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Today in Scientology -- March 31st *********************************************

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Scientology Today

Apr 1, 2020, 11:49:08 AM4/1/20
Today March 31st in Scientology history

CBS Fight a Litmus Test for Conservatives
March 31, 1985, Thomas B. Edsall, Washington Post

The takeover bid by Fairness in Media, an ad hoc committee run by the
political allies of Helms, was launched in January. Since then, CBS has
hired a battery of top-dollar law firms with the goal of discrediting
the North Carolina-based political machine in an attempt to uncover
what it claims are improper political fund-raising and other activities
that violate federal law.

As part of this effort, CBS already has linked officials of the Helms
organization and its main lawyer in the takeover battle to a
controversial tax-exempt foundation, The Pioneer Fund. The fund has
financed research into "racial betterment" by scientists seeking to
prove that blacks are genetically inferior to whites.

The decision by Helms to expand his activities beyond the arena of
politics into the corporate takeover battleground grows out of a deep,
long-standing animosity among conservatives toward major media outlets.
Acquiring a large-circulation newspaper or a network "is something that
has been a dream of conservatives for years," according to Howard
Phillips, chairman of the Conservative Caucus and an ally to Fairness
in Media.

Tags: 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984, ABC, Abortion, Alt-Right, Congress, Federal
Elections Commission, Jesse Helms, North Carolina, Pioneer Fund, Republican,
Securities and Exchange Commission


Scientology suit on PR firm heads for trial
March 31, 1994, Wayne Garcia, St. Petersburg Times

For both sides, the relationship between the Church of Scientology and
the nation's largest public relations firm, Hill & Knowlton, had been a
good one.

But that relationship fell apart in 1991, just two days after a cover
story in Time magazine blasted Scientology as a cult of greed. Hill &
Knowlton dropped Scientology as a client.

Tags: 1986, 1991, 1992, 1993, CCHR, Church of Scientology International,
Clearwater, Critic, Eli Lilly, Food and Drug Administration, Heber Jentzsch,
Hill & Knowlton, Indianapolis, Internal Revenue Service, Judge Stanley
Sporkin, Los Angeles, Prozac, Time magazine, Washington


UN asks Germany to clarify surveillance of Scientologists
March 31, 1998, BBC News

The United Nations special rapporteur on religion has asked Germany to
make clear why it has placed the Church of Scientology under

Tags: Germany, Nazi labelling, United Nations


Scientology's Hilarious Goons
March 31, 2008, Pareene, Gawker

Recent Scientology protests have brought us all joy and laughter, but
it wasn't until today that we saw a photo of the church's security
goons guarding the New York headquarters. They look, as an ANONYMOUS
tipster pointed out, "like they are playing arms dealers in a
shoestring-budget 1990s USA Network spy thriller." You'll be sorry when
Dolph Lundgren shows up, Scientology!

Tags: Anonymous, Goons, New York City


Former Scientologist Recounts 'Torturous' Past Inside the Church
March 31, 2009, Nathan Baca, Part 9,

The Church of Scientology believes one woman, Maureen Bolstad, is one
of the worst people in the world. She is one of a few to be declared a
"suppressive person."

Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard declared so-called "suppressive"
people "cannot be granted the rights ordinarily accorded rational
beings." Her crime? Talking to the media about the church.

Bolstad was recruited into the Church of Scientology at age 16. She was
told she'd get an education, and the chance to see the world.

Twenty-six years later, Bolstad walks down Gilman Springs Road near
Hemet where Scientology's world headquarters is located. She walks with
a sense of fear.

Tags: Gilman Springs Road, Maureen Bolstad, Rehabilitation Project Force,
Riverside, Suppressive Person


Post Game #2 - Catherine
March 31, 2010, Jefferson Hawkins, Leaving Scientology

I'm sorry that the Church saw fit to drag my ex-wife, Catherine Fraser,
into this and put her into the spotlight on national TV. It can't have
been a pleasant experience for her.

Anderson Cooper asked me about Catherine. I told him that she was a
wonderful woman with a heart of gold. I would never say anything
against Cathy. I've posted the story of our unlikely courtship and
marriage at the Int Base on my autobiographical blog, Counterfeit Dreams.

That we have ended up on opposite sides of this is unfortunate. She
feels she has to defend the Church at all costs ? well, as I told
Anderson, I would have done the same when I was still in the Sea Org. I
would have lied.

Tags: Anderson Cooper, Catherine Fraser, Counterfeit Dreams, David Miscavige,
Int Base, Jennifer Linson, Manhattan, Mission, New York, Quicky, Sea Org,
Sleep deprivation


Restless in Seattle
March 31, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

The following post is the complete article Vicki and Richard Palmer
wished to post the night before last. Unfortunately, the only thing I
received at that time was the declaration of Richard which was posted,
The Palmers - Dignified Departure and Arrival. I did not republish that
portion of the larger post below - but noted where Richard's
declaration (the last post on this blog) fits in. I think you might
find the last section "You've Got Mail" particularly interesting. It
recounts a creative means by which Vicki and Richard permeated the Wall
with some truth.

