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A1c is 8.7

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Julie Bove

Oct 26, 2010, 10:35:42 PM10/26/10
It just keeps getting worse and worse! Dr. sent me a note to up my 75/25 to
60 units which of course I can not because (once again) he didn't write me a
new prescription! *bangs head on wall*

And to top it off my 2001 Ford Windstar has been recalled. It's a bad one.
If they find corrosion to the rear axle, they will either give me a rental
vehicle, but the new axles won't be available till the first quarter of 2011
or buy it back from me. I really can't afford to get another vehicle right
now considering that husband HAS to have one. Grrr...

I'm glad a new year is coming. It can only get better. Right? And you'd
think being on insulin now would make things better. But so far things have
only gotten worse!

Ellen K.

Oct 26, 2010, 11:21:45 PM10/26/10

"Julie Bove" <> wrote in message

Sorry to hear you're experiencing multiple frustrations.

Do you think modifying your diet could help with the BG?

Julie Bove

Oct 26, 2010, 11:22:56 PM10/26/10

"Ellen K." <> wrote in message



Oct 27, 2010, 11:36:25 AM10/27/10

"Julie Bove" <> wrote in message

I've lost count of all your health problems you have posted to this group
over the years.

If your insurance would cover it, or you can afford the expense yourself, I
think you would be wise to have your doctor commit you to the hospital for a
complete physical exam to find out and treat all of your health issues at
one time.

Treating them piecemeal doesn't seem to be helping you very much, and
possibly could be causing you more harm than good.

I would at lease discuss this possibility with your GP.



Oct 27, 2010, 1:52:14 PM10/27/10

How long have you been on insulin, and how long have you been diabetic
(I'm assuming you are type11). Sorry, I know you are a regular here,
but I am not really.


Julie Bove

Oct 27, 2010, 4:41:31 PM10/27/10

"Freckles" <> wrote in message

AFAIK, hospitals don't do that sort of thing.

Julie Bove

Oct 27, 2010, 4:43:17 PM10/27/10

"jtees4" <> wrote in message

I don't know what type 11 is. I'm type 2. Had gestational diabetes then
was diagnosed with type 2 a year after I had the baby. I suspect what I
really had was type 2 then and not GD. So have been type 2 just over 11
years. Been on insulin for about 2 years, I think.

Message has been deleted


Oct 27, 2010, 8:15:00 PM10/27/10

"Julie Bove" <> wrote in message

Doctor's do!

Julie Bove

Oct 27, 2010, 8:22:18 PM10/27/10

"Freckles" <> wrote in message

None that I've seen. And believe me I've tried! They all send me out to
various specialists and each one says, "You have this! Whatever the other
Dr. said is wrong."


Oct 28, 2010, 7:36:46 AM10/28/10
On Wed, 27 Oct 2010 13:43:17 -0700, "Julie Bove"
<> wrote:

I've been diabetic since 1992. I have been on insulin since my heart
surgery in 2004. I would say it took me two years before I had a clue
of how to "somewhat" control my blood sugar even with insulin, and
another year or two to "master it". Now I feel comfortable with it
(not happy, but comfortable), if and when I have high or low blood
sugar it's usually something I did. My point may need a
little more time to "master" your control. As far as it only getting
better in the New Year...YES it will get better...for all the reasons



Oct 28, 2010, 7:37:44 AM10/28/10
On Wed, 27 Oct 2010 16:50:38 -0500, "M@�k�" <>

>On Wed, 27 Oct 2010 13:43:17 -0700, "Julie Bove"

>that would be type II aka type 2.
>they shouldn't have used the 11 to indicate II

Yes, I meant type II.


Julie Bove

Oct 28, 2010, 10:02:23 AM10/28/10

"jtees4" <> wrote in message
That could be. It's just so frustrating because in the beginning I could do
it by diet alone. No exercise as I was very much disabled and couldn't even
walk. Could only crawl or scoot.

Trawley Trash

Oct 28, 2010, 10:35:33 AM10/28/10
On Tue, 26 Oct 2010 20:22:56 -0700
"Julie Bove" <> wrote:

> > Do you think modifying your diet could help with the BG?
> Nope.

