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Who is an ATHEIST?

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Jul 16, 2011, 8:42:39 PM7/16/11
Gays? No. More and more gays are entering the ministry. They
cannot be atheists.

Wiccans? No. They whisper spells into the supernatural realm.
They cannot be atheists.

Hindus? No. They can have up to 3,000 gods.

Scientists? No. No true scientist rejects the unknown.

Humanists? No. Humans have all sorts of beliefs (see above) which
"humanists" cannot deny. They cannot be atheists either.

Buddhist, Muslims, Voo-Doo queens etal. Nope. You get the point.

I wonder, who is an atheist?


Jul 16, 2011, 9:06:16 PM7/16/11

Reprobates. That's my view.

I apologize to the lurkers here. Having put so many of these
idjuts here into my killfile I will not see many of the replies
and therefore, will not be able to fully participate.

Ro 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the
world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are
made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are
without excuse.

Ro 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an
image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted
beasts, and creeping things.

Ro 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their
knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those
things which are not convenient

Romans 1:20 (see above) speaks to "self-evident" truths as
mentioned in our Declaration of Independence. Atheists just do
not see it. Period. End of story.

Anyway's, that's my view of who is an atheist.

and you?



Jul 16, 2011, 9:11:58 PM7/16/11

I suggest that you get a clear idea of what one is before you blow
your hot air all over the place.

If you are a Theist of the Christian God then YOU are an Atheist 3000
times over for the Hindu gods.
But let's take your idiotic list one at a time.
1) One or two 'gays' enter the ministry - does not mean that
homosexuals are not atheists. Most are atheists of one sort or
another, even the ones that join a ministry.
2) Wiccans. They are atheists of the so-called "one true God"
3) Hindus are the least atheistic as mist deny no god .
4) Atheism provides the scientist with the most precious way of
looking at the Universe; a rejection of certainty. It is only the
Theist that can claim that.
5) All Humanists are atheistic, by definition.
6) Buddhists are atheistic. Though some versions of syncretic
Buddhism accept some of the old Hindu gods. Buddha rejected theism.

I wonder how you could be so ignorant of basic facts.

Sir Frederick Martin

Jul 16, 2011, 9:19:41 PM7/16/11
On Sat, 16 Jul 2011 19:42:39 -0500, wrote:

>I wonder, who is an atheist?

Information structures, such as 'humans', robots, or ETs, that
practice atheist stories. What else?

Jul 16, 2011, 10:16:26 PM7/16/11
On Sat, 16 Jul 2011 18:11:58 -0700 (PDT), Chazwin
<> wrote:

>On Jul 17, 1:42 am, wrote:
>> Gays? No. More and more gays are entering the ministry. They
>> cannot be atheists.
>> Wiccans? No. They whisper spells into the supernatural realm.
>> They cannot be atheists.
>> Hindus? No. They can have up to 3,000 gods.
>> Scientists? No. No true scientist rejects the unknown.
>> Humanists? No. Humans have all sorts of beliefs (see above) which
>> "humanists" cannot deny. They cannot be atheists either.
>> Buddhist, Muslims, Voo-Doo queens etal. Nope. You get the point.
>> I wonder, who is an atheist?
>> US4Zion
>I suggest that you get a clear idea of what one is before you blow
>your hot air all over the place.

See my other recent posts on the matter. And by all means, join
in on the discussion.




Jul 16, 2011, 10:42:31 PM7/16/11
On Jul 17, 1:06 pm, wrote:

Why treat a rational world-view with such disgust, while privileging
one particular irrational superstition so unequally?

Mark Evans

Jul 17, 2011, 12:24:44 AM7/17/11
On Jul 16, 5:42 pm, wrote:
> Gays? No. More and more gays are entering the ministry. They
> cannot be atheists.
No, it appears that the gays are already in the ministry and are just
becvming more open about it. And, if you are hypocritcal enough, you
can enter the ministry and be an atheist.

> Wiccans? No. They whisper spells into the supernatural realm.
> They cannot be atheists.

Nobody I know has ever accused wiccans of being atheists. Like
christians they have a supernatural belief system. Someof them even
follow multi divided dieties, like christians.

> Hindus? No. They can have up to 3,000 gods.

No limit on how many gods in hinduism. Even Jehovah and his kid fit
into the system.

> Scientists? No. No true scientist rejects the unknown.

Open to the unknown? Yes. Accepting wild claims without proof,
especially when the claims violate everything a scientist has learned
via observation, experimentation and hard work? NO. And, BTW, if a
diety or beflief system is known to people it is hardly "unknown".

> Humanists? No. Humans have all sorts of beliefs (see above) which
> "humanists" cannot deny. They cannot be atheists either.

Humanists believe in people, not gods. Many become humanists after
seeing through the illusion of theisim.

> Buddhist, Muslims, Voo-Doo queens etal. Nope.

Nobody, except foolish fundies, ever claimed that they were atheists
so why do you think that they might have been classisfed as such?

>You get the point.
The point is that you do not have the faintest idea about what you are
posting about.

> I wonder, who is an atheist?

Rational, intelligent people who do not swallow the theist tales and
who seek sense in the world. I admidt that they are in regretably
short supply.

Mark Evans


Jul 17, 2011, 12:49:35 AM7/17/11
On 2011-07-16 20:42, wrote:

"Who is an ATHEIST?"

You're an atheist, since you do not believe in Zeus, or the FSM.

Devils Advocaat

Jul 17, 2011, 12:58:25 AM7/17/11
On Jul 17, 1:42 am, wrote:

Let me put you straight right now.

An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in any deity or deities.

Now reconsider what you have posted.