Restless in Seattle

by Vicki and Richard Palmer

Tags: 2009, AOLA, Celebrity Centre, Clear, Comm Course, David Miscavige,
Disconnection, L. Ron Hubbard, Quicky, Seattle, Suppressive Person, The Truth


David Miscavige Is A Squirrel -- L. Ron Hubbard Says So
March 31, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

There is a constant stream of demands for funds from Scientologists to
finance David Miscagive's follies. From his PI's and rented Peeping Tom
outposts (spying on detractors) to the waste of useless printed
promotion and massive numbers of useless books sent to libraries.

But that sort of insanity should be fairly easy to see. There is a more
covert but perhaps more pervasive side of the story of financial crimes.
One that is highlighted by a widely circulated email from the
relentless "fundraisers" for "Ideal Orgs."

Just as with the LRH Birthday Game, they are foisting off apparent LRH
quotes to justify their off-policy activities. They have not merely
taken a quote out of context, but quoted from the VERY reference that
explains how fees for SERVICES pays for buildings and everything else
(including all activities of the IAS?) to apparently bless the idea
that everyone should ALSO give money for "Idle Orgs."

Tags: 1950, 1984, Birthday Game, Clear, David Miscavige, Dianetics, Ideal
Org, Independent, International Association of Scientologists, L. Ron
Hubbard, OT, Quicky, Sea Org, Squirrel, Suppressive Person, US Supreme Court,
Vulture Culture


Easter Sunday Funnies - Also: Our SMERSH Madness Championship!
March 31, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

On Sundays, we love to bring you the latest mailers and fliers that
Scientology is sending to its members. It's our way of keeping up on
what's happening in the church at any given moment.

And this being a rather grand Sunday of Sundays, we have some fine
items that should interest you, including some desperation at Golden
Era Studios, a daring plunge into the digital future by the Celebrity
Centre, and yet another ads-on-bus sighting. But this is also a special
day because we've reached the SMERSH Championship after a full month of
voting! You'll find that matchup at the end of this post.

But first, we'd like to take note of a story that appeared elsewhere
yesterday, and then we'll get to our usual collection of fun stuff.

Tags: 1948, 1996, 2009, 2011, Andreas Heldal-Lund, Apollo, Celebrity Centre,
Chanology Leaks, Cincinnati, Clear, David Miscavige, Debbie Cook, Denver,
FBI, Field Staff Member, Freewinds, Gerry Armstrong, Glenn Beck, Golden Era
Productions, Golden Era Studios, Human trafficking, Ideal Org, Int Base, Joe
Childs, Jon Atack, Kentucky, Lisa Marie Presley, Mark Bunker, Marty Rathbun,
Mike Rinder, Nancy Many, New York, Ohio, Operation Clambake, Oregon,
Portland, Quicky, SMERSH, Sunday Funnies, Tampa Bay Times, Tom Tobin, United
Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, WhyWeProtest, Xenu, Youth for
Human Rights International


The Tao of Physics
March 31, 2013, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Scientology technology is powerful in lifting an individual from being
effect up to being more at cause.

In accomplishing that Scientology focuses heavily on, and makes great
use of, Newtonian classic physics principles. Unfortunately, ultimately
that world view tends to lock a Scientologist under a glass ceiling of
sorts to further transcendence of awareness and qualities of equanimity.

Evaluated against the very axioms (including The Factors and Logics)
Scientology is predicated upon one could easily reckon that to be the
case. Paradoxically, Scientology contains laws of interpretation that
make one of its own Logics, critical to growth and transcendence,
forbidden practice:

Tags: 1975, Buddhist, OT, Quicky, Scott Campbell


Paris elects its first female mayor - and you have to see her record on
March 31, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Yesterday, Paris elected its first woman mayor, Anne Hidalgo. But as
our man in France Jonny Jacobsen explains, she has a lot more interest
for us here in the Underground Bunker than the fact that she's female
and from Spain...

Paris has, not surprisingly, elected another socialist mayor.

Anne Hidalgo succeeds her colleague Bernard Delano?, having served as
his lieutenant through his two-term tenure since 2001.

Tags: 2001, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, Anne Hidalgo, Australia,
Bryan Seymour, Celebrity Centre, Church of Scientology Religious Education
College Inc, Cult, France, Jonny Jacobsen, Le Figaro, Le Parisien, Los
Angeles, Lyon, Marseille, Nicolas Sarkozy, Paris, Radar Online, Scientology
organization, Spain, Tom Cruise, UK, Vance Woodward, WikiLeaks


Secret OTC Minutes
March 31, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Well, the hushmail stork keeps dropping OTC reports down the chimney. I
am having a hard time keeping up with them all.

And I dont have a lot of time this morning to sift through and comment
on each of them. But I am sure there are plenty of readers who will
highlight the strangenesses from inside the bubble.

I made a couple of brief notes from glancing at these.

