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Black Salve

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Carol,Sy & Heidi Miller

Apr 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/14/98

I took a little time away from all the fighting in this group but I have
to report something that is working like a miracle for me, for all of
you who are trying so hard to find a "cure". Last week I went into the
other psoriasis NG and someone had written in that black salve cures P
and skin cancer. I had an old tube lying around that we always used for
infections on fingers next to the nail. We used it to draw out the
infection. I laughed at first but always looking I decided to try it.
You don't have to believe this but within 3 days all of the red crusty
spots on my arms literally dissappeared. Being a skeptic I decided that
it had to do with the sun finally coming to Rochester. So I tried it on
my back where the plaque is the worst and is always covered by a tee
shirt. I used it twice today and the plaque is gone. The red is still
there but all the plaque is gone after 2 applications in one day. I'm
trying it on a few other spots that NEVER see the sun and will report
back but maybe people like Raich who have it worse than me can try it
This black salve has been around for at least 40 years so I am NOT a
spamer. Its called ICHTHAMMOL OINTMENT (10%) and its sold over the
counter for infections. Its very black and very smelly but you can use
an old shirt when you put it on. I just rubbed a small amount into the
spots and it really didn't stain a lot. I don't know if I'm just in
some kind of remission or if its this but it didn't go away until I
tried this stuff. I wish I could take pictures of before and after but
I'm on WEBTV so its impossible but I SWEAR this is working for me. If
you have any questions just email me. I hope and pray that it works
form some of you out there too.
Carol Miller

Ed Reiss

Apr 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/14/98

I found the following re: ichthammol at


Ichthammol is a shale tar containing ammonium salts of
sulphonic acids, and ammonium sulphate. It is used mainly
in the management of wet eczema, discharging ears, foul-
smelling wounds and chronic leg ulcers. It has only slight
bacteriostatic properties.


This tar product is also listed on many equine medication pages,
specifically for hoof-related problems <your joke here>.



Apr 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/14/98

Ed Reiss wrote in message <>...

<no joke, maybe> This might be something for those intractable nail problems
folks keep reporting. Hoof and nail are the same stuff. I don't have the
problem, so can't try it out myself. But I've had a couple of episodes of
'thimble nail' in the past, so I know sooner or later . . .

Does anybody care to have a go and report back? It doesn't sound
particularly risky, just sort of noxious, goopy. Use overnight, wear plastic
bags, maybe? If so, let us know whether you're normally a tar responder or

Also, where can it be bought? Vet supply/horse supply places?

Ideas? Comments? Group?

- Rick


Apr 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/14/98

Hi guys - See below - wrote in message <>...

>On Tue, 14 Apr 1998 16:35:00 -0400, (Carol,Sy & Heidi
>Miller) wrote:
>>I took a little time away from all the fighting in this group but I have

>>to report something that is working like a miracle for me . . .

>>Carol Miller

Thanks, Carol. Things are quieting down around here, we're getting a lot
more work done and doing a lot less yelling-and-hollering. Good things are
happening. Stick around.

>Many years ago a Derm prescribed a mixture which had to compounded in
>the Pharmacy. It was a black salve and was called Oil of Cade. I did
>get some postive results using it but it was extremely messy and
>smelly. Even the people who worked in the pharmacy were unhappy over
>having to mix it up.

Hi Mac - I thought I recognized the name and picked up this link that talks
about it. Really fragrant stuff, I'll bet:

Sounds like the horse trade has been using it. You might have a new easier
source of supply. Meds rated USV (assuming you're in the US) are just as
well manufactured as stuff rated USP, so I've never had a problem with using
a veterinary product on myself. For that matter, I wouldn't use anything on
my critters that I wouldn't use on myself. Subject, of course, to the
differences in physiology, depending on what kind of critter.