Jul 17, 2011, 3:44:43 AM7/17/11
US4Z said,
Who is an atheist?

BroilJAB said,
It's a frightened kook in strong denial of reality.


Jul 17, 2011, 7:25:37 AM7/17/11
wrote in message
Anyone can be atheist .. all they have to do is not believe as true all the
nonsense stories about gods.


Jul 17, 2011, 1:05:34 PM7/17/11
On Jul 17, 5:49 am, Olrik <> wrote:

> On 2011-07-16 20:42, wrote:
> "Who is an ATHEIST?"
> You're an atheist, since you do not believe in Zeus, or the FSM.

Bless his nooooooodly appendage!!!


Jul 17, 2011, 1:07:19 PM7/17/11

That is not so. If you examine the history of the term, it has always
been used as an insult by theists to other theists who did not believe
in the "true" god.

I can give you chapter and page number of a dozen relevant sources if
you wish.

Jul 17, 2011, 6:28:09 PM7/17/11

Stand by. I'm getting to the bottom of this. Most of these idjuts

I have proof. In sending hundreds of these idjuts into killfile
I'm finding that true ATHESISTS are quite rare, and not so

Statistics show that only about 3 or 4% of the population are
ATHEISTS. I believe that.

Killfile is a great thing!


Jul 17, 2011, 6:28:09 PM7/17/11

Teenage gays and lesbians get on the internet and think they can
hide under the cover of ATHEISM.

I realize that. At the same time and not being GOD myself, my
tolerance and mercy is not eternal.

More than likely you will eventually end up in my killfile. But I
could be wrong. Who knows?


Caranx latus

Jul 17, 2011, 6:50:20 PM7/17/11
On 17/07/2011 6:28 PM, wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 00:44:43 -0700 (PDT), Loirbaj
> <> wrote:
>> US4Z said,
>> Who is an atheist?
>> BroilJAB said,
>> It's a frightened kook in strong denial of reality.
> Stand by. I'm getting to the bottom of this. Most of these idjuts
> I have proof. In sending hundreds of these idjuts into killfile
> I'm finding that true ATHESISTS are quite rare, and not so
> bothersome.

What's your criteria for determining who is a True Atheist and who isn't?

> Statistics show that only about 3 or 4% of the population are
> ATHEISTS. I believe that.
> Killfile is a great thing!
> US4Zion

<newsgroups trimmed>

Mike Jones

Jul 18, 2011, 8:22:40 AM7/18/11
Responding to: us4zion

Your capacity to "believe" far outreaches what reality is capable of.

You could earn good money in Hollywood, y'know? ;)


Mike Jones

Jul 18, 2011, 8:23:41 AM7/18/11
Responding to: us4zion

Are you masturbating while posting again?

Yes, its that obvious. ;)



Jul 18, 2011, 12:28:44 PM7/18/11
On Jul 16, 8:42 pm, wrote:
Convicts? No, the overwhelming majority of convicts in the USA are



Jul 18, 2011, 1:34:01 PM7/18/11

Well, it certainly isn't liars like you.


Jul 18, 2011, 1:36:10 PM7/18/11
On Jul 17, 3:28 pm, wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 10:05:34 -0700 (PDT), Chazwin
> <> wrote:
> >On Jul 17, 5:49 am, Olrik <> wrote:
> >> On 2011-07-16 20:42, wrote:
> >> "Who is an ATHEIST?"
> >> You're an atheist, since you do not believe in Zeus, or the FSM.
> >Bless his nooooooodly appendage!!!
> Teenage gays and lesbians get on the internet and think they can
> hide under the cover of ATHEISM.
> I realize that. At the same time and not being GOD myself, my
> tolerance and mercy is not eternal.
> More than likely you will eventually end up in my killfile. But I
> could be wrong. Who knows?

So you post shit where you know it'll be recognized as shit, and then
pretend you're going to killfile people who call you on your shit?



Jul 18, 2011, 1:36:31 PM7/18/11
On Jul 17, 3:28 pm, wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 00:44:43 -0700 (PDT), Loirbaj
> <> wrote:
> >US4Z said,
> >Who is an atheist?
> >BroilJAB said,
> >It's a frightened kook in strong denial of reality.
> Stand by



Jul 18, 2011, 1:37:14 PM7/18/11



Jul 19, 2011, 8:47:22 AM7/19/11

In fact the percentage of Christians INSIDE is larger than the
percentage of Christians OUTSIDE.

It seems that atheists tend to obey the law more than beleivers.


Jul 19, 2011, 8:45:52 AM7/19/11
On Jul 17, 11:28 pm, wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 10:05:34 -0700 (PDT), Chazwin

Most gays that I know do not feel they have to hide from anyone.
Homosexuality is as natural as anything else, and most feel they were
born that way.
It was not like they simply had a choice.
Take your mind back to when you were a teenager. Did you not wake up
one day thinking about women/girls?
Do you think you had a choice? I certainly did not. It's now about 37
years after those first feelings and I still think about sex with
women everyday. A gay person can no more choose to be straight, than I
could choose to be gay.

I would consider it a privilege and an achievement to be in your kill-
file. Your kill-file is probably full of all the people you should be
listening too but are too scared to face their truths.

Fac ut Vivas!


Jul 19, 2011, 9:00:49 AM7/19/11
US4Z said,
Who is an atheist?

BroilJAB said,
It's a frightened kook in strong denial of reality.

It's a deviant who may not yet be convicted
as such.


Jul 19, 2011, 9:22:39 AM7/19/11
On Jul 18, 12:28 am, wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 10:05:34 -0700 (PDT), Chazwin

I think it is only fair that I, as a google grouper with no killfile
capacity and therefore compelled to read or at least, scan rapidly
through your posts, you return the favour by reading our amused
responses to your idiocies, without resorting to killfiles.

