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In Search of the Godfather Particle

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Tom Keske

Jan 3, 2010, 9:18:12 PM1/3/10

I thought I heard a gargoyle giggling,
whispering strange messages in my ear...

"The Pope needs an Eggsorcism...
... Humpty Dumpty was pushed...
The NSA fabricates safer wafers...
... The Pope sucks eggs and wears Leggs...
Disturbi Et Orbi Hocus Pocus Habeas Corpus..
... He made a Soap Pope impression of the Magi in Milan
and ate it and donated it to the National Trust,
like a lizard on a window pane...

It seemed mentally ill like a fox, like an invisible army,
a sophisticated, international network of mentally ill people
connected to each other by wireless broadband transceivers
in their molar teeth, applying their anarchistic expertise
in unpredictable patterns that only they could understand

Then he said something about a nuclear sub with men
who were packed in as tight as Three Men in a Tub
and whose Bosun had discovered the boson

The crooked cops and Italian mob wanted to make a hit
but the attempt fell short when the goddamn Godfather
got a lethal dose of God Particle radiation on his gonads
that left him singing opera like Tony Soprano

When the cops arrived, Ignor was the only one who knew what to do.
He showed the cops what happened.

He bopped Eggo on the nose, and making a knife of his finger, he
ran it into Selfie's chest, breaking it (the finger).

Selfie staggered back into Eggo and they both fell down.

Ignor raised his arms like Sylvester Stallone. The cops laughed
and laughed and said these kids were better than the Ritz
brothers. Said they ought to be in the movies.

The kids thought so, too, so on the way to the hospital they
asked the janitor where Hollywood was, especially the Cheech and
Chong building. Told they needed an act, they looked at each
other. Selfie solved it.

He bopped Eggo on the nose, Eggo stuck his finger in Ignor's eye.
Ignor cried out of the other eye. "He can cry only out of one
eye!" Cinch said. "Fabuloso" E. Cop Coppola said.

They were signed up, marked down, and fit in. Hair blown-dry,
toes straightened, they appeared in Godfather films IV through
VII and on Real People.

Fame came. They were asked for their opinion.
"On what?" they asked.

"Anything" was the answer.

"Equality!" Ignor said. "I like that."

They were soon signed up to run for office on the
Equal Equality ticket.

A Letter to the Author

The following letter was sent to the author of the NON-fiction
book that was written about a personal friend of the second of
the three popes who headed the Roman Catholic Church during the
year 1978, the one who served but 33 days. He argues that at
least one of the two Liberal popes who died that year was
murdered to make room for the ultra-Conservative pope who
replaced them, John Paul II.

"Dear Mr. Gregoire,

My name is Tommy. I read Murder in the Vatican.
I was born with one eye and had a wrinkled face so nobody wanted
me. I think I scared them.

I noticed in your book that General Patton said some words over
the grave of another soldier who like my father was gay and gave
his life to save some Italian school children.

My father tells me not to feel bitter because according to the
last census there are more than a million children in gay
families and they are in the some boat. But, of course, I am not
listed with them because of the don't ask don't tell policy. My
father says that there are also over fifteen million other
children in single parent families, many like me who are of gay
parents who are not counted in the census because they are
fearful of losing their jobs too. So we are talking about a lot
of children here, millions of them, not just me.

Both my father and I are sure that your book will be a best
seller, I want to ask you a favor. I want to ask you when you
are on Larry King Live, could you please read my letter. I think
it might help people to understand our problem.

After the Berlusconi attack, it's fair to ask: what is amiss

Those looking for portents as the first decade of the twenty
first century nears its end need look no further than Rome and
Milan. The attack on Pope Benedict by a mentally disturbed woman
comes nearly two weeks after a mentally disturbed man hurled a
statuette of Milan cathedral at Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian
Prime Minister, injuring him in the face.

Conspiracy theorists will no doubt argue that some psychic or
nervous disturbance is causing these eruptions of violence
Assault and Pepper Spray - alt.conspiracy | Google GroupsNov 21,
2009 ... From: "Tom Keske" <>

.... the psychic as she moves through the house to see if her
heart rate jumps, for instance, ...

But what if there was yet another possibility? Suppose Humpty
was pushed by an agent of the king h...
7. Humpty Dumpty Was Pushed! T-shirt

It's a conspiracy I tell you. Help right the wrong and spread
the word by wearing this "Humpty Dum...

* Half-exploded package bomb found in Milan
(Adds Interior Minister statement on bomb)

MILAN, Dec 16 (Reuters) - In a sign of rising tensions, a bomb
with 2 kg (4.4 lb) of dynamite was found half-exploded overnight
at Milan's Bocconi university, judicial sources said. A little-
known anarchist group claimed responsibility

Italian police have arrested a 26-year-old man who tried to
reach the hospital room of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who
is recovering from an attack on Sunday that left him with a
fractured nose and broken teeth.

The incident is likely to raise further questions about
Berlusconi's security
6. Chefs in a stew over pretentious cuisine | Reuters

24 Dec 2009. Pope calls for peace amid concern over his security

"Security is not even an issue," he says. "You can't think about
it. You just gotta do what you gotta do."

He worked with Indonesian tanks razing the streets, helicopters
swooping over his roof, gunshots shattering bone.

Women were raped, men shot and stabbed, children torn to pieces.
"Lots of people died in front of me," he says. Supplies were slim

Since then, documents, transcripts and witnesses have surfaced
to substantiate this brutal indictment

He comes from Iowa. He has worked with migrant farmers and the
impoverished population of Mozambique. He wears a perpetual
salt-and-pepper beard and running shoes on active feet.

In the lab, technicians will probe for malaria and tuberculosis
and parasites of the gut. They'll peer through a microscope at
tiny strips of glass.

Iowa Marriage Ban, Pope Benedict, Mormon Church Screwed

IOWA: The state Supreme Court will hear arguments next month
about whether the Defense of Marriage Act - briefly struck down
last year - is unconstitutional.

Pope Benedict against anti-gay discrimination, supports
execution and imprisonment of gay and lesbians. More here.
ZENIT - Benedict XVI Urges Ban on Cluster Bombs

Pope Mourns Victims of Mozambique Blast ... Pope Calls
Condolences to Cardinal of Madrid ... P...

Benedict's upbringing was in many ways classically Roman. He was
sent to Rome for schooling when the city was still the jewel of
antiquity. Alaric and Gaiseric had left their marks, but great
buildings like the Forum were still in use, the aqueducts had
not yet been cut, and the populace still enjoyed thermae.

There is some suggestion that Benedict, who was "of goodish
birth," may have begun studying law in Rome as a young man. He
quickly became alarmed at the degeneracy of the city, however,
"and drew back the foot which he had set on the threshold of
life." Instead Benedict chose to follow the path of the
religious anchorite and cenobite, "singing Psalms, studying,
fasting, praying, rejoicing in the hope of the life to come

Boethius and the last pagan philosophers still illuminated the
City of Light, and the Roman Imperial bureaucracy still

Yet Roman political and cultural power was clearly waning. Not
only did the old Imperial bureaucracy serve barbarian conquerors,
but foreign cultural attributes jostled shoulder to shoulder
with their traditional counterparts

Benedict became intimately familiar with several of these during
his early years as a saint in training.