Your doctor told you, but you ignored him. You
ignored his advice about exercise too, no doubt.
You are the one insisting that he cure your problem
with insulin and pills. It isn't working, and your
doctor is writing you off.

Wake up Julie!

Julie Bove

Oct 28, 2010, 1:29:43 PM10/28/10

"Trawley Trash" <tr...@invalid.invalid> wrote in message

Bullshit! I have changed my diet MANY times. The last change I made was to
skip lunch. This in an effort to lose weight. And it worked until I went
on the insulin. I was then told that I wasn't eating enough and I HAD to
eat lunch. I added it back in and promptly put the weight back on. The Dr.
then told me to stop eating lunch again, which I did. And I didn't lose the

I am not insisting that he cure me. There is no cure. And I sure as hell
don't want to be on insulin.

I have been here since 1998. You apparently don't know my story. So then
just shut up!

My Dr. is NOT writing me off. He is just frustrated as am I.

In the beginning I controlled by diet alone. I could not exercise. I was
totally disabled.

As I got better, I added exercise back in. It worked for a while. It does
NOT work now and only serves to raise my BG. So my Dr. told me to stop it.
Which I did. Mere walking (not that I can do a lot of it because I can't)
does not raise my BG. But working out hard with weights like I had been
doing is out.
> Wake up Julie!

Nope. Going back to bed. I'm still sick with that stomach thing. But it's


Oct 28, 2010, 1:43:36 PM10/28/10
On Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:29:43 -0700, "Julie Bove"
<> wrote:
>As I got better, I added exercise back in. It worked for a while. It does
>NOT work now and only serves to raise my BG. So my Dr. told me to stop it.
>Which I did. Mere walking (not that I can do a lot of it because I can't)
>does not raise my BG. But working out hard with weights like I had been
>doing is out.

Walking is not "mere" - either for weight loss or IR lowering - if you
can do enough of it, at the right time. Resistance training too can be
done without BG lowering - for me, very heavy weights lifted very
slowly for only 3 or 4 reps (to exhaustion) does not raise my BG, but
definitely helps IR.

T2 dx 05/04 + underactive thyroid
D&E, 150ug thyroxine
Last A1c 5.2% BMI 26

Julie Bove

Oct 28, 2010, 1:45:31 PM10/28/10

"Nicky" <> wrote in message

> On Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:29:43 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> <> wrote:
>>As I got better, I added exercise back in. It worked for a while. It
>>NOT work now and only serves to raise my BG. So my Dr. told me to stop
>>Which I did. Mere walking (not that I can do a lot of it because I can't)
>>does not raise my BG. But working out hard with weights like I had been
>>doing is out.
> Walking is not "mere" - either for weight loss or IR lowering - if you
> can do enough of it, at the right time. Resistance training too can be
> done without BG lowering - for me, very heavy weights lifted very
> slowly for only 3 or 4 reps (to exhaustion) does not raise my BG, but
> definitely helps IR.

I was doing very heavy weights and 30 reps. But even when using light
weights, it raised my BG even higher. Certainly did not seem to help with
the IR.


Oct 29, 2010, 7:31:55 AM10/29/10
On Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:45:31 -0700, "Julie Bove"
<> wrote:

>I was doing very heavy weights and 30 reps. But even when using light
>weights, it raised my BG even higher. Certainly did not seem to help with
>the IR.

30 reps is waay too much for slow burn. You literally want to aim for
3 or 4.

Chris Malcolm

Oct 29, 2010, 1:41:44 PM10/29/10
Julie Bove <> wrote:

In order to get the most IR reducing effect in the least time with the
least raising of BG you need to be lifting weights too heavy to be
lifted 30 or even 10 times.

"Extremely short duration high intensity interval training
substantially improves insulin action in young healthy males".

