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wholly rev!

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Dennis L Erlich

Jan 16, 2010, 1:51:35 PM1/16/10
Yes, Dear Reader ...

... but no, I haven't nor would I ever claim to be holy, or represent
holiness. Quite the contrary, in fact. I come from the darkness.
I've known the fires of conscience that only time in hell can make
real. So I am only good example of how NOT to live your life. How
not to become. Because reaching back to one's own humanity can be a
daunting task after leaving the cult.

But I am wholly a minister. I have been ministering to other people
about the cult since I left it in 1982. I'll give you one instance
from maybe 1984. I was called in as a tech consultant at a squirrel
mission because of a particularly tough case that was ready to commit

I gave a cursory look at the folder and drove up to her house. It was
a gorgeous place up in the hills. She met me at the door, a tall,
beautiful brunette with her two precocious toddlers and a very
successful husband.

We all had a pleasant dinner together.

When she and I talked later and she told me she wanted to die, I asked
her why. But she didn't know. They had tried every Elrong assessment
list and remedy but she still felt that way. She just ~knew~ there
was something deeply wrong with her and she wanted to snuffit.

But I couldn't see anything wrong with this lady or her family or her
life AT ALL! She seemed to have the perfect life.

We strolled around outside on their terrace with the full moon rising
thru the pines. I had long since come to the conclusion that I was not
going to keep secret the confidential levels of the cult. So I told
her about the Xenu and the Body Thetans. And that's all there is to
what Elrong says is wrong with humans in the end.

This info blew the poor girl's mind badly. (in the good way) To think
that this was what she was chasing all this time in the cult. Watching
her reaction was like seeing her get "meatballed" as in the R. Crumb

She shook off the depression and started enjoying her life again! And
she is not the only person I have talked down from the ledge since

So get this: my ministry doesn't proclaim the coming of anything nor
claim any holiness. We are a non-sectarian, religious order. Our
creed and story is here:

Just to set the record straight about the Rev biz.



"Well, if we go to heaven
and some say we don't
but if there's a reckoning day
please God, I'll see you
and maybe I won't
I've a bag packed to go either way." - M. Knopfler

phil scott

Jan 16, 2010, 3:57:40 PM1/16/10
> cartoon.

> She shook off the depression and started enjoying her life again!  And
> she is not the only person I have talked down from the ledge since
> then.
> So get this: my ministry doesn't proclaim the coming of anything nor
> claim any holiness.  We are a non-sectarian, religious order.  Our
> creed and story is here:
> Just to set the record straight about the Rev biz.
> D
> --------------------------
> "Well, if we go to heaven
> and some say we don't
> but if there's a reckoning day
> please God, I'll see you
> and maybe I won't
> I've a bag packed to go either way." - M. Knopfler

well done reverend...


Jan 16, 2010, 7:07:02 PM1/16/10
> well done reverend...- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Yes, Dennis, you did good here. Priscilla Coates and others must be
very proud of you.

I still have several copies of your old INFORMER newsletters which
were also great
sources of information.


Monica Pignotti

Jan 16, 2010, 7:41:37 PM1/16/10
> cartoon.

> She shook off the depression and started enjoying her life again!  And
> she is not the only person I have talked down from the ledge since
> then.
> So get this: my ministry doesn't proclaim the coming of anything nor
> claim any holiness.  We are a non-sectarian, religious order.  Our
> creed and story is here:
> Just to set the record straight about the Rev biz.
> D
> --------------------------
> "Well, if we go to heaven
> and some say we don't
> but if there's a reckoning day
> please God, I'll see you
> and maybe I won't
> I've a bag packed to go either way." - M. Knopfler

You "come from" darkness? In spite of your self-congratulatory
anecdotes about blowing people's minds and lord knows what else,
you're still in darkness. Heal thyself, Rev.


Jan 16, 2010, 11:29:19 PM1/16/10

Let's see. So Scientology showed you the door because of drug use and
spousal battery, in 1982.

