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Vampyre Lord 666

Oct 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/4/99
2Kings 6:28

...Give thy son that we may eat him today and we will eat my son

This is the word of God...OBEY!!!!!


Oct 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/4/99
Will this be buffet or what??


Oct 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/4/99

Vampyre Lord 666 wrote in message <>...

>2Kings 6:28
>...Give thy son that we may eat him today and we will eat my son
>This is the word of God...OBEY!!!!!

This is not the word of God. This is the word of an evil mom but recorded
accurately in the bible. Satan made statements in the bible as well but
that does not make them the words of God but rather the fact that they were
recorded in the bible verifiies that they were recorded accurately.

†The Red Pope†

Oct 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/4/99

Comic Freak

Oct 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/6/99
helpu wrote:

> This is not the word of God.

Taken straight from the Bible. Unless you want to concede that the bible is not
the word of god.

> Satan made statements in the bible as well

I was always told that EVERYTHING in the bible came from god.

> but
> that does not make them the words of God

"All scripture is given by inspiration of god..

With great power there comes great responsibility.


Oct 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/6/99
My GOD!!! Is THIS what you people call DEBATING? My GRANDMOTHER could do
better than that!!

How about this one:

Your Bible is the shittiest and most UINSPIRED book ever penned. It is full
I would NEVER place ANY of that SHIT into the hands of ANY CHILD! Yet you
people debate about which "verses" are "God's Word"?!?! Maybe it's the part
where Judah FUCKS his SISTER, yeah? Or maybe God's Word is the story of Noah
getting DRUNK and EXPOSING HIMSELF to his children! Ya Think? How about the
one where David trades the FORESKINS of Hebrews for some LAND? Is THAT
"God's Word?" LOL!!!

TO READ YOUR CHILD PORN!!! If you want to walk into a strange place while
debating about this shit, let me take you to a friend of mine's house. Walk
in THERE while debating about which bible verses are inspired... I DARE

Here's the deal you FREAKS!!! I BLAME YOU!!! For the Serial Killers and
Perverts YOUR FILTHY BOOK and YOUR SICK SOCIETY has spawned, SOME DAY, some
day you WILL be called to account for it. ALL OF IT!! not in some
other-worldly white-throne judgment, but HERE AND NOW where you DUMP all
your shit!!!! YOU are INVADERS into a world NOT YOURS!! UNWANTED INSECTS!!


..and furthermore, Im not playing with you anymore.

Comic Freak wrote in message <>...


Oct 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/6/99
>With great power there comes great responsibility.

By the way, don't you EVER quote Spidey to support your xtoid rubbish! I
happen to LIKE Spider man. STEP OFF BITCH!


Oct 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/6/99

Comic Freak <> wrote in message

> helpu wrote:
> >
> >
> > This is not the word of God.
> Taken straight from the Bible. Unless you want to concede that the bible
is not
> the word of god.
> >
> > Satan made statements in the bible as well
> I was always told that EVERYTHING in the bible came from god.
> > but
> > that does not make them the words of God
> "All scripture is given by inspiration of god..

satan has spoken many times in the Bible, both in the new testament and in
the old.

From the temptation of Jesus:
Matt. 3:3 "And the tempter came and said to Him, ... "
Matt 3:6 "And he said to Him, ... "
Matt 3:6 "And he said to Him, ... "

From the trial of Job:
Job 1:7 "... Then satan answered the lord, ... "
Job 1:9 "Then satan answered the Lord, ... "
Job 2:2 "... And satan (the adversary and the accuser) answered the Lord,
... "
Job 2:4 "Then satan answered the Lord, ... "

> "All scripture is given by inspiration of god..

Do you think that God inspired satan to say those words so that they may
become scripture? (I think not...)

Comic Freak

Oct 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/6/99
Metadromos wrote:

I'm not a Xian or anything remotely resembling one. I just like "stabbibg
them with their own sword".


Comic Freak

Oct 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/6/99
a wrote:

So you mean that Satan's word is the Word of God? If so, then that makes Satan
God. (Satanists of the world, rejoice! Proof at long last!!!) Leave your
resignation on the desk on the way out.

> >
> > "All scripture is given by inspiration of god..
> Do you think that God inspired satan to say those words so that they may
> become scripture?

Sure, why not. Now that Satan's finally god (see above), it's appropriate.

Comic Freak

Oct 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/6/99
Metadromos wrote:

> >With great power there comes great responsibility.
> >(Spiderman)

> By the way, don't you EVER quote Spidey to support your xtoid rubbish! I
> happen to LIKE Spider man. STEP OFF BITCH!

I am not here to promote christianity, but to point out all the really
stupid stuff in the bible and then make them admit that their god said it.
Is the original post still on your reader? If not, it was :
"Give thy son that we may eat him today and we will eat my son tomorrow" (2
Ki. 6:28). The person I was responding to was a Xian who claimed that god
didn't say that.

BTW- I have the original comic that quote came from. Do you even know which
one it was?

Jimmy Humphrey

Oct 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/6/99
You guys are some crack pots for sure. Please, read all of the verse.
2Kings 6:28 says (in full, not just taken out of context)

And the king said unto her, What aileth thee? And she answered,
This woman said unto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him to
day, and we will eat my son to morrow.

You are utter fools. Stop trying to talk about something you have no
idea about, especially if you VERSES out of context, or just take the
part of verses of what you want. This is a clear example of people
making the bible say "anything they want it to".


Vampyre Lord 666 wrote:
> 2Kings 6:28
> ...Give thy son that we may eat him today and we will eat my son
> tomorrow

> This is the word of God...OBEY!!!!!

Jimmy Humphrey <>
Web Designer - Black Hole Designs -


Oct 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/7/99
Comic Freak wrote in message <>...

Nope. Do I give a fuck? If I want to READ I read Shakespeare or Lovecraft. I
like Spiderman CARTOONS....jerk off! Like I would actually sit down and READ
a comic book.

Problem: Xtians are COUNTING on the fact that you will argue with them.
That's the REASON (as in Modus Operandi) they post in here to begin with. If
you WANT to be the OTHER SIDE of their coin, fine. Go over there and BE
that. In case all your "atheist apologetic" experience has not revealed this
to you, they DON'T UNDERSTAND!!! Do you? Every word you say in opposition to
them, when you "use their own book" to "prove them wrong", this only
RE-ENFORCES their delusions.

Have you ever honestly seen a thread where a Satanist (or atheist, or
whatever) and a Xtian are arguing, and the Xtian goes: "Hey wow! Now that
you put it that way, I never saw it that way before. You are RIGHT!"?? EVER?
Well I will tell you that I read ALOT of posts and I have never seen it.
What I DO see are people like you on some damn anti-xtian CRUSADE for
WHOEVER or WHATEVER reason, thinking that your arguments have weight because
YOU understand them. THEY DON'T!!! Ever hear of SOLIPSISM? Big word for ya!
Let people be who they are. If you want to CHANGE someone's mind about
something, start a talk show, or a chat room, or a News Group forum to do it
in. This one is ALREADY TAKEN!!!

>With great power there comes great responsibility.

Damn you!

"Any attempts at Satanic "reformation" should be seen for what they are:
creating problems where none exist. There should be no place in any religion
for reformers whose very religion is the fetish of reformation. There is
even a place and title for compulsive dissidents, and if they can wear the
mantle, they are welcome. They would delude themselves to be
revolutionaries. In our camp, they are called "House Masochists."
- Anton Szandor Lavey, "The Worlds Most Powerful Religion".

Comic Freak

Oct 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/7/99
Metadromos wrote:

> Comic Freak wrote in message <>...
> >Metadromos wrote:
> >
> >> >With great power there comes great responsibility.
> >> >(Spiderman)
> >>
> >> By the way, don't you EVER quote Spidey to support your xtoid rubbish! I
> >> happen to LIKE Spider man. STEP OFF BITCH!
> >
> >I am not here to promote christianity, but to point out all the really
> >stupid stuff in the bible and then make them admit that their god said it.
> >Is the original post still on your reader? If not, it was :
> >"Give thy son that we may eat him today and we will eat my son tomorrow" (2
> >Ki. 6:28). The person I was responding to was a Xian who claimed that god
> >didn't say that.
> >
> >
> >BTW- I have the original comic that quote came from. Do you even know
> which
> >one it was?
> Nope.