"High-Intensity Resistance Training Improves Glycemic Control in Older
Patients With Type 2 Diabetes"

Chris Malcolm

Message has been deleted

Julie Bove

Oct 29, 2010, 2:14:37 PM10/29/10

"Susan" <> wrote in message
> x-no-archive: yes

> On 10/29/2010 1:41 PM, Chris Malcolm wrote:
>> In order to get the most IR reducing effect in the least time with the
>> least raising of BG you need to be lifting weights too heavy to be
>> lifted 30 or even 10 times.
> Exactly; if you can lift it 30 times, it's not heavy.
> But it may've felt heavy, subjectively.

They were 18 pounds per arm. I really can not lift any heavier than that
with correct form.


Oct 29, 2010, 2:53:16 PM10/29/10
On Thu, 28 Oct 2010 07:02:23 -0700, "Julie Bove"
<> wrote:

I did not know about your inability to exercise....That certainly
would complicate things and I hope it gets better for you. I'm pretty
sure everyone here has felt the frustration...I know I have. Last
weekend I was going off about my high blood sugar...I was very upset
and venting to my wife because we were meeting people for brekfast the
following day and I hate eating out when I really can't eat anything I
want. The next two days I went very low, I almost passed out once. Of
course my wife had to say something along the lines of "you were
complaining you were high". After I got over the urge to kill her, I
realized that I just have to keep plodding through...the highs will
eventually become the lows again and we just have to try to keep our
heads screwed on right inbetween. The mental part is as important as
the physical part...I supect right now you are having a harder time
with the mental part. Good luck.


Bill who putters

Oct 29, 2010, 2:53:30 PM10/29/10
In article <>,
Susan <> wrote:

> x-no-archive: yes
> On 10/29/2010 1:41 PM, Chris Malcolm wrote:

> > In order to get the most IR reducing effect in the least time with the
> > least raising of BG you need to be lifting weights too heavy to be
> > lifted 30 or even 10 times.
> >

> Exactly; if you can lift it 30 times, it's not heavy.
> But it may've felt heavy, subjectively.

> Susan

Guess you folks saw the recent study that purported that light weight
reps to exhaustion were the way to build muscle mass. Strangely enough
just standing upright does the same. Hate to say it but pain may be a
way of saying not only enough but I need to rest to get ready for future
events. You can keep in your on range.
Normally I'd be able to find the URL but my son has overwhelmed my
"historyhound" with similar queries.

Bill S. Jersey USA zone 5 shade garden

Message has been deleted

Julie Bove

Oct 29, 2010, 4:08:16 PM10/29/10

"jtees4" <> wrote in message

I think my worst time was when we moved to NY from CA.

Husband didn't read the directions for several cleaning products and the end
result was nasty respiratory infections for all of us. I had a killer sinus
infection. BG was over 200 all the time no matter what I did. This is when
I tried the extreme low carb. It did not help me at all. If anything, it
made things worse. Only after I added some carbs back in did my BG come
down some.

Julie Bove

Oct 29, 2010, 4:10:09 PM10/29/10

"Bill who putters" <> wrote in message

> In article <>,
> Susan <> wrote:
>> x-no-archive: yes
>> On 10/29/2010 1:41 PM, Chris Malcolm wrote:
>> > In order to get the most IR reducing effect in the least time with the
>> > least raising of BG you need to be lifting weights too heavy to be
>> > lifted 30 or even 10 times.
>> >
>> Exactly; if you can lift it 30 times, it's not heavy.
>> But it may've felt heavy, subjectively.
>> Susan
> Guess you folks saw the recent study that purported that light weight
> reps to exhaustion were the way to build muscle mass. Strangely enough
> just standing upright does the same. Hate to say it but pain may be a
> way of saying not only enough but I need to rest to get ready for future
> events. You can keep in your on range.
> Normally I'd be able to find the URL but my son has overwhelmed my
> "historyhound" with similar queries.

I have an old book by Joyce Vedral. I believe she uses 3 pound weights. I
did all of the exercises but eventually had to move up to 5 then 10 pound
weights because I wasn't getting the bulk I wanted.

The technique she uses really does work though. But it did raise my BG.

