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Commiserations to atheists for the loss of their beloved Supreme Leader

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Dec 28, 2011, 3:47:22 AM12/28/11

Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.

Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by Abraham, Job,
Isiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and all the other spiritual
guides and founders of our modern global civilisation,
and follow these ridiculous atheist dimwits and demagogues! B^D

In a sickening display of the mindless idolatry practised by
every one of the atheist tyrannies that have plagued the planet
in the previous century, hysterical zombies acted out the brain-dead
ritual grief so typical of totalitarian regimes that espouse atheistic

"North Korea's government exercises virtual total control
over society and imposes state sanctioned atheism"


All around the globe, people who value freedom of thought, speech and
belief blithely ignored the passing of just another atheist tyrant..

"God is Dead" - Nietzsche, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim ill Fuk

"Kim is Dead" - God B^D

"Mao is Dead" - God

"Lenin is Dead" - God

"Stalin is Dead" - God

.. and the last atheist regime is moribund and in terminal decline.

Atheism is a feeble joke.


alt.atheism FAQ:

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin

Gillard=Rudd in a frock

Dec 28, 2011, 4:33:24 AM12/28/11
On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 19:47 someone claiming to be fasgnadh
(, said:

> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.

You are sounding more and more like a kiddie diddling defrocked priest,

"One thing is sure - there will be no Gillard era. This is not a
20-year stretch. Civilised people's hands are already over their faces
every time she speaks. That cannot last. She has no power, no
influence, no friends, no learning. There's not much there."

Bob Ellis (ALP speech writer) on Dullard!

"Gillard is part of a Melbourne-based gang Ellis dubs the "Mouse Pack",
which includes Simon Crean and Martin Ferguson.

"They twitch their whiskers and come out in favour of the Afghan war
without studying the problem or noting that an army intelligence
officer [independent MP Andrew Wilkie] holds the balance of power,"
Ellis says."

More Bob Ellis (ALP Speech writer) on Dullard!

Labor Lies:

"There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead" - Ju-Liar

“Well certainly what we rejected is this hysterical allegation that
somehow we are moving towards a carbon tax from the Liberals in their
advertising. We certainly reject that.” (Swan the Goose)


Dec 28, 2011, 4:48:08 AM12/28/11
Limp Cock in a frock demonstrated his inability to read or comprehend:
> On 28/12/2011 7:47 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
> You are sounding more and more like a kiddie diddling defrocked priest

This is a text medium, you poor cretin! There is no audio in Usenet, you
are simply hallucinating, again.

But no one is surprised that the voices you hear are from
your inner kiddie- diddler.

Seek medical help for your condition, (have the doctors diagnosed your
problem yet?)

> FagsNags.

Oh, you poor bastard, you should quit shagging sheep! 8^o


Dec 28, 2011, 5:03:44 AM12/28/11
On Dec 28, 9:48 am, fasgnadh <> wrote:
> Limp Cock in a frock demonstrated his inability to read or comprehend:
> > On 28/12/2011 7:47 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
> >> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
> >> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
> >> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
> >>
> >> Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by Abraham, Job,
> >> Isiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and all the other spiritual
> >> guides and founders of our modern global civilisation,
> >> and follow these ridiculous atheist dimwits and demagogues! B^D
> >> In a sickening display of the mindless idolatry practised by
> >> every one of the atheist tyrannies that have plagued the planet
> >> in the previous century, hysterical zombies acted out the brain-dead
> >> ritual grief so typical of totalitarian regimes that espouse atheistic
> >> materialism.
> >> "North Korea's government exercises virtual total control
> >> over society and imposes state sanctioned atheism"
> >> -
> >> All around the globe, people who value freedom of thought, speech and
> >> belief blithely ignored the passing of just another atheist tyrant..
> >>
> >> "God is Dead" - Nietzsche, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim ill Fuk
> >>
> >> "Kim is Dead" - God B^D
> >>
> >> "Mao is Dead" - God
> >>
> >> "Lenin is Dead" - God
> >>
> >> "Stalin is Dead" - God
> >> .. and the last atheist regime is moribund and in terminal decline.
> >>
> >> Atheism is a feeble joke.
> > You are sounding more and more like a kiddie diddling defrocked priest
> This is a text medium, you poor cretin! There is no audio in Usenet, you
> are simply hallucinating, again.
> But no one is surprised that the voices you hear are from
> your inner kiddie- diddler.
> Seek medical help for your condition, (have the doctors diagnosed your
> problem yet?)
> > FagsNags.
> Oh, you poor bastard, you should quit shagging sheep!     8^o
> ---------
> alt.atheism FAQ:
>   "Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
>       -Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
>    "We must combat religion"
>        -Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
>   “Down with religion and long live atheism;
>    the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
>       - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
>   "Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
>       - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
>   "How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
>       - Lenin

Oh dear.

Arguing with yourself again. The school holidays are obviously way too
long at this time of year.


Dec 28, 2011, 5:53:20 AM12/28/11
suckarseorric is suffering withdrawal pangs:
> Oh dear.

Sorry, I didn't expect he would quit mid stroke and leave you!

> The school holidays are obviously way too
> long at this time of year.

Perhaps you two can find something else to do with the camera
other than photographing the kiddies.



alt.atheism FAQ:

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin


Dec 28, 2011, 6:35:24 AM12/28/11
On Dec 28, 9:47 am, fasgnadh <> wrote:
> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
> Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by Abraham, Job,
> Isiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha,  and all the other spiritual
> guides and founders of our modern global civilisation,
> and follow these ridiculous atheist dimwits and demagogues!   B^D
> In a sickening display of the mindless idolatry practised by
> every one of the atheist tyrannies that have plagued the planet
> in the previous century, hysterical zombies acted out the brain-dead
> ritual grief so typical of totalitarian regimes that espouse atheistic
> materialism.
>    "North Korea's government exercises virtual total control
>     over society and imposes state sanctioned atheism"
>        -
> All around the globe, people who value freedom of thought, speech and
> belief blithely ignored the passing of just another atheist tyrant..
>        "God is Dead" - Nietzsche, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim ill Fuk
>        "Kim is Dead" - God     B^D
>        "Mao is Dead" - God
>        "Lenin is Dead" - God
>        "Stalin is Dead" - God
>     .. and the last atheist regime is moribund and in terminal decline.
> Atheism is a feeble joke.
> ---------
> alt.atheism FAQ:
>   "Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
>       -Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
>    "We must combat religion"
>        -Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
>   “Down with religion and long live atheism;
>    the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
>       - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
>   "Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
>       - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
>   "How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
>       - Lenin

The buddha was an atheist.


Dec 28, 2011, 7:30:49 AM12/28/11
sarge could not dispute the facts, so he fabricated:
Really? B^} So, what are the Devas? and Devaputras? B^D

What is the ultimate reality of pure, spotless changeless mind?

I find it fascinating that Buddhist Atheists can openly
embrace this:

@ "Buddhism speaks of ultimate reality as pure, spotless,
@ changeless Mind that is present in all things, all times,
@ and in all beings and which can never die. Kalu Rinpoche
@ elucidates: "...pure mind cannot be located, but it is
@ omnipresent and all-penetrating; it embraces and pervades
@ all things. Moreover, it is beyond change, and its open
@ nature is indestructible and atemporal."[3

Now Who does that sound like? B^D

But wait there is more..

@ "The text refers to Vairocana Buddha as the "Bhagavat" ("Blessed One,"
@ a term traditionally linked in Indian discourse with "the Divine"],
@ "Master of the Dharma, the Sage who is completely perfect, who is
@ all-pervasive, who encompasses all world systems, who is All-Knowing,
@ the Lord Vairocana".[13]
@ The Tantric text, The Sarva-Tathagata-Tattva-Samgraha,
@ characterizes Vairocana as follows:
@ He is universal Goodness, beneficial, destroyer [of suffering],
@ the great Lord of Happiness, sky womb, Great Luminosity
@ … the great All-perceiving Lord … He is without beginning or
@ end … [He is] Vishnu [God] … Protector of the world, the sky,
@ the earth … The elements, the good benefactor of beings,
@ All things … the Blessed Rest, Eternal … The Self of all
@ the Buddhas … Pre-eminent over all, and master of the world.
@ Similar God-like descriptions are encountered in the All-Creating King
@ Tantra (Kunjed Gyalpo Tantra), where the universal Mind of
@ Awakening (in its mode as "Samantabhadra Buddha") declares of
@ itself:[14]
@ I am the core of all that exists. I am the seed of all that
@ exists. I am the cause of all that exists. I am the trunk
@ of all that exists. I am the foundation of all that exists.
@ I am the root of existence. I am ‘the core’ because I contain
@ all phenomena. I am ‘the seed’ because I give birth to everything.
@ I am ‘the cause’ because all comes from me. I am ‘the trunk’
@ because the ramifications of every event sprout from me.
@ I am ‘the foundation’ because all abides in me. I am called
@ ‘the root’ because I am everything."

Some of you "Buddhist Atheists" are really interesting! B^)

@ Deva (Buddhism)
@ A deva (देव Sanskrit and Pāli) in Buddhism is one of many
@ different types of non-human beings who share the
@ characteristics of being more powerful, longer-lived,
@ and, in general, living more contentedly than the
@ average human being.
@ Synonyms in other languages include Tibetan lha,
@ Chinese tiān (天), Korean cheon, Japanese ten,
@ Vietnamese thiên. The concept of devas was adopted
@ in Japan partly because of the similarity with the
@ Shinto's concept of kami.
@ Other words used in Buddhist texts to refer to
@ similar supernatural beings are devatā "deity" and
@ devaputra (Pāli: devaputta) "son of the gods".
@ Powers of the devas
@ From a human perspective, devas share the characteristic
@ of being invisible to the physical human eye. The presence
@ of a deva can be detected by those humans who have opened
@ the divyacakṣus (Pāli: dibbacakkhu), an extrasensory power
@ by which one can see beings from other planes. Their
@ voices can also be heard by those who have cultivated
@ a similar power of the ear.
@ Most devas are also capable of constructing illusory
@ forms by which they can manifest themselves to the
@ beings of lower worlds; higher and lower devas even
@ have to do this between each other.
@ Devas do not require the same kind of sustenance as
@ humans do, although the lower kinds do eat and drink.
@ The higher sorts of deva shine with their own intrinsic
@ luminosity.
@ Devas are also capable of moving great distances speedily
@ and of flying through the air, although the lower devas
@ sometimes accomplish this through magical aids such as a
@ flying chariot."

Do Atheists borrow these Magic Chariots on the weekends???


@ " Types of deva
@ The devas of the Ārūpyadhātu have no physical form or location,
@ and they dwell in meditation on formless subjects.

Sounds like some of the Atheists discussing
the probability of a Deva existing! B^)

@ "They do not interact with the rest of the universe."

That is definitely some of the Atheists in alt.atheistan!!


BTW, where are the Great Atheist Civilizations? On any Map?

Can we get an Invisible Deva Buddist Chariot and go see some of them?



alt.atheism FAQ:

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin


Dec 28, 2011, 10:56:32 AM12/28/11
On Dec 28, 2:47 am, fasgnadh <> spammed:
alt.atheism, talk.atheism, alt.agnoisticism, alt.religion,
alt.religion.christian, aus.politics, uk.politics.misc,
alt.politics.republicans and several more...
> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill [...]

It's difficult to imagine anyone wanting to be such an ignorant
religious moron troll.


Dec 28, 2011, 1:00:20 PM12/28/11
"fasgnadh" <> wrote in message
# Well, well, fangnasher is back, with more fulminations about atheist
tyranny - ignoring or condoning the many theocratic tyrannies which did, or
do, exist.
What is his argument, as he addresses all atheists, in universal
All Communists are Atheists.
You are an Atheist.
Hence, You are a Communist.
- which conveniently ignores the many atheists who are not communists.
Yes, North Korea has all the attributes of a Dogmatic Religion, and acts
In addition, it also has some tinge of Monarchy, as the New Leader is
third in an hereditary line of succession (except youngest son, not eldest).
The belligerent TV newsreader has been replaced by an equally-absurd
weeping newsreader.
We may assume that those who first stop weeping in the crowds lining
the funeral route are in danger or being thought revisionists or disloyal -
like those who first stopped clapping when applauding Stalin.
However, none of this proves or disproves the existence of God, gods,
or goddesses - as this needs empirical and historic research, not dogmatic
God is conspicuous by his absence in the modern world, and chanting
from holy texts proves nothing - except that Homo Sapiens is, indeed, the
Mad Ape.
Has "fasgnadh" stopped dithering, as an agnostic, and finally admitted
his atheism?
In afraid that, in Iran, no such fine distinction would be made.


Dec 28, 2011, 1:03:53 PM12/28/11
On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:35:24 -0800 (PST), sarge
<> wrote:

>On Dec 28, 9:47 am, fasgnadh <> wrote:
>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.

>The buddha was an atheist.

So's the Christian god.
"I heard somebody say, 'Where's Nelson Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead.
Because Saddam killed all the Mandelas." - George W. Bush

Christopher A. Lee

Dec 28, 2011, 1:16:04 PM12/28/11
On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 13:03:53 -0500, Colanth <col...@pern.invalid>

>On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:35:24 -0800 (PST), sarge
><> wrote:
>>On Dec 28, 9:47 am, fasgnadh <> wrote:
>>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>>The buddha was an atheist.
>So's the Christian god.

Wasn't the original Buddha a Hindu?


Dec 28, 2011, 3:03:16 PM12/28/11
According to his traditional biographies, he was shielded from
religion while he was growing up.


Dec 28, 2011, 3:48:14 PM12/28/11
On 12/28/2011 12:03 PM, Colanth wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:35:24 -0800 (PST), sarge
> <> wrote:
>> On Dec 28, 9:47 am, fasgnadh<> wrote:
>>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>> The buddha was an atheist.
> So's the Christian god.

According to the 1st commandment, biblegod believes in other gods.
Biblegod is okay with them being equals but doesn't want any out in front.

Christopher A. Lee

Dec 28, 2011, 4:11:51 PM12/28/11
On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 15:03:16 -0500, Colanth <col...@pern.invalid>

>On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 10:16:04 -0800, Christopher A. Lee
><> wrote:
>>On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 13:03:53 -0500, Colanth <col...@pern.invalid>
>>>On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:35:24 -0800 (PST), sarge
>>><> wrote:
>>>>On Dec 28, 9:47�am, fasgnadh <> wrote:
>>>>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>>>>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>>>>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>>>>The buddha was an atheist.
>>>So's the Christian god.
>>Wasn't the original Buddha a Hindu?
>According to his traditional biographies, he was shielded from
>religion while he was growing up.

OK, but he grew up in a Hindu society.

While it is possible to be shielded from religion when there are
already non-believers, like I was, I would have thought this less
likely a few tousand years ago.


Dec 28, 2011, 4:50:02 PM12/28/11
On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 07:56:32 -0800 (PST), Davej <>
He's an attention-whore. He doesn't care what you say to him, as long
as you respond. Most of us have him killed.

Paul David Wright

Dec 28, 2011, 5:37:58 PM12/28/11
fasgnadh <> wrote in

> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.

Still lying, I see.
Your sabatical has done nothing to improve your honesty.


Check out my blog:
And my books:


Dec 28, 2011, 7:35:07 PM12/28/11
On 28 Dec, 19:16, Christopher A. Lee <> wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 13:03:53 -0500, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid>
Not when he was the Buddha.


Dec 28, 2011, 7:34:53 PM12/28/11
On 28 Dec, 19:03, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:35:24 -0800 (PST), sarge
> <> wrote:
> >On Dec 28, 9:47 am, fasgnadh <> wrote:
> >> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
> >> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
> >> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
> >The buddha was an atheist.
> So's the Christian god.

Not sure if this is ironic or not, but I would assume not. He would
believe in his own existence.

Jim Austin

Dec 28, 2011, 8:10:45 PM12/28/11
On Dec 28, 12:47 am, fasgnadh <> wrote:
> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
> Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by Abraham, Job,
> Isiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and all the other spiritual
> guides and founders of our modern global civilisation,...

This would be the wisdom of humility, meekness, servility,
submissiveness, pacifism and the divine right of kings and dictators.

> ...and follow these ridiculous atheist dimwits and demagogues! B^D

We've been through this before.

Atheism is not a defining feature of communism, not withstanding what
commies themselves may say. Rather communism is the belief in the
economic system defined in the Bible, specifically Acts II:44-45, IV:

<Snip> The rest.


Dec 28, 2011, 9:08:29 PM12/28/11
clearly you do not understand the quotes you quote...

neither do you have any understanding of marxism/socialism/communism

web site at - news comment service, logic, economics
energy, education, politics, etc over 1 million document calls in year past
all that is necessary for [] walk quietly and carry
the triumph of evil is that [] a big stick.
good people do nothing [] trust actions not words
only when it's funny -- roger rabbit


Dec 29, 2011, 12:02:02 AM12/29/11
On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 13:11:51 -0800, Christopher A. Lee
<> wrote:

>On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 15:03:16 -0500, Colanth <col...@pern.invalid>
>>On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 10:16:04 -0800, Christopher A. Lee
>><> wrote:
>>>On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 13:03:53 -0500, Colanth <col...@pern.invalid>
>>>>On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:35:24 -0800 (PST), sarge
>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>On Dec 28, 9:47 am, fasgnadh <> wrote:
>>>>>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>>>>>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>>>>>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>>>>>The buddha was an atheist.
>>>>So's the Christian god.
>>>Wasn't the original Buddha a Hindu?
>>According to his traditional biographies, he was shielded from
>>religion while he was growing up.
>OK, but he grew up in a Hindu society.

No, he grew up in a palace, where no religion was allowed. According
to his traditional biographies.

>While it is possible to be shielded from religion when there are
>already non-believers, like I was, I would have thought this less
>likely a few tousand years ago.

When your father can lop off heads at will, and decides that you will
grow up with no knowledge of religion, you do. (I'd imagine that a
carpenter who hit his thumb and muttered "oh, God", or their
equivalent, was given a very effective pain killer - removal of the
connection between the brain and the thumb.)
"There is nothing frightening about an eternal dreamless sleep. Surely
it is better than eternal torment in Hell and eternal boredom in
Heaven."- Isaac Asimov


Dec 29, 2011, 12:02:40 AM12/29/11
No belief, he'd KNOW that he existed. He'd have no BELIEF in any god.
"Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's
troublesome.” - Isaac Asimov


Dec 29, 2011, 12:28:52 AM12/29/11
On Dec 28, 1:47 am, fasgnadh <> wrote:

> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill

Oh, horseshit. If "global atheism" had a leader, it was George

Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
BAAWA Knight of the Golden Litterbox
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes nine at cox dot net OR
skyeyes nine at yahoo dot com


Dec 29, 2011, 12:32:27 AM12/29/11
On 29 Dec, 06:02, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 16:34:53 -0800 (PST), sarge
> <> wrote:
> >On 28 Dec, 19:03, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
> >> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:35:24 -0800 (PST), sarge
> >> <> wrote:
> >> >On Dec 28, 9:47 am, fasgnadh <> wrote:
> >> >> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
> >> >> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
> >> >> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
> >> >The buddha was an atheist.
> >> So's the Christian god.
> >Not sure if this is ironic or not, but I would assume not.  He would
> >believe in his own existence.
> No belief, he'd KNOW that he existed.  He'd have no BELIEF in any god.

Knowledge is a subset of beliefs. And this is absolutely the case in
a philosophy context where knowledge is taken as Justified True
Beliefs. Some philosophers have a problem with that definition, but
none I have ever read were critical of the use of belief in that


Dec 29, 2011, 2:24:41 AM12/29/11

Notice how none of the atheists can deal with the issue?
Let alone refute any of my points with rational argument! B^D

Take this weak prick for example:

On 29/12/2011 7:56 AM, steve knight wrote:

Oh look it's Fluffy, the atheist cults "Whorelord" Bwaaaaahaha

Big Bad Warlord Fluffy TALKS tough....

# From: Steve Knight <>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism
# Subject: A.A. BAAWA - FAQ
# Message-ID: <>
# Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 02:46:34 -0700
# We kill theists and shit down their throats
# Warlord Steve

Not satisfied with murder, Steve favours GENOCIDE:

# From: Steve Knight <>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.religion.islam
# Subject: Re: Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all
# Message-ID: <>
# Date: Mon, 02 Nov 2009 18:58:18 -0800
# On Mon, 2 Nov 2009 21:22:32 +0200, "Katrina"
# <> wrote:
# >Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all
# It is the most foul, disgusting filth on Earth.
# The sooner we nuke you fuckers, the better.
# Warlord Steve

... but as soon as I ignored his empty bluster, mocked his
mindless abuse, and gave him as good as I got,
he ran crying to mummy:

# From: Steve Knight <>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism
# Subject: Re: Atheist Kooks: Sociopath shifts blame to others
# for their mistakes Re: A.A. Steve Knight checking in to Bellevue
# Message-ID: <>
# Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 13:32:49 -0700
# FAQ pages for alt.atheism could land you in court.
# I reported you to Google abuse

And they ignored your pathetic whining, just like everyone
else does! B^]

# Warlord Steve


You are on record as a weak sook!

Google laughed at your attempt to SILENCE critics of atheism,
(because you sure-as-shit can't win any rational argument ;-),
and I and the rest of USENET are STILL LAUGHING!

> Are you


The proof of your cowardice is here in this thread, you couldn't debate,
you couldn't refute a single fact, you snipped and ran:

> On 28/12/2011 10:00 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>> On 28/12/2011 9:32 PM, Loirbaj wrote:
>>> On 28/12/2011 7:47 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>>>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>>>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>>>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>>>> Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by Abraham, Job,
>>>> Isiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and all the other spiritual
>>>> guides and founders of our modern global civilisation,
>>>> and follow these ridiculous atheist dimwits and demagogues! B^D
>>>> In a sickening display of the mindless idolatry practised by
>>>> every one of the atheist tyrannies that have plagued the planet
>>>> in the previous century, hysterical zombies acted out the brain-dead
>>>> ritual grief so typical of totalitarian regimes that espouse atheistic
>>>> materialism.
>>>> "North Korea's government exercises virtual total control
>>>> over society and imposes state sanctioned atheism"
>>>> -
>>>> All around the globe, people who value freedom of thought, speech and
>>>> belief blithely ignored the passing of just another atheist tyrant..
>>>> "God is Dead" - Nietzsche, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim ill Fuk
>>>> "Kim is Dead" - God B^D
>>>> "Mao is Dead" - God
>>>> "Lenin is Dead" - God
>>>> "Stalin is Dead" - God
>>>> .. and the last atheist regime is moribund and in terminal decline.
>>>> Atheism is a feeble joke.
>>> Everywhere tried, everywhere FAILED: Atheism.
>> Actually, for most of human history, while the religious
>> built the great and enduring civilisations we all enjoy today,
>> atheism was irrelevant, and remains so today.
>> It never built a single free, open, democratic state, let alone
>> the great and enduring civilisations built by believers.
>> Atheists enjoy the modern secular democratic states created
>> by MAJORITY RELIGIOUS populations in Europe, North America,
>> Australia and the rest of the world, but without an appropriate
>> sense of gratitude.
>> And they have no shame about the series of failed totalitarian
>> shitholes which are the only atheist states in 70,000 years of
>> human history since Homo Sapiens emerged from Africa.
>> And when you observe their responses, in this and other threads,
>> you can see why atheism has never amounted to anything.

So, atheists have nothing to say in their defence!

The reason is that they can't mount a rational argument.

What CAN you do, 'Warlord' Limpdick?

> still having sex with the neighborhood dogs

Someone call the RSPCA, those poor animals cannot have
given their informed consent.

> Warlord Steve



alt.atheism FAQ:

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin


Dec 29, 2011, 3:38:35 AM12/29/11
On 29/12/2011 7:00 AM, Frank Galikanokus wrote:
> fasgnadh wrote:
>> On 28/12/2011 9:32 PM, Loirbaj wrote:
>>> Everywhere tried, everywhere FAILED: Atheism.
>> Actually, for most of human history, while the religious
>> built the great and enduring civilisations we all enjoy today,
>> atheism was irrelevant, and remains so today.
> Are you referring to the crowned heads ruling by divine right?

No, of course not, the claim by kings that they rule by "Divine Right"
was a claim made by men, in their own political interests, not by God.

If you simpletons buy that without question then you deserve to
be led by the nose!

> They are a bit hard to find these days.

Primitive Feudal societies evolved into modern democratic states,
in every case this was the work of MAJORITY RELIGIOUS populations!
Churches, synagogues and Mosques were the centres of learning...
and of medicine, charity, good works.

No one has ever heard of an atheist school or hospital in those
centuries in which human society evolved from it's primitive brutality
to modern tolerance and human rights.

That long struggle was carried by the great religious scientists,
thinkers, philosophers, doctors and teachers.

History shows that every great and enduring civilisation was developed
by the followers of the great religious teachers.

And they claim to be inspired by God.

Why won't you atheists ever look at the historical evidence in a
balanced way?

The only OPENLY AVOWED ATHEIST governments in human history have ALL
been totalitarian tyrannies - The Union of Savage Slaughter and
Repression (USSR), Mao's Great Leap Backward and Cultural Devolution,
Pol Pot's genocidal madness and the only remaining Atheist State,
your North Korean comrades.

pffft! Neither History, nor time, are on your side.

>> It never built a single free, open, democratic state, let alone
>> the great and enduring civilisations built by believers.
> Every single free, open, democratic state was founded by people
> rejecting rulers and governments claiming a divine right to rule.

Religious people, who rejected the blasphemy that Kings could
speak for God, when those God chose to speak for him were
a Carpenter, an illiterate rug merchant, an abandoned child.

The simple test of truth is that the words of Jesus, Mohammed, Moses
and the others still resonate with MILLIONS of people, guiding their
moral behaviour.. while all the Kings are dust.

Take the USA, they rejected the "Divine Right of Kings" heresy,
instituted, not by Jesus, but by the Kings who perverted his teachings
and his church, and instituted a free, open secular democracy which
printed "In GOD we Trust" on it's money! B^D

In other words, the entire shift from MEDIEVAL European monarchies
to Modern Secular Democracies was the work of MAJORITY RELIGIOUS
SOCIETIES, who evolved from a primitive hierarchical feudal paradigm
to one in which the freedom of EVERY believer (and even the tiny,
ineffectual minority of non-believers) was guaranteed.

It was NOT the work of atheists! B^]

All atheist governments ever managed to build was tyrannical shitholes,
Lenin and Stalin's USSR, Mao's China, Pol Pot's genocidal regression
to the stone age, North Korea, where famine leads the desperate populace
to EAT GRASS! 8^o

You can't ignore the evidence of history.

Even after centuries of attempts to erode the religious majority
who built and sustained the USA, the atheists have only increased
their proportion of the US population from a feeble 0.4% in 2001 to a
pathetic 0.7% in 2008 (ARIS) ! B^D

The replacement of primitive feudal government with modern democratic

Atheism has never produced a SINGLE decent democracy, let alone
a great and enduring civilisation.

>> Atheists enjoy the modern secular democratic states created
>> by MAJORITY RELIGIOUS populations in Europe, North America,
>> Australia and the rest of the world, but without an appropriate
>> sense of gratitude.
> I'm extremely grateful that enlightened peoples all over the world have
> rejected theocracy.

You don't seem to grasp history very well. The USA fought a war
against the Crown, not the Church.

Further, it was enlightened RELIGIOUS people who rejected theocracy
at every step, and instituted secular democracies which prevented the
persecution of ANY believers (freedom of religious thought), not atheists.

The Atheist states, even though they occurred in the MODERN(sic) era,
invariably PERSECUTED believers and oppressed free thought and belief:

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin

But it was not just the Atheism of the leadership,
but of the entire atheist State apparatus;

The Atheist leadership's policies were implemented under
the Red Terror, via gulags and executions, the use of
every arm of the state for anti-religious propaganda,
even the forced indoctrination of CHILDREN! B^[

“We do not fight against believers and not even clergymen.
WE FIGHT AGAINST GOD to snatch believers from Him.”
-Vechernaia Moskva, a Soviet newspaper

“Let us drive out the Capitalists from the earth,
and God from Heaven!” (early Soviet slogan)

"the state established atheism as the only scientific truth."
- Daniel Peris,
"Storming the Heavens: The Soviet League of the Militant Godless"
Cornell University Press 1998 ISBN 9780801434853

"Criticism of atheism was strictly forbidden"

"Between 1917 and 1940, 130,000 Orthodox priests were arrested.
In 1918, the Cheka under Felix Dzerzhinsky executed over
3000 Orthodox clergymen of all ranks.
Some were drowned in ice-holes or poured over with cold water
in winter until they turned to ice-pillars.
- John Shelton Curtis, The Russian Church and the Soviet State
(Boston: Little Brown, 1953)

In the thousands of years of human social evolution,
guided by spiritual teachings, there have of course
been times when tyrants distorted, misrepresented and
perverted the divine teachings for their own purposes,
falsely claimed to be acting under God's blessing, even when they
were flagrantly breaching his Laws.. but these are aberrations,
vastly outweighed by the positive influence of CIVILISING values
and principles which have guided us to this point.

Atheism has never built a single decent democratic state..
EVERY atheist state has been a totalitarian TYRANNY.


>> And they have no shame about the series of failed totalitarian
>> shitholes which are the only atheist states in 70,000 years of
>> human history since Homo Sapiens emerged from Africa.
> Maybe theists would not get their fingers burned if they kept them out
> of government.

WTF are you blathering about? The murderous atheist tyrants
who killed over 60,000,000 people in the 20th century were
AVOWED ATHEISTS, nothing to do with theists.

The Theists, eg those from the country which prints "In God We Trust"
on it's money, won.

Suck it up. B^]

>> And when you observe their responses, in this and other threads,
>> you can see why atheism has never amounted to anything.
> And how are the theocracies doing these days?

You think that by comparing the massive atheist failures
with an (unspecified) 'worst case' theocratic model (whic you
haven't even offered an example of for examination and discussion)
will make every atheist regime in history look better? B^p

That's a piss weak attempt to claim the theocratic EXCEPTION
to the successful majority religious societies I have cited
outweighs the disgraceful atheist NORM: viz - EVERY atheist
state in human history has been a totalitarian shithole!

Those atheist states have killed more people in seven decades
than all the deaths caused "in the Name of" religion in History.

> Any left outside the muslim world?

Is weak rhetorical questions all you have for an argument?

Let's take a brief look at the LARGEST Muslim nation on the planet
and run a test for theocracy, (because you have failed to provide
ANY real evidence, and seem to rely on insinuation, the hallmark
of ignorance and prejudice):

Indonesia, > 200,000,000 Muslims.

Please demonstrate how they are a theocracy, in your view.

I have argued a rational thesis using mainstream history.

Let me summarise, it may help you to understand:

The USSR failed, and millions, freed from atheist oppression,
turned to God. Of course their society had been completely
fucked by the atheist tyrants for 70 years, so it is damaged and
will take time to heal

The USA still with it's majority religious society and "In God
We Trust" survived the Totalitarian states of the twentieth century.