Amazing fantasy # 15, page 11, panel 6 (Aug.1962)

> Problem: Xtians are COUNTING on the fact that you will argue with them.

And I never let them down.

> That's the REASON (as in Modus Operandi) they post in here to begin with. If
> you WANT to be the OTHER SIDE of their coin, fine. Go over there and BE
> that.

They come over here, I argue whenever and wherever the opportunity presents
itself. Besides, this thread is cross-posted on a couple of Xian groups.

> In case all your "atheist apologetic" experience has not revealed this
> to you, they DON'T UNDERSTAND!!! Do you? Every word you say in opposition to
> them, when you "use their own book" to "prove them wrong", this only
> RE-ENFORCES their delusions.

And makes them look stupider and stupider.

> Have you ever honestly seen a thread where a Satanist (or atheist, or
> whatever) and a Xtian are arguing, and the Xtian goes: "Hey wow! Now that
> you put it that way, I never saw it that way before. You are RIGHT!"?? EVER?

Of course not, but that makes no difference. I'm not here to convert anyone.
I'm here to argue.

> Well I will tell you that I read ALOT of posts and I have never seen it.
> What I DO see are people like you on some damn anti-xtian CRUSADE for

If you knew my reasons, you'd be right here helping me. A permanent state of
war exists between me and them, as it has for the past 22 years. For lots of

> Let people be who they are.

Then let me be who I am. And this is who I am.

> If you want to CHANGE someone's mind about
> something, start a talk show, or a chat room, or a News Group forum to do it
> in. This one is ALREADY TAKEN!!!

Which one? Besides, I'd prefer to hear it from whoever makes the rules on this
NG. (i.e.- Nobody) Unmoderated = No Rules.


Oct 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/7/99

Metadromos wrote in message <3CFK3.663$>...

>My GOD!!! Is THIS what you people call DEBATING? My GRANDMOTHER could do
>better than that!!
>How about this one:
>Your Bible is the shittiest and most UINSPIRED book ever penned. It is full

Just like the human race. Cause it is the story of the human race. And just like the
human race you can read a book and miss the point entirely. Read the part about how
a child molester or a rapist is to be killed not freed back into society to kill and
rape again.

Read how Jesus condemed a judgemental additude saying Let he who is free from sin
cast the first stone.

How about Love your neighbor as yourself.

How did you read the Bible and miss the point so entirely unless you did infact not
read the Bible but just parrot what you have been told by other God haters?

>snippage decluded here<

>TO READ YOUR CHILD PORN!!! If you want to walk into a strange place while
>debating about this shit, let me take you to a friend of mine's house. Walk
>in THERE while debating about which bible verses are inspired... I DARE
>Here's the deal you FREAKS!!! I BLAME YOU!!! For the Serial Killers and
>Perverts YOUR FILTHY BOOK and YOUR SICK SOCIETY has spawned, SOME DAY, some
>day you WILL be called to account for it. ALL OF IT!! not in some
>other-worldly white-throne judgment, but HERE AND NOW where you DUMP all
>your shit!!!! YOU are INVADERS into a world NOT YOURS!! UNWANTED INSECTS!!

Sheesh, you did miss the point didnt you...Your false Gods will not save you in the
day of Judgement any more than your drivel empowers you now. It is so easy for
children brought up in a free society to blame what ever they will. But serial
killers are in all societys, not just christian ones. So your point is? You are just
blaming what ever you want to blame to excuse you actions now. Wont work, sorry. You
are who you are and will be judged as you are by your own standards. "For he who is
without the law will be judged by his own concience." Seeing how hateful you are
against those not responsible for your life, I would sure hate to be judged by your
standards If I was responsible somehow.
Never met ya, never talked to you before, live in a different part of the world
than you, You cant blame me for your pain. Look in the mirror dude.

>..and furthermore, Im not playing with you anymore.

Thank you...

>Comic Freak wrote in message <>...


Oct 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/7/99

>satan has spoken many times in the Bible, both in the new testament and in
>the old.
>From the temptation of Jesus:
>Matt. 3:3 "And the tempter came and said to Him, ... "
>Matt 3:6 "And he said to Him, ... "
>Matt 3:6 "And he said to Him, ... "
>From the trial of Job:
>Job 1:7 "... Then satan answered the lord, ... "
>Job 1:9 "Then satan answered the Lord, ... "
>Job 2:2 "... And satan (the adversary and the accuser) answered the Lord,
>... "
>Job 2:4 "Then satan answered the Lord, ... "
>> "All scripture is given by inspiration of god..
>Do you think that God inspired satan to say those words so that they may
>become scripture? (I think not...)
Nope, it is a history book too...

Gary Wigle

Oct 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/7/99
I hope you get to feeling better soon. Did the doctors say how long it
might be before you might recover?

Warmly In Christ,
Pastor Gary

On Mon, 04 Oct 1999 00:41:18 GMT, Vampyre Lord 666
<> wrote:

>2Kings 6:28
>...Give thy son that we may eat him today and we will eat my son

>This is the word of God...OBEY!!!!!

Life is short,
Death is sure.
Sin the cause,
Christ the Cure!
CyberSpace Community Church
ICQ #4045627


Oct 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/8/99
Goddammit I'm deaf!!! I can't hear a fucking thing!!!
Obey??? Excuse me? Obey?? I didn't even say "OBEY" in my marriage vows...
HELLO!!! This is the 90's...get with it dude...

Vampyre Lord 666 wrote in message <>...


Oct 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/9/99

Comic Freak <> wrote in message

> a wrote:
> > Comic Freak <> wrote in message
> >
> > > helpu wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > This is not the word of God.
> > >
> > > Taken straight from the Bible. Unless you want to concede that the
> > is not
> > > the word of god.
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Satan made statements in the bible as well
> > >
> > > I was always told that EVERYTHING in the bible came from god.
> > >
> > > > but
> > > > that does not make them the words of God
> > >
> > > "All scripture is given by inspiration of god..
> >
> > satan has spoken many times in the Bible, both in the new testament and
> > the old.
> >
> > From the temptation of Jesus:
> > Matt. 3:3 "And the tempter came and said to Him, ... "
> > Matt 3:6 "And he said to Him, ... "
> > Matt 3:6 "And he said to Him, ... "
> >
> > From the trial of Job:
> > Job 1:7 "... Then satan answered the lord, ... "
> > Job 1:9 "Then satan answered the Lord, ... "
> > Job 2:2 "... And satan (the adversary and the accuser) answered the
> > ... "
> > Job 2:4 "Then satan answered the Lord, ... "
> So you mean that Satan's word is the Word of God? If so, then that makes
> God. (Satanists of the world, rejoice! Proof at long last!!!) Leave
> resignation on the desk on the way out.

You assume too much.

Just because satan's words are recorded in the bible don't make those words
from God.

> > > "All scripture is given by inspiration of god..
> >
> > Do you think that God inspired satan to say those words so that they may
> > become scripture?

> Sure, why not. Now that Satan's finally god (see above), it's

he may be a god but he's not The God.


Oct 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/10/99

Comic Freak wrote in message <>...
>helpu wrote:
>> This is not the word of God.

>Taken straight from the Bible. Unless you want to concede that the bible
is not
the word of god.

the bible is the word of God in the sense that God directed what He wanted
to be written, but He directed the writer to record the words of men who
many times were obviously untruthful

>> Satan made statements in the bible as well
>I was always told that EVERYTHING in the bible came from god.

The bible is quite clear that it records things truthfully but some of the
things that are recorded accurately are not statments of truth even tho they
were stated.

>> but
>> that does not make them the words of God

>"All scripture is given by inspiration of god..

God inspired the writer to record the words of men and satan even though
they werent necessarily true


Oct 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/10/99

Metadromos wrote in message
>Your Bible is the shittiest and most UINSPIRED book ever penned. It is full
>I would NEVER place ANY of that SHIT into the hands of ANY CHILD! Yet you
>people debate about which "verses" are "God's Word"?!?! Maybe it's the part
>where Judah FUCKS his SISTER, yeah? Or maybe God's Word is the story of
>getting DRUNK and EXPOSING HIMSELF to his children! Ya Think? How about
>one where David trades the FORESKINS of Hebrews for some LAND? Is THAT
>"God's Word?" LOL!!!

And the bible tells it like it is. The human race was created good but is
now corupted of which you have just demonstrated the degree of corruption.