Thank you for your indulgence.

Jul 19, 2011, 5:08:49 PM7/19/11

Too late. Sorry. I just put Chaz into killfile (as predicted
beforehand) after trying to read her reply.

Been their done that. I know the end result of trying to be
"fair" with reprobates.

I like the killfile approach much, much better. Far more peaceful
here now. Life is good. Heaven will be even better.

Afterall, hell itself is the ultimate "killfile".

Justice is more than "fair".



Jul 22, 2011, 6:55:39 PM7/22/11

Bloody moron.
You are like a little gorl that sticks her fingers in her ears and


Jul 22, 2011, 11:52:52 PM7/22/11
On 17 Juli, 02:42, wrote:
> Gays? No. More and more gays are entering the ministry. They
> cannot be atheists.
> Wiccans? No. They whisper spells into the supernatural realm.
> They cannot be atheists.

The gays who enter the ministry are not atheists, one would hope, but
many others are.

> Hindus? No. They can have up to 3,000 gods.
> Scientists? No. No true scientist rejects the unknown.

Scientists certainly acknowledge that some things are unknown. But
even more important, rejecting the unknown is not the same thing as
believing there is a God.

> Humanists? No. Humans have all sorts of beliefs (see above) which
> "humanists" cannot deny. They cannot be atheists either.

You seem to think atheism means you have no beliefs. This is
bordering on hallucinatory since some atheist believe there is no
God. And humanists tend not to believe in God.

> Buddhist, Muslims, Voo-Doo queens etal. Nope. You get the point.
> I wonder, who is an atheist?

Well, gosh, anyone who does not believe in God or who believes there
is no God.

> US4Zion


Jul 23, 2011, 12:04:33 AM7/23/11

Note his Pride: like God he sends people to Hell.


Jul 23, 2011, 2:15:41 AM7/23/11
First register them, likely many will
then submit to chipping to make
tracking easier. Breathes new life
into the maxim: round up the usual

Joe Bruno

Jul 23, 2011, 3:06:16 AM7/23/11

I foresee a problem with that.The atheists will deny they are atheists
just to avoid registration.

Here's what I suggest. Subpoena them as witnesses in a trial.
Then, when they lie under oath, you can jail them for Perjury.
Then they can be registered as convicted felons.

Joe Bruno

Jul 23, 2011, 3:07:16 AM7/23/11
On Jul 18, 5:23 am, Mike Jones <l...@dasteem.invalid> wrote:
> Responding to: us4zion
> > On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 10:05:34 -0700 (PDT), Chazwin <>

> > wrote:
> >>On Jul 17, 5:49 am, Olrik <> wrote:
> >>> On 2011-07-16 20:42, wrote:
> >>> "Who is an ATHEIST?"
> >>> You're an atheist, since you do not believe in Zeus, or the FSM.
> >>Bless his nooooooodly appendage!!!
> > Teenage gays and lesbians get on the internet and think they can hide
> > under the cover of ATHEISM.
> > I realize that. At the same time and not being GOD myself, my tolerance
> > and mercy is not eternal.
> > More than likely you will eventually end up in my killfile. But I could
> > be wrong. Who knows?
> > US4Zion
> Are you masturbating while posting again?
> Yes, its that obvious. ;)
> --
> *=(

At least he has the balls to masturbate.You obviously don't.

Joe Bruno

Jul 23, 2011, 3:07:55 AM7/23/11
On Jul 19, 5:47 am, Chazwin <> wrote:
> On Jul 18, 5:28 pm, JohnN <> wrote:
> > On Jul 16, 8:42 pm, wrote:
> > Convicts? No, the overwhelming majority of convicts in the USA are
> > Christians.
> > JohnN
> In fact the percentage of Christians INSIDE is larger than the
> percentage of Christians OUTSIDE.



Jul 23, 2011, 9:51:50 AM7/23/11

Been shown in this NG many times, starting back in 1999, Since you are a
lawyer, why don't you research it for yourself:-)).

Joe Bruno

Jul 23, 2011, 10:02:38 AM7/23/11

I'm not a lawyer. I never even took the Bar exam.

The burden of proof is on the person making the claim.
That is the rule in both law and philosophy.

Interested Lurker

Jul 23, 2011, 11:54:32 AM7/23/11
On Sat, 23 Jul 2011 00:06:16 -0700 (PDT), Joe Bruno <>

Yeah, round them up and put them altogether in some kind of holding
facility. Consolidate them in one place to make it easier to keep tabs
on them. You could have lots of tents or other kinds of rudimentary
buildings, maybe, to house them - a kind of camp, really.

Think of it, instead of allowing them to roam willy-nilly among the
rest of the population, you could force them all to live in one or two
places, thus diluting their affect on society as a whole but,
inevitably, concentrating their numbers. Yeah, some kind of cluster
facility and then, when the noble, honest and moral religionist
majority have come to a decision (fair and balanced, no doubt), it
would be very easy to implement whatever their ultimate resolution may
Organised religion is violent, irrational, intolerant,
allied to racism, tribalism, and bigotry, invested in
ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of
women and coercive toward children - Christopher Hitchens

The Bible is bollocks - me.

The Quran is cobblers - also me.

The Torah is testicles - me again.

Interested Lurker

Jul 23, 2011, 11:59:01 AM7/23/11
On Sat, 23 Jul 2011 00:06:16 -0700 (PDT), Joe Bruno <>

>On Jul 22, 11:15 pm, Loirbaj <> wrote:

And to mark them out, perhaps a tattoo of some sort on the forearm? A
number, perhaps?


