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Were Jared Lee Loughner's parents unable to lock his ass up before he shot people?

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Jan 10, 2011, 3:14:13 PM1/10/11
When do you suppose his parents knew he was a mental case?

Were they allowed to lock his ass up or get serious help for him?

Did they try?

What other signs were there that he was dangerous?

What kind of involvement did Child Protection and
other Social Services have in his life?

Jared Lee Loughner, 22.
From his Myspace page before it was removed..
Notice how he answered the Movies question.
See the videos at the huff post link where
he raves about "concience dreaming" (sic)
and talks about Mind Control.

He was booted out of one college and told
that if a psychologist wrote a note saying he
was not a danger he could return.

Schools:I attended school: Thornydale elementary,Tortolita Middle
School, Mountain View Highschool, Northwest Aztec Middle College, and
Pima Community College.
Interests:My favorite interest was reading, and I studied grammar.
Conscience dreams were a great study in college!
Movies:(*My idiom: I could coin the moment!*)
Music:Pass me the strings!
Books:I had favorite books: Animal Farm, Brave New World, The Wizard
Of OZ, Aesop Fables, The Odyssey, Alice Adventures Into Wonderland,
Fahrenheit 451, Peter Pan, To Kill A Mockingbird, We The Living,
Phantom Toll Booth, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Pulp,Through The
Looking Glass, The Communist Manifesto, Siddhartha, The Old Man And
The Sea, Gulliver's Travels, Mein Kampf, The Republic, and Meno.

Frank McCoy

Jan 10, 2011, 3:23:09 PM1/10/11
Greegor <> wrote:

>When do you suppose his parents knew he was a mental case?
>Were they allowed to lock his ass up or get serious help for him?
>Did they try?

You can't lock somebody up for not being "normal".
If you could, *everybody* would be in jail.

None or which are signs he would be likely to do anything like this.

/ ' / ™
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Jan 10, 2011, 9:39:56 PM1/10/11

"Frank McCoy" <> wrote in message

Huffington Post is crap. That was Greg's mistake.
> --
> _____
> / ' / T


Jan 10, 2011, 8:06:44 PM1/10/11
I have heard that if parents have a kid who needs
serious psychiatric help, it can be rather expensive
and Social Services can't help financially until the
family is dragged down to the poverty level.

Despite all of the ADA and other stuff that is
known, parents in some places still have
problems getting schools to accomodate
kids with brain or psychiatric disorders.

The other students who complained and got
the college to eject him until he gets a not
from a psychologist saying he's not a danger?

They didn't do that just because he thought differently.

I heard he blurted out nonsense in class, too.


Jan 10, 2011, 8:07:26 PM1/10/11

PS - Did you play his YouTube videos?

Fred Brown

Jan 11, 2011, 10:43:01 AM1/11/11

"Frank McCoy" <> wrote in message

Neither our law enforcement or judicial systems are prepared to deal with
persons reported for "suspicious activity."
Any such system would be a shotgun approach.
The main reason people with erratic behavior don't get reported is because
while their behavior may be erratic they don't break any laws and thus there
is really nothing to substantiate any legal action.


Jan 11, 2011, 2:14:21 PM1/11/11
On Jan 11, 9:43 am, "Fred Brown" <> wrote:
> "Frank McCoy" <> wrote in message
> > Greegor <> wrote:
> >>When do you suppose his parents knew he was a mental case?
> >>Were they allowed to lock his ass up or get serious help for him?
> >>Did they try?
> > You can't lock somebody up for not being "normal".
> > If you could, *everybody* would be in jail.
> >>What other signs were there that he was dangerous?
> >>What kind of involvement did Child Protection and
> >>other Social Services have in his life?
> >>Jared Lee Loughner, 22.
> >>From his Myspace page before it was removed..
> >>Notice how he answered the Movies question.
> >>See the videos at the huff post link where
> >>he raves about "concience dreaming" (sic)
> >>and talks about Mind Control.
> >>He was booted out of one college and told
> >>that if a psychologist wrote a note saying he
> >>was not a danger he could return.
> >>