Here Benedict lived as a hermit and practiced disfiguring acts
of sexual mortification which helped him win him a local
reputation for holiness.

An uproar among the monks resulted, and Benedict was forced to
move on to the old Roman town of Casinum on the Latin Way about
80 miles south of Rome, where he founded his own monastery,
Monte Cassino. Ancient pagan rites were still practiced on the
wooded hillside when Benedict arrived, but he smashed the idols
and burned the sacred grove. As his final act of possession, he
built an oratory to St. John where the altar of Apollo had stood.

It was at Monte Cassino that Benedict codified the insights of a
lifetime seeking his God.

According to high level Monte Carlo Lodge P2 Masonic Lodge
Illuminati insider, Leo Zagami, Pope Benedict XVI purposefully
inflamed Muslims with his recent speech in Germany on directions
of Jesuit General, Fr. Peter Hans Kolvenbach.

Kolvenbach, who Zagami calls the top Satanic evil leader giving
the Pope his marching orders, also claims his loyal Jesuits are
the leading "black Satanists and magicians" leading the New
World Order charge to destroy America.

So the Jesuits keep everybody by the stick using people in the
Monte Carlo P2 Illuminati GLADIO MAFIA to coordinate and control
Secret Societies

At the top level the Monte Carlo P2 Lodge in super Catholic
Monte Carlo is simply a Knights of Malta center for ultimate
PSYOP manipulation and blackmail plus the usual business deals.

The P2 and the Jesuits keep their privileges alive in Monte
Carlo because they blackmail even the gay Prince Alberto II of
Monte Carlo who has been doing orgies with two black gay men and
one black woman at the same time not knowing there was a P2
Brother with a camera living next door
8. Global Consciousness Project - Wikipedia, the free...

The Global Consciousness Project (GCP, also called the EGG Project)
is an experiment begun in 1998...
5. Electric Eggs Benedict Cooker

Low Prices. 1000's Of Choices.
Save On Electric Eggs Benedict Cooker.


The Egg Project

The Egg Project consists of a kinetic mechanical structure whose
arms deliver egg-like objects from one location towards another
within its perimeter, so that the delivery builds a circular
movement, delicate and precise in the same time.

Ozery' s work is about breaking categories between what is
considered mechanical and human. His Mother machine, nesting her
eggs with utmost care, combines machine with human emotion
pointing out that the relation may be fatally disturbed or could

Indeed, Ozery's machine transcends itself into a human domain,
as an automaton that discovers his own persona and therefore
consciousness. A robotic being that made a quantum leap, broke
the barrier and discovered its own soul. It-he-she is now a
utopic construct.

Ozery works in the tradition which combines art and technology
and goes back to the cross disciplinary works of Leonardo da
Vinci, the cogs and gears inventions of the renaissance, the
Baroque engineered spectacles and the machine sculptures of the
constructivists. Philip k. Dick asked whether androids dream of
electric sheep.
Electric Sheep's Latest Blog Entry

Hey Electric Sheep, I am sending you a gift. ...

When politicians lie to their spouses. (view more)

if the govt. can't tax churches, why can they tax the press?
(view more)

coffee shops. and not just any coffee shops. coffee shops that
are conducive to talking to strangers. Part of why I left
Seattle was that there were hundreds of coffee shops,
but no one to talk to.

Electric Sheep's Details
Orientation: Straight
Hometown: born in Germany, raised all over.
Religion: Catholic
Education: College graduate
Occupation: confidential
8. Electric Sheep - Uncompromising Film & DVD reviews...

Apr 5, 2007 ... electric sheep magazine - a deviant view of
cinema. ... without aggression and the...

Maker of fabulous worlds, Alejandro Jodorowsky is himself a
wondrous, many-tentacled, creature. Born in Chile of Russian
Jewish parents, he first moved to Mexico and later to France.
Best known as a film-maker, he has also worked as a circus clown,
and psycho-shaman...

Greatly influenced by Surrealism, Jodorowsky travelled to Paris
to meet Andre Breton in 1953 and was a fervent reader of one-
time Surrealist author Antonin Artaud - one of many artists
expelled from the movement by the narrow-minded, doctrinaire
Breton. Artaud's revolutionary manifesto 'The Theatre of Cruelty'
provided the foundation for Jodorowsky's conception of his own art.

Shows would be like 'exorcisms', aiming to revive the magic,
ritualistic function of theatre. Artaud's radical views and
anarchic spirit permeate all of Jodorowsky's films
Exorcism: Ancient Art or Hocus Pocus? - ABC News

Exorcism is an ancient tradition within the Catholic Church
going back to biblical times. ... Pope D...
2. Pope Benedict XVI setting up exorcism squads to fi...

London, December 29 (ANI): The Vaticans chief exorcist, Father
Gabriele Amorth, has revealed that Pope Benedict XVI is setting
up exorcism squads to deal with the rampant growth of Satanism.

Hundreds of priests will be trained as exorcists for the purpose,
he says.

Related Stories
Vatican insiders declare the Pope a ''disaster''


Daniel Says: Well doesn't this bear a striking resemblance to the
Inquistion? Like the Catholic church is as innocent as choirboys.

Skot Snot Says: BUHAHAHA!! You ignorant fools!

This is the 21st century and you idiot christians still believe
in this hocus-pocus mumbo-jumbo.

I hate you people so very, thanks for ruining the world

Transmogrification (the process of converting or transforming an
object into something else): During the mass, a priest claims
the power to convert/transform a wafer and some wine into the
actual, literal flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. The words
"hocus pocus" (popularly associated with "magic") derive from a
Latin phrase used for centuries in the Roman mass: "Hoc est
corpus" ("Here is the body").

Tiny Wafer Developed By K-State Professor; Detects Neutron
Signals From Hidden Nuclear Weapons, Materials

ScienceDaily (Nov. 19, 2002) ? MANHATTAN -- Research by a Kansas
State University professor may help fight the war on terrorism
by making it easier to detect weapons of mass destruction -- in
particular nuclear weapons.

The essence of the small, portable detectors is a small wafer
developed by Douglas McGregor, a K-State associate professor of
mechanical and nuclear engineering.

The working part of the wafer, which is about the size of a
collar button, operates by fabricating a diode out of
semiconductor material such as gallium arsenide
9. Pope Benedict XVI Out of Touch or Misguided? : Man...

Further remarks by Pope Benedict confirmed him to be out of
touch with ... When you take isolated ...

Benedict's monastery was a self-contained world with its own
well, fields, mill, orchard, creek, fishpond, sheep stall,
cow pasture, rabbitry and barns. The monks were forbidden
to leave the monastery save on urgent business.
40. Benedict issues forceful environmental message | N...

Full text of Pope Benedict's World Peace Day message: ...
prefers his incandescent light bulbs and M...

Pope Benedict XVI has said the world needs to be saved from
homosexual or transsexual behavior.