Tags: Abi Reitze, Andrea Doven, Andres Rodriguez, Anna Paddock, AOLA, ASHO,
Atlanta, Boston, Carol Gulasa, Chairman of the Board, Chicago, Chick Corea,
Claire Taylor, Clear, Clearwater, Clive Rabey, Detroit, Dissemination,
Extension Course, Flag Service Organization, Freewinds, Fundraising, Golden
Age of Knowledge, Ideal Org, International Association of Scientologists,
Joel Benk, John Stout, Kaye Champagne, L. Ron Hubbard, Lauri Webster, Los
Angeles, Lyle Roland, Maria Robb, Miami, New Haven, New York, Nick Lekas, OT,
OT Ambassador, OT Committee, OT IX, OT V, OT VIII, OTC, PAC Base,
Purification Rundown, Quicky, Random House, Sandcastle, Santa Barbara, Scott
Superville, Student Hat, Sue Young, Super Power, Survival Rundown, Susan
Moore, Tom Cummins


Why are Newsweek's new owners so anxious to hide their ties to an enigmatic
religious figure?
March 31, 2014, Ben Dooley, Mother Jones

By January 2013, Anne and Caleb had left San Francisco and returned to
China. They were living in Beijing, and Caleb was working as a
translator. Like other former members I interviewed, they saw the
Community as being in decline.

But when news came, in August, of IBT's purchase of Newsweek, that
perception changed. Community members saw the deal as a potent sign of
Jang's power, and some former members I spoke to wondered if it meant
his teachings might have merit after all. Suddenly, people who had
agreed to speak to me on the record changed their mind.

Their concern was not unreasonable. The Community is litigious. "We
have to punish them," Jang said of his critics, according to the
transcript of an August 2008 sermon in Korea. "We have many
organizations so if they compensate, they should compensate a lot.
After one is over, another organization will sue them again so all
their lives they will be sued." He has been true to his word: Community
ministries have legally threatened or sued at least five people who
have written about or come out against the group. And after Ted Olsen
and Ken Smith (who provided me with some documents and introduced me to
Susan Chua) wrote about Jang in Christianity Today, the Jang-founded
Christian Post published a story headlined "Christianity Today Writer
Ken Smith Is Founder of a Company Fined for Deceptive Business
Practices; With Child Porn Ties." The Post didn't address Olsen and
Smith's claims about Jang in that story, and didn't disclose the Post's
association with the pastor. Instead, it targeted Smith, outlining how
Zango, a company Smith cofounded, had produced software that some users
later used to distribute pornography. Smith wrote that he took the
article to imply that he was "all but a purveyor of child pornography."

Tags: 2006, 2008, 2012, Barack Obama, Bitcoin, BuzzFeed, China, Christian
Post, Christian Today, Christianity Today, David Jang, Etienne Uzac,
International Business Times, Johnathan Davis, New York Times, Newsweek,
Olivet University, San Francisco, South Korea, Student visa, The Community,
Tracy Davis, Veremedia, Washington Times


Can you help French prosecutors find these witnesses to the death of a
March 31, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Our man in Paris, journalist Jonny Jacobsen, has a fascinating piece
for us today. We'll let him explain...

A judge investigating the 2006 suicide of a Scientologist in France may
finally close the case because police have not been able to track down
key witnesses. Officers have been looking into the death of 47-year-old
Gloria Lopez (pictured), who in December 2006 stepped in front of a
speeding train at Colombes station just outside Paris.

But they have been unable to find three Scientologists the judge
considers key to the affair, all of whom had dealings with Lopez in the
months leading up to her death. Scientology executives in France have
insisted they have no idea where they are.

Tags: 1990, 2000, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, Alex Gibney, Aruba, Bodhi
Elfman, Bonaire, Caribbean, Celebrity Centre, Clear, Clearwater, Copenhagen,
Cour de Cassation, Cura?ao, Danielle Ambert, David Miscavige, Denmark,
Elisabeth Haley, Facebook, Florida, France, Freewinds, Gloria Lopez, Going
Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, Gwenn Le Berre, HBO, Indiana,
Jean-Michel Berg?s, Jenna Elfman, Jonny Jacobsen, Juliette Wagner-Quercia,
Ma?tre Rodolphe Bosselut, Marisol Nichols, Operating Thetan, OT, OT 8, OT
VII, OT VIII, Paris, Richard Elfman, Scientology executive, Scientology
organization, Sea Org, Spain, Spanky Taylor, Suicide, Tom Cruise, Venezuela,
Violence, William Robert Purvis


Going Clear Fallout
March 31, 2015, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

I was talking with some friends after watching Going Clear, musing
about what Miscavige would do now.

One of the participants remarked that I should put this on the blog, as
people may find it interesting. These thoughts are not based on some
"leak," they are merely speculation based on experience.

I believe there are two things Miscavige will be concerned about
following the deluge on Sunday night that was the leading edge of a
category 4 shitstorm making a direct hit on his gilded beachhouse.

Tags: 9/11, Chairman of the Board, David Miscavige, Going Clear: Scientology,
Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, Jason Beghe, Karin Pouw, L. Ron Hubbard,
Quicky, Religious Technology Center, Squirrel, Tom Cruise


HBO's Going Clear Exposes Scientology Tactics, Wealth, And IRS Church Status
March 31, 2015, Robert W. Wood, Forbes

Scientology is portrayed starkly in HBO's 'Going Clear' which could
trigger new scrutiny of the cushy tax benefits that let it accumulate
billions tax free.

Tags: Alex Gibney, David Miscavige, Freedom of Information Act, Going Clear:
Scientology and the Prison of Belief, HBO, IRS, L. Ron Hubbard, Mia Farrow,
Tax Court


Inside the Scientology-ville where Cruise, Travolta and Kirstie rule
March 31, 2015, Chris White, Daily Mail

The anti-Scientology documentary Going Clear is shocking the world with
its devastating insight into the inner workings of this most secret of

The lives of Scientologists, especially hardcore Sea Org members - the
top of the Scientology food chain - seems like another strange universe.