> >>Schools:I attended school: Thornydale elementary,Tortolita Middle
> >>School, Mountain View Highschool, Northwest Aztec Middle College, and
> >>Pima Community College.
> >>Interests:My favorite interest was reading, and I studied grammar.
> >>Conscience dreams were a great study in college!
> >>Movies:(*My idiom: I could coin the moment!*)
> >>Music:Pass me the strings!
> >>Books:I had favorite books: Animal Farm, Brave New World, The Wizard
> >>Of OZ, Aesop Fables, The Odyssey, Alice Adventures Into Wonderland,
> >>Fahrenheit 451, Peter Pan, To Kill A Mockingbird, We The Living,
> >>Phantom Toll Booth, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Pulp,Through The
> >>Looking Glass, The Communist Manifesto, Siddhartha, The Old Man And
> >>The Sea, Gulliver's Travels, Mein Kampf, The Republic, and Meno.
> > None or which are signs he would be likely to do anything like this.
> Neither our law enforcement or judicial systems are prepared to deal with
> persons reported for "suspicious activity."
> Any such system would be a shotgun approach.
> The main reason people with erratic behavior don't get reported is because
> while their behavior may be erratic they don't break any laws and thus there
> is really nothing to substantiate any legal action.

That never stopped ""Child Protective Services"" before!

When the college booted him for his psychiatric outbursts
the state did not place his name on federal watch lists for
purchasing firearms.

The parents apparently knew he was ILL
at least a year before he left home, though
they say they did not know he had become
as bad off as his Facebook and YouTube indicate.


Jan 11, 2011, 9:06:42 PM1/11/11

Sheriff Dupnik’s Culpability by Bill Hennessy on January 10, 2011

According to an internal Department of Homeland Security memo, Jarod
Lee Loughner’s mother “works for Pima County Board of Supervisors.”

In the memo, obtained by Fox News and posted on Greta Van Susteren’s
blog, the DHS agent openly speculates about undue internal influence.
That’s because Loughner’s arrests don’t all end with reasonable
closure, if you will.

Here’s exactly what the DHS report says:

suspect’s mother works for the Pima County Board of Supervisors* the
suspect has multiple arrests … But no criminal record? Intervention by

It’s not unreasonable to assume that that “someone” is Pima County
Sheriff Clarence Dupnik.

On Saturday evening, Dupnik took to the airwaves to create a
sensation. He accused the people of Arizona, talk radio, Sharon Angle,
Sarah Palin, and the tea party of complicity in murder, effectively.
The sheriff did so without evidence.

If Dupnik was involved in springing Loughner after one of the
murderer’s many arrests, then Dupnik had strong motive to manufacture
a bogeyman. If Dupnik helped keep Loughner stay out of the state
psych system, then his motive doubles. There’s mounting evidence that
Dupnik is guilty of both.

We already know that Dupnik refused to uphold Arizona’s SB1070. We
already know that he holds the people of Arizona in the highest
contempt. A law enforcement officer who despises the people he’s
sworn to protect and who refuses to enforce the law he’s sworn to
uphold is unfit for office.

If I were Arizona’s Attorney General, I’d be asking putting together a
case for some warrants.

But, as Dennis Miller would say, that’s just my opinion; I could be


Jan 11, 2011, 9:19:29 PM1/11/11

Arizona Suspected Gunman Passed FBI Background Check
By Jana Winter Published January 09, 2011 AP

This March 2010 photo shows a man identified as Jared L. Loughner at
the 2010 Tucson Festival of Books in Tucson, Ariz.
The suspect in Saturday's deadly rampage purchased a firearm legally
after passing an FBI background check, the company's vice president of
hunting operations told on Sunday.

Jared Lee Loughner, a 22-year-old man with a troubled past who law
enforcement say may have been influenced by American Renaissance, a
pro-white publication, bought the gun from Sportsman's Warehouse's
Tucson store in November.

Loughner, accused of killing six people, shooting Arizona Democratic
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and wounding 13 others, did not present a
concealed weapons permit so he was required to pass an FBI background
check. He did so"immediately and without incident," said Matt French,
speaking from the Sportsman's Warehouse's Utah headquarters.