- Rick

Carol,Sy & Heidi Miller

Apr 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/16/98

I bought some more black salve today. They don't make the 10%
anymore (remember mine was 15 years old). They make 20% now. I am
happy to report its only $1.35 at Walmart. Also, you don't need all the
plastic. If you rub it into your skin or nails it seems to absorb very
fast. I rub it in and wear old pajamas at night or an old sweat suit
during the day. Very little staining. You don't have to put it on
thick. One of my arms is totally cleared up already. I'm going to try
it on my few nails that have ridges in them from the P. I wanted the
group to know about my experience and to me its worth the try. Its
cheap enough. One last note: you have to ask the pharmacist for it.
It behind the counter for some reason.
Good luck,
Carol Miller

Apr 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/17/98

Carol, could you give us the product name?


Apr 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/17/98

Is it really called "BLACK SALVE"? or is it something else at Walmart like
Black Salveth or Dark Poultice. We the enquiring minds wish to know , NOW! :)

Carol,Sy & Heidi Miller

Apr 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/18/98

The product name is:
Ichthammol Ointment 20% made by
Goldline Laboratories, Inc. Since I started using the 20% its even
clearing up faster. My arm was full of patches with hard crusty flakes
for months now and every one of them is gone in ONE WEEK. I'm moving on
to other bod parts now. I thought maybe it was a remission but the
parts on my shoulders that I didn't medicate yet are worse than ever.
I'm really enthused. I hope it works for everyone.
Carol Miller

Carol,Sy & Heidi Miller

Apr 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/22/98

For all who have emailed me I want you to know that this morning I could
not put the Black Salve on my arms because I couldn't find the spots
anymore. My arms are completely free of P for the first time since
1977. I don't know if it will last but I can tell you that it feels
WONDERFUL. The largest patch on my body was on my butt and that has now
gone down to 1/3 of what it was before I started putting the salve on.
I won't use the word "cured" but in 21 years this is the first time I
can walk outside with normal arms. If anyone lives near the Rochester,
NY area, come and see for yourself.
Carol Miller


Apr 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/22/98


Sorry if I have missed something, but what is this black salve? and where
can we get it?

Carol,Sy & Heidi Miller wrote in message


Apr 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/22/98


Congratulations to you! I ordered Ichthammal 20% (the Black Salve) from
a Rite Aid Pharmacy near my house. I think the clerk said it would be a
"devastating" $3.10. I am going to try to pick it up today. It's worth a
try, and again---enjoy your new skin!



Apr 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/22/98

Hi Carol, Robert -

Congrats on the success, Carol! Keep us posted.

Robert, Good luck.

BTW: Could one of you guys post the ingredient list from the label, producer
info, etc. for this stuff? I haven't been able to find a thing.

- Rick

Rjd67 wrote in message <>...

Tim & Linda S

Apr 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/22/98

Harrison wrote in message <6hli8r$rc0$>...

>Hi Carol, Robert -
>Congrats on the success, Carol! Keep us posted.
>Robert, Good luck.
>BTW: Could one of you guys post the ingredient list from the label,
>info, etc. for this stuff? I haven't been able to find a thing.

I ordered a tube and picked it up today from my local Walgreen Store. Cost
$4.31 US. Doing a test area, and hoping.

The tube I have is made by Goldline. PO Box 8250 Ft. Lauderdale FL
33340-8250 It states on the tube you can get a "full refund of your purchase
price" if not "completely satisfied with results." No matter its worth a

aka Olive Eyes Stoopid

Apr 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/22/98
to T

If you can't find it anywhere, aska a vet! That's right, the salve is used
for the treatment if skin, hoof and mouth sores for horses and guess what - 3
days and the plaques are almost completely gone from the back of both of my
hands and both forearms but not from my knees but then i haven't used the
"Black Salve" on my knees. I sure hope this lasts!!!

Allen DiCarlo


Apr 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/23/98

The "icthamol " black gunk tx is on my list as it is so cheap, a very cheap
source of tar perhaps. I will try it. (I still use Zetar and tarsum and
Pentrax, that is until I get a new snorkel or aqualung )

Eric the Rat: obvious you enjoy stirring up controversy where it is none of
your business or where none exists, you need help, you are in the wrong group,
try the borderline personality disorder group (assuming you havent wreaked
havoc there under a different name(s) )

Steve MaCk

Apr 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/23/98

petrolatum, ichthammol,anhydrous lanolin and light mineral oil.