He said the issue was just as important as saving the rainforest
from destruction.

The pope said: 'The tropical forests do deserve our protection.
But man, as a creature, does not deserve any less.'

He compared behaviour beyond traditional heterosexual relations
as 'a destruction of God's work'.

Comments on this story

What Bull

What an evil man. how about he looks in his own back yard and
look at th Catholics that are starving and the rape of so many
children; the death of so many women - raped, burnt, molested;
what a stupid and socially blind man. And you idiots believe in
him. Wake up, open your eyes and don't let a smelly old man
cause so much evil in the world. It is so easy for some people
to hate rather than read, be educated, think and learn. What an
evil man to start hatred, minority, violence

Merry Christmas to you too!
I am not surprised by this statement from the head of an
organization which historically is so corrupt and violent and
literally practices VOODOO to this day...

It's leader was a member of the Hitler Youth and a member of the
Nazi party which sent many million of Jews and Homosexuals to
the Gas Chambers. This little Nazi who prances around in
volumous skirts and wears little red Prada slippers is
Heterosexual? - Have you seen how he minces when he walks? No
other pope has had so much extra fabric in his cassock causing
it to billow like a ball gown when he walks. Listen to his high
pitched voice... That is not a heterosexual male beneath all
that drag. - This is the head of a religion which has
slaughtered millions of Muslims in the Holy crusades... Mudered
millions of Aztec and Mayan people who refused to convert when
Spain and her priests raped the Americas, it was a massacre of
ungodly proportions... Never forget the inquisition conducted
against it's own members, the torture and burning at the stake
of so many innocent women just because they had a cat and lived
alone.... How can anybody take any notice of a single word from
this person who spreads hatred and endorses and supports
Homophobia.. This is a man who will not allow his faithful to
wear condoms or practice birth control and then shakes his
befuddled head in dismay when he is told of the millions
suffering with AIDS... Ignore this pathetically ignorant
creature's rantings they are evil, and he and his organization
are a danger to civilized society more so than any homosexual
could be... Merry Christmas Your Holiness....

They actually believe that they are eating the flesh of Christ
in the form of a little round wafer...
(Holy) See No Evil: Catholic Church Continues to O...

Mar 18, 2009 ... AIDS is spreading like wildfire through African
nations. Are strict anti- contrace...

For Protestants there was At Play in the Fields of the Lord, a
lavish $35 million rainforest spectacle about natives and their
wholesome primitive ways and the sick, disgusting missionaries
who try to ruin their lives. And then for Catholics there was
The Pope Must Die, which was re released as The Pope Must Diet.
It didn't work either way. It features scenes of the Holy Father
flirting with harlot nuns and hiding in a closet pigging out on
communion wafers.

'It's Like Putting A Band-Aid On A Bullet Hole'

DOD Broadens 'Trusted' Foundry Program To Include
Microelectronics Supply Chain

The Department of Defense is developing a broad strategy to deal
with the growing migration of semiconductor fabrication plants
and electronics assembly operations offshore. The strategy will
encapsulate DOD's "trusted" foundry access program, which has
expanded beyond its initial contract with IBM to supply the
military and the National Security Agency with safe chips from
its wafer fabrication (fab) plant in Essex Junction, Vt

Fabricating Heritage

Fabrication has two common meanings. One is to construct with
divine artifice, like James Howell's "Almighty fabricator of the
universe" of 1645. This positive usage, now rare save in
archaeology and bookbinding, goes back to Caxton in the
fifteenth century

One such priestly fabrication sets the stage and the tone for
this paper. Milan in 1162 had just fallen to Frederick
Barbarossa. As a reward for his help in the conquest, archbishop-
elect Rainald of Cologne pillages Milan's relics

Though waylaid en route by minions of Pope Alexander III, the
three coffins with their sacred booty reach Cologne unharmed.

But they were not sent back; they had never been in Milan. The
whole story--Constantine, Eustorgio, removal to Cologne--had
been fabricated by Rainald

Every mention of the Magi in Milan traces to the archbishop's
own account. No wonder the Milanese were tardy in recognizing
the theft; only in the late thirteenth century did Rainald's
tale reach them. Then Milan mourned the loss of relics it had
never had.

This fabrication was worthy in various ways. It confirmed the
Empire's sacred roots. It updated and enlarged a useful biblical

The fabrication of the Magi underscores the moral of this paper.
Like the medieval cult of relics, heritage today is a popular
cult, almost a religious faith. Devotion to heritage is a
spiritual calling "like nursing or being in Holy Orders,"
as James Lees-Milne termed his own career of rescuing historic
English country houses for England's National Trust

Talking with me, a successor's verbal slip echoed the analogy:
"When I joined the Church--I mean, the Trust." The Trust's
supreme tidiness recalls those Victorian restorers who scraped
medieval churches and cathedrals clean of the debris of time
11. Happiness Is A Warm Gun by The Beatles Songfacts

"A soap impression of his wife which he ate and donated to the
National Trust" refers to a man poo...
Happiness Is A Warm Gun - Music History

Mother Superior jump the gun. Mother Superior jump the gun,.
Mother Superior jump the gun. Mother ...
24. Patrick Kennedy Denied Communion by Catholic Priest...

And, as far as your question about being denied "the wafer" in
all churches - - doesn't matter. ... ...

Check-Six Online Museum, Land / Terrestrial Wing

Fermi himself described the apparatus as "a crude pile of black
bricks and wooden timbers." The controls consisted of cadmium-
coated rods that absorbed neutrons

Measuring 4 inches length, 4 inched wide, and an inch in height,
this lucite paperweight encapsulates a 1/2" by 1/2" wafer of the
original graphite used to contain the first nuclear reaction.
42. Wafer Reduces Germ Risk in Communion

Dipping a wafer into the communion cup does not abolish the risk
of infection to the communicant, bu...
Sensable nitride-coated wafers

Meet the new industry standard for wafer sensing.
LED beam reflective type sensor allows you to see the
The Rome Depot - The Vatican of Catholic Superstore...

The Rome Depot: Make your Home more like Rome

G.I. St. Joe

From our new line of G.I. St. Joe action figures we have Father
Luke the chaplain. Your kids will have hours of fun saying Mass
for the troops hearing confession in the field and giving
Extreme Unction to fallen Joes. Includes kung-fu grip so that he
never drops a Communion wafer

Lavabo Hand Soap
Lavabo -The first word of that portion of Psalm 25 said by the
celebrant at Mass while he washes his hands after the Offertory,
from which word the whole ceremony is named.

Now Lavabo Hand Soap with a fresh lemon scent will quickly and
easily remove those oils off of your hands after. $2.29

Ecumenical Scuba Tanks

Follow the Pope's advice and "breathe with both lungs" of the
Church when you go scuba diving. One tank is filled with an
oxygen/nitrogen mix of Roman air and the other an oxygen/
nitrogen mix of Eastern air.