China, after the massive failure of Mao's Great Leap Backwerd,
reformed it's constitution to allow greater religious freedom,
and began to prosper. Can you join the dot's? B^D

"With the gradual liberalisation that developed with
Deng Xiaoping's open door reforms, religion was no
longer proscribed. In 1982, the constitution was
amended to allow Chinese people considerable freedom
of religion."

"At the first world Buddhism forum in East China's Zhejiang
Province last year, the Chinese government acknowledged
the active role religion plays in building a harmonious society."

"For example, religious beliefs have helped cut down crime
to a large extent,"

"religion has been enjoying a resurgence in China over the
past 20 years, as Communist Party disapproval has eased"

"Religious believers thrice the estimate
By Wu Jiao (China Daily)

"A survey has found that the number of religious believers
is three times bigger than the official estimate.

The poll of about 4,500 people, conducted by professors Tong
Shijun and Liu Zhongyu of Shanghai-based East China Normal
University from 2005 till recently, found that 31.4 percent
of Chinese aged 16 and above or about 300 million are religious."

Incredible! in just a few short years the new converts from
atheism In JUST ONE COUNTRY, far outnumber the slow increase
in tiny atheist numbers in the rest of the WORLD! B^D


# Subject: Re: US religious now at 85% - It's GOD in a LANDSLIDE!!!
# -Atheists wallow at 2.3% worldwide, 0.7% in the USA! -a pitiful
# fraction of the minority of non-believers! B^D
# From: fasgnadh <>
# Newsgroups:
# alt.atheism,aus.religion,alt.religion,aus.politics,
# alt.politics.republicans, alt.politics.democrats,uk.politics.misc
# Message-ID: <8QNtl.26734$>
# Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 12:07:32 GMT
# American Religious Identification Survey, Summary Report March 2009:
# "Self-identification of U.S. Adult Population by Religious Tradition
# 2001 2008
# Religious 167,254,000 (80%) 182,198,000 (80%)
# Agnostics 991,000 (0.5%) 1,985,000 (0.9%)
# Atheists 902,000 (0.4%) 1,621,000 (0.7%)
# 0.7% of Americans!! B^D 2.3% worldwide!!! B^D



alt.atheism FAQ:

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin


Dec 29, 2011, 3:53:40 AM12/29/11
DAMN you all to Hell and back,
Fearless Fasgnadh for holding the
atheists' feet to the fire. Next you'll be
pointing out that Insane Obama has
merely overturned moderate govts and
instituted hyper-radical Muslim regimes,
that Insane Obama has signed ALL the
identical Halliburton contracts as Bush,
that he has actually begun FOUR more
Wars than Bush (while given Peace Prize).
And that Obama will absolutely go to war
with Iran and will sign the Keystone Pipeline.


Dec 29, 2011, 8:16:02 AM12/29/11
On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 21:32:27 -0800 (PST), sarge
<> wrote:

>On 29 Dec, 06:02, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 16:34:53 -0800 (PST), sarge
>> <> wrote:
>> >On 28 Dec, 19:03, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
>> >> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:35:24 -0800 (PST), sarge
>> >> <> wrote:
>> >> >On Dec 28, 9:47 am, fasgnadh <> wrote:
>> >> >> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>> >> >> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>> >> >> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>> >> >The buddha was an atheist.
>> >> So's the Christian god.
>> >Not sure if this is ironic or not, but I would assume not.  He would
>> >believe in his own existence.
>> No belief, he'd KNOW that he existed.  He'd have no BELIEF in any god.
>Knowledge is a subset of beliefs.

Knowledge is orthogonal to belief.
"As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation.
But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends, have
been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made
them the most bloody religion that ever existed?" - John Adams, letter
to FA Van der Kamp, December 27, 1816


Dec 29, 2011, 9:35:39 AM12/29/11
DonH couldn't refute a single point:
We see how you atheists respond;

> ignoring or condoning

or trying to change the subject:

> the many theocratic tyrannies which did, or do, exist.
> What is his argument,

It's there above, so, naturally, the atheists ignore it,
because they cannot disprove the facts, and misrepresent it,
so they can demolish their own straw man: (it's all they are capable of)

> as he addresses all atheists, in universal condemnation?

No, only those responsible for the atheist terror in those atheist
tyrannies are responsible, and those of you who act as their apologists
make yourselves complicit.

> All Communists are Atheists.

Correct. It was necessary to be an atheist to be a Party Member.

All the members of the Politburo and Central Committees of The USSR,
Maoist China, Pol Pots Khmer Rouge and the North Korean Junta
were atheists.
> You are an Atheist.

No, I am an agnostic.

> Hence, You are a Communist.

Oh dear, the poor dimwit demonstrates his complete lack of logic.

"All communists are atheists" does NOT mean
"all atheists are communists"

> - which conveniently ignores the many atheists who are not communists.
> Yes, North Korea has all the attributes of a Dogmatic Religion,

Rubbish, as the US State Department and the CIA explain, it's an
atheist regime which bans RELIGIONS and persecutes believers.
In response to the criticism of it's constant abuse of such basic human
rights, it fabricated a state psuedo-religion so it's propaganda tools,
including their atheist supporters in alt.atheism could say "see, it
allows (a) religion"

Complete twaddle, transparent to the world community and swallowed
only by North Korean's comrades, lying atheists like DonHandjob,
who is their willing dupe

> and acts accordingly.

quite so.

Having delivered that weak fabrication on behalf of the
North Korean atheists, DonH has little to offer but pointless blather:

> In addition, it also has some tinge of Monarchy, as the New Leader is
> third in an hereditary line of succession (except youngest son, not eldest).
> The belligerent TV newsreader has been replaced by an equally-absurd
> weeping newsreader.
> We may assume that those who first stop weeping in the crowds lining
> the funeral route are in danger or being thought revisionists or disloyal -
> like those who first stopped clapping when applauding Stalin.

Don then reflects on his twaddle by stating the obvious:

> However, none of this proves or disproves the existence of God,

No one but atheists have claimed in this thread that it did!

But DonH is here accepting the position of us agnostics..
the existence of God has not been conclusively proven, and
cannot, logically, be disproven.. so he finally appears to be growing
out of infantile atheism.

> gods, or goddesses - as this needs
> empirical and historic research, not dogmatic
> dictate.
> God is conspicuous by his absence in the modern world,

He sure kicked atheist arse in the great atheist tyrannies of the 20th
century! B^D

The USSR collapsed, Maoist China was so dysfunctional they
reformed their constitution to allow religious beliefs, and have
subsequently enjoyed economic growth and over 300,000,000 new believers.
c.f, the U.S. and Europe, which have seen growth in atheist numbers,
and decline in economic progress.

> and chanting from holy texts proves nothing - except that

it correlates with civilisation, whereas Every atheist state has been
a totalitarian tyranny.. yet atheists losers persist, proving that

> Homo Sapiens is, indeed, the Mad Ape.
> Has "fasgnadh" stopped dithering,

I never started and have never wavered from my firm and clearly stated

> as an agnostic,

correct, and if even that dimwitted and false atheist tool can freely
admit it, then my position as an agnostic is clear and unequivocal.

> and finally admitted his atheism?

That's patently absurd and completely inane.

We agnostics are not dithering, we simply adopt the default rational
position. Theists have not conclusively proven the existence of God,
although the consistent success of civilisations that acknowledge God,
and abject failure of 100% of atheist states is strong evidence,
and atheists cannot logically disprove the existence of God.

> In afraid that, in Iran, no such fine distinction would be made.

I'm unafraid, and unsurprised that the only lines you run are
those of the North Korean atheist state's propaganda wing and
the Iranian theocracy. pfffft!

The country the atheist traitors reserve their contempt for is the
free, open, secular democracy built by a tolerant RELIGIOUS majority
which prints "In God We Trust" on it's money and guarantees freedoms
even to the atheists who promote the propaganda lies of it's enemies.

Shame on you. When will you ever develop simple honesty, decency and
some gratitude for the majority religious society which gives you succour?



Dec 29, 2011, 2:13:16 PM12/29/11
"fasgnadh" <> wrote in message
# "In God We Trust" replaced "E Pluribus Unum" (the secular slogan, and
superior), due to pressure from religionists - as first step in a theocratic
agenda, we assume.
Agnosticism was coined by Thomas Henry Huxley, as a more acceptable term
to the Establishment of the 1800s, as distinct from Atheism, which reeked of
cloth caps, clay pipes, and hobnail boots.
Agnostics claim a God is unknown and unknowable, in spite of all gods
and goddesses being historic in origin, evolving from Father, to
Leader(Lord), King, God-King, to Cosmic Creator, aided by a ban on graven
images (of Old Man of the Tribe), and mysticism.
Yes, a cosmic deity may exist, but is just as likely to be a sadistic,
green-eyed monster, all claws and tentacles, who has our whole cosmos as a
drop of pond water under its microscope.
You'd better pray you never meet it.
After all, it designed a world where most Life preys on other Life
(Nature, red in tooth and claw), and while the Anthropomorphic God in our
own image may be a stern old man who can be appeased, the Monster God would
probably stamp on us microbes, rather than grant us Eternal Life in Heaven.
We are not agnostic about fairies at the bottom of the garden - only
about "God".


Dec 29, 2011, 3:18:02 PM12/29/11
In article
Loirbaj <> wrote:

> DAMN you all to Hell and back,
> Fearless Fasgnadh

Except that the bible says no one can ever go to hell.
"Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less
remote from the- truth who believes nothing than
he who believes what is wrong.
Thomas Jefferson


Dec 29, 2011, 5:37:07 PM12/29/11
On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 21:28:52 -0800 (PST), SkyEyes <>

>On Dec 28, 1:47 am, fasgnadh <> wrote:
>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill
>Oh, horseshit. If "global atheism" had a leader, it was George

Up until the end, when he started getting morbid. My wife walked out
on one of his last performances (as did about 2/3 of the audience). I
stuck it out to the bitter end, but it wasn't worth the pain, watching
what wasn't even the shell of Carlin.


Dec 30, 2011, 12:14:18 AM12/30/11
On 29/12/2011 12:10 PM, Jim Austin wrote:
> On Dec 28, 12:47 am, fasgnadh<> wrote:
>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>> Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by Abraham, Job,
>> Isiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and all the other spiritual
>> guides and founders of our modern global civilisation,...
> This would be the wisdom of humility, meekness, servility,
> submissiveness,

Well Jim, thanks for sharing with us YOUR idea of wisdom, although
it seems a bit on the docile doormat side of submissive slaves and
supine sychophants, if you ask me. Are all of your family limp-wristed
cake-boys, or just you?

Still it's refreshing to see one of you claiming (rather broadly and
without any evidence) that religions produce too much passivity, while
most of the atheists argue the opposite.

It's funny, really, because the spiritual texts of the major religions
are quite specific about what they regard as virtues, and while violence
is eschewed, Jesus in the Temple, overthrowing the moneylenders tables,
and Mohammed's military response to the persecution of the nascent
Islamic community in Mecca and Medina
suggest a slightly more muscular response, when confronted by violence
and injustice, which threaten the community.

> pacifism

I wish you blokes would make up your mind; the other atheists have
been claiming that religion is one long string of violent acts, the
Crusades, Inquisition, Holy Wars.. and that the reason there are no
atheist civilisations is that they were all cowering in fear of
these aggressive Christians and Muslims and Buddhists, and yet here you
are claiming the religious were all spineless pussies!

I guess you guys just can't decide to tell which 'exaggeration'(lie) to
spin on any particular occasion. B^]

It is true Jesus is often referred to as the prince of Peace, and that
Islam introduced Laws of War based on negotiated settlements, chivalry
and Mercy.. but the sensible context always included the right to
protect the community, if necessary with just force.

Naturally there have been occasions in history where idiots and
those of evil intent have stupidly or deliberately misinterpreted
what is a very BALANCED credo, to justify their greed, political
ambitions, power seeking or simple lust for revenge.

We all know the examples where people CLAIMING to be followers of a
religion ignore it's laws and principles and do harm to others.
Sensible people note that the vast majority of people in those faiths
condemn and repudiate acts of criminal violence, wars of aggression,
acts of terror, which are forbidden by every religion.

Better to have the laws, occasionally breached by wrongdoers, than
atheism, which has no moral or philosophical restraints on violence,
as the world has witnessed in EVERY atheist state, where brutality,
oppression, persecution, fear and despair ruled.

That's why the religions produced great and enduring civilisations,
with occasional aberrations, while EVERY atheist state was a horrific
aberration, and no civilisations were ever produced.

> and the divine right of kings and dictators.
>> ...and follow these ridiculous atheist dimwits and demagogues! B^D
> We've been through this before.

But while you attribute every wrongdoing thing done 'in the name
of religion', even if by an atypical minority, to ALL religions.
while you won't acknowledge any crimes committed by atheists,
even though EVERY atheist state was a totalitarian tyranny, EVERY
member of the ruling coven of tyrants was an atheist, more were killed
than by any religion in history, and atheist states have never produced
a single decent democracy to offset the horrors.

Everyone can see how prejudiced your views are, you damn others
for acts committed by anyone claiming to be part of a religious
community, and make excuses for the only kind of states atheism
has ever produced; murderous tyrannies.

> Atheism is not a defining feature of communism,

Horseshit! Every member of the Politburo and
Central Committee of the USSR and Maoist China, which together
killed over 60,000,000 people, (far more than any religion) was

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

> not withstanding what commies themselves may say.

Their policies were not just STATED, you imbecile, they were IMPLEMENTED

# But it was not just the Atheism of the leadership,
# but of the entire atheist State apparatus;
# The Atheist leadership's policies were implemented under
# the Red Terror, via gulags and executions, the use of
# every arm of the state for anti-religious propaganda
# and the forced indoctrination of CHILDREN! B^[
# “We do not fight against believers and not even clergymen.
# WE FIGHT AGAINST GOD to snatch believers from Him.”
# -Vechernaia Moskva, a Soviet newspaper
# “Let us drive out the Capitalists from the earth,
# and God from Heaven!” (early Soviet slogan)
# "the state established atheism as the only scientific truth."
# - Daniel Peris,
# "Storming the Heavens: The Soviet League of the Militant Godless"
# Cornell University Press 1998 ISBN 9780801434853
# "Criticism of atheism was strictly forbidden"
# "Between 1917 and 1940, 130,000 Orthodox priests were arrested.
# In 1918, the Cheka under Felix Dzerzhinsky executed over
# 3000 Orthodox clergymen of all ranks.
# Some were drowned in ice-holes or poured over with cold water
# in winter until they turned to ice-pillars.
# - John Shelton Curtis, The Russian Church and the Soviet State
# (Boston: Little Brown, 1953)

# "State atheism is the official promotion of atheism
# by a government, typically by active suppression of
# religious freedom and practice."
# - "Protest for Religious Rights in the USSR:
# Characteristics and Consequences,
# David Kowalewski,
# Russian Review, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Oct., 1980), pp. 426-441,
# "An atheist, Pol Pot suppressed Cambodia’s Buddhist religion:
# monks were defrocked; temples and artifacts, including statues of
# Buddha, were destroyed; and people praying or expressing
# other religious sentiments were often killed.
# ...the government emptied the cities through mass evacuations
# and sent people to the countryside. Cambodians were overworked
# and underfed on collective farms, often succumbing to disease or
# starvation as a result. Spouses were separated and family meals
# prohibited in order to steer loyalties toward the state
# instead of the family.
# About 1.7 million Cambodians, or about 20 percent of the population,
# were worked, starved, or beaten to death under Pol Pot’s regime."
# -
# The Cambodian Genocide:

# "The country's 40,000 to 60,000 Buddhist monks,
# regarded by the regime as social parasites,
# were defrocked and forced into labor brigades.
# Many monks were executed; temples and pagodas were
# destroyed or turned into storehouses or jails.
# Images of the Buddha were defaced and dumped into
# rivers and lakes. People who were discovered praying
# or expressing religious sentiments in other ways
# were often killed.
# The Christian and Muslim communities were among the most
# persecuted, as well. The Roman Catholic cathedral of
# Phnom Penh was completely razed.
# The Khmer Rouge forced Muslims to eat pork, which they
# regard as an abomination. Many of those who refused were killed.
# Christian clergy and Muslim imams were executed."
# -
# "Forty-eight percent of Cambodia's Christians were killed
# because of their religion."

# "the state established atheism as the only scientific truth."
# - Daniel Peris,
# "Storming the Heavens: The Soviet League of the Militant Godless"
# Cornell University Press 1998 ISBN 9780801434853
# "State atheism has been mostly implemented in communist
# countries, such as the former Soviet Union,[1] China,
# Communist Albania, Communist Afghanistan, North Korea,
# Communist Mongolia and Poland under communist rule also
# promoted state atheism and suppressed religion.
# - Forced out: the fate of Polish Jewry in Communist Poland.
# Wolak, Arthur J. p 104
# In these nations, the governments viewed atheism as an
# intrinsic part of communist ideology.

Go fuck yourself, you apologist for Atheist Mass Murder! B^[

> Rather communism is the belief in the economic system
>defined in the Bible, specifically Acts II:44-45, IV:
> 34-35.

Complete and utter bullshit.

> <Snip>

You can't face a rational argument because you can't make one.

Run along lightweight, and stop wasting our time.


Dec 30, 2011, 12:40:21 AM12/30/11
Still denying you lack of belief in Thor, "fasgnadh"?


Dec 30, 2011, 12:53:11 AM12/30/11
On 29/12/2011 7:53 PM, Loirbaj wrote:
> DAMN you all to Hell and back,
> Fearless Fasgnadh for holding the
> atheists' feet to the fire.

1. There is no Hell, apart from that which mankind makes for itself,
as every atheist state demonstrates.

2. I tell atheists the uncomfortanle truth, they are free to run away
and hide, as you all see them doing here.

I have no need to burn them, they have already self-combusted

National politics, in case you haven't noticed, is increasingly
irrelevant to the big issues facing mankind, and party politics
is the most irrelevant of all:

> Next you'll be
> pointing out that Insane Obama has
> merely overturned moderate govts and
> instituted hyper-radical Muslim regimes,
> that Insane Obama has signed ALL the
> identical Halliburton contracts as Bush,
> that he has actually begun FOUR more
> Wars than Bush (while given Peace Prize).
> And that Obama will absolutely go to war
> with Iran and will sign the Keystone Pipeline.

I have no brief to defend Obama, but he inherited
a poisoned chalice, all those Republican wars,
sub-prime mortgages, dodgy derivatives, a privatized
Pentagon, Gitmo, America shamed by torture, the American
economy in decline, burdened by debt and Bush's
Trillion Dollar war for Oil, ooops I mean WMD's, in Iraq.

It will take DECADES for the USA to recover and now
it is in the grip of political paralysis thanks to
tea-baggers who don't believe in guvmint, being in guvmint!


At this moment the USA has lost it's way.

I have faith it will recover, it has great spiritual
roots to draw on.. Obama once showed he can tap them,
but who is really listening among all the hysterical
screeching of the Fearful?

God Bless America, may she come back chastened and
proudly take her place as the second most powerful nation,
and a singular beacon of free thought and belief, in the world.

As America has lost faith, (especially among the faithful,
so damaged by the Holy Rollers and Snake oil Salesmen),
it has begun a necessary political, economic and military decline.

You cannot have 5% of the global population consuming 25% of it's oil.

Or dictating to other nations, and undermining global order,
as if it is an Imperial power. Iraq ended the moral authority
of the USA to play Sheriff. From now on it will have to STRENGTHEN
the UN to ensure global security, not over-ride it. Pity they
hadn't started to strengthen collective security BEFORE China's
dominance began.

For there to be peace for our children, Living standards in Africa must
rise, and we must learn to live with less. Peak oil is already passed.
Nuclear power is Fukishima'd and fusion is still 25 years away, just
like it was 25 years ago.

Ever since China abandoned the atheist excesses of the Maoist madness,
reformed it's constitution to allow greater freedom of thought and
belief, and reformed it's economy to a hybrid, guided market model
it has seen an explosion of creative energy, over 300,000,000
new believers, and a powerhouse economy.
And China, still suffering from the psychic break caused by the
cultural devolution, sorely needs to encourage the development
of spiritual values, to create a more JUST and COMPASSIONATE
society. And we all better hope they do, because our future
depends on them being MORE LIKE JESUS, than Lenin, Stalin or Mao!!!

Globally, atheism is in decline. It's 20th century political leaders
have been despatched, now it's dead hand on the human spirit needs to be


Dec 30, 2011, 2:58:23 AM12/30/11
On 29/12/2011 5:27 AM, Immortalist wrote:
> On Dec 28, 12:47 am, fasgnadh<> wrote:
>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>> Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by Abraham, Job,
>> Isiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and all the other spiritual
>> guides and founders of our modern global civilisation,
>> and follow these ridiculous atheist dimwits and demagogues! B^D
>> In a sickening display of the mindless idolatry practised by
>> every one of the atheist tyrannies that have plagued the planet
>> in the previous century, hysterical zombies acted out the brain-dead
>> ritual grief so typical of totalitarian regimes that espouse atheistic
>> materialism.
>> "North Korea's government exercises virtual total control
>> over society and imposes state sanctioned atheism"
>> -
>> All around the globe, people who value freedom of thought, speech and
>> belief blithely ignored the passing of just another atheist tyrant..
>> "God is Dead" - Nietzsche, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim ill Fuk
>> "Kim is Dead" - God B^D
>> "Mao is Dead" - God
>> "Lenin is Dead" - God
>> "Stalin is Dead" - God
>> .. and the last atheist regime is moribund and in terminal decline.
>> Atheism is a feeble joke.
> The honest quest for a justifiable Theory of God includes atheists,
> believers and about everyone else.

What has that got to do with the horrors of atheist states under discussion?

> Your points amount to Red Herrings in that they bring up irrelevent
> facts about participant circumstances and parade them around as some
> sort of evidence for or against general theories of God.

Rubbish, you have the comprehension skills of a low IQ infant.

This is a thread about the horrors of ATHEIST STATES, it is not a
discussion on the pointless atheist beliefs about the non-existence of
God, something you can't prove, but believe anyway.

Please take your Red Herrings home with you and have them for dinner.

> Kims beliefs and actions are construed by yea as justification
> for your Theory of Atheism

Well I do think his actions are concrete evidence of the totalitarian
tyranny which his, and EVERY OTHER ATHEIST STATE in human history, have

And you clearly can't dispute the fact, and so seek to change the
topic to a meaningless theoretical blatherfest you cannot win because
you cannot logically prove the non-existence of God, so keep your
irrelevant beliefs on the matter to yourself, otherwise you look like a
ranting atheist

> fool.

> Conclusion: you appear to not want to debate fairly
> about hypotheses amd theories.

I have just explained why your attempt to change the debate
from facts about atheist regimes, a reality which you cannot dispute, to
an absurd abstract argument for WHICH NO PROOF exists, is a facile
attempt to avoid the subject.

> A Red Herring is a fallacy in which an irrelevant topic

The atheist obsession with debating some unprovable proposition
such as "God does not exist"

> is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue.

Which everyone can see was about the historical evidence of the
unmitigated horror which EVERY atheist state has been.

The only question is why you think you could get away with your
pathetic attempt to change the subject with YOUR Red Herring?

> The basic idea

We would not expect your ideas to be anything but basic...

> is to "win" an argument by leading attention away from the argument
> and to another topic.

What made you think you could get away with it?

The original subject is right there in my post initiating the thread,
and your clumsy attempt to change the subject clearly followed AFTER
my thesis.. your hypocritical attempt to project YOUR scummy tactic
on to me merely exacerbates your intellectual and moral decrepitude.

What have you to say about your disgraceful behaviour?

> This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because
> merely changing the topic of discussion hardly counts as an argument
> against a claim.

Of course it doesn't, and you never made the slightest attempt to
address the original subject.. clearly you, like all the other
atheists, fall silent and have nothing worthwhile to say when you are
faced with undeniable truth.

Where did you ever get the idea that you could pull off such a
grubby scam, when you clearly lack the IQ or the skill to finesse it?


Run along now, I have no more time to waste on lightweights.


Dec 30, 2011, 3:20:30 AM12/30/11
On 30/12/2011 4:40 PM, Olrik wrote:
> Still denying you lack of belief in Thor, "fasgnadh"?

Still incapable of reading, let alone comprehending, let alone
responding rationally to, the ideas of others, Oily?

Still trying to protect your Nth Korean atheist Comrades by snipping
any posts that condemn that atheist shithole, eh Oily?

You seemed to have missed the message, you lying sack of shit:

>> Go fuck yourself, you apologist for Atheist Mass Murder! B^[

BTW I don't "deny you lack of belief in Thor", as you so inarticulately
babbled, the Norsemen believed he was the god of thunder, do you have
any proof they didn't?

You never could put a post together without making a fool of yourself,
no matter how short you made them:

# From: Olrik <>
# Newsgroups: alt.abortion,alt.atheism
# Subject: Re: fasgnadh is an atheist
# Date: Sun, 08 Nov 2009 00:49:38 -0500
# Message-ID: <hd5m8q$91a$>
# fasgnadh is an atheist.

# From: Olrik <>
# Newsgroups:
# Subject: Re: Communist states - the Historical Reality
# Date: Sat, 05 Jun 2010 01:12:48 -0400
# Message-ID: <hucmco$5v5$>
# fasgnadh is still an atheist, and the poor thing still refuses to
admit it.

# From: Olrik <>
# Newsgroups:
# Subject: Re: The new video from Pat Condell -- fasgnadh is a muslim
# Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2010 01:13:01 -0400
# Message-ID: <hufap5$ghh$>
# Oh look!
# It's fasgnadh, a.a.'s very own islamist!

# From: Olrik <>
# Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 16:28:41 -0400
# Message-ID: <hp0b9v$ols$>
# fasgnadh,why don't you once and for all admit that you're an atheist ?
# It'd be the right thing to do.

# From: JayPee Vee <>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,talk.atheism,alt.agnosticism,alt.usenet.kooks
# Subject: Re: Atheist liars Syd Moron, China Glue and Olrik the
# Unworthy unable to show proof of a lie -
# demonstrates their absence of honesty... again! B^D
# Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 14:27:26 -0700 (PDT)
# On 31 Mrz., 22:54, fasgnadh <> wrote:
# > Olrik joins the atheist liar tag team B^D :
# Fagsnag
# he's a closet theist.

Olrik doubts his own lies: B^D

# From: Olrik <>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.agnosticism
# Subject: Re: Is fasgnadh a muslim? Sure looks like it!
# Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 00:03:55 -0400
# Message-ID: <huv0vq$kub$>
# Unlike fasgnadh, I do not support and cheer a religion


Unlike Fasgnadh, you cant post without revealing what a complete,
self-contradicting fuckwit you are.

Why do you atheist dimwits think you can escape the facts you can't
dispute simply by snipping them and talking shite?

# From: raven1 <>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,talk.atheism,alt.religion,
# alt.politics.republicans,alt.politics.democrats,
# uk.politics.misc,aus.politics,alt.politics.communism
# Subject: Re: The Decline of alt atheism - and time to say farewell to
the most trivial and useless branch of Nihilism! B^D
# Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 16:26:06 -0400
# Message-ID: <>
# > Dear old "fasgnadh" asserts his deity exists, but can't prove it.
# Fasgnadh has never asserted that a deity exists, and recently admitted
# to being agnostic. He's not here to push a deity, he's here to push
# peoples buttons.

Olrik always self-destructs when I push his. B^]


Dec 30, 2011, 7:34:32 AM12/30/11
Pelican :
> "fasgnadh" <> wrote in message
> news:RceLq.932$
>> Michael Gordge conceded all my criticisms of atheism and blathered:
>>> On 28/12/2011 7:47 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>>>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>>>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>>>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>>>> Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by Abraham, Job,
>>>> Isiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and all the other spiritual
>>>> guides and founders of our modern global civilisation,
>>>> and follow these ridiculous atheist dimwits and demagogues! B^D
>>> Where's the rational wisdom being shown when mumbling morons talk
>>> about an unfucked woman giving birth and a stone cold dead person, who
>>> was apparently the saviour of man, getting up and walking away never
>>> to be seen or heard from again?
>>> MG
>> Sorry, you want me to comment on what you mumbling morons talk about???
>> That's of no interest to me whatsoever.
> A very quick white flag.

Well if you can demonstrate how in any way what he wrote constitutes
wisdom from those influential figures, then lets hear it.

And if he wanted me to tell him what rational wisdom is found in
the teachings of Jesus, or Mohammed or Buddha, then surely he would have
asked, instead of presenting us with his rhetorical gibberish.

Instead of asking for information, or (even less likely) presenting
some, why don't you all snip the subject, replace it with some
garbled nonsense, and then all congratulate yourselves on winning
the argument!


Here's a suggestion, read the paragraph Gorge disgorged and then
tell me which of the religious teachers I listed taught it.

Cite chapter and verse so we can verify why any of you think
is is part of the canon of wisdom they taught.

Feel free to put your heads together, maybe you will reach critical
brain mass and produce a rational thought.

Here's a guiding precept in logic which you might reflect upon:

Listing things that you do NOT consider wisdom does NOT
in any way prove that no wisdom exists. It merely shows
a degree of intellectual dishonesty we have come to expect
from those who do not think it is wise to discourage lying.

i.e. atheists (among others).

If it is wise to discourage lying then all of those spiritual
teachers taught wisdom.

The wisdom I referred to is copious and diverse. There are laws,
which for millennia bound communities together and provided a foundation
for their social, political and economic progress.

Here's some examples: Thou shalt not steal.

If you prefer to live in nations where it is endemic, be my guest.

ditto for Murder.

If you disagree that such laws are wise then explain why.

Then there are more subtle teachings, as the laws provided the
foundation stones to civilise primitive societies, ethical constructs
were added:

Virtues such as Compassion (Buddha's speciality, but also taught by
Jesus, Mohammed, et al) Love, Hope, Charity, Trustworthiness.

Have none of you heard of this wisdom? How deep IS your ignorance?

The role of forgiveness was explained and encouraged.

If you demonstrate how these are unwise then I will concede you have
shown religion bereft of wisdom, if not, you should concede that there
is " rational wisdom revealed by Abraham, Job, Isiah, Moses, Jesus,
Mohammed, Buddha" and that such wisdom is denied by atheists..
as you and Gorge and the other hangers on have demonstrated in this thread.

Or will you all continue to raise smoke and mirrors and
pretend that I, rather than those who snip and run from the very subject
of this thread, have raised a white flag?

>>>> In a sickening display of the mindless idolatry practised by
>>>> every one of the atheist tyrannies that have plagued the planet
>>>> in the previous century, hysterical zombies acted out the
>>>> brain-dead ritual grief so typical
>>>> of totalitarian regimes that espouse atheistic
>>>> materialism.
>>>> "North Korea's government exercises virtual total control
>>>> over society and imposes state sanctioned atheism"
>>>> -
>>>> All around the globe, people who value freedom of thought,
>>>> speech and belief blithely ignored
>>>> the passing of just another atheist tyrant..
>>>> "God is Dead" - Nietzsche, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim ill Fuk

>>>> "Kim is Dead" - God B^D
>>>> "Mao is Dead" - God
>>>> "Lenin is Dead" - God
>>>> "Stalin is Dead" - God
>>>> .. and the last atheist regime is moribund and in terminal decline.
>>>> Atheism is a feeble joke.