Jul 23, 2011, 1:57:09 PM7/23/11
First register them, likely many will
then submit to chipping to make
tracking easier. Breathes new life
into the maxim: round up the usual

Joe Bruno said

I foresee a problem with that.The atheists
will deny they are atheists just to avoid registration.

Here's what I suggest. Subpoena them as witnesses in a trial. Then,
when they lie
under oath, you can jail them for Perjury.
Then they can be registered as convicted

BroilJAB said,
Though they don't now know it, how much
happier than would then be: actually WORKING
for a prison. Many birds, with one

Father Haskell

Jul 23, 2011, 5:11:10 PM7/23/11

Only christians send people into hell. God, never.


Jul 23, 2011, 5:56:03 PM7/23/11

We have a good example of that in Norway this week where a Christian
send 91 people to hell.

Jul 23, 2011, 7:48:09 PM7/23/11

I'm beginning to think that Mike is actually a delusional
lesbian. I sent her to killfile hell weeks ago yet she keeps
replying to me.

Is that stupid or what?

What does that say about atheists in general? Apparently they
think only atheists should appear here in alt.atheism.

It's a good thing we all have guns. I mean think about it. Rabid
atheists could be anywhere.... WalMart, the gas station, the
grocery store, the Post Office.... anywhere anytime.

One never knows. The brilliance of the founding fathers giving us
the 2nd amendment never ceases to amaze, and comfort me.

US4Zion (armed at all times)


Jul 23, 2011, 8:11:10 PM7/23/11

Poor US4zion.
Like other narcissists he thinks that if he isn't aware of something
it has no value.

Doc Smartass

Jul 24, 2011, 12:20:49 AM7/24/11
Joe Bruno <> wrote in news:65e90228-35f8-490d-9dd8-

> On Jul 22, 11:15�pm, Loirbaj <> wrote:
>> First register them, likely many will
>> then submit to chipping to make
>> tracking easier. Breathes new life
>> into the maxim: round up the usual
>> suspects.
> I foresee a problem with that.The atheists will deny they are atheists
> just to avoid registration.

I won't. But I dare you to try making me participate :)

Doc Smartass, BAAWA Knight of Aimin' to Misbehave aa # 1939



"Rupert Murdoch" is Australian for F*cked.

Doc Smartass

Jul 24, 2011, 12:22:01 AM7/24/11
Interested Lurker <> wrote in

Would there be armbands? Yellow's not my color.

Mike Painter

Jul 24, 2011, 12:47:17 AM7/24/11

Further proof of what would happen if a fundamentalist religion took over
the USA.
Furthre proof that the idiots who belong to those veery small groups believe
it would be their version of The One True Religion.

And anytime you want to compare what you have done for the people in your
community with what I do in mine, you are welcome to speak out.

Devils Advocaat

Jul 24, 2011, 1:39:15 AM7/24/11
On Jul 17, 6:07 pm, Chazwin <> wrote:
> On Jul 17, 5:58 am, Devils Advocaat <> wrote:

> > On Jul 17, 1:42 am, wrote:
> > > Gays? No. More and more gays are entering the ministry. They
> > > cannot be atheists.
> > > Wiccans? No. They whisper spells into the supernatural realm.
> > > They cannot be atheists.
> > > Hindus? No. They can have up to 3,000 gods.
> > > Scientists? No. No true scientist rejects the unknown.
> > > Humanists? No. Humans have all sorts of beliefs (see above) which
> > > "humanists" cannot deny. They cannot be atheists either.
> > > Buddhist, Muslims, Voo-Doo queens etal. Nope. You get the point.
> > > I wonder, who is an atheist?
> > > US4Zion
> > Let me put you straight right now.
> > An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in any deity or deities.
> That is not so. If you examine the history of the term, it has always
> been used as an insult by theists to other theists who did not believe
> in the "true" god.
> I can give you chapter and page number of a dozen relevant sources if
> you wish.
What you say may be correct with respect to past usage, but I am
referring to current usage, as atheists themselves use it.

The current online version of the Oxford English Dictionary supplies
the following definitions of the word "atheist":

1. One who denies or disbelieves the existence of a God.

It has been used thus since 1555 AD.

2. One who practically denies the existence of a God by disregard of
moral obligation to Him; a godless man.

It has been used thus since 1577 AD.

And the Princeton website has the
following definitions of atheist, atheistic and atheism:

someone who denies the existence of god

(atheistic) rejecting any belief in gods

(atheism) the doctrine or belief that there is no God

(atheism) a lack of belief in the existence of God or gods

> > Now reconsider what you have posted.


Jul 25, 2011, 1:32:20 AM7/25/11
On 2011-07-23 19:48, wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Jul 2011 00:07:16 -0700 (PDT), Joe Bruno

> US4Zion (armed at all times)

Does that help you on the internet?


Jul 25, 2011, 1:49:01 AM7/25/11
On Jul 16, 8:42 pm, wrote:
> Gays? No. More and more gays are entering the ministry. They
> cannot be atheists.
> Wiccans? No. They whisper spells into the supernatural realm.
> They cannot be atheists.
> Hindus? No. They can have up to 3,000 gods.
> Scientists? No. No true scientist rejects the unknown.
> Humanists? No. Humans have all sorts of beliefs (see above) which
> "humanists" cannot deny. They cannot be atheists either.
> Buddhist, Muslims, Voo-Doo queens etal. Nope. You get the point.
> I wonder, who is an atheist?
> US4Zion

And what the heck you give a flying crap ? You got fanily, you got a
job, got a life? There is an extra-ordinary amount of information
out there on the internet. That's all it is. It will be out
there forever, or until the internet tanks. You're way all over the
place, settle down. Gsys, atheists, Wiccans. Scientists...and, as we
know, you have no deep education in any matter, as you presented.
No point, substance, education, frame of reference. No smarts, no


Jul 25, 2011, 2:15:56 AM7/25/11
First register them, likely many will
then submit to chipping to make

BroilJAB said,
A programme that cleverly ropes them in,
into submitting would be best. For instance,
ask for names of folks in favor of man/beast
"marriage" on the ballot. Whoever signs
something like that...gotta be an atheist.