Bill who putters

Oct 29, 2010, 4:34:33 PM10/29/10
In article <>,
Susan <> wrote:

> x-no-archive:yes

> On 10/29/2010 2:53 PM, Bill who putters wrote:
> > Guess you folks saw the recent study that purported that light weight
> > reps to exhaustion were the way to build muscle mass.

> I did see it; but my point was only that Julie couldn't have been
> lifting heavy because she did 30 reps.

> Strangely enough
> > just standing upright does the same. Hate to say it but pain may be a
> > way of saying not only enough but I need to rest to get ready for future
> > events. You can keep in your on range.

> Lifting to failure isn't the same as lifting til pain. Also, doing many
> reps with light weigthts, especially if slow, *is* painful.
> Just standing doesn't come close to building as much muscle as
> resistance does.
> Susan

Stand for 5 minutes not moving and work up time. Not many can do it
Chinese Martial arts. Simple.

Julie Bove

Oct 29, 2010, 4:51:41 PM10/29/10

"Bill who putters" <> wrote in message

> In article <>,
> Susan <> wrote:
>> x-no-archive:yes
>> On 10/29/2010 2:53 PM, Bill who putters wrote:
>> > Guess you folks saw the recent study that purported that light weight
>> > reps to exhaustion were the way to build muscle mass.
>> I did see it; but my point was only that Julie couldn't have been
>> lifting heavy because she did 30 reps.
>> Strangely enough
>> > just standing upright does the same. Hate to say it but pain may be a
>> > way of saying not only enough but I need to rest to get ready for
>> > future
>> > events. You can keep in your on range.
>> Lifting to failure isn't the same as lifting til pain. Also, doing many
>> reps with light weigthts, especially if slow, *is* painful.
>> Just standing doesn't come close to building as much muscle as
>> resistance does.
>> Susan
> Stand for 5 minutes not moving and work up time. Not many can do it
> Chinese Martial arts. Simple.

My daughter can do it. I can't. She does it on the Wii. She can also sit
without moving. I can't do that either. The Wii registers even the
slightest amount of moving.

Bill who putters

Oct 29, 2010, 5:10:00 PM10/29/10
In article <>,

Bill who putters <> wrote:

> In article <>,
> Susan <> wrote:
> > x-no-archive:yes
> >
> > On 10/29/2010 2:53 PM, Bill who putters wrote:
> >
> > > Guess you folks saw the recent study that purported that light weight
> > > reps to exhaustion were the way to build muscle mass.
> >
> > I did see it; but my point was only that Julie couldn't have been
> > lifting heavy because she did 30 reps.
> >
> > Strangely enough
> > > just standing upright does the same. Hate to say it but pain may be a
> > > way of saying not only enough but I need to rest to get ready for future
> > > events. You can keep in your on range.
> >
> > Lifting to failure isn't the same as lifting til pain. Also, doing many
> > reps with light weigthts, especially if slow, *is* painful.
> >
> > Just standing doesn't come close to building as much muscle as
> > resistance does.
> >
> > Susan
> Stand for 5 minutes not moving and work up time. Not many can do it
> Chinese Martial arts. Simple.

Should have mentioned posture. If you hang on your muscles you will
suffer. So Stand with your back to a wall straight using your skeleton
and it may give weak muscles a few more minutes. Pretend someone is
yanking you hair up and be used to loss.
I don't think most will deal with the effort. I've meet none locally
maybe 200 in a 50 mile radius. Nothing special just rare. Seems I
recall posting this in the past and silence was the answer.

Chris Malcolm

Oct 29, 2010, 7:14:54 PM10/29/10
Bill who putters <> wrote:
> In article <>,
> Susan <> wrote:
>> On 10/29/2010 2:53 PM, Bill who putters wrote:
>> > Guess you folks saw the recent study that purported that light weight
>> > reps to exhaustion were the way to build muscle mass.
>> I did see it; but my point was only that Julie couldn't have been
>> lifting heavy because she did 30 reps.
>> Strangely enough
>> > just standing upright does the same. Hate to say it but pain may be a
>> > way of saying not only enough but I need to rest to get ready for future
>> > events. You can keep in your on range.
>> Lifting to failure isn't the same as lifting til pain. Also, doing many
>> reps with light weigthts, especially if slow, *is* painful.
>> Just standing doesn't come close to building as much muscle as
>> resistance does.
>> Susan

> Stand for 5 minutes not moving and work up time. Not many can do it
> Chinese Martial arts. Simple.