"To my knowledge, the firearm purchase was without incident," French

French could not confirm whether the gun purchased in November was the
same gun allegedly used in Saturday's mass shooting, for which
Loughner so far has been charged with five counts of murder and
attempted murder. However, he said it was the only recent firearm
purchase made by the suspect at their stores.

major u.s. airports consider ditching tsa carelessspending celebrities
lose sympathy with american public Mother of Girl Shot Dead in Arizona
Rampage Remembers Her 'Beautiful Girl' Suspected Arizona Gunman
Reportedly Planned Shooting in Advance Pima County Sheriff Sets Off
Debate on Price of Free Speech "Sportsman's Warehouse is cooperating
fully with the authorities in investigating this horrible tragedy," he
said. "Our sincere condolences go to those affected by this
unspeakable incident."

New details are emerging about Loughner as a law enforcement memo
based on information provided by the Department of Homeland Security
and obtained by Fox News suggests he may have ties to the American
Renaissance group, though it's unclear if he was directly affiliated
with the publication or group.

The Southern Poverty Law Center describes the group as "white
nationalist" whose leader, Jared Taylor, is "a kind of modern-day
version of the refined but racist colonialist of old."

The memo states that there is "no direct connection" between Loughner
and the group, "but strong suspicion is being directed at AmRen /
American Renaissance. Suspect is possibly linked to this group.
(through videos posted on his MySpace and YouTube account.). The
group's ideology is anti-government, anti-immigration, anti-ZOG
(Zionist Occupational Government), anti-Semitic."

The memo also includes information about the suspect's mother, who
works for the Pima County Board of Supervisors and notes that Loughner
has multiple arrests but no criminal record.

But Taylor, a 1973 graduate in philosophy from Yale University, told
Fox News on Sunday that he had never heard of Loughner until Saturday
and has checked the group's records going back 20 years and has not
found any subscriptions for Loughner to American Renaissance

He added he has no indication that Loughner ever attended any of the
group's events, which have been held on the East Coast where the
organization is based.

Taylor also denied references to the group as being "anti-ZOG."

"That is complete nonsense," he said. "I have absolutely no idea what
DHS is talking about. We have never used the term 'ZOG.' We have never
thought in those terms. If this is the level of research we are
getting from DHS, then heaven help us," he said.

Loughner lives with his parents in a Tucson neighborhood that one
neighbor described as part of an area that is notorious for "stash
houses" for Mexican gangs to bring drugs into the U.S. and store

The neighbor, who asked only to be identified as Jon, said he
volunteered at a phone bank for Giffords' 2008 congressional campaign.
He said none of the neighbors seem to know any member of the Loughner
household, which on Sunday was cordoned off. Two run-down jalopies
outside the house along with a front walkway littered with empty paint
buckets and a garden hose blocked the walkway and door while the
entire front yard is covered in a tangled cactus tree.

Nothing like this has ever happened in this neighborhood. "We've had a
number of good DEA busts," Jon said. "It's a shock, it really is. ...
It's sad, it's been a sad day."

Another neighbor directly across from the home also did not want to
give his name, but said a mother, son and father live at the house.

"They weren't real friendly," said the neighbor who described himself
as 60 and retired. They mostly didn't talk to anyone and mainly stayed
inside. "Loners," he called them.

Another neighbor, Anthony Woods, who was three years behind Loughner
in school, said the father in the household was argumentative.

Woods said the dad would complain about everything from neighbors'
trash cans on the street to standing too close to his property by the
fence. Woods said law enforcement interviewed the mother and father at
the Loughner house Saturday night.

"They confiscated a lot of things" from the house, he said.

Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik said Saturday that Loughner had "a
troubled past."

"I'm not a psychiatrist so I have no reason to believe the person was
insane. Was he unstable? I would agree with that," he said.

Loughner was kicked out of Pima Community College following a series
of run-ins with school officials and police at the colleges where he
frequently caused disruptions in classrooms and elsewhere on campus,
according to The Arizona Republic.