But for one area of Florida, Scientology's impact has been devastating.
It's where it has built its headquarters and rules the place with an
iron fist. The beautiful resort of Clearwater has millions of tourists
every single year - but few ever set foot in the downtown area.

Tags: 1970, 1973, 1975, 1999, 2000, 2007, 2013, Advanced Org, BBC,
Clearwater, Clearwater Academy, Clearwater Bank Building, Clearwater Marine
Aquarium, Coachman, David Miscavige, Donation, FBI, Flag Building, Florida,
Fort Harrison, France, Gabe Cazares, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and
the Prison of Belief, Hacienda, Hacienda Gardens, Jenna Elfman, John
Travolta, Karen Seel, Kelly Preston, Kirstie Alley, Lisa Marie Presley, Lisa
McPherson Trust, London, Mark Bunker, Mediterranean, Mike Rinder, Mission,
Oak Cove, Ocala, Oiliness table, Operating Thetan, Osceola Inn, Private
investigator, Project Normandy, Quicky, Real estate, Robert Minton,
Sandcastle, Scientology operation, Sea Org, St. Petersburg Times, Super
Power, Super Power Rundown, Suppressive Person, Tampa Bay Times, Tom Cruise,
United Churches of Florida


Ryan 'Fitzy' Fitzgerald encounter with The Church Of Scientology
March 31, 2015, Laura Evans, Daily Mail

Radio host Ryan 'Fitzy' Fitzgerald says he had a chance encounter with
the Church Of Scientology, the secretive faith that counts Tom Cruise
and John Travolta among its celebrity devotees.

Co-hosting Australia talk show The Project on Tuesday night, the Nova
FM personality, 38, revealed a meeting with actress Jenna Elfman 13
years ago in Los Angeles led him to the religion's rarefied circle.

Recovering from his third knee construction, the former AFL player was
holidaying in the US when he bumped into the Dharma and Greg actress
who told him she could 'fix' his on-going knee problems, through a
'purification process'.

Tags: 2001, 2005, 2011, 2014, Adelaide, Alex Gibney, Australia, California,
Celebrity, Charity, David Miscavige, Documentary, Facebook, Going Clear:
Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, HBO, Hollywood, Jenna
Elfman, John Travolta, Katie Holmes, Kelly Preston, Lawrence Wright, Leah
Remini, Los Angeles, Marty Rathbun, Mission Impossible, New York Rescue
Workers Detoxification Project, Nicole Kidman, Quicky, Ryan Fitzgerald, Sea
Org, South Australia, Sundance Film Festival, Tom Cruise


Scientologists Are Not Jews in the Holocaust
March 31, 2015, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

Scientology cult leader David Miscavige speaking to Scientologists from
one of his Nuremberg Rally themed stage sets.

Led by violent narcissist David Miscavige, the psycho-terrorist
organization known as the Church of Scientology has spent the past
month hysterically attacking, defaming, and lashing out at everyone
involved in HBO's documentary Going Clear. Millions of tax exempt
dollars were spent by Scientology to create and promote hate websites;
purchase Google ads; pay for twitter campaigns; and finance Facebook
attacks. There were also Scientology-paid PI's seeking to intimidate
people, threat letters sent out from Scientology's attorneys, and other
forms of Scientology intimidation.

Having failed to stop Going Clear, the cosmically insane Church of
Scientology is now taking its usual fallback position: It is screaming
that Scientologists are exactly like the Jews in the Holocaust. This is
an outrageous and highly offensive propaganda card Scientology has
played for decades. Scientologist Bodhi Elfman tweeted this obscenity

Tags: 1979, 2012, Bodhi Elfman, Clearwater, Clearwater Sun, Cult, David
Miscavige, Disconnection, Facebook, Fair Game, Going Clear: Scientology,
Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, Google, HBO, Holocaust, Ideal Org,
International Association of Scientologists, IRS, Jim Mathers, L. Ron Hubbard
Hall, Los Angeles, Nation of Islam, Quicky, Rehabilitation Project Force, Sea
Org, Tax exempt, Tony Ortega


The Church Of Scientology Responds To Going Clear
March 31, 2015, Internet Action Force, YouTube

They're just like you.

Tags: Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, Quicky


Two parties named in lawsuit against Albion rehab facility file for dismissal
over jurisdiction
March 31, 2015, Katherine Ranzenberger, MLive

Two parties named in the case against a drug rehabilitation center in
Albion have filed a motion to be removed from the lawsuit over a
jurisdiction issue.

The motion was filed Friday, March 30 to dismiss the case against
Association for Better Living and Education International and Narconon
International. The two organizations were included in a recent lawsuit
against the Albion-based Narconon Freedom Center.

ABLE and Narconon International are arguing that the inclusion in the
lawsuit is out of the court's jurisdiction. The two organizations are
based in California.