Oct 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/10/99

Comic Freak wrote in message <>...

>I am not here to promote christianity, but to point out all the really
>stupid stuff in the bible and then make them admit that their god said it.
>Is the original post still on your reader? If not, it was :
>"Give thy son that we may eat him today and we will eat my son tomorrow" (2
>Ki. 6:28). The person I was responding to was a Xian who claimed that god
>didn't say that.

Who said that? I thought that it was a woman and I thought that God gave
Solomon the wisdom to expose the woman's evil heart and thus save the
infant's life.

Jimmy Humphrey

Oct 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/10/99
You guys are some crack pots for sure. Please, read all of the verse.
2Kings 6:28 says (in full, not just taken out of context)

And the king said unto her, What aileth thee? And she answered,
This woman said unto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him to
day, and we will eat my son to morrow.

You are utter fools. Stop trying to talk about something you have no
idea about, especially if you VERSES out of context, or just take the
part of verses of what you want. This is a clear example of people
making the bible say "anything they want it to".


a wrote:

> Comic Freak <> wrote in message

> > helpu wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > This is not the word of God.
> >
> > Taken straight from the Bible. Unless you want to concede that the bible
> is not
> > the word of god.
> >
> > >

> > > Satan made statements in the bible as well
> >
> > I was always told that EVERYTHING in the bible came from god.
> >

> > > but
> > > that does not make them the words of God
> >
> > "All scripture is given by inspiration of god..

> satan has spoken many times in the Bible, both in the new testament and in
> the old.
> From the temptation of Jesus:
> Matt. 3:3 "And the tempter came and said to Him, ... "
> Matt 3:6 "And he said to Him, ... "
> Matt 3:6 "And he said to Him, ... "
> From the trial of Job:
> Job 1:7 "... Then satan answered the lord, ... "
> Job 1:9 "Then satan answered the Lord, ... "
> Job 2:2 "... And satan (the adversary and the accuser) answered the Lord,
> ... "
> Job 2:4 "Then satan answered the Lord, ... "
> >

> > "All scripture is given by inspiration of god..

> Do you think that God inspired satan to say those words so that they may

> become scripture? (I think not...)

Jimmy Humphrey

Oct 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/10/99
You guys are some crack pots for sure. Please, read all of the verse.
2Kings 6:28 says (in full, not just taken out of context)

And the king said unto her, What aileth thee? And she answered,
This woman said unto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him to
day, and we will eat my son to morrow.

You are utter fools. Stop trying to talk about something you have no
idea about, especially if you VERSES out of context, or just take the
part of verses of what you want. This is a clear example of people
making the bible say "anything they want it to".




Oct 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/10/99

helpu wrote:

> Metadromos wrote in message
> <3CFK3.663$>...
> >Your Bible is the shittiest and most UINSPIRED book ever penned. It is full
> >I would NEVER place ANY of that SHIT into the hands of ANY CHILD! Yet you
> >people debate about which "verses" are "God's Word"?!?! Maybe it's the part
> >where Judah FUCKS his SISTER, yeah? Or maybe God's Word is the story of
> Noah
> >getting DRUNK and EXPOSING HIMSELF to his children! Ya Think? How about
> the
> >one where David trades the FORESKINS of Hebrews for some LAND? Is THAT
> >"God's Word?" LOL!!!
> Helpu
> And the bible tells it like it is. The human race was created good but is
> now corupted of which you have just demonstrated the degree of corruption.

Hey, you got nice stories.



Oct 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/10/99
Jimmy Humphrey wrote:
> You guys are some crack pots for sure. Please, read all of the verse.
> 2Kings 6:28 says (in full, not just taken out of context)
> And the king said unto her, What aileth thee? And she answered,
> This woman said unto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him to
> day, and we will eat my son to morrow.
> You are utter fools. Stop trying to talk about something you have no
> idea about, especially if you VERSES out of context, or just take the
> part of verses of what you want. This is a clear example of people
> making the bible say "anything they want it to".
> Jimmy
> --
> Jimmy Humphrey <>
> Web Designer - Black Hole Designs -

Maybe, people are just used to hearing wanna be preachers and lame assed
xtian converters do the same exact thing.
Maybe, people are just trying to get a rise out of others.
Maybe, that foul book that bespeaks of so many atrocities committed in
the name of a god that they could care less about it and its apologist
who think they are so superior when in fact the only thing that book the
buybull is good for is toilet paper, and even then it's debatable.
Although I do have to admit, it makes great rolling paper when one is
out of the good stuff.

_____ __ __
/ ___/ / /_ ____ _ ____/ /____ _ __
\__ \ / __ \ / __ `// __ // __ \| | /| / /
___/ / / / / // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ /| |/ |/ /
/____/ /_/ /_/ \__,_/ \__,_/ \____/ |__/|__/

You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within
himself. (Galileo)


Oct 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/11/99
a wrote:
> Comic Freak <> wrote in message
> > So you mean that Satan's word is the Word of God? If so, then that makes
> Satan
> > God. (Satanists of the world, rejoice! Proof at long last!!!) Leave
> your
> > resignation on the desk on the way out.
> You assume too much.
> Just because satan's words are recorded in the bible don't make those words
> from God.
> > > > "All scripture is given by inspiration of god..
> > >
> > > Do you think that God inspired satan to say those words so that they may
> > > become scripture?
> >
> > Sure, why not. Now that Satan's finally god (see above), it's
> appropriate.
> >
> he may be a god but he's not The God.

Thou shalt not put any god before me... or some such nonsense. This
does not say there are no other gods, it merely says, hey don't worship
any other ones cause I'm selfish greedy and self centered deity. Bah,
the xtians are so fucking brainwashed and refuse to think there is
something better than the slavery that a god of lies offers them through
no less the hand of man, like humans can be trusted. Please... this
shows how stupid this deity really is, it supposedly creates a race of
perfect humans, oooooooooops not so perfect and have to be punished
because they went against the gods word. This god is so stupid that it
keeps on trusting humans to do the right thing?

Who's more retarded the god that apparently can't seem to do anything
right and has to rely on humans to fix it's errors or the humans that
worship it?

_____ __ __
/ ___/ / /_ ____ _ ____/ /____ _ __
\__ \ / __ \ / __ `// __ // __ \| | /| / /
___/ / / / / // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ /| |/ |/ /
/____/ /_/ /_/ \__,_/ \__,_/ \____/ |__/|__/

Some people never learn anything because they know everything too soon.

Jimmy Humphrey

Oct 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/11/99
What does it being the "90's" have to do with anything concerning obey?
You guys really know how to take verses out of context on this server. I
bet a lot of christians who read the above postings did not even read
the verse themselves, but just took the verse as is, which is out of




Oct 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/11/99

Jimmy Humphrey <> wrote in message

> You guys are some crack pots for sure. Please, read all of the verse.
> 2Kings 6:28 says (in full, not just taken out of context)
> And the king said unto her, What aileth thee? And she answered,
> This woman said unto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him to
> day, and we will eat my son to morrow.
> You are utter fools. Stop trying to talk about something you have no
> idea about, especially if you VERSES out of context, or just take the
> part of verses of what you want. This is a clear example of people
> making the bible say "anything they want it to".
> Jimmy

Tell me Jimmy, have you read the whole chapter and the one that follows it
too? Have you read the other parts in the bible that also deal with this
very story? I doubt it, because if you had, you would have known which
specific events were predicted and which were not (IOW God's involvement
versus man's involvement.) You are the one who is trying to "make the bible
say anything you want" but missing the point entirely. Focussing on
specifics, you miss the point. I doubt if you even know the circumstances
behind the story, neither the resolution of it, but here is a hint anyway: 2
Kings 7:1, & 7:16 but most specifically: 2 Kings 7:6.

If you can't figure it out, you do not deserve to be arguing this point in
the first place.

God bless.


Oct 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/12/99

Shadow <> wrote in message

> > he may be a god but he's not The God.
> Thou shalt not put any god before me... or some such nonsense. This
> does not say there are no other gods, it merely says, hey don't worship
> any other ones cause I'm selfish greedy and self centered deity.

Bob has a kid and loves this kid like there's no tomorrow. He says to the
kid: "Don't go off with strangers." So now suddenly Bob is a selfish, greedy
and self-centered father.

Yeah right.