Joe Bruno

Jul 25, 2011, 2:27:44 AM7/25/11
On Jul 23, 9:20 pm, Doc Smartass <> wrote:
> Joe Bruno <> wrote in news:65e90228-35f8-490d-9dd8-

> > On Jul 22, 11:15 pm, Loirbaj <> wrote:
> >> First register them, likely many will
> >> then submit to chipping to make
> >> tracking easier. Breathes new life
> >> into the maxim: round up the usual
> >> suspects.
> > I foresee a problem with that.The atheists will deny they are atheists
> > just to avoid registration.
> I won't. But I dare you to try making me participate :)

I'd much rather be a magician so I could make you disappear.
> --

Joe Bruno

Jul 25, 2011, 2:26:22 AM7/25/11

You're talking to a member of the NRA and I agree with you.


Jul 25, 2011, 3:14:41 AM7/25/11
In article
Loirbaj <> wrote:

You cretinist IDolators have indulged yourselves in more beastiality
than any equal number of non-theists are even capable of.


Jul 25, 2011, 5:43:03 AM7/25/11
On Jul 24, 1:48 am, wrote:
> I'm beginning to think that Mike is actually a delusional
> lesbian. I sent her to killfile hell weeks ago yet she keeps
> replying to me.
> Is that stupid or what?

Nobody replies to you. Replying means they would have to evaluate your
comments and think about a response.

They merely point out that you are delusional and stiupid/.

PS !

You are delusional and stupid

> What does that say about atheists in general?

They are neither delusional nor stupid


Jul 25, 2011, 5:54:39 AM7/25/11
earl said,
Nobody replies to US4Z. Replying means

they would have to evaluate your
comments and think about a response.

BroilJAB laughs,
Seems that, knowing he has cast you
into Killfile darkness, the atheists reply
MORE than ever.


Jul 25, 2011, 9:52:21 AM7/25/11

Bruno, you've lied so many times that you don't believe yourself.

Doc Smartass

Jul 25, 2011, 3:01:08 PM7/25/11
Joe Bruno <> wrote in news:210c9212-860d-46c4-9002-

Wish in one hand, shit in the other, squeeze them both to see what's

Mike Jones

Jul 25, 2011, 5:54:11 PM7/25/11
Responding to: Joe Bruno

You could just STFU and FOAD. That way, /everybody/ wins! %)


Jul 25, 2011, 8:14:45 PM7/25/11

Great! We're good as long as LAW prevails!


Jul 25, 2011, 8:42:26 PM7/25/11

Then you tell me. What is the answer? How can we all get along
without God?

Don't be a humanist godless Marxist. We already know and have
seen how they only lay on the couch and bitch endlessly at anyone
who ever they are who dares to come up with a plan.

Old stuff. History. The m.o. of the godless. Got it. Been there
done that.

If godlessness were the answer then Sodom and Gomorrah would be
the global model. Perverts and the immoral would reign.

How many U.S. Presidents were gay?

Answer: None. all U.S. Presidents lay there hand on the Holy
Bible and swear an oath to God.

I'm waiting for your answer pertaining to how we should all get
along. Please don't bother to merely bitch and moan about the

Go ahead though if you wish. Bitch and moan your way into my
killfile. It's up to you and is not a matter of negotiation.



Jul 25, 2011, 11:08:01 PM7/25/11
In article <>, wrote:

> Then you tell me. What is the answer? How can we all get along
> without God?

Those who say they have a god don't seem to be getting along so well,
and much of their fighting is about which version of a god, whereas
those who do not have any gods are not at war with anyone.

Other than those trying to push some version of a god down everyone's

Modern atheism merely says that no single theist religion has yet made
its case.

If any one of them had, of course, there would be no others still
around, so the continuing presence of so many active theist religions
establishes the fact that no one of them HAS made its case.

It is no part of the vast majority of modern atheists positions to
declare that there are no gods, merely to say that there is no claimed
version of a god which has been estabished to be any more real than each
and every other claimed version of a god, so that we modern atheists
choose not to put our faith in any of them.

Doc Smartass

Jul 25, 2011, 11:25:56 PM7/25/11
Mike Jones <lu...@dasteem.invalid> wrote in news:j0kom2$9t4$7

> Responding to: Joe Bruno
>> On Jul 23, 9:20 pm, Doc Smartass <>
>>> Joe Bruno <> wrote in news:65e90228-35f8-490d-9dd8-
>>> > On Jul 22, 11:15 pm, Loirbaj <> wrote:
>>> >> First register them, likely many will then submit to chipping to
>>> >> make
>>> >> tracking easier. Breathes new life
>>> >> into the maxim: round up the usual
>>> >> suspects.
>>> > I foresee a problem with that.The atheists will deny they are
>>> > atheists just to avoid registration.
>>> I won't. But I dare you to try making me participate :)
>> I'd much rather be a magician so I could make you disappear.

> You could just STFU and FOAD. That way, /everybody/ wins! %)

The Loo-Tenant could always exercise some of that self-discipline the
military's supposed to teach unruly little shitters such as he and unplug
forthwith from the Internet.

But we know he doesn't have any such discipline.


Jul 26, 2011, 1:03:07 AM7/26/11
On 2011-07-25 20:14, wrote:

> Great! We're good as long as LAW prevails!