The tensions with school officials led to Loughner's production of a
YouTube video in which he declared the college illegal, the newspaper

The college said Loughner could only return if he received mental-
health clearance, according to The Arizona Republic.

Loughner is suspected of posting a series of YouTube videos that show
a focus on literacy and currency -- as well as his distrust in the

"Hello, my name is Jared Lee Loughner," one of the videos says, in
words appearing on the screen. "This video is my introduction to you!
My favorite activity is conscience dreaming; the greatest inspiration
for my political business information. Some of you don't dream --

The video, posted Dec. 15, later turns more political.

"The majority of citizens in the United States of America have never
read the United States of America's Constitution. You don't have to
accept the federalist laws," the video's titles say. "In conclusion,
reading the second United States Constitution, I can't trust the
current government because of the ratifications: the government is
implying mind control and brainwash on the people by controlling
grammar. No! I won't pay debt with a currency that's not backed by
gold and silver! No! I won't trust in god!"

Loughner's last writing on his MySpace page was just hours before the

"Goodbye friends," he wrote. "Please don't be mad at me."

Loughner was rejected from enlistment in the U.S. Army because he
failed the Army urinalysis, a military official told Fox News.

Records obtained from the Pima County, Ariz., criminal database also
show Loughner was arrested in 2007 for possessing drug paraphernalia,
a misdemeanor charge. The records suggest that Loughner paid a $20 fee
and completed a court-ordered program for drug offenders.

Three months later he was cited for running a stop sign, according to
court documents.

Another record shows a 2008 arrest for what’s described as a "local
charge" in Marana, Ariz., 20 miles northwest of Tucson. The non-
criminal charge was dismissed.

FBI Director Robert Mueller said that the gun used in Saturday's
massacre was a Glock semi-automatic 9-mm. gun with extended magazine.

Drooling Idiot

Jan 12, 2011, 9:07:41 AM1/12/11
Greegor <> wrote:
> Sheriff Dupnik=92s Culpability by Bill Hennessy on January 10, 2011

> According to an internal Department of Homeland Security memo, Jarod
> Lee Loughner=92s mother =93works for Pima County Board of Supervisors.=94
> In the memo, obtained by Fox News and posted on Greta Van Susteren=92s

> blog, the DHS agent openly speculates about undue internal influence.
> That=92s because Loughner=92s arrests don=92t all end with reasonable
> closure, if you will.
> Here=92s exactly what the DHS report says:
> suspect=92s mother works for the Pima County Board of Supervisors* the
> suspect has multiple arrests =85 But no criminal record? Intervention by
> someone?
> It=92s not unreasonable to assume that that =93someone=94 is Pima County

> Sheriff Clarence Dupnik.
> On Saturday evening, Dupnik took to the airwaves to create a
> sensation. He accused the people of Arizona, talk radio, Sharon Angle,
> Sarah Palin, and the tea party of complicity in murder, effectively.
> The sheriff did so without evidence.

Yes, making accusations without evidence is pretty irresponsible. But you
won't see any irony in this, will you?

> If Dupnik was involved in springing Loughner after one of the

> murderer=92s many arrests, then Dupnik had strong motive to manufacture

> a bogeyman. If Dupnik helped keep Loughner stay out of the state

> psych system, then his motive doubles. There=92s mounting evidence that

> Dupnik is guilty of both.

> We already know that Dupnik refused to uphold Arizona=92s SB1070. We

> already know that he holds the people of Arizona in the highest

> contempt. A law enforcement officer who despises the people he=92s
> sworn to protect and who refuses to enforce the law he=92s sworn to

> uphold is unfit for office.

> If I were Arizona=92s Attorney General, I=92d be asking putting together

> a case for some warrants.

> But, as Dennis Miller would say, that=92s just my opinion; I could be
> wrong.

Dan Sutton

Jan 12, 2011, 2:38:48 PM1/12/11
On Jan 11, 9:06 pm, Greegor <> wrote:
> Sheriff Dupnik’s Culpability   by Bill Hennessy on January 10, 2011
> According to an internal Department of Homeland Security memo, Jarod
> Lee Loughner’s mother “works for Pima County Board of Supervisors.”
> In the memo, obtained by Fox News and posted on Greta Van Susteren’s
> blog, the DHS agent openly speculates about undue internal influence.

