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Update on massacre of 5 gals in MD,all found shot dead inside house known for drug activity,27 y.o.fellow arrested & charged with the mass killing,but cops say at least 3 other men participated in the rampage,& arrest warrants have been issued for all 3

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7 ธ.ค. 2542 03:00:007/12/42

Okay folks, I am all squared away in terms of getting my Favorite Places
back, and it's time to finally get back to doing what I love best, posting
fascinating True Crime stories, honoring the societal victims who have found
the courage to seek and claim violent, homicidal vengeance. I sure DID miss out
on a BUNCH of really cool breaking SK/MM news items, during my 3 1/2 day
absence. There is a HUGE serial child killer case that broke in Pakistan, we
had a PROLIFIC family massacre in CA that involved a Daddy exterminating FIVE
of his child-slaves, AND we had a mass slaughter of FIVE gals in Maryland.

I am pleased and proud to present this update on the Maryland massacre, which
apparently was NOT a solo slaughter spree, a fact that does diminish my
interest in and appreciation for the spree, to some degree.

Just a few hours ago, a 27 year old fellow named Ismael Malik Wilson was
arrested, and is facing FIVE counts of murder. Cops are saying that even though
Malik is the killer, he is only one of FOUR men who participated in this
massacre, to some degree. Arrest warrants have been issued for the other three
men. So the pigs apparently know the IDENTITY of all three of the other
suspects, that they are searching for.

The five gals were all shot dead inside of the same house, which was located
in a slum area, known for illegal drug activity. They were NOT raped or
otherwise sexually assaulted. Our killers were able to WIPE OUT three
generations of the same family, since 3 of the 5 victims were related to each
other, as grandma, Mommy, and 18 year old daughter-slave. One other person was
inside the house when the shooting spree was initiated, but managed to escape.
No doubt prosecutors are grooming this lucky human as their prime eyewitness,
trying to get her or him to identify the 4 men as the gunmen. The tactical
lesson here is very clear, if you plan to commit mass murder and make a clean
getaway, you need to make sure that you do not let anyone see you COMMIT the
rampage, and survive to become a tattle-tale to cops & prosecutors.

Cops say they don't think the five slaughtered gals were involved with drugs,
even though they DO admit that illegal drug use or sales WAS being CONDUCTED AT
the house. I bet that at least one or two of the five gals DID handle illegal
drugs, in one capacity or another.

Maybe Ismael can strike some sort of a plea deal, if he agrees to BETRAY his
fellow killers. Or they might be able to do the same, if they ever get caught,
which they probably will, since their identities are known. I do not SUPPORT
any societal victim turned justifiable predator, BETRAYING a fellow victim
turned predator. But sometimes ya just gotta look out for #1, and obviously
prosecutors will TRY to punitively punish all FOUR of these mass killers, to
the max. If one or two of them choose to try and gain leniency by testifying
against the others, I certainly wouldn't condemn their choice.

We also get a few interesting details on other mass murders that has occured
in the city of Baltimore in past years. One in particular, that grabs my
attention, was a LONE rifleman rampage undertaken WAY back in 1971, by a
Vietnam veteran who opened fire inside a Southwest Baltimore paintbrush factory
with a hunting rifle and an M-1 military carbine, shooting SIX and killing
FIVE. Nice to hear that your ultra-diseased society's armed forces manage to
inspire a few of their brainwash victims to go on to claim ILLEGAL homicidal
vengeance, to go along with the societally sponsored and advocated legal murder
committed as part of a genocidal war that amerikkkan leaders chose to

Take care, JOE

The following appears courtesy of today's Associated Press news wire:

Man Arrested in Baltimore Slayings

BALTIMORE (AP) - A suspect was arrested Monday night in the killing of five
women, including a grandmother, her daughter and granddaughter, who were found
shot to death in a home.

Police identified the man as Ismael Malik Wilson, 27, and said arrest warrants
had been issued for three other men.

Police said one person was able to escape the house and witnesses led them to
identify the four, but did not say if the person who escaped identified the

Authorities also said they believed the house where the killing took place was
used for drug activity, but investigators did not believe the women were
involved in drug dealing.

The dead included a 54-year-old woman, her 39-year-old daughter and her
18-year-old granddaughter. Also killed were two women, 26 and 23, whose
relationships to the others was unclear.
The following appears courtesy of today's American Broadcasting Company news

Schmoke Offers Help

December 6, 1999


(BALTIMORE) - Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke is offering to lend a hand to the
investigation of last night's murders. Schmoke is sending a crisis team out to
help the families of the five victims of last night's shooting. The mayor says
the team of counselors will also be available to help police who don't have
experience dealing with a mass murder.
The following appears courtesy of the 12/6/99 online edition of The Baltimore
Sun newspaper:

Five women found killed in city home
Suspects seen leaving Belair-Edison area in gold Nissan Maxima; Victims
believed related; Off-duty school officer fires at escaping car during later
By Marcia Myers And Richard Irwin
Sun Staff

Five women were found shot to death in a Northeast Baltimore rowhouse last
night, capping a violent weekend in which 10 people were killed by gunfire in
the city, police reported.

The victims, believed to be related, died of multiple gunshot wounds at the
home in the 3500 block of Elmley Ave. in Belair-Edison, police said. The women
were targeted and the shootings were not random, police said. Names of the
victims were not released last night.