For once, a point I agree with you: thank god for taxes that enforces
the LAW!

> Us4Zion


Jul 26, 2011, 10:51:46 AM7/26/11

Sure, but the point is he sees himself as Godlike. He is practicing
godhood with his killfiling.


Jul 26, 2011, 10:54:50 AM7/26/11
On 26 Juli, 02:42, wrote:

> Then you tell me. What is the answer? How can we all get along
> without God?

This was particularly humorous. It is as if the history of religious
wars simply never happened. Or the way, for example, Christianity
supported genocide and slavery and mass murder - thinking of the
Inquisition with the last one and distinguishing this from the way
Christianity supported the killing of certain races of people.


Jul 28, 2011, 1:18:03 AM7/28/11
On Jul 16, 9:11 pm, Chazwin <> wrote:

> On Jul 17, 1:42 am, wrote:
> > Gays? No. More and more gays are entering the ministry. They
> > cannot be atheists.
> > Wiccans? No. They whisper spells into the supernatural realm.
> > They cannot be atheists.
> > Hindus? No. They can have up to 3,000 gods.
> > Scientists? No. No true scientist rejects the unknown.
> > Humanists? No. Humans have all sorts of beliefs (see above) which
> > "humanists" cannot deny. They cannot be atheists either.
> > Buddhist, Muslims, Voo-Doo queens etal. Nope. You get the point.
> > I wonder, who is an atheist?
> > US4Zion
> I suggest that you get a clear idea of what one is before you blow
> your hot air all over the place.
> If you are a Theist of the Christian God then YOU are an Atheist 3000
> times over for the Hindu gods.
> But let's take your idiotic list one at a time.
> 1) One or two 'gays' enter the ministry - does not mean that
> homosexuals are not atheists. Most are atheists of one sort or
> another, even the ones that join a ministry.
> 2) Wiccans. They are atheists of the so-called "one true God"
> 3)  Hindus are the least atheistic as mist deny no god .
> 4) Atheism provides the scientist with the most precious way of
> looking at the Universe; a rejection of certainty. It is only the
> Theist that can claim that.
> 5) All Humanists are atheistic, by definition.
> 6)  Buddhists are atheistic. Though some versions of syncretic
> Buddhism accept some of the old Hindu gods. Buddha rejected theism.
> I wonder how you could be so ignorant of basic facts.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

"If you are a Theist of the Christian God then YOU are an Atheist
3000 times over for the Hindu gods."

Uh.uh, you ignorant slug. Have no idea of what you speak.
Obviously, no education, but here you are, on a computer, do carry


Jul 28, 2011, 1:30:37 AM7/28/11
> US4Zion- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Yikes. End scene. Done. It's all over the place, no clue about
anything. Perhaps all others should stop paying attention, it is of
no value whatsoever. Nothing important.

Jul 28, 2011, 4:41:22 PM7/28/11

Exactly. 100% correct. I'm beginning to like you. You are spot
on. It's a done deal and many of us have actually already stopped
paying attention.

"Go ye forth of Babylon, flee ye from the Chaldeans, with a voice
of singing declare ye, tell this, utter it even to the end of the
earth; say ye, 'The Lord hath redeemed his servant Jacob'."
(Isaiah 48:20)

Damn, am I ever glad that I did not prematurely send you to
killfile. You have (inadvertently perhaps) revealed the end game.

Please do not feel compelled to reply. You have already done more
good than you can possibly imagine.

N.T. version of the redemption of JACOB:

Ro 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be
ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own
conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the
fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

Ro 11:26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is
written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall
turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

Ro 11:27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall
take away their sins.

Game over? What? When? As you see it occurs at the conclusion of
the age of the Gentiles.

This is perhaps THE MOST IMPORTANT THREAD here among all of the
active threads.

Unfortunately I have only about a half dozen or so atheists here
with which I can discuss these things. All the others are in my

OTOH that might be a good thing. They can all read and\or follow
along if they wish.



Jul 28, 2011, 6:58:51 PM7/28/11
In article <>, wrote:

> This is perhaps THE MOST IMPORTANT THREAD here among all of the
> active threads.

Actually, to claim that is an instance of the deadly sin of pride.

So that uz2sion has just damned himslef.


Jul 29, 2011, 10:27:54 AM7/29/11



Jul 29, 2011, 5:12:35 PM7/29/11
On Thu, 28 Jul 2011 16:58:51 -0600, Virgil <>

I realize that you read your Bible every night and know
everything written about "sin"..... but please, don't insult my
intelligence by assuming that I believe that you believe
everything that you read.

Virg, Virg, Virg old pal..... it's easy to cut you slack here
knowing your potential. Time and time again you have
demonstrated the capacity to be "civil" and tolerant wrt them who
may hold differing views.

Compromise? No. No way. I will never and I don't expect you to
either. Yet like you, I can be quite civil. Even more civil than

Here's why. Fundamentally speaking, atheists actually disagree
with Jesus (not the true Christian)....

"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the
Father, but by me." - Jesus

... so the ranting's of the nominal Atheist who curses the
believer at every opportunity turns out to only be yet another
exercise of ignorance:

"He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me
receiveth him that sent me." - Jesus

My killfile is full of intolerant, ignorant, uncivil hypocrites.

Let's talk,



Jul 29, 2011, 6:59:00 PM7/29/11
In article <>, wrote:

> Virg, Virg, Virg old pal.....

What deludes you to believe that?


Jul 31, 2011, 6:06:01 AM7/31/11

If you have an argument to make then make it!
Clearly you have no real objection.