The operative word being "speculates."

> That’s because Loughner’s arrests don’t all end with reasonable
> closure, if you will.

Loughner had a single misdemeanor arrest that was resolved like any
other misdemeanor.

Which of Loughner's imaginary arrests didn't end with reasonable

> Here’s exactly what the DHS report says:
> suspect’s mother works for the Pima County Board of Supervisors* the
> suspect has multiple arrests … But no criminal record? Intervention by
> someone?
> It’s not unreasonable to assume that that “someone” is Pima County
> Sheriff Clarence Dupnik.

"Intervention by someone" is a question, not a statement.

> On Saturday evening, Dupnik took to the airwaves to create a
> sensation. He accused the people of Arizona, talk radio, Sharon Angle,
> Sarah Palin, and the tea party of complicity in murder, effectively.
> The sheriff did so without evidence.

The sheriff mentioned no specific person or organization.

He said radio and television.

And he certainly is in a position to know how ridiculously easy it is
to get a gun in Arizona.

And he certainly is in a position to know how difficult it is the get
mentally ill people psychological help if they don't want it.

I'm sure he faces those unfortunate realities every day

The sheriff mentioned the new law that would allow students to bring
guns to their college classes.

And I'm sure he knew how many times Rep. Giffords and other
politicians were threatened and had their offices vandalized.

And he knew that a Federal Judge was killed along with a number of
other people including a nine year old girl.

And he knew how many people were wounded.

And he knew that all this was happening in his own state and in his
own backyard... to people he knew and cared about.

And he knew about Palin's target map with cross hairs over Rep.
Giffords district..

And he knew Giffords' opponent advertised a few months ago, “Get on
Target for Victory in November. Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from
office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly.”

He certainly knows there is more than one unstable individual out
there with access to guns and multi-round clips, like the ones
Loughner had.

How fortunate it is that Loughner' gun was loaded with twenty rounds
rather than a thirty round clip that he could have used.

I think the sheriff opened a dialog on a subject that couldn't be
ignored after what just happened in Arizona.

Again, he only mentioned radio and television.

Spencer Giffords, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords father, was more specific
when asked if his daughter had any enemies, Spencer Giffords said
"Yeah, the entire Tea Party."

Shouldn't Spencer Giffords have responded truthfully?

> If Dupnik was involved in springing Loughner after one of the
> murderer’s many arrests,

Since when does "one" mean "many?"

> then Dupnik had strong motive to manufacture
> a bogeyman.  If Dupnik helped keep Loughner stay out of the state
> psych system, then his motive doubles.

There' no reason a misdemeanor arrest would cause the perp to be
involved in the state psych system.

> There’s mounting evidence that
> Dupnik is guilty of both.

What mounting evidence?

> We already know that Dupnik refused to uphold Arizona’s SB1070.  We
> already know that he holds the people of Arizona in the highest
> contempt.

Based on what evidence?

> A law enforcement officer who despises the people he’s
> sworn to protect and who refuses to enforce the law he’s sworn to
> uphold is unfit for office.
> If I were Arizona’s Attorney General, I’d be asking putting together a
> case for some warrants.
> But, as Dennis Miller would say, that’s just my opinion; I could be
> wrong.

You are wrong.

Frank McCoy

Jan 12, 2011, 3:07:41 PM1/12/11
Dan Sutton <> wrote:

>How fortunate it is that Loughner' gun was loaded with twenty rounds
>rather than a thirty round clip that he could have used.

Um ... Check your sources again.
He used a 33-round clip; of which they say they found 31 expended
rounds afterwards. He was grabbing for a second clip when taken down.


Jan 12, 2011, 3:47:38 PM1/12/11
Now the College and Sherriff department are refusing
to release their records on Jared Lee Loughner.

There's some CYA going on.


