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Why can't I get a raise on my social security disability?

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dr. Baf

Jan 16, 2010, 10:25:44 PM1/16/10
I knew if that big eared Nigger got elected things would start fucking
up. I worked all my life and now i am over 65 and i can't even get a
much needed and deserved cost of living raise! Now i have to work part
time selling hot dogs on the street to young punks who let their pants
sag to their knees and speak jibberish while waving their hands in
some kind of weird hand gestures or signs.
One of them tried to rob me the other day. He almost turned white from
fright when i pulled out a Glock 9mm. He started mumbling something
about 'Mamas daddy be chillin fo sho, dog' and gave me a weird hand
gesture and moved on. Thanks Obama.

dr. Baf

Six String Stu

Jan 16, 2010, 11:07:01 PM1/16/10

"dr. Baf" <> wrote in message

Brother, I'm very white, from the south and even I aint that bigoted.
Too bad that hand sign wasn't "I'm commin back with my homies an we gonna do
a drive by on yer lil stand"
Racism is the product of ignorance. If you knew better, in your advanced
age, that should be obvious. I guess you have a license to carry a concield
weapon. If not I hope you get caught with it one day and it gets taken away
from you before one of those street thugs takes it from you and kills an
innocent. :(

High Miles

Jan 16, 2010, 11:46:33 PM1/16/10
His little tale is just bullshit.......based on the frustration of being
a life long loser.


Jan 17, 2010, 10:10:02 AM1/17/10

Racism is caused by mean, sorry blacks, and don't try tro deny it. If
you are a white southerner, over 60, then you never had any contact
with blaks in your entire life. Those of us who grew up next to The
Quarters, and who worked with them, and been around them know what we
are talking about.

Six String Stu

Jan 17, 2010, 10:35:09 AM1/17/10

"thuss" <> wrote in message
I'm 48. I've been witness to bigotry from both sides of the fence.
I've also seen some very real and warm human beings of differnt skin colors
who grew past the ignorance of the rest. Who rose above the petty contraints
of ignorance and predujice.
There are reasons why Skynard's song "Ballad of Curtic Lowe" or David Cody's
"Catfish Jones" ring so true and have become popular. It's because people
are generaly good inside and don't believe deep down that the chains of
history remain shackled around the ankle of the human spirit.
Nowhere else in the world can one find the white guilt that this country is
suffering from. And just to clarify your messed up history, the Civil war
was not about slaves, per se, it was the advent of the industrial
revolution. The begining of a new era. Many of us from Dixie know this and
are not stuck in the past.
Like anything else, if a person can't let go of all the baggege it makes the
journey forward all that much more difficult.


Jan 17, 2010, 10:44:17 AM1/17/10
Your racism belies your ignorance. You aren´t getting a raise because
of the Bush regime war machine and all the money that has been taken
from coffers to make a few elite groups of wealthy wealthier. Reagan/
Bush or some other republican crony are the ones who set it up so that
your Social Security does that increase with cost of living, but on
other bullshit factors that are unrelated, and that they knew would
mean less increase.

Clinton tried to change the way that increases are calculated, but was
voted down by .... guess who? Your lovely good ol Republican boys.

Who may talk a bit more sophisticated than the street kids you
describe, but are undescribably more evil with their manipulation and
lies (look at what you though below as a good example of how
successful they are) - if that is the point you are trying to make.

Obama would change it to match cost of living, but your good buddies
won´t let him.

Message has been deleted


Jan 17, 2010, 2:59:36 PM1/17/10

Your blatant ignorance and intolerance toward an entire culture,
is at the least intolerant and bigoted. This man like it or not is the
leader and president of our country duly elected by a majority of the
voters. It also should be noted that NO president can without
congressional approval give or take money from you. Unless of course
it is in litigation or back taxes child support etc, and then it is
NOT the president that is involved. IF you are that poor then poor
planning is a great part of your problem, not a simple 3% or so
increase in your benefits. IF you are drawing 1200.00 a month that 3%
is 36.00 per month. IF that amount is the difference of you making or
breaking the budget for your retirement then you need a course in
budgeting and money management skills. By the way other than bickering
and whining what have you personally done to help yourself? Written to
your representative? Signed the COLA and fair COLA petitions from
TSCL ? ( Called your
local Senior Citizens groups and ask what you can do to help fight ?
OR did ya just come on here to bitch and whine because your
intolerance and bigotry got the best of ya?
I guess what is said is true "The mind is a terrible thing to
waste" In your case though I would say that expression is most likely


Jan 17, 2010, 3:07:06 PM1/17/10
On Jan 17, 9:10 am, thuss <> wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Jan 2010 22:07:01 -0600, "Six String Stu"
> <> wrote:
> >"dr. Baf" <> wrote in message

My my what an UN educated view. IF you are going to continue to
belittle others at least have some idea what your talking about and
invest in a spell check. Your lack of insight of racism is laughable,
I bet you have your sheet and your hood all pressed and ready for that
next meetin huh. Oh and yes I am a Caucasian, born in Texas and lived
in Texas all my life, am 68 and I will say that I had the HONOR to
fight next to some very brave and good men whose skin color had NO
bearing on them or I when we fought side by side.


Jan 17, 2010, 5:05:52 PM1/17/10

Hush! Listen! Hear that? The sound of a strike!

Fish on................