Aug 1, 2011, 8:06:39 PM8/1/11
On Jul 17, 12:25 pm, "Inertial" <> wrote:
> wrote in
> Anyone can be atheist .. all they have to do is not believe as true all the
> nonsense stories about gods.

That would make him a damned idiot.


Aug 1, 2011, 8:43:52 PM8/1/11

Are you saying that people who believe nonsense stories are not idiots?
Is that what you're saying, Chazwin?


Aug 2, 2011, 3:15:48 AM8/2/11

She was referring to you as an extremely unimportant person here.
No body likes to pay attention to you since you are just a wandering
fog....nothing at all.

> "Go ye forth of Babylon, flee ye from the Chaldeans, with a voice
> of singing declare ye, tell this, utter it even to the end of the
> earth; say ye, 'The Lord hath redeemed his servant Jacob'."
> (Isaiah 48:20)

Bigotry talk.

> Damn, am I ever glad that I did not prematurely send you to
> killfile. You have (inadvertently perhaps) revealed the end game.
> Please do not feel compelled to reply. You have already done more
> good than you can possibly imagine.

Wow, imagining your trophy .....?

> N.T. version of the redemption of JACOB:
> Ro 11:25        For I would not, brethren, that ye should be
> ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own
> conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the
> fulness of the Gentiles be come in.


> Ro 11:26        And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is
> written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall
> turn away ungodliness from Jacob:


> Ro 11:27        For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall
> take away their sins.


> Game over? What? When? As you see it occurs at the conclusion of
> the age of the Gentiles.
> This is perhaps THE MOST IMPORTANT THREAD here among all of the
> active threads.
> Unfortunately I have only about a half dozen or so atheists here
> with which I can discuss these things. All the others are in my
> killfile.
> OTOH that might be a good thing. They can all read and\or follow
> along if they wish.

More nonsense.

> US4Zion

US zionist.

Aug 2, 2011, 4:56:25 PM8/2/11

Ummmm excuse me but let the women here speak for themselves.

>No body likes to pay attention to you since you are just a wandering
>fog....nothing at all.

Ummmm excuse me but let everyone here speak for themselves.

I appreciate your ambition. But making yourself everyones
spokesman won't work.

Beware less I force you to read everything I write here, whether
you agree with it or not.



Aug 3, 2011, 9:11:31 PM8/3/11

I was being literal us4zion is literally a damned idiot.


Aug 3, 2011, 9:18:50 PM8/3/11
On Aug 2, 1:43 am, Dakota <> wrote:

I was being literal. us4zion (as his name suggests) is not only a
blathering idiot, but he is also a damned idoit, by his own definition
of what would be deserving of damnation.
I was responding to the following....

> wrote:
>> This is perhaps THE MOST IMPORTANT THREAD here among all of the
>> active threads.

Aug 4, 2011, 1:26:13 PM8/4/11
On Jul 16, 10:16 pm, wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Jul 2011 18:11:58 -0700 (PDT), Chazwin
> <> wrote:

> >On Jul 17, 1:42 am, wrote:
> >> Gays? No. More and more gays are entering the ministry. They
> >> cannot be atheists.
> >> Wiccans? No. They whisper spells into the supernatural realm.
> >> They cannot be atheists.
> >> Hindus? No. They can have up to 3,000 gods.
> >> Scientists? No. No true scientist rejects the unknown.
> >> Humanists? No. Humans have all sorts of beliefs (see above) which
> >> "humanists" cannot deny. They cannot be atheists either.
> >> Buddhist, Muslims, Voo-Doo queens etal. Nope. You get the point.
> >> I wonder, who is an atheist?
> >> US4Zion
> >I suggest that you get a clear idea of what one is before you blow
> >your hot air all over the place.
> See my other recent posts on the matter. And by all means, join
> in on the discussion.
> thanks,

> US4Zion- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

You have proven time and time again that you are not interested in
true discussion, just your screeding version of your twisted beliefs.

Aug 5, 2011, 8:08:56 AM8/5/11
On Jul 17, 1:42 am, wrote:
> Gays? No. More and more gays are entering the ministry. They
> cannot be atheists.
> Wiccans? No. They whisper spells into the supernatural realm.
> They cannot be atheists.
> Hindus? No. They can have up to 3,000 gods.
> Scientists? No. No true scientist rejects the unknown.
> Humanists? No. Humans have all sorts of beliefs (see above) which
> "humanists" cannot deny. They cannot be atheists either.
> Buddhist, Muslims, Voo-Doo queens etal. Nope. You get the point.
> I wonder, who is an atheist?
> US4Zion

I am an atheist. Who else is, is their business.

Aug 5, 2011, 6:33:59 PM8/5/11


> Who else is, is their business.

Good point. Too bad they cannot exclude Christians from
alt.atheism huh?

That's a good thing. I mean just look at Sodom and Gomorrah.
There were not even 10 righteous souls to be found among the
entire Sodomitic culture.

What does that say about the gay agenda?

And he said, "Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet
but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he
said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake." (Genesis 18:32)

No, I'm not saying that ATHEISTS are all gay.

I'm saying that ATHESITS are lazy, and have basically sat on the
sidelines and let perverts co-opt their ideology and give them a
bad name.

ATHEISTS, in allowing perverts to co-opt their movement, have
even less of a chance to appeal to the moral side of any

The case FOR the ATHEIST and against the PERVERT can be made:

"For it had been better for them not to have known the way of
righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the
holy commandment delivered unto them" (2Peter 2:21)

Obviously, this could turn out to be quite a lengthy discussion.

I...., by no means claim to have the ability to solve all the
problems between ATHEISTS and their involvement in the immoral
agenda of the sexual perverts.