Then you heroically saved a woman's life by betraying your religious
vows to Scientology, in 1984.

We know you come from the darkness because of your awesome betrayal of
everything you seem to touch; for self-enrichment.

> This info blew the poor girl's mind badly. (in the good way) To think
> that this was what she was chasing all this time in the cult. Watching
> her reaction was like seeing her get "meatballed" as in the R. Crumb
> cartoon.
> She shook off the depression and started enjoying her life again! And
> she is not the only person I have talked down from the ledge since
> then.

Your story would be more believable if just one of the "hundreds" that
you have "ministered" to, would show up here--at least anonymously--and
sing your praise. But that has never happened. So like the other
stories you have told here over the years, phony reverend, to pull
yourself up from your hole, by pushing others down in it; I'll take this
story as another lie. After all, you were L. Ron Hubbard's favorite,
according to you.

Roger Larsson

Jan 17, 2010, 4:48:55 AM1/17/10
> cartoon.

> She shook off the depression and started enjoying her life again!  And
> she is not the only person I have talked down from the ledge since
> then.
> So get this: my ministry doesn't proclaim the coming of anything nor
> claim any holiness.  We are a non-sectarian, religious order.  Our
> creed and story is here:
> Just to set the record straight about the Rev biz.
> D
> --------------------------
> "Well, if we go to heaven
> and some say we don't
> but if there's a reckoning day
> please God, I'll see you
> and maybe I won't
> I've a bag packed to go either way." - M. Knopfler

The Xenu story brings tricked back to the reality. If Ron Hubbard had
learned himself to complete cycles from the professionals in Candid
Camera there had been more happy beings in the world than mind-fucked
in his show where he is a self made up authority not to be questioned.

Dennis L Erlich

Jan 17, 2010, 9:22:05 AM1/17/10
Anonymous <fandom@[127.1]> wrote:

>Scientology showed you the door because of drug use and
>spousal battery, in 1982.

I never used drugs in the cult and I left of my own free will,
refusing a post change, requesting a comm-ev, failing to get one, and
refusing the RPF again.

Oh and BTW, plonk you once again Klemmy.



"When there's too much of nothing,
it just makes a fella mean" - B. Dylan

Dennis L Erlich

Jan 17, 2010, 9:26:04 AM1/17/10
Roger Larsson <> wrote:

>The Xenu story brings tricked back to the reality.

Yes it does, Roger. Once the mark finds out this is where he's been
heading, the light comes on.

>If Ron Hubbard had
>learned himself to complete cycles from the professionals in Candid
>Camera there had been more happy beings in the world than mind-fucked
>in his show where he is a self made up authority not to be questioned.

I thought at the end that Elrong should have let the Xenu + BT's story
go public. And let the chip fall. I'm sure he could have still had a
following of weirdos and kooks enough to keep the bushiness going.

But no ...



"I was one of those." - Leonard Cohen

Ted Mayett

Jan 17, 2010, 9:44:11 AM1/17/10
You want to be somebody. Maybe everybody wants to be somebody, at
least at some time or another.

But they make it so tough, to be a somebody. Even with something as
simple as plants and trees, if you want to be an accredited scientist
you have to go to college and learn advanced math. And literature,
and a foreign language, and who knows what, all these things that have
nothing to do with plants. They won't just let you work with plants,
which is all you want to do. They make it all so tough to be a
somebody and doing something.

One thing is easy though, because of freedom of religion, one thing is
very easy. Any of us can be a reverend or a minister, and other words
like this. We just snap our fingers, and WHAM, we are a Minister.

And what are you Dennis? Honorary Ordination from The Church of the
SubGenius. Actual Ordination from The Church of Scientology based on
the L. Ron Hubbard Technology. WOW! No mere pretender are you, no
sir, you *have* credentials!