Dec 30, 2011, 7:55:16 AM12/30/11
On 30/12/2011 6:58 PM, Loirbaj wrote:
> Who do the deviants fear more:
> Fasgnadh or Bill the Atheist Killer or
> Loirbaj or US4Z or All Seeing or Jahnu
> or Jon Young or Dave?

I'm not interested in a competition to upset people.

It just seems that talking about the real history of atheism
makes them all hysterical and in denial.

> Your mere appearance, here,

Just One thread has them all apoplectic! B^D

I haven't been bothered with their sheltered workshop
for over 12 months, and popping in to commiserate on the
loss of the leader of their last atheist state seems to have made
them as hysterical with grief as their Nth Korean comrades.

> sends the
> atheists into a turmoil, so you must be near
> the top of their Most Feared list, Fasgnadh.

They don't like to talk about the horrific slaughter carried out by
every atheist regime in history.

Who can blame them for that, it's a more shameful past than any
religion, with no redeeming merit, as the religions have.


Dec 30, 2011, 7:59:42 AM12/30/11
On 29/12/2011 2:56 AM, Davej wrote:
>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill [...]
> It's difficult to imagine anyone wanting to be such an ignorant
> religious moron troll.

It really isn't nice to speak ill if the dead like that,
and he wasn't at all religious, he was an atheist, so all the rest
is correct.


Dec 30, 2011, 8:03:33 AM12/30/11
On 29/12/2011 8:50 AM, Colanth wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 07:56:32 -0800 (PST), Davej<>
> wrote:
>> On Dec 28, 2:47 am, fasgnadh<> spammed:
>> alt.atheism, talk.atheism, alt.agnoisticism, alt.religion,
>> alt.religion.christian, aus.politics, uk.politics.misc,
>> alt.politics.republicans and several more...
>>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill [...]
>> It's difficult to imagine anyone wanting to be such an ignorant
>> religious moron troll.

It really isn't nice to speak ill if the dead like that,
and he wasn't at all religious, he was an atheist, so all the rest
is correct.

> He's an attention-whore.

Most of the atheist tyrants have been.

> He doesn't care what you say to him,

that's probably because he is deceased! 8^o

> as long as you respond.

Sure, I'm alive and I know you need help.

> Most of us have him killed.

Even the media has him killed,

But we are all surprised that for once you are keeping up..



Dec 30, 2011, 1:17:48 PM12/30/11
"fasgnadh" <> wrote in message
> On 30/12/2011 6:58 PM, Loirbaj wrote:
>> Who do the deviants fear more:
>> Fasgnadh or Bill the Atheist Killer or
>> Loirbaj or US4Z or All Seeing or Jahnu
>> or Jon Young or Dave?
> I'm not interested in a competition to upset people.
> It just seems that talking about the real history of atheism
> makes them all hysterical and in denial.
>> Your mere appearance, here,
> Just One thread has them all apoplectic! B^D
> I haven't been bothered with their sheltered workshop
> for over 12 months, and popping in to commiserate on the
> loss of the leader of their last atheist state seems to have made
> them as hysterical with grief as their Nth Korean comrades.
> > sends the
>> atheists into a turmoil, so you must be near
>> the top of their Most Feared list, Fasgnadh.
> They don't like to talk about the horrific slaughter carried out by every
> atheist regime in history.
> Who can blame them for that, it's a more shameful past than any
> religion, with no redeeming merit, as the religions have.

# Homo Sapiens, the Mad Ape, has an over-large brain, linked to primitive
This, alone, is probably sufficient to doom us to extinction within the
next few decades - as the human plague chomps, and pollutes, its habitat.
But our large brain is obsessed with its own mental activities, or lack
of them, and Retroduction is the most common form of human "reasoning": we
decide on a desired Conclusion, and argue backwards from that to Major and
Minor Premises, ignoring or suppressing contrary facts, ideas, or opinion,
along the way.
Hence, as most people want Eternal Life (an extension of our strongest
instinct, Self-Preservation), we seize on any collection of "facts" to
support this, combining it all into Sacred Texts, which it is then Heresy to
Thus the advent of Dogmatic Religions, especially the three main
Monotheistic Creeds.
Alternatively, or similarly, a Secular Utopia is also desirable, and the
same mental procedure is followed - more Dogma, and Suppression of Dissent;
whence Communism.
Western Plutocracy follows a similar pattern, but is more subtle in its
Entrenched Wealth, from prolonged compliance to the Predatory
Competition of the Corporate Jungle, gives us the European malaise, US
financial crises, and doldrums in THE Economy, generally. You may not be
persecuted for heresy - you merely lack a Job, and starve.
So, where does all this theory leave us, re Fearless Fasgnadh, and his
boring campaign to save us all from Evil Atheism?
Yes, Communism is a persecuting "Religion", but, what's new?
The Middle Ages would have done more re the Inquisition, Crusades, etc,
if it had modern technology, with gas chambers, napalm, and bunker busters.
Will Fearless himself become extinct, when the last Stalinist regime
That would only leave Laos, Vietnam, and China, as Commie States, and
they seem to be doing alright, on the whole. Ah, but that's only due to
them becoming rather Capitalist?
Meantime, God must be lurking somewhere!
The God of the Gaps, in Science, is fading.
But there is a glimmer of hope - the God Particle!

Jim Austin

Dec 30, 2011, 1:30:35 PM12/30/11
On Dec 29, 9:14 pm, fasgnadh <> wrote:
> On 29/12/2011 12:10 PM, Jim Austin wrote:
> > On Dec 28, 12:47 am, fasgnadh<>  wrote:
> >> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
> >> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
> >> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
> >>
> >> Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by Abraham, Job,
> >> Isiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha,  and all the other spiritual
> >> guides and founders of our modern global civilisation,...
> > This would be the wisdom of humility, meekness, servility,
> > submissiveness,
> Well Jim, thanks for sharing with us YOUR idea of wisdom, although
> it seems a bit on the docile doormat side of submissive slaves and
> supine sychophants, if you ask me.  Are all of your family limp-wristed
> cake-boys, or just you?

Those aren't my ideas of wisdom. I cite the Christian ideas of wisdom:
humility, meekness, servility (Ephesians VI:5), submissiveness
(Colossians III:18), pacifism (Matthew V:39, 44); Christian politics
of divine right of kings and dictators (Romans XIII:1-7, Titus III:1)
and the Christian economics of pure communism (Acts II:44-45, IV:

> Still it's refreshing to see one of you claiming (rather broadly and
> without any evidence)...

I'm only citing what's in the Bible.

> ...that religions produce too much passivity, while
> most of the atheists argue the opposite.

That's because atheism does not lead to any specific moral positions.
One finds atheists all over the political and moral spectrum.

> It's funny, really, because the spiritual texts of the major religions
> are quite specific about what they regard as virtues,...

Yes, quite specific. See the Bible verses I cited.

> ...and while violence is eschewed, Jesus in the Temple, overthrowing..
> ...the moneylenders tables,...

Violence in defense is eschewed while violence in aggression is
validated and legitimized.

> ...and Mohammed's military response to the persecution of the nascent
> Islamic community in Mecca and Medina
> suggest a slightly more muscular response, when confronted by violence
> and injustice, which threaten the community.

Islam as about submission to Allah, meaning those who claiming to
speak in His name, and they urge holy war against all those who don't

>  > pacifism
> I wish you blokes would make up your mind; the other atheists have
> been claiming that religion is one long string of violent acts, the
> Crusades, Inquisition, Holy Wars.. and that the reason there are no
> atheist civilisations is that they were all cowering in fear of
> these aggressive Christians and Muslims and Buddhists, and yet here you
> are claiming the religious were all spineless pussies!

Atheism is the result when reason is applied to religious questions.
When rationality is applied to moral questions, it leads to
condemnation of aggression and legitimization of self defense, as
oppose to religion that legitimizes aggression and condemns self
defense. When rationality is applied to political questions, it
upholds freedom and denounces tyranny, as oppose to religion that
upholds tyranny and denounces freedom.

> I guess you guys just can't decide to tell which 'exaggeration'(lie) to
> spin on any particular occasion.    B^]

Like I mentioned in this guy's previous citation of various scientists
in support of religion: people often compartmentalize their mental
functioning, applying different methodologies to different aspects of
their lives. Thus people being rational on religious questions and
becoming atheists can be irrational on other aspects of their lives,
as in, supporting pacifism.

> It is true Jesus is often referred to as the prince of Peace, and that
> Islam introduced Laws of War based on negotiated settlements, chivalry
> and Mercy..  but the sensible context always included the right to
> protect the community, if necessary with just force.

But Christianity condemned force used in self defense while Moslem's
legitimized and validated violence against unbelievers.

> Naturally there have been occasions in history where idiots and
> those of evil intent have stupidly or deliberately misinterpreted
> what is a very BALANCED credo, to justify their greed, political
> ambitions, power seeking or simple lust for revenge.

No. Those idiots of evil intent were legitimized and validated by a
correctly interpreted religion.

> We all know the examples where people CLAIMING to be followers of a
> religion ignore it's laws and principles and do harm to others.

Problem is, they can do harm to others without violating religion's
laws and principles.

> Sensible people note that the vast majority of people in those faiths
> condemn and repudiate acts of criminal violence, wars of aggression,
> acts of terror, which are forbidden by every religion.

No. They condemn criminal violence, wars of aggression and acts of
terror from the basis of a rational outlook formed during the Age of
Enlightenment. The extent that today's Christianity is benign and
civilized is due entirely to ideas of the Enlightenment, ideas formed
in opposition to Christianity's deepest tenets.

> Better to have the laws, occasionally breached by wrongdoers, than
> atheism, which has no moral or philosophical restraints on violence,
> as the world has witnessed in EVERY atheist state, where brutality,
> oppression, persecution, fear and despair ruled.

No. When one counts as atheist states those governments that operate
as if atheism were true, those upholding a separation of church and
state, like the United States of America and Western European nations.

> That's why the religions produced great and enduring civilisations,
> with occasional aberrations, while EVERY atheist state was a horrific
> aberration, and no civilisations were ever produced.

That is 180 degrees opposite of the truth. Communism has much more in
common with Christianity then it does with ideologies supporting
democratic/republican forms of government. Communism and Christianity
are both deductive systems that proclaim certain principles and
violently suppress opposing views.

>  > and the divine right of kings and dictators.

Romans XIII (RSV):

"1. Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For
there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been
instituted by God.

"2. Therefore he who resists the authorities resists what God has
appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment."

> >> ...and follow these ridiculous atheist dimwits and demagogues!   B^D
> > We've been through this before.
> But while you attribute every wrongdoing thing done 'in the name
> of religion', even if by an atypical minority,  to ALL religions.

But governments dominated by religion are in fact tyrannical and do
engage in massive wrongdoing.

> while you won't acknowledge any crimes committed by atheists,...

But I do. I acknowledge crimes by communist governments in there
pursuing ideals espoused in Acts II:44-45, IV:34-35.

> ...even though EVERY atheist state was a totalitarian tyranny, EVERY
> member of the ruling coven of tyrants was an atheist, more were killed
> than by any religion in history, and atheist states have never produced
> a single decent democracy to offset the horrors.

Again, not if one counts as atheist states those states that govern as
if atheism were true, those governments that have no official
ayatollahs, oracles, high priests, popes who proclaim the will of the
Almighty but instead employ various inductive systems of trials,
hearings, debates to determine policy.

> Everyone can see how prejudiced your views are, you damn others
> for acts committed by anyone claiming to be part of a religious
> community, and make excuses for the only kind of states atheism
> has ever produced; murderous tyrannies.

Since I've previously pointed out states that govern as if atheism
were true and was never refuted, this guy is in fact lying through his

> > Atheism is not a defining feature of communism,
> Horseshit!

I'm not interested in this guys culinary proclivities.

> Every member of the Politburo and
> Central Committee of the USSR and Maoist China, which together
> killed over 60,000,000 people, (far more than any religion) was

It doesn't make atheism a defining feature.


> Go fuck yourself, you apologist for Atheist Mass Murder!  B^[

This is fasgnadh's concept of a rational argument.

> > Rather communism is the belief in the economic system
> >defined in the Bible, specifically Acts II:44-45, IV: 34-35.
> Complete and utter bullshit.

What is? The Bible?

The verses I cited says:

“And all that believed were together and had all things common and
sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every
man had need” (Acts II:44-45 KJV)

“Neither was there any among them that lacked, for as many as were
possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the
things that were sold. And laid them down at the apostles’ feet, and
distribution was made unto every man according as he had need” (Acts
IV:34-35 KJV).

This was the ultimate ideal pursued by those mass murderers.

> > <Snip>
> You can't face a rational argument because you can't make one.

I have yet to see a rational argument in any of fasgnadh's posts.

> Run along lightweight, and stop wasting our time.

If you don't like it, don't read it.

<Snip> The rest.


Dec 30, 2011, 8:12:30 PM12/30/11
On 29 Dec, 14:16, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 21:32:27 -0800 (PST), sarge
> <> wrote:
> >On 29 Dec, 06:02, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
> >> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 16:34:53 -0800 (PST), sarge
> >> <> wrote:
> >> >On 28 Dec, 19:03, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
> >> >> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:35:24 -0800 (PST), sarge
> >> >> <> wrote:
> >> >> >On Dec 28, 9:47 am, fasgnadh <> wrote:
> >> >> >> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
> >> >> >> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
> >> >> >> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
> >> >> >The buddha was an atheist.
> >> >> So's the Christian god.
> >> >Not sure if this is ironic or not, but I would assume not.  He would
> >> >believe in his own existence.
> >> No belief, he'd KNOW that he existed.  He'd have no BELIEF in any god.
> >Knowledgeis a subset of beliefs.
> Knowledgeis orthogonal to belief.
> --
> "As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation.
> But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends, have
> been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made
> them the most bloody religion that ever existed?" - John Adams, letter
> to FA Van der Kamp, December 27, 1816

I'm sorry, but that's just not the case in a philosophy forum. In
philosophy knowledge is considered a subset of belief. Which is why
beliefs can be justified or not, true or not, etc.


Dec 30, 2011, 11:27:26 PM12/30/11
On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 17:12:30 -0800 (PST), sarge
<> wrote:

>On 29 Dec, 14:16, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 21:32:27 -0800 (PST), sarge
>> <> wrote:
>> >On 29 Dec, 06:02, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
>> >> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 16:34:53 -0800 (PST), sarge
>> >> <> wrote:
>> >> >On 28 Dec, 19:03, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
>> >> >> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:35:24 -0800 (PST), sarge
>> >> >> <> wrote:
>> >> >> >On Dec 28, 9:47 am, fasgnadh <> wrote:
>> >> >> >> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>> >> >> >> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>> >> >> >> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>> >> >> >The buddha was an atheist.
>> >> >> So's the Christian god.
>> >> >Not sure if this is ironic or not, but I would assume not.  He would
>> >> >believe in his own existence.
>> >> No belief, he'd KNOW that he existed.  He'd have no BELIEF in any god.
>> >Knowledgeis a subset of beliefs.
>> Knowledgeis orthogonal to belief.

>I'm sorry, but that's just not the case in a philosophy forum.

I'm sorry you don't understand Usenet. Google Groups is a window on
it, it's not really Usenet itself. You're posting to alt.atheism,
talk.atheism, alt.philosophy and alt.religion.

And in reality - you know, the place you actually live - belief and
knowledge are orthogonal. (Words have meanings. Changing the
meanings is both dishonest and stupid, when you do it in a discussion
with people who don't share your preconceived notions.)

>In philosophy knowledge is considered a subset of belief.

So tell us what other things philosophy is useless for. Discussion
with actual rational adult humans seems to be one of them. (Even Koko
does better than that, ands she's not even human.)

(If you'd rather discuss this only with people reading alt.philosophy,
learn to trim your newsgroups. You might have to get a real
newsreader, though. I wouldn't know, since I don't walk on crutches.)
"We need an energy bill that encourages consumption." - George Bush


Dec 30, 2011, 11:56:23 PM12/30/11
JohnN pushes 'Divine right of Kings' long after religious reject it:
> On Dec 29, 3:38 am, fasgnadh<> wrote:
>> On 29/12/2011 7:00 AM, Frank Galikanokus wrote:
>>> fasgnadh wrote:
>>>> On 28/12/2011 9:32 PM, Loirbaj wrote:
>>>>> Everywhere tried, everywhere FAILED: Atheism.
>>>> Actually, for most of human history, while the religious
>>>> built the great and enduring civilisations we all enjoy today,
>>>> atheism was irrelevant, and remains so today.

NB: That point has not been refuted, not even challenged, instead we
have the usual subject change and ground shifting.. what atheists
want to debate is religion, not atheism, because even to them it
is clearly MORE INTERESTING.. pity they take the Lowest Common
Denominator, literalist, Fundie view, ...because that matches their
own temprement:

>>> Are you referring to the crowned heads ruling by divine right?

You see, we move from a Big Picture and easily demonstrable point
which I hade made and the atheists can only ignore ignore, that
civilisation correlates highly with civilisation and progress, and ALL
atheist governments have been failed tyrannies, to an ARCHAIC,
THEOLOGICAL dispute to which no determined outcome is possible.


Which CENTURY are these atheist pedants and wannabe
theologians LIVING IN??? B^D

What next, a serious discussion on 'How Many angels fit on the head of a
pin?" or "Trinity: Is that three or One?" B^D

From the sublime to the ridiculous! But I am willing to
debate their point, as they have snipped and conceded mine already.

Note how when I demolish the unfounded ASSUMPTION Frank made,
(That the strawman he created would be MY position) then John simply
moved further into abstruse metaphysics, attempting to talk about God...

It seems only the atheists think Divine Right of Kings is the burning
issue, when the religious have abandoned it for freedom and democracy.

Clearly, like the rest of us, atheists find it a far more interesting
topic than atheism, which they can't intelligently talk about:

>> No, of course not, the claim by kings that they rule by "Divine Right"
>> was a claim made by men, in their own political interests, not by God.
>> If you simpletons buy that without question then you deserve to
>> be led by the nose!

Johns response to my clear statement that I think "Divine right of
Kings" is an outdated irrelevance, swept away by RELIGIOUS societies,
not by atheists? He hammers the only point he apparently has .. harder:

> So the kings of Israel were not installed by God.

Your argument seems to be with Frank, not me.
However, before you make a categorical statement either way:

a) what is your proof that God exists
b) on what evidence do you base your claim that God, if he exists
installed the Kings of Israel?

In my view, the only way you could determine if Kings were chosen by God
would be if they followed his precepts and ruled justly. Those that
claimed to rule 'by divine right' but oppressed their people were
clearly lying. The ones who ruled justly? Who knows?

Your question implies that their were earlier, (and other contemporary
kings) not installed by God. That would fit my assessment of the
actions of most of them.

It's hard to tell with some of you if you are stating your
genuine views, or presenting the simplistic views of fundies
with a note of irony that exists clearly only in your head.

It might be best if you made your case using plain speech rather than
attempting sarcasm, the lowest form of wit.

> David was not chosen by God to rule.

You seem to be contradicting Franks view, as .

If that statement was a rhetorical question, indicating you are asking
me because you don't feel confident enough to make a categorical
statement that might require you to produce evidence, then it should
have a question mark after it. Weak attempts at Irony do not translate
well in text, otherwise,

> Got it.


BTW, How do you tell which Kings were chosen by God?

> The European kings/queens crowned by popes and bishops, were not
> anointed by God,

Not unless you are claiming that popes and bishops are God,

BTW You seem to have jumped to the conclusion that if some Kings
are anointed by God then all subsequent Kings claiming to rule
by 'Divine Right' should also be believed.

Seems a bit gullible, even to an open-minded agnostic.

> got it.

When atheists get defensive they don't state simple propositions,
fearing they can be tested for evidence, "Where's your proof?".

Instead they insinuate, use weak sarcasm, or talk like a teenager,
saying the opposite of what hey mean, with a voice dripping with irony.

In USENET, while the author can hear the Irony in his head, the rest of
us are forced to read his ambiguous text like religious fundies, and
atheists.. literally.

Say what you mean and mean what you say is a much more intellectually
honest way to debate.

>>> They are a bit hard to find these days.
>> Primitive Feudal societies evolved into modern democratic states,
>> in every case this was the work of MAJORITY RELIGIOUS populations!
> The feudal Holy Roman Empire did not exist because Charlemagne was not
> crowned Imperator Romanorum by Pope Leo III in 800 CE. got it.

You really cant expect people do read that sort of double negative as
anything other that confused gobbldegook.

Logically you can't make a claim that something I never claimed didn't
cause something. It's mildly amusing but complete nonsense.

Just make YOUR case and try to understand mine, and then respond
appropriately to mine.

got it?

It's hard to tell with some of you if you are stating your
genuine views, or presenting the simplistic views of fundies
with a note of irony that exists clearly only in your head.

It might be best if you made your case using plain speech rather than
attempting sarcasm, the lowest form of wit.

> The feudal societies became democracies because the completely
> undemocratic religious orders of the time wanted a democratic
> government,

That's ridiculous, it's true the churches were the sole repositery of
what little knowledge existed in those primitive societies, and kept
a flickering of civilisation alive until printing enabled mass literacy,
but the Church per se was also co-opted by the political elite of the
day, If they didn't meet the needs of the political forces, they would
follow in the footsteps of Sir Thomas Moore. got it?

You seem to be confusing church and state, and ignoring the point
I made: The simple fact is that medieval states with majority religious
populations having primitive conceptions of religion evolved into
democratic states with majority religious populations having
more sophisticated concepts of religion.

eg: because everyone in medieval times, except the educated priests and
scribes, were illiterate, they believed in superstitious nonsense, and
this cultural detritus even infused the religious order, to some degree.
On balance however the monastries were the sole repositry and
transmitters of knowledge for a long time. And this was not confined
just to Christianity. By the time Europe was in the Dark Ages, Islam
was firing on all intellectual cylinders, with dramatic advances in
mathematics, chemistry, philosophy, laws regulating war, hospitals...
AND incorporating the Greek Classics, the Hindu's number system etc etc
and injecting all of that back into Europe and sparking the Renaissance
and the Enlightenment.

With Guttenberg's printing press mass literacy became possible in Europe
and the modern era began. The first book published was of course the
Bible, and being able to read it in their own language enabled everyone
to read it for themselves, and thus escape the narrow, doctrinaire
interpretations of a hierarchical Church. Naturally this
democratisation of the Church, which resulted in the Reformation, also
spread to politics (the pamphleteers) and thus to revolutionary change,
and to science, and philosophy et al.

Just because traditional religion, politics and science were transformed
by printing and Literacy does not mean we should condemn their early,
less developed forms.

Only barbarians do that, and atheists, but they do so selectively.

> not the kingdoms they created. Got it.
> Please tell me the names of a few of these democratic religious
> leaders.

Sure, they come from all domains of the human intellect from
Ghandi to Martin Luther King, from Newton to Georges_Lematre (Big Bang
and expanding universe)

80% of the US population are religious. The majority of people in the
majority of European democracies are too.

As I said,

It's those MAJORITY RELIGIOUS populations which have created and
sustained the free open and secular democratic nations we all enjoy,
even the tiny insignificant atheist remnant, and NO atheist democracy
has ever existed, EVERY atheist regime has been a totalitarian shithole.

So you can cherry pick the Warts of religion and leave the AND ALL
as much as you like, but you can't get rational minds to swallow the
gross distortion you are attempting by doing so.

>> Churches, synagogues and Mosques were the centres of learning...

The FIRST schools in the modern era were church schools, there were no
ATHEIST schools, except in the USSR and MAoist China where they formed
part of the propaganda machine, a return to medieval oppression!!!

Even Stalin was educated in a Church school , BECAUSE THERE WERE NO
OTHERS!!! But he clearly didn't understand what was taught, and dropped
out to become an political thug in an atheist tyranny.

These days the Churches in a secular state perform charity, help
refugees campaign against political corruption etc.

>> and of medicine, charity, good works.

You didn't refute any of those points, you simply IGNORED them
and cherry picked ONLY the negatives of Church & State combined,
and we all know that absolute power CORRUPTS;

> Centers of great wealth taken from the peasants and the poor or looted
> from other countries in wars of profit.

Unlike you, I am perfectly capable of acknowledging BOTH the enormous
benefits of thousands of years of religious civilisation, AND the
numerous negatives.

Hear let me help you with a short list:

Witch Burnings,
Holy Wars
Paedophile Priests
Borgia Popes
Colonialism and Empire
... etc

Because they were the moral foundation of those systems and
the transmitters of social cultural and scientific memes, they
must of course be held accountable for the WARTS, just as we should
acknowledge the AND ALL.

The problem with rabid atheists is that they are INCAPABLE of such a
balanced judgement, which makes their position very unpopular in the
modern era among educated, literate, rational thinkers.

It really is rank hypocrisy for rabid atheists to focus ONLY on the
negatives of religion, when the massive terror, torture and death toll
of the atheist regimes FAR exceeds that of any of the religions, and
those atheist regimes left NO REDEEMING LEGACY of lasting benefit!!!!

GOT IT????? B^p

So, as you are unable to refute the points I have made, and simply
ignore them to catalogue the failures of human religious organisations
to ACTUALLY FOLLOW the teachings of their founders at all times,
I will leave you to your carping;

>> No one has ever heard of an atheist school or hospital in those
>> centuries in which human society evolved from it's primitive brutality
>> to modern tolerance and human rights.
> The tolerant and human rights loving RCC and the Inquisition.

So that's a NO, you can't find any atheist equivalent of Caritas,
The Red Cross, Red Cresent, Schools before the secular states created
by majority religious populations took over the role, hospices before
secular states created by majority religious populations took over the
role, welfare (formerly Charity) before secular states created by
majority religious populations took over the role.

Before you ignore centuries of social progress to focus on the incidents
of perfidy you really should reflect that the atheist regimes
were ALL perfidy.

ergo: The religious systems which produced great and enduring
civilisations WERE NOT PERFECT, but they were LIGHT YEARS better than
any of the short lived, catastrophically failed ATHEIST SHITHOLES...

Got it?

>Got it.

Good, then fuck off with your tiresome blinkered view of reality,
because those atheist regimes ran the FIERCEST INQUISITIONS in human
history, torturing terrorising and murdering over 60,000,000 of their

> Pogroms against Jews.

...and those atheist regimes waged pogroms on a scale never before seen

churches mosques and temples destroyed, clerics tortured and killed..

Got it?

> Got it.
> Tolerance for witches. Got it.

Witches should be tolerated, they are in all the modern, democratic
states created and run by majority religious populations I have visited.

>> That long struggle was carried by the great religious scientists,
>> thinkers, philosophers, doctors and teachers.
> All secretly plotting to overthrow the kings and queens they crowned
> in great religious ceremonies.

Look, lets take a concrete example to explode your ridiculously
simplistic attempts to whitewash atheist horrors by ignoring them,
and parading the conventional atheist list, on which only horrors which
can be linked in any way, to religion, are considered by you.

Tsarist Russia was a despotic fuedal politic linked to a corrupted,
compliant Church. They were overthrown by more modern progressive
forces, all educated by the religious society in which they were born
but who questioned the Hierarchiucal power structure... and the Kerensky
government was instituted. It could have evolved into what we see in
Europe the USA Australia, Canada (and emerging in India Indonesia et al
as they develop), viz: Free open democratic secular governments built
and sustained by MAJORITY RELIGIOUS (from diverse faiths) POPULATIONS.

But a bunch of atheist thugs overthrew the nascent democracy and
established one of only a handful of regimes in human history
to overtly implement atheism;

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

However, in EVERY case, these Utopian visions, free of the influence
of God, religion, and it's cumbersome outdated morality and ethical
precepts.. quickly became the MOST SYSTEMATIC OPPRESSORS of the human
spirit in history

It's not just that SOME aspects of atheist rule were problematic,

Can you join the fucking DOTS???

> Got it.
>> History shows that every great and enduring civilisation was developed
>> by the followers of the great religious teachers.
> The great and not-so-great pagan civilizations were inspired by
> religion to become great.

Sure. Point to modern, progressive, democratic PAGAN state! B^p

They are all built by Majority Religious populations, long after the
heyday of Paganism, or the brief, tragic forays into Facism, Atheism,
Nazism, Communism...

> Got it.

> Caesar conquered for Jupiter not gold or power, but for God. Got it.

Sotty are you arguing that conquest by Caesar equates to civilisation
(after you argued the Conquest by European Colonial powers was evil
because they were religious)? B^D

BTW, the Romans had Gods galore. And yet the revelation of a Carpenter
transformed them and thus spread to the entire world.

That's how successful memes propagate, their intellectual and moral
force overwhelms inferior, more primitive forms, because the enable
a better kind of society for people to live in.

Thats how social progress occurs, and why religion, also transformed
by evolutionary processes, dominates the planet, and Nazism and Atheism
are buried in the past, unchanging, with nothing to offer modern man.

>> And they claim to be inspired by God.
> Rev Jim Jones. Got it.

Sorry, are you saying you think they are inspired by Jim Jones, or that
Jim Jones IS God?

You see, my point is that the INFLUENTIAL religious figures who have
revealed the teachings that are so USEFUL, so EFFICACIOUS to the
societies which embrace them that GREAT AND ENDURING CIVILISATIONS
result, they are the ones I am interested in hearing explain WHY
they have such impact, not some insignificant atheist nobody, or
some Snake oil Holy Roller from Creationville, USA, or worse, some
failed atheist tyrant with the blood of millions on his hands.

What about you John? Aren't you curious about what the great
influential figures in human history, the ones who inspired
millions of people for thousands of years have to say about WHY
the things they tell us have such effect????

Because it's curious, at different times, from diverse locations,
and founding religions which have both a Common Core, and elements
forming a PROGRESSIVE REVELATION, they say "This is from God"

Now to me, an agnostic, the difference between THEM saying it, and,
say, YOU, or countless other pretenders, is that there is actually
grounds for believing them, and none for believing the rest of you.

>> Why won't you atheists ever look at the historical evidence in a
>> balanced way?

Apparently they can't think of a single reason why.

Let me help:

The facts challenge their prejudices.

>> The only OPENLY AVOWED ATHEIST governments in human history have ALL
>> been totalitarian tyrannies - The Union of Savage Slaughter and
>> Repression (USSR), Mao's Great Leap Backward and Cultural Devolution,
>> Pol Pot's genocidal madness and the only remaining Atheist State,
>> your North Korean comrades.
>> pffft! Neither History, nor time, are on your side.
> There were never any totalitarian governments based on or supported by
> religion. Got it.