To the contrary. I understand that in the last of days perverts
will be runing amuck. It is written:

Lu 17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they
did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they

Lu 17:29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it
rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.

Lu 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of
man is revealed. - Jesus

ATHEISTS obviously promote the gay agenda.

Why? Why do you ATHEISTS so quickly and easily submit yourselves
to doom?

Fear. Yeah that must be it. Comfort in numbers. I mean only about
3% of the population are Atheists. Athesists read the HOLY BIBLE
religiously but bow to the gay agenda at the drop of a hat.

Why? It makes no sense to me atall.

ATHEISTS must be cowards. Unwilling to take a moral stand,
choosing rather to let others speak for them hoping that they
themselves will not have to get their hands dirty.

I say repent of your godless ways.

Who is an ATHEIST? And why?



Aug 5, 2011, 8:49:28 PM8/5/11



Aug 13, 2011, 9:46:52 AM8/13/11
On Aug 6, 1:49 am, Ralph <> wrote:

Another moron hits the stage.
Looking for Man-Love?


Aug 13, 2011, 9:46:15 AM8/13/11
On Aug 5, 11:33 pm, wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Aug 2011 05:08:56 -0700 (PDT),
> wrote:
> >On Jul 17, 1:42 am, wrote:
> >> Gays? No. More and more gays are entering the ministry. They
> >> cannot be atheists.
> >> Wiccans? No. They whisper spells into the supernatural realm.
> >> They cannot be atheists.
> >> Hindus? No. They can have up to 3,000 gods.
> >> Scientists? No. No true scientist rejects the unknown.
> >> Humanists? No. Humans have all sorts of beliefs (see above) which
> >> "humanists" cannot deny. They cannot be atheists either.
> >> Buddhist, Muslims, Voo-Doo queens etal. Nope. You get the point.
> >> I wonder, who is an atheist?
> >> US4Zion
> >I am an atheist.
> Congratulations?
> > Who else is, is their business.
> Good point. Too bad they cannot exclude Christians from
> alt.atheism huh?
> That's a good thing. I mean just look at Sodom and Gomorrah.
> There were not even 10 righteous souls to be found among the
> entire Sodomitic culture.

I am continually astounded by how much religious people are fascinated
by butt fucking.

> What does that say about the gay agenda?

It usually means they try to mind their own business.Maybe you should
examine your obsession with anal sex?

> And he said, "Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet
> but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he
> said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake." (Genesis 18:32)

But that is for GOd not you. He has not given you permission to judge

> No, I'm not saying that ATHEISTS are all gay.

Look to yourself big boy. Are you sure you don't want to take it up
the arse?
Of maybe you are a giver and not a reciever?

> I'm saying that ATHESITS are lazy, and have basically sat on the
> sidelines and let perverts co-opt their ideology and give them a
> bad name.
> ATHEISTS, in allowing perverts to co-opt their movement, have
> even less of a chance to appeal to the moral side of any
> argument.

We atheists do not normally condone the wholesale destruction of

> The case FOR the ATHEIST and against the PERVERT can be made:
> "For it had been better for them not to have known the way of
> righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the
> holy commandment delivered unto them" (2Peter 2:21)

Not much of a case is it? Because you have heard the word but do not
heed it.

> Obviously, this could turn out to be quite a lengthy discussion.

You have to provide content for that. Clearly you have only read one
book, and have a lack of imagination.

> I...., by no means claim to have the ability to solve all the
> problems between ATHEISTS and their involvement in the immoral
> agenda of the sexual perverts.

I have no problem, You are the one with the problem. And your problem
is that the world is not what you conceive it to be, and not what you
want it to be.
It is not for you to judge others.

> To the contrary. I understand that in the last of days perverts
> will be runing amuck. It is written:
> Lu 17:28        Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they
> did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they
> builded;
> Lu 17:29        But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it
> rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.
> Lu 17:30        Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of
> man is revealed. -  Jesus
> ATHEISTS obviously promote the gay agenda.

I'm not gay and see no reason to promote that agenda. But I do believe
that if god gave us free will then it has fuck all to do with you what
other people get up to in the privacy of their own homes.
I do not give a rat's arse that you secretly want to engage in anal
sex; or have a fantasy fixation about your mother - let is for you and
your conscience.

> Why? Why do you ATHEISTS so quickly and easily submit yourselves
> to doom?

Why don't you actually consider what you are saying? We don't
recognise this "doom" of what you speak.
You are pathetically trying to shame me for supporting Gays - but I do
not consider homosexuality a sin, or as wrong in any way, so you are
wasting your breath.
You just come across as a person totally obsessed with sex -
especially gay sex.
Your obsession is just a symptom of your belief system - suppression
leads to obsession.
You are fucked mate!!

> Fear. Yeah that must be it. Comfort in numbers. I mean only about
> 3% of the population are Atheists. Athesists read the HOLY BIBLE
> religiously but bow to the gay agenda at the drop of a hat.

No - that is for people who gather together. Atheists don't tend to do
that - that is what church goers do.
I have nothing to fear. I do not fear God, and do not fear death. That
is your problem matey!

> Why? It makes no sense to me atall.

Why - because the numerous contradictions in your post indicate that
your religion has made you a brain dead moron who cannot thinking for
himself or think clearly about a single thing.

> ATHEISTS must be cowards. Unwilling to take a moral stand,
> choosing rather to let others speak for them hoping that they
> themselves will not have to get their hands dirty.

yeah- they are this they are that - but you can't make sense of it.
Nothing you say makes any sense - especially not even to you.

> I say repent of your godless ways.

I say Get a fucking life; your current one has made you dumb and

And whilst you are at it you can go and take your crucifix and shove
it in and out of your arse - because clearly that is what you want.

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