You talk of spending a few hours with a woman who had suicidal
tendencies, you spoke with her, and she was healed. You don't even
care how lucky you were with that scenario. You should have reported
that woman to the Police, and let them handle it all. They can
restrain a person if needed, and no matter what get that person to
trained and qualified assistance.

But you are the lowest of the low, that brand of do-gooder with no
qualifications whatsoever. That type of person who simply has to be
somebody doing good in the world.

I'd say you need professional help, but you do not need that. Your
delusions of being a minister or a reverend are harmless, you won't
hurt yourself or others with this bogus belief of yours. The chances
of you sending somebody teetering on the edge, over the edge, are
quite slim. Because you are a nobody with nothing to offer.

It is not easy being a nobody, not everyone can handle this sad fact
of life. And typically those that cannot accept being a nobody become
self appointed ministers or whatever. Because you people are smart
enough to use a cloak of religion to protect yourselves legally.

Try being a certified auto mechanic, without accredited certification.
It won't happen and you face fines and legal grief if you try. But
anybody can snap fingers and be a certified minister. Easiest thing
in the world to call yourself a minister.

>But I am wholly a minister. I have been ministering to other people
>about the cult since I left it in 1982.

You sorry deluded fool. Read your webpage you idiot. You have been a
minister since 1968. DUH.

It doesn't mean anything of course. And it certainly will not matter
one way or the other. But. You might just settle on one particular
string of lies and stick with only that.

1968-1982 Minister. Then since 1982 you have been ministering to
people. So, pray tell, what did you do as a minister from 1968-1982?

And again we know it doesn't matter at all, but maybe pick one story
and go with that, and only with that. Pick a definition of the word
minister and go with only that one definition.

What a neighborhood this ARS. We have RoadRunner as a self proclaimed
legitimate Scholar. We have Erlich as a self proclaimed legitimate
Reverend. What a lovely neighborhood we have here. But nonetheless a
fun and sometimes interesting neighborhood.

>But I am wholly a minister. I have been ministering to other people
>about the cult since I left it in 1982.

This is so sad, so very sad. Well I'm off now, I'm going to minister
to my coffee pot that is brewing coffee. And please, none of you,
please, do not call me a Reverend because of this!

LOL. This gives thought to Rob Clark the Minister. He has been
ministering to other people about the cult since at least 1995. I
like it, Rev. Rob Clark the Minister. bwaaaaaaaaaa


Jan 17, 2010, 2:22:50 PM1/17/10

It seems the reverend was trying a new religion/law trick after 1982:
an opium den-like non-sectarian, religious order.

Mrs. yhn Rosa
> 13. I was dreadfully concerned about my daughter. My concern
>was that since leaving the Church, Dennis had found a new way to
>"counsel" people which included smoking pot, taking a walk and then
>talking. He tried to get me to do it several times when he visited in
>October, November and December, 1983. I did not participate and he
>continued to consider uSing this "process" to clear his mind.

Yea, I used to smoke a little reefer back then to clear my
head of the scieno-sh*t.


"God damn, God damn the pusher man!" -Steppenwolf

Ted Mayett

Jan 18, 2010, 9:34:14 AM1/18/10
On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 13:22:50 -0600, Anonymous <fandom@[127.1]> wrote:

>It seems the reverend was trying a new religion/law trick after 1982:
>an opium den-like non-sectarian, religious order.
>Mrs. yhn Rosa
> > 13. I was dreadfully concerned about my daughter. My concern
> >was that since leaving the Church, Dennis had found a new way to
> >"counsel" people which included smoking pot, taking a walk and then
> >talking. He tried to get me to do it several times when he visited in
> >October, November and December, 1983. I did not participate and he
> >continued to consider uSing this "process" to clear his mind.
> Yea, I used to smoke a little reefer back then to clear my
> head of the scieno-sh*t.

Interesting url, never really read this before. It is clearly Erlich
speaking at parts.