Jan 17, 2010, 5:12:16 PM1/17/10
Ignorance is bliss; that said, this actually should be a very, very blissful
person! I only have two real prejudices I've been able to indentify: I'd
still kill a gook just as I did so many times in the war, and I'd also kill
this malingering idtio because he makes just as much sense and would cause
nearly as many deaths if he were allowed to exist freely.

brian <> typed:

Marge Ginevera

Jan 17, 2010, 5:13:03 PM1/17/10
WOW! He hit the quadfecta! A RACIST, off-topic, cross-posted, forged

Marge Ginevera

Jan 17, 2010, 5:13:20 PM1/17/10

Marge Ginevera

Jan 17, 2010, 5:13:39 PM1/17/10

Marge Ginevera

Jan 17, 2010, 5:13:54 PM1/17/10

Marge Ginevera

Jan 17, 2010, 5:14:07 PM1/17/10


Jan 17, 2010, 5:26:32 PM1/17/10
Marge Ginevera <> wrote in news:Xns9D03AF54AB2E5Marge@

> WOW! He hit the quadfecta! A RACIST, off-topic, cross-posted, forged
> article!

But he hasn't hit the jackpot, which is to be labeled by James Hodges (aka
Six String Stu), the resident psychopath and pathological liar, as a
troll, a stalker and an internet terrorist.


Jan 17, 2010, 9:35:39 PM1/17/10
Marge Ginevera <> wrote in news:Xns9D03AF3BB98D5Marge@

> WOW! He hit the quadfecta! A RACIST, off-topic, cross-posted, forged
> article!

But he hasn't hit the jackpot, which is to be labeled by James Hodges (aka


Jan 17, 2010, 9:36:35 PM1/17/10
Marge Ginevera <> wrote in news:Xns9D03AF5DD2B6DMarge@

> WOW! He hit the quadfecta! A RACIST, off-topic, cross-posted, forged
> article!

But he hasn't hit the jackpot, which is to be labeled by James Hodges (aka


Jan 17, 2010, 9:37:11 PM1/17/10
Marge Ginevera <> wrote in news:Xns9D03AF496CDECMarge@

> WOW! He hit the quadfecta! A RACIST, off-topic, cross-posted, forged
> article!

But he hasn't hit the jackpot, which is to be labeled by James Hodges (aka


Jan 17, 2010, 9:37:41 PM1/17/10
Marge Ginevera <> wrote in news:Xns9D03AF2FA9E3EMarge@

> WOW! He hit the quadfecta! A RACIST, off-topic, cross-posted, forged
> article!

But he hasn't hit the jackpot, which is to be labeled by James Hodges (aka


Jan 17, 2010, 9:55:44 PM1/17/10
Shit For Brains Mike Hodges aka "Six String Stu" <hawkinnc45> wrote in

> people are generaly good inside

If so, you are certinly not one of them. On the other hand, perhaps you
are just a violent hatred-spewing psychopath and pathological liar who is
evil personified on the outside, but who is is good inside. Anyone
interested in purchasing some prime beachfront property in the swamplands
of Florida?

High Miles

Jan 17, 2010, 10:22:41 PM1/17/10
With all those qualifications, he'd make a dandy preacher.


Jan 17, 2010, 10:34:14 PM1/17/10
High Miles <> wrote in

James Hodges (aka Six String Stu) is too much of hypocritical, self
righteous "Christian" to be a politician.

High Miles

Jan 17, 2010, 10:38:27 PM1/17/10

The magic word.
Those people who need gods are not fit for public service.
Divided loyalties and all that.

Message has been deleted

Six String Stu

Jan 18, 2010, 12:53:44 AM1/18/10

<Alle...@nul.vod> wrote in message
> That didn't stop Ted Kennedy!
The Lion

Message has been deleted


Jan 18, 2010, 1:32:56 PM1/18/10

Why do you guys keep feeding the troll.

High Miles

Jan 18, 2010, 2:14:52 PM1/18/10
George wrote:
> Why do you guys keep feeding the troll.
Too nasty to go outdoors.'s like tossing crumbs to a beggar.

Margo Ginevera

Jan 18, 2010, 2:39:15 PM1/18/10

Marge Ginevero

Jan 18, 2010, 2:39:43 PM1/18/10


Jan 18, 2010, 4:58:14 PM1/18/10
On Jan 16, 10:25 pm, "dr. Baf" <> wrote:
> I knew if that big eared Nigger got elected things would start fucking
> up. I worked all my life and now i am over 65 and i can't even get a
> much needed and deserved cost of living raise! Now i have to work part
> time selling hot dogs on the street to young punks who let their pants
> sag to their knees and speak jibberish while waving their hands in
> some kind of weird hand gestures or signs.
> One of them tried to rob me the other day. He almost turned white from
> fright when i pulled out a Glock 9mm. He started mumbling something
> about 'Mamas daddy be chillin fo sho, dog' and gave me a weird hand
> gesture and moved on. Thanks Obama.
> dr. Baf

In matters of cost-of-living increases, the Social Security
Administration screens OUT all recipients if their so-called
disabilities are HIV/AIDS, incest or child-sex-related.

Probably why you're shut out, don't you think?


Jan 18, 2010, 6:55:13 PM1/18/10
SoundChaser <b...@sleep.horne> typed:

Wassa matter, jealous? You think you should be included too just because
the same applies to you? You sure have a "thing" for some same-sex folk
here. Oh, troll got left out of the list above.


Jan 18, 2010, 6:56:10 PM1/18/10
SoundChaser <b...@sleep.horne> typed:

No need for Stu to do that; most everyone else already has done so in their
own minds. If you had a mind, you too could ...