Don't be silly, for thousands of years the ONLY societies were religious
ones, there are bound to have been a few, but that's
not the point,

Clearly you didn't get the point.

Theocracies such as Iran are totalitarian.
Feel free to add to the list as you clearly couldn't
think of any, revealing they are EXCEPTIONS to the rule.

The point which you have conceded by running from it, was that
EVERY atheist state in history has been a totalitarian tyranny.
Not just cherry picked examples and EXCEPTIONS but 100 PERCENT of them!

Ergo, the rational position would be to prefer the secular US democracy
built and sustained by a MAJORITY RELIGIOUS population to any atheist model.


> Ferdinand II of Aragon was not one.

Not a theocracy, no, an example of religious intolerance certainly.

But when we compare that example with atheism, Christianity and Islam
have grown, and progressed, they live in harmony in the modern era,
and have formed a dialogue in most parts of the world..

atheist states, which carried out much more persecution of religious
than any religion, have been catastrophic failures, and died away..
except for Nth Korea, primitive, oppressive, the people eat grass in
famine times.

Atheist regimes simply don't stand up to any comparison with
majority religious populations in their modern, free, open, tolerant
secular democratic nations.

No atheist state was even remotely CIVILISED!

> Germany in the 1930's& 40's were not either.

Fascism, Racism, Nazism, Atheism, Communism, Colonialism

All those secular -isms have failed the test of time.

> Got it.
>>>> It never built a single free, open, democratic state, let alone
>>>> the great and enduring civilisations built by believers.
>>> Every single free, open, democratic state was founded by people
>>> rejecting rulers and governments claiming a divine right to rule.
>> Religious people, who rejected the blasphemy that Kings could
>> ==========
>> speak for God, when those God chose to speak for him were
>> a Carpenter, an illiterate rug merchant, an abandoned child.
> All with conflicting stories. God is conflicted. Got it.

Adam Moses, Abraham, -all shared by Judaism, Christianity, Islam,
and of course, they share the same God.

The rest is minor details

God clearly loves diversity, not the deadly dull conformity
and gulags which characterised every atheist regime.

>> The simple test of truth is that the words of Jesus, Mohammed, Moses
>> and the others still resonate with MILLIONS of people, guiding their
>> moral behaviour.. while all the Kings are dust.
> The crown heads of Europe and Asia are dust. Got it.

Not buried under it as deeply as the atheist regimes from which
no trace, not even titular or ceremonial fragments remain,
but put your hand up if you live under the edict of a King.

>> Take the USA, they rejected the "Divine Right of Kings" heresy,
>> instituted, not by Jesus, but by the Kings who perverted his teachings
>> and his church, and instituted a free, open secular democracy which
>> printed "In GOD we Trust" on it's money! B^D
> A secular government which openly prays to God for support. Secular,
> got it.

Your problem is that you haven't understood WHY the MAJORITY RELIGIOUS
societies were the ones who created the separation of Church and State:


When any one faith or domination is allied with the POWER OF THE STATE,
there is always the danger of repression of all the others.

People who lived in atheist regimes knew exactly how this works,
but in that case ALL religions copped it.

By separating Church and state, the religious ensured that no one
religion could dominate, to the detriment of all others.

Clever. If Only the thick-as-pigshit atheist regimes could have come up
with the same progressive idea, they would not have terrorised, tortured
oppressed and slaughtered over 60,000,000 people!!!!!

GOT IT????????

What amazes me is that you cling to the primitive thinking that
established those atheist shitholes, and ONLY them, no other kind
of state.. rather than the majority religious secular democracies
which guarantee the rights and freedoms of both believers and non-believers.

It's your ingratitude, as much as the horrors of atheism
in power, that makes atheists so unappealing:

# Atheists Identified as America’s Most Distrusted Minority"
# - American Sociological Association, ASA NEWS
# "A survey by sociologists at the University of Minnesota
# found that atheists are “America’s most distrusted minority.”
# "From a telephone sampling of more than 2,000 households,
# university researchers found that Americans rate atheists
# below Muslims, recent immigrants, gays and lesbians and
# other minority groups in “sharing their vision of
# American society.”
# Atheists are also the minority group most Americans are
# least willing to allow their children to marry.
# Even though atheists are few in number, not formally
# organized and relatively hard to publicly identify,
# they are seen as a threat to the American way of life
# by a large portion of the American public.
# Many of the study’s respondents associated atheism with
# an array of moral indiscretions ranging from criminal
# behavior to rampant materialism and cultural elitism.
# Edgell believes a fear of moral decline and resulting
# social disorder is behind the findings.
# “Americans believe they share more than rules and
# procedures with their fellow citizens—they share an
# understanding of right and wrong,” she said. “Our
# findings seem to rest on a view of atheists as
# self-interested individuals who are not concerned
# with the common good.”
# The study is co-authored by assistant professor
# Joseph Gerteis and associate professor Doug Hartmann.
# It’s the first in a series of national studies conducted
# the American Mosaic Project, a three-year project funded
# by the Minneapolis-based David Edelstein Family Foundation
# that looks at race, religion and cultural diversity in
# the contemporary United States."

>> In other words, the entire shift from MEDIEVAL European monarchies
>> to Modern Secular Democracies was the work of MAJORITY RELIGIOUS
>> SOCIETIES, who evolved from a primitive hierarchical feudal paradigm
>> to one in which the freedom of EVERY believer (and even the tiny,
>> ineffectual minority of non-believers) was guaranteed.
>> It was NOT the work of atheists! B^]
> The revolution of 1776 and establishment of a constitutional
> government in the USA in 1787 was lead entirely by religious leaders
> of the great faiths. Got it.

The population of the USA is 80% religious, clearly the
USA is a secular democracy not just INITIATED, but BUILT and
SUSTAINED by a majority religious population.

Unless you are arguing that they were LESS religious in 1776 than
today, which makes the future of atheism in even more strife than it
became after it's catastrophic failure in the 20th century tyrannies.

> Remind me again of the churches the writers of the Constitution
> preached in.

You mean the blokes who wrote "..all men are CREATED equal.." B^D

You want me to provide the evidence contradicting a point YOU are making
(without any supporting evidence)?

Why don't you give us the evidence of the role of atheists in
having "In God We trust" printed on the currency and the President
swearing his inauguration Oath on a Bible

>> All atheist governments ever managed to build was tyrannical shitholes,
>> Lenin and Stalin's USSR, Mao's China, Pol Pot's genocidal regression
>> to the stone age, North Korea, where famine leads the desperate populace
>> to EAT GRASS! 8^o
>> You can't ignore the evidence of history.
> I know someone who can and does.

Dawkins - You don't seem able to elaborate any reasons for doing so.

And you certainly tried to ignore it just hen! B^D

Neither of you really have much influence on the global outcome;

"At the dawn of the 20th Century approximately one half of the world's
population identified itself as either Muslim, Catholic, Protestant,
Hindu or Buddhist, and 100 years of secularism, and technological
advancement, and scientific progress later and that number is now
two thirds.

So, for those of you who enjoy beginning coffee shop
conversations with "The Death of God" .. it's time to change
the subject! It's time to talk about something else , because
it's not happening at all.

People are becoming more religious, not less religious,
and religion itself is also evolving"

- Dr Reza Aslan

>> Even after centuries of attempts to erode the religious majority
>> who built and sustained the USA, the atheists have only increased
>> their proportion of the US population from a feeble 0.4% in 2001 to a
>> pathetic 0.7% in 2008 (ARIS) ! B^D
> Erode the religious majority who built a secular government?Got it.

You don't believe the ARIS data which shows a decline in
the number of Americans espousing religious belief?

It's true more of that decline has gone to agnostics rather than
atheists, but that's no reason for you to ignore the data.

Here's the figures, as you don't seem to ever have any:

# Subject: Re: US religious now at 85% - It's GOD in a LANDSLIDE!!!
# -Atheists wallow at 2.3% worldwide, 0.7% in the USA! -a pitiful
# fraction of the minority of non-believers! B^D
# From: fasgnadh <>
# Newsgroups:
# alt.atheism,aus.religion,alt.religion,aus.politics,
# alt.politics.republicans, alt.politics.democrats,uk.politics.misc
# Message-ID: <8QNtl.26734$>
# Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 12:07:32 GMT
# American Religious Identification Survey, Summary Report March 2009:
# "Self-identification of U.S. Adult Population by Religious Tradition
# 2001 2008
# Non- religious 29,481,000 (14.1%) 34,169,000 (15%)
# Religious 167,254,000 (80%) 182,198,000 (80%)
# Agnostics 991,000 (0.5%) 1,985,000 (0.9%)
# Atheists 902,000 (0.4%) 1,621,000 (0.7%)
# 0.7% of Americans!! B^D 2.3% worldwide!!! B^D

719,000 increase in 7 years B^D

The Mormons alone grew faster!

Islam in the West GREW FASTER! B^D

Atheists are only 4% of non-believers

96% of non-believers reject atheism

>> The replacement of primitive feudal government with modern democratic
>> ones is the work of MAJORITY RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES!
> The Church of England played a significant part, no, actually lead the
> revolution in the American colonies against George iII, leader of the
> COE. Got it.

Explain (with evidence, which you never seem to have) your bizarre view
that the COE, rather than the American people, (most of whom were
religious), played a greater role in the success of the American
Revolution and War of Independence.

This will be good.

Your failure to create arguments which relate to the point you are
evading is becoming tiresome, and just make you look ridiculous.

>> Atheism has never produced a SINGLE decent democracy, let alone
>> a great and enduring civilisation.
> Religions produces enduring civilizations. Such as Rome,

Often referred to as the eternal city, still mostly Christian

> Athens,

Still There, still majority Christian

> Egypt,

Still there, majority Muslim

> China,

Dowist and Confucian, then almost destroyed in the atheist era
of Mao's Great Leap Backward and Cultural devolution,
in the past decades since their constitution was reformed to allow
religious belief and practices there have been 300,000,000 new believers,
and instead of the 40,000,000 dead under the atheist regime,
they are prospering again.

> India,

One of the new powerhouses, still majority Hindu.

> Nri, Oyop, Benin, Inca, and Myan. Got it.

You make yourself look silly when you claim to have got it
and show that you clearly haven't.

Here it is again, see if you can EVER GET IT! B^D

Every atheist regime has been a totalitarian tyranny. No exceptions.

Every great and enduring civilisation, The Judeo-Christian, Islamic,
Hindu, Buddhist, has been built by people inspired by RELIGIOUS

suck it up. Atheism is historically irrelevant and in decline.

>>>> Atheists enjoy the modern secular democratic states created
>>>> by MAJORITY RELIGIOUS populations in Europe, North America,
>>>> Australia and the rest of the world, but without an appropriate
>>>> sense of gratitude.
>>> I'm extremely grateful that enlightened peoples all over the world have
>>> rejected theocracy.
>> You don't seem to grasp history very well. The USA fought a war
>> against the Crown, not the Church.
> The colonies fought against George III, had of the Church at the time.
> Got it.

Americans kept their religion, but changed their politics and government.

Got it? B^]

Atheists seem incapable of change, especially their minds,
which are impervious to facts and historical reality.

> IIRC, new Anglican ministers in the USA were not ordained by COE
> bishops after the Revolution.

It would be a bit difficult because the monarch they threw out
didn't believe in the separation of church and state, so the Americans
ejected him, and his colonial forces, and his taxes, and KEPT

Wow, how will you ever explain that.. Their religion was held to be
far more profound, deeper, more useful than the old country and it's
ossifying monarchy.

Seems those religious Americans are just shrewder than those
atheist dimwits who fucked the USSR till they were thrown out.

> Bishops elevated by the Church of
> Scotland were sent to America to ordain ministers.

A free and open secular democracy, unlike ANY atheist regime in history,
is free to allow any faith, even nonbelievers.

It's amazing you can admit that and not draw the appropriate conclusion.

Thanks for repeatedly proving my point while attempting to avoid it.

>> Further, it was enlightened RELIGIOUS people who rejected theocracy
>> at every step, and instituted secular democracies which prevented the
>> persecution of ANY believers (freedom of religious thought), not atheists.
> None of the religious persecutions in Europe since the Romans were
> carried out by religious leaders,

Are you sure? You don't seem to have read much about medieval times,
even though you always have to go back that far attempting to find
events supporting your worldview.

Pogroms against the Jews were common, in fact it wasn't until
Nostra Aetate in 1965 that the Vatican formally apologised for the
medieval treatment of the Jews.

Of course the atheist regimes killed more religious believers than
the Catholic church, and they never apologise for any of it.

> but bythe secular monarchs crowned
> by the non-totalitarian religious leaders. Got it.
>> The Atheist states, even though they occurred in the MODERN(sic) era,
>> invariably PERSECUTED believers and oppressed free thought and belief:

Lets take one last look at the evasion of every historically verifiable
atrocity committed by atheist regimes in the name of atheism by the
usual method atheists employ, ignore it and talk about the crusades
Inquisition, whatever.. anything but deal with the uncomfortable

Religions are chosen over atheism by humans because, on balance,
they are more useful and produce a better outcome.

Religious societies evolve, progress, sometimes lose their way
but endure because people find them efficacious.

Atheist regimes have all been vile oppressive, totalitarian shitholes,
and the reason people distrust atheists is that they defend them,
by attempts at evasion like this:

> No one was ever persecuted by religious totalitarian theocracies
> because the religious leaders were nice guys.

MOST religious civilisations have been progressive, capable of evolving,
and are now the societies even atheist hypocrites choose to live in.

ALL atheist regimes have been like the worst examples of religion gone

Do try and get it.

> Got it.

Clearly you don't.

> There are no modern theocracies anywhere because religious leaders
> universally love freedom, liberty, and descent from religious dogma.
> Got it.

leaders, religious or otherwise, tend to prefer control to democracy.

The difference is stark, however.

In a number of the most progressive societies, ALL of them MAJORITY
RELIGIOUS societies, the progressive elements have struggled, patiently
overcome the regressive elements (fuedalism, slavery etc) and
established the free open secular democracies we ALL prefer to live in,
tolerant of all religious beliefs, and none.

In EVERY atheist regime this tolerance was not found, instead they were
the most destructive, violent, oppressive tyrannies the world has ever
seen, and they all occurred, not back in the ancient times, when ALL
societies were brutal, but in modern times, when the religious
societies had evolved their democratic forms, and the atheist regimes
were regressing to medieval BARBARISM.

Go figure!

Because those who are as self blinded as JohnN will never get it:

> I got too much of what ever it is you are flinging on the public.

You ignored EVERYTHING I said about atheism, because even
atheists find the history of atheist regimes to be repugnant.
And instead you presented a string of straw-man rhetorical
inventions, and invited me to dance with them.

That's one of the most comprehensive fails I have seen.

I suggest you pull your head out of your arse and clean it up.

> I'm taking a hot shower now.
> JohnN



Dec 31, 2011, 12:20:03 AM12/31/11


Dec 31, 2011, 1:37:01 AM12/31/11
DonH tries to explain why every atheist state was a shithole:
That's your explanation for why atheist states were shitholes?

Then you have a real job explaining the free, open, tolerant,
progressive secular democratic societies have all been built
and sustained by MAJORITY RELIGIOUS populations.

Clearly you should reconsider your position as an atheist,
or stop being a hypocrite and migrate to some atheist utopia..

Nth Korea seems to be the last one, limping along at the developmental
level of a colony of mad apes with lobotomies.

> This, alone, is probably sufficient to doom us to extinction within the
> next few decades - as the human plague chomps, and pollutes, its habitat.

I have more hope for atheists than you appear to have.

I think they can change.

I mean look at how the religious civilisations have evolved, adapted,
progressed, liberalised, become more subtle, complex, sophisticated
and supportive of freadom and human rights. Even you choose to live
there rather than the atheist state alternative.. probably because you
have seen that all the other atheist states in history ARE ALREADY

> But our large brain is obsessed

People who are obsessed with their 'large brains' are usually
overcompensating, and just as likely to purchase penis-enlargers.

There was no measurable diminution of the brain sizes of Lenin, Mao,
Stalin Pol Pot or any other leader of an atheist tyranny...

clearly it is what you do with it, not just size, that matters.

> with its own mental activities, or lack of them,

Sounds like mental masturbation..
you should get out more and meet people.

> and Retroduction is the most common form of human "reasoning":

Maybe among atheists, you can't mention last centuries Atheist
regime Holocausts without them burrowing back in ancient history
to find a frequently chanted list of crimes by others..

It's like "Sure we atheists murdered 60,000,00 people but what
about the 20,000 witches burnt by religion.. don't ask us
to apologise for mass murder, they did bad stuff too!"

Why do atheists carry on like that, Don?

> we decide on a desired Conclusion,
> and argue backwards from that to Major and
> Minor Premises, ignoring or suppressing contrary facts, ideas, or opinion,
> along the way.

Got it.

That explains WHAT you do,

But WHY?

> Hence, as most people want Eternal Life (an extension of our strongest
> instinct, Self-Preservation), we seize on any collection of "facts" to
> support this, combining it all into Sacred Texts, which it is then Heresy to
> question.

Why don't you look at reality instead.

That which is material, decomposes, that which isn't, can't.

thus, all bodies, temples, tools, decompose,

but energy is not destroyed, it merely changes forms.

Such is the physical and non-physical universe as we understand it.

Now is your thought material or immaterial, not the thing you think it
with, (brain) but the thought, which could be written down, or
recorded, and transmitted to another mind, changing form as it goes...
now a book, now a video, now the SAME thought in another head.

I can pick up that book or video LOOOOOOONG after your death and that
thought still lives.

ooooh wow.. non-religious eternal life! B^D

Such is your spirit.

It is immaterial and cannot be destroyed.

We are spirits, having a brief physical experience.

Many of the capacities we needed in this life were
developed in the womb, where we did not need them;
arms, legs, eyes,, lungs.

Similarly, in this life we need to develop the capacities
for the next one.

If you haven't realised this it may be getting too late.

Best use that Enormous Brain of yours and get cracking.

> Thus the advent of Dogmatic Religions, especially the three main
> Monotheistic Creeds.

I'm an agnostic, (I find the atheists as least as dogmatic
as the dogmatic fundies and more so than the intelligent rational
theists, the ones who are Nobel prize winning physicists and believers
for example), so I'm telling you this without reference to God/s

just in case you think the precautionary principle makes sense.
as any spiritual self-improvement, (becoming MORE compassionate,
just, forgiving, honest, brave, loving, hopeful, charitable, etc...)
will improve the experience of this life, as well.

> Alternatively, or similarly, a Secular Utopia is also desirable, and the
> same mental procedure is followed - more Dogma, and Suppression of Dissent;
> whence
atheist regimes and
> Communism.

The difference is religious societies are NOT ALL dogmatic tyrannies,
whereas EVERY atheist state was!
The USA, Australia, European Nations, Canada, Japan, Indonesia et al are
all Majority Religious nations, but uphold the rule of law, human
rights, and freedom of thought and belief.. i guess that's why you
hypocrites choose to live there rather than in an atheist state, eh?

> Western Plutocracy follows a similar pattern, but is more subtle in its
> approach.
> Entrenched Wealth, from prolonged compliance to the Predatory
> Competition of the Corporate Jungle, gives us the European malaise,

It's all relative.. I would live in France or Santorini in a flash,
but not in Nth Korea

> US financial crises, and doldrums in THE Economy, generally.

Still far superior materially, and light years ahead socially
culturally and spiritually, than Nth Korea.

> You may not be
> persecuted for heresy - you merely lack a Job, and starve.

You are talking about Nth Korea, not the USA, surely.

> So, where does all this theory leave us,

Well it leaves you with a room full of your own hot air, no answers and
looking for a scapegoat to link it all to, even though there is no
connection apart from your desperate need to fit a preamble of pompous
blather to your equally irrelevant slander:

> re Fearless Fasgnadh, and his
> boring campaign to save us all from Evil Atheism?

Why do you think a campaign to save people from evil far worse
than that you have just bored us with, is boring?

Especially as the solution to the greater evil is much simpler...

Don't be an atheist regime! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA

See we are already doing it!

Deus ex Machina... the solution magically appears.

Now the problem remaining is what kind of cognitive
dissonance does it take to have people who freely choose
to live in a majority religious DEMOCRACY rather than
the last ATHEIST state, and simultaneously promote
atheism while avoiding any HONEST and BALANCED examination
of it's real history, and yet condemn ALL religion on the basis
of a few, atypical, often ancient and cherry picked examples
of wrongdoing by some followers of one or another of the world religions
over centuries of their civilising influence.

> Yes, Communism is a persecuting "Religion"

No it isn't.

The CPA never persecuted anyone.

Every Atheist state fiercely persecuted religion,
the USSR, Maoist China, Pol Pot....

but the current communist government in China has reformed it's
constitution to allow greater religious freedoms (it is a farce
in Tibet, there the Chinese want to retain political control,
exploit resources and maintain a buffer state, but that is
not primarily a religious persecution, they just want political
dominance and that means reducing the influence of the Dalia Llama.

(Frankly I think it is one area in which they are crazy, an
autonomous Tibet could be the Shangri La of spiritual tourist
destinations and a bustling centre of Buddhist thought
(after all it's a good fit.. no emphasis on God))

But the trend is clear, religion is here to stay, even
in 'Communist' but no longer atheist, China;
, but, what's new?

China being Communist but abandoning State Atheism!

New to you, at least. And this:

"At the dawn of the 20th Century approximately one half of the world's
population identified itself as either Muslim, Catholic, Protestant,
Hindu or Buddhist, and 100 years of secularism, and technological
advancement, and scientific progress later and that number is now
two thirds.

So, for those of you who enjoy beginning coffee shop
conversations with "The Death of God" .. it's time to change
the subject! It's time to talk about something else , because
it's not happening at all.

People are becoming more religious, not less religious,
and religion itself is also evolving"

- Dr Reza Aslan

> The Middle Ages would have done more re the Inquisition, Crusades, etc,
> if it had modern technology, with gas chambers, napalm, and bunker busters.

Wow, your version of apologia for atheist murder is really
becoming extreme: "Ok, sure Atheism killed over 60,000,000 people
in a mere 7 decades and left no legacy of a functioning state,
let alone a viable civilisation, but hey, others did bad stuff too,
and would have dun worse if'n they had our modern world weaponry."

Meanwhile, as atheists were regressing to medieval barbarism,
majority religious societies were going to the moon, using those
same weapons to defeat fascism, and creating more tolerant societies.

Religion is in the VANGUARD of progress.

Atheism is lying in the dust at the rear.

> Will Fearless himself become extinct, when the last Stalinist regime
> disappears?

Have atheists disappeared, long after the medieval crusades they use to
condemn ALL modern religion with?

I started this campaign for an HONEST and BALANCED assessment of the
history of atheism because the atheists are a cult which holds ALL
religions, and all believers, collectively responsible for the acts
of a tiny few.

Just as neo-Nazis need to be confronted and the destructive
history of Nazism exposed as a warning to gullible young minds
easily seduced by glib charlatans, so the truth about the atheist
holocaust needs to be told, especially considering the way atheists
rabidly attack religions and yet offer none of the hospitals, schools
and charities which the religious run.

As an agnostic my choice on who manes the more community minded,
co-operative and helpful group is clear.

They have a patchy, but always trying to improve, record of
achievement, you have one of death and failure, with no redeeming

> That would only leave Laos, Vietnam, and China, as Commie States, and
> they seem to be doing alright, on the whole.

You poor dolt.. Laos and Vietnam never ran the atheist regimes
persecuting and killing millions that Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge and Mao's
Cultural revolution ran.

And I have documented the difference between Atheistic Communism, and
Communism with tolerance to religion in the above piece
discussing China's constitutional reform in 1982.

I suggest you read more and spout confusion and ignorance less.

> Ah, but that's only due to
> them becoming rather Capitalist?

Look Dimwit, There are a documented 40,000,000 dead in the Maoist era,
under the atheist persecution of religions. Temples were destroyed,
priests beaten and killed, property expropriated.

After Mao, the atheist agenda of bigotry and hate was abandoned.
From 1982 the constitution was reformed to end the prohibition and
persecution of religious believers, allowing greater freedom of
thought and belief. I have provided you with evidence of Communist
Party Officials giving unsolicited praise of the POSITIVE IMPACT
which faith has had in China.. over 300,000,000 new Chinese believers
in just seven years is the result. This is a an unequalled
growth anywhere in the world, at any time.


Shanghai is full of small faith communities, invariable holding meetings
in their homes, al la the Early Church... mostly
educated young professionals.

They find no contradiction between their faith and modern science on the
one hand, or traditional confucian values on the other.

The religions of the world preach the same essential message,
in some places it becomes forgotten and a spiritual winter occurs..
Europe had one in the 20th Century.., Islam had one brought on by the
impact of Colonialism, in China it is Springtime.

> Meantime, God must be lurking somewhere!

Mate, Lenin, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Kim Ill Fuk are lurking
in the ground, devoured by maggots.

Jesus Mohammed Buddha Brahma are loved by Billions.

Pity you can't feel the warmth, you only ever see the
same old man-made sickness and death.

> The God of the Gaps, in Science, is fading.

Lies and Bullshit.

"At the dawn of the 20th Century approximately one half of the world's
population identified itself as either Muslim, Catholic, Protestant,
Hindu or Buddhist, and 100 years of secularism, and technological
advancement, and scientific progress later and that number is now
two thirds.

So, for those of you who enjoy beginning coffee shop
conversations with "The Death of God" .. it's time to change
the subject! It's time to talk about something else , because
it's not happening at all.

People are becoming more religious, not less religious,
and religion itself is also evolving"

- Dr Reza Aslan

You live in the West where faith, and prosperity
have both declined, China's growth outweighs in both.. is the same dynamic spirit...

The USA has lost it's way, and you atheists are all
materialist doom and gloom,
without hope, without direction, without belief in any
transcendent possibility.

The global order is still unfolding, the art world
is shifting from NY to Shanghai, just as it once left
Paris for NY .. it follows the disposable incomes of the
highest concentration of millionaires..

But we don't want or need a new Global Superpower,
we need new, strengthened global institutions to regulate
finance and the economy, the nation states clearly are no longer
up to the task.

It's simply the extension of democratic government from the
town council, to the state, to the nation state, and eventually
to the world.

The UN, flawed as it is by Security Council veto, and the other
global institutions providing collective co-operation, and security
have prevented World War for over half a century.

A remarkable achievement, and a great improvement on the League
of nations, which had the same goal after WWI, but failed.

We are in the early stages of a global civilisation,
it is very exciting, don't you think?

> But there is a glimmer of hope - the God Particle!

Do you even amuse yourself with such trivial nonsense?


Dec 31, 2011, 9:55:13 AM12/31/11
On 31/12/2011 12:54 PM, Michael Gordge wrote:
> On 30/12/2011 7:00 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>> On 29/12/2011 9:00 AM, Michael Gordge wrote:
>>> On Dec 28, 5:47 pm, fasgnadh<> wrote:
>>>> Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by Abraham, Job,
>>>> Isaiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha,

Now which of those influential figures are you claiming wrote this
gibberish, Michael: (cite your reference chapter and verse)

>>> Where's the rational wisdom being shown when mumbling morons talk
>>> about an unfucked woman giving birth and a stone cold dead person, who
>>> was apparently the saviour of man, getting up and walking away never
>>> to be seen or heard from again?
>>> MG

So that is the work of MG, not any of the people I listed,

Thus my question was justified, why should I waste time
on the perverted mumblings of YOU????

>> Sorry, you want me to comment on what you mumbling morons talk about???
>> That's of no interest to me whatsoever.
> Nope, I want ewe to comment on your idea that there is rational wisdom
> in the mumblings of the mystics,

But I never said that, I said there was "rational wisdom revealed
by Abraham, Job, Isaiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha", not 'mystics',
which is much broader and less apt in describing them.

And I'm pretty sure none of them said anything about "unfucked women".
That was just YOU, and frankly, no-one would ever expect
wisdom from you, and your offensive claptrap proves them right! B^p

Now, in case anyone wants examples of wisdom from those spiritual
teachers I listed, here's one from Siddhartha:

When a simpleton abused him, Buddha listened to him in silence,
but when the man had finished asked him,
"Son, if a man declined to accept a present offered to him,
to whom would it belong?"
The man answered "To him who offered it."
"My son," Buddha said, "I decline to accept your abuse. Keep it for

- Will Durant The Story of Civilization.

As for mystics, try Rumi:


If of thy mortal goods thou art bereft
and from thy slender store, two loaves, alone, to thee are left
sell one
and with the dole
buy little flowers to feed the soul

Jalal'u'din Rumi (1207 – 1273)

And this one, for example, taught me not to waste too
much time with atheists:


Do not sit long with a sad friend
When you go to a garden
do you look at thorns or flowers?
Spend more time with roses and jasmine.


The mystery does not get clearer by repeating the question,
nor is it bought with going to amazing places.
Until you've kept your eyes
and your wanting still for fifty years,
you don't begin to cross over from confusion.


Come to the orchard in spring
There is light and wine and sweethearts in the pomegranate flowers
If you do not come, they do not matter
If you do come, they do not matter.


The clear bead at the centre changes everything.
There are no edges to my loving now.
I've heard it said there's a window that opens
from one mind to another,
but if there's no wall, there's no need
for fitting the window, or the latch.

The religion of love is a part from all religions.
The lovers of God have no religion but God alone
-The Mathnawi II, 1720

And then there are the great scientist mystics:

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us
with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forego their use
and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can obtain by
them. He would not require us to deny sense and reason in physical
matters which are set before our eyes and minds by direct experience or
necessary demonstrations.
- Galileo Galilei 1615. can only be created by those who are thoroughly imbued with
the aspiration toward truth and understanding. This source of feeling,
however, springs from the sphere of Religion... science without religion
is lame, religion without science is blind.
- Albert Einstein
"Ideas and Opinions" 1954

The Greatness of God is something we cannot understand even though we
are aware of it
- Rene Descarte 1596-1650
mathematician and philosopher

The glory and greatness of the Almighty God are marvelously discerned in
all His works and divinely read in the open book of heaven

- Galileo Galilei 1564-1642

I see everywhere the inevitable expression of the infinite in the world

- Louis Pasteur 1822-95

As a blind man has no idea of colours, so have we no idea of the manner
by which the All-Wise God perceives and understands all things.

- Sir Isaac Newton 1642-1727

The scientific picture of the real world around me is very
deficient...Science cannot tell us why music delights us, of why and how
an old song can move us to tears.... Science is reticent too when it is
a question of the great Unity... of which we all somehow form a part, to
which we belong. The most popular name for it in our time is God.

- Erwin Schroedinger
1933 Nobel prize in Physics
"My view of the World" 1918

There can never be any real opposition between religion and science.
Every serious and reflective person realizes, I think, that the
religious elements in his nature must be recognized and cultivated if
all the powers of the human soul are to act together in perfect balance
and harmony.