I like this:
"In 1984 I was in Omaha, Nebraska, living with my then fiance.
Rosa was in San Diego with Holly. I was unemployed. I was
an experienced, registered stock broker who couln't get a job
in any firm in town because I, newby ex-culter that I was,
insisted on telling my prospective employers the truth - I
had been a Scientology Minister for 15 years. Didn't fly too
well in Omaha I'm afraid."

So that was the truth, he was a Scientology Minister while a member,
not a Chief Cramming Officer or anything else, only a Scientology
Minister. He has been getting mileage from that Hubbard Minister
Course for a long long time now.

In that url above Dennis is asked on ars about the issue of not making
child support payments. He gives a long answer, rather interesting
IMO. This is below the 'Rosa' letter and responses. Which all of it
reads like a poor white trash story anyway.

Monica Pignotti

Jan 18, 2010, 10:25:49 AM1/18/10
On Jan 18, 9:34 am, Ted Mayett

<> wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 13:22:50 -0600, Anonymous <fandom@[127.1]> wrote:
> >It seems the reverend was trying a new religion/law trick after 1982:
> >an opium den-like non-sectarian, religious order.
> >

> >Mrs. yhn Rosa
> > >        13.  I was dreadfully concerned about my daughter.  My concern
> > >was that since leaving the Church, Dennis had found a new way to
> > >"counsel" people which included smoking pot, taking a walk and then
> > >talking.  He tried to get me to do it several times when he visited in
> > >October, November and December, 1983.  I did not participate and he
> > >continued to consider uSing this "process" to clear his mind.
> >     Yea, I used to smoke a little reefer back then to clear my
> >     head of the scieno-sh*t.
> Interesting url, never really read this before.  It is clearly Erlich
> speaking at parts.
> I like this:
> "In 1984 I was in Omaha, Nebraska, living with my then fiance.
>     Rosa was in San Diego with Holly.  I was unemployed.  I was
>     an experienced, registered stock broker who couln't get a job
>     in any firm in town because I, newby ex-culter that I was,
>     insisted on telling my prospective employers the truth - I
>     had been a Scientology Minister for 15 years.  Didn't fly too
>     well in Omaha I'm afraid."
> So that was the truth, he was a Scientology Minister while a member,
> not a Chief Cramming Officer or anything else, only a Scientology
> Minister.  He has been getting mileage from that Hubbard Minister
> Course for a long long time now.

Yes, I've noticed his writings are full of contradictions (to refrain
from profanity and use a polite word). He states here and on his
resume that he was a Scientology minister for 15 years, but then he
states here that he has been an ordained minister only since he left
in 1982. Yet his only registration as a minister is with Scientology,
which he has kept to this very day, so it would seem like doing some
basic math, that would be:
Minister in Scientology = 15 years
Minister since leaving Scientology in 1982, but remaining registered
in the State of California, so that would be 2010 - 1982 = 28 years
So, 28 + 15 = 43 years
Thus, it would seem to me that if we add up what he has reported, he
has been a Scientology minister for 43 years, yet he states the two
separately when really it's all under the same ordination and

This is very confusing.


phil scott

Jan 18, 2010, 12:12:37 PM1/18/10
On Jan 18, 6:34 am, Ted Mayett

<> wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 13:22:50 -0600, Anonymous <fandom@[127.1]> wrote:
> >It seems the reverend was trying a new religion/law trick after 1982:
> >an opium den-like non-sectarian, religious order.
> >
> reads like a poor white trash story anyway.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

'Teddy.' . keep digging, get all the dirt... I think you can find an
admissision that he pee'd in the swimming pool when he was
12 (gasp)... this minor detail of him leaving the criminal cult
in1982... and informing on them and helping hundreds if not thousands
of others out is just a minor issue apparently, the criminal
cult wishes to obfuscate

perhaps we can get a witness to recount some time he let a slow one
out in an elevator..

Phil scott

Dennis L Erlich

Jan 18, 2010, 12:56:55 PM1/18/10
phil scott <> wrote:

>> > � � Yea, I used to smoke a little reefer back then to clear my
>> > � � head of the scieno-sh*t.

