I
said, prosecutors totally failed to prove this, beyond a reasonable doubt, thus
entitled Charles, in a rational society, to a full acquittal.

Take care, JOE



May 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/12/99

Joe1orbit <> wrote in message

> Joe1orbit <> wrote in message
> >
> >
> >===CLIP===
> >> "If I had known what Lake was up to, I probably would have walked out,"
> >> said.
> >===CLIP===
> "YaKnow" <NoS...@Bluefield.Net> Wrote:
> >Probably?
> Hello,
> Yes, probably. Charles' use of that word is yet another example of his

My emphasis was that he didn't say DEFINITELY. So, admittedly, he MIGHT
have stayed...


May 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/12/99
Joe1orbit <> wrote in message
>> Joe1orbit <> wrote in message
>> >
>> >
>> >===CLIP===
>> >> "If I had known what Lake was up to, I probably would have walked out,"
>> >> said.
>> >===CLIP===

>> "YaKnow" <NoS...@Bluefield.Net> Wrote:
>> >Probably? Wrote:

>> Hello,
>> Yes, probably. Charles' use of that word is yet another example of his

"YaKnow" <NoS...@Bluefield.Net> Wrote:

>My emphasis was that he didn't say DEFINITELY. So, admittedly, he MIGHT
>have stayed...


Yes. Charlesa was gracing us with COURAGEOUS HONESTY. And if he had stayed
and WATCHED Leonard commit the murders, so what? If he didn't PERSONALLY
PARTICIPATE in the killings, attacking the victims himself and contributing
physically to their deaths, he still would NOT deserve to be charged with even
a single count of murder, manslaughter, or even involuntary homicide. In a
rational society, NO person would be legally obligated to perform any "good

Jul 25, 2015, 1:58:17 AM7/25/15
Do you still believe in Charles Ng?
I have just begun to look into this story, as I am a college student.
It is very saddening to me and I strangely took Charles' side. Usually, I don't mind so emotionally but this time is different.
I don't mean to start any arguments or trouble after so many years. But I am very curious as to information about him.
Thank you,

Mar 20, 2017, 10:16:22 PM3/20/17
"Demonstrates his moral superiority and courage"?? Dude...exactly what fucking PLANET are you living on? This man is as guilty as sin, his crimes were VIDEOTAPED; there is no doubt whatsoever as to his culpability. He deserves NO sympathy in any shape or form...only DEATH.

Nov 21, 2017, 8:27:03 PM11/21/17
I am appalled that this charles is still alive on death row costing the state tax payers WHY ISN'T HE DEAD??? Death is really not enough and you JOE are as sick as charles!

bingo jones

Nov 26, 2017, 5:09:55 PM11/26/17
where are all the usenetters these days? traffic has gone thru the floor.

bingo jones

Jun 17, 2019, 1:42:13 PM6/17/19
So, Joe, since there is video evidence of Ng sexually assaulting kidnapped women who were later found murdered, are you saying he should only be serving time for rape? What about abetting kidnapping and torture? He could also be accused of torturing women.

Greg Carr

Jun 18, 2019, 8:16:02 PM6/18/19
On Monday, June 17, 2019 at 11:42:13 AM UTC-6, wrote:
> So, Joe, since there is video evidence of Ng sexually assaulting kidnapped women who were later found murdered, are you saying he should only be serving time for rape? What about abetting kidnapping and torture? He could also be accused of torturing women.

I kill filed this Joe creep around 2,000 A.D. haven't seen any posts from him in the last 5 years. Hopefully he has repented or killed himself. Why the state of California hasn't executed this evil thief, liar, torturer, kidnapper, rapist, killer is beyond me. Why do the voters of California put up with this drain on the treasury? This case is a prime example why there should be a death penalty.

Feb 26, 2020, 8:26:16 PM2/26/20
I wouldn't wish cancer on any human being....Charles Ng is not human so I hope he gets cancer between his legs. I wish the same on Joe1Orbit and anyone else who is against executing serial killers.

Beaver Fever

Mar 29, 2020, 3:46:25 PM3/29/20
He hasn't posted since then, dummy.

Greg Carr

Mar 30, 2020, 1:04:57 AM3/30/20
Glad the serial killer is dead.

Greg Carr

Mar 30, 2020, 2:39:11 AM3/30/20
On Friday, July 24, 2015 at 10:58:17 PM UTC-7, wrote:
0 new messages