Jan 18, 2010, 6:56:36 PM1/18/10
SoundChaser <b...@sleep.horne> typed:

Speaking of stalkers; Hi!


Jan 18, 2010, 9:09:31 PM1/18/10
"Twayne" <> wrote in

You decide, while you still can, and before condition of your brain joins
that of your body.


Jan 18, 2010, 9:17:52 PM1/18/10
"Twayne" <> wrote in

Refresh my memory. Exactly how many of the approimately 6,797,300,000
people on this planet did you include in your survey?

> If you had a mind, you too could ...

While my mind may not measure up to your standards, you are the one whose
health is in the toilet and worsening by the day. Unlike you I am in
perfect health. Care to trade?


Jan 18, 2010, 9:26:36 PM1/18/10
"Twayne" <> wrote in news:hj2sfu$ld0$1...@news.eternal-

Not interested. Sorry!


Jan 19, 2010, 6:22:12 AM1/19/10
On Jan 16, 9:25�pm, "dr. Baf" <> wrote:
> I knew if that big eared Nigger got elected things would start fucking
> up. I worked all my life and now i am over 65 and i can't even get a
> much needed and deserved cost of living raise! Now i have to work part
> time selling hot dogs on the street to young punks who let their pants
> sag to their knees and speak jibberish while waving their hands in
> some kind of weird hand gestures or signs.
> One of them tried to rob me the other day. He almost turned white from
> fright when i pulled out a Glock 9mm. He started mumbling something
> about 'Mamas daddy be chillin fo sho, dog' and gave me a weird hand
> gesture and moved on. Thanks Obama.
> dr. Baf

By law, a COLA is tied directly to the CPI, which basically show no
increase. Based on deflation last year, it's lucky we didn't have
benefits lowered. And why is it this year you need to sell hotdogs
where last year you didn't. Prices haven't risen.


Jan 19, 2010, 6:23:28 AM1/19/10
On Jan 16, 9:25�pm, "dr. Baf" <> wrote:
> I knew if that big eared Nigger got elected things would start fucking
> up. I worked all my life and now i am over 65 and i can't even get a
> much needed and deserved cost of living raise! Now i have to work part
> time selling hot dogs on the street to young punks who let their pants
> sag to their knees and speak jibberish while waving their hands in
> some kind of weird hand gestures or signs.
> One of them tried to rob me the other day. He almost turned white from
> fright when i pulled out a Glock 9mm. He started mumbling something
> about 'Mamas daddy be chillin fo sho, dog' and gave me a weird hand
> gesture and moved on. Thanks Obama.
> dr. Baf

And why would a disabled person be carrying a gun? If your disability
in anyway related to mental health, that would be illegal most


Jan 19, 2010, 6:25:27 AM1/19/10
On Jan 17, 12:15�pm, no_...@void.nul wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 10:10:02 -0500, thuss <> wrote:
> >On Sat, 16 Jan 2010 22:07:01 -0600, "Six String Stu"
> ><> wrote:
> >>"dr. Baf" <> wrote in message
> >>

> >>>I knew if that big eared Nigger got elected things would start fucking
> >>> up. I worked all my life and now i am over 65 and i can't even get a
> >>> much needed and deserved cost of living raise! Now i have to work part
> >>> time selling hot dogs on the street to young punks who let their pants
> >>> sag to their knees and speak jibberish while waving their hands in
> >>> some kind of weird hand gestures or signs.
> >>> One of them tried to rob me the other day. He almost turned white from
> >>> fright when i pulled out a Glock 9mm. He started mumbling something
> >>> about 'Mamas daddy be chillin fo sho, dog' and gave me a weird hand
> >>> gesture and moved on. Thanks Obama.
> >>> dr. Baf
> >>Brother, I'm very white, from the south and even I aint that bigoted.
> >>Too bad that hand sign wasn't "I'm commin back with my homies an we gonna do
> >>a drive by on yer lil stand"
> >>Racism is the product of ignorance. If you knew better, in your advanced
> >>age, that should be obvious. I guess you have a license to carry a concield
> >>weapon. If not I hope you get caught with it one day and it gets taken away
> >>from you before one of those street thugs takes it from you and kills an
> >>innocent. :(
> >Racism is caused by mean, sorry blacks, and don't try tro deny it. �If
> >you are a white southerner, over 60, then you never had any contact
> >with blaks in your entire life. �Those of us who grew up next to The
> >Quarters, and who worked with them, and been around them know what we
> >are talking about. �
> You made poor choices. I have lived around and worked with some of the
> nicest and hard working Blacks I have ever known! Those blacks I could
> not get along with I stayed away from.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


High Miles

Jan 19, 2010, 6:53:21 AM1/19/10
Relayer wrote:
> On Jan 16, 9:25�pm, "dr. Baf" <> wrote:
>> I knew if that big eared Nigger got elected things would start fucking
>> up. I worked all my life and now i am over 65 and i can't even get a
>> much needed and deserved cost of living raise! Now i have to work part
>> time selling hot dogs on the street to young punks who let their pants
>> sag to their knees and speak jibberish while waving their hands in
>> some kind of weird hand gestures or signs.
>> One of them tried to rob me the other day. He almost turned white from
>> fright when i pulled out a Glock 9mm. He started mumbling something
>> about 'Mamas daddy be chillin fo sho, dog' and gave me a weird hand
>> gesture and moved on.
>> dr. Baf
> By law, a COLA is tied directly to the CPI, which basically show no
> increase. Based on deflation last year, it's lucky we didn't have
> benefits lowered. And why is it this year you need to sell hotdogs
> where last year you didn't. Prices haven't risen.