Still do when it suits me. :)

the idiot

>> Interesting url, never really read this before. �It is clearly Erlich
>> speaking at parts.
>> I like this:
>> "In 1984 I was in Omaha, Nebraska, living with my then fiance.
>> � � Rosa was in San Diego with Holly. �I was unemployed. �I was
>> � � an experienced, registered stock broker who couln't get a job
>> � � in any firm in town because I, newby ex-culter that I was,
>> � � insisted on telling my prospective employers the truth - I
>> � � had been a Scientology Minister for 15 years. �Didn't fly too
>> � � well in Omaha I'm afraid."
>> So that was the truth, he was a Scientology Minister while a member,
>> not a Chief Cramming Officer or anything else, only a Scientology
>> Minister. �He has been getting mileage from that Hubbard Minister
>> Course for a long long time now.

What a fucking twit!


>'Teddy.' . keep digging, get all the dirt... I think you can find an
>admissision that he pee'd in the swimming pool when he was
>12 (gasp)..

Find or manufacture enough dirt on the person to shutter him into
silence. Spin done b4, has nit?

> . this minor detail of him leaving the criminal cult
>in1982... and informing on them and helping hundreds if not thousands
>of others out is just a minor issue apparently, the criminal
>cult wishes to obfuscate

No one's obfuscating. Teddy's showing his true colors. And so am I.

>perhaps we can get a witness to recount some time he let a slow one
>out in an elevator..

My dog didn't bite Ted. But if he did, Ted deserved it. And I don't
even own a dog.



"At this point, if we could go back in time and get rid of the internet
altogether, I would be all for it." - Professor Monica Pignotti (Nov 2009)

phil scott

Jan 18, 2010, 2:35:06 PM1/18/10
On Jan 18, 9:56 am, Dennis L Erlich <> wrote:
> altogether, I would be all for it." - Professor Monica Pignotti (Nov 2009)- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

THE question is Dennis... have YOU ever farted in an elevator....
or maybe after years of mind fuc* you made some kind of ERROR or
other (gasp).

frankly I dont think this is the real teddy we see posting here, mayve
his account lapsed
and a cult op took it over... the tennor matches teddies in some
aspects, but the action doesnt.. similar
with monica...

Phil scott

Dennis L Erlich

Jan 18, 2010, 2:53:01 PM1/18/10
phil scott <> wrote:

>frankly I dont think this is the real teddy we see posting here, mayve
>his account lapsed
>and a cult op took it over... the tennor matches teddies in some
>aspects, but the action doesnt.. similar
>with monica...

I noticed the same thing. I don't think it's actually him, tho some
of the sarcasm and condescension seem vaguely reminiscent of the
"real" Teddy.

But I don't recall him being so blatantly stupid before.

Ted Mayett

Jan 18, 2010, 6:01:30 PM1/18/10
On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 07:25:49 -0800 (PST), Monica Pignotti
<> wrote:

>On Jan 18, 9:34�am, Ted Mayett
><> wrote:
>> On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 13:22:50 -0600, Anonymous <fandom@[127.1]> wrote:
>> >It seems the reverend was trying a new religion/law trick after 1982:
>> >an opium den-like non-sectarian, religious order.
>> >


But it is even more than this. Look here:
>> � � insisted on telling my prospective employers the truth - I

>> � � had been a Scientology Minister for 15 years. �Didn't fly too
>> � � well in Omaha I'm afraid."

1984 in Omaha, well 1984 anywhere in the world, who really knew
anything whatsoever about scientology? And yet he says it didn't fly
too well in Omaha??? And then you wonder, what was it that didn't fly
too well? Was it maybe common knowledge that the title of Minister in
scientology was only a hoax for tax purposes, what exactly did not fly

So we have a guy here, allegedly unable to find employment because he
honestly says he was a minister in scientology. But what is so wrong
with being a Minister? This just makes no sense.