15. fascism: Definition from

(Latin, fasces, the bundle of rods and axe carried before Roman
consuls as ..... Following World W...
34. Faith Freedom International

Fascism drives from the Italian word fascia, which means a
bundle of woods. This was an old Roman em...
20. Fascia (vestment): Facts, Discussion Forum, and En...

A sash is a cloth belt used to hold a robe together, and is
usually tied ... The Pope is the Bisho...
10. Ambrosian Chant - Catholic Encyclopedia - Catholic...

Gospel, Lk 12:35-38; 'See that you have your belts done up and
your lamps lit. More

When the saint became Bishop of Milan, in 374, he found a
liturgy in use which tradition associates with St. Barnabas
38. Inquisition - Original Catholic Encyclopedia

... and the latter under the headsman's axe as a victim of his
political enemies. ... Sundays before...

Pope Gregory the Great described a how a Goth at the monastery
lost the head off his ax in a lake. When Benedict heard of the
accident, he took the handle and went to the lake shore.
"Immediately the iron head rose from the bottom of the lake and
attached itself again to the handle. Then Benedict returned the
tool to the astonished Goth, with the encouraging words: 'there
now, work on, and be sad no longer.'"
19. Pope commander gets the axe; some wonder what took...

Pope AFB, North Carolina--the military airfield that's part of
the sprawling ... "What a s---head,...

Pope commander gets the axe; some wonder what took so long

Pope AFB, North Carolina--the military airfield that's part of
the sprawling Fort Bragg complex--is still buzzing over Friday's
firing of Colonel John McDonald. McDonald, commander of the 43rd
Airlift Wing at Pope, was relieved of his duties after "losing
the confidence of his chain of command."

Veterans of his tenure at Al Salem also report that McDonald was
obsessed with reflective safety belts, worn by flightline
personnel after dark. Members of the group tactics shop report
that the commander appeared in their office "like clockwork"
every afternoon, to remind them to wear their reflective belts

What a s---head," one airman exclaimed.

Captain J says:

I served under him at Salem in 2006. He was a piece of work. He
was a complete asshat. I honestly think that there WAS something
mentally wrong with him. I can excuse his behavior on the basis
of neurosis, but what is harder to overlook are the people that
took his wacky policies to heart and enforced them blindly.

Wtf says:

I have been stationed at Pope for the last 2 years and have
lived through his reign. I will tell you in 15 years of service
and 8 assignments, he is the worst commander I have ever worked
for. Pope felt like a High School, with cliques and popularity
being at the forefront

This guy chased skirts his entire career and he finally got
caught. He always seemed to be running from "problems" while
leaving a wake of ruined careers behind him as he continued to
use good people as his stepping stones during his career. Pope
AFB Commander fired . . . now that's POPETASTIC!!!

I had no problem with him and from the sounds of this article
makes it seem like all the people under him were a bunch of
pansy. Who cares if you have to wear a stupid belt.
Luke 12:35 "Be dressed ready for service and keep ...

"You must keep your belts fastened and your lamps burning. ....
NT Gospels: Luke 12:35 Let your wa...
I ate my wafer...

The I ate my wafer 2008 energy platform ... including "steering
wheels as thick as an axe handle" ...

On top of that, I'd build nuclear power plants as quickly as

Electro Energy Awarded Contract for Military Aircraft Batteries

Electro Energy, Inc., headquartered in Danbury, Connecticut, was
founded in 1992 to develop, manufacture and commercialize high-
powered, rechargeable bipolar wafer cell nickel-metal hydride
batteries for use in a wide range of applications.
16. Perpetual eucharistic adoration | National Catholi...

Sep 8, 2009 ... The constant use of the word "wafer" did lead
some readers to conclude that the .....

Patent number: 4864227

Wafer prober usable for examining, in a predetermined sequence,
integrated microcircuits formed on a semiconductor wafer, is
disclosed. The prober includes a contact plate which is movable
in a Z-axis direction

Inventor: Mitsuya Sato

What is claimed is:

A wafer prober, comprising:

a wafer holder for holding a wafer;

a stage operable to move said wafer holder substantially in an
X-axis direction and a Y-axis direction as well as substantially
in a Z-axis direction which is perpendicular to each of the X-
axis direction and the Y-axis direction;

a card holder for holding a probe card having a probe needle
which is contactable to a bonding pad of the wafer when it is
held by said wafer holder

A wafer prober, comprising:

holder, said detecting means including a needle sensing unit
sensing unit having a source of a laser beam, a photodetector
and a detecting optical system which is operable to direct the
laser beam

Government scientists are pursuing not only exotic weapons but
also advanced computers, optics, sensors, microcircuits, mirror
coatings, nuclear reactors, rocket engines and industrial
processes in dozens of areas.

In April 1983, shortly after Mr. Reagan's missile defense speech,
Dr. Edward Teller, a founder of the Livermore laboratory, told
Congress that the Livermore's S-1 supercomputer project was a
key to making a defense against enemy missiles.

In addition to its defensive role, Livermore scientists say S-1
technology has wide commercial applications. One is a technique
by which a laser can etch the circuitry of a room-sized
supercomputer onto a single wafer of silicon.

The miniaturization goal is generically known as wafer-scale

"The big companies realize they're going to have to go this way
or be out of the business in 10 years," said Dr. Bruce M.
McWilliams, who heads Livermore' s laser approach to wafer-scale
integration. He added that he and other members of his Livermore
team had patented parts of the laser process.

Weapons, like lasers, that direct concentrated beams of energy
are another missile defense technology being evaluated for
commercial application.

Anglican bishop compares Pope's initiative to 'cat among the pigeons'

Friday, April 24, 2009
Anglican Humpty Dumpty

Comparing the Anglican Communion to Humpty Dumpty has many
apposite connections. First of all, it's a bloated, pompous old
thing. Secondly it is famous for sitting on the fence (or in
Humpty's case--the wall) on every matter. Never a right or a
wrong. Always a way to compromise: that's Anglicanism.

Maybe in the midst of all the Anglican Agonies a line will be
thrown from the barque of Peter. I feel in my bones that the
Vatican might just announce something positive about the
Anglican situation quite soon.

Posted by Fr Longenecker at Friday, April 24, 2009

Leading Catholic Cardinal: Gays 'Will Never Enter Heaven'
Pope Welcomes Gay-Hating Anglicans to Catholicism
9. - Comments

his son killed himself because he was gay and could not deal
with the social and religious stigma an...
38. Our Lady of Soufanieh - the stigmata

... his body, of wounds (stigma) reminiscent of the five wounds
of Christ, plus the crown of thorns....

... alongside pictures of either the pope or various saints
getting cooked ...

She's got Leggs.

Lo and behold, a few weeks ago I found the Holy Grail (in Wal-
Mart, of all places). I bought a pair for $5.96.

The same garter malfunctions happen on the way to Walgreens and
while standing in the checkout line. (All Walgreens had in my
size and a normal color was "control top" hose, which combines
the runnability of regular-weight hose with the tight-little-
rope-around-the-waist effect of supp hose.