> Bah,
> the xtians are so fucking brainwashed and refuse to think there is
> something better than the slavery that a god of lies offers them through
> no less the hand of man, like humans can be trusted.

God gave mankind freedom of choice. The choices mankind makes, are not in
God's control - that's what freedom of choice means.

> Please... this
> shows how stupid this deity really is, it supposedly creates a race of
> perfect humans, oooooooooops not so perfect and have to be punished
> because they went against the gods word.

There is something majorly missing from your logic: satan.

Also, you need to do some research as to blessings and curses, as well as
covenants. This will explain a great deal as to _why_ and _how_ "bad things"
happen all the time. I am certainly not going to enter into a debate with
someone who knows nothing about these things or how they affect daily life,
neither am I going to explain it to you.

> This god is so stupid that it
> keeps on trusting humans to do the right thing?
> Who's more retarded the god that apparently can't seem to do anything
> right and has to rely on humans to fix it's errors or the humans that
> worship it?

Just because you see the world differently to the way God does, does not
make God wrong and you right.

There are workers in the farm fields reaping the harvest. They get paid well
per hour, but the day is Sunday, so the rate is double. The sun is shining,
the birds are chirping and there is not a cloud in the sky etc.. Beyond the
horison there was much rain the day and night before which gather into a
flash flood and headed downstream toward the workers. The farmer is flying
back from the city and see's this threat on its way and radio's ahead to the
farmhouse. The farmer's son comes out and tells them that they must pack up
and leave for higher ground because there is a flood on its way. Some
workers heed the warning and leave for the higher ground, but the majority
do not. They say amongst themselves: "The day is hot, the ground is dry, the
dams are empty, there is not a cloud in the sky, there is no threat of rain
visible. The farmer is lying, he just doesn't want to pay us our overtime
rate. Let us continue." The farmer's son also sent some of the other workers
to bring the same message to the workers while he prepares a refuge on the
high ground, but the workers reject the message in the same way.

Who's more retarded: the farmer that apparantly can't seem to do anything
right in the eyes of the workers and has to rely on workers to continue
bringing the same message of warning; or the workers who reject the warning?

Then the flood comes ...

> --
> _____ __ __
> / ___/ / /_ ____ _ ____/ /____ _ __
> \__ \ / __ \ / __ `// __ // __ \| | /| / /
> ___/ / / / / // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ /| |/ |/ /
> /____/ /_/ /_/ \__,_/ \__,_/ \____/ |__/|__/
> Some people never learn anything because they know everything too soon.


Preaching to yourself, I see!!!


Oct 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/12/99
a wrote:
> Shadow <> wrote in message
> (snip)
> > > he may be a god but he's not The God.
> >
> > Thou shalt not put any god before me... or some such nonsense. This
> > does not say there are no other gods, it merely says, hey don't worship
> > any other ones cause I'm selfish greedy and self centered deity.
> Scenario:
> Bob has a kid and loves this kid like there's no tomorrow. He says to the
> kid: "Don't go off with strangers." So now suddenly Bob is a selfish, greedy
> and self-centered father.
> Yeah right.

This is an extremely poor parable.
Bob is not going to throw his child into a pit of fire to burn for all
eternity if the child goes off with a stranger either.
Not a good father anyway.

> > Bah,
> > the xtians are so fucking brainwashed and refuse to think there is
> > something better than the slavery that a god of lies offers them through
> > no less the hand of man, like humans can be trusted.
> God gave mankind freedom of choice. The choices mankind makes, are not in
> God's control - that's what freedom of choice means.

God gave man shit. according to your own book, Eve took the knowledge
your god would not give freely.
There is no free will according to your scripture. It's slavery.
There is no difference between forced slavery and slavery from duress.
If I say you are free, but I also say if you don't do what I say I'll
kill you. That's not freedom, that's slavery.

> > Please... this
> > shows how stupid this deity really is, it supposedly creates a race of
> > perfect humans, oooooooooops not so perfect and have to be punished
> > because they went against the gods word.
> There is something majorly missing from your logic: satan.

According to your book, God created all. Thus it created Satan, thus it
is that gods fault. After all, it is supposed to be all knowing all
seeing all powerful. If it didn't see this coming its a weak god, if it
did, and did it anyway. It's a murderer. killing innocent children at
birth, allowing others to kill when it has the power to stop it etc.
etc. etc.

> Also, you need to do some research as to blessings and curses, as well as
> covenants. This will explain a great deal as to _why_ and _how_ "bad things"
> happen all the time.

Bad things happen because it's human nature. Blaming this or that on a
god is asinine.

> I am certainly not going to enter into a debate with
> someone who knows nothing about these things or how they affect daily life,
> neither am I going to explain it to you.

To late you already did, and I probably know more about your piece of
shit book than you can possibly imagine.

> > This god is so stupid that it
> > keeps on trusting humans to do the right thing?
> >
> > Who's more retarded the god that apparently can't seem to do anything
> > right and has to rely on humans to fix it's errors or the humans that
> > worship it?
> Just because you see the world differently to the way God does, does not
> make God wrong and you right.

God, is a man made invention. Prove otherwise and I'll shut up. Hard
proof, not circular logic that is spewed from a book of lies like the

> Scenario:

You like these don't you? That's fine.

> There are workers in the farm fields reaping the harvest. They get paid well
> per hour, but the day is Sunday, so the rate is double. The sun is shining,
> the birds are chirping and there is not a cloud in the sky etc.. Beyond the
> horison there was much rain the day and night before which gather into a
> flash flood and headed downstream toward the workers. The farmer is flying
> back from the city and see's this threat on its way and radio's ahead to the
> farmhouse. The farmer's son comes out and tells them that they must pack up
> and leave for higher ground because there is a flood on its way. Some
> workers heed the warning and leave for the higher ground, but the majority
> do not. They say amongst themselves: "The day is hot, the ground is dry, the
> dams are empty, there is not a cloud in the sky, there is no threat of rain
> visible. The farmer is lying, he just doesn't want to pay us our overtime
> rate. Let us continue." The farmer's son also sent some of the other workers
> to bring the same message to the workers while he prepares a refuge on the
> high ground, but the workers reject the message in the same way.
> Who's more retarded: the farmer that apparantly can't seem to do anything
> right in the eyes of the workers and has to rely on workers to continue
> bringing the same message of warning; or the workers who reject the warning?

What power does the farmer have? none, aside from relaying information.
And a smart farmer that wanted to save those workers would have told his
son that no one is getting paid today. The farmers would not have
continued to work for free. The farmer most likely knows his workers
somewhat. If it is greed that motivates them that's an easy thing to
Now if we change the word farmer to god. Like its supposed to be
Now what power is your god supposed to have?
Your god is supposed to know us inside and out. if it can not make a
better point of spreading it's word and work than what is currently
available it is indeed a week god. If human logic and common sense can
shoot holes all through some supposed deities then it is a weak very
weak god indeed.

big difference.

> Then the flood comes ...

And like the flood that did not happen in the bible, humans survived.
Like they have since they have been on this planet. They will continue
to do so, until they destroy themselves, the planet or nature has enough
of them and wipes them out. Just... like the dinos. And even then, if
you look around, at the croc, the shark, the alligator, and many many
other creatures, you will see that even so the dinos have survived in
one form or another.

> > --
> > _____ __ __
> > / ___/ / /_ ____ _ ____/ /____ _ __
> > \__ \ / __ \ / __ `// __ // __ \| | /| / /
> > ___/ / / / / // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ /| |/ |/ /
> > /____/ /_/ /_/ \__,_/ \__,_/ \____/ |__/|__/
> >
> > Some people never learn anything because they know everything too soon.
> ^^^^^
> Preaching to yourself, I see!!!

_____ __ __
/ ___/ / /_ ____ _ ____/ /____ _ __
\__ \ / __ \ / __ `// __ // __ \| | /| / /
___/ / / / / // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ /| |/ |/ /
/____/ /_/ /_/ \__,_/ \__,_/ \____/ |__/|__/

Youth is the first victim of war, the first fruit of peace. It takes
twenty some years or more of peace to make a man; it takes only twenty
seconds of war to destroy him. Baudoun I of Belgium

Jimmy Humphrey

Oct 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/12/99
Actually, I have. This chapter deals with a time when there was a war
going on between israel and the king of aram. As a result of some
behind the scenes stuff that deals with Elisha, the war was held off
until what seems like the next king of aram, Ben-hadad decided to
attack. The "reason" this one lady ate her son, is because their was a
great famine in the city, and somebody also tricked her saying they
could eat her son the next day as well, but this second lady hid her
child so that he would not become "chow chow".