- Max Planck winner of the 1918 Nobel prize in Physics
"Where is Science Going" 1918

I'm amazed you are so ignorant of the mystics that you had to ask me
of examples of their wisdom. Rumi is renowned, among cultured people,
Sa'di is sublime, and then there is the ineffable Hafez, who wrote
seven centuries ago but sounds like a modern writer:

all this time
the sun never says to the earth,
"You owe me."

what happens
With a love like that-

it lights the whole

Ha-fez (1310 -1337)

On the other hand, some self styled misfits, er, I mean 'mystics'
are complete shite:

> e.g. the nonsense of an unfucked woman giving birth
> and a stone cold corpse getting up to walk away
> never to be seen or heard from again.
> MG

Don't give up your day job.

Anyone who spews filth like you do needs to be exposed to as
much wisdom as possible, try this from some of Siddhartha's

"If we wish to die well, we must learn to live well"

- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

"The realization of impermanence is paradoxically the only thing we
can hold on to, perhaps our only lasting posession."

- Sogyal Rinpoche

"If you have got to think about something, make it the
uncertainty of the hour of your death"

Gyalse Rinpoche

"Whatever we have done in our lives makes us what we are when we die
and everything, absolutely everything, counts."

- Sogyal Rinpoche

"letting go is the path to real freedom"

- Sogyal Rinpoche

"I want every human being not to be afraid of death, or of life
I want every human being to die at peace and surrounded
by the wisest, clearest and most tender care and to find the ultimate
happiness that can only come from an understanding of the nature of
mind and reality. "
- Sogyal Rinpoche

"Whatever joy there is in this world
All comes from desiring others to be happy
and whatever suffering there is in this world
All comes from desiring myself to be happy "

- Sogyal Rinpoche

Now for any atheist who read this far, you are clearly
sincere seekers of Wisdom, and I have a present, written
centuries ago, for atheists;

~ Just Sit There ~

Just sit there right now.
Don't do a thing.
Just rest.
For your separation from God
Is the hardest work in this world.

Let me bring you trays of food
And something
That you like to drink.

You can use my soft words
As a cushion
For your

Shalom and Salaam


Dec 31, 2011, 7:15:53 PM12/31/11
On 31 Dec 2011, 05:27, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 17:12:30 -0800 (PST), sarge
> <> wrote:
> >On 29 Dec, 14:16, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
> >> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 21:32:27 -0800 (PST), sarge
> >> <> wrote:
> >> >On 29 Dec, 06:02, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
> >> >> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 16:34:53 -0800 (PST), sarge
> >> >> <> wrote:
> >> >> >On 28 Dec, 19:03, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
> >> >> >> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:35:24 -0800 (PST), sarge
> >> >> >> <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >On Dec 28, 9:47 am, fasgnadh <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
> >> >> >> >> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
> >> >> >> >> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
> >> >> >> >The buddha was an atheist.
> >> >> >> So's the Christian god.
> >> >> >Not sure if this is ironic or not, but I would assume not.  He would
> >> >> >believe in his own existence.
> >> >> No belief, he'd KNOW that he existed.  He'd have no BELIEF in any god.
> >> >Knowledgeis a subset of beliefs.
> >> Knowledgeisorthogonalto belief.
> >I'm sorry, but that's just not the case in a philosophy forum.
> I'm sorry you don't understand Usenet.  Google Groups is a window on
> it, it's not really Usenet itself.  You're posting to alt.atheism,
> talk.atheism, alt.philosophy and alt.religion.

All areas where knowledge is commonly considered a specific kind of
beliefs. Perhaps Usenet has a sloppy tendency here or in those
forums, but in general on the internet the usage I am suggesting is
common in those kinds of groups.

> And in reality - you know, the place you actually live - belief and
> knowledge areorthogonal.  (Words have meanings.  Changing the
> meanings is both dishonest and stupid, when you do it in a discussion
> with people who don't share your preconceived notions.)

And considering knowledge belief supported by rigorously obtained
evidence is very common. And for good practical reasons. But I
understand now that you have your own preconceived notions and should
we encounter each other in the future, I write so you can understand.

> >In philosophy knowledge is considered a subset of belief.
> So tell us what other things philosophy is useless for.  Discussion
> with actual rational adult humans seems to be one of them.  (Even Koko
> does better than that, ands she's not even human.)

It's useful for training people to recognize, and avoid using
themselves, the kinds of non-productive assertions you made here.

> (If you'd rather discuss this only with people reading alt.philosophy,
> learn to trim your newsgroups.  You might have to get a real
> newsreader, though.  I wouldn't know, since I don't walk on crutches.)

LOL. It's amazing what people will feel pompous about.


Dec 31, 2011, 8:29:17 PM12/31/11
On Sat, 31 Dec 2011 16:15:53 -0800 (PST), sarge
<> wrote:

>And considering knowledge belief supported by rigorously obtained
>evidence is very common.

Among theists. We're not concerned with the opinions of the mentally
"Rise above principal and do what's right." - Joseph Heller

Dec 31, 2011, 10:44:28 PM12/31/11
On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 23:55:16 +1100, fasgnadh
<>licked his cum off a dogs ass and wrote:

>I'm not interested in a competition to upset people.

As if the Village Idiot is 'that' important. The only competition
you'll ever see will be at the Special Olympics. My money will not be
on you.

Warlord Steve


Dec 31, 2011, 11:01:07 PM12/31/11
On 1 Jan, 02:29, Colanth <cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
I suppose you crutchless Usenet people find substanceless posts
interesting, but you must know there are people who won't waste their
time. I am sure someone thinks you are really good at zingers. Make
sure to show them whatever response you make to me that I won't read.

What an ignorable phenomenon you are.



Jan 1, 2012, 4:34:32 AM1/1/12
On 31/12/2011 6:35 PM, Swampfox wrote:
> On 31/12/2011 5:57 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>> On 30/12/2011 11:41 PM, Ganesh wrote:
>>> On Dec 30, 7:34 am, fasgnadh<> wrote:
>>>> Pelican :
>>>>> "fasgnadh"<> wrote in message
>>>>> news:RceLq.932$
>>>>>> Michael Gordge conceded all my criticisms of atheism and blathered:
>>>>>>> On 28/12/2011 7:47 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>>>>>>>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>>>>>>>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>>>>>>>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>>>>>>>> Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by
>>>>>>>> Abraham, Job,
>>>>>>>> Isiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and all the other spiritual
>>>>>>>> guides and founders of our modern global civilisation,
>>>>>>>> and follow these ridiculous atheist dimwits and demagogues! B^D
>>>>>>> Where's the rational wisdom being shown when mumbling morons talk
>>>>>>> about an unfucked woman giving birth and a stone cold dead person,
>>>>>>> who
>>>>>>> was apparently the saviour of man, getting up and walking away never
>>>>>>> to be seen or heard from again?
>>>>>>> MG
>>>>>> Sorry, you want me to comment on what you mumbling morons talk
>>>>>> about???
>>>>>> That's of no interest to me whatsoever.
>>>>> A very quick white flag.
>>>> Well if you can demonstrate how in any way what he wrote constitutes
>>>> wisdom from those influential figures, then lets hear it.
>> No? Couldn't show any connection?
>> Thought not.
>> A feeble distraction, at best.
>>>> And if he wanted me to tell him what rational wisdom is found in
>>>> the teachings of Jesus, or Mohammed or Buddha, then surely he would
>>>> have
>>>> asked, instead of presenting us with his rhetorical gibberish.
>>>> Instead of asking for information, or (even less likely) presenting
>>>> some, why don't you all snip the subject, replace it with some
>>>> garbled nonsense, and then all congratulate yourselves on winning
>>>> the argument!
>>> And I've seen you post stuff for a couple of years.
>> Uh oh, i feel an acolyte approaching
>>> Is all about you.
>> Look, that's sweet, but I'm in a relationship already,
>> and you are not my type.
>> (intelligent, human, female)
>>> Not anyone here.
>> Oh good gracious no, atheists are lousy fucks.
>> They can't find a G-Spot to save their lives and
>> so tell everyone that it DOESN'T EXIST!
>>> And that's why we regard you
>> Gee, thanks.. but I'm still not interested...
>> why don't you go play in traffic instead.
>> > as a fool.
>> Could you do it as anything else?
>>> Say, fasgnadh, when was the last time someone of faith supported you
>>> in this discussion group
>> I haven't posted for 12 months so it's a really stupid loaded question.
>> "as long as it's been since you had an original and interesting thought"
>> would be one way of expressing it.
>>> Never?
>> Well, that's way longer than since I posted here.. have you tried
>> compressing your head in a vice to squeeze one out?
> Hey Fas!

G'day Swampie, are you still stirring the possum in aus.politics?

> WTF are you wasting your time for?

Attempting rational discourse is never a waste of time. ;-)

(OK, maybe trying it in Usenet could be! B^]

Mate, at my age I'm entitled to waste a few hours
revisiting the past, I just refuse to live in it... B^D
Nothing much has changed in 12 months, still more snarling
than sense.

Looks like none of the atheiSith have forgotten me.. same old
crowd, still posting their routine scripts...

They do a great job of disproving fundie Creationism, the broad mass of
rational Christians are mildly grateful, as it keeps two groups of
extremists and nutters occupied. (don't tell them I said that, it
might give them a false sense of hope and renewed purpose ;-)

All the atheists I know are intelligent, and so we get on fine,
my 'crusade' was simple.. I arrived in alt.atheism, observed
that all the arrogant undergrads who thought they had invented
freethinking were violently abusive towards ANY religious poster,
holding them ALL collectively responsible for any act by any one,
or group, no matter how small and unrepresentative..
i.e. not just ALL 1.6 Billion Muslims slagged because of 16
Saudi Al Qaida, but ALL religions.

I decided that if they were going to corrupt young minds with this
vile injustice, I would give them the Bloody History of Atheist
Tyrannies, and when they accused me of 'attacking atheists'
because of the actions of a few, explaining, NO, that is what
YOU do, declaring Christians evil fools because of the Crusades,
or the Inquisition, or the Borgia Popes, I hold only those
who COMMITTED those acts responsible, AND (because they always
avoided the truth and attacked the messenger) THOSE COMPLICIT,
(like Neo-Nazi apologists for the holocaust), in being apologists
or deniers of the 60,000,000 killed in atheist regimes.

It was a supremely successful stratagy, all their intellectual
glitterati wilted under the relentless application of my hypocrisy test.

All that are left are the rabid BAAWA thugs.

I do wish I'd had the opportunity to debate Dawkins and Hitch,
the orthodox religious they usually debated were rarely nimble,
as the entire New Atheist thrust was based on attacking fundamentalism,
(an easy target for a five year old, and pretending it was typical,
and representative.

The real world is much more diverse and interesting.

> You were such an interesting fella, valuable insights, biting wit,

But I don't make any money from it in Usenet!

I used to parachute.. don't anymore. Had a hanglider years ago,
not now.. and once I educated a group of atheists, with the best
of intentions, .. which included making them better atheists..
...we can all do with a bit of improving, but

Like the global art scene, shifting as we speak from NY
to Shanghai, I go where the creative energy (and the money ;-) is.

> but you've been on this crusade of yours for far too long.

Crusade? I've posted one thread in a year! I saw the whole
Korean peninsula was crying crocodile tears for some dead
atheist tyrant in a box, and thought someone should try and
console them. 8-)

After all, atheists berate a billion Catholics on a daily basis
because of paedophile priests, I thought I should show them a
better, more compassionate way of getting people to question
their beliefs. B^]

I mean, all those long faces, it's bad advertising for their cause,
especially if you have ever been to an Irish wake or a New Orleans
funeral where the band plays, everyone celebrates and gives thanks for a
life well lived, and then they have a knees up to express their joy
that a loved one's soul has escaped this vale of sorrow and is winging
it's way to paradise.. (and if they are wrong about that, it's been
another great excuse to get smashed and have life-affirming post-funeral
sex. B^D

They think I'm here to wield a sword, (and naturally I will slash back
when the BAAWA beastie boys bark and bite, ... but I'm here to make
them, and others, laugh, hopefully at themselves, if not, at me.

I left alt.atheism a smoking ruin 12 months ago, I come back
to a ghost town where Seon is the main act!


You see, I can't stay out in the sun ALL day, it's low tide at Rickets
Point and I've spent all morning snorkelling and trying out
my daughters new underwater camera and strobe... so I have
a few hours for a quick lunch, dry the bathers and make a few posts..

## Story time for young atheists, lovers of Free Speech: ##

I watched "In the Shadow of the Moon" with a friend recently.
the story of Apollo 11, with the voices of Aldrin and Collins
(apparently Armstrong is a recluse, and wasn't part of it 8^o)

Apollo is a reminder of how great the Americans can be...

There was Kennedy announcing the Apollo program, and sure
it was a Cold War race, but it was still visionary
and ....EXHILARATING .. (now all they have is tea-bags who
don't even believe in guvmint, in guvmint and their system
is paralysed and in post-Bush GFC apocalyptic shock)*1.
Kennedy ended his We Choose to go to the Moon speech thus;

"Many years ago the great British explorer George Mallory,
who was to die on Mount Everest, was asked why did he want
to climb it. He said, "Because it is there."

Well, space is there, and we're going to climb it, and the
moon and the planets are there, and new hopes for knowledge
and peace are there. And, therefore, as we set sail we ask
God's blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and
greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked."

I never gave that last sentence a thought at the time.

Sadly he was dead, his life cut short by the fanatical
extremism that took his brother, and Martin Luther King
and so many others, when Apollo 11 landed and the beautiful
dream was fulfilled. I stayed home from school to watch
it on TV.

But the Bit I didn't know, and learned watching
In the Shadow of the Moon, was that Buzz Aldrin,
a Presbyterian, celebrated Communion on the moon,
but kept it secret, and wanted to make reference
to God in describing his experience but kept silent,
because an atheist, Madalyn Murray O'Hair had brought a
lawsuit over the reading of Genesis by Bill Anders,
Jim Lovell and Frank Borman on Apollo 8.

WTF??? Some contribution! pffffft!

I have been listening for years to atheists endlessly
recycling the silencing of Galileo by the Catholic Church,
And here we have atheists trying to silence the free
expression and freedom to believe of three astronauts
striving to respond to the unique beauty and majesty
they were experiencing by reaching for the transcendent
the poetic and the numinous.

What a contrast between the spirit of the astronauts,
bravely pushing beyond our frontiers of knowledge, and
the Atheist attempt at a first Amendment GAG, a miserable
regression to the spirit of the MEDIEVAL CHURCH bullying
Galileo into silence. (At least THEY apologised, a mere
600 years late!)

80%, the VAST majority of Americans are believers, and
they should be CONSTRAINED in speaking of it on a perilous
undertaking where THEY believe themselves in God's hands?????

The First Amendment PROTECTS that right, as free speech
of one's thought and beliefs in this manner is NOT a danger
to the secular state, NOT counter to the separation of Church
and State, but an individuals RIGHT, and the Supreme Court
threw O'Hair's hairbrained lawsuit out!

"The amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an
establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion,
abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press,
interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the
petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances."

What next for atheist extremists bent on reconstructing the Glorious
Rights and Freedoms of past Atheist Regimes, The USSR and it's gulags or
Mao's Cultural Devolution ...

... Purging Kennedy's speech of his prayerful hope that
God would bless the most perilous adventure ever undertaken?

...Posthumous denunciation of J Robert Oppenheimer when the first atomic
bomb was detonated on July 16, 1945 in the New Mexico desert,
and he remarked later that it brought to mind words from the Bhagavad
Gita: "Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

An evil threat to secular democracy or a perfect evocation,
you decide.

BAAWA Bigots have provided what is, in their view an
appropriate Apollo 8 message

Any word marked with # should remain unspoken, (close your eyes and
think of Yahweh, I mean YHWH,
(theists beat the atheists to this idea, as usual ;-)

Bill Anders
"We are now approaching lunar sunrise and, for all the people back on
Earth, the crew of Apollo 8 has a message that we would like to send to

In the beginning G#d cr#at#d the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face
of the deep.
And the Spirit #f G#d moved upon the face of the waters. And G#d said,
Let there be light: and there was light.
And G#d saw the light, that it was good: and G#d divided the light from
the darkness.

Jim Lovell
"And G#d called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the
evening and the morning were the first day.
And G#d said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and
let it divide the waters from the waters.
And G#d made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the
firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
And G#d called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning
were the second day.

Frank Borman
"And G#d said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together
unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
And G#d called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the
waters called he Seas: and G#d saw that it was good.

And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a
Merry Chr#stmas – and G#d bless all of you, all of you on the good

You have to admire Buzz Aldrin, he knew the Supreme Court had
rejected the atheist attempt to silence free speech, but he
showed consideration and restraint, preferring to be silent,
rather than risk giving offence, even to the offensive.
Only the ill-mannered throw a tantrum at an event everyone
is part of.

Sometimes it is better to act in a way that preserves unity,
than to be right.

If the astronauts knew the Sufi poets they might have
quoted Hafez, (but whenever I do some atheist redneck
calls me a Muslim, as if it's an insult: B^)

~ The Sun Never Says ~

all this time
the sun never says to the earth,
"You owe me."

what happens
With a love like that-

it lights the whole

Ha-fez (1310 -1337)

Those full disk images from earth changed our way of seeing.

One Planet - One People.


(and our (Oz) national politic is only slightly less moribund,
with BJ Foster starting the Aussie Tea Party ;-).

National politics determines far less than global business
and the Chinese communist party, Dr No is boring, Julia
soldiers on, we know more than we want to about Republican
Presidential nominees and fuck all about the inside runners
for the new politburo in Beijing and I am bored shitless
with the Refugee Roundabout.

aus.politics just isn't as interesting as rock pools.

> Come back, we miss you.

You can never go back, mate, you have to keep going forward...

You never step in the same river twice.

I'm too busy being and building to spend as much time
in virtual reality, - it lacks truth and beauty, and
authenticity ... and that's what my spirit craves.

It is such a contrast to real life, nothing constructive
gets created here, ...I'd rather be hiking, working,
floating in the bay, planning a beach-crawl in Pacific Islands
and a road trip in the USA.

The real reason I can't spend time here as I used to is that
here I meet people I NEVER bump into in real life... vicious,
twisted, malign fuckers with no heart, zombies with attitude,
useless twats, true sociopaths.... and in Reality 1, in the circles
in which I move, people are just not like that...

Usenet is like visiting the Asylum in Marat Sade.

The old days are not coming back, when the opponents were more worthy,
the nutjobs were less prevalent, the Villians were clear - cut,
( Pauline & the One Nation Blsck Hats), the Conservatives had some true
gentlemen, like Dave Moss, the ALP had some brave leaders like Keating,
there were more decent folk of all persuasions, real characters, deep
thinkers, and some sharp polymaths, like Markie,
...and I was raising my kids and the Internet was a fun passtime while
they were doing their homework...

... now they are adults, they both have their Open Water, we
are wet so often we have grown gills, and life beckons us all.

Shalom and Salaam

Michael Gordge

Jan 1, 2012, 6:46:07 PM1/1/12
On Dec 31 2011, 11:55 pm, fasgnadh <> wrote:

> I said  there was "rational wisdom revealed
> by Abraham, Job, Isaiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha",

There is nothing rational, no wisdom being revealed in any religionist
mumbojumbo, when there is wisdom and rationality being revealed then
it sure as hell had and has nothing to do with any mystical,
religionist, god, pregnant virgins and corpses getting up and runing
away never to be seen or heard of again, mumbojumbo.


Paul David Wright

Jan 2, 2012, 9:55:39 AM1/2/12
Loirbaj <> wrote in

> DAMN you all to Hell and back,
> Fearless Fasgnadh for holding the
> atheists' feet to the fire.

So, one psychotic ass is supporting another.
Wish I could say I'm surprised. Lying for 'god' is a sacrament, it


Check out my blog:
And my books:

Paul David Wright

Jan 2, 2012, 9:57:01 AM1/2/12
fasgnadh <> wrote in

> Globally, atheism is in decline. It's 20th century political leaders
> have been despatched, now it's dead hand on the human spirit needs to
> be loosened.

Wishfull thinking, with no connection to reality.

Paul David Wright

Jan 2, 2012, 9:59:38 AM1/2/12
fasgnadh <> wrote in

>> I got too much of what ever it is you are flinging on the public.
> You ignored EVERYTHING I said about atheism,

Because it was and continues to be a lie, Failednuts.

Paul David Wright

Jan 2, 2012, 10:04:32 AM1/2/12
fasgnadh <> wrote in

> They don't like to talk about the horrific slaughter carried out by
> every atheist regime in history.

Because, it didn't happen in the name of atheism, which is a fact you
keep conveniently leaving out.

Paul David Wright

Jan 2, 2012, 10:06:33 AM1/2/12
to wrote in

> From: Surfer <>
> Newsgroups:
> alt.atheism,alt.atheism.satire,alt.agnosticism,aus.politics,alt.agnost
> On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 23:55:16 +1100, fasgnadh <>
> wrote:
>>They don't like to talk about the horrific slaughter carried out by
>>every atheist regime in history.
> Well every atheist regime in history has had a state ideology which
> effectively made it into a religious regime.
> So there could be some commonality with other religious regimes.

Oh, good; Yet another religious liar.

Paul David Wright

Jan 2, 2012, 10:16:02 AM1/2/12
fasgnadh <> wrote in

> > Still denying you lack of belief in Thor, "fasgnadh"?
> Still incapable of reading, let alone comprehending, let alone
> responding rationally to, the ideas of others, Oily?
> Still trying to protect your Nth Korean atheist Comrades by snipping
> any posts that condemn that atheist shithole, eh Oily?

Still posting the same old lie, Failednuts?
We know that it's all you have...


Jan 2, 2012, 5:23:33 PM1/2/12
Paul David Wright demonstrates the atheist tactic: snip,run,lie:
<unsnip the facts and evidence - things these atheists hate>
>> > Still denying you lack of belief in Thor, "fasgnadh"?
>> Still incapable of reading, let alone comprehending, let alone
>> responding rationally to, the ideas of others, Oily?
>> Still trying to protect your Nth Korean atheist Comrades by snipping
>> any posts that condemn that atheist shithole, eh Oily?
> Still posting the same old lie

He can't keep track of his various lies, and they contradict each other.
Typical atheist behaviour in Usenet.

Jung described why every atheist regime was based on lies,
so it's no surprise to see you apologists for the atheist
holocausts are perpetually averse to the truth:

"Among all my patients in the second half of life, that is, over
thirty-five, there has not been one whose problem in the last
resort was not that of finding a religious outlook on life.
It is safe to say that every one of them fell ill because
he had lost that which the living religions of every age
have given their followers, and none of them has really
been healed who did not regain his religious outlook."

-Carl G. Jung Modern Man in Search of a Soul

What was YOUR shrink's diagnosis?

> Failednuts

That explains why you snip and run from the facts, no balls.

But did he say why you bother at all when your "snip, run and lie"
responses are so feeble and pointless?

> We know that it's all you have...

"And sold their possessions and goods,
and parted them to all men, as every man had need."

The Russian people under atheist tyranny never SOLD their
goods and shared them based on need.. they WERE EXPROPRIATED
and allocated primarily to the Party members.

The Kulaks and millions of others had not only their property stolen
but their lives.

Only the most pathetic, immoral maggots would try and blame the
ATHEIST tyrannies on those who were victims of it, millions of believers.

Alt.atheism is full of such maggots.


Jan 2, 2012, 6:03:19 PM1/2/12
On 29/12/2011 4:02 PM, Colanth wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 13:11:51 -0800, Christopher A. Lee
> <> wrote:
>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 15:03:16 -0500, Colanth<col...@pern.invalid>
>> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 10:16:04 -0800, Christopher A. Lee
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 13:03:53 -0500, Colanth<col...@pern.invalid>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:35:24 -0800 (PST), sarge
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> On Dec 28, 9:47 am, fasgnadh<> wrote:
>>>>>>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>>>>>>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>>>>>>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>>>>>> The buddha was an atheist.


So these are the things atheists believe in: B^D

# >> @ Other words used in Buddhist texts to refer to
# >> @ similar supernatural beings are devata "deity" and
# >> @ devaputra (Pali: devaputta) "son of the gods".
# >> @
# >> @
# >> @ Powers of the devas
# >> @
# >> @ From a human perspective, devas share the characteristic
# >> @ of being invisible to the physical human eye. The presence
# >> @ of a deva can be detected by those humans who have opened
# >> @ the divyacakus (Pali: dibbacakkhu), an extrasensory power
# >> @ by which one can see beings from other planes. Their
# >> @ voices can also be heard by those who have cultivated
# >> @ a similar power of the ear.
# >> @
# >> @ Most devas are also capable of constructing illusory
# >> @ forms by which they can manifest themselves to the
# >> @ beings of lower worlds; higher and lower devas even
# >> @ have to do this between each other.
# >> @
# >> @ Devas do not require the same kind of sustenance as
# >> @ humans do, although the lower kinds do eat and drink.
# >> @ The higher sorts of deva shine with their own intrinsic
# >> @ luminosity.
# >> @
# >> @ Devas are also capable of moving great distances speedily
# >> @ and of flying through the air, although the lower devas
# >> @ sometimes accomplish this through magical aids such as a
# >> @ flying chariot."

Do Atheists borrow these Magic Chariots on the weekends???


# >> @ " Types of deva
# >> @
# >> @ The devas of the Arupyadhatu have no physical form or location,
# >> @ and they dwell in meditation on formless subjects.

Sounds like the AtheiSith discussing theology! B^)

# >> @ "They do not interact with the rest of the universe."

That is definitely some of the atheists in alt.atheistan!!


"Buddhists accept the existence of beings in higher realms (see Buddhist
cosmology), known as devas"

"The Dharmakāya (Sanskrit: धर्म काय; Pali: धम्म कय, lit. "truth body" or
"reality body") is a central idea in Mahayana Buddhism forming part of
the Trikaya doctrine that was possibly first expounded in the
Aṣṭasāhasrikā prajñā-pāramitā (The Perfection of Insight In Eight
Thousand Verses), composed in the 1st century BCE. It constitutes the
unmanifested, "inconceivable" (Sanskrit: acintya) aspect of a Buddha,
out of which Buddhas – and indeed all "phenomena" (Sanskrit: dharmas) –
arise, and to which they return after their dissolution.

Buddhas are manifestations of the Dharmakaya called Nirmanakaya. Unlike
ordinary unenlightened persons, Buddhas (and arhats) do not die (though
their physical bodies undergo the cessation of biological functions and
subsequent disintegration).

In the Lotus Sutra (sixth fascicle) the Buddha explains that he has
always and will always exist to lead beings to their salvation.
This eternal aspect of Buddha is the Dharmakaya.
The Dharmakaya may be considered the most sublime or truest
reality in the universe."


You have to admire the atheists whose ignorance is only exceeded
by the flexibility with which they handle the truth!


>>>>> So's the Christian god.


The ONLY way that atheists can try to increase their
numbers is to pretend that people, who deliberately
DON'T identify as atheists, including believers, are atheists.

Why they do it, and who they think they are fooling, no one can tell.

Let's leave them sharing their ignorance with each other:

>>>> Wasn't the original Buddha a Hindu?
>>> According to his traditional biographies, he was shielded from
>>> religion while he was growing up.
>> OK, but he grew up in a Hindu society.
> No, he grew up in a palace, where no religion was allowed.

An early atheist regime! B^D

And the Buddha, who according to these fuckwits was an atheist,



Now that is what we call ENLIGHTENMENT! B^D


> According to his traditional biographies.
>> While it is possible to be shielded from religion when there are
>> already non-believers, like I was,

So you were the inspiration for Werner Hertzog's brilliant movie -
"The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser" which shows what a child becomes
when raised chained in the dark, completely deprived of human contact.

That also explains your lack of social skills and
your posts, DrillChuck!

>> I would have thought this less likely a few tousand years ago.
> When your father can lop off heads at will, and decides that you will
> grow up with no knowledge of religion, you do. (I'd imagine that a
> carpenter who hit his thumb and muttered "oh, God", or their
> equivalent, was given a very effective pain killer - removal of the
> connection between the brain and the thumb.)
> --
> "There is nothing frightening about an eternal dreamless sleep. Surely
> it is better than eternal torment in Hell and eternal boredom in
> Heaven."- Isaac Asimov


Jan 2, 2012, 6:22:43 PM1/2/12
On 1/01/2012 11:15 AM, sarge wrote:
> On 31 Dec 2011, 05:27, Colanth<cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
>> On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 17:12:30 -0800 (PST), sarge
>> <> wrote:
>>> On 29 Dec, 14:16, Colanth<cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 21:32:27 -0800 (PST), sarge
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> On 29 Dec, 06:02, Colanth<cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 16:34:53 -0800 (PST), sarge
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 28 Dec, 19:03, Colanth<cola...@pern.invalid> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:35:24 -0800 (PST), sarge
>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Dec 28, 9:47 am, fasgnadh<> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>>>>>>>>>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>>>>>>>>>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>>>>>>>>> The buddha was an atheist.
So these are the things atheists believe in: B^D

>>>>>>>> So's the Christian god.


The ONLY way that atheists can try to increase their
numbers is to pretend that people, who deliberately
DON'T identify as atheists, including believers, are atheists.

They are so desperate they claim BABIES as members to boost the numbers:

Subject: Atheists such a desperately TINY minority, they claim Babies,
Monkeys, Cows, Rocks and Trees are Atheists! BWAAHAAHAHA!
Message-ID: <hDFcl.12231$>
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 12:53:33 GMT
rom: fasgnadh <>

# mark is ashamed his atheist views, so he turns archiving off:
# > X-No-Archive: yes
# > "bob young" <> wrote:
# >>Pink Freud tap danced:
# >>>Bob Young Wrote
# >>>>Pink Freud gibbered"
# >>>>>Duke wrote
# >>>>>>Pink Freud blathered:
# >>>>>>
# >>>>>>> All newborn babies are atheists, dolt.
# Incredible, Atheists know they are such a tiny, ignored,
# irrelevant and ineffectual minority that they have to claim
# BABIES as members, to boost their numbers!
# What next.. you will claim other primates? ..the rocks and trees????
# Face it, that would TRIPLE the average IQ of Atheism!!!!!!!
# >>>> They become brainwashed and then the smart ones see thru the
# >>>> con and become atheists,
# And that's your explanation why the intelligent, rational,
# Black BELIEVER was just elected as US president, because he hasn't
# 'become as smart' as you and all the other envious Atheist LOSERS!?
# bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaahahahahahahaahaaaahahaha!
# What year were you President of the Harvard Review again? {snicker}
# And YOUR accomplishments.. could you list them?
# here's the back of a matchbox.... B^D
# # From: Olrik <>
# # Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.religion,aus.religion,
# # alt.politics.republicans, alt.politics.democrats
# # Subject: Re: Faith does breed charity
# # - Atheist beliefs do not sustain community,
# # let alone Civilisation
# # Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 20:45:35 -0800 (PST)
# # Message-ID:
# <>
# #
# # "we don't gloat."
# You do nothing BUT GLOAT! B^p
# And no EVIDENCE of anything GLOATABLE!
# Only 5 Atheist Shithole TYRANNIES, to be ashamed of! B^p
# Like Racists, who actually BELIEVE that their SKIN COLOUR
# makes them smarter than everyone else, despite MOUNTAINS
# of evidence to the contrary, Atheists believe that simply
# by membership of their CULT, they have demonstrated
# >>>> usually fourteen years an onwards. In my case age 24.
# Just so it's clear, the smart ones wise up at 14
# and you only managed it by 24!
# That's the greatest self-awareness ever exhibited by an Atheist!!!
# Priceless!
# >>> Innocent or not, the answer to the question "Do newborn children #
>>> believe in god(s)?" is "No".
# "Do Monkeys and Cows believe in god(s)?" NO
# "Do Rocks and Trees believe in god(s)?" NO
# Do LUMPS OF SHIT believe in god(s) NO
# > Therefore, they are atheists.
# We can see why you atheists, being such ENORMOUS INTELLECTS,
# run the world!