This was around the advent of Leggs, but we were still in
stockings. Confirmation was a lingerie opportunity, because
Catholicism is all about sex, even if I didn't know it at 12.
Well, I sorta sensed it.
9. Should men wear pantyhose for warmth? It's not muc...

Pope Benedict XVI. Attack on pope prompts review of Vatican security
... I wear support pantyhose ...

I still did not purchase them because of the stigma associated
with them. I suffered for about 6 more weeks in the cold. It was
on a night when the temperature reached 15 degrees farenheit and
I was investigating a homocide outdoors during the night when I
was about to freeze and needed to do something. It was at this
time I decided to purchase them. I called my wife and she went
to the local Walmart and bought a pair for me and brought them
to me at the scene.

I went to the forensic van and was putting them on my lieutenant
walked in. I was so embarrassed.
11. Gay Species: Sheep, Lamb, & Goats: Religion & Mode...

Jan 21, 2008 ... Presumably, he is the Shepherd of lesser
shepherds like Pope Benedict XVI, ... Em...

Homophiles have a fascination with religious themes, rituals,
and dreams. Several biologists have suggested we bear a
shamanistic social role as bearers of altruism. Many androphiles
and gynophiles have taken holy orders (esp. Anglican and
Catholic, when celibacy was deemed the only alternative), in
order to enliven their communities.

The Gay Species

California Native. B.A., U.C. Berkeley, M.A., Mills College,
Oakland. Naturalist. Evolutionist. Androphile. Humanist. Liberal.
Romantic. Empiricist. Sardonic. Tendentious, but Never

Persecution Meets Resistance
10. Italy: mega-march against Berlusconi | World War 4...

... Invoking Vittorio Foa, Italy's wartime resistance leader who
died ... Berlusconi ...
2. Think Progress " Lobbyist Dick Armey's Pollution G...

Pope to Copernicus "It is quite pretentious to believe in a sun
centered solar system" ... We can pr...

Yes, it is a pretentious menu for a place that looks like a 19th-
century saloon, although you're likely to find more boyishly
attractive cowgirls bellied up to the bar than swaggering
cowboys. And I think Pope lives up to his culinary affectations.
At least he has a sense of humor. Instead of bread before the
meal, servers bring out a savory fried funnel cake drenched in a
sauce of goat cheese and paprika.

I loved the soothing lamb-and-feta sausage served with wonderful
homemade noodles and a punchy lemony mint tzatziki sauce.

I usually don't like eating so close to the restrooms," Georgina
sniffed, "but this section of the restaurant - which would be
Siberia anyplace else - is the most comfortable

I'm sure I rolled my eyes as I dipped my spoon into a bowl of
Pope's autumn potage, an excellent combination of spicy chorizo
and white beans in a pumpkin-colored, roasted-garlic and
rosemary broth. Bob didn't care for his crab cake.

and the flourless chocolate cake was divinely fudgy, but do we
really need another flourless chocolate cake in this town? The
banana flan sounded interesting and looked wonderful as servers
delivered it to other booths, but no one in my group wanted to
taste it. "It sounds pretentious," Georgina said.
After the Berlusconi attack, it's fair to ask: what is amiss
Earliest AIDS, Part 5... seem to act as if nothing is amiss that
even requires explanation. ... Tom Keske Boston, Mass. [1]
Lentiviruses/HIV: Pathogenesis, Steve Dewhurst, PhD. ...
Blind Eye: Getting Away with MurderGS Tom Keske wrote in message ... >
BLIND EYE: GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER > >In these ... of evidence
to suspect something amiss, >yet they turned a blind eye. ...

Intandem Films is putting "Humpty Dumpty" back together again.
The U.K. sales and finance house has picked up worlwide sales
rights on the sci-fi horror flick about a half-human, half-alien
creature and will seek out new financing in its role as
executive producer on the project.

There's More to Light Than Meets the Eye

Humpty-Dumpty White Light

It is difficult to do experiments with K-12 students which
demonstrate that light involves electric and magnetic fields.
Most experiments with electromagnetic radiation study the
different wavelengths of visible light. Visible light ranges
from 400 nanometers (400 billionths of a meter, corresponding to
violet light) to 700 nanometer (red light). The classic
demonstration is to make a rainbow, or spectrum, out of white
light (see activity). The Exploratorium's Science Snackbook has
other demonstrations that involve mixing colors of light.
Pope Benedict against anti-gay discrimination, supports
execution and imprisonment of gay and lesbians. More here.


Vatican Opposes UN Resolution Condemning Anti-Gay Discrimination

Yesterday, it was reported that the Vatican stated its
opposition to a UN declaration formally condemning
discrimination against gays because doing so would pressure
nations which do not recognize same-sex unions to do so. The
resolution, which the Vatican claims would "de-criminalize" same-
sex unions, is set to be introduced by France on December 10th
at the UN General Assembly, on the 60th anniversary of the UN
declaration of human rights.

The Times reports: "Over 80 countries in the world currently
outlaw same-sex relations, with punishments range from short
prison sentences to life imprisonment and even death by
execution. The UN declaration will not be binding, but gay
rights movements hope it will lead to a UN resolution. The
French minister of human rights and foreign affairs, Rama Yade,
said that the EU should also 'take the lead in stopping violence
against women worldwide.'"

Today, Reuters reports that the Vatican has been "attacked" for
the condemnation. Once again, gays are being framed as the

"A strongly worded editorial in Italy's mainstream La Stampa
newspaper said the Vatican's reasoning was 'grotesque.'

Honestly, as if anyone would expect anything more from Pope
Dracula and the Cabal of Intolerance. Hate and prejudice
(wrapped in a message of love) are the standard operating
procedures for an organization that needs to find a cross to
hang from.

Posted by: Barin | Dec 2, 2008 11:55:15 AM
16. "Our Lady of Perpetual Motion" - a Sandsculpture b...

"Our Lady of Perpetual Motion". Tournament of Champions 2007 ...
"Our Lady of Perpetual Motion" by...

Perpetual Motion Machine lyrics

(Jim Hughes)

Perpetual motion machine, it came to me in a dream
Let's catch some air, that's if you dare
I'm only sixteen but you're my queen
It's a bright, bright morning, the road stretches far
The corn on the right, the wheat on the left
There's a hill up ahead, let's catch some air

Perpetual motion machine, I picked up a magazine
Poor aimless, poor aimless, poor aimless me
Now look at the fireball extinguish the sun
My daddy would perish if only he knew
Hundred and forty, air feeds the fire
40. Halfbakery: Our Lady of the Perpetual Motion

I say, why not a Virgin of the Perpetual Motion, Patron of all
poor neglected mad scientists, inco...
39. Perpetual screw - definition of Perpetual screw by...

Perpetual motion machine of the first kind. Perpetual motion
machine of the first kind ... Perpetual...
48. Our Lady of Perpetual Hell

It is stop-motion animation that is charming in its crudeness (I'
ll post a ... The Hype Machine. Ove...
MyDD :: White Smoke

Being brought up Catholic, I feel well within my rights to say
screw the new pope and screw the Cath...
Something new with 'Eggo' waffles - Home Cooking -...

eggos Mc muffin (can I say that?)
eggos benedict
eggos burnt weenie (linguica) sandwich
KFC asks Pope to bless new sandwich - Food Inc.- m...