This was a curse from God you could say, however, these women's actions
were totally theirs, even if God's judgement.


a wrote:

> Tell me Jimmy, have you read the whole chapter and the one that follows it
> too? Have you read the other parts in the bible that also deal with this
> very story? I doubt it, because if you had, you would have known which
> specific events were predicted and which were not (IOW God's involvement
> versus man's involvement.) You are the one who is trying to "make the bible
> say anything you want" but missing the point entirely. Focussing on
> specifics, you miss the point. I doubt if you even know the circumstances
> behind the story, neither the resolution of it, but here is a hint anyway: 2
> Kings 7:1, & 7:16 but most specifically: 2 Kings 7:6.
> If you can't figure it out, you do not deserve to be arguing this point in
> the first place.
> God bless.



Oct 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/13/99

wrote in message <7tv1cl$srf$>...

>Shadow <> wrote in message

>> > he may be a god but he's not The God.

>> Thou shalt not put any god before me... or some such nonsense. This
>> does not say there are no other gods, it merely says, hey don't worship
>> any other ones cause I'm selfish greedy and self centered deity.

Duet 4.28. There you will worship man-made gods of wood and stone, which
cannot see or hear or eat or smell.

29.16. You yourselves know how we lived in Egypt and how we passed through
the countries on the way here.
17. You saw among them their detestable images and idols of wood and
stone, of silver and gold.

So all these gods were just images or idols. But yes there was some sort of
spiritual power behind them

1 Corinthians 10. 19. Do I mean then that a sacrifice offered to an idol is
anything, or that an idol is anything?
20. No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God,
and I do not want you to be participants with demons.

>Bob has a kid and loves this kid like there's no tomorrow. He says to the
>kid: "Don't go off with strangers." So now suddenly Bob is a selfish,
>and self-centered father.

>> Bah,
>> the xtians are so fucking brainwashed and refuse to think there is
>> something better than the slavery that a god of lies offers them through
>> no less the hand of man, like humans can be trusted.

Good point, humans cant be trusted that is why God verified His word by
signs and wonders.

>God gave mankind freedom of choice. The choices mankind makes, are not in
>God's control - that's what freedom of choice means.

Yes you have choice but it is choice to give urselves to the control of God
or the control of sin and evil corrupted desire which is really the control
point of satan.

Ephesians 2. 1. As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins,
2. in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and
of the ruler of the kingdom of the air
, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.
3. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of
our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts.

John8.34. Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a
slave to sin.

Romans 6. 16. Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to
obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey--whether you are
slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to

>> Please... this
>> shows how stupid this deity really is, it supposedly creates a race of
>> perfect humans, oooooooooops not so perfect and have to be punished
>> because they went against the gods word.

Shall we void this so called choice and not permit a choice against God? Or
shall we allow this choice against God which allows evil?

Made was created perfect but had the potential to turn from his creator
just as satan did. Man opted in this direction and is corrupted and no
longer perfect but actually a perfect mess

>> This god is so stupid that it
>> keeps on trusting humans to do the right thing?

God allows choice but unless humans TRUST GOD they can do no good.
The reason that the law was given was not to enable us to do good but to
show us that we are hopelessly deep in sin and unable to do good

> Who's more retarded the god that apparently can't seem to do anything
>> right and has to rely on humans to fix it's errors or the humans that
>> worship it?

God sends His Holy Spirit to enable men to do " immeasurably more than all
we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us"


Oct 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/13/99

To Helpu and kind ~~

Since this post was to a number of groups, of which the constant referencing to
bible chapter and verse was employed, it is hard if not impossible to repond
here coherently. Coherent is the key here, is it not?

In my opinion, chapter and verse as a rule are not determinative on
alt.satanism. You will have to do better than that to be considered. Try
reasoning and good common sense.

Until you do that, I cannot even consider the argument. Otherwise, you are free
to keep the talk going on the xian newsgroups. It's a free country.

~~ billyal


Oct 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/13/99
> This was a curse from God you could say, ...

Yet you know nothing about curses, blessings and covenants and how they
affect daily life. If you knew these things you would realise how silly you

Jimmy Humphrey <> wrote in message


Oct 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/13/99

Shadow <> wrote in message

> a wrote:
> >
> > Shadow <> wrote in message
> > (snip)
> >
> > > > he may be a god but he's not The God.
> > >
> > > Thou shalt not put any god before me... or some such nonsense. This
> > > does not say there are no other gods, it merely says, hey don't
> > > any other ones cause I'm selfish greedy and self centered deity.
> >
> > Scenario:
> > Bob has a kid and loves this kid like there's no tomorrow. He says to
> > kid: "Don't go off with strangers." So now suddenly Bob is a selfish,
> > and self-centered father.
> >
> > Yeah right.
> >
> This is an extremely poor parable.
> Bob is not going to throw his child into a pit of fire to burn for all
> eternity if the child goes off with a stranger either.
> Not a good father anyway.

No it's not. You are all following satan, whether willingly/knowlingly or
not ... unless you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and saviour - then and
ONLY THEN, do you BECOME one of God's children. Once you ARE a child of
God - the scenario works fine.

> > > Bah,
> > > the xtians are so fucking brainwashed and refuse to think there is
> > > something better than the slavery that a god of lies offers them
> > > no less the hand of man, like humans can be trusted.
> >
> > God gave mankind freedom of choice. The choices mankind makes, are not
> > God's control - that's what freedom of choice means.
> >
> God gave man shit. according to your own book, Eve took the knowledge
> your god would not give freely.

That's right. She TOOK the "knowledge of evil" and "calamity" that God did
His command against it.

So where did this evil come from? See further in this note ...

> There is no free will according to your scripture.

Revelations 3:20
John 3:16
John 3:18
Matthew 19:29
etc. etc. etc.

The scripture is full of free will.

> It's slavery.
> There is no difference between forced slavery and slavery from duress.
> If I say you are free, but I also say if you don't do what I say I'll
> kill you. That's not freedom, that's slavery.

You are dying anyway. God has made a way for you so that you don't have to
die. The choice is yours: do you accept his offer or do you reject it? Is
that offer of life "slavery"?

> > > Please... this
> > > shows how stupid this deity really is, it supposedly creates a race
> > > perfect humans, oooooooooops not so perfect and have to be punished
> > > because they went against the gods word.
> >
> > There is something majorly missing from your logic: satan.
> >
> According to your book, God created all. Thus it created Satan, thus it
> is that gods fault. After all, it is supposed to be all knowing all
> seeing all powerful. If it didn't see this coming its a weak god, if it
> did, and did it anyway. It's a murderer. killing innocent children at
> birth, allowing others to kill when it has the power to stop it etc.
> etc. etc.

Very briefly:
Sure, God created all, even the angels. Lucifer was one of the three
archangels. He was the angel in charge of worship. His name means "light
bearer." He was the most beautiful of all angels. He saw this beauty and
wanted the other angels to worship him like they did God. (This demonstrates
that God created the angles capable of desires and aspirations and with
freedom of thought - but freedom of decision is not demonstrated here.) He
rallies against God. Then God (being fair and just), opened the hearts of
all angels to decide for themselves to choose: either worship God, or to
worship Lucifer. (This demonstrates that God gave the angels the freedom of
choice - this once only.) One third of all angels chose Lucifer. Well, if
they do not want to be in heaven, what right have they to be there - so God
"evicted" them.

Now, anything that is totally removed from what gives it life and/or
sustains its life, dies. This is how the Good in these beings, died and
became evil. (The spirit never dies.) God did not CREATE evil - it "became"
as a result of removal from God. Satan created evil by his wanting (and
getting) removal from God.