Good art college models can stand motionless for 30 minutes at a time
and do it for hours every day to earn their living. It doesn't appear
to develop musculature :-)

Chris Malcolm
"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss
events. Small minds discuss people." Eleanor Roosevelt.

Julie Bove

Oct 29, 2010, 7:19:18 PM10/29/10

"Chris Malcolm" <> wrote in message

They are probably moving slightly.

Bill who putters

Oct 29, 2010, 7:36:34 PM10/29/10
In article <>,
Chris Malcolm <> wrote:

Touch their thighs which I'd guess are similar to steel. Being like
steel is not correct more like steel wrapped in cotton. This is hard
good work and words can't depict the strength or the relationship to the
ground one can possibly obtain.

a video

Chris Malcolm

Oct 30, 2010, 6:19:38 AM10/30/10

If you can lift 18 pounds 30 times with correct form you must be able
to lift something heavier just once with correct form. A general
conservative muscle training rule of thumb if that if you can do do
thirty reps with a given weight, you ought to be able manage at least
50% more weight just once.


Oct 30, 2010, 8:31:16 AM10/30/10
> that would be type II aka type 2.
> they shouldn't have used the 11 to indicate II

M@©k® - why are you so freaking smart?


Julie Bove

Oct 30, 2010, 12:44:47 PM10/30/10

"Chris Malcolm" <> wrote in message

> Julie Bove <> wrote:
>> "Susan" <> wrote in message
>>> x-no-archive: yes
>>> On 10/29/2010 1:41 PM, Chris Malcolm wrote:
>>>> In order to get the most IR reducing effect in the least time with the
>>>> least raising of BG you need to be lifting weights too heavy to be
>>>> lifted 30 or even 10 times.
>>> Exactly; if you can lift it 30 times, it's not heavy.
>>> But it may've felt heavy, subjectively.
>> They were 18 pounds per arm. I really can not lift any heavier than that
>> with correct form.
> If you can lift 18 pounds 30 times with correct form you must be able
> to lift something heavier just once with correct form. A general
> conservative muscle training rule of thumb if that if you can do do
> thirty reps with a given weight, you ought to be able manage at least
> 50% more weight just once.

I do not have any heavier weights. And it was very difficult for me to do


Oct 30, 2010, 4:13:09 PM10/30/10
On Fri, 29 Oct 2010 13:08:16 -0700, "Julie Bove"
<> wrote:

Back in 2003-2004 my wife went on a low carb diet and lost about 50
pounds. I thought to I could lose some weight it
would help with my I did. I also began an exercise
regimen. Problem was I did low carb, but probably mostly high
fat...anyway a few months months later I had multiple herart attacks
and open heart surgery. Not sure if there was a connection...but I
suspect there was.I now eat low carb, but not ultra low carb and much
lower fat. Pain in the butt? Sure is...but I am thankful to be alive.
We all have to just stay calm (easier said than done) and realize that
good days will be followed by bad and vice versa but when things are
bad...they will get better. Not much we can do about it unfortunately.
I have a retarded daughter...she needs me...and she almost lost that is what keeps me going in the right direction.


Robert Miles

Oct 30, 2010, 4:48:55 PM10/30/10

"Ellen K." wrote in message news:gVMxo.6944$vM5....@newsfe15.iad...

"Julie Bove" <> wrote in message

> It just keeps getting worse and worse! Dr. sent me a note to up my 75/25
> to 60 units which of course I can not because (once again) he didn't write
> me a new prescription! *bangs head on wall*
> And to top it off my 2001 Ford Windstar has been recalled. It's a bad
> one. If they find corrosion to the rear axle, they will either give me a
> rental vehicle, but the new axles won't be available till the first
> quarter of 2011 or buy it back from me. I really can't afford to get
> another vehicle right now considering that husband HAS to have one.
> Grrr...
> I'm glad a new year is coming. It can only get better. Right? And you'd
> think being on insulin now would make things better. But so far things
> have only gotten worse!