Tags: ABLE, Albion, Calhoun County, California, First Amendment, Jeffrey Ray,
Lauren Prevec, Magistrate Robert Jonker, Michigan, Narconon Freedom Center,
Narconon International, Richard Teague, RICO


Un centre de d?sintoxication de l'?glise de scientologie ? Milton?
March 31, 2015, Radio Canada

La Commission des affaires municipales de l'Ontario doit d?cider si
elle donne le feu vert ? la construction d'un centre de d?sintoxication
de l'?glise de scientologie ? Milton, dans l'ouest de Toronto.

L'?tablissement d'un tel centre n?cessiterait un changement de zonage,
sur lequel la Commission des affaires municipales de l'Ontario se
penche cette semaine.

Une soci?t? li?e ? l'?glise de scientologie tente de convertir une
r?sidence dans un secteur rural de la municipalit? en centre de

Le b?timent de pr?s de 2000 m?tres carr?s accueillerait jusqu'? dix
clients ? la fois, et de cinq ? neuf membres du personnel selon le
moment de la journ?e, d'apr?s la pr?sentation du projet de Narconon
obtenue par Radio-Canada.

Tags: Geri Pagliuso, Milton, Narconon, Narconon Canada, Narconon Trois-
Rivi?res, Ontario Municipal Board


What Really Happens In The Church of Scientology
March 31, 2015, The Young Turks, YouTube

Watch the full AJ+ segment here

"In Scientology, "going clear" means reaching a state of happiness and
freedom. To get there, you've got to go through "audits." Years of them.
AJ+'s Francesca Fiorentini visited the Church of Scientology in San
Francisco for her very first dip into the religion, or, as some would
call it, cult."

Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks discuss.

Tags: Cenk Uygur, France, Quicky, San Francisco


(VIDEO) Me, My Mom and Scientology - Part 1
March 31, 2016, Chris Shelton, Critical Thinker at Large

In this new 4-part series, my mother and I discuss our mutual history
in Scientology, how our family became involved in it and how we stayed
connected despite Scientology's efforts over the years to get me to
disconnect from her. In this first part, we discuss her getting into
Scientology, joining staff in Pasadena and how she eventually left
Scientology for good.

Tags: Pasadena, Quicky


New Church of Scientology in Sandy Springs opens to public April 3
March 31, 2016, John Ruch, Reporter Newspapers

"[Starting] Sunday, the facility will be open to the public seven days
a week and all are welcome," said church official Tracie Parker in an
email. "We have an information center where anyone can come to take a
tour and find out for themselves about Scientology and the many
humanitarian programs we support."

The church, a mansion-like former real estate office, had a long
struggle to open that involved a freedom-of-religion lawsuit against
the city.

The Church of Scientology bought the property around 2005, but first
sought rezoning for use as a place of worship in 2009. The Sandy
Springs City Council approved the rezoning, but without a parking
reduction the church sought as part of a building expansion. The church
then sued the city for violating its First Amendment rights, leading to
a 2012 settlement allowing the building expansion in exchange for
sharing parking with the adjacent post office.

Tags: 2005, 2009, 2012, Atlanta, Georgia, Ideal Org, Sandy Springs, Tracie


Reason Rally 2016 in Washington DC: The Underground Bunker wants to see you
March 31, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

("Repent heretics or be devoured by Almighty Cthulhu" - from Reason
Rally 2012)

We had so much fun at the Reason Rally in 2012 we had already planned
on going again this year. But then, the organizers were kind enough to
ask us if we'd give the event a plug. Why sure!

If you have Saturday, June 4 free and can be in Washington DC, you
should come to the Lincoln Memorial and hear speakers like Johnny Depp,
Bill Nye, Carolyn Porco, Penn Jillette, and James Randi.

Tags: 1970, 2012, Atlanta, California, Chris Shelton, Clear, Colombia,
Cthulhu, DC, Ideal Org, James Randi, Johnny Depp, OT, Panama, Penn Jillette,
Quicky, Reason Rally, Ruddy Rodriguez, Sec Check, Venezuela, Washington


Thursday Funnies
March 31, 2016, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

I will train for the rest of my life...

Of course you will. Recycling through the Student Hat and on up as GAT
III, then GAT IV and on and on are "released" with "epic breakthroughs
to speed your progress up the Bridge." Wonder if you will EVER wake up?


Tags: Anne Mintz, CCHR, Clive Rabey, Daphna Hernandez, Denver, Dianetics,
Drew Johnston, Freewinds, Gavin Potter, Jason Maifeld, Jive Aces, Ken Kramer,
Las Vegas, OT, OT VIII, Porn, Portland, Quicky, Renovation, Riggs Eckleberry,
Robert Galibert, Scotland, Scott Superville, Stan Gerson, Steve Fabos,
Student Hat, Thursday Funnies, Tony Ortega


In downtown Clearwater, Scientology's bid for an expanded role is a matter of
March 31, 2017, Tracey McManus, Tampa Bay Times

CLEARWATER - The Church of Scientology's proposal to bring retail and
entertainment downtown is a novel new development, but the recent
rollout of its plans has a tone that goes back decades.

Scientology's long-standing zeal for expansion and penchant for secrecy
have manifested in several ways: the scale of its plans for Cleveland
Street, its private meetings with elected officials and its hushed
effort to snap up millions of dollars worth of property after promising
the city it wouldn't.

It's an assertive approach that comes up time and again in teachings by
founder L. Ron Hubbard and other writings. When it comes to handling
governments and widening its influence, the church's strategy is a
matter of scripture.

