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Strange Pharmacist Suicide

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Mar 28, 2002, 9:02:40 PM3/28/02
Never heard of this one before. From the AP:

Suspended Pharmacist Found Dead

PLEASANT HILL, Calif (AP) - The former co-owner of a pharmacy blamed for a
fatal meningitis outbreak was found dead with six skin patches containing a
powerful painkiller attached to his body.

The body of Jamey Phillip Sheets, 32, the former co-owner of Doc's Pharmacy,
was discovered by his wife, Michelle, on Tuesday.

Michelle Sheets told authorities her husband was depressed about a 90-day
suspension of his pharmacy license. No note was found, but authorities said
they do not suspect foul play.

The punishment stemmed from a state investigation linking the pharmacy to a
tainted batch of injectable steroids that caused an outbreak of meningitis last
June, killing three people and leaving 13 others hospitalized.

An administrative law judge had found that poor sterilization techniques and
other substandard practices caused the batch to be tainted with bacteria. The
state said Sheets' partner, Robert Horwitz, did not properly supervise two

The state pharmacy board found that Sheets had no direct involvement, but bore
some responsibility because he was co-owner.

Horwitz, 62, lost his pharmacy license, and the technicians, like Sheets, had
their licenses suspended. The pharmacy was shut down and sold.

Sheets' wife told authorities she found her husband's body when she returned
from a visit to her mother. Painkiller patches containing the opium-like drug
fentanyl were stuck to his chest, stomach and neck. Toxicology test results
were pending.


"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the
experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to
do so."--Douglas Adams.


Mar 28, 2002, 10:19:55 PM3/28/02
On 29 Mar 2002 02:02:40 GMT, maggi...@aol.comSPAMBLOC (Maggie)

>Never heard of this one before. From the AP:
>Suspended Pharmacist Found Dead
>PLEASANT HILL, Calif (AP) - The former co-owner of a pharmacy blamed for a
>fatal meningitis outbreak was found dead with six skin patches containing a
>powerful painkiller attached to his body.
>The body of Jamey Phillip Sheets, 32, the former co-owner of Doc's Pharmacy,
>was discovered by his wife, Michelle, on Tuesday.
>Michelle Sheets told authorities her husband was depressed about a 90-day
>suspension of his pharmacy license. No note was found, but authorities said
>they do not suspect foul play.

This story is in my area.. The man had 2 little boys and I feel so
sorry for his family. The pharmacy was a well known compounding
pharmacy and this younger guy was buying it from the old pharmacist .
( they were partners) I can't remember how many people died but it
was proven to have come from the meds they were taking. Law suits
were being filed against this guy and I am sure they will still go
against his poor wife and his estate. I guess the patches were a
quick and painless death for him but I don't see it as a fix for his


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