Jan 12, 2011, 3:57:49 PM1/12/11

I don't know about the Sherriff's office, but the college is covered by
FERPA and can not release any records without either the student's written
permission or a judge's order.


Jan 12, 2011, 8:00:12 PM1/12/11
I had thought of the privacy issues but what's
strange is how much information has already
gotten out about the numerous arrests with
no convictions, etc.

A LOT of information got out through some
of his college and high school class mates, too.

In one case he babbled some of his mental garbage
and threw fits in a classroom and the teacher
asked him to leave and he refused saying
that as a US citizen he had a right to be there.

A campus security guard had to escort him out.

He was into "concious dreaming" though he
spelled concious as conscience,

He raved about grammar as part of mind control
and while he raved about currency not based
on silver or gold, he also raved that currency should
be based on dreaming or some such delusion.

His own father chased him into the desert
the morning of the shooting after seeing him
with some sort of black bag.

His Dad apparently called the Police a lot
about a harasser, made odd territorial
claims like people standing too close
to the edge of his property, etc.
(Before the murder and media frenzy.)

Dan Sullivan

Jan 12, 2011, 8:29:50 PM1/12/11

"Greegor" <> wrote in message

>I had thought of the privacy issues but what's
> strange is how much information has already
> gotten out about the numerous arrests with
> no convictions, etc.

One misdemeanor conviction.

> A LOT of information got out through some
> of his college and high school class mates, too.
> In one case he babbled some of his mental garbage
> and threw fits in a classroom and the teacher
> asked him to leave and he refused saying
> that as a US citizen he had a right to be there.

A constitutional right to be there.

> A campus security guard had to escort him out.
> He was into "concious dreaming" though he
> spelled concious as conscience,



Jan 12, 2011, 10:05:27 PM1/12/11

From: Dan Sutton <>
Newsgroups: alt.activism.children,
Subject: Re: Were Jared Lee Loughner's parents unable to lock his ass
before he shot people?
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 11:38:48 -0800 (PST)
Lines: 125
References: <b2629ef1-1ba0-46e0->
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Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729),gzip(gfe)

From: "Dan Sullivan" <>
Newsgroups: alt.activism.children,
References: <b2629ef1-1ba0-46e0->
<> <4d2c7a3c
$0$44630$> <e9459935-3718-4e0c-> <99f1fe9e-5bec-485d->
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Subject: Re: Were Jared Lee Loughner's parents unable to lock his ass
up before he shot people?
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 20:29:50 -0500
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.5931
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Organization: Optimum Online

Dan Sullivan

Jan 12, 2011, 11:33:42 PM1/12/11

"Greegor" <> wrote in message

You're a regular detective, grag.

Too bad you couldn't use your smarts to keep yourself from getting convicted
twice and going to jail.

Couldn't you get the sheriff in Cedar Rapids to help you out?


Jan 13, 2011, 12:31:16 AM1/13/11
> > But, as Dennis Miller would say, that’s just my opinion; I could be
> > wrong.

DJS3 > You are wrong.

Dan, you argued with an article I cut and pasted with a LINK!

I thought your alias was Oliver Sutton, not Dan Sutton.

Why did you move to Brooklyn?


Jan 13, 2011, 10:03:01 AM1/13/11

Somehow the College released Jared Loughner's records.


Jan 13, 2011, 10:25:26 AM1/13/11
Greegor <> wrote:
> I had thought of the privacy issues but what's
> strange is how much information has already
> gotten out about the numerous arrests with
> no convictions, etc.
> A LOT of information got out through some
> of his college and high school class mates, too.

Students aren't bound by FERPA, but the college is; they can't go releasing
information, regardless of what has already been talked about.

> In one case he babbled some of his mental garbage
> and threw fits in a classroom and the teacher
> asked him to leave and he refused saying
> that as a US citizen he had a right to be there.
> A campus security guard had to escort him out.
> He was into "concious dreaming" though he
> spelled concious as conscience,
> He raved about grammar as part of mind control
> and while he raved about currency not based
> on silver or gold, he also raved that currency should
> be based on dreaming or some such delusion.
> His own father chased him into the desert
> the morning of the shooting after seeing him
> with some sort of black bag.
> His Dad apparently called the Police a lot
> about a harasser, made odd territorial
> claims like people standing too close
> to the edge of his property, etc.
> (Before the murder and media frenzy.)