Tags: 1960, 1961, 1975, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2007, 2013, Aaron Smith-Levin, Ben
Shaw, Celebrity Centre, Christian, Clearwater, Clearwater Marine Aquarium,
Cleveland Street, Community Redevelopment Agency, David Miscavige, Flag
Building, Fort Harrison, Gabe Cazares, George Cretekos, Karen Pressley, Keep
Scientology Working, Los Angeles, Mike Rinder, Oak Cove, Project Normandy,
Quicky, Scientology executive, Sea Org, Seth Taylor, Special Zone Plan, The
Sun, Tom Cruise


Is this what it looks like when academics sell out? The hazy line between
education and entertainment
March 31, 2017, Eloise Blondiau, America Magazine

If Aslan's narrowed approach to Hinduism results in negative
misconceptions of the religion, the opposite is true of Aslan's
portrayal of Scientology. In the episode titled "The Scientology
Reformation," Aslan spends time with a tiny group of defectors from the
Church of Scientology, who practice a benign version of the faith. This
focus on what scientology journalist Tony Ortega calls "indie
scientology" lacks engagement with the far larger, and more
problematic, church-thereby flattening out the aspects of Scientology
as a whole that are distinctive and compelling.

Tags: CNN, Independent Scientologists, Reza Aslan, Tony Ortega


Jonny Jacobsen: The tweets about Scientology that got a comedian in hot water
March 31, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Our man in Paris, British journalist Jonny Jacobsen, has a report out
of South America for us today?

The shockwaves from Alex Gibney's 2015 documentary Going Clear are
causing a few ripples in Argentina.

A senior Scientologist there has lodged a complaint with the
anti-discrimination body INADI against actress and comedian Malena
Pichot after she described Scientology as a "cult."

Tags: 1950, 1955, 1990, 2015, 2016, Alex Gibney, Argentina, Bay Head, Carlos
Barragan, Cass Mapother, Clay Irwin, Clearwater, Denver, Dianetics, Dianetics
Foundation, Dissemination, Florida, Fort Harrison, Going Clear: Scientology,
Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, Gustavo Libardi, HBO, Jehovah's
Witnesses, Jim Meskimen, Jonny Jacobsen, Lawrence Wright, Malena Pichot,
Marian Henry, Mental Health, New Jersey, New York, Paris, Peru, Sara
Northrup, Sarasota, South America, Tampa, The Way to Happiness, Tom Cruise,
Twitter, Will Smith


Neighbors Evacuated After Bomb Scare at Scientology Center
March 31, 2017, Beverly White, NBC4 News

A bomb scare which turned out to be a false alarm prompted the
evacuation of a neighborhood near a Scientology Center.

Tags: Bomb threat, Scientology Media Productions, Sunset Boulevard


Regraded Being
March 31, 2017, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Tags: Quicky, Regraded Being


A Scientologist is running for lieutenant governor in Nevada - and it's who
you probably suspect
March 31, 2018, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Brent Jones is back, and this time he's aiming high.

You might remember the name. He's a Scientologist who was elected to
Nevada's Assembly and served from 2015 to 2016. We wrote about him at
the time not only because it's pretty rare for Scientologists to hold
elected office but also because of his involvement with the sale of
snake oil and ostrich eggs.

Way back in the year 2000, our colleague Ron Russell at New Times Los
Angeles wrote about Jones' involvement in the sad case of Raul Lopez, a
Southern California man who received $1.7 million in a settlement after
suffering brain damage in a car accident. Scientology pounced on the
suddenly wealthy young man, finding creative ways to get him to part
with his money, including investing in ostrich eggs, which Jones, his
attorney, helped facilitate.

Tags: 1980, 1993, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016,
Affinity Lifestyles, Bert Deixler, Brent Jones, California, CCHR, Daily
Beast, Danny Masterson, David Miscavige, Disconnection, Ideal Org, John
Travolta, Joy Villa, Keep Scientology Working, Lawrence Wright, Leah Remini,
Marty Rathbun, Mike Ellis, Mike Rinder, Monique Yingling, Nevada, New Times
Los Angeles, Paul Haggis, Quicky, Raul Lopez, Real Water, Republican, Ron
Russell, Scientology TV, SMERSH, Tom Cruise, Trish Duggan


CSN New Shows Premiering Soon
March 31, 2018, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

In the spirit of play, and trying to support the Cult Shopping Network
with some ideas for programming that might actually get an audience, my
old friend Jefferson Hawkins (author of the wonderful Counterfeit
Dreams that I highly recommend you read if you have not done so already
and mastermind of SkyHawk studios graphic design) put together some
promotional pieces.

I thought you might enjoy them.

Hard to imagine anyone topping the Duggan's, though I think her Royal
Governess of the Vast and Entirely Empty Valley Ideal Org might give
them a run for their money (so to speak...)

Tags: Counterfeit Dreams, Cult, David Duchovny, David Lubow, Eugene Ingram,
Jason Beghe, Jefferson Hawkins, Kevin Spacey, Marc Headley, Nightline,
Quicky, Scientology TV, Ted Koppel, Tommy Davis, Valley Ideal Org


Dutch concern over Scientology-style sect
March 31, 2018, Anna Holligan, BBC News

"The basic doctrine of Avatar is: what you believe has consequences in
your life," he says.