Have you not purchased groceries lately ?

I realize the OP is just an idiot troll, but surely wonder how anyone
living in this world can claim deflation.
Perhaps things have gone down in price where you are, but for most of
us, utilities, food, fuel, communication and property taxes prices
continue to rise.

High Miles

Jan 19, 2010, 6:54:43 AM1/19/10

This bird's tool box is half empty.
Making up stories like this is merely a symptom.

Six String Stu

Jan 19, 2010, 9:56:03 AM1/19/10

"High Miles" <> wrote in message
> Relayer wrote:
Very true. I see these claims that prices have gone down or continued to
stay the same and I think there must be something terribly wrong. When Fueal
prices shot up so high a couple years ago the prices of food at this local
grocery went through the roof. They haven't gone back down. Insurance
prpremiums went up too. Granted fuel went down slightly, but it's creeping
back up again.


Jan 19, 2010, 9:59:03 AM1/19/10

Remember too that a 2010 would have been based on comparing CPI in 3rd
quarter of 2009 to 3rd qtr 2008. Housing and fuel are heavily weighted
in CPI calcs and since housing and fuel are down from 2008 (remember
gas prices at$4.00+ and housing 40% higher?) then the CPI was down.
Also the 2009 COLA was something like 5.6%, the highest in years.

Six String Stu

Jan 19, 2010, 10:22:53 AM1/19/10

"George" <> wrote in message


The COLA is figured out via unrealistic factoring. An older person has more
medical and perscription costs then a 24 year old clerk who is probably
still living with mom and dad.
And I've got a sneaking suspicion that the CPI is one of those figures that
is easialy manipulated.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Six String Stu

Jan 19, 2010, 2:36:12 PM1/19/10

"Dead Ted" <> wrote in message

My disability is health related, not mental. And with the world being
what it is
today do you really have to ask why I would carry a gun?

Yes, I do.
Don't misconstru, I am not against guns. Just folks who use them outside of
hunting or combat.
If you need the comforting feel of cold steel to get through your day then
maybe there are better alternatives.


Jan 19, 2010, 4:30:47 PM1/19/10
SoundChaser <b...@sleep.horne> typed:

> "Twayne" <> wrote in
> news:hj2sf5$lav$
> While my mind may not measure up to your standards, you are the one
> whose health is in the toilet and worsening by the day. Unlike you I
> am in perfect health. Care to trade?

Nah, don't need those terrible mental problems you have! Trading with you
would be like trading in a Porsche for a used bicycle.


Jan 19, 2010, 4:43:27 PM1/19/10
SoundChaser <b...@sleep.horne> typed:
> "Twayne" <> wrote in
> news:hj2sf5$lav$
>> In,
>> SoundChaser <b...@sleep.horne> typed:

> ,,, Unlike you I

> am in perfect health. Care to trade?

lol, I doubt your mind measures up to anyone elses, actually.
One way or another, you are a LIAR!

SoundChaser View profile
More options Sep 22 2009, 5:20 pm


From: "SoundChaser" <b...@sleep.home>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 17:20:59 -0500
Local: Tues, Sep 22 2009 5:20 pm
Subject: Double diagnosis- Jack
Reply to author | Forward | Print | Individual message | Show original |
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Hi Jack,
I filed for disability based on a set of symptoms, which fit an
illness. I was tested by a government physician and found to have two
illnesses which have similar symptoms and could both cause severe
impairment. I am about to begin a series of tests and treatments to
see if I have the second illness more so than the first, which I
assume is the one I was approved on. The first is a MINE as is the
second. The second is actually congenital, incurable, very rare, and
more of a MINP......
Do you think I might be opening a can of worms if it can be shown
that the problem was actually the second condition all this time? It
is medically impossible for it to develop or go away, so I had it when
I was approved regardless of what anyone says.
I guess I'm just hoping for an accurate diagnosis and wondering if
it will foul me up.
PS- Best wishes to you and the Warrior Princess!

Reply to author Forward

has a pic of his favorite food
Subject:Re: I KNEW IT!!!
Posting date:24-10-2009
"pan" wrote in message

> SoundChaser wrote:
>>> I have had a whole boatload of ailments for years, and nothing
>>> they gave me seemed to help... I've been fighting just giving in
>>> to
>>> despair for awhile. Then I heard of a kind of genetic immunity to
>>> the
>>> meds they were giving me. I looked it up, had my DNA checked at a
>>> lab
>>> and lo and behold I AM genetically incapable of properly
>>> metabolizing all kinds of stuff, from morphine to antidepressants
>>> to
>>> cancer meds. I take meds and they just float around doing
>>> nothing!!!
>>> When I had my cancer surgery last year they gave me enough
>>> morphine
>>> in the hospital to kill a horse and I just sat there reading a
>>> magazine.... Now I can look at a list and know beforehand if a
>>> medication will help me!!
>>> Never give up! Seek and you shall find!

>>> SoundChaser
> Where did you get your DNA analysed?

Blood was drawn at my Dr's office and air-shipped overnight to a
lab out of the country.

> Is there a central source for finding this kind of service?
Ask your Dr if they can provide you with a CYP450 test for
function of the CYP2D6 gene to see if you are a "poor metaboliser".
CYP2D6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

> What was the cost like?