What we here do know of this Mr. Erlich is that he was hand picked by
Hubbard personally to be the Chief Cramming Officer. We can guess
that the Ordained Minister thing, especially around 1968, was all
totally bogus and a matter of laughter for those that accepted the
title of a scn Reverend.

If that title of scientology minister did not fly in 1984 in some
small obscure city, why does it fly today? And he does make use of
that title today.

Our boy here is really in sad shape. For there is no shame in having
been a minister, or in being a minister, no shame whatsoever. Yet he
types, "didn't fly too well in Omaha I'm afraid".

Perhaps Dennis will tell us what shame there might be in having been a
minister in scientology. Perhaps he will tell us this, but then I
think not of course. Because he still makes use of that title for
validity. And how could it be valid if it were shameful.

He is in really bad shape this Erlich. Claims he was a minister in
scientology, when there was no such thing as a minister in
scientology, it was all a scam at that time. Anybody there in 1968,
that has honesty to themselves will of course admit that the minister
thing was a hoax. What a fascinating character he is.

Ted Mayett

Jan 18, 2010, 6:45:20 PM1/18/10
On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 09:12:37 -0800 (PST), phil scott
<> wrote:

>'Teddy.' . keep digging, get all the dirt... I think you can find an
>admissision that he pee'd in the swimming pool when he was
>12 (gasp)... this minor detail of him leaving the criminal cult
>in1982... and informing on them and helping hundreds if not thousands
>of others out is just a minor issue apparently, the criminal
>cult wishes to obfuscate

But Phil, I believe his helping hundreds if not thousands of people is
just as valid as his title of Ordained Minister in The Church of

Scientology based on the L. Ron Hubbard Technology.

Do notice that I use uppercase properly here. I'd rather not have you
accusing me of denigrating his religion.

You and me Phil, both of us are stone cold nobodies. We are nobody!

But the minute you become a Reverend Phil, and start helping people
with their problems, at that moment you become a Somebody. And as a
Somebody you might be called to task, at any time. So if you become a
Rev. tomorrow Phil, you might get questioned. Some people might want
to know what kind of Rev you actually are. Are you real, or just some
shyster in it for money or personal glory.

There is a world of pissants out there Phil, you know this as well as
I do. Heck, you deal with them, have dealt with them. You yourself
are out there with real mechanical and theoretical skills, can do
things better and less expensively than the competition in many cases.
Yet you deal with pretenders. Lose bids to pretenders and etc. Have
to fix the work of these pretenders and etc.

Dennis is every pretender that ever walked down the pike. He is your
auto mechanic that would disconnect the red battery cable instead of
the ground cable because he knows one cable should be disconnected
before working on electrical. He is your cook that cannot cook, your
singer that cannot sing. Your piano player that I'm sorry, but they
cannot play the piano. He is every wannabe that ever was.

And he is your Reverend Phil, that you must defend. And defend why?
Because you are getting old boy? What happened to you Phil?

The boy is Form without Substance. A cocophony of snapping fingers,
hip and chick and cool and really with it man. But no substance, only
flair. He can't even keep his 'god' story consistent on his web page.
Everything is flighty and cutesy, and oh so hip and chick and with it
man. And you want to consider this pathetic thing a reverend? What
happened to you Phil?

And the worst news for you Phil, your boy never did anything. He sat
there as King Tut, ruler of the roost, as an expensive and competent
law firm did all the work for him, for free. Tell me Phil, did he
ever collect any compensation for the illegal raid he suffered? Any
money at all? And if no money, did they at least have to return his
floppy disks? They took stuff from his home illegally, did they get
away with that totally I ask you?


Jan 18, 2010, 7:56:01 PM1/18/10

phil scott

Jan 19, 2010, 2:14:42 PM1/19/10
On Jan 18, 3:45 pm, Ted Mayett

<> wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 09:12:37 -0800 (PST), phil scott

ahhhh... perfection. It allows one to cast big ugly rocks at those
who (gasp) jaywalked, spit in the
street and were truly and provably imperfect.... never mind their
history in the trenches for both better and worse...the
perfect among us can condemn them... and persistently too... while
ignoring contributions limitlessly beyond their
foilbles, farts in public.