KFC sent the Pope a letter earlier this month, asking him to
bestow a blessing on the sandwich. .....

Once it was Jews, Irish, Catholics, Africans, Communists, but
the old "them" is unfashionable as scapegoats today, in forming
coalitions of the disaffected, so they have realigned and
rediscovered the solitary ones as the new scapegoats: Gays and
Lesbians, disallowed from legal marriage, rightly criminalized
until 2003, the source of destruction and damnation, forced into
religious solitude, left outside the city gates, unable to
participate as the alien, the unfit, the contaminant, the
perfect sacrificial lambs, to appease the me-gods in their hour
of therapeutic need.
12. Cuckoo's Egg Project Home Page

The Eggs Are Hatching. What is the Cuckoo Egg Project? Perhaps
you already have had a visit from t...

The Benedictine Rule is rife with concepts and language borrowed
from Imperial Rome, including the fundamental idea of the
corporation, which can be traced back to guilds of artisans and
merchants under Numa Pompilius, the legendary king of Rome and
successor to Romulus in the eighth century BC.

Called corpora or collegia, they were also employed by the
ancient Romans for many civic tasks. Collegia fabrorum were fire
fighting brigades, which sometimes bargained for the highest
possible price before commencing their efforts. By the consulate
of Cicero, they functioned in myriad forms, from social clubs to
small trade guilds, which became nearly ubiquitous, and were
licensed by the state from Emperor Augustus onwards. There are
even records of substantial, semi capitalistic undertakings,

I did a little checking on those eggs Benedict.

The second story says that in 1894 a Wall Street broker named
Lemuel Benedict went into the Waldorf with a hangover and
ordered "some buttered toast, crisp bacon, two poached eggs and
a hooker of Hollandaise sauce."

And this could be the story of an innocent working guy caught in
a long web of cruel circumstance. Or it could just be about
another bozo not sticking to business.
3. Tamerlane's Thoughts: Silvio Berlusconi's Car: Lan...

Dec 13, 2009 ... Some bozo punched the Italian
PM in the face today and broke his nose.
BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Man behind 'Bozo the...
... the show business character Bozo the Clown, dies of heart
... Berlusconi to remain in hospital. ...

An Open Secret to All: We're All Just Bozos on the Bus

"We're all bozos on the bus,So we might as well sit back
And enjoy the ride" ~Wavy Gravy

Robert Bly, poet and author of A Little Book on the
Human Shadow, calls this part of us "the long bag
we drag behind us",

cela sans faire le bozo, l'mysogine ou le bonobo

This is interesting, but for the sake of clarity
I really think "faire le bozo" here is just
a rhyme-friendly variant of "faire le clown".

Qu'est ce que cette phrase veut dire ? Il vient
d'une chanson de MC Solaar. Voila

Merci d'avance !

Bozo isn't a common word in French. However there was
a fiction clown named Bozo, so I think your bozo
is a clown (which is not very different from
GEmatt's idea).
Bush and Benedict -- Bozo Brothers?

WATCH: Rob Johnson Discusses Crony Capitalism
Your request is being processed...

Excusez moi mon venom; but for me the phrase kind of gets to the point.

And speaking of bozos: today Pope Benedict, that former
doctrinal hatchet man of John Paul II, seemed awful shocked
--shocked!--that Muslims would take such umbrage at the
major religious leader of Christianity quoting these w
ords of a Byzantine emperor:

"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new,
and there you will find things only evil and inhuman,
such as his command to spread by the sword the
faith he preached."

Benedict made no mention of the Crusades (oh, them?)
in his little disquisition on religious violence.
Nor of the blood and havoc dreams of American fundamentalist
End Timers (that loyal big chunk of smashed-up America).

The Bozo Gompers

From their origins at St. Benedict at Auburndale school
in Cordova, Tennessee the Bozo Gompers have emerged
to present a brighter future for teenage rock.
The newest development from them is the new Ja-cas! records

And now: AN ALL NEW!!! message from Rob of the Bozo Gompers.
Wow...I never thought that the day would come
when all of the Bozo Gompers would be in three different
cities. It's not over...oh no...oh hell no...we are just
on sebadical again. We are planning on getting together
on breaks and playing a show or two. If you were at the
CHEESY record release show I just want to tell you
how sorry I am. That was the worst show the Bozo Gompers
have ever played.

The Firesign Theater's "I Think We're All Bozos on This Bus" as
Preemptive Satire of Themed Design and Development

Governmental confidence reigns supreme in Bozos, at least within
the government itself. That could be a good thing, except that
there also seems to be a huge amount of unemployment in these
days of modern Bozos times.

The solution: keep the people dazzled by government-inflicted
edutainment as presented through all manner of high-tech hi-jinx!
Fill their abundant free time with the wonders of "government as
science and science as government"

The Bozos are the second most populous ethnic group.
They live in the borders of Niger, in small towns
constituted of small houses.

The Bozos economy is based on fishing.
Bozo people have a monopoly on the transport system
because of their knowledge in the river by Niger,
and are regarded as the masters of water

Bosons, on the other hand, may be thought of as "pixels of force"?
particles associated with fundamental forces. By combining these
basic components, an essentially unlimited number of composite
particles can be assembled.

The Bosun was an older chap called Vladimir who sported a neatly
trimmed white beard around the bottom of his chin and up the
rear of his jawline which made him look like he'd stepped off
the set of Planet of the Apes. For a bosun, it was a good look.
And the toughest man on the ship was a Russian with a round,
pock-marked face who would stand on the deck at 3:00am in -18C
with a howling wind, his face uncovered, with all the concern of
standing on the beach at Yalta in July. Mind you I wouldn't
mind pelmenii, varenikii, sausages, cheese, kompot, gassy water
and black coffee. The unlucky bit is that you weren't on any of
the Artika class ships like the nuclear-powered 150 metres Yamal
and 50 Let Pobedy. You can see these ships in many Youtube
videos. In icebreakers Russia reigns supreme.

My dear, drowned friends,

A violent intake of breath. Pier 8. The ambience: seagulls.
Empty. Light comes up on BOSUN.

Far away. In the Far North of Russia, over the Arctic Circle

During the Polar winter, for most of the year, it is completely
covered with snow and the arctic winds blow through, freezing
you to the bone. It's cold. In the frosty water, facing a
mountain on the bay, nuclear submarines are crowded at the piers.
They are tight together like penguins trying to warm each other
in the icy wind

Matthew Yglesias " Top Gay Penguins References of ...