Sorry to hear you're experiencing multiple frustrations.

Do you think modifying your diet could help with the BG?

Ellen K.
Isn't Julie the one with so many food allergies in her family
that not much modification of the current diet is reasonable?

Robert Miles

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

W. Baker

Oct 30, 2010, 9:07:06 PM10/30/10
"M@?k?" <> wrote:
: On Thu, 28 Oct 2010 07:35:33 -0700, Trawley Trash
: <tr...@invalid.invalid> wrote:

: >On Tue, 26 Oct 2010 20:22:56 -0700
: >"Julie Bove" <> wrote:
: >
: >> > Do you think modifying your diet could help with the BG?
: >>
: >> Nope.

: >
: > Your doctor told you, but you ignored him. You
: > ignored his advice about exercise too, no doubt.
: > You are the one insisting that he cure your problem
: > with insulin and pills. It isn't working, and your
: > doctor is writing you off.

: >
: > Wake up Julie!

: is this the fake blind dude?

I don't think so.


Julie Bove

Oct 31, 2010, 1:08:19 AM10/31/10

"Robert Miles" <> wrote in message

Yep! That and the gastroparesis. Which means I can only digest easy to
digest foods like white rice and white bread.

Julie Bove

Oct 31, 2010, 1:09:39 AM10/31/10

"M@ŠkŽ" <> wrote in message

> On Thu, 28 Oct 2010 07:35:33 -0700, Trawley Trash
> <tr...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>>On Tue, 26 Oct 2010 20:22:56 -0700
>>"Julie Bove" <> wrote:
>>> > Do you think modifying your diet could help with the BG?
>>> Nope.
>> Your doctor told you, but you ignored him. You
>> ignored his advice about exercise too, no doubt.
>> You are the one insisting that he cure your problem
>> with insulin and pills. It isn't working, and your
>> doctor is writing you off.
>> Wake up Julie!
> is this the fake blind dude?

I don't think this guy ever said he was blind. Orlando Enrique Fiol said he
(himself) was blind. Oddly he sort of came, honed in like a burr and then
took off.


Oct 31, 2010, 5:23:56 PM10/31/10
On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 19:03:19 -0400, Susan <> wrote:

>x-no-archive: yes

>On 10/30/2010 4:13 PM, jtees4 wrote:
> Problem was I did low carb, but probably mostly high
>> fat...anyway a few months months later I had multiple herart attacks
>> and open heart surgery. Not sure if there was a connection...

>You know that it takes decades to build the atherogenic clog that causes
>heart attacks, right?
>On high carbs, even toddlers, on autopsy, have arterial plaque.

Yes, my bad, I didn't mean it the way I said it. I meant it more like
it always seems to happen after someone starts trying...I've seen it
that way with a lot of people...unfortunately it is often too late at
that point.


Trawley Trash

Oct 31, 2010, 8:34:31 PM10/31/10
On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 22:09:39 -0700
"Julie Bove" <> wrote:

> >>On Tue, 26 Oct 2010 20:22:56 -0700
> >>"Julie Bove" <> wrote:
> >>
> >>> > Do you think modifying your diet could help with the BG?
> >>>
> >>> Nope.

OK so you have gastroparesis and food allergies. So did I.

It makes me nauseous just to read what you eat. I hope you
take vitamins.

I had a period of several months when I could not eat any solid food.
I pulled through on split pea soup and refried beans. Others
suggested baby food, but I never tried it. I would not touch rice or
bread. Allergic and aggravates my diabetes.

How many times a minute do you burp? I used to do over twenty
for hours at a stretch.

The pancreas also secretes digestive enzymes as well as insulin.
Pancreatin from a health food store solved the burping in no time.
Later my blood tests confirmed no digestive enzymes.