The people who engage in such 'Teddy' have never been in war, never
attained anything above the mundane or corrupt, themselves
not even close to that they find fault with
others...exagerate it, stretch it...and persist.

But thats fine 'Teddy'..these are the perfect ones, and we salute

One other thing, I cant speak for you.... maybe you are a nobody....
but I am a somebody.. I do a lot of good in the world (along with
my slip ups,) Ive testified before congress with the result that a
major corporation had to cease its criminally insane behavior
and 60,000 or whatever it was contaminated workers at least got death
benefits..and maybe now some medical care. (that was with the
glorious nuclear weapons folk)...and have been an instrumental aspect
of exposing the criminal cult of scientology... we are all valuable
in this fight.... I and others have done the research to discover why
and how such a jerk as Hubbard was able to inflct so much damage and
that has influenced many and been taken into account world wide....
each boulder in a landslide is a vital and itegral part of it....

and Ive learned a lot about life, and lying and spinning and how that
ruins its hostie and companies and entire nations... and Ive spoken up
on that, and before congress...

just as a tree springs from seed in the forest, then in centures gone
by, shapes the land and streams and spawns
the future of all life... it is relevant beyond what some are able to
fathom., its progeny, flora, water shed and sustained animals, becomes
part of the evolutionary snow ball as we are all, every one of us.
irrevokably connected.

Phil Scott

Ted Mayett

Jan 21, 2010, 5:58:17 AM1/21/10

Cool. Thought you were different/special.


Jan 21, 2010, 1:46:35 PM1/21/10
In article <>, Ted Mayett
<> wrote:

When a person calls himself a "somebody" and refers to another as a
"nobody" I immediately know that person is lost in his id and
categorically insane.

Write a fucking book if you're such a somebody, Phil. I think you're
mostly a nutjob.

Voltaire's Child

Jan 21, 2010, 8:53:15 PM1/21/10

You're making exactly the same mistake I've made on forums many times.
You're defiantly hanging your ass out for assholes to take potshots at.
(ungrammatical, but you know what I mean.) I get it. I know you've been
attacked. I know you're a rev and do not claim to be perfect. I know you're
a good guy and that you've been maligned.

But , you know, you're gonna draw the screaming meemies out again after ya.
You do not deserve it.

Anyway, either way, whether you heed this or not- I think you're a really
good guy and wanted to take the opportunity to tell you so.

Your friend,


Dennis L Erlich

Jan 21, 2010, 9:03:18 PM1/21/10
"Voltaire's Child" <> wrote:

>You're making exactly the same mistake I've made on forums many times.
>You're defiantly hanging your ass out for assholes to take potshots at.

Their blatant lies and sick rumor mongering can't really hurt me. Just
words on a screen. Some I read. Others I have flushed.

>(ungrammatical, but you know what I mean.) I get it. I know you've been
>attacked. I know you're a rev and do not claim to be perfect. I know you're
>a good guy and that you've been maligned.

Yah, no problem. Thanks for noticing.

>But , you know, you're gonna draw the screaming meemies out again after ya.
>You do not deserve it.

No, but I don't mind taking on the assholes who spread bullshit and
disgusting rumors either.

>Anyway, either way, whether you heed this or not- I think you're a really
>good guy and wanted to take the opportunity to tell you so.

Thanks sweetie.