"Harrison" <> wrote:

>Hi Carol, Robert -
>Congrats on the success, Carol! Keep us posted.
>Robert, Good luck.
>BTW: Could one of you guys post the ingredient list from the label, producer
>info, etc. for this stuff? I haven't been able to find a thing.

> - Rick

Mark Birtles

Apr 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/23/98

On 23 Apr 1998 03:43:06 GMT, (Starrb6181) wrote:

>The "icthamol " black gunk tx is on my list as it is so cheap, a very cheap
>source of tar perhaps. I will try it. (I still use Zetar and tarsum and
>Pentrax, that is until I get a new snorkel or aqualung )

Nonsense is being brewed here.

Icthamol, Zetar, Tarsum and Pentrax are either the poodles belonging
to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse or they are four of the Dark
Knights of Albion from E.Kockhard's fantasy trilogy, 'I Imagine I've
Written Three Books'.

And I am sure that if the American market is not cracked by that
superb fantasy trilogy title, of which I am very, very proud INDEED,
then it does not deserve me and it can go and shove pineapples up its
humourless arse until they pop out of its ears.

Free of Psoriasis? What's going on? Where am I?

O, noooo, fancy trying to crack American markets from a scab enclave.
No wonder failure has been mine to collect and keep.
Bah. What now?

Stark Firtles

Olive Eye

Apr 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/23/98

>From: "Tim & Linda S" <>
>Date: Wed, Apr 22, 199

>I ordered a tube and picked it up today from my local Walgreen Store.

Cost>$4.31 US. Doing a test area, and hoping.>"full refund of your

purchase>price" if not "completely satisfied with results." No matter its worth
>aka Olive Eyes Stoopid

No, that's smart. $4.31 for a shot at clearing is a good wager.
(Rather than $60 bucks a pop for smelly tar-based exorex which didn't work for
me and they never refunded my money).

And it's "When Olive Eyes are smiling, all the world seems bright and gay, and
when Olive Eyes are laughing sure they'll steal your heart away."

Olive Eye

Apr 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/23/98

> (Mark Birtles)
>Date: Thu, Apr 23, 1

>O, noooo, fancy trying to crack American markets from a scab enclave.>No
wonder failure has been mine to collect and keep.
>Bah. What now?>
>Stark Firtles

Dear Stark:
Another fancy? Well now you've gone over the edge. That sir is one fancy too
many. Your firtle mind has created fancy chaos in scab enclaves around the
globe... And this is about post#37 and I'm about posted-fucking-out for the
morning. Time to go back to my civilian life as Murka's Sweetheart and
continue practising my mopery.... Mope springs eternal!

Olive Eye

Apr 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/23/98


>the plaques are almost completely gone from the back of both of my>hands and
both forearms but not from my knees but then i haven't used the>"Black Salve"
on my knees.

I find these truths to be self-evident... howse bout you?
Has your piano playing improved?


Apr 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/23/98
to Carol,Sy & Heidi Miller

Carol,Sy & Heidi Miller wrote:
> Black Salve on my arms because I couldn't find the spots
> anymore....

Dear Carol,Sy & Heidi,
Please, what is the Black salve called?



Apr 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/24/98

Hi All -

So far, I've got the following on it:

Ichthammol Ointment 20%

mfgr#1: Clay-Park Labs, Bronx, NY 10457
mfgr#2: Goldline Labs Inc., Miami, FL 33137

This first-hand description:

"A small amount spreads quite well - so this stuff is cheap to use.
Regarding the smell,
a freshly tarred road smells like lilies of the valley compared to this it -
I'm not joking - its awful - and its soot black. Also, I noticed that after
it was left on the skin for a while, it eventually tended to "cure", i.e.
get hard and bouncy. The contents are: petrolatum, ichthammol, anhydrous
lanolin and light mineral oil. Precautions state that it should not be used
anywhere near the eyes or ingested."