"The course does not promote a specific philosophy beyond this. We have
people from all religions. What Avatar does teach are tools,
techniques, processes for taking control of one's own mind, of
connecting beliefs and actions to their consequence."

He shared a link, suggesting we get a feel for Avatar by exploring the
free mini-courses.

Trainees typically pay for courses, which generate money for Mr
Palmer's company Star's Edge. Prices vary from $500 (?350) for a
five-day "Integrity Course" to $7,500 for a 13-day "Wizards Course".

Tags: Avatar, Harry Palmer, Netherlands, Orlando


Wilfrid Laurier's Lindsay Shepherd Disavows The Left For Giving 'White
Nationalists' a Bad Name
March 31, 2018, PressProgress

Shepherd, the infamous Wilfrid Laurier University teaching assistant
who vaulted into the national imagination thanks to Canada's right-wing
National Post, managed to shoot herself in the foot this weekend after
releasing a video complaining "white nationalism" gets a bum rap from
"the Left" these days.

Last week, Shepherd organized an event at Laurier giving ex-Rebel Media
host Faith Goldy a platform to ramble about immigrants and the collapse
of the white race.

Goldy was fired from Rebel Media after she attended a white supremacist
rally in Charlottesville, praised a manifesto demanding an
"ethno-state" for the "Aryan" race and later appeared on a neo-Nazi

Tags: 2017, Academic, Alt-Right, Anti-Defamation League, Barbara Kay, Canada,
Charlottesville, Christie Blatchford, Faith Goldy, Lindsay Shepherd, National
Post, Neo-Nazi, Postmedia, Rebel Media, Southern Poverty Law Center, White
nationalism, White supremacist, Wilfrid Laurier University, YouTube


Critical Q&A #205 - Livestream
March 31, 2019, Chris Shelton, YouTube

The show where I answer your questions. Please leave any comments or
feedback in the comments section here below. I see everything and want
to hear from you.

#Scientology #LRonHubbard #SeaOrganization


Tags: Audio, Critic, Patreon, PayPal, Quicky, Scientology: A to Xenu


Jehovah's Witnesses in Scientology's 'Mecca': Is this the Armageddon we were
March 31, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We want to thank regular reader Jeb Burton for taking the photo you see
here during his adventures yesterday in downtown Clearwater. He snapped
this outside the infamous "Scientology Starbucks" at the corner of Fort
Harrison Boulevard and Cleveland Street, the crossroads at the very
center of Scientology's "spiritual Mecca," the Flag Land Base in
Clearwater, Florida.

This is actually a public Starbucks sitting on a public intersection,
but it's smack dab in the heart of the Flag Land Base, surrounded by
some of the most important buildings in the Scientology world.
Scientology watchers know that they can see uniformed Sea Org workers
passing by or in buses at this location all day, and some of them do
stop in for a cup of coffee. (But how they can afford a $4 cup of java
when they're making about 40 cents an hour is a bit of a mystery.)

Could there be any less promising place to set up a literature stand
and offer people the good news about Jehovah? One of the most important
things about Jehovah's Witnesses is that they are convinced of the idea
that Armageddon is imminent. But we figured the ultimate battle of good
and evil prophesied in the Bible would have some more fireworks than a
showdown between JWs and Scientology Sea Org workers in the dead
downtown of Clearwater, Florida. On the other hand, perhaps that is
maybe the best ever comment on both of these groups, who knows?

Tags: 2012, Armageddon, Christian, Clearwater, Cleveland Street, Flag
Building, Flag Land Base, Florida, Fort Harrison, Jehovah's Witnesses, Lloyd
Evans, New York, Quicky, Sandcastle, Scientology TV, Sea Org, Starbucks, Tom


Mike Rinder Returns! Life After Scientology Episode 42
March 31, 2019, Ron Miscavige, YouTube

"Ron Miscavige Life After Scientology" will explore Ron's time with the
Church of Scientology and expose information that the Church does not
want you to know.

Please support my Patreon:

Visit my website:

Tags: David Miscavige, Facebook, Mike Rinder, Patreon, Quicky, Twitter


Podcast With Ron Miscavige
March 31, 2019, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

This morning at 11am EST, Ron and I are doing Part 3 of the interview
that began a few weeks ago.

We plan to talk a bit about tax exemption and disconnection, but who
knows, when Ron and I get together, anything can happen...

You can tune in here:

Tags: Disconnection, Facebook, Quicky, Ron Miscavige, Tax exempt, Twitter


Scientology is putting Ideal Orgs in every country where it operates - except
March 31, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Rod Keller keeps an eye on the Ideal Org racket David Miscavige is
running, and he notices something very interesting...

There are no Ideal Orgs in France. At over 67 million in population, it
is the largest country in the world with a Scientology org, but no
Ideal Orgs. If Scientology is planning to open Ideal Orgs around the
world, France is a significant hole they should plug. Ireland at less
than 5 million has an Ideal Org, why not France?

France has five non-ideal orgs in Paris, Angers, Clermont-Ferrand,
Lyon, and Nice. Sources tell us the Paris Celebrity Center has closed.
One would think Paris would be the obvious choice to go ideal like the
other capital cities London, Madrid, Berlin, Rome, and Moscow. The
current building is on a narrow street in the 12th arrondissement and
it might be hard to find a suitable building to renovate as an ideal
org. With enough money it should be possible.