Witnesses saw a group of men leaving the neighborhood in a 1992 gold Nissan
Maxima shortly before 7: 30 p.m. Minutes later, police received a 911 call
reporting a shooting in the house.

A half-hour later, occupants of a car matching that description were involved
in a carjacking attempt at the McDonald's restaurant at East 29th Street and
Greenmount Avenue in North Baltimore, said Agent Ragina L. Cooper, a police

The intended carjacking victim ran into the McDonald's, pursued by one of the
suspects. Warren Brooks, who has served for 18 months as a Baltimore school
police officer, was moonlighting as a plainclothes security guard at the
McDonald's, said Leonard Hamm, school police chief. When the suspect pointed
his weapon at the officer, Brooks drew his handgun and fired once, Hamm said.

The suspect dropped his weapon and fled, police said. The weapon was recovered,
but police would not describe it last night.

The suspects fled in the Nissan.

"Apparently, a patron was driving through the drive-through. We believe the
suspects in this case attempted to carjack that person," Cooper said. "The
suspects then attempted to go into the McDonald's, and they were fired upon by
an off-duty school officer."

Court records list the owner of the house where the shootings occurred as Mary

Neighbors said that a woman moved in a little more than a year ago and that few
knew her or the younger women at the home who were thought to be her daughters.

Residents in this working-class neighborhood said there were often visitors to
the two-story rowhouse where the bodies were found. The visitors would
double-park on Elmley Avenue and run into the house, neighbors said.

But aside from occasionally playing music too loudly, neighbors said, the
people living in the house were quiet.

E. Lynn Wolf, who has lived across the street for six years, said she was aware
of the comings and goings of young women who appeared to be in their teens and
20s. On warm days, Wolf said, one of the young women frequently could be seen
filling a small blue wading pool on the front porch so a toddler could splash
in it.

Wolf said she had never noticed any problems at the house or anywhere on the

"The biggest trouble we have here is kids riding go-carts," Wolf said. "And the
worst thing I've heard happening is four or five years ago, someone got their
pocketbook snatched."

Police said last night that they did not consider the shooting a domestic
incident. Col. John E. Gavrilis, head of the criminal investigation division,
described the shootings as an "inside job," meaning that all the victims were

A neighbor said he watched as five men approached the house, acting

"As I looked at them, they looked back at me and acted as though they were up
to something no good," said the man, who lives several doors away. He did not
want to be named.

The Nissan bore Maryland license plate GGB-562, according to police.

At least two semiautomatic weapons were used in the killings, police said, and
it appeared that everyone in the house when the gunmen arrived was killed.

Police found the body of a woman believed to be in her 60s in the kitchen and
discovered four other bodies in the club basement. One victim was found slumped
in a chair; the others were sprawled on the floor, police said.

All had been shot several times in what police called an "execution-style"
slaying. Police said it did not appear that the house had been ransacked.

Mayor Kurt L. Schmoke, who described the incident as a "mass murder," visited
the crime scene last night and assured Belair-Edison residents that the
neighborhood was safe.

"This neighborhood should not be concerned with a random, marauding group of
people," Schmoke said. "It appears the killers in this horrific incident
targeted the victims. We are not involved in a spree of crime here."

A crisis team was sent to the scene to help distraught relatives deal with the
situation, the mayor said, saying that even hardened police offers were

In addition to the Elmley Avenue killings, at least 20 other shootings, five of
them fatal, occurred in the city during the weekend, police said.

Early yesterday, Lionel Robinson, 23, died after being shot in the chest during
an argument with two unidentified suspects outside his Southwest Baltimore
home, police said.

Witnesses told police the suspects fled on foot after the shooting at 12: 45
a.m. in the 2600 block of Marbourne Ave., in the Lakeland neighborhood. Police
discovered Robinson's body in the back yard.

"We don't know what they were arguing about," Cooper said.

Police had no suspects and had not recovered a weapon, she said.

On Friday, North Howard Street merchant Arie Aruhami was robbed and shot to
death as he walked to his car in the business district downtown; Ahmed Abu
Bakersulaman, 33, was shot in the head in an attempted robbery of the Blue Nite
Inn in the 2400 block of E. Fayette St.; and Thomas Muldrow, 22, of the 3000
block of Herbert St., was fatally shot in the chest while walking in the 1400
block of Braddish Ave.

On Saturday, a 17-year-old East Baltimore youth died after being shot in the
head as he sat in his car in the 2300 block of Ashland Ave.

Darnell Hutchins of the 700 block of N. Lakewood Ave. was sitting in a 1993
Mitsubishi shortly after 3 p.m. when a gunman shot him at point-blank range.
Hutchins died at Johns Hopkins Hospital a short time later.

The weekend's homicide toll brought the number of slayings in the city this
year to 287.

The city had 314 killings last year -- the ninth straight year with more than
300 homicides -- making Baltimore the fourth deadliest city per-capita in the

Police and city leaders had hoped that a decline in homicides at the beginning
of the year would keep Baltimore below the 300 mark this year.

Last night's shootings were among the worst in the city's history.

In July 1986, five people were shot to death -- three of them with the hands
tied behind their backs -- at a Pimlico apartment building in the 3500 block of
Woodland Ave.

Five people were killed and a police officer was wounded in November 1971, when
a Vietnam veteran opened fire inside a Southwest Baltimore paintbrush factory
with a hunting rifle and an M-1 military carbine.

Sun staff writers Tim Craig and Walter F. Roche Jr. contributed to this

Originally published on Dec 6 1999
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