Another thing that helps is betaine also from a health food store.
This is just stomach acid. Many doctors only think in terms of
ulcers and prescribe antacids, but my gastric acid secretion is
low. Taking extra with meals helps.

I drink water: lots of it. Not four glasses, but four quarts a
day. It helps clear glucose through the kidneys and it
helps to keep the digestive tract moving.

The first solid food I could eat was potatoes. Any kind are good,
but instant mashed are easy to prepare. Idahoan and Betty Crocker
are OK, but other brands have stuff that aggravate my allergies.

Homemade soups and stews made in a crock pot work very well for
me. Everything fresh from produce or butcher so that I am sure
what is in it. I had to completely rethink the way I deal
with food. Nothing canned, boxed, frozen or bottled (with
one or two exceptions). No TV because the advertising is
effective and gives me the urge to eat things that are bad
for me. This is the way my grandparents lived; it is not
a bad life at all.

I do not accept any excuse for lack of exercise. If you can sit
up in bed and type on a computer, you can get two pound weights
(or whatever you can handle) and work out in bed. A lot of
people who have been in tight spots have pulled themselves through
with that kind of exercise. It isn't just BG. You need to improve
your general circulation. Even if it does not help your BG right
away, you should do it.

Shape up girl, or I will put *you* in my kill file.

Julie Bove

Oct 31, 2010, 8:58:45 PM10/31/10

"Trawley Trash" <tr...@invalid.invalid> wrote in message

> On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 22:09:39 -0700
> "Julie Bove" <> wrote:
>> >>On Tue, 26 Oct 2010 20:22:56 -0700
>> >>"Julie Bove" <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> > Do you think modifying your diet could help with the BG?
>> >>>
>> >>> Nope.
> OK so you have gastroparesis and food allergies. So did I.
> It makes me nauseous just to read what you eat. I hope you
> take vitamins.

Of course I take vitamins. Why would it make you nauseaus to read what I
eat? I don't eat very many things that are strange. Okay, chia seeds might
be considered strange. But I don't eat them often.

> I had a period of several months when I could not eat any solid food.
> I pulled through on split pea soup and refried beans. Others
> suggested baby food, but I never tried it. I would not touch rice or
> bread. Allergic and aggravates my diabetes.

Aggravates your diabetes? What does that mean?

> How many times a minute do you burp? I used to do over twenty
> for hours at a stretch.

I don't burp very often.

> The pancreas also secretes digestive enzymes as well as insulin.
> Pancreatin from a health food store solved the burping in no time.
> Later my blood tests confirmed no digestive enzymes.

I take PDA. My SIL doesn't have digested enzymes. She has to eat pickles.
If she doesn't, she gets stomach pains. She also has to eat a lot of brown
rice and tomatoes.

> Another thing that helps is betaine also from a health food store.
> This is just stomach acid. Many doctors only think in terms of
> ulcers and prescribe antacids, but my gastric acid secretion is
> low. Taking extra with meals helps.

I can not have that. THAT makes me burp and gives me stomach pains. I
think I am allergic to it.

> I drink water: lots of it. Not four glasses, but four quarts a
> day. It helps clear glucose through the kidneys and it
> helps to keep the digestive tract moving.

I drink a lot of Lime Diet Coke. I do drink water but I don't like it so

> The first solid food I could eat was potatoes. Any kind are good,
> but instant mashed are easy to prepare. Idahoan and Betty Crocker
> are OK, but other brands have stuff that aggravate my allergies.

I eat a lot of potatoes.

> Homemade soups and stews made in a crock pot work very well for
> me. Everything fresh from produce or butcher so that I am sure
> what is in it. I had to completely rethink the way I deal
> with food. Nothing canned, boxed, frozen or bottled (with
> one or two exceptions). No TV because the advertising is
> effective and gives me the urge to eat things that are bad
> for me. This is the way my grandparents lived; it is not
> a bad life at all.

I can't eat beef stew. Can't digest the meat. Can do chicken stew but
Angela doesn't like it so much and neither do I. I don't like chicken very
much. I do eat a lot of soup. Even some canned soup but I am limited to
maybe three or four kinds that I am not allergic to.