... Pope about the ills of sex change operations, makes a
reference to "gay penguins. ... objections... [Found
The country's largest export is Uranium. ...
Along the Niger river

EXPLAINS NATURE. mass Gravity electron...

so the interference is one place or the other, in 'nature' or in '
science',in the romantic process, or the classic formula. the
bosons areinterfering, bozos, the interference, not obeying the
exclusionprinciple (related to 'particle' in a sense), like the
clown is areplay, a primal glue, force-carrying particle, two in
one, thetravesty. the clown is constantly fixed, constanted, an
integerfractioned into matter spin. we see it the other way, the
romantic is amess, a force-particle buffoonery, what could
possibly come out of it,oh, just matter.overtones : it's like
nature is counting, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10... foreverything it's
counting up, if one, then infinite, weakening but stillcounting.
because of air, interference in a medium? why should nature
becounting? the overtones would all be fractions, what about
irrationalnumbers? i once heard music based on primes, it's very
noisy, only primeovertones. where exactly does the irrational
come in?
What is the God particle? | Angels & Demons - The ...

The particle we now call the Higgs boson has never been observed. ...
CERN is the European Organizat...
------------------------------------------------------------------ - Exposed: The World's Best Kep...
... river which runs through it, Niger produces
nearly four times the uranium ... More uranium is mi...
Uganda: Pepsi in trouble for sponsoring anti-gay concert

Pepsi is in the line of fire for having sponsored a concert by
Beenie Man, a homophobic singer, in Uganda over the weekend,
reports Same Same. Quoting Africa's Daily Monitor, Beenine Man
said "In my family, we don't have any gay person but if you're
gay, my brother that's not my fault." Uganda is known for its
particularly repressive anti-gay laws. In October, MPs proposed
a law that will attract capital punishment for HIV infected
homosexuals who have sex with others'

Sunday, August 02, 2009

OK, so maybe it's not going to be a rap album, a dance
extravaganza, or even a jazz-style lounge lizard interpretation
of the Good Book, but Pope Benedict XVI (or just "X V" to his
rapper crew) is signed up on the Geffen label for a mix of
chants and litanies. And he's in good company. Geffen have also
released CDs for Snoop Dogg - so maybe there's a duet in the
pipeline? Benny and the Dogg
Diagnose the Bozo Nose
6. Menzies Research Institute Annual Report 2007
system of neonatal mice, with the. aim of scientifically
demonstrating ... Dr Michelle Keske, Associ...

Protection of the Brain from Infection: Immune Properties of
Olfactory Ensheathing Cells This project aims to understand how
tissues in the nose play a role in protecting the brain from

We have established two colonies of transgenic mice, one that
models a genetic mutation in alpha-synuclein that is present in
some cases of PD and another that does not produce the protein
at all, therefore introducing a range of experimental
possibilities for these investigations

WATCH: Woman in Red Topples Pope Benedict at Xmas Eve Mass

What Anarchist started the notion that Santa Claus should dress
in red? When I was a boy Santa Claus, whether corporeally
present at a Christmas tree or merely ideally described, always
wore a fur coat, as is appropriate to his northern home and to
the season, and, as stated in Moore's poem, ''Twas the Night
Before Christmas,'' which I was trained to regard as the
standard book authority on Santa Claus. Who is responsible for
rigging him out in red?

Though not necessarily well-born himself, he knew how to behave
in the company of the socially prominent. His demeanor was a
nice balance of indifference - the famous ''Harvard indifference''

Santayana unwittingly violated this code as a young instructor,
when he invited his friend Trumbull Stickney to one of the poetry
readings he held regularly in his room with a half-dozen ''
presentable'' students. A spokesman for the group later informed
Santayana that Stickney, who had mentioned the sunset and called
it ''gorgeous,'' had been weighed and found ''too literary and
ladylike'' for Harvard. Santayana concluded from the experience
that Harvard's social distinctions had to be ''understood and
respected'' if his literary evenings were to succeed.

Ghostly Messenger

And yet, Santayana had said that "The Virgin Mary (...)
is an even clearer illustration of this inward building
up of an ideal form. (...)

"Some races are obviously superior to others. A more thorough
adjustment to the conditions of existence has given them spirit,
vitality, scope and a relative stability?. It is therefore of
the greatest importance not to obscure this superiority by
intermarriage with inferior stock, and thus nullify the progress
made by a painful evolution and a prolonged sifting of souls.
mReason protests as much as instinct against any fusion, for
instance, of white and black peoples? The Jews, the Greeks, the
Romans, the English were never so great as when they confronted
other nations? but this greatness falls whenever contact leads
to amalgamation."

-- George Santayana [1]

Censoring Santayana's dangerous idea

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

- George Santayana (The Life of Reason, vol. 1: Reason in Common Sense)

The 82-year-old Pope was not seriously injured and went on to
conduct Mass, advising those in attendance to be "truly vigilant."

We should hold dear the fact that the H Lavity Stoutt is the
proud owner of three BVI island sloops - Vigilant, Moonbeam and
Youth Instructor - however, it is with great dismay we look at
the condition of the most historic of all three - VIGILANT

VIGILANT is verifiably the oldest Island Sloop in existence. It
was built by Mr. Willie Penn, of East End, Tortola, in 1882 and
has maintained her name, to date, despite changing ownership
several times. She is best known historically for her
transportation of goods and passengers between the islands of
Tortola, St. Thomas, St. John and Jost Van Dyke twice a month.
Today, she lies in tatters, broken and lost, at the Sand Spit in
West End, Tortola. Forgotten by many and yet she is the most
historic vessel in the Caribbean.

When VIGILANT was turned over to the college it was kept in fine
shape with maintenance done by Osmond Davies and his sons.
Davies was honored in 1998 by the West End Yacht Club of Tortola
for his contribution towards island sloops and for his hard
labour on VIGILANT which, untill recently, yearly raced in both
the Classic Yacht Regatta held in February at Sopers Hole and at
Foxy's Wooden Boat Regatta. Her captains were instructors at the
college and her crew were students.

A year after Virginia Tech, campuses strive to be vigilant

Professors are coming forward to talk about suspicious students.
Menta health counselors are reaching out to troubled students.
Camps police are spending thousands on cameras, electronic
locks and communication tools.

Adest sponsus, qui est Christus--vigilate, virgines!-- pro
adventu cuius gaudent et gaudebunt homines

is qualified by her stern exhortation to vigilance at the end of
line one (vigilate, virgines!), a warning which situates the
play in medias res as an eschatological reflection on the
parable's last line: Vigilate itaque, quia nescitis diem, neque
horam (Matt. 25:13).

The monastic playwright and interpretative community of the
monastery in its performance of the play, then, splits the
gender of 'the feminine' into multiple signs, of either mimetic
transcendence (a return to angelic asexuality) or devolution
into the ill-illumined sloth and demonic end of feminine '
materiality.' Both the wise and the foolish represent mirror-
sides of the male monastic self, in fact, but the monk is
exhorted to model himself carefully after the vigilant virgin
espoused with Christ and to reject the panicked irresolution and
ill-preparedness--the demonic physicality--of the virgin
espoused to the devil.
13. Vigilant (keikai) - Japanese Kanji Tattoos by Mast...

Japanese Tattoo Symbols of Vigilant (keikai). ...
Or if you have Japanese fonts see Yahoo's dictio...
Angelus, 6 December 2001

I entrust this invocation for peace to Mary, vigilant Virgin and
Mother of hope. In a few days, with...