Hoping Medicare will pay- was told it cost $300-$500+.

> How comprehensive? Were you checked against a known
> library of specific gene-drug interactions?

They are online. This is my gene.
> Seems to be a useful part of info to have.
Yeah, I'm flabbergasted to find out that my genes are screwed up
and that something as simple as Benadryl makes all my meds even more
useless than before. Antacids too....
Excerpt: Right now's he's
sorry he killed the girl!


And so on, ad infinitum. From the flood of information available, I'd say
you're something I wouldn't even flush down my toilet; you'd pollute the
whole sewer system.

Six String Stu

Jan 19, 2010, 5:03:22 PM1/19/10

"Twayne" <> wrote in message

> In,
> SoundChaser <b...@sleep.horne> typed:
>> "Twayne" <> wrote in
>> news:hj2sf5$lav$
>>> In,
>>> SoundChaser <b...@sleep.horne> typed:
> ...
>> ,,, Unlike you I
>> am in perfect health. Care to trade?
> lol, I doubt your mind measures up to anyone elses, actually.
> One way or another, you are a LIAR!
I hope that you understand you are conversing with a troll that is using
Soundchaser's nick in this forum.
Not every Soundchaser is the Soundchaser that you might be thinking of.


Jan 19, 2010, 8:43:39 PM1/19/10
Relayer <> wrote in news:ad380b02-1d09-4a64-b9ce-

Probably for the same reason the James Hodges (aka Six String Stu) sleeps
with a gun at his bedside.


Jan 19, 2010, 8:56:13 PM1/19/10
"Six String Stu" <> wrote in

Life is tough when you're an SSDI parasite who needs to suck on the
public tit to survive. Too bad you're just a low-life sack of shit
without any significant education and without any marketable skills. I,
on the other hand, earned more last week than you likely milked the
system for all of last year. Have a nice day and by all means keep your
defamatory lies about me coming. Just don't ever earn any real money.


Jan 19, 2010, 8:59:27 PM1/19/10
"Six String Stu" <> wrote in

Excuse me, but aren't you the violent psychopath who claims that he
sleeps with a gun?


Jan 19, 2010, 9:09:17 PM1/19/10
"Twayne" <> wrote in

Then Mr. ShitForBrains, you keep your Porsche and I'll keep my used bicycle
and we'll see which one of us either runs out of gas and/or money the
soonest. One thing is for sure which is that it's you, not I, who is
whining about his medical condition and his circumstances.


Jan 19, 2010, 9:23:51 PM1/19/10
"Six String Stu" <> wrote in news:63516$4b562c56

Now that's downright offensive. To be downgraded from a stalker and
internet terrorist to a mere troll by the low-life psychopath, judgmental,
hypocritical Christian, and pathological liar by the name of James Hodges
(aka Six String Stu) is outright unconscionable, and I demand an immediate,
public apology.


Jan 20, 2010, 6:11:30 AM1/20/10
> continue to rise.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I live in the Chicago area and prices are lower than last year, as in
proven and confirmed by the CPI (The consumer price index) which is a
listen of items and goods prices, hence no COLA, although most likely
there will be a pretty hefty one next year


Jan 20, 2010, 6:14:13 AM1/20/10
On Jan 19, 9:22�am, "Six String Stu" <>
> "George" <> wrote in message
> is easialy manipulated.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I'm noy sure fuel prices are calculated, although during most of '09,
they were lower. Too bad they are going up again. As an example, my
brother works for the government and he too did not receive a COLA


Jan 20, 2010, 6:15:04 AM1/20/10
On Jan 19, 11:38�am, Alley...@nul.vod wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Jan 2010 03:22:12 -0800 (PST), Relayer <>
> wrote:
> Has the price of street drugs gone up?- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

That would be an anwer only you could answer.


Jan 20, 2010, 6:23:17 AM1/20/10
On Jan 19, 1:36�pm, "Six String Stu" <>
> "Dead Ted" <> wrote in message
> maybe there are better alternatives.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I have a couple and they stay at the house. Pulling one during a
little fracous is carte blance for pme of them to kill you. My new
hospital is right in the middle of one of the most dangerous places in
the country. I see (and have all my life) thinkgs people could imagine
and some banger would have no problem killing you. I get in and out as
fast as I can.

Message has been deleted


Jan 20, 2010, 8:15:05 AM1/20/10

Below per

What goods and services does the CPI cover?

The CPI represents all goods and services purchased for consumption by
the reference population (U or W) BLS has classified all expenditure
items into more than 200 categories, arranged into eight major groups.
Major groups and examples of categories in each are as follows:

FOOD AND BEVERAGES (breakfast cereal, milk, coffee, chicken, wine,
full service meals, snacks)
HOUSING (rent of primary residence, owners' equivalent rent, fuel oil,
bedroom furniture)
APPAREL (men's shirts and sweaters, women's dresses, jewelry)
TRANSPORTATION (new vehicles, airline fares, gasoline, motor vehicle
MEDICAL CARE (prescription drugs and medical supplies, physicians'
services, eyeglasses and eye care, hospital services)
RECREATION (televisions, toys, pets and pet products, sports
equipment, admissions);
EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION (college tuition, postage, telephone
services, computer software and accessories);
OTHER GOODS AND SERVICES (tobacco and smoking products, haircuts and
other personal services, funeral expenses).
Also included within these major groups are various government-charged
user fees, such as water and sewerage charges, auto registration fees,
and vehicle tolls. In addition, the CPI includes taxes (such as sales
and excise taxes) that are directly associated with the prices of
specific goods and services. However, the CPI excludes taxes (such as
income and Social Security taxes) not directly associated with the
purchase of consumer goods and services.