Atheists are desperate to claim babies, amoeba, rocks and dog shit
as members of their cult becuae they know they are in relative
decline, with 300,000,000 new Chinese believers alone in the 7 years
atheist population in the USA reached 1,621,000

Why they do it, and who they think they are fooling, no one can tell.

Let's leave them sharing their ignorance with each other:


Jan 2, 2012, 6:22:10 PM1/2/12
On 3 Jan, 00:03, fasgnadh <> wrote:
> On 29/12/2011 4:02 PM, Colanth wrote:
> > On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 13:11:51 -0800, Christopher A. Lee
> > <>  wrote:
> >> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 15:03:16 -0500, Colanth<cola...@pern.invalid>
> >> wrote:
> >>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 10:16:04 -0800, Christopher A. Lee
> >>> <>  wrote:
> >>>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 13:03:53 -0500, Colanth<cola...@pern.invalid>
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:35:24 -0800 (PST), sarge
> >>>>> <>  wrote:
You clearly have little experience of Buddhism and think that words
like 'salvation' have anything remotely to do with the english word in
a religious context.

The Buddha didn't even believe in selves, let alone a giant self
called God or anything else. Devas were not gods, they were mortal.

> >>>>> So's the Christian god.
> WTF?
> The ONLY way that atheists can try to increase their
> numbers is to pretend that people, who deliberately
> DON'T identify as atheists, including believers, are atheists.
> Why they do it, and who they think they are fooling, no one can tell.
> Let's leave them sharing their ignorance with each other:
> >>>> Wasn't the original Buddha a Hindu?
> >>> According to his traditional biographies, he was shielded from
> >>> religion while he was growing up.
> >> OK, but he grew up in a Hindu society.
> > No, he grew up in a palace, where no religion was allowed.
> An early atheist regime!   B^D
> And the Buddha, who according to these fuckwits was an atheist,
>            REJECTED IT!!!!!!
And he rejected all the religions of his day and developed a non-
theist set of practices.
>   "Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
>       -Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
>    "We must combat religion"
>        -Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
>   “Down with religion and long live atheism;
>    the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
>       - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
>   "Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
>       - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
>   "How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
>       - Lenin

You're giving we theists a bad name by spouting off on things you are
ignorant about.


Jan 2, 2012, 7:22:14 PM1/2/12
On 29/12/2011 8:28 PM, Les Hellawell wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 23:56:40 -0800 (PST), Loirbaj
> <> wrote:
>> On 29/12/2011 6:24 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>>> Notice how none of the atheists can deal with the issue?
>>> Let alone refute any of my points with rational argument! B^D
>>> they snip the facts they can't deny and whine
>>> Take this weak prick for example:
>>> On 29/12/2011 7:56 AM, steve knight wrote:
>>>> On 28/12/2011 10:00 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>>>>> On 28/12/2011 9:32 PM, Loirbaj wrote:
>>>>>> On 28/12/2011 7:47 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>>>>>>> <unsnip>
>>>>>>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>>>>>>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>>>>>>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>>>>>>> Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by Abraham,
>>>>>>> Job,
>>>>>>> Isiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and all the other spiritual
>>>>>>> guides and founders of our modern global civilisation,
>>>>>>> and follow these ridiculous atheist dimwits and demagogues! B^D
>>>>>>> In a sickening display of the mindless idolatry practised by
>>>>>>> every one of the atheist tyrannies that have plagued the planet
>>>>>>> in the previous century, hysterical zombies acted out the brain-dead
>>>>>>> ritual grief so typical of totalitarian regimes that espouse atheistic
>>>>>>> materialism.
>>>>>>> "North Korea's government exercises virtual total control
>>>>>>> over society and imposes state sanctioned atheism"
>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>> All around the globe, people who value freedom of thought, speech and
>>>>>>> belief blithely ignored the passing of just another atheist tyrant..
>>>>>>> "God is Dead" - Nietzsche, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim ill Fuk
>>>>>>> "Kim is Dead" - God B^D
>>>>>>> "Mao is Dead" - God
>>>>>>> "Lenin is Dead" - God
>>>>>>> "Stalin is Dead" - God
>>>>>>> .. and the last atheist regime is moribund and in terminal decline.
>>>>>>> Atheism is a feeble joke.
>>>>>> Everywhere tried, everywhere FAILED: Atheism.
>>>>> Actually, for most of human history, while the religious
>>>>> built the great and enduring civilisations we all enjoy today,
>>>>> atheism was irrelevant, and remains so today.
>>>>> It never built a single free, open, democratic state, let alone
>>>>> the great and enduring civilisations built by believers.
>>>>> Atheists enjoy the modern secular democratic states created
>>>>> by MAJORITY RELIGIOUS populations in Europe, North America,
>>>>> Australia and the rest of the world, but without an appropriate
>>>>> sense of gratitude.
>>>>> And they have no shame about the series of failed totalitarian
>>>>> shitholes which are the only atheist states in 70,000 years of
>>>>> human history since Homo Sapiens emerged from Africa.
>>>>> And when you observe their responses, in this and other threads,
>>>>> you can see why atheism has never amounted to anything.
>>> So, atheists have nothing to say in their defence!
>>> The reason is that they can't mount a rational argument.
>>> What CAN you do, 'Warlord' Limpdick?
>>>> still having sex with the neighborhood dogs
>>> Someone call the RSPCA, those poor animals cannot have
>>> given their informed consent.
>>>> Warlord Steve
>>>> BAAWA
>>> Boring
>>> Atheist
>>> Arseholes
>>> Wanking
>>> Away
>> Everywhere tried, everywhere FAILED: Atheism.
> If that makes you happy go for it.

It makes the families who survived the atheist holocaust
in the 20th century, which killed over 60,000,000 people, happy!

They are dancing on the graves of the atheist regimes shattered
and destroyed by their own murderous incompetence:
Union of Savage Slaughter and Repression, Maoist China, Pol Pot's
Cambodian genocide.. assigned to the dustbin of failed atheist history.

> You might even manage to convince yourself if you
> try hard enough and do not look at all the more
> recent statistics

searching for any statistics from the atheist camp...



none posted.


Let me help you.

In the seven years atheist numbers in the USA grew from a
pathetic 902,000 to a feeble 1,621,000 the number of new believers
in China alone grew by 300,000,000!


Atheists are even a mere 4% of non-believers,

96% of NON-BELEIVERS also reject atheism!

> If you ask nicely your err 'friend' Chaff might
> give you some.


You have no figures, you ignore the ARIS data, acknowledged
as the most rigorous random sample survey on beliefs in the USA,
which show atheism is in relative DECLINE, and now you beg
someone else to go looking for something, ANYTHING
that might support your fantasy and lies.. because you have nothing!


> BTW ask him how mnay atheists there were in
> the world in 1900.

Clearly YOU don't know! You post NO FACTS WHATSOEVER!

Typical atheist: snip the facts, bluster and lie!

# "At the dawn of the 20th Century approximately one half
# of the world's population identified itself as either
# Muslim, Catholic, Protestant, Hindu or Buddhist, and 100
# years of secularism, and technological advancement, and
# scientific progress later and that number is now two thirds.
# So, for those of you who enjoy beginning coffee shop
# conversations with "The Death of God" .. it's time to change
# the subject! It's time to talk about something else , because
# it's not happening at all.
# People are becoming more religious, not less religious,
# and religion itself is also evolving"
# - Dr Reza Aslan


Atheism is declining as a percentage of people on the planet!


> Thanks for the laugh this dull morning :-)

We are laughing AT you, not with you, you mindless cretin.

> Atheists are not responsible

That's what atheists always say, especially when
confronted by the terror, torture, mass murder, decay,
despair and destruction caused by the atheist regimes,
EVERY one of which was a totalitarian shithole!

When people saw the holocaust that State Atheism unleashed
they became thankful

>for the actions of Christianity

Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, for creating and
sustaining great and enduring civilisations, and evolving
into the modern, tolerant, progressive secular states,
built by majority religious populations, which we all enjoy,
EVEN the atheist hypocrites like this wanker:

> Les Hellawell
> Greetings from:
> YORKSHIRE - The county of broad

arses and hubris enough to bury

> Acres



alt.atheism FAQ:

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin


Jan 2, 2012, 7:47:11 PM1/2/12
On 3/01/2012 2:04 AM, Paul David Wright wrote:
> On 30/12/2011 11:55 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>>>>> Everywhere tried, everywhere FAILED: Atheism.
>>>> Actually, for most of human history, while the religious
>>>> built the great and enduring civilisations we all enjoy today,
>>>> atheism was irrelevant, and remains so today.
>>>> It never built a single free, open, democratic state, let alone
>>>> the great and enduring civilisations built by believers.
>>>> Atheists enjoy the modern secular democratic states created
>>>> by MAJORITY RELIGIOUS populations in Europe, North America,
>>>> Australia and the rest of the world, but without an appropriate
>>>> sense of gratitude.
>>>> And they have no shame about the series of failed totalitarian
>>>> shitholes which are the only atheist states in 70,000 years of
>>>> human history since Homo Sapiens emerged from Africa.
>>>> And when you observe their responses, in this and other threads,
>>>> you can see why atheism has never amounted to anything.
>>> Your mere appearance, here, sends the
>>> atheists into a turmoil, so you must be near
>>> the top of their Most Feared list, Fasgnadh.

>> They don't like to talk about the horrific slaughter carried out by
>> every atheist regime in history.
>> Who can blame them for that, it's a more shameful past than any
>> religion, with no redeeming merit, as the religions have.
> Because, it didn't happen in the name of atheism,


"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

�Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!�
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

But it was not just the Atheism of the leadership,
but of the entire atheist State apparatus;

The Atheist leadership's policies were implemented under
the Red Terror, via gulags and executions, the use of
every arm of the state for anti-religious propaganda
and the forced indoctrination of CHILDREN! B^[

�We do not fight against believers and not even clergymen.
WE FIGHT AGAINST GOD to snatch believers from Him.�
-Vechernaia Moskva, a Soviet newspaper

�Let us drive out the Capitalists from the earth,
and God from Heaven!� (early Soviet slogan)

"the state established atheism as the only scientific truth."
- Daniel Peris,
"Storming the Heavens: The Soviet League of the Militant Godless"
Cornell University Press 1998 ISBN 9780801434853

"Criticism of atheism was strictly forbidden"

"Between 1917 and 1940, 130,000 Orthodox priests were arrested.
In 1918, the Cheka under Felix Dzerzhinsky executed over
3000 Orthodox clergymen of all ranks.
Some were drowned in ice-holes or poured over with cold water
in winter until they turned to ice-pillars.
- John Shelton Curtis, The Russian Church and the Soviet State
(Boston: Little Brown, 1953)

> which is a fact

something you never provide and can't refute.

Atheist states acted explicitly in the name of atheism,
not surprising given that all Party Members, the Politburo and
Central Committee were all atheists (of course their victims
were mostly NOT, but towards the end the atheists started to devour
even their own - ask Trotsky about their team loyalty pfffft! ).

# "State atheism is the official promotion of atheism
# by a government, typically by active suppression of
# religious freedom and practice."
# - "Protest for Religious Rights in the USSR:
# Characteristics and Consequences,
# David Kowalewski,
# Russian Review, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Oct., 1980), pp. 426-441,
# "An atheist, Pol Pot suppressed Cambodia�s Buddhist religion:
# monks were defrocked; temples and artifacts, including statues of
# Buddha, were destroyed; and people praying or expressing
# other religious sentiments were often killed.
# ...the government emptied the cities through mass evacuations
# and sent people to the countryside. Cambodians were overworked
# and underfed on collective farms, often succumbing to disease or
# starvation as a result. Spouses were separated and family meals
# prohibited in order to steer loyalties toward the state
# instead of the family.
# About 1.7 million Cambodians, or about 20 percent of the population,
# were worked, starved, or beaten to death under Pol Pot�s regime."
Now, run along, lightweight, once again I have provided
all the facts and rational argument and you have inflicted
nothing but your worthless and baseless OPINIONS and

I have left a stinking rubbish bin of your past lies and shite
outside the door for you to recycle in your next post;

> you keep conveniently leaving out.

I believe in giving others their due,
and so I'm happy to throw you a bone.


alt.atheism FAQ:

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

�Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!�


Jan 2, 2012, 8:59:46 PM1/2/12
On 3 Jan, 00:22, fasgnadh <> wrote:
> On 1/01/2012 11:15 AM, sarge wrote:
> > On 31 Dec 2011, 05:27, Colanth<cola...@pern.invalid>  wrote:
> >> On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 17:12:30 -0800 (PST), sarge
> >> <>  wrote:
> >>> On 29 Dec, 14:16, Colanth<cola...@pern.invalid>  wrote:
> >>>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 21:32:27 -0800 (PST), sarge
> >>>> <>  wrote:
> >>>>> On 29 Dec, 06:02, Colanth<cola...@pern.invalid>  wrote:
> >>>>>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 16:34:53 -0800 (PST), sarge
> >>>>>> <>  wrote:
> >>>>>>> On 28 Dec, 19:03, Colanth<cola...@pern.invalid>  wrote:
> >>>>>>>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:35:24 -0800 (PST), sarge
> >>>>>>>> <>  wrote:
> >>>>>>>>> On Dec 28, 9:47 am, fasgnadh<>  wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
> >>>>>>>>>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
> >>>>>>>>>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
> >>>>>>>>> The buddha was an atheist.
> So these are the things atheists believe in:      B^D
> "Buddhists accept the existence of beings in higher realms (see Buddhist
> cosmology), known as devas"

Some Buddhists do, the Buddha didn't. Devas are not gods, they are
not immortal. The Buddha was not a theist.

> "The Dharmakāya (Sanskrit: धर्म काय; Pali: धम्म कय, lit. "truth body" or
> "reality body") is a central idea in Mahayana Buddhism forming part of
> the Trikaya doctrine that was possibly first expounded in the
> Aṣṭasāhasrikā prajñā-pāramitā (The Perfection of Insight In Eight
> Thousand Verses), composed in the 1st century BCE. It constitutes the
> unmanifested, "inconceivable" (Sanskrit: acintya) aspect of a Buddha,
> out of which Buddhas – and indeed all "phenomena" (Sanskrit: dharmas) –
> arise, and to which they return after their dissolution.
> Buddhas are manifestations of the Dharmakaya called Nirmanakaya. Unlike
> ordinary unenlightened persons, Buddhas (and arhats) do not die (though
> their physical bodies undergo the cessation of biological functions and
> subsequent disintegration).

Because they do not exist in the sense we do. Anatma. And they
certainly are not God.

> In the Lotus Sutra (sixth fascicle) the Buddha explains that he has
> ===================================================================
> always and will always exist to lead beings to their salvation.
> ===================================================================
> This eternal aspect of Buddha is the Dharmakaya.
> ================================================
> The Dharmakaya may be considered the most sublime or truest
> reality in the universe."
>    -
> You have to admire the atheists whose ignorance is only exceeded
> by the flexibility with which they handle the truth!

You have to admire the gall of non-Buddhists thinking that some cut
and pasting from a religion they know nothing about proves anything.
And nothing you posted indicated, remotely, theism.


Jan 3, 2012, 12:40:26 AM1/3/12
"fasgnadh" is an atheist with an ax to grind. He'll wither away soon
enough, and come back next year with the exact same posts. Pitiful.


Jan 3, 2012, 8:58:41 AM1/3/12
Surfer keeps missing the wave:
> I think you mean majority secular populations.

You think wrong, I mean exactly what I said, the US population, for
example is 80% theist and 1.7% atheist, as ARIS data shows.

The secular democratic nation is what the majority religious
population built because they did not want the state interfering in
their religious freedoms - read the First Amendment.

How come no atheist state in history has ever managed a decent
democracy, or even a developing one like Indonesia, which has only been
at it since WWII enabled it to fight off Colonialism???

Don't you ever ask yourself, why atheist states always fail
catastrophically, and why the last one left, Nth Korea,
is such a pathetic shithole that it's people are forced
to eat grass, and it rates too low on the Human Development
Index for the UN to report on it!!!!! 8^o


> That is, people who
> prefer to be free from religious rule.

Which includes the majority of religious people, you dimwit.

They threw out the Monarchs in political revolutions and
certainly rejected their claim to rule by divine right!

After all it was the religious majority who wanted the separation
of Church and state, to ensure that the no one religion or
ideology could be allied to the power of the state and oppress all the
others,like what happened with every atheist regimes and some theocracies.

The secular state is the best protection for complete diversity
and freedom of religious beliefs, including non-belief.

Contrast that achievement of countries with majority religious
populations, with the atheist regimes, EVERY one of which was
an oppressive totalitarian tyranny.

The historical facts don't lie, but you do.

> So far that doesn't seem to be the case in Saudi Arabia, Iran and
> Pakistan,

Who said it did, dimwit?

If you could actually read what I said, AND understand it,
you would see that I said

1. EVERY Atheist state was a totalitarian tyranny. Not one
of them ever produced a decent secular democracy..

2. The progressive, tolerant, secular democracies were ALL
evolved in countries with a Majority Religious population,
eg the US, Australia, Canada , European Nations.

I did NOT claim that EVERY religious society produced
a secular democract, you fuckwit!

Many of them had arrested development, often due to
the brutal impact of Imperialism and Colonialism.

Indonesia, for example was colonised by the Dutch,
then taken by the Japanese. Under both occupations their
indigenous armed forces the TNI, were trained in a fascist
manner. After the war they fought a fierce armed struggle
for Independence, but their military remained brutal and
in the surface of corrupt politicians like Suharto, who pillaged
Indonesia like no otehr third world despot, taking an estimated
15 to 20 Billion while leader. With the TNI corrupted and
violent, it will take post-colonial countfies like Indonesia
a long time to develop a more genuine, functional democracy.

> which don't yet have progressive secular democratic
> societies,

of course not, most of the dictators in South America,
the Middle East, Africa and Asia came to power as post
colonial inheritors of the retreating Imperial powers,
and they used the same brutal fascist forms of control
and self-aggrandisement.

When the West was forced to bow to local demands for
independence in places like Iraq, it deliberately drew
up borders to create instability, (a third, Shia, a third
Sunni, and a third Kurds, with the Kurds divided across
the Turkish Border, The Shia split across the Iranian border and
the Sunni divided across the borders with other Arab countries,
Thus the three groups could each be armed from their respective
neighbours and aided by cross border insurgencies.

The resulting instability made it easer for the Oil interests
and their western governments to exploit national weakness.

It was that sort of designed chaos that produced the armed
nationalist movements in weak former colonies,
and gave rise to the Gaddafis & the Saddams in the Middle East and
the Pinochets in South America, where US companies in the 1970's owned
85% of all South American resources.

There are lots of reasons why former victims of Colonialism and
Imperialism were to weak to develop the institutions required
for a successful democratic state.

China, remember, was defeated and humiliated in the Opium Wars,
forced to allow the drug trade, enriching the British pushers,
who used that wealth Silks and Porcelains for the western
market. British hegemony was followed by the Japanese invasion,
and by that time the traditional society and government was
destroyed, creating an opportunity for Mao.

Mao's Cultural Devolution was a disastrous failure as was the
Great Leap Backward, millions perished and traditional
values were suppressed and persecuted.

After reforms allowing greater religious freedom, the Chinese
leadership now value the rapid expansion of religious belief
and practice as a source of social harmony.

Where religion is harnessed as a form of control exercised by the
ruling elites it has not been a source of social cohesion, but where
freedom of thought and belief are allowed, social progress is faster.

> even though the majority of their populations are
> religious.

Yawn, you really are stupid to have so misread or deliberately
misunderstood my thesis.

I never claimed ALL religious societies have produced
secular democracies, but that ALL secular democracies have been
produced by majority religious populations, and NO atheist
regime ever produced a democracy, good or bad. EVERY single
atheist regime has been a totalitarian tyranny.

Atheism is a massive failure in comparison to the success of the
more advanced religious societies and their secular democratic


Oh, just to forstall any further idiocy from you,
(you don't seem to have grasped basic logic regarding
the reversability of propositions) please note
that I did NOT claim ALL tyrannies are atheist regimes, but
only that all atheist regimes are tyrannies.

Which is no doubt why even atheists prefer to live in
the more progressive, more highly evolved MAJORITY RELIGIOUS
societies, rather than ANY atheist state.

>> Clearly you should reconsider your position as an atheist,
>> or stop being a hypocrite and migrate to some atheist utopia..

I could pass the hat around for your airfare to Nth Korea if you
would like to live in accordance with your bullshit atheist views,
rather than continue to be a hypocrite parasitically leeching off
the benefits provided by the majority religious.


Jan 3, 2012, 10:32:26 AM1/3/12
>> "The Dharmak?ya (Sanskrit: ???? ???; Pali: ???? ??, lit. "truth body" or
>> "reality body") is a central idea in Mahayana Buddhism forming part of
>> the Trikaya doctrine that was possibly first expounded in the
>> A??as?hasrik? praj�?-p?ramit? (The Perfection of Insight In Eight
Fastnuts does that no matter what subject he posts about.
"I heard somebody say, 'Where's Nelson Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead.
Because Saddam killed all the Mandelas." - George W. Bush


Jan 3, 2012, 4:03:24 PM1/3/12
sarge the athei-buddhist poser revealed as a fraud:
Not so, I began my interest in my early teens.

Now I am fascinated by the athei-buddhist beliefs that their souls
are re-incarnated!

How can you prove that you actually have an immaterial spirit,
as spoken of in all the other world religions as well as yours?


I see you quote nothing from the Sutras, have you even read the Pali
Canon you athei-buddhist poser and fraud!? B^D

> and think that words like 'salvation' have anything remotely to do
> with the english word in a religious context.

Oh so you claim that your sacred texts should not be read literally,
and that YOU have another interpretation of salvation, transmigration
of souls, devas, gods and eternal attributes like Dharmakaya! B^D

You clearly haven't grasped the fact that those words are not
mine, but those of Buddhists, who undoubtedly know more about their
own beliefs than desperate atheists trying, once again, to tell people
who clearly do not self-identify as atheists that they are atheists!


I know how they feel, I have you morons contradicting yourselves
by branding me an atheist one day and a theist the next, the only
thing that remains constant is atheist arrogance and stupidity:

This atheist liar claims he has a Divine Right to lie
about you if he doesn't know the truth:

# From: Olrik <>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.agnosticism,alt.religion
# Subject: Re: fasgnadh is defective
# Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2010 18:31:59 -0400
# Message-ID: <huh7l5$tss$>
# I can claim whatever I want. One day I say you're an atheist,
# then I claim you're a muslim.
# I can do that because you're not telling
# us if you believe in "god" or not.

So you admit you don't know, and are just lying.


But as we all know from discussions with atheists, being
proven liars doesn't stop them at all, they just keep on
brazenly lying, in total contradiction to their other lies!

# From: Olrik <>
# Newsgroups: alt.abortion,alt.atheism
# Subject: Re: fasgnadh is an atheist
# Date: Sun, 08 Nov 2009 00:49:38 -0500
# Message-ID: <hd5m8q$91a$>
# fasgnadh is an atheist.

# From: Olrik <>
# Newsgroups:
# Subject: Re: The new video from Pat Condell -- fasgnadh is a muslim
# Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2010 01:13:01 -0400
# Message-ID: <hufap5$ghh$>
# Oh look!
# It's fasgnadh, a.a.'s very own islamist!

# From: Olrik <>
# Newsgroups:
# Subject: Re: Communist states - the Historical Reality
# Date: Sat, 05 Jun 2010 01:12:48 -0400
# Message-ID: <hucmco$5v5$>
# fasgnadh is still an atheist, and the poor thing still refuses to
admit it.

# From: JayPee Vee <>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,talk.atheism,alt.agnosticism,alt.usenet.kooks
# Subject: Re: Atheist liars Syd Moron, China Glue and Olrik the
# Unworthy unable to show proof of a lie -
# demonstrates their absence of honesty... again! B^D
# Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 14:27:26 -0700 (PDT)
# On 31 Mrz., 22:54, fasgnadh <> wrote:
# > Olrik joins the atheist liar tag team B^D :
# Fagsnag
# he's a closet theist.

# From: Olrik <>
# Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 16:28:41 -0400
# Message-ID: <hp0b9v$ols$>
# fasgnadh,why don't you once and for all admit that you're an atheist ?
# It'd be the right thing to do.

# From: Olrik <>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.agnosticism
# Subject: Re: Is fasgnadh a muslim? Sure looks like it!
# Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 00:03:55 -0400
# Message-ID: <huv0vq$kub$>
# Le 2010-06-11 23:26, fasgnadh a écrit :
# > Heike Hoffmann wrote:
# >
# >> Could you please tell me if you personally believe that an Atheist
# >> should be able to defend his or her convictions
# >
# > Yes irrespective of what heinous crime he, or she, has committed,
# > even atheists should be able to defend themselves.. of course many,
# > like Virgil and Olrik, are incapable of any rational defence and
# > simply lie and slander.. which is why they are so often convicted.
# Unlike fasgnadh, I do not support and cheer a religion

# From: raven1 <>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,talk.atheism,alt.religion,
# alt.politics.republicans,alt.politics.democrats,
# uk.politics.misc,aus.politics,alt.politics.communism
# Subject: Re: The Decline of alt atheism - and time to say farewell to
the most trivial and useless branch of Nihilism! B^D
# Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 16:26:06 -0400
# Message-ID: <>
# > Dear old "fasgnadh" asserts his deity exists, but can't prove it.
# Fasgnadh has never asserted that a deity exists, and recently admitted
# to being agnostic. He's not here to push a deity, he's here to push
# peoples buttons.

# From: Olrik <>
# Newsgroups:,alt.atheism
# Subject: Re: Answering Atheists Concerning God
# Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2010 00:40:30 -0400
# Message-ID: <hp3sg0$o7g$>
# either you are a believer (theist) or an atheist.
# If you don't chose, it does not mean you're an "agnostic", it means
# you're a hypocrite.

That means there are three possibilities, you said there were only two!


Either it's a binary choice or it it isn't, ;-)

If not choosing, is a third possible outcome, including the options
agnostic, hypocrite, Jedi, Satanist, Pagan, Occultist,
Astrologer, don't care, or stick your bifurcation error up your
stupid atheist arse.....

then it isn't a binary choice.

you are fucked, Olrik.

> The Buddha didn't even believe in selves, let alone a giant self
> called God or anything else. Devas were not gods, they were mortal.

You clearly have little experience of Buddhism,
perhaps your brain was fried by an encounter with
a Celestial deva, like the one who came to Buddha in the
shape of a Brahman; B^D

# ON a certain day when the Blessed One dwelt at jetavana,
# the garden of Anathapindika, a celestial deva came to him
# in the shape of a Brahman whose countenance was bright
# and whose garments were white like snow. The deva asked
# questions which the Blessed One answered.
# The deva said: "What is the sharpest sword? What is the
# deadliest poison? What is the fiercest fire?
# What is the darkest night?"
# The Blessed One replied: "A word spoken in wrath is the
# sharpest sword; covetousness is the deadliest poison;
# passion is the fiercest fire;
# ignorance is the darkest night."

"A deva (देव Sanskrit and Pāli) in Buddhism is one of many different
types of non-human beings who share the characteristics of being more
powerful, longer-lived, and, in general, living more contentedly than
the average human being.

Other words used in Buddhist texts to refer to similar supernatural
beings are devatā "deity" and devaputra (Pāli: devaputta) "son of the
gods". "

# As long as the absolutely true knowledge and insight as regards
# these Four Noble Truths was not quite clear in me, so long was I not
# sure, whether I had won that supreme Enlightenment which is
# unsurpassed in all the world with its heavenly beings, evil spirits
# and gods,

Heaven and Hell in Buddist Sutras:

# 3. 10. Devadåtasuttaü
# (130) The Heavenly Messengers
# I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery
# offered by Anàthapiïóika in Jeta's grove in Sàvatthi. The Blessed One
# addressed the bhikkhus from there.
# These good beings conducting well by body, speech and mind,
# not blaming noble ones, developing right view, bearing
# the right view of actions, at the breakup of the body, after death,
# go to increase, are born in heaven
# These good beings conducting well by body, speech and mind,
# not blaming noble ones, developing right view, bearing the
# right view of actions, at the breakup of the body, after death,
# are born with humans.
# These good beings mis -conducting by body,
# speech and mind, blaming noble ones, developing wrong view,
# bearing the wrong view of actions, at the breakup of the body,
# after death, are born in the sphere of ghosts
# These good beings misconducting by body, speech and mind,
# blaming noble ones, developing wrong view, bearing the wrong
# view of actions, at the breakup of the body, after death,
# are born with animals.
# These good beings misconducting by body, speech and mind,
# blaming noble ones, developing wrong view, bearing the
# wrong view of actions, at the breakup of the body, after
# death, decrease, and are born in hell.

So do you athei-Buddhists believe you will be reborn as animals or
in hell!?


>>>>>>> So's the Christian god.
>> WTF?
>> The ONLY way that atheists can try to increase their
>> numbers is to pretend that people, who deliberately
>> DON'T identify as atheists, including believers, are atheists.
>> Why they do it, and who they think they are fooling, no one can tell.
>> Let's leave them sharing their ignorance with each other:
>>>>>> Wasn't the original Buddha a Hindu?
>>>>> According to his traditional biographies, he was shielded from
>>>>> religion while he was growing up.
>>>> OK, but he grew up in a Hindu society.
>>> No, he grew up in a palace, where no religion was allowed.
>> An early atheist regime! B^D
>> And the Buddha, who according to these fuckwits was an atheist,
>> REJECTED IT!!!!!!
> And he rejected all the religions of his day and developed a non-
> theist set of practices.

So, if he rejected the atheist regime AND the other religions
then he must have been an AGNOSTIC, like me! B^D

However, NONE of you atheists claiming to be part of the
Buddhist RELIGION, ever post any Buddhist text as evidence for
YOUR claims.

