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I buy lots of toys to bribe myself to not quit when launching projects at work...

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Gustavo Wombat, of the Seattle Wombats

Aug 22, 2016, 3:33:08 AM8/22/16

Red Masterpiece Bumblebee is different enough from Bumblebee that I am not bothered by the weird alt-mode.

Blue Bluestreak looks like Alternators Smokescreen to me, and I just cannot shake it -- the PBS head in blue, with a gold crest is too recognizable. Also, this is a knock-off, and the joints are all looser -- not too loose, but loose.

Exhaust just looks like Wheeljack with different paint. I know he is Wheeljack with different paint, but he doesn't feel like a different character, more like undercover Wheeljack who offers kids cigarettes to show he's evil so the Decepticons will take him in. Another KO, and feels like it. I would happily buy Masterpiece Slicer, and a Masterpiece toy based on TF:Prime Dead End -- it's a great mold.

Clampdown is pretty nice.

Titans Return Galvatron just doesn't seem like as good of a toy as Energon Galvatron. Closer to the original in robot mode, and much closer in cannon mode (given Energon Galvatron's lack of cannon mode), but the cannon points up oddly and the vehicle mode is pretty awful. I don't love the Titan Master Nucleon either -- too plain. Weird color matching issues with the purples on the body.

I cannot get over the feeling that Titan Masters have come and beheaded Galvatron, and are piloting his corpse around. Nucleon is meant to look like Megatron, so perhaps it is some weird time travel thing, where Galvatron goes back in time and is killed by Megatron who now rides his own future corpse.

My cat is covered in cat hair.

It's been a busy month. Bribes were needed.


Aug 24, 2016, 11:04:52 PM8/24/16
On Monday, August 22, 2016 at 1:33:08 AM UTC-6, Gustavo Wombat, of the Seattle Wombats wrote:

> Anyway...

I do that sometimes. I reward myself after a big project at work (like doing the reset for the entire toy department, by myself, for like the fourth year in a row). Got me the giant-sized Mutatin' versions of Leonardo and Raphael from the 12" TMNT assortment. Just 'coz. Do I need them? No. Do I have room to display them? No. But they're fun.

> Red Masterpiece Bumblebee is different enough from Bumblebee that I am not
> bothered by the weird alt-mode.

Maybe one day I'll pick that one up. To me, it would be Masterpiece Ladybug.

> Blue Bluestreak looks like Alternators Smokescreen to me, and I just cannot
> shake it -- the PBS head in blue, with a gold crest is too recognizable.

Did the original G1 mold ever get reissued in a Diaclone-style "blue Bluestreak" color scheme? I can't remember now.

> Exhaust just looks like Wheeljack with different paint.

I, too, would buy a Masterpiece Slicer.

> the cannon points up oddly and the vehicle mode is pretty awful.

The vehicle mode is there for the same reason that Sixshot is a submarine. Well, not the exact same reason, but it's there for the youngsters, not for you and me. And you actually can point Galvatron directly forwards in cannon mode and he stands up unassisted.

> My cat is covered in cat hair.

That's good. Naked cats are ugly.

Zob (and sticky)

Gustavo Wombat

Aug 25, 2016, 5:09:27 AM8/25/16
Zobovor <> wrote:
> On Monday, August 22, 2016 at 1:33:08 AM UTC-6, Gustavo Wombat, of the
> Seattle Wombats wrote:
>> Blue Bluestreak looks like Alternators Smokescreen to me, and I just cannot
>> shake it -- the PBS head in blue, with a gold crest is too recognizable.
> Did the original G1 mold ever get reissued in a Diaclone-style "blue
> Bluestreak" color scheme? I can't remember now.

Why, yes. I bought one back in 1984... I insist I did, despite all evidence
to the contrary.

I assume there must have been a reissue in that color scheme. EHobby milks

I wish I was a mole in the ground.

Shin Hibiki

Sep 5, 2016, 1:32:23 AM9/5/16
Zobovor <> wrote:

>I do that sometimes. I reward myself after a big project at work (like doing the reset for the entire toy department, by myself, for like the fourth year in a row).

I should do the opposite--quit buying toys so I can stop
trying to justify not leaving a job that is rapidly going downhill.

- Shin Hibiki, not kidding--I have this argument with myself daily

The race ain't over yet, baby
It's only just begun
They thought they had it won, baby
But soon we'll have 'em on the run

Gustavo Wombat, of the Seattle Wombats

Sep 5, 2016, 2:44:13 AM9/5/16
On Sunday, September 4, 2016 at 10:32:23 PM UTC-7, Shin Hibiki wrote:
> Zobovor <> wrote:
> >I do that sometimes. I reward myself after a big project at work (like doing the reset for the entire toy department, by myself, for like the fourth year in a row).
> I should do the opposite--quit buying toys so I can stop
> trying to justify not leaving a job that is rapidly going downhill.

Wow! You're a professional bobsledder! That's so cool!

Sep 5, 2016, 5:30:42 PM9/5/16
I think very, very few people legitamitely enjoy their jobs. They are certainly out there, but a majority of those people have low paying affairs. The people I know That quit their jobs in search of happiness at another company have found different issues at the next place.
If you are having more bad days than tolerable days, then it might make sense to move on. Otherwise, suggest you buy lots of toys to get you through it. Works for me, kinda..


Gustavo Wombat

Sep 6, 2016, 5:36:57 AM9/6/16
What I really want is to take a 25% pay cut and only work 9 months a year,
but somehow such things are frowned upon. I wouldn't mind that I had to cut
back on toys, banjos, eating out, tattoos, piercings, elective surgery for
the cats, tattoos for the cats, piercings for the cats, etc. Or a 20% pay
cut and never show up on a Friday again (or Monday, I'm flexible).


Sep 6, 2016, 8:04:48 AM9/6/16
On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 3:36:57 AM UTC-6, Gustavo Wombat, of the Seattle Wombats wrote:

> What I really want is to take a 25% pay cut and only work 9 months a year,
> but somehow such things are frowned upon.

You could become a teacher. It's the only vocation that gets a summer vacation like we got when we were kids.

Zob (of course, they also make, like, six dollars a day)
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