Message has been deleted


Jan 20, 2010, 10:50:29 AM1/20/10
<Alle...@nul.vod> wrote in message

> On Tue, 19 Jan 2010 03:22:12 -0800 (PST), Relayer
> <>
> wrote:

>>On Jan 16, 9:25?pm, "dr. Baf" <> wrote:
>>> I knew if that big eared Nigger got elected things would start
>>> fucking
>>> up. I worked all my life and now i am over 65 and i can't even get
>>> a
>>> much needed and deserved cost of living raise! Now i have to work
>>> part
>>> time selling hot dogs on the street to young punks who let their
>>> pants
>>> sag to their knees and speak jibberish while waving their hands in
>>> some kind of weird hand gestures or signs.
>>> One of them tried to rob me the other day. He almost turned white
>>> from
>>> fright when i pulled out a Glock 9mm. He started mumbling
>>> something
>>> about 'Mamas daddy be chillin fo sho, dog' and gave me a weird
>>> hand
>>> gesture and moved on. Thanks Obama.
>>> dr. Baf
>>By law, a COLA is tied directly to the CPI, which basically show no
>>increase. Based on deflation last year, it's lucky we didn't have
>>benefits lowered. And why is it this year you need to sell hotdogs
>>where last year you didn't. Prices haven't risen.
> Has the price of street drugs gone up?

Who the hell does street drugs anymore?


Jan 20, 2010, 11:00:46 AM1/20/10
"Six String Stu" <> wrote in message
Yeah, it doesn't take a genius to figure that I used to post just
as Bob. Or Jim. It's been a long time.....


Jan 20, 2010, 7:01:27 PM1/20/10
"SoundChaser" <b...@sleep.horne> wrote in news:hj8308$khd$1...@news.eternal-

The low-life violent psychopath, pathological liar and fellow SSDI parasite
that you idolize........James Hodges (aka Six String Stu).

Message has been deleted


Jan 21, 2010, 4:31:46 AM1/21/10

"SoundChaser" <b...@sleep.horne> wrote in message

Too many people, unfortunately. My step-daughter is currently in a methadone
program. She has also been diagnosed with Hep-C. So I know all too well how
street drugs can literally destroy people--the users, their family, and
their friends.

Message has been deleted


Jan 21, 2010, 6:28:44 AM1/21/10
On Jan 20, 7:16�am, Alley...@nul.vod wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 03:15:04 -0800 (PST), Relayer <>
> Not me! I've never done street drugs in my life. Not even grass! And
> I'm not starting now! The man was crying about no COLA this year. Then
> he complained about the high prices. I don't see the prices any higher
> then year before last. Could it be he's paying more for his street
> drugs?- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

LOL..that might be true..I have no idea...most items are as cheap or
cheaper than last year, except gas , where I saw it yesterday for
3.25. Almost everything in 2009 was cheaper than 2008. Even gas. Jack
would know better but I think they only use Q3 numbers in the


Jan 21, 2010, 6:31:00 AM1/21/10
On Jan 20, 9:50�am, "SoundChaser" <b...@sleep.horne> wrote:
> <Alley...@nul.vod> wrote in message

> > On Tue, 19 Jan 2010 03:22:12 -0800 (PST), Relayer
> > <>
> � � Who the hell does street drugs anymore?- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I know some that do and they are goofballs. Then agaon, I think hard
liqour should be banned.


Jan 21, 2010, 6:32:32 AM1/21/10
On Jan 20, 7:14�pm, Alley...@nul.vod wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 09:50:29 -0600, "SoundChaser" <b...@sleep.horne>
> wrote:
> ><Alley...@nul.vod> wrote in message

> >
> >> On Tue, 19 Jan 2010 03:22:12 -0800 (PST), Relayer
> >> <>
> I don't! Never did! What's taken their place?
> I went to Compressive Mental Health 8 years ago for some help with
> some problems I was having. And the first thing they asked was if I
> was taking street drugs!- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

That is a pretty common question. And not just in the mental health
field. Most hospitals/doctors ask on the first visit.

Six String Stu

Jan 21, 2010, 10:18:13 AM1/21/10

"Relayer" <> wrote in message


Prices around here are tied to the cost of fuel. And it's not the same as
you experiance. :(


Jan 21, 2010, 10:30:14 AM1/21/10
On Jan 21, 9:18�am, "Six String Stu" <>
> "Relayer" <> wrote in message
> you experiance. :(- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Well, you live in BFE and I live in the main distribution hub for
goods. In reality, rather than using the CPI as it is, the should
narrow doen the list to things like gas, milk, bread, rice, soy and

Six String Stu

Jan 21, 2010, 11:00:49 AM1/21/10

"Relayer" <> wrote in message
On Jan 21, 9:18?am, "Six String Stu" <>
> 3.25. Almost everything in 2009 was cheaper than 2008. Even ?gas. Jack

> would know better but I think they only use Q3 numbers in the
> calculation.
> ----------------------------------
> Prices around here are tied to the cost of fuel. And it's not the same as
> you experiance. :(- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Well, you live in BFE and I live in the main distribution hub for
goods. In reality, rather than using the CPI as it is, the should
narrow doen the list to things like gas, milk, bread, rice, soy and

"BFE" lol
except the natives don't wear turbans, they wear thermal undies. :)

We here, sit upon the biggest oil supply in the US and yet no refinerys
exist. That's part of why fuel prices are so influencial.
An hours drive and food and durable goods are much cheaper. But these
hayseeds do make for a good fence. I don't think the Tallybanned would ever
show up around here and blow up a commuter train and there's not many good
spots for a sniper to nest.