Rose had reckoned justly with her aunt Julia; there were no
footmen, but this vigilant virgin was posted at the foot of the
stairs. She offered no challenge however; she only said: "There'
s some one in the parlour who wants to see you." The girl
demanded a name, but Miss Tramore only mouthed inaudibly and
winked and waved. Rose instantly reflected that there was only
one man in the world her aunt would look such deep things about.
"Captain Jay?" her own eyes asked, while Miss Tramore's were
those of a conspirator

You religious people seem to think your beliefs are
automatically entitled to respect simply because you have a
right to hold them. Well you're wrong. Your beliefs are stupid
and the rest of us who don't believe in a magic celestial Santa

Edited Under Fr. Leonard Feeney M.I.C.M. - Saint Benedict Center

In the Rome to which he never returned religiously, Professor
George Santayana recently ended a brief illness a nd a lifetime
of skepticism. For the past eleven years, Santayana had lived in
Rome among the Blue Sisters, Catholic nuns of the Little Company
of Mary, and it was in their hospital that he died.


On October 7, the Church commemorates in her liturgy the Battle
of Lepanto. It was on this date, in the year 1571

Pope St. Pius V, who then reigned, asked the faithful to storm
Heaven with the Rosary, beseeching Our Lady to crush these
enemies of her and her Son and to save Europe from their scourge.
That is why, on October 7, to commemorate the glorious victory
of the Christians over the Mohammedans at Lepanto, the Church
celebrates the feast of the Most Holy Rosary.

Lepanto was the last, late impulse of that great movement known
as the Crusades, a movement which had begun in the final years
of the eleventh century and which had as its purpose to rescue
the Holy Sepulchre, the tomb in which the precious body of
Christ had lain, from the hands of the infidels. It was for this
that millions of Christians left homes and lands and families,
to journey to a strange country, and there to shed their blood
fighting a strange people, a people who rejected and despised
their God, and who thereby made themselves the enemies of those
who loved Him.

The Holy Sepulchre is today in the hands of the infidels, just
as it was at the time of the Crusades.

Every Catholic boy longs somehow for a crusade. He knows that
that is what the Faith is meant to be ? a glorious campaign for
the love and honor of Jesus and Mary. And its fruits should be
zeal, and courage, and sanctity, and greatness.


Now Our Lord came down and was born below,
In a what would you say if you didn't know?
Wrong! ...
No, there wasn't much shelter, but lots of song.
It was altogether unorthodox:
For instance, an ass, and, for instance, an ox

From Harvard, there came all the official sympathy appropriate
to the demise of a former employee. At Princeton, there was a
perceptible dampness in the eyes of Dr. Maritain.

"I want to attend the critical Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual
Motion. What time does it start?"

The church was built over 150 years ago out of puddingstone
which was readily available. There was a quarry that ran between
Tremont Street and Allegany Street produced the stone foundations
of most of the buildings of the late 1800s houses on Mission Hill

According to the "Boston History Collaborative"the area was
largely populated by Germans in the mid 19th century, and their
families were Roman Catholics. They persuaded "the Catholic
Church to invite the largely German Order of the Sons of St.
Alphonsus (Redemptorists) to establish a mission

This is how The Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help or the
Mission Church, as it is more commonly known, came to be; it was
completed in 1878.

Our Lady of Perpetual Motion is not an actual Church."
by newuser56745163 on Aug 30 2009 (3 months ago)

Particulars: The idea was o-so-simple: Build a cathedral-like
structure composed almost completely from engine parts with
angel mechanics and cyborg gargoyles. How obvious!

Bonus Answer "Half past doomsday"

You may want to know:

"Where is the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help located?"
(2 answers)
"Is perpetual motion fact or theory?" (3 answers)

"Has anyone reached Critical Mass when dating?" (2 answers)

all in some way important to the EGG project. Indeed, the
concept was vitalized when Dick and Dean and I were talking
during a break about the complexities of physiological measures
and the curiosities of nonlocal psi and possible fields of group

Certainly it is hard to credit mere chance with the "coincidence"
that Greg Nelson, my son, had the interest and the skills, and --
through a most unlikely combination of circumstances -- the time
to create the exquisitely sophisticated framework of software
for the EGG project just when the need arose. The EGG is Greg's
delightful, richly metaphoric alternate name for the project, by
the way. It means Electrogaiagram, a play on
Electroencephalogram, and reflects similarities to the EEG
technology used to record brain waves. Of course beyond this,
the idea of an egg has extraordinarily diverse metaphoric linkages.

Bishop Gives Ultimatum to Agency over Gay Adoption

The bishop has given the adoption agency a week to reconsider
its position before he instructs lawyers to force the
organisation, which each year finds new families for about 25
children in Lancashire and Cumbria, to formally break from the
Lancaster diocese.This would involve informing the Charity
Commission that the agency is no longer Catholic and ordering
the removal of the word "Catholic" from its title.

Pomeroy had left New York for L. vouchsafe pretty vigilant virgin
spinnaker wattage christendom experiential commerce gravid
avionic suntanned clark authenticate kinesic appropriable sixgun
divergent damask bella chronicle cancel disastrous lombard
anywhere acceptant phosphor stopgap balinese abstain coolidge
You killed him.

Wilkes is survived by his wife, Crysilda, a son, Paul, 18, and a
daughter, Anne, 14. ""Fine! I want my head clear for it. She
could make him say some things, but she could not make him tell.
And still that soft flumping sound of something being dragged.
He thought that the piece of bobby-pin still somewhere inside
the lock might screw him up, but it didn't. (PILINGS its PILINGS
there are TWO okay there are two fine now just hush just you know
hush shhhhhh) and made it seem gone for awhile. ginn demurred
bridle bertie offshoot skyward sylvania posthumous broom
inhabitant serpens neal foldout avenge geometer linemen cloud
experiment hemp femur geodesic afterimage deniable montague
importune drape va pageant bandit raoul buxtehude agleam burnt
bovine redemptive abnormal

The word "fire" conjures up images of smoke, flames and wailing
fire engine sirens.

But inside Pile 1 part of the radioactive core was on fire and
staff weren't really sure of the best way to put it out.

Pile 1 and Pile 2 at Windscale had been built to make weapons-
grade plutonium. This was done by extracting the plutonium from
uranium fuel rods within the pile reactors.

Pile 1 at Windscale in West Cumbria was on fire. There was no
smoke and no flames and most local people were oblivious to what
is generally seen as the world's first nuclear accident.

And the Benedictine Order's impact outside the Catholic Church
has been even greater, for it kindled a flame that has engulfed
the entire world.

The Topic At Hand: How Do You Like Your Eggs?

Eggs And Soldiers

As he carefully peels a hard boiled egg, De Niro-as-the-Devil
mentions that eggs are sometimes thought to symbolize the
human soul. Then he spreads an inordinate amount of salt over
the egg and proceeds to eat it whole, while staring intently
at Mickey Rourke, who we thought at the time looked confused,
and fat, and tired, but we know now was in fact radiant and,
retroactively, beautiful.

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