Tags: 1950, 1978, 1996, 2008, 2009, 2013, Alfonso Lopez, Berlin, Brussels,
Celebrity Centre, Clermont-Ferrand, David Miscavige, Dianetics, Europe,
France, Germany, Gilman Hot Springs, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and
the Prison of Belief, Ideal Org, International Association of Scientologists,
Ireland, Jean-Jacques Mazier, Kaja Ballo, La Quinta, LAPD, Lawrence Wright,
Leah Remini, London, Lyon, Madrid, Mike Rinder, Moscow, Oxford Capacity
Analysis, Oxford University, Paris, Personality test, Rod Keller, Rome,
Russia, Safe Point, Snow White Program, Spain, STAND


Soap Opera Chaos as Scientologist Actress Michelle Stafford Exits "General
Hospital" As Show Does Cult Storyline
March 31, 2019, Roger Friedman, Showbiz 411

Now "General Hospital" actress Michelle Stafford is leaving that show
and returning to "The Young and the Restless" after a not so successful
stint on the former show. She was on the latter for 16 years.

Stafford is an avowed member of the Cult of Scientology, which "General
Hospital" knew when she joined them. (She isn't the only "Y&R" actress
deep in Scientology. So is Sharon Case, who's been on the show for eons.

But here's the soapy twist: a few months ago, "General Hospital"
started a story about a cult called Dawn of Day. (Dawn of Day, not
coincidentally, is a is an 1881 book by the German philosopher
Friedrich Nietzsche that would drive Scientology creator L. Ron Hubbard

Tags: David Miscavige, General Hospital, Michelle Stafford, Sharon Case


Another Pastor Charged With Defying Coronavirus Orders Against Large
March 31, 2020, Pilar Melendez, Daily Beast

"Instead of showing the strength and resilience of our community during
this difficult time, Mr. Spell has chosen to embarrass us for his own
self-promotion," Central Police Chief Roger Corcoran said in a
statement to The Daily Beast. "Mr. Spell will have his day in court
where he will be held responsible for his reckless and irresponsible
decisions that endangered the health of his congregation and our

Authorities said Spell's last service was held on Sunday, when the
pastor hosted about 500 worshippers at the church in Central, a city
about 20 minutes from Baton Rouge. The pastor previously told WMTV he
did not believe his congregation was at risk of getting the virus-which
has infected more than 177,400 people and killed 3,600
nationwide-because he believed the virus was "politically motivated."

"It's not a concern," Spell said last Tuesday after another service.
"The virus, we believe, is politically motivated. We hold our religious
rights dear and we are going to assemble no matter what someone says."

Tags: Baton Rouge, Coronavirus, Dark Right, DC, Donald Trump, Florida, Life
Tabernacle Church, Louisiana, Mark Spell, New Orleans, New York, Police,
Rodney Howard-Browne, Tampa


Mark Bunker, now as city councilman, confronts issues with Scientology on day
March 31, 2020, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Mark Bunker was relieved yesterday to finally get the results back on
his COVID-19 test - it was negative - because he had a big day of
"orientation" as a new city councilman in Clearwater, Florida. He tells
that he was pretty excited to be let into his new office, and to
receive a city laptop and city iPhone.

And already, on his first day, he was dealing with a question about the
Church of Scientology, the issue that had defined his historic campaign.

For several days, many observers had been pointing out that although
the people of Clearwater had finally left the beaches and were
generally observing a stay-at-home order during the coronavirus
pandemic, it appeared to be business as usual at the Flag Land Base,
Scientology's "spiritual mecca," where Sea Org workers were still being
transported in crowded buses from facility to facility, and without any
personal protection such as masks or gloves.

Tags: 1954, 1984, Ben Shaw, Brian Statler, Chrissie Bixler, Clearwater,
Clearwater Police Department, Coronavirus, Criminal, Daily Beast, Donald
Trump, Flag Land Base, Florida, Garcia v. Scientology, Hillsborough County,
Inglewood, Jacksonville, Jay Spina, Kathy Feshbach, Los Angeles, Lynn Farny,
Mark Bunker, Miami, Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, Quicky, Rizza Islam,
Rodney Howard-Browne, San Francisco, Santo Domingo, Sea Org, South Africa, St.
Louis, Tampa, Tampa Bay Times, Tracey McManus, Trial, Valerie Haney, Warren


Scientology's Pandemic Pitch
March 31, 2020, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

I was forwarded this email from the EDs of Salt Lake City "ideal" org.

I reprint it here with spelling errors/typos exactly as it was received.

Another confirmation that this org is closed (public are not receiving
services physically inside the org) - but they then go on in typical
scientology style to say the answer to the question "Wait, does that
mean the Org is closed?" is "Absolutely not, in fact, the org is more
open than ever." Only in the deluded world of scientology would a
shuttered org be more open than ever...

Tags: ABLE, Chairman of the Board, Church of Scientology International,
Coronavirus, Extension Course, Facebook, Golden Age of Knowledge, Grade
Chart, Inspector General Network, L. Ron Hubbard, OT, Quicky, Religious
Technology Center, Salt Lake City, Twitter


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