We keep our eye on the Candian border tho, just incase they run out of


Jan 21, 2010, 12:34:10 PM1/21/10
On Jan 21, 10:18 am, "Six String Stu" <>
> "Relayer" <> wrote in message

SS Cola uses 2Q CPI. During 3Q 2008 gas prices reached a high of
about $4.15. 3Q of 2009 they were at about $2.75

I don't argue that CPI is the right thing to use, but it's pretty much
an overview of typical consumeritem costs.

Message has been deleted


Jan 21, 2010, 3:28:27 PM1/21/10
What a silly sob story.

"dr. Baf" <> wrote in message


Jan 21, 2010, 7:26:20 PM1/21/10
On Jan 21, 12:28 pm, "Geno4321" <> wrote:
> What a silly sob story.
> "dr. Baf" <> wrote in message
> > dr. Baf- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

You tell em Gino.

High Miles

Jan 21, 2010, 7:48:06 PM1/21/10
Geno4321 wrote:
> What a silly sob story.

Perhaps................he's a silly SOB ?


Jan 21, 2010, 8:48:44 PM1/21/10
"Six String Stu" <> wrote in message
Yer close enough to hear the bottles of Labatts Blue clinking
across the border....


Jan 22, 2010, 6:05:05 AM1/22/10
On Jan 21, 10:00�am, "Six String Stu" <>
> Kokanee.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I have often thought about the rail yards here being a target. It
would cripple the country. I live about 5 miles from the largest rail
yard in the world.

Michael Kelley

Jan 23, 2010, 7:01:15 AM1/23/10
Me too deserve a much larger check but to no avail.


Jan 23, 2010, 10:35:28 AM1/23/10
On Jan 23, 6:01�am, (Michael Kelley) wrote:
> Me too deserve a much larger check but to no avail.

You get out based on what you pay in.

Six String Stu

Jan 23, 2010, 11:47:13 AM1/23/10

"Relayer" <> wrote in message

On Jan 23, 6:01?am, (Michael Kelley) wrote:
> Me too deserve a much larger check but to no avail.

You get out based on what you pay in.


I think it has to do more with what you paid in durring the last X amount of
I say this because there was a time in my life when I was making bucket loas
in pay (and paying buckets of taxes), yet durring the last few years I was
employed I was bringing in considerably less.
When I started on SSDI I wasn't seeing the reciprocation that you speak of
and still don't.


Jan 23, 2010, 5:21:56 PM1/23/10
On Jan 23, 10:47�am, "Six String Stu" <>
> "Relayer" <> wrote in message

Well, for me, there wasn't a year of an income decrease in 20+ years,
until I became ill.


Jan 23, 2010, 5:23:10 PM1/23/10
On Jan 23, 10:47�am, "Six String Stu" <>
> "Relayer" <> wrote in message

I mean, my 2003 W2 was $255k

I think it goes back X amount of quaters.

Six String Stu

Jan 23, 2010, 5:52:29 PM1/23/10

"Relayer" <> wrote in message
On Jan 23, 10:47?am, "Six String Stu" <>

Correct, X amount of quarters.
In my heyday I was pulling in between 65 and 95k. The last few years prior
to becomming disabled I was making considerably less.


Jan 23, 2010, 7:17:55 PM1/23/10
"Six String Stu" <> wrote in

> .. On Jan 23, 10:47?am, "Six String Stu" <>

>> ... On Jan 23, 6:01?am, (Michael Kelley) wrote:
>> > Me too deserve a much larger check but to no avail.
>> You get out based on what you pay in.
>> ---------------------------
>> I think it has to do more with what you paid in durring the last X
>> amount of
>> years.
>> I say this because there was a time in my life when I was making
>> bucket loas
>> in pay (and paying buckets of taxes), yet durring the last few years
>> I was employed I was bringing in considerably less.
>> When I started on SSDI I wasn't seeing the reciprocation that you
>> speak of and still don't.
> I mean, my 2003 W2 was $255k
> I think it goes back X amount of quaters.
> -----------------------
> Correct, X amount of quarters.
> In my heyday I was pulling in between 65 and 95k. The last few years
> prior to becomming disabled I was making considerably less.

Too bad that you weren't paying any income tax on the street drugs that
you were sellng.


Jan 23, 2010, 7:27:00 PM1/23/10
Relayer <> wrote in

> On Jan 23, 10:47�am, "Six String Stu" <>
> wrote:
>> "Relayer" <> wrote in message

>> ... On Jan 23, 6:01?am, (Michael Kelley) wrote:
>> > Me too deserve a much larger check but to no avail.
>> You get out based on what you pay in.
>> ---------------------------
>> I think it has to do more with what you paid in durring the last X
>> amount
> of
>> years.
>> I say this because there was a time in my life when I was making
>> bucket l
> oas
>> in pay (and paying buckets of taxes), yet durring the last few years
>> I wa
> s
>> employed I was bringing in considerably less.
>> When I started on SSDI I wasn't seeing the reciprocation that you
>> speak o
> f
>> and still don't.
> I mean, my 2003 W2 was $255k

And, as an SSDI parasite, your 2009 W2 was?