He is a total nut job.


Jan 13, 2011, 10:27:32 AM1/13/11
"Dan Sullivan" <> wrote:
> "Greegor" <> wrote in message
> >I had thought of the privacy issues but what's
> > strange is how much information has already
> > gotten out about the numerous arrests with
> > no convictions, etc.
> One misdemeanor conviction.
> > A LOT of information got out through some
> > of his college and high school class mates, too.
> >
> > In one case he babbled some of his mental garbage
> > and threw fits in a classroom and the teacher
> > asked him to leave and he refused saying
> > that as a US citizen he had a right to be there.
> A constitutional right to be there.

That isn't true. If he was being disruptive the instructor had the right
to kick him out of the classroom. You have no constitutional right to be
disruptive in a college classroom.

Dan Sullivan

Jan 13, 2011, 12:17:32 PM1/13/11

"XXX" <> wrote in message

> "Dan Sullivan" <> wrote:
>> "Greegor" <> wrote in message
>> >I had thought of the privacy issues but what's
>> > strange is how much information has already
>> > gotten out about the numerous arrests with
>> > no convictions, etc.
>> One misdemeanor conviction.
>> > A LOT of information got out through some
>> > of his college and high school class mates, too.
>> >
>> > In one case he babbled some of his mental garbage
>> > and threw fits in a classroom and the teacher
>> > asked him to leave and he refused saying
>> > that as a US citizen he had a right to be there.
>> A constitutional right to be there.
> That isn't true. If he was being disruptive the instructor had the right
> to kick him out of the classroom. You have no constitutional right to be
> disruptive in a college classroom.

I wasn't claiming Loughner had a constitutional right to be there.

The teacher from that class said Loughner claimed he had a constitutional
right to do what he did in the classroom.


Jan 13, 2011, 6:50:49 PM1/13/11
> Students aren't bound by FERPA, but the college is; they can't go releasing
> information, regardless of what has already been talked about.

The college did release Loughner's records.

I wonder how that was rationalized.


Jan 15, 2011, 4:35:31 PM1/15/11
> Organization: Optimum Online
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
[ Cablevision Brooklyn NY ]

DJS3 > You're a regular detective, grag.
DJS3 >
DJS3 > Too bad you couldn't use your smarts to
DJS3 > keep yourself from getting convicted
DJS3 > twice and going to jail.
DJS3 >
DJS3 > Couldn't you get the sheriff in
DJS3 > Cedar Rapids to help you out?

With what?

I asked you why you moved to Brooklyn.

Is that troublesome?

Dan Sullivan

Jan 15, 2011, 5:11:48 PM1/15/11
On Jan 15, 4:35 pm, Greegor <> wrote:
> > Organization: Optimum Online
> > NNTP-Posting-Host:
> [ Cablevision Brooklyn NY ]
> DJS3 > You're a regular detective, grag.
> DJS3 >
> DJS3 > Too bad you couldn't use your smarts to
> DJS3 > keep yourself from getting convicted
> DJS3 > twice and going to jail.
> DJS3 >
> DJS3 > Couldn't you get the sheriff in
> DJS3 > Cedar Rapids to help you out?
> With what?

Your multiple arrests.


Jan 18, 2011, 5:22:27 AM1/18/11
Organization: Optimum Online
[ Cablevision Brooklyn NY ]

DJS3 > You're a regular detective, grag.
DJS3 >
DJS3 > Too bad you couldn't use your smarts to
DJS3 > keep yourself from getting convicted
DJS3 > twice and going to jail.
DJS3 >
DJS3 > Couldn't you get the sheriff in
DJS3 > Cedar Rapids to help you out?

G > With what?

DJS3 > Your multiple arrests.

Does your sheriff fix things for you, Dan?

G > I asked you why you moved to Brooklyn.
G > Is that troublesome?

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