God goes on to create man in His image: with freedom of: thought; desires;
aspirations ... and decision. God commands His new creation: Stay away from
"... the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and blessing and calamity..."
(Gen. 2:17 AMP.) (Why both? Why not just one: evil? You can't have one
without the other, because: the one DEFINES the other. A coin has TWO sides,
but it is ONE thing.) But God has already given mankind freedom of thought
and decision. He's not going to take it away again just because He can - to
protect them from evil. They have been commanded - the choice to obey or
not, is now theirs. They chose to disobey God as a direct result of the
words of the "Father of Lies" and by doing so, THEY REMOVED THEMSELVES from
the authority of God, and gave themselves over to the authority of the
"Prince of this world." Now that they, and even their seed (their children),
belonged to this new authority, this authority (satan) is in charge their
death. Satan controls the "power of death" (the "first death") (Hebrews

So because God gives mankind the freedom of choice, and of freedom of
thought, He is now "weak" and a "murderer" and all the evil in this world is
"His fault." ??? Yeah right. Do you not make your own decisions? Are you not
affected by the decisions of others? Are others not affected by your
decisions? And this is all God's fault? Yeah right.

So because a father wants to protect his kid (adopted or not) and instructs
the kid not to play in the abandoned warehouse, now the _father_ is mean and
nasty, and just wants to stop the kid from having fun? So when the kid has
an accident, it is the father's fault because he had the power to prevent
the kid from playing there? If the kid gets hurt... or if the kid dies...???
So there is NO FAULT on the kids part??? The KID disobeying the father's
instruction is now the FATHER'S fault??? Yeah right.

Yes, God is "all knowing all seeing all powerful", and He knew what would
happen when He said "Let Us create man in Our image." He knew that man would
have the ability to think and decide and act on those decisions even before
He created mankind, that is why He also predetermined that He would die and
rise again to make man RECONCILED TO HIM. See: Gen 3:15 (AMP) "And I will
put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her
Offspring; He will bruise and tread your head underfoot, and you will lie in
wait and bruise His heel." ... Note the capitalisations in that verse. Also:
John 3:16-18 (AMP) "16 For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world
that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that WHOEVER
believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to
destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life. 17 For God did
not send the Son into the world in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to
pass sentence on) the world, but that the world might find salvation and be
made safe and sound through Him. 18 He who believes in Him [who clings to,
trusts in, relies on Him] is NOT JUDGED [he who trusts in Him never comes up
for judgement; for him there is NO REJECTION, NO CONDEMNATION - he incurs no
damnation]; BUT HE WHO DOES NOT BELIEVE (cleave to, rely on, trust in Him)
IS JUDGED ALREADY [he has already been convicted and has already received
his sentence] becasue he has not believed in and trusted in the name of the
only begotten Son of God. [He is condemned for refusing to let his trust
rest in Christ's name.]"

So if He knew all this even before the creation, why create in the first
place? To those that want Him are given the gift of eternal life, reconciled
to Him. (see: John 3:16)

So why doesn't He put an end to the murder of innocents? He has already
predetermined a day when everything ends. Besides, the earthly body is not
the "be all and end all" of life. The true life is the spirit. And when life
on earth ends, life in the spirit continues because the spirit never dies as
the body does. The spirit undergoes a maximum of two "deaths" - none of
which I am prepared to discuss in any great detail here. Your decisions on
earth determine your spiritual position.

> > Also, you need to do some research as to blessings and curses, as well
> > covenants. This will explain a great deal as to _why_ and _how_ "bad
> > happen all the time.
> Bad things happen because it's human nature. Blaming this or that on a
> god is asinine.

But you already have blamed God. I quote:

> According to your book, God created all. Thus it created Satan, thus it
> is that gods fault. After all, it is supposed to be all knowing all
> seeing all powerful. If it didn't see this coming its a weak god, if it
> did, and did it anyway. It's a murderer. killing innocent children at
> birth, allowing others to kill when it has the power to stop it etc.
> etc. etc.

Bad things also happen due to other factors: curses; decisions; spiritual
powers, principalities, demons etc.

> > I am certainly not going to enter into a debate with
> > someone who knows nothing about these things or how they affect daily
> > neither am I going to explain it to you.
> >
> To late you already did, and I probably know more about your piece of
> shit book than you can possibly imagine.

You may know more about the bible than I might imagine, but you do not know
my God and how He uses that book to teach and instruct and guide. It's the
difference between the "written word" (the bible) and the "revealed word"
(spiritual enlightenment from the Holy Spirit.)

And no, I have not discussed "blessings and curses and covenants" in any
detail, and neither am I going to.

> > > This god is so stupid that it
> > > keeps on trusting humans to do the right thing?
> > >
> > > Who's more retarded the god that apparently can't seem to do anything
> > > right and has to rely on humans to fix it's errors or the humans that
> > > worship it?
> >
> > Just because you see the world differently to the way God does, does not
> > make God wrong and you right.
> >
> God, is a man made invention. Prove otherwise and I'll shut up. Hard
> proof, not circular logic that is spewed from a book of lies like the
> buybull.

Prove to me man created this universe and not God; prove to me it not an
accident of nature and I will shut up.

And you say God is cruel????

> The farmer most likely knows his workers
> somewhat. If it is greed that motivates them that's an easy thing to
> manipulate.
> Now if we change the word farmer to god. Like its supposed to be
> reflecting.
> Now what power is your god supposed to have?
> Your god is supposed to know us inside and out. if it can not make a
> better point of spreading it's word and work than what is currently
> available it is indeed a week god. If human logic and common sense can
> shoot holes all through some supposed deities then it is a weak very
> weak god indeed.
> big difference.

Hebrews 11:6 (AMP) "But without faith it is impossible to please and be
satisfactory to Him. For WHOEVER would come near to God must [neccesarily]
believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly
and diligently seek Him [out]."

You must have faith that God exists, you don't need faith to know the farmer
exists (your physical eyes can see him.) Big difference.

> > Then the flood comes ...
> >
> And like the flood that did not happen in the bible, humans survived.

There are plenty of clues throughout the world as to a global flood at some
time in the planets past. Just one of these clues can be found in the
Sphinx. The erosion that is visible on its flanks is caused by water
(testified to by geologists.) But wait, that's supposed to be in a DESERT
climate ...

(BTW: how can humans "survive" something "that did not happen"??? If it "did
not happen", why the need to "survive" it???)

> Like they have since they have been on this planet. They will continue
> to do so, until they destroy themselves, the planet or nature has enough
> of them and wipes them out. Just... like the dinos. And even then, if
> you look around, at the croc, the shark, the alligator, and many many
> other creatures, you will see that even so the dinos have survived in
> one form or another.

You have discovered a truth that many miss: God always leaves a remnant.
Even in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, He allowed a remnant to


Oct 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/13/99
Amen amen, a. preach on in power of God!
wrote in message <7u2n68$jan$>...


Oct 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/13/99

Helpu and Kind ~~

Why do you continue posting here on alt.satanism? You may have a beef with
Shadow, but why are you carrying it on here at alt.satanism?

Is it that you are engaging in a form of terrorism?

Keep the talk to your own side (anywhere other than alt.satanism), where it may
or may not belong. No one is arguing about that. I am talking about

"Yes," I take the time to open the post, but "no," I do not consider it at all
because of what has been said. I have said it once, and I say it again. Stop
posting here on alt.satanism because your arguments, based on chapter and verse
of the bible, are not determinative here. It just doesn't work here.

Thank you for your consideration.

~~ billyal


Oct 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/14/99

> >
> > This is an extremely poor parable.
> > Bob is not going to throw his child into a pit of fire to burn for all
> > eternity if the child goes off with a stranger either.
> > Not a good father anyway.
> No it's not. You are all following satan, whether willingly/knowlingly or
> not ... unless you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and saviour - then and
> ONLY THEN, do you BECOME one of God's children. Once you ARE a child of
> God - the scenario works fine.

See the ONCE you are a child of god. I was ONCE it didn't work, too
many lies, too much crap. See the lies you have been told all your
life? That piece of shit buybull is worthless, contradictory junk. Made
up by greedy self serving ( Yes self serving )idiots who couldn't see
past their own noses.

You can never prove your god is the one true god, you can't because it's
all a myth, made up fake.

For your information, I am not a Satanist either. Because I hang out in
a Satanist newsgroup doesn't make me a Satanist, if it does, then I
refer you to the people your so called messiah hung out with.

But I tell you this, if it came up to a gun to my head and a choice
between your god, and a satanic god, I'd pick the satanic god every
time. At least with Satan, one knows where they stand.

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/____/ /_/ /_/ \__,_/ \__,_/ \____/ |__/|__/

Had the Greeks held novelty in disdain as we, what work of ancient date
would now exist?