One description of ichthammol:

"Ichthammol is a shale tar containing ammonium salts of
sulphonic acids, and ammonium sulphate. It is used mainly
in the management of wet eczema, discharging ears, foul-
smelling wounds and chronic leg ulcers. It has only slight
bacteriostatic properties."

Also, From Pharmacy Times magazine (a trade mag), the 'Compounding Hotline'

"Welcome to the Compounding Hotline area of the Pharmacy Times Homepage.
Martin Erickson, R.Ph., of Paddock Laboratories will answer all of your
compounding questions.

"Question: Do you have a formula for icthammol salve? I have also had it
referred to as carboxylated Vaseline. I am a pharmacy school senior. My
grandmother has asked me to get this preparation for her. She said it was an
old-time drawing salve and she would like to have some. I have been told
that it consists only of icthammol and vaseline, however, I have been unable
to obtain the correct proportions. If you can help it would be appreciated.

"Answer: Ichthammol is a dark red-brown to black viscous liquid, mainly
ammonium salts of sulfonic acids derived from the destructive distillation
of bituminous schist or shale, with ammonium sulfate. It is slightly
bacteriostatic and may be irritating to the skin; rarely, hypersensitivity
is reported. It has been used in chronic treatment of eczema and skin
ulcers, often in combination with zinc oxide.

"The USP-DI, vol III, pg 232 (1996) gives the following information for
Ichthammol Ointment USP: "Prepare Ichthammol Ointment as follows: 100 grams
of Ichthammol, 100 grams of Lanolin, 800 grams of Petrolatum, to make 1000
grams. Thoroughly incorporate the Ichthammol with the Lanolin, and combine
this mixture with the Petrolatum." Storage in tight containers and avoidance
of prolonged exposure to temperatures exceeding 30 deg C is recommended."

Note the lanolin, if you're reactive to it. Although I don't suppose it
couldn't be left out, if you've got a compounding pharm available.

- Rick

Mary wrote in message <>...

Mark Birtles

Apr 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/25/98

On Fri, 24 Apr 1998 09:13:57 -0700, "Harrison" <>

>This first-hand description:
>"A small amount spreads quite well - so this stuff is cheap to use.
>Regarding the smell,
>a freshly tarred road smells like lilies of the valley compared to this it -
>I'm not joking - its awful - and its soot black. Also, I noticed that after
>it was left on the skin for a while, it eventually tended to "cure", i.e.
>get hard and bouncy. The contents are: petrolatum, ichthammol, anhydrous
>lanolin and light mineral oil. Precautions state that it should not be used
>anywhere near the eyes or ingested."

Never mind all that, anything hard and bouncy gets my vote, no matter
how bad it smells.

Where can I get some?



Apr 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/25/98

In article <>, says...

> Where can I get some?
Ask your vet or, better, a vet who works with large animals. He will
get you for sure a ton of Ichtammol ( 10, 20 or 30 % )but don't expect a
lot from it for at least two raisons.
1) Cats don't like this stuff at all, so the stuff can't work on people
who love cats
2) The stuff doesn't work on British people.
Oscar from Italy


Apr 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/25/98

So.. there is a cream that will rid me of my cats, maritial obligations, and
the possiblilty of people being near me (psoriasis has made me anti-social).
If I'm a person of british decent born in the Unites States, will all these
promises hold true for me?


Belvet wrote in message ...


Apr 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/27/98
to Belvet

The stuff won't work for people like me who are allergic to lanolin
either.....would make my skin a horrible mess I'm Rick said
in an earlier post though, I suppose I could ask my compounding pharmacist
to make it without trying way too many other things to add a
new one to the list right now though...


Feb 16, 2016, 10:15:24 AM2/16/16
Out of desperation or use black sales on psoriasis on my scalp-plus a UV light and in three days it was gone and has not returned. I am amazed

Mar 18, 2017, 5:23:23 PM3/18/17
I found some 14oz 20% ichthammol on Amazon for 15.99 free shipping.

Ichthammol 20% Ointment (14 oz) (Drawing Salve)
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