I'm the only one who has any proof of what they say...
looks like your religions is the same as all the
others, a MATTER OF BELIEF with no evidence
and based on INTERPRETATION! B^D

You are no different to the Fundie Creationists! 8^o

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin


Jan 3, 2012, 4:58:41 PM1/3/12
Colanth demonstrates he can't discuss Buddhist beliefs:
> On Mon, 2 Jan 2012 15:22:10 -0800 (PST), sarge
> <> wrote:
>> On 3 Jan, 00:03, fasgnadh<> wrote:
>>> On 29/12/2011 4:02 PM, Colanth wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 13:11:51 -0800, Christopher A. Lee
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 15:03:16 -0500, Colanth<cola...@pern.invalid>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 10:16:04 -0800, Christopher A. Lee
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 13:03:53 -0500, Colanth<cola...@pern.invalid>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:35:24 -0800 (PST), sarge
>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Dec 28, 9:47 am, fasgnadh<> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>>>>>>>>>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>>>>>>>>>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>>>>>>>>> The buddha was an atheist.

Colanth said earlier that the Buddha "grew up in a palace, where no
religion was allowed."

An early atheist regime! B^D

And the Buddha, who according to these fuckwits was an atheist,


Sarge agreed

"And he rejected..."

Whatever else he rejected, he rejected atheism.

IF he also rejected religion (strange given the fact that he STARTED
ONE, and is WORSHIPPED) then he must be an agnostic, like me!

>>> So these are the things atheists believe in: B^D

And I'm the only one who actually provides EVIDENCE based on the
Buddhist Canon, (none of these atheist pretenders do, they
clearly know nothing about their Religion, just like the
other fundies they attack!

Colant seems to have nothing to say about Buddhist beliefs,
it seems he is too ignorant about them to respond.

Why for example do atheis-buddhist believe in devase "who have no
physical form or location" when they claim there can't be a God
who has no physical form or location?

Can any of the readers explain the atheist contradiction and HYPOCRISY,
apart from the fact that they are atheists!? B^D

>>> "Buddhists accept the existence of beings in higher realms (see Buddhist
>>> cosmology), known as devas"
>>> "The Dharmak?ya (Sanskrit: ???? ???; Pali: ???? ??, lit. "truth body" or
>>> "reality body") is a central idea in Mahayana Buddhism forming part of
>>> the Trikaya doctrine that was possibly first expounded in the
>>> A??as?hasrik? prajñ?-p?ramit? (The Perfection of Insight In Eight
>>> Thousand Verses), composed in the 1st century BCE. It constitutes the
>>> unmanifested, "inconceivable" (Sanskrit: acintya) aspect of a Buddha,
>>> out of which Buddhas – and indeed all "phenomena" (Sanskrit: dharmas) –
>>> arise, and to which they return after their dissolution.
>>> Buddhas are manifestations of the Dharmakaya called Nirmanakaya. Unlike
>>> ordinary unenlightened persons, Buddhas (and arhats) do not die (though
>>> their physical bodies undergo the cessation of biological functions and
>>> subsequent disintegration).
>>> In the Lotus Sutra (sixth fascicle) the Buddha explains that he has
>>> ===================================================================
>>> always and will always exist to lead beings to their salvation.
>>> ===================================================================
>>> This eternal aspect of Buddha is the Dharmakaya.
>>> ================================================
>>> The Dharmakaya may be considered the most sublime or truest
>>> reality in the universe."
>>> -
>>> You have to admire the atheists whose ignorance is only exceeded
>>> by the flexibility with which they handle the truth!
>> You clearly have little experience of Buddhism

Untrue, I began my interest in my early teens.

I see YOU ATHEISTS quote nothing from the Sutras, have you even read
the Pali Canon you athei-buddhist poser and fraud!?? B^D

Now, I am fascinated by the athei-buddhist beliefs that their souls
are re-incarnated!

How can you prove that you actually have an immaterial spirit,
as spoken of in all the other world religions as well as yours?


>> and think that words like 'salvation'
>> have anything remotely to do with the english word in
>> a religious context.

I didn't say ANYTHING about what *I* think about those words,
I simply quoted them and asked the atheists who pretend to
be Buddhists to EXPLAIN THEM!!!!


Clearly THEY CAN'T, because they are PIG IGNORANT about their Religion,
just like they are about everything else!


So, here we have them claiming that their sacred texts should
not be read literally, and that THEY have another INTERPRETATION
of "salvation", "transmigration of souls", "devas", "gods" and "eternal
attributes" like "Dharmakaya"! B^D

They clearly haven't grasped the fact that those words are not
mine, but those of Buddhists, who undoubtedly know more about their
own beliefs than desperate atheists trying, once again, to tell people
who clearly do not self-identify as atheists, that they are atheists!!!!


I know how the Buddhists feel, I have atheists contradicting themselves
If not choosing, is a third possible outcome, including the options
agnostic, hypocrite, Jedi, Satanist, Pagan, Occultist,
Astrologer, don't care, or stick your bifurcation error up your
stupid atheist arse.....

then it isn't a binary choice.

>> The Buddha didn't even believe in selves, let alone a giant self
>> called God or anything else. Devas were not gods, they were mortal.

You clearly have little experience of Buddhism,
perhaps your brain was fried by an encounter with
a Celestial deva, like the one who came to Buddha in the
shape of a Brahman; B^D

# ON a certain day when the Blessed One dwelt at jetavana,
# the garden of Anathapindika, a celestial deva came to him
# in the shape of a Brahman whose countenance was bright
# and whose garments were white like snow. The deva asked
# questions which the Blessed One answered.

Why can't the atheists explain how a "Celestial Deva"
who shape-shifts is simple human!?


Please understand, I'm not disputing the Buddhist religious
texts, as an agnostic I'm just asking how atheists can
explain the SUPERNATURAL EVENTS they believe in WITHOUT
ANY EVIDENCE THAT THEY OCCURRED or why the physical laws
of the Universe can be broken by atheist religion but not
by, say Jesus resurrecting.. after all is that more magical
that athesit belief in re-incarnation????

Why can none of these ATHEIST FRAUDS rationally discuss
their BELIEFS when they have NO MORE PROOF FOR THEM than any
other religion does!???

# The deva said: "What is the sharpest sword? What is the
# deadliest poison? What is the fiercest fire?
# What is the darkest night?"
# The Blessed One replied: "A word spoken in wrath is the
# sharpest sword; covetousness is the deadliest poison;
# passion is the fiercest fire;
# ignorance is the darkest night."

"A deva (देव Sanskrit and Pāli) in Buddhism is one of many different
types of non-human beings who share the characteristics of being more
powerful, longer-lived, and, in general, living more contentedly than
the average human being.

Other words used in Buddhist texts to refer to similar supernatural
beings are devatā "deity" and devaputra (Pāli: devaputta) "son of the
gods". "

>>>>>>>> So's the Christian god.
>>> WTF?
>>> The ONLY way that atheists can try to increase their
>>> numbers is to pretend that people, who deliberately
>>> DON'T identify as atheists, including believers, are atheists.
>>> Why they do it, and who they think they are fooling, no one can tell.
>>> Let's leave them sharing their ignorance with each other:
>>>>>>> Wasn't the original Buddha a Hindu?
>>>>>> According to his traditional biographies, he was shielded from
>>>>>> religion while he was growing up.
>>>>> OK, but he grew up in a Hindu society.
>>>> No, he grew up in a palace, where no religion was allowed.
>>> An early atheist regime! B^D
>>> And the Buddha, who according to these fuckwits was an atheist,
>>> REJECTED IT!!!!!!
>> And he rejected all the religions of his day and developed a non-
>> theist set of practices.

So, if he rejected the atheist regime AND the other religions
then he must have been an AGNOSTIC, like me! B^D

However, NONE of you atheists claiming to be part of the
Buddhist RELIGION, ever post any Buddhist text as evidence for
YOUR claims.

Why can't you do it, you ignorant frauds!?

I'm the only one who has any proof of what they say...
looks like your religions is the same as all the
others, a MATTER OF BELIEF with no evidence
and based on INTERPRETATION! B^D

You are no different to the Fundie Creationists! 8^o

Where's Bukakke when you need her! B^D
I merely QUOTED Buddhist texts and asked YOU to explain YOUR
religion. and you can't, and you have no proof for your
belief in the supernatural!!!

Irrational atheism! B^]

I'm an agnostic, you cretin, so how can I be giving theism
a bad name!? B^D

All you fools do when questioned is get nasty with the
questionar, abusive ad hom and evasion of the questions.

Clearly I know more about the Sutras than any of you.

All I'm doing is quoting the sacred texts of YOUR religion
and asking you to explain the supernatural events, such
as re-incarnation or Buddha talking to celestial shape-shifters,
and to provide EVIDENCE of YOUR religious interpretation..

and none of you posers and pretenders can do either!

It's fascinating to see that atheists subconsciously
want a religion so bad they embrace one, even though
they have no proof for their mystical beliefs!

> Fastnuts does that no matter what subject he posts about.

I'm the only one in this discussion who demonstrates that he
actually knows the Sutras and quotes from them. B^D

All you atheists are the ones who are clearly unable to explain
the religious texts you claim are YOURS!


BTW, How long do you atheists think you will have to wait
for the Second Coming of Buddha, according to your prophecies:

"Maitreya (Sanskrit), Metteyya (Pāli), or Jampa (Tibetan), is foretold
as a future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology. In some
Buddhist literature, such as the Amitabha Sutra and the Lotus Sutra, he
or she is referred to as Ajita Bodhisattva.

Maitreya is a bodhisattva who in the Buddhist tradition is to appear on
Earth, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma.
According to scriptures, Maitreya will be a successor of the historic
Śākyamuni Buddha. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya references a
time when the Dharma will seem to be forgotten on Jambudvipa. It is
found in the canonical literature of all Buddhist sects (Theravāda,
Mahāyāna, Vajrayāna), and is accepted by most Buddhists as a statement
about an event that will take place when the Dharma will seem to be
forgotten on Earth."

The real Buddhists are already preparing for the Second Coming:,_Nubra.jpg



alt.atheism FAQ:

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin


Jan 4, 2012, 12:01:17 AM1/4/12

The atheist going by the user name "fasgnadh" is obsessed with me, and
is still struggling with his atheism, despite his claims that his
"faith" killed tens of millions of people.

"fasgnadh" addresses that contradiction by trying to be a fence sitter,
a so-called "agnostic", despite the fact that he repeatedly praises all

"fasgnadh", I'm asking you: do believe in the God of the Bible? Or
Allah? Or Yahweh?


Jan 4, 2012, 12:04:02 AM1/4/12
"fasgnadh", accept your atheism. You're not fooling anyone after all
these years.

Andrew W

Jan 4, 2012, 9:53:39 PM1/4/12
"fasgnadh" <> wrote in message
> "Down with religion and long live atheism;
> the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!"
> - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
> "Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
> - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

There's your problem. You're relying on a bunch of political crazies to set
your definitions.
No atrocities were ever committed simply in the name of 'there is no god'.
They were all political / greed / power etc. related.

> But it was not just the Atheism of the leadership,
> but of the entire atheist State apparatus;

Politics has a way of doing that to a nation. Its kind of like religion in
that sense.

> The Atheist leadership's policies were implemented under
> the Red Terror, via gulags and executions, the use of
> every arm of the state for anti-religious propaganda
> and the forced indoctrination of CHILDREN! B^[
> "We do not fight against believers and not even clergymen.
> WE FIGHT AGAINST GOD to snatch believers from Him."
> -Vechernaia Moskva, a Soviet newspaper
> "Let us drive out the Capitalists from the earth,
> and God from Heaven!" (early Soviet slogan)
> "the state established atheism as the only scientific truth."
> - Daniel Peris,
> "Storming the Heavens: The Soviet League of the Militant Godless"
> Cornell University Press 1998 ISBN 9780801434853
> "Criticism of atheism was strictly forbidden"

<snip to save bandwidth>

No man becomes a slave until he ceases to be his own master.
Christianity - the religion of subjugation.


Jan 6, 2012, 12:26:38 AM1/6/12
On 3 Jan, 22:58, fasgnadh <> wrote:
> Colanth demonstrates he can't discuss Buddhist beliefs:
> > On Mon, 2 Jan 2012 15:22:10 -0800 (PST), sarge
> > <>  wrote:
If you want to make up shit you are obviously free to do so, but keep
me out of your lies.

The Buddha rejected the theisms of his region and day and he followed
a non theist path.

> IF he also rejected religion (strange given the fact that he STARTED
> ONE, and is WORSHIPPED) then he must be an agnostic, like me!

He started what gets called a religion and certainly by some
definitions it is one. But its not a theism. And the Buddha was not a

> >>> So these are the things atheists believe in:      B^D
> And I'm the only one who actually provides EVIDENCE based on the
> Buddhist Canon, (none of these atheist pretenders do, they
> clearly know nothing about their Religion, just like the
> other fundies they attack!

You are a fundy since you take the late Buddhist tests literally. Duh.


Jan 6, 2012, 12:29:02 AM1/6/12
On 3 Jan, 22:58, fasgnadh <> wrote:

> I see YOU ATHEISTS  quote nothing from the Sutras, have you even read
> the Pali Canon you athei-buddhist poser and fraud!??     B^D

I'm not an atheist you moron. I'm a theist.

> I didn't say ANYTHING about what *I* think about those words,
> I simply quoted them and asked the atheists who pretend to
> be Buddhists to EXPLAIN THEM!!!!

No, that's not what you did. You presented them and then celebrated
your victory. Which meant you were claiming they supported your
position, which they do not.


Jan 6, 2012, 12:40:40 AM1/6/12
yeah, that's because you project your Western ideas on another
culture's ideas. A pattern is repeated, there is no self to

> How can you prove that you actually have an immaterial spirit,
> as spoken of in all the other world religions as well as yours?

I'm not a buddhist, moron, I have just studied Buddhism in context, in

And even if Buddhists believed in an immaterial spirit this does not
make them theists.

You repeatedly and even after this is pointed out make the same
idiotic mistake. Belief in something supernatural, for example Devas,
does not equal theism.

Here what devas are, but note, they are not something the Buddha put

A deva (देव Sanskrit and Pāli) in Buddhism is one of many different
types of non-human beings who share the characteristics of being more
powerful, longer-lived, and, in general, living more contentedly than
the average human being.

I notice you avoid quoting the Buddha, but only follow secondary
sources and have an attachment for Tibetan Buddhism.

Nice and slippery.


Jan 7, 2012, 9:20:51 AM1/7/12
On 3/01/2012 2:04 AM, Paul David Wright wrote:
> On 30/12/2011 11:55 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>> On 30/12/2011 6:58 PM, Loirbaj wrote:
>>> Who do the deviants fear more:
>>> Fasgnadh or Bill the Atheist Killer or
>>> Loirbaj or US4Z or All Seeing or Jahnu
>>> or Jon Young or Dave?
>> I'm not interested in a competition to upset people.
>> It just seems that talking about the real history of atheism
>> makes them all hysterical and in denial.
>>> Your mere appearance, here,
>> Just One thread has them all apoplectic! B^D
>> I haven't been bothered with their sheltered workshop
>> for over 12 months, and popping in to commiserate on the
>> loss of the leader of their last atheist state seems to have made
>> them as hysterical with grief as their Nth Korean comrades.
>> > sends the
>>> atheists into a turmoil, so you must be near
>>> the top of their Most Feared list, Fasgnadh.
>> They don't like to talk about the horrific slaughter carried out by
>> every atheist regime in history.
> Because, it didn't happen in the name of atheism, which is a fact you
> keep conveniently leaving out.

That's like saying the the Holocaust wasn't Anti-Semitism
because it wasn't carried out in the name of Anti-Semitism.. idiotic.

Besides, you are simply wrong, the Atheist state which
did all the terror, torture and mass murder EXPLICITLY
did it in the name of atheism;

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin

>> Who can blame them for that, it's a more shameful past than any
>> religion, with no redeeming merit, as the religions have.

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)


Jan 7, 2012, 9:47:33 AM1/7/12
Those atheists you defend by attacking my criticism of
their brutal totalitarian tyranny, are not my problem,
they're yours.

> You're relying on a bunch of political crazies to set
> your definitions.

All the atheist tyrants were crazies, all the atheist states
were insane, They don't set my definitions, they define the history
of atheism.

There are no other kinds of atheist states, not a single decent
democracy.. they were all totalitarian shitholes and they terrorised,
tortures and killed over 60,000,000 people.

It's not about 'definitions you immoral atheist maggott, it's about
the millions of victims whose blood is on the hands of the atheist
tyrants, and on yours for making yourself complicit by defending
the atheist killers.

> No atrocities were ever committed simply in the name of 'there is no god'.

That's like neo Nazis claiming "no atrocities were ever committed simply
in the name of Anti-Semitic hatred" .. that's because
murderous psychopaths are rarely honest and open about their evil deeds!

In the case of the atheist states the atrocities were EXPLICITLY
CARRIED OUT IN THE nAME OF **ATHEISM** and their leaders made clear:

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin

Their media proclaimed the atheist war on believers;

“We do not fight against believers and not even clergymen.
WE FIGHT AGAINST GOD to snatch believers from Him.”
-Vechernaia Moskva, a Soviet newspaper

“Let us drive out the Capitalists from the earth,
and God from Heaven!” (early Soviet slogan)

The schools inplemented the atheists policy of the FORCED
was corrupted by their ideology:

"the state established atheism as the only scientific truth."
- Daniel Peris,
"Storming the Heavens: The Soviet League of the Militant Godless"
Cornell University Press 1998 ISBN 9780801434853

The atheist tyranny removed free speech and other rights;

"Criticism of atheism was strictly forbidden"

And the atheist state carried out the killings:

"Between 1917 and 1940, 130,000 Orthodox priests were arrested.
In 1918, the Cheka under Felix Dzerzhinsky executed over
3000 Orthodox clergymen of all ranks.
Some were drowned in ice-holes or poured over with cold water
in winter until they turned to ice-pillars.

-John Shelton Curtis, The Russian Church and the Soviet State
(Boston: Little Brown, 1953)

> They were all political / greed / power etc. related.

Sure, all the members of the atheist tyranny were greedy, political
power seekers.. and there is nothing in atheism that constrains
of forbids their actions!

At least when corrupt elements pervert religious groups
and carry out murder we can all see that such acts are
in CONTRAVENTION of the beliefs, ethical principles and
of the religion.

Atheism has none.

>> But it was not just the Atheism of the leadership,
>> but of the entire atheist State apparatus;
> Politics has a way of doing that to a nation.

Politics is just a description of how nations are governed..
In the modern secular democracies created by
majority religious people politics produces tolerance,
freedom, progress..

In EVERY atheist state, atheist politics produced terror
torture and death on a horrific scale.

When the atheist states destroyed themselves by their
bloody slaughter, repression and utter incompetence,
the people embraced freedom of belief, or speech and of thought..
The politics of tolerance and human rights...

> Its kind of like religion in that sense.

Wheras atheist states were kind of like Hell on Earth.

>> The Atheist leadership's policies were implemented under
>> the Red Terror, via gulags and executions, the use of
>> every arm of the state for anti-religious propaganda
>> and the forced indoctrination of CHILDREN! B^[
>> "We do not fight against believers and not even clergymen.
>> WE FIGHT AGAINST GOD to snatch believers from Him."
>> -Vechernaia Moskva, a Soviet newspaper
>> "Let us drive out the Capitalists from the earth,
>> and God from Heaven!" (early Soviet slogan)
>> "the state established atheism as the only scientific truth."
>> - Daniel Peris,
>> "Storming the Heavens: The Soviet League of the Militant Godless"
>> Cornell University Press 1998 ISBN 9780801434853
>> "Criticism of atheism was strictly forbidden"
> <snip to

Avoid all of the facts you can't refute,

run away little chicken...

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)


Jan 8, 2012, 6:07:28 PM1/8/12
"When the Sun of Mankind was born, in a humble log cabin on his
nation's holiest mountain, a new bright star shone in the heavens, and
a double rainbow appeared. The birds sang songs of praise in human
voice. The Sun of Mankind's father, though his mortal body is dead,
rules in eternity, and his spirit is reincarnated in the Sun of
Mankind. The Sun of Mankind is also known as the Great Man Who
Descended From Heaven."



Jan 12, 2012, 8:49:31 AM1/12/12
On 2/01/2012 10:38 AM, Gregor wrote:
> On 28/12/2011 7:47 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
> I kind of thought it was cool

Well, that's a bit heartless, but you're right, it was the
death of an atheist tyrant, so whose crying!?
>> Atheism is a feeble joke.

So is the pretence

> that Hitler was a Catholic,

Hitler pretended long enough to get support, then once in power,
the JW's and any religious group that dared to criticise his Fascist
regime joined the Jews and Gypsies in concentration camps.

> and Stalin was working towards the Priesthood
> in the Russian Orthodox Church.

Stalin was an atheist:

"You know, they are fooling us, there is no God...
all this talk about God is sheer nonsense"
- Stalin
E. Yaroslavsky, Landmarks in the Life of Stalin,
Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1940

Of course he went to an orthodox school, the atheists sure as
shit never had a school, the religious school was the
ONLY one available. But Stalin dropped out to become an atheist
thug and went on to be an atheist mass murderer.

He's one of YOURS! B^]

> Why do you hate people of faith and their goals in life?

I don't. Why do you atheists deny your fellow atheists
are atheists.. is it the shame, or simply your dishonesty?

Brave Burger

Jan 13, 2012, 9:57:17 AM1/13/12

Why do you witchhunt atheists?
Why do you see atheists everywhere?
I am one and I couldn`t care less what religion
another follows as long as he or she doesn`t
bother me with it, or forces me to partake in it.
You can belief in fairies or leprechauns or
obducting aliens and I wouldn`t give a flying fuck.
You have chosen a flavour of religion of your liking
and good luck with that, I hope it makes you happy.
Noe stop bothering us and continue in your personal
chosen delusion.


Feb 10, 2012, 3:59:06 PM2/10/12
On 30/12/2011 11:34 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
> Pelican :
>> "fasgnadh" <> wrote in message
>> news:RceLq.932$
>>> Michael Gordge conceded all my criticisms of atheism and blathered:
>>>> On 28/12/2011 7:47 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>>>>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>>>>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>>>>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>>>>> Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by Abraham,
>>>>> Job,
>>>>> Isiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and all the other spiritual
>>>>> guides and founders of our modern global civilisation,
>>>>> and follow these ridiculous atheist dimwits and demagogues! B^D
>>>> Where's the rational wisdom being shown when mumbling morons talk
>>>> about an unfucked woman giving birth and a stone cold dead person, who
>>>> was apparently the saviour of man, getting up and walking away never
>>>> to be seen or heard from again?
>>>> MG
>>> Sorry, you want me to comment on what you mumbling morons talk about???
>>> That's of no interest to me whatsoever.
>> A very quick white flag.
> Well if you can demonstrate how in any way what he wrote constitutes
> wisdom from those influential figures, then lets hear it.

At that point, Pelican flew away

And Michael Gordge couldn't defend his garbage strawman at all.

So that's another two empty atheist windbags who fold
instantly when their mindless ad hom is challenged

I'm compiling the updated list of scalps taken in alt.atheism,
sheltered workshop for intellectual cripples.

> And if he wanted me to tell him what rational wisdom is found in
> the teachings of Jesus, or Mohammed or Buddha, then surely he would have
> asked, instead of presenting us with his rhetorical gibberish.
> Instead of asking for information, or (even less likely) presenting
> some, why don't you all snip the subject, replace it with some
> garbled nonsense, and then all congratulate yourselves on winning
> the argument!
> Here's a suggestion, read the paragraph Gorge disgorged and then
> tell me which of the religious teachers I listed taught it.

they couldn't.

> Cite chapter and verse so we can verify why any of you think
> is is part of the canon of wisdom they taught.

They speak from utter IGNORANCE

> Feel free to put your heads together, maybe you will reach critical
> brain mass and produce a rational thought.
> Here's a guiding precept in logic which you might reflect upon:
> Listing things that you do NOT consider wisdom does NOT
> in any way prove that no wisdom exists. It merely shows
> a degree of intellectual dishonesty we have come to expect
> from those who do not think it is wise to discourage lying.
> i.e. atheists (among others).
> If it is wise to discourage lying then all of those spiritual
> teachers taught wisdom.
> The wisdom I referred to is copious and diverse. There are laws,
> which for millennia bound communities together and provided a foundation
> for their social, political and economic progress.
> Here's some examples: Thou shalt not steal.
> If you prefer to live in nations where it is endemic, be my guest.
> ditto for Murder.
> If you disagree that such laws are wise then explain why.

Silence from the peanut gallery.

> Then there are more subtle teachings, as the laws provided the
> foundation stones to civilise primitive societies, ethical constructs
> were added:
> Virtues such as Compassion (Buddha's speciality, but also taught by
> Jesus, Mohammed, et al) Love, Hope, Charity, Trustworthiness.
> Have none of you heard of this wisdom? How deep IS your ignorance?
> The role of forgiveness was explained and encouraged.
> If you demonstrate how these are unwise then I will concede you have
> shown religion bereft of wisdom, if not, you should concede that there
> is " rational wisdom revealed by Abraham, Job, Isiah, Moses, Jesus,
> Mohammed, Buddha" and that such wisdom is denied by atheists..
> as you and Gorge and the other hangers on have demonstrated in this thread.
> Or will you all continue to raise smoke and mirrors and
> pretend that I, rather than those who snip and run from the very subject
> of this thread, have raised a white flag?

Ex- Atheist, now Prophet, Richard Dawkins claims that some atheist
"Gods have come into being.." somewhere in the Universe "by an
explicable scientific progression of incremental evolution",
(which no atheist can explain). B^D

# "After two hours of conversation, Professor Dawkins walks far afield.
# He talks of the possibility that we might co-evolve with computers, a
# silicon destiny. And he’s intrigued by the playful, even soul-stirring
# writings of Freeman Dyson, the theoretical physicist.
# 'In one essay, Professor Dyson casts millions of speculative years
# into the future. Our galaxy is dying and humans have evolved into
# something like bolts of superpowerful intelligent and moral energy.
# Doesn’t that description sound an awful lot like God?
# "Certainly," Professor Dawkins replies. "It’s highly plausible that
# in the universe there are God-like creatures."
# He raises his hand,

# just in case a reader thinks he’s gone around a
# religious bend. "It’s very important to understand that these Gods
# came into being

When did that happen? where? How many 'came into being'?
Do they have names?


# by an explicable scientific progression of incremental evolution."'

Explain how IMMATERIAL and SUPERNATURAL entities, "superpowerful
intelligent and moral energy" can be affected by Natural Selection,
which occurs in BIOLOGICAL species subject to physical mutations!?

# Could they be immortal? The professor shrugs.
# “Probably not.” He smiles and adds, “But I
# wouldn’t want to be too dogmatic about that.”"

So, which atheist is going to explain the inexplicable,
unscientific, BELIEF in "these {atheist] Gods", with no proof
whatsoever, and show us the evidence of how, and where, God evolved?





Feb 10, 2012, 4:14:24 PM2/10/12
And if he wanted me to tell him what rational wisdom is found in
the teachings of Jesus, or Mohammed or Buddha, then surely he would have
asked, instead of presenting us with his rhetorical gibberish.

Instead of asking for information, or (even less likely) presenting
some, why don't you all snip the subject, replace it with some
garbled nonsense, and then all congratulate yourselves on winning
the argument!


Here's a suggestion, read the paragraph Gorge disgorged and then
tell me which of the religious teachers I listed taught it.

Cite chapter and verse so we can verify why any of you think
is is part of the canon of wisdom they taught.

Feel free to put your heads together, maybe you will reach critical
brain mass and produce a rational thought.

Here's a guiding precept in logic which you might reflect upon:

Listing things that you do NOT consider wisdom does NOT
in any way prove that no wisdom exists. It merely shows
a degree of intellectual dishonesty we have come to expect
from those who do not think it is wise to discourage lying.

i.e. atheists (among others).

If it is wise to discourage lying then all of those spiritual
teachers taught wisdom.

The wisdom I referred to is copious and diverse. There are laws,
which for millennia bound communities together and provided a foundation
for their social, political and economic progress.

Here's some examples: Thou shalt not steal.

If you prefer to live in nations where it is endemic, be my guest.

ditto for Murder.

If you disagree that such laws are wise then explain why.

Or go live in an atheist state, which commits it routinely.
> Do you get the impression that if fasgnadh met The Pope, The Dali Lama
> or perhaps even Billy Graham, he would insult them?

Why would I insult them?

I insult weak minded liars who can't back up their idiocy,
misrepresentations or outright slanders WHEN CHALLENGED.

Being wrong may just be due to their ignorance, low IQ or
intellectual disability.. but if, when challenged, they
fail to support their claims with evidence, I will eviscerate them,
because Tough Love is the only thing that works with those
who are both feeble minded and malign.

> I think so.

I see no evidence of thinking anywhere in your post.

> At least fasgnadh thinks that Benny Hinn is a jerk, which is OK in my
> books.

Wow, how thrilled am I to have your approval. B^p


Look dweeb, there are about nine people I have encountered in USENET
for whom I have great respect.

a handful of witty, amusing and original posters whose
views don't necessarily match my own.

a few dozen who are harmless mediocrities

and a pack of vicious atheist thugs and liars.

What's my name?


Feb 10, 2012, 4:52:50 PM2/10/12
Michael Gordge disgorged, snipped and ran from the issue:
> On 1/01/2012 1:55 AM, fasgnadh wrote:
>> On 31/12/2011 12:54 PM, Michael Gordge wrote:
>>> On 30/12/2011 7:00 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>>>> On 29/12/2011 9:00 AM, Michael Gordge wrote:
>>>>> On Dec 28, 5:47 pm, fasgnadh<> wrote:
>>>>>> Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by Abraham,
>>>>>> Job,
>>>>>> Isaiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha,
>> Now which of those influential figures are you claiming wrote this
>> gibberish, Michael: (cite your reference chapter and verse)
>>>>> Where's the rational wisdom being shown when mumbling morons talk
>>>>> about an unfucked woman giving birth and a stone cold dead person, who
>>>>> was apparently the saviour of man, getting up and walking away never
>>>>> to be seen or heard from again?
>>>>> MG
>> So that is the work of MG, not any of the people I listed,
> There is nothing rational,

Sure, you wrote it, not the wise men I cited. B^]

> no wisdom being revealed

Of course not, you are clearly a dimwit who merely
repeats what they have been asked to JUSTIFY with evidence
that any of the spiritual leaders cited ever taught it.

You can't.

> in any religionist mumbojumbo,

Ah, you are an expert in mumbojumbo.. but not in Spiritual wisdom.. ;-)

> when there is wisdom and rationality being revealed then
> it sure as hell had and has nothing to do with any mystical,
> religionist, god, pregnant virgins and corpses getting up and runing
> away never to be seen or heard of again, mumbojumbo.
> MG

Rumi saw you coming centuries ago: B^D


The mystery does not get clearer by repeating the question,
nor is it bought with going to amazing places.
Until you've kept your eyes
and your wanting still for fifty years,
you don't begin to cross over from confusion.