Oct 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/14/99
helpu wrote:

> >
> > God gave man shit. according to your own book, Eve took the knowledge
> > your god would not give freely.
> That's right. She TOOK the "knowledge of evil" and "calamity" that God did
> His command against it.

Knowledge period.

> So where did this evil come from? See further in this note ...

According to the BUYBULL, your god created all things. It created evil
as well. Put the blame where it belongs. On the head of your god.
Quit looking for a scape goat. It is so black and white you refuse to
look at the truth of it. It scares you because if you see it you will
see that you have been lied to and deceived, that your trust was
misplaced, that you have been defending something that is shameful.
It's ok. People come to this realization all the time, and have been
for many many years, in fact people of other faiths have been doing it
long before the christians came into power. So don't feel left out, it
hurts but hey growing beyond mans lies does hurt sometimes.

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/____/ /_/ /_/ \__,_/ \__,_/ \____/ |__/|__/

Laugh at your problems; everybody else does.

Jimmy Humphrey

Oct 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/14/99
Obviously you can't recognize symbolism in a sentance. Let me show
you... "you could say", so in other words, not really. I know all sorts
of things about covenants and curses and blessings that God gives (not
everything, but a lot)



Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99

Shadow <> wrote in message

> helpu wrote:
> > >
> > > God gave man shit. according to your own book, Eve took the knowledge
> > > your god would not give freely.
> >
> > That's right. She TOOK the "knowledge of evil" and "calamity" that God
> > His command against it.
> >
> Knowledge period.

> > So where did this evil come from? See further in this note ...
> According to the BUYBULL, your god created all things. It created evil
> as well. Put the blame where it belongs. On the head of your god.
> Quit looking for a scape goat. (snip)

God did not create evil because He CANNOT. Yes, that's right: there ARE
things which God CANNOT do, and creating evil is one of them. He also cannot
lie. He cannot go against His own word. etc. etc. etc. You can't have fresh
water and salty water coming from the same spring. An orange tree does not
bear forth lemons.

You talk a lot about God, but how much do you really know about the
influences satan has on this world, even now?

(It is my observation that you shy from the responsibilities of your
actions.) If you're looking for someone to blame and accuse, there's a
perfect "scape goat." But I, personally, do not put all the blame on satan.
On the contrary, I most often than not, blame the human first because it is
man's tendency to "pass the buck" (we've been doing it ever since Adam and
Eve.) All satan is capable of doing is lying and deceiving . If one puts all
blame on satan, you would soon be looking for (and finding) demons in every
object, every word, every glance etc. and pretty soon, your life would be
one untidy mess.


Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99

Jimmy Humphrey <> wrote in message

> Obviously you can't recognize symbolism in a sentance. Let me show
> you... "you could say", so in other words, not really.

Symbolic: not. Sarcastic: maybe. Obtuse: definately. Vage: most certainly.
Idiotic: without a doubt.

> I know all sorts
> of things about covenants and curses and blessings that God gives (not
> everything, but a lot)

Yippeee. c'mon, c'mon. Astound us with your knowledge of "all sorts of
things" so that we can go pass Sunday school class (because that's probably
all you know about it anyway.)

> Jimmy
> a wrote:
> >
> > > This was a curse from God you could say, ...

There's no symbolism in: "you could say"

Jimmy Humphrey

Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99
Is this all you are going to pick on me for? A dumb comment by myself?
Originally it was on "I did not know what I was talking about that 2nd
Kings verse" now you feel so torn up you are going to pick on everything

Let the hate die.

In Christ,



Jimmy Humphrey

Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99
Actually, you might wanta read Isaiah 45:7

> God did not create evil because He CANNOT. Yes, that's right: there ARE
> things which God CANNOT do, and creating evil is one of them. He also cannot
> lie. He cannot go against His own word. etc. etc. etc. You can't have fresh
> water and salty water coming from the same spring. An orange tree does not
> bear forth lemons.
> You talk a lot about God, but how much do you really know about the
> influences satan has on this world, even now?
> (It is my observation that you shy from the responsibilities of your
> actions.) If you're looking for someone to blame and accuse, there's a
> perfect "scape goat." But I, personally, do not put all the blame on satan.
> On the contrary, I most often than not, blame the human first because it is
> man's tendency to "pass the buck" (we've been doing it ever since Adam and
> Eve.) All satan is capable of doing is lying and deceiving . If one puts all
> blame on satan, you would soon be looking for (and finding) demons in every
> object, every word, every glance etc. and pretty soon, your life would be
> one untidy mess.


Jimmy Humphrey

Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99
Sorry for the double post, but accidentally hit th wrong button.

Isaiah 45:7

I create both light and darkness; I
bring both blessing and disaster. I,
the Lord, do all these things.


Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99

Jimmy Humphrey wrote in message <>...

>Actually, you might wanta read Isaiah 45:7

>> God did not create evil because He CANNOT. Yes, that's right: there ARE
things which God CANNOT do, and creating evil is one of them. He also
>> lie. He cannot go against His own word. etc. etc. etc. You can't have
water and salty water coming from the same spring. An orange tree does not
>> bear forth lemons.

Evil is the absence of good just as darkness is the absence of light. So
God cannot create the absence of something since it is not something at all
only the absence of something. BUT God can allow for evil and for darkness
and for being to, by allowing them choice, choose against Him and thereby
enter into evil and in the same vein they may exit the light and enter into
darkness all of this is by choosing to turn from God.


Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99
a wrote:

<snipped all that garbage because you obviously have no clue as to
what's in your own holy book>

> (It is my observation that you shy from the responsibilities of your
> actions.)

How can you possibly make this observation? from a usenet post? Let me
understand this, you are making an entire observation on me, from a
usenet post. To clear the air, I take full responsibility for my
actions, every single one of them, I lay blame on no one for what I do.
No weak assed god, no weak assed creation of a god. Just me. No one
else. I expect others in my life and around me to hold to that as well,
no excuses. If you fuck up, admit to it, take responsibility for the
consequences and move on. If you do something extraordinary and worth
praise or reward. Don't ask for it. Demand it.

> If you're looking for someone to blame and accuse, there's a
> perfect "scape goat."

If I wanted to lay blame of the woes of lets just say the USA, I'd point
the gun directly at the Christians. I can blame just about every one of
mans woes on them and make it perfectly logical.

> But I, personally, do not put all the blame on satan.

Individuals But that only goes so far. Because if one thinks about it,
if a collective is being ruled by an individual that although has
command and perhaps loyalty of troops, with enough individuals with or
without weapons, all they have to do is get together and say, enough is
enough. Sure initially it would be a slaughter, but eventually either
they will wipe out the entire population and it won't matter anymore, or
the population will over come the individual. But it takes something
most do not have the courage to give. That's their life. It is an
expensive cost to gain freedom from tyranny, but what's the price if one
does not. A wasted life in the end of slavery or in defense of
freedom. Not a hard choice in my book.

> On the contrary, I most often than not, blame the human first because it is
> man's tendency to "pass the buck" (we've been doing it ever since Adam and
> Eve.) All satan is capable of doing is lying and deceiving .

That's pretty much all your god does as well. Considering it created
all things. It created the angels, as well as humans. This is
according to your book. Not mine. This god of yours is a screw up.
And Personally if you are going to follow this doctrine one must see
that it all boils down to the fact if your god had the power it says it
has, then it would have done a much better job of creation, that a mere
mortal like myself can find flaw in its design. What price does the
newborn babe pay for dying three minutes after birth? The sins of the
father? Get real. Talk about a god passing the buck.

> If one puts all
> blame on satan, you would soon be looking for (and finding) demons in every
> object, every word, every glance etc. and pretty soon, your life would be
> one untidy mess.