> I do not accept any excuse for lack of exercise. If you can sit
> up in bed and type on a computer, you can get two pound weights
> (or whatever you can handle) and work out in bed. A lot of
> people who have been in tight spots have pulled themselves through
> with that kind of exercise. It isn't just BG. You need to improve
> your general circulation. Even if it does not help your BG right
> away, you should do it.

The weights were raising my BG. So the Dr. told me to stop using them. I

> Shape up girl, or I will put *you* in my kill file.

You go right ahead! And I'm not a girl. I'm 51.


Nov 1, 2010, 4:38:55 AM11/1/10
> You go right ahead! And I'm not a girl. I'm 51.
To me, any lady more than ten years youger than I am is a girl - you're a



Nov 1, 2010, 1:32:25 PM11/1/10
On Sun, 31 Oct 2010 17:58:45 -0700, "Julie Bove"
<> wrote:

>> Shape up girl, or I will put *you* in my kill file.
>You go right ahead! And I'm not a girl. I'm 51.

Do I detect a racial/generation gap here?<G>

Message has been deleted


Nov 1, 2010, 6:25:47 PM11/1/10
On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 09:44:47 -0700, "Julie Bove"
<> wrote:

>I do not have any heavier weights. And it was very difficult for me to do

Get a plastic water container and fill it with water; as you get
stronger, replace it with sand.

T2 dx 05/04 + underactive thyroid
D&E, 150ug thyroxine
Last A1c 5.2% BMI 26

Julie Bove

Nov 1, 2010, 6:43:18 PM11/1/10

"Nicky" <> wrote in message

> On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 09:44:47 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> <> wrote:
>>I do not have any heavier weights. And it was very difficult for me to do
> Get a plastic water container and fill it with water; as you get
> stronger, replace it with sand.
Those certainly won't be heavier than 18 pounds. And I can't be lugging a
bag of sand around. Those are really heavy.


Nov 1, 2010, 6:55:26 PM11/1/10

"Julie Bove" <> wrote in message
You can buy sand by the pound at some tropical fish stores



Nov 1, 2010, 7:10:56 PM11/1/10

Water weighs 8.3 pounds per gallon.

Julie Bove

Nov 1, 2010, 7:37:18 PM11/1/10

"Freckles" <> wrote in message

That would be awfully expensive to get more than 18 pounds per arm! And I
still doubt that a plastic bottle would hold more than that.

Julie Bove

Nov 1, 2010, 7:37:43 PM11/1/10

"outsider" <> wrote in message

Would be kind of hard to pick up three gallons per hand.

Chris Malcolm

Nov 1, 2010, 10:14:29 PM11/1/10

If you're using standard dumb bells which you can add standard weights
to, I've found very cheap weights at a local junk yard. He has piles
of them, along with all kinds of junked gym machinery. The weights are
usually a bit rusty from having been lying out in the open, but they
still work well and are easily cleaned up if you're fussy :-)

Chris Malcolm

Julie Bove

Nov 2, 2010, 1:14:40 AM11/2/10

"Chris Malcolm" <> wrote in message

Nope. They're not standard weights. You can add weights, but... I have
added the most that can be added. These weights are polished steel. They
do not clip on. There's a screw type thing that holds them on.

Chris Malcolm

Nov 4, 2010, 5:07:49 PM11/4/10

Standard dumb bell weights don't clip on. They have a hole in the
middle and are held on by a screw type thing. Polished steel weights
are expensive. Cast iron ones are cheaper.

Chris Malcolm

Julie Bove

Nov 4, 2010, 5:35:42 PM11/4/10

"Chris Malcolm" <> wrote in message

Maybe they have changed over the years. One of my roommates was a weight
lifter. He left his very heavy weights in the living room and went out of
town. For a long time!

My friends and I disassembled the weights and carried them disc by disc
upstairs. Some of those discs were very heavy in and of themselves. If I
remember correctly, his had a clip that held them on.

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