Jan 24, 2010, 7:19:04 AM1/24/10
On Jan 23, 6:27�pm, SoundChaser <b...@sleep.horne> wrote:
> And, as an SSDI parasite, your 2009 W2 was?- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

LOL...I'm not a parasite. Anything but. But my SSDI is the highest
anyone can get.

I went through a failed pancreatic transplant, dropped 70 pounds (from
180 to 110) and am dying. Hardly a parasite. You wouldn't have the
balls to go through what I did trying to get well, then you or your
ilk could ne one of my bitches again.

Six String Stu

Jan 24, 2010, 10:30:11 AM1/24/10

"Relayer" <> wrote in message

On Jan 23, 6:27?pm, SoundChaser <b...@sleep.horne> wrote:
> Relayer <> wrote
> > On Jan 23, 10:47 am, "Six String Stu" <>
> > wrote:
> >> "Relayer" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> ... On Jan 23, 6:01?am, (Michael Kelley) wrote:
> >> > Me too deserve a much larger check but to no avail.
> >> You get out based on what you pay in.
> >> ---------------------------
> >> I think it has to do more with what you paid in durring the last X
> >> amount
> > ?of

> >> years.
> >> I say this because there was a time in my life when I was making
> >> bucket l
> > oas
> >> in pay (and paying buckets of taxes), yet durring the last few years
> >> I wa
> > s
> >> employed I was bringing in considerably less.
> >> When I started on SSDI I wasn't seeing the reciprocation that you
> >> speak o
> > f
> >> and still don't.
> > I mean, my 2003 W2 was $255k
> And, as an SSDI parasite, your 2009 W2 was?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

LOL...I'm not a parasite. Anything but. But my SSDI is the highest
anyone can get.

I went through a failed pancreatic transplant, dropped 70 pounds (from
180 to 110) and am dying. Hardly a parasite. You wouldn't have the
balls to go through what I did trying to get well, then you or your
ilk could ne one of my bitches again.


It's the troll hiding behind Bob's nick.
Just a bitter old man with nothing to do in the evenings but to drink itself
into oblivion and rail at a world it doesnt understand.
This is what passes for human contact in the sick mind of our hypocritical
bottom feeding shit eater.
Pay it no mind or attention and don't let it get under your skin. All
coments from our troll are designed to get a reaction. Like a dysfunctional
child any attention, even negative, is better then the lonliness it suffers


Jan 24, 2010, 2:08:03 PM1/24/10
"Six String Stu" <> wrote in

> It's the troll hiding behind Bob's nick.
> Just a bitter old man with nothing to do in the evenings but to drink
> itself into oblivion and rail at a world it doesnt understand.
> This is what passes for human contact in the sick mind of our
> hypocritical bottom feeding shit eater.
> Pay it no mind or attention and don't let it get under your skin. All
> coments from our troll are designed to get a reaction. Like a
> dysfunctional child any attention, even negative, is better then the
> lonliness it suffers from.

Dream on.....


Jan 24, 2010, 8:48:09 PM1/24/10
Relayer <> wrote in

> LOL...I'm not a parasite. Anything but.

Exactly what might that "anything" be?

> But my SSDI is the highest
> anyone can get.

Not for long because you are rapidly approaching room temperature.

> I went through a failed pancreatic transplant, dropped 70 pounds (from
> 180 to 110) and am dying. Hardly a parasite.

I stand corrected. You are a dying parasite.

> You wouldn't have the
> balls to go through what I did trying to get well,

And you don't have the balls to deal with the inevitable with honor and
dignity. Instead, you continue sucking money out of the system solely to
perpetuate a life that has no quality and that is not worth living.

> then you or your
> ilk could ne one of my bitches again.

Until then, enjoy your miserable life, whatever is left of it.


Jan 24, 2010, 8:38:11 PM1/24/10
"Relayer" <> wrote in message
On Jan 23, 10:47?am, "Six String Stu" <>

It must; my 1979 w2 was 121K.


Jan 24, 2010, 10:29:13 PM1/24/10
In news:63516$4b562c56$45395f87$,
Six String Stu <> typed:
> "Twayne" <> wrote in message
> news:hj5920$rm6$
>> In,
>> SoundChaser <b...@sleep.horne> typed:
>>> "Twayne" <> wrote in
>>> news:hj2sf5$lav$
>>>> In,
>>>> SoundChaser <b...@sleep.horne> typed:
>> ...
>>> ,,, Unlike you I
>>> am in perfect health. Care to trade?
>> lol, I doubt your mind measures up to anyone elses, actually.
>> One way or another, you are a LIAR!
> Twayne,
> I hope that you understand you are conversing with a troll that is
> using Soundchaser's nick in this forum.
> Not every Soundchaser is the Soundchaser that you might be thinking
> of.

Hmm, I'll look into that. Hadn't noticed it. Thanks.


Jan 24, 2010, 10:41:28 PM1/24/10
"Twayne" <> wrote in news:hjj361$dqk$1...@news.eternal-

To get you started, the troll is Six String Stu.

Six String Stu

Jan 25, 2010, 12:59:29 AM1/25/10

"Twayne" <> wrote in message
I'm in email contact with the real SoundChaser, this troll (a one W.G.
Sokolich) has been here morphing it's nick in an attempt to cause problems.
Check the headers from way back before the troll came here to attack the
sick and disabled.

It is loading more messages.
0 new messages