Satan in the sense of the bible is a creation of god. If we are to
blame someone for this Satan's temptations, then the buck has to go back
to the god for creating this Satan. It knew what it was creating, there
for in its ever and always living sense, all its omnipotence, it should
have seen what this Satan would do. If, it had not created this satan,
there would have been no serpent in the garden to temp. An who knows
what life would be like if that supposed event had not occurred, that is
if you believe those are the events that shaped the human race.
personally I find the bibles explination a bit, lacking and way off

Since this conversation is getting no where and leading into more and
more of Christian bashing, I will not be responding to this thread
anymore. I am not here to bash Christians, and personally I find this
thread dead. You won't see that you are following a doctrine that is
nothing more than a huge lie perpetrated by generations of greedy money
grubbing liars that have done very little to help human kind out and
more to line the church coffers with money and enslaved minds, with no
concrete proof that any of it is true. Not one single fact. No one
can. I know, you have to have faith. Here's what I have faith in.
Death. That... is the only absolute thing that will happen to a human.
Life is not assured, taxes, well you can just go to jail or not work,
but you do not have to pay them. You don't even have to eat or
reproduce. But if you are born into this world, you will die. You want
something to believe in, believe in that. Not one single human has
avoided it. That, is something to believe in.

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/____/ /_/ /_/ \__,_/ \__,_/ \____/ |__/|__/

The burning conviction that we have a holy duty towards others is often
a way of attaching our drowning selves to a passing raft.


Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99
You're right ON! TELL THEM ALL OF IT!
You've got the TRUE spirit in you! The TRUTH will set you FREE!
YHVH and YHshVH(jesus) is a LIE!

Shadow <> wrote in message


Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99
a......You are a venomous viper filled with the poisonous blood of
and slavery's defender! YHVH is a monster and RAPIST of the CHILDREN of The
Highest ALL/NONE.
Keep your shackles to your self if youre not going to throw them away.

a <he...@there.not> wrote in message news:7u2n68$jan$


Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99

helpu <> wrote in message


Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99
a, You worship SATAN.

a <he...@there.not> wrote in message news:7u6kld$9ks$
> Shadow <> wrote in message

> > helpu wrote:
> >
> > > >
> > > > God gave man shit. according to your own book, Eve took the
> > > > your god would not give freely.
> > >
> > > That's right. She TOOK the "knowledge of evil" and "calamity" that God
> did
> despite
> > > His command against it.
> > >

> > Knowledge period.

> >
> > > So where did this evil come from? See further in this note ...
> >

> > According to the BUYBULL, your god created all things. It created evil
> > as well. Put the blame where it belongs. On the head of your god.
> > Quit looking for a scape goat. (snip)

> God did not create evil because He CANNOT. Yes, that's right: there ARE
> things which God CANNOT do, and creating evil is one of them. He also
> lie. He cannot go against His own word. etc. etc. etc. You can't have
> water and salty water coming from the same spring. An orange tree does not
> bear forth lemons.

> You talk a lot about God, but how much do you really know about the
> influences satan has on this world, even now?

> (It is my observation that you shy from the responsibilities of your

> actions.) If you're looking for someone to blame and accuse, there's a
> perfect "scape goat." But I, personally, do not put all the blame on

> On the contrary, I most often than not, blame the human first because it
> man's tendency to "pass the buck" (we've been doing it ever since Adam and

> Eve.) All satan is capable of doing is lying and deceiving . If one puts


Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99
the tablets of the ten commandments is made of :STONE
Jesus was nailed to a WOODEN cross.
Hahahahahahaha!!!! BAD CHRISTIAN! hahahahahaha!

helpu <> wrote in message


> wrote in message <7tv1cl$srf$>...
> >

> >Shadow <> wrote in message
> >(snip)
> .

> >> > he may be a god but he's not The God.
> .
> >> Thou shalt not put any god before me... or some such nonsense. This
> >> does not say there are no other gods, it merely says, hey don't worship
> >> any other ones cause I'm selfish greedy and self centered deity.

> Duet 4.28. There you will worship man-made gods of wood and stone, which
> cannot see or hear or eat or smell.
> 29.16. You yourselves know how we lived in Egypt and how we passed
> the countries on the way here.
> 17. You saw among them their detestable images and idols of wood and
> stone, of silver and gold.
> So all these gods were just images or idols. But yes there was some sort
> spiritual power behind them
> 1 Corinthians 10. 19. Do I mean then that a sacrifice offered to an idol
> anything, or that an idol is anything?
> 20. No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God,
> and I do not want you to be participants with demons.

> >Scenario:
> >Bob has a kid and loves this kid like there's no tomorrow. He says to the
> >kid: "Don't go off with strangers." So now suddenly Bob is a selfish,
> greedy
> >and self-centered father.

> >> Bah,
> >> the xtians are so fucking brainwashed and refuse to think there is
> >> something better than the slavery that a god of lies offers them
> >> no less the hand of man, like humans can be trusted.

> Helpu
> Good point, humans cant be trusted that is why God verified His word by
> signs and wonders.

> >God gave mankind freedom of choice. The choices mankind makes, are not in
> >God's control - that's what freedom of choice means.

> Helpu
> Yes you have choice but it is choice to give urselves to the control of
> or the control of sin and evil corrupted desire which is really the
> point of satan.
> Ephesians 2. 1. As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and
> 2. in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world
> of the ruler of the kingdom of the air
> , the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.
> 3. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings
> our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts.
> John8.34. Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a
> slave to sin.
> Romans 6. 16. Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to
> obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey--whether you
> slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to
> righteousness?

> >> Please... this
> >> shows how stupid this deity really is, it supposedly creates a race of
> >> perfect humans, oooooooooops not so perfect and have to be punished
> >> because they went against the gods word.

> Helpu
> Shall we void this so called choice and not permit a choice against God?
> shall we allow this choice against God which allows evil?
> Made was created perfect but had the potential to turn from his creator
> just as satan did. Man opted in this direction and is corrupted and no
> longer perfect but actually a perfect mess

> >> This god is so stupid that it
> >> keeps on trusting humans to do the right thing?

> Helpu
> God allows choice but unless humans TRUST GOD they can do no good.
> The reason that the law was given was not to enable us to do good but to
> show us that we are hopelessly deep in sin and unable to do good

> > Who's more retarded the god that apparently can't seem to do anything
> >> right and has to rely on humans to fix it's errors or the humans that
> >> worship it?


Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99
Are you that lost a? Do you need help? Will you take it if it's given?

a <he...@there.not> wrote in message news:7u2n63$jan$

> > This was a curse from God you could say, ...

> Yet you know nothing about curses, blessings and covenants and how they
> affect daily life. If you knew these things you would realise how silly
> sound.

> Jimmy Humphrey <> wrote in message


Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99
Hmmmm Covenants,curses, blessings. Sounsds like a knows about being
a............. "thou shall not suffer a witch to live"
Could Yawism and xianity be a form of WITCHCRAFT???

a <he...@there.not> wrote in message news:7u6klj$9ks$

> Jimmy Humphrey <> wrote in message

> > Obviously you can't recognize symbolism in a sentance. Let me show
> > you... "you could say", so in other words, not really.
> Symbolic: not. Sarcastic: maybe. Obtuse: definately. Vage: most certainly.
> Idiotic: without a doubt.
> > I know all sorts
> > of things about covenants and curses and blessings that God gives (not
> > everything, but a lot)
> Yippeee. c'mon, c'mon. Astound us with your knowledge of "all sorts of
> things" so that we can go pass Sunday school class (because that's
> all you know about it anyway.)
> > Jimmy
> >
> > a wrote:
> > >

> > > > This was a curse from God you could say, ...


Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99
Then you CHOSE to be a victim. The Darkess was your CHOICE

helpu <> wrote in message

> Jimmy Humphrey wrote in message
> >Actually, you might wanta read Isaiah 45:7
> >
> >> God did not create evil because He CANNOT. Yes, that's right: there ARE
> things which God CANNOT do, and creating evil is one of them. He also
> cannot
> >> lie. He cannot go against His own word. etc. etc. etc. You can't have
> fresh
> water and salty water coming from the same spring. An orange tree does
> >> bear forth lemons.


Oct 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/18/99

Metadromos <> wrote in message
> I see you didn't quite get the message before.
> This is alt.satanism NOT alt.argue.xtoids!!!




> Why do you want to use this newgroup as your little tantrum-yoga arena?
> each-others e-mail addresses and GO AT IT!!
> If you are not a Satanist, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!! WHY ARE YOU

No. Not cross-posting (intitiating). Just responding to what was already



> YOU DO, DO IT E L S E W H E R E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We could say the same of you.

Nov 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/2/99
On Mon, 04 Oct 1999 00:41:18 GMT, Vampyre Lord 666
<> wrote:

>2Kings 6:28
>...Give thy son that we may eat him today and we will eat my son


Don't forget Eccl 8:15:

Eat, drink, and be merry.

0 new messages