- Jalal'u'din Rumi (1207 – 1273)

>> Thus my question was justified, why should I waste time
>> on the perverted mumblings of YOU????
>>>> Sorry, you want me to comment on what you mumbling morons talk about???
>>>> That's of no interest to me whatsoever.
>>> Nope, I want ewe to comment on your idea that there is rational wisdom
>>> in the mumblings of the mystics,
>> But I never said that, I said there was "rational wisdom revealed
>> by Abraham, Job, Isaiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha", not 'mystics',
>> which is much broader and less apt in describing them.
>> And I'm pretty sure none of them said anything about "unfucked women".
>> That was just YOU, and frankly, no-one would ever expect
>> wisdom from you, and your offensive claptrap proves them right! B^p
>> Now, in case anyone wants examples of wisdom from those spiritual
>> teachers I listed, here's one from Siddhartha:
>> When a simpleton abused him, Buddha listened to him in silence,
>> but when the man had finished asked him,
>> "Son, if a man declined to accept a present offered to him,
>> to whom would it belong?"
>> The man answered "To him who offered it."
>> "My son," Buddha said, "I decline to accept your abuse. Keep it for
>> yourself."
>> - Will Durant The Story of Civilization.
>> As for mystics, try Rumi:
>> Gulistan
>> If of thy mortal goods thou art bereft
>> and from thy slender store, two loaves, alone, to thee are left
>> sell one
>> and with the dole
>> buy little flowers to feed the soul
>> Jalal'u'din Rumi (1207 – 1273)
>> And this one, for example, taught me not to waste too
>> much time with atheists:
>> 1504
>> Do not sit long with a sad friend
>> When you go to a garden
>> do you look at thorns or flowers?
>> Spend more time with roses and jasmine.
>> 1088
>> The mystery does not get clearer by repeating the question,
>> nor is it bought with going to amazing places.
>> Until you've kept your eyes
>> and your wanting still for fifty years,
>> you don't begin to cross over from confusion.
>> 914
>> Come to the orchard in spring
>> There is light and wine and sweethearts in the pomegranate flowers
>> If you do not come, they do not matter
>> If you do come, they do not matter.
>> 511
>> The clear bead at the centre changes everything.
>> There are no edges to my loving now.
>> I've heard it said there's a window that opens
>> from one mind to another,
>> but if there's no wall, there's no need
>> for fitting the window, or the latch.
>> The religion of love is a part from all religions.
>> The lovers of God have no religion but God alone
>> -The Mathnawi II, 1720
>> And then there are the great scientist mystics:
>> I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us
>> with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forego their use
>> and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can obtain by
>> them. He would not require us to deny sense and reason in physical
>> matters which are set before our eyes and minds by direct experience or
>> necessary demonstrations.
>> - Galileo Galilei 1615.
>> can only be created by those who are thoroughly imbued with
>> the aspiration toward truth and understanding. This source of feeling,
>> however, springs from the sphere of Religion... science without religion
>> is lame, religion without science is blind.
>> - Albert Einstein
>> "Ideas and Opinions" 1954
>> The Greatness of God is something we cannot understand even though we
>> are aware of it
>> - Rene Descarte 1596-1650
>> mathematician and philosopher
>> The glory and greatness of the Almighty God are marvelously discerned in
>> all His works and divinely read in the open book of heaven
>> - Galileo Galilei 1564-1642
>> I see everywhere the inevitable expression of the infinite in the world
>> - Louis Pasteur 1822-95
>> As a blind man has no idea of colours, so have we no idea of the manner
>> by which the All-Wise God perceives and understands all things.
>> - Sir Isaac Newton 1642-1727
>> The scientific picture of the real world around me is very
>> deficient...Science cannot tell us why music delights us, of why and how
>> an old song can move us to tears.... Science is reticent too when it is
>> a question of the great Unity... of which we all somehow form a part, to
>> which we belong. The most popular name for it in our time is God.
>> - Erwin Schroedinger
>> 1933 Nobel prize in Physics
>> "My view of the World" 1918
>> There can never be any real opposition between religion and science.
>> Every serious and reflective person realizes, I think, that the
>> religious elements in his nature must be recognized and cultivated if
>> all the powers of the human soul are to act together in perfect balance
>> and harmony.
>> - Max Planck winner of the 1918 Nobel prize in Physics
>> "Where is Science Going" 1918
>> I'm amazed you are so ignorant of the mystics that you had to ask me
>> of examples of their wisdom. Rumi is renowned, among cultured people,
>> Sa'di is sublime, and then there is the ineffable Hafez, who wrote
>> seven centuries ago but sounds like a modern writer:
>> Even
>> after
>> all this time
>> the sun never says to the earth,
>> "You owe me."
>> Look
>> what happens
>> With a love like that-
>> it lights the whole
>> world.
>> Ha-fez (1310 -1337)
>> On the other hand, some self styled misfits, er, I mean 'mystics'
>> are complete shite:
>>> e.g. the nonsense of an unfucked woman giving birth
>>> and a stone cold corpse getting up to walk away
>>> never to be seen or heard from again.
>>> MG
>> Don't give up your day job.
>> Anyone who spews filth like you do needs to be exposed to as
>> much wisdom as possible, try this from some of Siddhartha's
>> followers;
>> "If we wish to die well, we must learn to live well"
>> - His Holiness the Dalai Lama
>> "The realization of impermanence is paradoxically the only thing we
>> can hold on to, perhaps our only lasting posession."
>> - Sogyal Rinpoche
>> "If you have got to think about something, make it the
>> uncertainty of the hour of your death"
>> Gyalse Rinpoche
>> "Whatever we have done in our lives makes us what we are when we die
>> and everything, absolutely everything, counts."
>> - Sogyal Rinpoche
>> "letting go is the path to real freedom"
>> - Sogyal Rinpoche
>> "I want every human being not to be afraid of death, or of life
>> I want every human being to die at peace and surrounded
>> by the wisest, clearest and most tender care and to find the ultimate
>> happiness that can only come from an understanding of the nature of
>> mind and reality. "
>> - Sogyal Rinpoche
>> "Whatever joy there is in this world
>> All comes from desiring others to be happy
>> and whatever suffering there is in this world
>> All comes from desiring myself to be happy "
>> - Sogyal Rinpoche
>> Now for any atheist who read this far, you are clearly
>> sincere seekers of Wisdom, and I have a present, written
>> centuries ago, for atheists;
>> ~ Just Sit There ~
>> Just sit there right now.
>> Don't do a thing.
>> Just rest.
>> For your separation from God
>> Is the hardest work in this world.
>> Let me bring you trays of food
>> And something
>> That you like to drink.
>> You can use my soft words
>> As a cushion
>> For your
>> Head.
>> Shalom and Salaam


Feb 10, 2012, 5:01:18 PM2/10/12
On 29/12/2011 9:37 AM, Paul David Wright wrote:
> On 28/12/2011 7:47 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>> Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by Abraham, Job,
>> Isiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and all the other spiritual
>> guides and founders of our modern global civilisation,
>> and follow these ridiculous atheist dimwits and demagogues! B^D
>> In a sickening display of the mindless idolatry practised by
>> every one of the atheist tyrannies that have plagued the planet
>> in the previous century, hysterical zombies acted out the brain-dead
>> ritual grief so typical of totalitarian regimes that espouse atheistic
>> materialism.
>> "North Korea's government exercises virtual total control
>> over society and imposes state sanctioned atheism"
>> - Hertzke, Allen. 2006.
>> Freeing God's Children. Rowman & Littlefield

"Although the North Korean constitution states that freedom of religion
is permitted, free religious activities no longer exist in North Korea
as the government sponsors religious groups only to create an illusion
of religious freedom"
- Essential Background: Overview of human rights issues in
Human Rights in North Korea
(DPRK: The Democratic People's Republic of Korea)
(Human Rights Watch, 8-7-2004)


"All publications are subject to supervision and censorship by the state.
There is no freedom of religion.
Independent worship is not allowed"


"North Korea is officially an atheist state"
- World and Its Peoples: Eastern and Southern Asia


"Atheism continues to be the official position of the
governments of China, North Korea and Cuba."
- The State of Religion Atlas. Simon & Schuster.

"autonomous religious activities now almost nonexistent;
government-sponsored religious groups exist to provide illusion of
religious freedom"

>> All around the globe, people who value freedom of thought, speech and
>> belief blithely ignored the passing of just another atheist tyrant..
>> "God is Dead" - Nietzsche, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim ill Fuk
>> "Kim is Dead" - God B^D
>> "Mao is Dead" - God
>> "Lenin is Dead" - God
>> "Stalin is Dead" - God
>> .. and the last atheist regime is moribund and in terminal decline.
>> Atheism is a feeble joke.
> Still lying,

Point out the lie or else you are the liar.

> I see.

You never really do.

> Your sabatical has done nothing to improve your honesty.

My honesty needed no improving,

Your lying has done nothing to improve your spelling.

Michael Gordge

Feb 10, 2012, 5:28:54 PM2/10/12
On Feb 11, 6:52 am, fasgnadh <> wrote:
> Michael Gordge disgorged, snipped and ran from the issue:

Like fuck I did, ewe coward, ewe haven't explained what the fuck is
rational in ewe mumbling morons talking about an unfucked women having
a baby and a stone cold corpse getting up and running away never to be


Feb 11, 2012, 7:52:02 AM2/11/12
On 11/02/2012 9:28 AM, Michael Gordge wrote:
> On Feb 11, 6:52 am, fasgnadh<> wrote:
>> Michael Gordge disgorged, snipped and ran from the issue:
> Like fuck

Try the Kook Suckers Bland Lizard or Warlord (snicker) Steve,
they are both cheap sluts.

> I did

Then go get tested for STDs B^D

Are they the only two sexual partners you have had?

Any family members, barnyard critters?

> ewe
> ewe

So, two Sheep, you'd be a New Zealander in Gumboots, then! B^D

> haven't explained what the fuck is

No, please don't.. we really don't want to hear the details.

> ewe mumbling

she said you had a small penis and were a lousy lay..

> having a baby

You will make a great couple, similar IQ levels.

Are you sure there were no other sexual partners?

> and a stone cold corpse getting up and running away

He probably heard what the sheep said about your lovemaking.

> never to be seen or heard from again.

you must be broken hearted.

> MG

anyway, thanks for your pointless rant, back to the facts
you snipped and ran from, AGAIN: :

Michael Gordge disgorged, snipped and ran from the issue:
>>> and a stone cold corpse getting up to walk away
>>> never to be seen or heard from again.
>>> MG

Atheists are in retreat:

Pope Dawkins declares Atheist Gods exist:

# "It’s very important to understand that these Gods
# came into being
# - Richard Dawkins

When did that happen? where? How many 'came into being'?
Do they have names?


..Atheist activist Bukakke has built an Atheist altar to worship them;

# From: Budikka666 <>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,talk.atheism,,
# Subject: Disapproving Creation:
# Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 15:23:40 -0800 (PST)
# Message-ID:
#> come worshiping at the altar of atheism,

...and national atheist bodies have formally applied to be recognised
as a religion:

# It's Official, Atheists claim to be a persecuted RELIGION: B^D
# "THE Atheist Foundation of Australia has lodged complaints
# of religious discrimination in Melbourne and Hobart
# "atheism counts as a religion, Dr Perkins said."
# The Age 29/1/2009


Feb 13, 2012, 12:17:05 AM2/13/12
In article <dwtZq.2934$>,
fasgnadh <> wrote:

After two hours of conversation, Professor Dawkins walks far afield. He
talks of the possibility that we might co-evolve with computers, a
silicon destiny. And heąs intrigued by the playful, even soul-stirring
writings of Freeman Dyson, the theoretical physicist.

In one essay, Professor Dyson casts millions of speculative years into
the future. Our galaxy is dying and humans have evolved into something
like bolts of superpowerful intelligent and moral energy.

[So the context of discussion is now established as being in Dyson's far
future, and the following must be interpreted in that context]

Doesnąt that description sound an awful lot like God?

[Again establishing that the context is Dyson's future universe]

łCertainly,˛ Professor Dawkins replies. łItąs highly plausible that in
the [Dyson future] universe there are God-like creatures.˛

He raises his hand, just in case a reader thinks heąs gone around a
religious bend. łItąs very important to understand that these [future]
Gods came into being by an explicable scientific progression of
incremental evolution.˛

Could they be immortal?

The professor shrugs. łProbably not.˛ He smiles and adds, łBut I
wouldnąt want to be too dogmatic about that.˛

A version of this article appeared in print on September 20, 2011, in


Feb 13, 2012, 7:22:08 AM2/13/12
On 13/02/2012 4:17 PM, Vurgil wrote:
Such as

> Professor Dawkins replies
> It's very important to understand that these Gods came into being


I agree Vurgil, and it's even more important to explain when it
happened? how many atheist Gods do you claim came into being?
what are their names? do they have magic power?

and when do you and Pope Dawkins go to your "First Church of
the Atheist Devolved God" to worship at Bukakkes Altar of

# From: Budikka666 <>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,talk.atheism,,
# Subject: Disapproving Creation:
# Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 15:23:40 -0800 (PST)
# Message-ID:
#> come worshiping at the altar of atheism,

...and national atheist bodies have formally applied to be recognised
as a religion:

# It's Official, Atheists claim to be a persecuted RELIGION: B^D
# "THE Atheist Foundation of Australia has lodged complaints
# of religious discrimination in Melbourne and Hobart
# "atheism counts as a religion, Dr Perkins said."
# The Age 29/1/2009


Feb 13, 2012, 3:55:28 PM2/13/12
In article <Vf7_q.2983$>,
fasgnadh <> disgorged, snipped and ran from the issue:

> On 13/02/2012 4:17 PM, Vurgil wrote:
> > On 11/02/2012 11:52 PM, disgorged, snipped and ran from the issue:
> >> On 11/02/2012 9:28 AM, Michael Gordge wrote:
> >>> On Feb 11, 6:52 am, fasgnadh disgorged, snipped and ran from the issue:
> >>>> Michael Gordge disgorged, snipped and ran from the issue:

fasgnadh's garbage snipped and some truth posted in its place:


Feb 20, 2012, 4:55:14 AM2/20/12
On 9/01/2012 5:37 PM, Richo wrote:
> On Dec 28 2011, 7:47 pm, fasgnadh<> wrote:
>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill
> That isn't a "setback" to atheism at all.
> The problem with North Korea is not an excess of rational, critical,
> free thinking.
> North Korea is a despotic and horrible example of thought control -

Like EVERY atheist state!


"North Korea's government exercises virtual total
control over society and imposes state sanctioned atheism"
- Hertzke, Allen. 2006.
Freeing God's Children. Rowman & Littlefield


"Although the North Korean constitution states that freedom of religion
is permitted, free religious activities no longer exist in North Korea
as the government sponsors religious groups only to create an illusion
of religious freedom"
- Essential Background: Overview of human rights issues in
Human Rights in North Korea
(DPRK: The Democratic People's Republic of Korea)
(Human Rights Watch, 8-7-2004)

Atheist stooges of the Nth Korean Atheist regime are the only people
outside Nth Korea that present the North Korean propaganda line
that "Juche is a religion, proving that Nth Korea tolerates Religion"

Juche was CREATED by the atheist state for precisely
that Propaganda LIE!

Atheists in this NG have consistently supported the North Korean
regime in propagating that LIE!

The poor bastards trapped in Nth Korea know the truth.

There is NO RELIGIOUS FREEDOM in atheist Nth Korea;


"All publications are subject to supervision and censorship by the state.
There is no freedom of religion.
Independent worship is not allowed"


"North Korea is officially an atheist state"
- World and Its Peoples: Eastern and Southern Asia


"Atheism continues to be the official position of the
governments of China, North Korea and Cuba."
- The State of Religion Atlas. Simon & Schuster.

"autonomous religious activities now almost nonexistent;
government-sponsored religious groups exist to provide illusion of
religious freedom"



# "State atheism is the official promotion of atheism
# by a government, typically by active suppression of
# religious freedom and practice."
# - "Protest for Religious Rights in the USSR:
# Characteristics and Consequences,
# David Kowalewski,
# Russian Review, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Oct., 1980), pp. 426-441,
# ....
# "State atheism has been mostly implemented in communist
# countries, such as the former Soviet Union, China,
# Communist Albania, Communist Afghanistan, North Korea"
# - Forced out: the fate of Polish Jewry in Communist Poland.
# Wolak, Arthur J. p 104
# In these nations, the governments viewed atheism as an
# intrinsic part of communist ideology.

# "State atheism is the official promotion of atheism
# by a government, typically by active suppression of
# religious freedom and practice."
# - "Protest for Religious Rights in the USSR:
# Characteristics and Consequences,
# David Kowalewski,
# Russian Review, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Oct., 1980), pp. 426-441,
# "An atheist, Pol Pot suppressed Cambodia’s Buddhist religion:
# monks were defrocked; temples and artifacts, including statues of
# Buddha, were destroyed; and people praying or expressing
# other religious sentiments were often killed.
# ...the government emptied the cities through mass evacuations
# and sent people to the countryside. Cambodians were overworked
# and underfed on collective farms, often succumbing to disease or
# starvation as a result. Spouses were separated and family meals
# prohibited in order to steer loyalties toward the state
# instead of the family.
# About 1.7 million Cambodians, or about 20 percent of the population,
# were worked, starved, or beaten to death under Pol Pot’s regime."
# -
# The Cambodian Genocide:

# "The country's 40,000 to 60,000 Buddhist monks,
# regarded by the regime as social parasites,
# were defrocked and forced into labor brigades.
# Many monks were executed; temples and pagodas were
# destroyed or turned into storehouses or jails.
# Images of the Buddha were defaced and dumped into
# rivers and lakes. People who were discovered praying
# or expressing religious sentiments in other ways
# were often killed.
# The Christian and Muslim communities were among the most
# persecuted, as well. The Roman Catholic cathedral of
# Phnom Penh was completely razed.
# The Khmer Rouge forced Muslims to eat pork, which they
# regard as an abomination. Many of those who refused were killed.
# Christian clergy and Muslim imams were executed."
# -
# "Forty-eight percent of Cambodia's Christians were killed
# because of their religion."

# "the state established atheism as the only scientific truth."
# - Daniel Peris,
# "Storming the Heavens: The Soviet League of the Militant Godless"
# Cornell University Press 1998 ISBN 9780801434853
# "State atheism has been mostly implemented in communist
# countries, such as the former Soviet Union,[1] China,
# Communist Albania, Communist Afghanistan, North Korea,
# Communist Mongolia and Poland under communist rule also
# promoted state atheism and suppressed religion.
# - Forced out: the fate of Polish Jewry in Communist Poland.
# Wolak, Arthur J. p 104
# In these nations, the governments viewed atheism as an
# intrinsic part of communist ideology.

> the likes of which is also seen in dogmatic thought controlling cults
> - North Korea is llke JonesTown or the Solar Temple but with millions
> of inmates rather than just thousands.
>> Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by Abraham, Job,
>> Isiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and all the other spiritual
>> guides and founders of our modern global civilisation,
> Some of us do not just "ignore" the writings/sayings of the religious
> visionaries - but we actively analyse and critique them. And often
> reject them as immoral and poisonous.
> For example:
> Abraham's great claim to fame is that he was willing to offer his own
> child as a blood sacrifice to the voice in his head (which Abraham
> believed to be his God El speaking to him) - this display of
> unquestioning loyalty is seen by the 3 great middle eastern faiths as
> the greatest and most praise worthy virtue.
> Likewise, totalitarian regimes see unquestioning obedience to the
> leader as the greatest virtue.
>> All around the globe, people who value freedom of thought, speech and
>> belief blithely ignored the passing of just another atheist tyrant..
> "Blithely ignored" by making every major news service on planet Earth?
> You speak as one who has very little contact with reality.
> Freedom loving people everywhere have *celebrated* the death of yet
> another Tyrant.
> If only "Our Tyrant, who art in heaven..." could also die.
> The imaginary Tyrant in the sky is modeled on earthly tyrants.
> (And earthy Tyrants model themselves on God. Its a chicken and egg
> thing.)
> Mark.


Feb 20, 2012, 5:20:04 AM2/20/12
Budikka a North Korean tool, promotes their PROPAGANDA LIES:
> On 28/12/2011 7:47 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill - quickly replaced by his
>> equally absurd, but aptly named offspring, Kim Wrong'un.
>> Only atheists could ignore the rational wisdom revealed by Abraham, Job,
>> Isiah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and all the other spiritual
>> guides and founders of our modern global civilisation,
>> and follow these ridiculous atheist dimwits and demagogues! B^D
>> In a sickening display of the mindless idolatry practised by
>> every one of the atheist tyrannies that have plagued the planet
>> in the previous century, hysterical zombies acted out the brain-dead
>> ritual grief so typical of totalitarian regimes that espouse atheistic
>> materialism.
>> "North Korea's government exercises virtual total control
>> over society and imposes state sanctioned atheism"
>> -
>> All around the globe, people who value freedom of thought, speech and
>> belief blithely ignored the passing of just another atheist tyrant..
>> "God is Dead" - Nietzsche, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim ill Fuk
>> "Kim is Dead" - God B^D
>> "Mao is Dead" - God
>> "Lenin is Dead" - God
>> "Stalin is Dead" - God
>> .. and the last atheist regime is moribund and in terminal decline.
>> Atheism is a feeble joke.

And Bukakke is an even more feeble joke!

This is what Bukakke replaced the subject with,
in a feeble attempt to deny the REALITY of North
Korea being an ATHEIST STATE!

"Disapproving Creation: North Korea is Just Another Religious Cult"

Bukakke can't "Disprove Creation" new creatures are created every second
on this fecund planet. My partner and I know, we created a couple kids
ourselves! Apparently Bukakke doesn't believe in Sex, or sexual
reproduction! B^D

But that's just typical Bukakke nonsense, their OBSESSION. B^D

What is really disturbing is that atheist tool actively promoting
the North Korean Athesit Regimes PROPAGANDA LINE.. that makes
Bukakke a COMPLICIT TOOL of the Nth Korean atheist tyranny;


"North Korea's government exercises virtual total
control over society and imposes state sanctioned atheism"
- Hertzke, Allen. 2006.
Freeing God's Children. Rowman & Littlefield


"Although the North Korean constitution states that freedom of religion
is permitted, free religious activities no longer exist in North Korea
as the government sponsors religious groups only to create an illusion
of religious freedom"
- Essential Background: Overview of human rights issues in
Human Rights in North Korea
(DPRK: The Democratic People's Republic of Korea)
(Human Rights Watch, 8-7-2004)

There is absolutely NO DOUBT that Nth Koreqa is an atheist regime.

In the West, only the Nth Korean regimes atheist tools defend
their propaganda line, repeating it as if it can be believed; pfffft!

> "When the Sun of Mankind was born,in a humble log cabin on his
> nation's holiest mountain, a new bright star shone in the heavens, and
> a double rainbow appeared. The birds sang songs of praise in human
> voice. The Sun of Mankind's father, though his mortal body is dead,
> rules in eternity, and his spirit is reincarnated in the Sun of
> Mankind. The Sun of Mankind is also known as the Great Man Who
> Descended From Heaven."
> Budikka

Watching Bukakke repeat the Nth Korean Propaganda LIES, and
expecting others to be as idiotically GULLIBLE as Bukakke is, different from neo-Nazis trying to tell people the Nazis
didn't KILL People in the death camps, they gave them all holidays!


believe what the Nth Korean Atheist regime says without question,
as Bukakke, the main Character in Swifts satire "Gullible's Travels",

What a disgusting shitpig atheist tyranny's TOOL Bukakke is!


Feb 20, 2012, 10:31:11 AM2/20/12
On Dec 29 2011, 12:18 pm, Uergil <> wrote:
> In article
> <>,
>  Loirbaj <> wrote:
> > DAMN you all to Hell and back,
> > Fearless Fasgnadh
> Except that the bible says no one can ever go to hell.

Sum ting sur wong wid dous bois


Feb 20, 2012, 6:46:40 PM2/20/12
In article <TLo0r.3414$>,
fasgnadh <> wrote:

> On 9/01/2012 5:37 PM, Richo wrote:
> > On Dec 28 2011, 7:47 pm, fasgnadh<> wrote:
> >> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
> >> yet another atheist despot - Kim Jong ill
> >
> > That isn't a "setback" to atheism at all.
> > The problem with North Korea is not an excess of rational, critical,
> > free thinking.
> >
> > North Korea is a despotic and horrible example of thought control -
> Like EVERY atheist state!

It is not atheism that is the problem, it is Theism with a human as god.
It is a form of religion that has all the evils of most other religions
and a few more, much like the religions of the preColombian South and
Central Americas in which rulers were regarded as gods.


Feb 20, 2012, 6:49:45 PM2/20/12
In article <97p0r.3418$>,
fasgnadh <> wrote:

> fasgnadh a North Korean tool, promotes their PROPAGANDA LIES:

We are skeptical of claims for the ability of
creationism to account for the manifold examples of
errors and poor design evident in all life forms. Careful
examination of the claims of creation of everything by
a perfect being incapable of the many evidences of poor design
actually found to exist should be rejected.
--Scientific Dissent from Creationism

After two hours of conversation, Professor Dawkins walks
far afield. He talks of the possibility that we might
co-evolve with computers, a silicon destiny. And heąs
intrigued by the playful, even soul-stirring writings
of Freeman Dyson, the theoretical physicist.

In one essay, Professor Dyson casts millions of speculative
years into the future. Our galaxy is dying and humans have
evolved into something like bolts of superpowerful
intelligent and moral energy."

[So the context of discussion is now established as being
in Dyson's far future, and the following must be interpreted
in that context]

"Doesnąt that description sound an awful lot like God?"

[Again establishing that the context is Dyson's future universe]

łCertainly,˛ Professor Dawkins replies. łItąs highly
plausible that in the [Dyson future] universe there
are God-like creatures.˛

He raises his hand, just in case a reader thinks heąs gone
around a religious bend. łItąs very important to
understand that these [future] Gods came into being by an
explicable scientific progression of incremental evolution.˛

Could they be immortal?

The professor shrugs. łProbably not.˛ He smiles and adds ,
łBut I wouldnąt want to be too dogmatic about that.˛

The complete article appeared in print on September 20, 2011, in


Feb 25, 2012, 7:04:37 PM2/25/12
On 3/01/2012 2:09 AM, Paul David Wright wrote:
> On 29/12/2011 6:24 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>> Notice how none of the atheists can deal with the issue?
>> Let alone refute any of my points with rational argument! B^D
>> Take this weak prick for example:
>> On 29/12/2011 7:56 AM, steve knight wrote:
>> Oh look it's Fluffy, the atheist cults "Whorelord" Bwaaaaahaha
>> Big Bad Warlord Fluffy TALKS tough....
>> # From: Steve Knight <>
>> # Newsgroups: alt.atheism
>> # Subject: A.A. BAAWA - FAQ
>> # Message-ID: <>
>> # Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 02:46:34 -0700
>> #
>> # We kill theists and shit down their throats
>> #
>> # Warlord Steve
>> # BAAWA
>> Not satisfied with murder, Steve favours GENOCIDE:
>> # From: Steve Knight <>
>> # Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.religion.islam
>> # Subject: Re: Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all
>> # Message-ID: <>
>> # Date: Mon, 02 Nov 2009 18:58:18 -0800
>> #
>> # On Mon, 2 Nov 2009 21:22:32 +0200, "Katrina"
>> # <> wrote:
>> #
>> # >Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all
>> #
>> # It is the most foul, disgusting filth on Earth.
>> # The sooner we nuke you fuckers, the better.
>> #
>> # Warlord Steve
>> # BAAWA
>> ... but as soon as I ignored his empty bluster, mocked his
>> mindless abuse, and gave him as good as I got,
>> he ran crying to mummy:
>> # From: Steve Knight <>
>> # Newsgroups: alt.atheism
>> # Subject: Re: Atheist Kooks: Sociopath shifts blame to others
>> # for their mistakes Re: A.A. Steve Knight checking in to Bellevue
>> # Message-ID: <>
>> # Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 13:32:49 -0700
>> #
>> # FAQ pages for alt.atheism could land you in court.
>> #
>> # I reported you to Google abuse
>> And they ignored your pathetic whining, just like everyone
>> else does! B^]
>> # Warlord Steve
>> # BAAWA
>> You are on record as a weak sook!
>> Google laughed at your attempt to SILENCE critics of atheism,
>> (because you sure-as-shit can't win any rational argument ;-),
>> and I and the rest of USENET are STILL LAUGHING!
>>> Are you
>> The proof of your cowardice is here in this thread, you couldn't debate,
>> you couldn't refute a single fact, you snipped and ran:
>>> On 28/12/2011 10:00 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>>>> On 28/12/2011 9:32 PM, Loirbaj wrote:
>>>>> On 28/12/2011 7:47 PM, fasgnadh wrote:
>>>>>> Global atheism suffered it's latest setback with the loss of
>>>>> Everywhere tried, everywhere FAILED: Atheism.
> Nope.

Tell us which of the atheist states did not fail catastrophically,
killing millions:

The Union of Savage Slaughter and Repression(USSR)

Mao's Great Leap Backwards and The Cultural Devolution

Pol Pot's genocidal Year Zero

North Korea, the last atheist regime, whose people eat GRASS in the famines.

> No matter how many times you repeat that lie, it remains a lie.

History is proof that every atheist regime has been a totalitarian
tyranny and an abject FAILURE.. just like your 'argument'! pffffft!

All you have to do is show a lie, just once, using evidence,
and people will stop laughing at your pitiful defence of the
indefensible! B^]

>>>> Actually, for most of human history, while the religious
>>>> built the great and enduring civilisations we all enjoy today,
>>>> atheism was irrelevant, and remains so today.
>>>> It never built a single free, open, democratic state, let alone
>>>> the great and enduring civilisations built by believers.
>>>> Atheists enjoy the modern secular democratic states created
>>>> by MAJORITY RELIGIOUS populations in Europe, North America,
>>>> Australia and the rest of the world, but without an appropriate
>>>> sense of gratitude.
>>>> And they have no shame about the series of failed totalitarian
>>>> shitholes which are the only atheist states in 70,000 years of
>>>> human history since Homo Sapiens emerged from Africa.
>>>> And when you observe their responses, in this and other threads,
>>>> you can see why atheism has never amounted to anything.
>> So, atheists have nothing to say in their defence!
>> The reason is that they can't mount a rational argument.
>> What CAN you do, 'Warlord' Limpdick?
>>> still having sex with the neighborhood dogs
>> Someone call the RSPCA, those poor animals cannot have
>> given their informed consent.
>>> Warlord Steve
>> Boring
>> Atheist
>> Arseholes
>> Wanking
>> Away


Feb 25, 2012, 9:36:22 PM2/25/12
In article <xGe2r.3656$>,
fasgnadh <> wrote:

> ---------
> Atheists are in retreat:
> Pope Dawkins declares Atheist Gods exist:

NOt to those who can read:
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