>Your friend,

Be well, Dennis

Tet Gallardo

Feb 8, 2010, 9:29:27 AM2/8/10


On Jan 17, 10:44 pm, Ted Mayett

> I'd say you need professionalhelp, but you do not need that.  Your

> delusions of being a minister or a reverend are harmless, you won't
> hurt yourself or others with this bogus belief of yours.  The chances
> of you sending somebody teetering on the edge, over the edge, are
> quite slim.  Because you are a nobody with nothing to offer.
> It is not easy being a nobody, not everyone can handle thissadfact

> oflife.  And typically those that cannot accept being a nobody become

> self appointed ministers or whatever.  Because you people are smart
> enough to use a cloak of religion to protect yourselves legally.
> Try being a certified auto mechanic, without accredited certification.
> It won't happen and you face fines and legal grief if you try.  But
> anybody can snap fingers and be a certified minister.  Easiest thing
> in the world to call yourself a minister.
> >But I am wholly a minister.  I have been ministering to other people
> >about the cult since I left it in 1982.
> You sorry deluded fool.  Read your webpage you idiot.  You have been a
> minister since 1968.  DUH.
> It doesn't mean anything of course.  And it certainly will not matter
> one way or the other.  But.  You might just settle on one particular
> string of lies and stick with only that.
> 1968-1982 Minister.  Then since 1982 you have been ministering to
> people.  So, pray tell, what did you do as a minister from 1968-1982?
> And again we know it doesn't matter at all, but maybe pick one story
> and go with that, and only with that.  Pick a definition of the word
> minister and go with only that one definition.
> What a neighborhood this ARS.  We have RoadRunner as a self proclaimed
> legitimate Scholar.  We have Erlich as a self proclaimed legitimate
> Reverend.  What a lovely neighborhood we have here.  But nonetheless a
> fun and sometimes interesting neighborhood.
> >But I am wholly a minister.  I have been ministering to other people
> >about the cult since I left it in 1982.

> This is sosad, so verysad.  Well I'm off now, I'm going to minister

> to my coffee pot that is brewing coffee.  And please, none of you,
> please, do not call me a Reverend because of this!
> LOL.  This gives thought to Rob Clark the Minister.  He has been
> ministering to other people about the cult since at least 1995.  I
> like it, Rev. Rob Clark the Minister.  bwaaaaaaaaaa
> On Sat, 16 Jan 2010 10:51:35 -0800, Dennis L Erlich
> <> wrote:
> >Yes, Dear Reader ...
> >... but no, I haven't nor would I ever claim to be holy, or represent
> >holiness.  Quite the contrary, in fact.  I come from the darkness.
> >I've known the fires of conscience that only time in hell can make

> >real.  So I am only  good example of how NOT to live yourlife.  How

> >not to become.  Because reaching back to one's own humanity can be a
> >daunting task after leaving the cult.
> >But I am wholly a minister.  I have been ministering to other people
> >about the cult since I left it in 1982.  I'll give you one instance
> >from maybe 1984.  I was called in as a tech consultant at a squirrel
> >mission because of a particularly tough case that was ready to commit
> >suicide.
> >I gave a cursory look at the folder and drove up to her house.  It was
> >a gorgeous place up in the hills.  She met me at the door, a tall,
> >beautiful brunette with her two precocious toddlers and a very
> >successful husband.
> >We all had a pleasant dinner together.
> >When she and I talked later and she told me she wanted to die, I asked
> >her why.  But she didn't know.  They had tried every Elrong assessment
> >list and remedy but she still felt that way.  She just ~knew~ there
> >was something deeply wrong with her and she wanted to snuffit.
> >But I couldn't see anything wrong with this lady or her family or her

> >lifeAT ALL!  She seemed to have the perfectlife.

> >We strolled around outside on their terrace with the full moon rising
> >thru the pines. I had long since come to the conclusion that I was not
> >going to keep secret the confidential levels of the cult.  So I told
> >her about the Xenu and the Body Thetans. And that's all there is to
> >what Elrong says is wrong with humans in the end.
> >This info blew the poor girl's mind badly. (in the good way)  To think
> >that this was what she was chasing all this time in the cult. Watching
> >her reaction was like seeing her get "meatballed" as in the R. Crumb

> >cartoon.
> >She shook off the depression and started enjoying herlifeagain!  And

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